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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 18, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 18, 1962
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Page 16 r i , r , Don Penne00ras Return From 10,681 Mile, 15 State Trip vacation which includes stops in both Florida and Arizona? Well, it might be the same vacation, ex- tended for nearly three months! Pioneer Upsets Southside, 38-12 In Hoop 00ntest By Mrs, Ray Krateha SOUTHSIDE -- Southside school is having a student body election, which will appear on Jan. 23, and they will elect a president, vice president, secretary and trea- surer. Southside school traveled over to Pioneer school Friday inspire of the snow for a game of bas- ketball, in favor of Pioneer. Southside school&apos;s attendance is normal for this time of the year, after all the sickness and flu. Silver Star Riding club met at the home of Lowell Hardie of Grapeview on Jan. 9. Sheryl and Ronnie Hanson were guests of the riding club. The next meeting will be held at Walt and Frances Al- len's at Little Skookum Bay on Feb. 13. ARCADIA residents are sorry to hear that Mr. Paul Koch acci- dentiy slipped and fell while work- ing at. Simpson mill Friday eve- n]ng and broke his hip. Mr. Koch is in the hospital. Let's all wish him a speedy recovery. Southside Grangers are having their Grange dinner on January 20. Skookum Bay Improvement Club met last Monday evening, and the new officers for the new ye2r are president, Paul Legge; vice president, Ira Stansbury, and secretary, Vivian Marcy. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck pending the weekend were Mr. ahd Mrt. Vernon Stuck of Bremerton. Thunderbirds 4-H club held a meeting at the home of their lead- er, Mary Wetter, on Jan. 10. They decided all boys with electric pro- jects will demonstrate on their roject at the, demonstration con-, and all 4-H boys that don t have electric projects will take their choice of projects. The 4-H boys are working on a skit to be given in the future. The club will have an electrical meeting on Jan. 24. The Thunderbird's next busin- ess meeting will be held at the home of Bobby Kimbel on Valen- Line's day, leb, 14, and they d]l play games and have refresh- ments. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McFarland and family Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ownvy 'and Helen of Bremerton. Mr. and ]rs. Walter Kratcha and family last Sunday evening visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lilley and Olleda of Olympla. Phobe Priscilla Circle of the Mt. Olive Lutheran church met at the home of Mrs. L, L. Putvin last Tuesday, with 13 ladies and three children attending. MR. AND MRS, FRED Stuck of the Cole Road and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stuck of Bremerton Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James McCord of Tacoma, Mrs. McCord is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck. Four Leaves 4-H club met at the home of their Leader, Mrs. Helen Bakke on Jan. 11. The sec- and covered 10,681 miles. Leaving Grapeview Oct. 24, Don and Madge arrived at Melbourne. Fla., Nov. 1, where they stopped for three days to visit former Pouls- be, Wash., friends, retired Com- mander and Mrs. Harold Wood. Miami, the next stop, in a sev- ere rainstorm, with water running hub deep proved pretty "sticky". It was here the Penneberas atten- ded four days of General Grand Chapter Sessions of Order of Eastern;,, Star. A drive to Key West and over the many bridges linking the Keys proved most interesting in historic as well as scenic value. Some of the little boats that had carried refugees from Cuba, just 90 miles away, were still there on the last few feet of land in Continental United States. Friends in Miami Springs occupied the last of their time before they turned westward to Fort Worth, Texas, where they had a wonder- ful Thanksgiving with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hall of Earn- loops, B.C., (Don's daughter and husband) joined the Penneberas in Wichita, Kans., where they were frozen in for three days with tem- peratures ranging arotmd 7 de- grees above zero. Christmas was spent with Madge's sister and family in Ok- lahoma after which the travelers journeyed to Mesa, Arizona, where they,, i,enjoyed a welcome rise in temperature, as well as ¢isits with former Bremerton and Hood Can- al friends. A visit, plus a side trip to No- gales, Mexico, with former Grape- view neighbors Frank and Hen- rietta Paynton, was followed by their get-together with the Earl Parks and Arthur Stratfords. Madge reports the trip Aome was beautiful, the roads wonderful and the driver excellent. As navigator, she was proud of herself, getting them off the road only once. It all sounds so fabulous! We think all retired folks should follow this wonderful example. lVlEASLES and flu have taken their toll i;l our community these past weeks and attendance at the grade school by the week's end was at a minimum. The four Hicks children (Alice, Clifford, Kathy and David) returned to ache(, tis week after a miserable seige of measles. Mike Benson, Kim and Art Niekhtus, Pete and Susan Hill and Ronnie and Cal- vin Peters have all missed school with one or the other afflictions. Don Seiners also succumbed to t'easles , on Sunday while Ken taudt, was on the mend from a case of mumps. Grownup have not been immune to this wave