January 19, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
Above, Romeo, played by SHS student Randy Graham, left, standing, reacts with cousin Benvolio,
Isaiah Manning, after accidentally killing rival Tybalt, Nathan Chapman, with a "bumballoon."
Below, Shelton High School students Jordan Hanson and Hailee Keeffe perform as Narrator 1 and
Narrator 2.
" lll Seuss played by Clayton Mott.
Also starring in the pro-
Continued from page 8-1 duction were Jordan South-
~ x~/I'-~]~]~k~T erland, Jacob Mortensen,
the play. Alyssa Castro, Megan
Randy Graham starred Hults, Bridgette Anderson,
A Reputation Built on Service as the mopey and lovesick Jennifer Petitt, Connor
Romeo, while Jamie Sutton Ward, Hana Tweed, Lau-
played the apple of his eye, ren Thatcher, Aquiles Mo-
" { i { ":i { { :
Juliet. rales, Isaiah Manning, Terri
Monk Larry, who marries Fellis, Kayla Wood, Eliza-
~a~ ~i~i~ ~ ~i~ ~~ "Romy and J' as they are re- beth Wolf, Nathan Chap-
ferred to in the script, was man and Amber Krmwlton.
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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Ernie Harrell works to make a tuning hole for one of his custom Native American-style flutes.
Harrell recently helped restore a wood map case at the Grant School, now the Pickering
Community Club.
, Continued from page B-!
D r arn
projects, he also makes custom cabi-
nets, wood bowls and Native Ameri-
can-style flutes.
Harrell's son-in-law, Native Ameri-
can flutist Vince Redhouse, runs a
school in Arizona to teach kids how to
play the traditional instrument. Har-
rell supplies his son-in-law with flutes
for the school.
"My son-in-law Vince wanted to
start making these schools and he
wanted some flutes," Harrell said. "I
said, 'What the heck? I do woodwork'
- it's just a block of wood."
Since starting to make the flutes
four years ago, Harrell has made hun-
dreds of the instruments. Last year
alone, he gave 90 flutes to the school.
"We were just down in Tucson over
Thanksgiving - I took 22 flutes," he
said. "Now I'm working on another
Harrell builds the flute with two
pieces of wood, usually cedar, he said. When students graduate from his
After gluing the two hollowed-out son-in-law's school, Harrell makes
pieces together, he uses a lathe to ere- them a new flute.
ate the round shape of the flute. Next, "When they graduate I make them
he uses a hardwood, like walnut or a fancier flute with a carved head and
maple, to create the tuning holes and a case," he said.
mouthpiece of the flute. You can find examples of Harrell's
"I make them a little different than woodworking at the Fresh Start Mar-
most people," he said. ket and Deli on Pickering Road.
Call or email by Monday at 5pm
classifieds@m asoncou nty.com
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 19,
Harstine for a possible emergency, Crab, Clam and Spaghettiwood, for example, that you
give Diane Edgin a call.Dinner. It will be held at would like to contribute to
Continued from page B-1 Remember that Shelleen Pioneer School and all the the cause, please let them
Mathews is the new hall proceeds go right back to know. The club meets from
speech, manager. If you need to the kids through scholar- 7 to 8 a.m. every Wednes-
With the protective fortsplan a family event in the ships, Cub Scouts and fam- day morning at the Spencer
in mind remember we hall, Shelleen is the person ily needs. It is always a Lake Bar and Grill. If you
have our own emergency to call. She can be reached great time to meet with can't make it ag that time,
response group that meetsat 427-4466. neighbors and it is certainly you can just drop a note
here on the island. CERT Here is something great food. Right now the (about what you have to do-
just had a meeting on Jan. for your long-term plan-club is looking for silent hate) off at the front coun-
19. If you want to learn ning. March 24 is the date auction items. If you have ter of the restaurant and
more about how to preparefor the annual Kiwanis new items, services or fire- they will get it to the club.