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They sit patiently, wait- come. will make me sound, I re- were so packed it was hard
ing to be filled. They The average number ofmember being in high to find a place to sit.
.A. sit empty while others attendees at a home bas- school and the crowds being Timberline High School
are not. ketball game is betweenso loud and energic at foot- had a similar population as
They are the bleachers of 100 and 150 people while ball games that the players Shelton when I went there.
Shelton High during home wrestling matches average had to turn around and mo- Where are these crowds for
games, and more often approximately 100. For a tion the band to stop playing Highclimber games? Are
than not, there's more than school with just under 1,300 just so they could hear their there too many fair-weather
enough empty space for the students, this is appalling, coaches. I remember going fans in the Shelton commu-
crowds that don't seem to As old as this sentenceto basketball games thatnity or is this an economic
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2nd Shelton exit off Hwy 101
For adults to attend
games, the cost is $5 while
students without ASB cards
pay $3 and students with
ASB cards are free. That's
not too much money, espe-
cially if you arrive for the
JV game and stay through-
out the varsity game. Where
else can entertainment be
found for just $5?
Part of having a home
game is the home court ad-
vantage. Home fans cheer-
ing their team on while
trying to distract the oppo-
sition is what makes home
games worth it. Where are
the 12th man fans for foot-
ball? Where are the loud,
obnoxious crowds for wres-
tling? why can't SHS bring
in crowds that are so loud,
the coaches have to shout
just to be heard above the
I've had coaches tell me
that certain away games are
going to be tough. At first, it
sounds like they're talking
about the team their going
up against, but upon fur-
ther discussion, I discover
they're also talking about
the fans of those teams.
Yes, loud, supportive fans
make for a hostile gym for
the oppos-
ing team.
A large
with the
purpose of
the home
By EMILY team can
HANSON sometimes
even make
or break a
game. It can be the differ-
ence between a basketball
player making a free throw
or being so psyched out that
they miss it.
I know the Highclimb-
ers don't always have the
best records, but each of
these teams are filled with
athletes dedicated to their
sports and these athletes
deserve dedication from
their community, the people
who should be their fans.
Perhaps if the stands
were full and the crowds
were cheering, the High-
climbers would have that
home court advantage over
the away team. Perhaps
the loud, supportive crowd
could be the difference be-
tween Highclimbers losing
a close game and them win-
ning it.
Lady Highclimbers
beaten at home
The Shelton girls' bas-
ketball team lost two
more games at home last
On Wednesday, Jan. 11,
the Lady Highclimbers lost
to Bellarmine 75-35.
Then, on Friday, Jan.
13, the Lady Highclimbers
lost to Olympia 48-34.
As of press time, the
Lady Highclimbers had not
yet played at home against
Central Kitsap on Wednes-
day, Jan. 18.
team is
set to play
next at 7
p.m. on
Jan. 20
at South FRIDAY:
Olympia ...... 48
K i :sa p Shelton ........ 34
H e a d TOMORROW-"
c o a c h Sheltonat
A a r o n South Kitsap,
Leth did 7 p.m.
not re-
turn phone calls by press
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Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 19, 2012