of illness which has swept our community. Mrs. Fred Givens is nearly recuperated af- ter being coffined to her bed for two weeks, fighting a bad bout with tlle flu bug. The same bug hit Mrs. Robert Pelan, downing her for a few days at her Treasure Island home, and your correspon- dent fought the bug also for sev- eral days last week. Mr. Bill Stoudt, St., visiting the hospital ov Monday, discovered that his stiles and pains this last weekend were miseries due to the flu. We are happy to hear that Mr. A1 Richards was released from Shelton General hospital after a stay of over a week. He is recup- erating satisfactorily at lmme. THE PEACEFUL serenity of our scenic community has drawn many retired couples this past retary gave a report and Mrs. year. Latest to join the fold are Bakke Related refreshments. The Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whitney who next meeting will be on Jan. 25. purchased the former James Hy- Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. WaN sore home at Stadium last year. ter Kratcha visited Mr. and Mrs. The Whitneys had moved to Ta- Henry Winning and Sharon of coma from California previous to McClary. the purchase but have, as of last Judy Rains and Sally Hurst week, come to Grapeview to make were hmcheon guests of hTirs. Roy- their permanent home here. Wel- al Brumbaugh Monday. come. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck have Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Guild a new great granddaughter, that meets Friday, Jan. 19, 2:00 p.m., was born to their grandson, Mr. at the hoe of Peggy Hlllman and Mrs. Johnny Hubbard of SiN with Evelyn Walker acting as co- verdale, hostess. Members are urged to Saturday visitors of the Ray bring their old Christmas cards Kratcha's were Mr, and Mrs. WaN i and stamps for the Children's hos- ter Kratcha and Dan Cormier. J pital. FOR USED OARS THAT ARE READY TO RUN EE BUD PAULEY LOOK AT THESE, 1961 DODGE Lancer 4-dr. 2000 miles $1995.00 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Pick-up .......... $1395.00 17000 MILES 1958 PLYMOUTIt CI. Sdn ................. $1095.00 RADIO -- HEATER  AUTOMATIC TRANS. 1957 FORD Sta. Wagon, 4.dr ............. $1095.00 NEW TRANSMISSION SEALS RADIO  HEATER  EXCELLENT COND. 1955 MERCURY MontlaJr Hip ......... $845.00 IN SHOP NOW GETTING NEW OTOR RADIO  HEATER  AUTOMATIC 1955 PLYMOUTH 6 - 4-dr ................... $495.00 1954 FORD 2-dr ........................................ $395.00 REBUILT MOTOR 2 YEARS BACK 195;] DODGE Pick-up 3/.ton, 6-cyl ..... $395.00 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION FOR A GOOD DEAL ON A DODGE SEE PAULEY MOTORS 1st & Railroad HA 6-8183 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in '¢Ohristmatown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Meat Soup ' Civilian Def( Thursday, January 18, Warning Sou -- A steady blast of 3 to means probable a Short blasts for 3 - - .........  .......... ' l- [T --0 ON tHRi-rTWAY I- • • CATERS T0 ._OutyRy' JanuarYH( SAtE CUSTOMI:RS00,,r C,v00, EXPERTS LIKE YOU WHO BUY Ise R( NOW NO, I /'r'l TiNS / i ORANGE JUIC SHUR-FRESH :< BUY PEA, CHES LADY ELBERTA SLICED OR HALVES 29-OUNCE TINS POTATOES No. 2 -- Will not cook away 50!79 .c RUTABAGAS or TURNIPS ;tews 20015 c ORANGES Fancy California navels 8iSl °° THE FOOD, PLAN THE MENU, AND COOK THE FOOD Defense Direc DESERVE THE BEST -- GET IT AT THRIFTWAY. told the board Monday will provi( rations, water, needed for survi BUTTER -= said he has air DARIGOLD C to provid PRINTS ES with 200 shee for emergency TO C civil defense pla of basic items e needs of 10 in case o told the ( needed s. A buildings in' Carried ox POtential comg MARGARINE 4 ters. School Sup said f B s SChool building ; for use as fallol ones which mi are th( s N A L L EYI S CHIL SE.bO OT 4 dgh school gylsouthsideringlignedbUildinglneZMotorstOl recebbYshorlHazgraofc bid to supply BISKT MiX N 3 neWinOf.84beingcommlssiOhavingHOodspor aUtOplusRambl'usedaWilro.t Plat of Hoodspe : [2  OUNTY and la • ¢'::eentingay road depar 'La w' Will meet April age contract agre CI NAMON ROLLS wJU'tday'smeetin USE THEM FOR EVERY DAY all,A, GOFFEE MUGS .................................................... IU pp° FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES ................ , , 39* Al GLEEM TOOTHPASTE .................................... . OUNT ST APRICOT PINEAPPLE OR S ' h' T., ' W ALICE LOVE, tl ................. 19 M.J.B. i W / !1 *- ...................... 5 sTnawlu:nnY__....._.._._ JAM ................ ,/=..,. JAR REGULAR OR .............. 39 :::::::::::::::::: FROM NALLEY VALLEY -- 15-OUNCE € DRIP  zlte I'i ........... " ..... 1 \\; lver .....  ....... 1 HALLEY'S BEEF STEW .................................. 2-LB. $1.17  Thurstoa .. 1 |:Lrtt67, Bethel 50 ;! "s ?&, White Ri ¢2lrti " White River s 70, Bethel 60 hl,_ This Friday |.lt White Riv '.[ el:at Shelton ' it- toe-  Highellr th l, iv2tnis Weekend " "---'#" "ay-I.idl BUTT HALF , , , , • Ib, a  l:,ti:°(y" a-retail-end, I'Iorae tackle the • tS t,,.ts, then Sa he fl'l* out in frc KIPPERED SALMON TIPS Tab De danuary ' 43 ' LB. the nd the d o z' veht 31. "''"'''''''='''''" S motoris. pRICES EFFECTIVE  JAN. 18- 19 -20. KIPPERED HAUBUT ta, TIPS .... ------ Man Die LB. 39' Iniuri ee, 70, SI' ,: spiral e rein in. aceid LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED. of e obituar5 LESS SUN] , , KRAFT ' Jet Puffed HARSHHALLOWS .......................... ,o.o.. 21'