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By EMILY HANSON petitive dual if you're out there for two hours."
erni/y((~.~nasoncounty.com Winning their matches for the Highclimbers were Mc-
Cullough at 113, Fiedler at 126, Garrick at 132, Barber at
For the first time since 2008, the Shelton wrestling team 182 and Anderson at 285.
brought home a champion from the Central Kitsap Mat- "A lot of our kids bumped up one or two weight classes
Man tournament, higher to give ourselves an opportunity to win the dual,"
On Saturday, Jan. 14, the Highclimbers competed at the Lacy said.
MatMan tournament where senior Johnathen Dennis won Finally, on Thursday, Jan. 12, the Highclimbers wres-
first place at 182. tled at Central Kitsap where they won 36-
~ "That's °ur first champi°n there since ~ 34""It's kind of strange, it felt like Tues-2008," Chris Lacy, head coach, said.
"Johnathen's victory was his best perfor- day was a closer meet than Thursday,"
mance of his career." Lacy said. "It was very similar to the Bel-
Dennis won by decision 7-5 against Joe larmine dual [two weeks ago]."
Gomez of Graham Kapowsin. Winning their matches for the High-
Also placing at MatMan were Ty Mc- climbers were McCullough at 113, Jesus
Cullough at 113 and Colby Barber at 170 Nunez in overtime at 126, Garrick at 132,
in third and Ivan Fiedler in fifth at 126. Conklin at 138, Salisbury at 145, Barber
"This is the hardest 16 team tourna- at 170 and Dennis at 182. Zacarias won
Johnathen ment that I'm aware of in Washington," Colby his bout at 120 by forfeit.
Dennis Lacy said. "The 3A state champions and Barber The Highclimbers are set to wrestle
the 1A state champions were there and so next at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 19 at
were many of the top 4A teams. We wres- home against Olympia. Since this will be
tled well and competed well just like we have all year." the last home match for the team, senior recognition will be
Also wrestling at MatMan for the Highclimbers were before the match.
Kenny Zacarias at 120, Jakeob Garrick at 132, Malachi The team is also set to compete on Saturday, Jan. 21 at
Conklin at 138, Shelby Salisbury at 145, Matt Goldsby at the Tahoma Tournament at Tahoma High School in Cov-
152, Betsaid Garcia at 220 and Ben Anderson at 285. ington, Wash.
Prior to this tournament, the Highclimbers wrestled at '%Ve've had trouble at this tournament the last few years
South Kitsap on Tuesday, Jan. 10 where they lost 40-19. but this is a different team," Lacy said. "The competition
"It was a much clo.ser dual than the score," Lacy said. level will be high but not at the level of PacCoast or CK
"We wrestled until 9:30; that's a good sign that it's a corn- MatMan."
Numbers increase for second Lake Isabella race
By EMILY HANSON tinue to be an annual event and, like third place and Team Adna finished
emily@ma~'oncounty.com all of our events, we look to grow it in in fourth place with 54 points. A fifth
terms of numbers and also to make it team, Pecan Sticky Buns, did not fin-
better," Johnson said. "We think that ish the race.
In its second year, the Mason Coun- the course here at Lake Isabella is a Children 13 and under competed in
ty Cross race at Lake Isabella State top-notch cross country venue and the a 2,400 meter race with Hayden Von-
Park grew in both the number of par- feedback we heard from the competi- Bargen, 13, of Chehalis, claiming the
ticipants and the quality of racing, tors has been all positive. It is a tough boys' championship and the overall
"The number of participants wasbut rewarding place to race." winner at 10:56. The top girl, Anika
significantly higher, as was the qual- The male overall masters winnerParker, 12 of Shelton, finished in sec-
ity of the racing field," John Johnson was Craig Dickson, 44, from Olympia, ond place with a time of 11:56.
with the Shelton Harriers said. "We who finished the race in seventh place "Like all of our events, our main
had some fine athletes out again this while the overall female winner was focus is on the athletic experience,"
year." Kenna Valentich, 16, from Lacey, who Johnson said. "If the event is in the
The 8K race, held on Saturday, finished the race in llth place at 37:33 mountains, on the road, or cross coun-
Jan. 7, was won by Nate Brennand, and the female overall masters winner try, we want to provide attractive,
19 from Olympia with a time of 28:20. was Kerstin Fischer, 46., of Shelton, challenging courses to race on, low
Rounding out the top five were Peter who finished in 16th place at 39:45. entry fees, lots of awards and accurate
Kesting, 15 from Olympia at 29:15, Four teams finished the 8K withmeasurements and timing. We are
Nate Van Haitsma, 18 from Olympia, the Barron Park Striders taking first foremost a running club, which helps
at 29:21, Cody Williamson, 16 from place with 11 points. In second place us keep the focus on the athletes, rath-
Shelton, at 29:35 and Jared Shorten, with 34 points were the Shelton Har- er than on fundraising. This helps us
19 from Olympia, at 29:54. riers while Guerilla Running Rac- to keep entry fees low and makes our
"Mason County Cross will con- ing Club finished with 38 points for events very family-friendly."
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Page C-2 - SheltomMason County Journal - Thursday, January 19, 2012