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By NATALIE JOHNSON "It was determined that destroy their cars.
the car had in fact ... been Watson said the Shelton
by Sarah Newman, D.C.natalie@masoncounty,com
intentionally set ablaze," Police Department at this
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Three days before New
Year's Eve, Shawn Green-
halgh's 1987 Mitsubishi
Montero was stolen.
Then, early in the morn-
ing on New Year's Day he
got a phone call saying that
his girlfriend Ilene Rai-
gosa's car, a 1993 Nissan
Pathfinder, was the victim
of arson.
"They broke out the driv-
er's side window with a rock
and then poured accelerant
on it and lit it," he said.
Shelton Police Lieuten-
ant Les Watson is investi-
gating the case.
Watson said the fire was
reported at 2:47 a.m. on
New Year's Day.
Journal photo by Em@ Hanson
Ilene Raigosa's 1993 Nissan Pathfinder was the
victim of arson early in the morning on New
Year's Day.
"By the time it was called
in to dispatch it was fully
engulfed," Watson said.
Mason County Fire Dis-
trict 5 responded and also
called in a fire investigator.
Watson said.
Witnesses at the scene
were questioned, but no one
actually saw the car being
lit on fire, he said.
Watson confirmed Green-
halgh's statement that a
rock, which was found in
the car, was used to smash
the driver's side window,
but would not confirm that
accelerant was used.
The couple manages the
First and Railroad apart-
merit building and bartend
at the Pine Tree Restaurant
and Lounge.
Greenhalgh or Raigosa
are skeptical that the two
incidents could be coinci-
dental, but can't think of
anyone with any reason to
time has no reason to sus-
pect that the two instances
are related.
"I have no idea what hap-
pened," Raigosa said. "I'm
feeling threatened."
Greenhalgh said vandal-
ism has been a problem in
the small park next to the
First and Railroad Building.
"We've been discussing
with the police department
for several months vandal-
ism in our park," he said. ......
Raigosa said she planned
to have her burned-out Nis-
san towed early this week.
The car sat where it was
burned for two weeks.
Watson said the SPD is
still investigating leads on
the arson.
Port of Shelton prepares
for water line, lease
,~t(lta[ie@ma;~o;tcol~ nty.com
The Port of Shelton announced
Tuesday that it plans to send out
an RFQ, or request for qualifica-
tions for the engineering work to
connect to the City of Shelton wa-
ter line on Johns Prairie Road.
In October 2011 the port signed
an agreement to connect its Johns
Prairie Industrial Site to a new
city water line that extends to the
new Mason County PUD 3 com-
plex in the site.
The port plans to connect to the
line by March 2013.
Port Executive Director John
Dobson said the port plans go
through steps to connect to
the line. First. the port needs to
fund $80,000 for engineering.
The pore has applied for a grant
with a 50 percent match, mean-
loan to fund the construction, then
hopefully use grant money to help
pay.back the loan.
The port decided to connect to
the water line in the first place
because of a Department of Ecol-
ogy order to reduce water usage
from port wells on Johns Prairie.
Water usage from the wells had
negatively impacted flows and
salmon passage at Johns Creek in
the past.
"This all has to do with the deci-
sion from the Department of Ecol-
ogy and the settlement therein to
get offofthe wells that are in place
and get onto city water," Dobson
said. "It's moving very quickly."
Dobson also plans to present
the port commission with a lease
for the port's fairgrounds in the
coming month.
"We are that close," he said. "I
really wanted to bring you a lease
ing that "the grant would provide agreement today - we're almost
$40,000, while the port would
have to pay the rest.
The port will also need to come
up with about $400,000 for actual
construction to connect to the city
water line. Dobson said.
Initially, Dobson hopes to get a
The port hopes to lease the fa-
cility for two years to Northwest
Event Organizers, owned by John
and Rachel Hansen. The Hansens
organized both the 2010 and 2011
Mason Area Fairs.
Port gets good report from state auditor
The Port of Shelton Commis-
sion was pleased to announce
Wednesday that it received a
favorable audit report from the
Washington State Auditor's Of-
The current audit covered the
period of time between Jan. 1,
2009 and Dec. 31, 2010.
"We ended up with a gold star
and a clean bill of health," port
Executive Director John Dobson
Dobson said the port hired
forensic accounting firm Miller
and Miller to help prepare for
the audit.
In the past, Dobson said the
auditor's office had expressed
concern about the keeping of
minutes in workshop meetings
between 2006 and 2008.
In the port's last audit, the
auditor's office found that the
port did not comply' with the
Open Public Meetings Act in
several instances.
The state auditor's office au-
The auditor's office is now
satisfied, though, with the port's
compliance with the act, as well
as its compliance with state law
and its own policies and proce-
"The condition reported dur-
ing the 2006-2008 audit has
been resolved. The port ensures
minutes are taken at all meet-
ings, that executive sessions
are held only for purposes al-
lowed by RCW 42.30.110, and
that their purpose and length
is properly recorded in the min-
Dobson and the three port
commissioners were pleased
with the report.
"Onward and upward from
here -- we hope that's all behind
us," he said.
Commissioner Jay Hupp said
he was particularly pleased with
the report.
"I think it's particularly as-
tounding that through the two-
year period that we're talking
about ... given all the stuff that
was thrown at this port over
that two year period ... It was
critically looked at by the state
dits the Port of Shelton every~ auditor and everything was
two years. However, the 2006 done right," Hupp said. "I think
through 2008 audit coVered that's a real tribute to the care-
three years, according to thefulness with which this port has
port's most recent audiL operated."
The card is nice...
but he really
wants a
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, January 19, 2012
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