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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 19, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 19, 2012
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TOBACCO MASTERGARDENER FACTORY OUTLET = 360-426 5254 Always quality products, plus you save! ', PeFD .... TR ITI N Rr .. ]oo Aoo,t,w ,. :: IS COMPLETE 0 ..... ]S,3.89 S3.99 $4.79 | STILL OFFERING FACTORY 2NDS SALE ON COMPLETE & TRADITIONS/* I ~a~ffere, doP, Comp/etoFul~Fiavor ~Os&HighAfi-~,O(,~sand(;.'}~difior;sAdd;t;ve.,.reeFuil!~;~vor;OO~&H/~hAir!OOs ASSORTED PEPSI 12 PACKS Reg. '5 99 BREAKFAST! Come check out our new selection at KTP open at sam °"° a|ish south so.nd Fresh Local Seafood Pro,dty picked, sb,cked & packed ba,d¢. O& AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASe AT KTP STORE LOCATIONS • OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! KTP - Intersection of HWY 101 & 108 • Open 8am daily KTP Express - 3850 Old Olympic HWY [ SURGEON GENERALS WARNING Smoking By Steamboat - 8233 Steamboat Island Rd. [ Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal inJUry. Premature Birth And Low Birth Weight • Cartufl sales only, while supplies last IIII I I I I IIIIII .0 Oral Sedation Dentistry May Be Your Answer... Get All Your Work Done In One Or Two Visits. • FREE Nitrous Always • V2 Price First Sedation Visit for New Patients William J. Busacca, DDS, PS Voted one of America's Top Dentists/ New Year Special Exam & X-Rays 1525 Olympic Highway North, in Shelton 360-426-9711 4 Now a PREFERRED PROVIDER for Washington Dental Service/Delta dental plans through March 31, 2012 * New Patients Only cS" m% r SHELTONMASONCOUNTY Member ~ .... "2 o~~~~ i~ [ For advertising information By R. JEANNE anee from a distance, pass and/or coming with a REItWALDT Yellow or brown needlesfriend gives participants quickly turn black and the opportunity for quite a fall off, leaving brownbargain. January is the time bare centers that become Jan. 28 - Basic Vegeta- te check your spruce camouflaged by the new ble Gardening trees for signs of growth. A.M.: WSU MG Bonnie spruce aphid. Spruce Because of the timing of Day-Orr covers vegetable aphids are hatching now, this pest, the damage has gardening basics, including just when the home gar- been done by the time aplanning, choosing a site dener is inside their warm gardener notices and the and seeds, starting seeds, and cozy homes, pest is long gone. If this season extenders and It is just this reason occurs year after year, the more. why spruce aphids can get tree can become weakened P.M.: WSU MG Even a hold on your tree and and die. Masteller gets you excited cause damage. This aphid An easy control for theto raise worms with her is very, very small, mea- spruce aphid is the wash vermicomposting demon- suring just 1/16 of an inch them off with a strong stration. WSU MG Lou long. Its small size is made stream of water. Once they Schmidt shares her experi- up in sheer numbers and are on the ground they will enee with vegetable garden has a voracious appetite, not re-infest the tree.success and ways to avoid Because they are light The Master Gardeners failures. Schmidt will be intolerant, most of the have been busy planningback in April for even more damage occurs on the inner the 2012 Country Livingvegetable gardening tips. needles of the branches on series. Each class will be For more information the lower shaded portions held on the last Saturday and the complete list of of the tree. of the month at Memorial topics, please visit http:// They are active from Hall beginning in January Click late January through early and ending in June. TheJan. 28 on the calendar March. Look for the pres- morning session begins at and then you can open the ence of a shiny, sticky 9:30 a.m. and ends at noon. brochure with details of substance on the spruce The afternoon session be- all classes, cost, dates and needles. This is called hen- gins at 1 p.m. and ends at times or call R. Jeanne eydew and is produced by 3:30 p.m. The class topics Rehwaldt at 427-9670 Ext. the aphids. It can give the are varied and the option 688. I hope to see you at tree a "glistening" appear- of purchasing a season one or all of these classes. Second annual Love INC golf tournament, auction scheduled Last year's event proved to be suchnamentgo, to fun and a success, Love