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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 19, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 19, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The Hood Canal Schoolthe remaining bond indebt- that refinancing the remain- It is estimated that the District recently received edness for the construction ing $5.4 million of the origi- total interest savings for the an A1 bond rating from bonds, which were approved nal $9.75 million of the bond taxpayers will be approxi- Moody's Corporation -- a by the voters and sold in indebtedness will result in mately $270,000, they said. company that provides cred- 2004, school officials said. savings for local taxpayers, A strong bond rating such it ratings to companies and These bonds were used officials said. as and A1 will enable the government organizations, to construct the new school Interest rates for munici- district to get the best pos- A positive municipal bond building and to tear down pal bonds have fallen and sible interest rates in the rating of A1 is outstand- the old school building. The school district officials said municipal bond market. ing news because the Hoodwork was completedin they are taking advantage The refinancing process Canal School District is in 2007. of the market to refinance should be completed by the the process of refinancingThe bond market is such these bonds, end of January. STUDENTSOFTHEMONTHTM TEST YOUR MASON COUNTY MIND!! Imagine you are in a room with 99 other Mason County residents. This group of neighbors is a representative sample of our community. Look around this imaginary room. How many neighbors do you think live in the city of Shelton? a) 10% b) 16% c) 25% d) 29% How many neighbors do you think live in North Mason/Belfair area, including Grapeview? a) 10% b) 16% c)25% d)29% How many neighbors do you think are over the age of 65 years? a) 10% b) 16% c) 22% d) 29% How many neighbors do you think are youth under the age of 18 years? a) 10% b) 16% c) 22% d) 29% How many neighbors do you think identify themselves as Hispanic? a) 5% b)8% c) 12% d) 15% How many neighbors do you think identify themselves as Native American? a) 1% b) 4% c) 7% d) 10% How many live in non-family households (by this we mean living alone or with unrelated adults? a) 75% b) 64% c) 46% d) 33% How many live in households where the onlly source of income is fixed income such as Social Security? a) 9% b) 18% c) 24% d) 29% How many neighbors do you think live in poverty? a) 6% b) 16% c) 23% d) 31% How many neighbors have no heal!th care insurance? a) 7% b) 16% c) 27% d) 35% How many homeowners are spending more than 30% of household income on mortgage, insurance, and utilities? a) 21% b) 35% c) 47% d) 53% How many renters are spending more than 30% of household income on rent, insurance and utilities? a) 22% b) 37% c) 50% d) 59% Mason Matters is actively seeking input from the community on community priorities. Your feedback will be used to develop the 2012-17 Community Health Improvement Plan. Learn more about our community needs through the Four Part "Test Your Mason County Mind" quizzes and then complete the Community Priority Survey from February 10-15, 2012. For more detail information on Mason County, go to and click on Data Series. This project is sponsored by Mason Matters. Questions? Answers: 1)b, 2)c, 3)b, 4)c, 5)b, 6)c, 7)d, 8)d, 9)b, lO)b, 11)c, 12)c Areo Agency on Aging LMTAAA Open House at our new location: 628 W Alder Shelton, WA 98584 February 1,2012, 2 - 4 pm Senior Information and Assistance Family Caregiver Support Program Case Management 360-427-2225 or 877-227-4696 JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS Call 426-4412 Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 19, Ivan Hernandez Rebecca Anderson Shelton Lions Club selects Hernandez, Anderson as students of the month Ivan Hernandez, 19 of the Shel- He plans to continue his education standing accomplishments in her ton C.H.O.I.C.E. High School wasat the University of Washington to school and was honored by the selected as Student of the Month fbr eventually become a member of the Shelton Lions Club at their regu- December2011. state patrol, lar meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 3. He was rejcognized for his accom- The collective efforts of the Anderson's parents are Shirley and plishments in his school and wasstaff and faculty of the Shelton Ray Anderson, who are both retired honored by the Shelton Lions Club at C.H.O.I.C.E. High School chose Her- from the Social Security Administra- its regular meeting on Tuesday, Dec. nandez for his dedication to commu- tion. 6. nity service and achievements within For Anderson's community in- Hernandez's godparents are the high school, volvement, she volunteers at the 40 Christy and Jim Messmer, who areThe Student of the Month is a pro- et 8 to assist the retired military both camp managers, gram sponsored by the Shelton Lions personnel and helps wherever she is Hernandez is a member of the Club. needed at the Shelton Senior Center. C.A.T. Club and the HorticultureIt is designed to recognize stu- Anderson is a member of the As- Club. He took part in the school- dents that possess qualities of excep- sociated Student Body and devotes sponsored winter celebration, is a tional community involvement and many hours to the organization. member of the speed bowli~lg team, high academic achievements while Her future educational plans are loves to play Frisbee and helps to attending Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E. High to attend a college and eventually clean up overgrown gardens by pull- School. join the National Guard. ing weeds to make it more present- -- The collective efforts of the able for gardening. Rebecca Anderson, 17, of the staff and faculty of the Shelton Hernandez's community involve- Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E. High School C.H.O.I.C.E. High School chose Re- ment consists of helping in the soup was selected as Student of the Month becca for her dedication to commu- kitchen to feed the homeless and dis- for November 2011. nity service and achievements within tributing clothing to those in need. She was recognized for her out-the high school. Area agency on aging offers coffee time at Mason County Senior Activities Center The Lewis-Mason-Thur- the Mason County Senior sented by Merridee Ander- to sign up, call 426-7374 or ston Area Agency on Aging Activities Center. son, BA of the LMTAAA sign up at the Senior Cen- and Mason County Senior There will be a presenta- and Debra Jamerson, BSNter, 826 W. Railroad or call Activities Center are host- tion on taking medications and Geriatric Case Man-Merridee Anderson at 427- ing a coffee time at 10 a.m. safely and taking charge of ager. 2225 ext. 101 or 1-877-227- on Thursday, Jan. 26 at your own health care pre- For more information or4696 (toll free). Shelton resident makes University of Portland dean's list Amanda McLeod, sophomore ma- dean's list. as one of the top 10 regional universi- joring in secondary education, was re- The University of Portland is Or- ties in the west. It is the only school cently listed on the 2011 fall semester egon's Catholic university and has in Oregon to offer a College of Arts & dean's list at the University of Port- been closely affiliated for a century Sciences, a graduate school and na- land. with the Congregation of Holy Cross tionally accredited programs in the Students need at least a 3.5 grade- in South Bend, Ind. U.S. News & schools of business, education, engi- point average to be eligible for the World Report ranks the institution neering, and nursing. 2012