January 19, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Area airman graduates from basic training
U.S. Air Force Airman training/in military dis- through the Community
Travis E. Hunter gradu- cipline and studies, AirCollege of the Air Force.
ated from basic militaryForce cole values, physical Hunter is the son of Am-
training at Lackland Airfitness, and basic warfare ber Hunter of Tacoma Av-
• I
Force Base, San Antonio,principles and skills, enue South, Tacoma, and
Texas. Airmeia who complete Eugene Hunter of Allyn.
The airman completed basic trMning earn four He is a 2011 graduate of
an intensive, eight-weekcredits tqward an associate South Kitsap High School,
program that included in applied science degree Port Orchard.
Shelton resident rece!ves Coast Guard diploma
Stephen T. Esterly, a
lifelong resident of Shelton,
graduated from the U.S.
Coast Guard basic training
on Dec. 9. His parents, Gary
and Kathleen, and two sis-
ters joined him for the cer-
emonies in Cape May, N.J.
Esterly was home-
schooled and received his
graduation diploma in June
2011. Prior to and current
with his graduation, he ac-
cumulated a year of classes
in criminal justice, a year
with the civil air patrol and
50 hours of private pilot
ground school. In addition,
he completed search and
rescue training and com-
munity emergency response
team training along with
his father.
He is now deployed out of
San Diego aboard the Coast
Guard Cutter Sherman.
Courtesy photo
Stepher Esterly, a lifelong Shelton resident,
graduat ed from the U.S. Coast Guard basic
Alvarez named M(,H employee of month
Mason Conservation District
2012 Native Plant Sale
We are now taking orders for our 22nd Annual Native Plant Sale. These plants are suitable for con,,ervadon
purposes such as xvfldli~ habitat, bank stabi.lizatkm, and stormwarer management as well as/:'or landscaping
around homes and farms. You can view pictures, mad plant descriptions, order and PW using your credit
card th:r(n~h our website www.masoncd.org or mail in this order {~)rm, l~are.-root plants come in bundles
of five and potted plants are sold individually. Mail form to 450 W Business Park RD, Shelton, WA 98584
Name: Phone:
Mailing Address ................ City:
ZIP: .......................................
Plants are Sold in Bundles of FIVE, excepl for pots.
N amber of Bundles
Plant Size
12" to 18" Bare Root
(;rand Fir 12" to 18" Bare Root
Shore Pine 12" to 18" Bare R~ot
Price per Bundle
. Sitka Spruce 12" to 18" Bare Root :5.00
Western Hemlock 12" to 18" Bare Root 6.50
Western Red Cedar 12" to 18" Bare Root
Oregon Ash 18" to 36" Bare Root
Pacific Dogwood 18" ~o 24" Bare Root
18" to 36" Bare Rooe
Paper Birch
Indian t?hun
Mock ()range
Nootka Rose
12" to 18" Bare Root
()ccan spray
18" to 36" Bare Root
[8" to 36" Bare Root
18"' to 36" Bare Root
18" to 36" Bare Root
Number of Plants
l?acific Ninebark
I'all Oregon Grape
Red F|~)wering Curtain 18" to 36" Bare Root
Red-0sicr Dogwood ~6" to 48" Bare Root
Servicebcr~ 18" to 36" Bare Root
Snowberry [8" to 36" Bare Root
18" to 36" Bare Root
[8" to 36" Bare Root
18" to 24" Bare Root
Vine Maple
• )rice per Plant
i . 11
Bleeding Heart 4 1 ( r 3.50
['oastal Strawberry 4" Pot $2.75
Evergreen Huckleberry 4" Pot ~3.25
Kian'Manick 4" Pot
:;alal 4" Pot
;;ca llmft 4" Pot
~word Fern 4" Pot
l'ax 8A%
Once we have received your completed order form, we will reserve your order and send you a bill./\1~ bilb; nmst
be paid before February 8rh Quantities are hmited. C)rders will be ~:aken th (,ugh F"rklag Janaary 2( rh, Pick up
your order Friday, [:!ebruaW 24th, between 1(I/\M & 5 PM or Saturday I::ebmary 25th between 10 AM & 2 PM
at the Mason Conservation District office..If you. have aW questkms please call "360) ,L~;-" ,r'; 9.4.,"(~, Vxt. i3.
Lori Alvarez, human re-
sources assistant for Mason
General Hospital & Family of
Clinics, has been named the
hospital's January employee
of the month.
Alvarez began working for
MGH as a certified nursing as-
sistant 12 years ago. A~r three
years as a CNA, she moved to
Health Information Manage-
ment (HIM) and worked there
another three years. For the
past six years she has been in
human resources.
"I love working at this hos-
pital," she said. "We are such
a family. Everyone is so close
and friendly."
As a human resources as-
sistant, Alvarez is usually
the first contact a job appli-
cant has with MGH & FC.
"I do everything that deals
with a new hire - from adver-
tising of the new job position
and sending out applications,
to checking references and
background credentials," she
Then, once hired, Alvarez
conducts the employee orien-
"I love everything about
my job, but mostly, that I get
to meet and know so many
people," she added.
It was Alvarez's enthusi-
asm that caught her nomina-
tor's attention, describing her
as "one of the kindest, most
considerate, accommodating,
and hardworking staff mem-
bers I have ever met. She is
always available to assist
anyone with any project and
strives to produce the best
she can. Lori extends respect
and compassion to each and
every individual of the com-
munity and staff."
when you advertise in
(360) 426-4412
Courtesy photo
Lori AlVarez was named the Mason General
Hospital & Family of Clinics employee of the
month. !
Alvarez! and her husband,
Shannon, and three adult
children, Sasha, Daryl and
Kalei, are! from Hawaii, and
moved here in 1996 to follow
Alvarez's i parents and her
older siste
Since tl ten, Alvarez's twin
brothers h ave joined the fam-
ily in Shel :on.
"I love to cook and en-
tertain and look forward to
family gatherings especially
our 'Sunday Ohana Dinner,"
she added. "That is when
each Sunday our entire fam-
ily gathers to eat, enjoy each
other's company, laugh, play
music, sing, dance and keep
our Hawaiian culture alive."
Suffering from
closet shrinkage?
We can let those
clothes out.
There's Magic In Looking Your Best
Mon-Fri 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. ' Sat 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p..
~[ 215 South Second • 42s.3371~lll
Sewing 5helt~n ou yea~ ~~]]
Tomorrow is the
Join us as we sing together for the first time in 2012•
Friday, January 20th from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
at the Missionary Alliance Church on
Mountain View at Washington & East "J" Street.
"With sincere gratitude to ALL the te
Emergency teams and all those involved
in the search and rescue of Dennis Wood.
for bringing Dennis home.
-- From the family and friends of
Bethany Alyssa-Marie
Bethany Alyssa-Marie
Vada & Dennis Wood"
Borden was born Jan. 6 las Edward Borden of advertising informcltion ...............
at CapitM Medical Cen- Olympia. ]~;:>~ ........... ~ :~. :~: ~_~N.:::~!:: ..........
ter in Olympia to Tamara She weighed six poundsi ~ ........~ $ ...... ::::!ii;
Jolynn E~rard and Doug- and 11 ounces. .... ~ ~