INC will bring Extra dinner tickets are $30 ffach and back "The Second Annual Love INC Golf must be purchased in advance. Tournament and Dinner Auction" set for Last year Pat Boone was the celeb- Monday, July 30, at the award winning rity golfer, joined by Don James, former Alderbrook Golf Course, Union. University of Washington Husky football All proceeds go to Love INC of Mason coach. This year the celebrity golfer will County, a 501(c)(3) that mobilizes the Io- be announced in February. cal Churches in Mason County to assist Sponsors, and hole sponsors are still those in need. needed. If you would like to help support This year Alderbrook Properties andthis event as a sponsor, you can for as lit- Falcon Financial are Title and Tourna- tle as $150 (per hole). To be a whole spon- ment Sponsors, respectively. Due to the sor, call 426-7842 or 490-0616. success of the last year's tournament Love Love INC operates a Clearinghouse to [NC was able to touch the lives of 508 verify the needs of the clients and assist adults and 246 children who otherwise those with legitimate needs. Shelter, food, would not have been helped, utility assistance, firewood, clothing and The scramble format event will start at many other basic services are provided 11 a.m., with registration at 9 a.m. through Love INC's network of Churches A catered dinner of specialty barbecue and Volunteers. Support of Love INC al- by Smoking Mo's Kitchen will be served lows the transformation of lives and com- at 5:30 p.m. The cost to play is $100 per munities. player (before June 30 - after that date To date there are 15 local churches the cost increases to $125), which m- supporting Love INC and the list grows cludes green fees, tee packets, dinner and weekly. auction. For more information on Love INC go Carts are extra. To register for the tour- to www, Gr--^ B--'i-* °h .... t C0ntaciu$: ' I ~dJ.l~l~ ~l[~JI. St ~ ~Lr~.IJL~ Maili~gMdr .... Froth utheran .,.for thefai~h oftkeaosveI ~ P0 Box 1025, Si]elton, WA 98584 ". o ." " ..... P,o o:{8 o/ 62- 6n A Christ.centered Church Tlmes orSemees: ~: ~ ..... E-radii: pastur@gbcshelton org Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. ~$~/~ ...... Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a m ~; ~ Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p m ~[~dY~'*:, • Listen on Sunday Mgmin~Wol~h~ i Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..... 7 p[ml ~,~.~,~rca KMASIO3OAM Traditi0nal--g:45am, i .... 8und@ 9 30 10 OOam Agate Grange Bldg, on Agate Loop Rd, ~t : " : ConteNx, raiT-11:CO atrt SmzOay !doing Bible Study., 9:30 a:m:, ~28 ~road ~v~: Pastor Steve Olsen Paster Brian Weinberer ~LFLC,%qK[I NEED WEEKDAY CHILDCARE? ~-~ 360-426-5089 ~"~ Sunday Services ~ Wednesday Nieht Service 9:OO AM Celebration Service ~ 7:00 I,M Mid-WeekService I0:30 AM I Celebration Service ~ Nursery to 2 Yo~rs, Ch ildF,'n's Cldsse~ Attended Ntarsery SOULFi~E YOUTH, 61H I) 111 Grade Children's Classes 4:OO I'M I GaL(!'~vay [() Rccavery i The purpos~ (,f~ ~ i~ to hMp ('hlhl{a,'c l'rovided / people bec°me ~/~ ¢~ I~ through Worship, Wimes% warfare, ,rod work tor Hiq Kingdom. ADOa~SS 1405 S ?fie St., Shelton PHON~ 1360 4~6-2758 WEIISIT~ I ~.gatewayc~com i THE SIMPLE TEACHINGS OF JESUS Come Hear What Has Satified Our Souls Evergreen Elementary Library 900 West Franklin St. • Shelton Every Wednesday • 7:30 p.m. 360-790-0882 • Non Denominational • No Collections • All Are Welcome Ministers: Everett Swanson & Ross Wetherel[ Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Svtl(}d 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m Traditional Worship ............... I1:00 a.m office 426-6353 Davcare 427-3165 S H E LTO N FIRSTBAPTIST 428 W. Cota St. Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.8461 9:00 & 10:30 am ....... • Latino Chttrch Service 6 pm *.Night C;ht~eh Service 6pro 419w. Railroad January 1" New Year's Day * 10:30 a.m. St. David's of Wales EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. }: 15 Conversational Bible Study Office phone: 426-8472 New Community Church of Union Refreshed - Restored - Renewed irz Rtuers of Grace $icN, Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m. Worship for all ages 438-8531 ~ Sunday Gatherings . All are welcome!) WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: Page B-2. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 19, 2012