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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 19, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 19, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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98584- 63 hj,j,dd,ddJl..lh.dlh,dJd,l Thursda3 January 19, 2012 Voice of Mason County since 1886 -- Published for Mason County and Gordon Craig of Shelton By NATALIE JOHNSON $24, m~talie( next ................................. mov( polic: The Mason County Commission "clar: voted Tuesday after a public hear- H~ ing to amend its budget to decrease get the Mason County Sheriffs Office had traffic policing budget by $125,000. on The county commission ap- Tues proved its budget on Monday Dec. Tt 5, with a general fund totaling road during a briefing. The Department. The Road Levy Traf- "There is no requirement in state day, Tuesday, it voted to re- tic Diversion amount, which funds law that we do this -- it's a supple- the $125,000 from the traffic- traffic policing in the Sheriffs de- mental road safety program." ng budget, calling it a budget partment, now equals $875,000. The Mason County Sheriffs Of- fication." Mason County Director of Public rice instituted its traffic safety di- ,wever because it was a bud- Works Charlie Butros briefed the vision in 2008, said Sheriff Casey tmendment, the commission county commission on the amend- Salisbury. ;o sche.dule a public hearing ment. Before 2008, the county con- ~e issue, which took place on "Most of the general law enforce- tracted with the Washington State lay. ment money comes frora the gener- Patrol for additional traffic safety. e $125,000 comes from the al fund," said Mason County Com- "When I was running for sheriff levy, part of the Public Works missioner Lynda Ring Erickson. I was contacted by the state patrol SNOW DAZE A young Shelton boy holds on tigh More than a foot of sno By KEVAN MOORE kevart@masortcottnty,corrt Kids all across Mason County got a da) from school Wednesday and a lot of big took the day off too. Journal photo by Kelly Rlordan L while sledding down 12th Street on Angleside Wednesday afternoon. off Jds w blankets parts of Shelton linestime WaSandablockedfallen treestatethatRoutet°°k3d°WnnearP°werDeer The weatherman reports that more than a struckCreek" aTheline serving abouttree fell at aboutl40 customers11 a.m. andbe- foot of snow had fallen on Shelton by Shelton- tween the Pioneer substation and Deer Creek. Mason County Journal press time Wednes- Crews expected to clear the roadway by 2 day afternoon. Forecasters said that the snow p.m., but traffic was to be limited to one lane would taper off Wednesday night and Thurs- until the repairs were made to the power lines, day would include a bit of rain and snow. The biggest storm-related event by press See Snow on page A-5 $ and informed that they were ... not going to handle county roadways," he said. "The money for the road diversion is quite commonly used around the state of Washington to fund traffic units." This year, the sheriffs office re- quested $1 million to fund its traf- fic division. However, because the loans on several cars attached to See Budget on page A-5 brave snow for MLK By NATALIE JOHNSON Workers with the Mason Conservation District and the Washington Conserva- tion Corps (WCC) braved the on-again, off-again snow on Monday to participate in the annual MLK Day of Ser- vice. The MLK Day of Service commemorates Martin Lu- ther King, Jr. Day. "Every Martin Luther King Day we do volunteer work," said Dave Coffey, a supervisor with 'the WCC, a part of the Washington State Department of Ecol- o*gy. _ This year, the two groups worked together to begin the Work on an outdoor dog shelter at the Turning Pointe Domestic Violence Services shelter in Shelton. The shelter has been working for more than a year to get funding to be- gin the project, which is designed to give women a place to keep their larger dogs while at the shelter. Mason Conservation and WCC began the project as part of their day of service on Monday. "Taking place each year on the third Monday in January, the MLK Day of Service is the only federal holiday observed as a na- tional day of service - a 'day on, not a day off,' according to "MLK Day of Service is the perfect time for Americans to answer Dr. King's challenge to do something for others. Just as Dr: King set big goals and focused relentlessly on results, we need sustained citizen action to address to- day's social challenges." The 25th anniversary See MLK on page A-5 ion of the undead invades Shelton Olympia-based film prod local cast while filming z6 By NATALIE JOHNSON ous" Gennal 51 Producti .............................................. tive produc~ the film. Zombies by the dozen in- Gennari vaded Shelton last weekend came to Sh as part of a movie shoot for ago to scout the film "The Inevitable," another filn produced by Olympia group with the ar~ Area 51 Productions. In fact, The main cast has spent much, he w several weekends shooting Inevitable" in Shelten, said Joshua "De- and zombi, his heroes r "When I llII!IJ!I!!II!!l;!II!IIII cers use invitedLast MasonWeekend,countyGennar{resi" paStup artistYear she and herhusband, make-Mark mbie flick maindentSaction sequencet° act as extras of thein the lotRosenwald,of time aroundhave zombies,spent a film. More than 60 people Last year they attended i, owner of Area showed up at the Shelton Zombiecon, a convention ans, and execu- Memorial Hall on Saturday for zombie enthusiasts like and director of morning to get "zombified." themselves. Local resident David "This past year has been said he first Pirkle volunteered to help incredible," she said. "Being elton two years apply makeup to the more the bad-ass zombie slayer is the location forthan 60 people who showed awesome." a?ndfell in love up as zombie extras.i just love Halloween," longZ°mbiebeen m°vieSpopular havewith he loved it so he said. "I did a lot of cos- horror movie audiences :ore it into "The turning as a kid. This is the since George Romero first as the deserted first time I've done it in a released "Night of the Liv- ;-ravaged town few years." ing Dead" in 1968. Now, ~treat to. Lead actress Rebecca the brain-eating undead finally decided May, who plays Darcy, a villains are experiencing a ~:#ih~t~ia~c;~oli gallerySh°tgun-wieldingf°rmerstrugglingOWnerto WhOsurviveiS noWtheart inSUrgeparttoin TvP°pulartYshowssuchthankSas zombie hoard, said in the See Zombie on page A-5 Billy Powell, left, and Philip Avery look positively undead after layers of zombie makeup. Olympia- based Area 51 Productions began a day of filming for the independent film "The Inevitable" Saturday in Shelton. Journal photo by Natalie Johnson