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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 19, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 19, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Dewatto: Safety concerns continued from page 38 Commissioner David Haugen raised the matter of inclement weather. He’s made trips to the port this winter to shovel snow, open driveways, clean in front of the mailbox and work on the generator. Haugen said he met one of the port’s neighbors at that time .who offered to plow the port’s driveway and disabled parking. “It took over an hour, and he will send us an invoice,” Haugen said. Mow pointed out the port has emergency statutory clauses to be able to ,make such decisions with- out a vote, but Crosby noted Han—p gen had called her to get approval. Crosby said because the Port of Dewatto is also an emergency shel— ter, it needs to be available and ac— cessible in case its shelter function is needed. Commissioners reviewed several maintenance matters, with Haugen mentioning the need to repair or replace the existing gutters, which are beginning to tear, before a dis- cussion ensued regarding the need to obtain snow guards. The matter is considered a safe— ty problem due to the risk of snow coming down “from the roof and causing injuries. Commissioner Ted Edwards suggested building a deck to help Manrmlsou County signs memo .with Olympicflidge Mason County commissioners approved a memorandum of under— standing regarding two fire code conditions and a finding of fact for final approval for the plat of Olympic Ridge in Belfair. According to the information pack— et, preliminary plat approval for the Olympic Ridge housing development in Belfair was granted following a public hearing by the Mason COunty hearing examiner on Dec. 1, 2020. The required infrastructure and im- provements that were conditions of preliminary approval are built. Final plat approval does not require a pub- lic hearing but the legislative body does need to sign a finding of fact. According to a staff report, the plat converts a 50-acre undeveloped mitigate snow and rain problems by providing more usable space, which ,Mow expressed an interest in dis— cussing at a later date. Mow questioned why the port’s front door has no “exit” sign, giv- en that it’s the building’s primary door, and an overhang was sug- gested for the facility’s side door, since it is labeled as an “exit” door. It was agreed the matter would be discussed at a later date. ‘ Crosby said she would work re— motely if there is a lot of snow or ice. Commissioners agreed to this out of safety concerns, and Haugen promised to contact Crosby of in- clement road conditions. All of this followed Edwards call— ing for the port building to be--made more usable during winter, after commissioners’ reviews determined there were no building rentals in November 2022, and only a birth- d’ay party rental of the facility Dec. 19. The port commissioners agreed to keep one port-a—potty available through winter, then add more fol- lowing the regular spring opening of the campground. Haugen said the septic person- nel have been forced to go as long as two weeks between emptying the port-a—potty due to snow, but the unit also hasn’t been used much. site into a 144-lot single-family resi- dential development. All property is located in the Belfair urban growth area and is 'z‘oned medium density residential. When finished, it will add an estimated 360 residents to the Belfair. Belfair resident Ken Vanbuskirk asked the commissioners to delay the decision on the final plat ap- proval due to a lack of improvement at the state Route 3 and Northeast Ridgepoint Boulevard intersection, which is the only entrance to Olym- pic Ridge. Commissioner Randy Neatherlin said the commission requested to work with the state to establish in— tersection improvement as a require- ment for access to Olympic Ridge, “Hopefully we overcome that be- cause I definitely,think it needs to be fixed without a doubt,” Neatherlin said. 4- Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023 Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page 39 Top ’Dogs of Mason county North Mason's Adrianne Tupolo puts up a layup during the Mason County Cup girls basketball game against Shelton on Friday in Belfair. Herald photo by Justin Johnson Commissioners . SUPPOTtPWP9§9d name changes ' Mason County commissioners approved a letter of support for the Washington State Committee on geographic name proposals for Na— thaniel Sargent Lake and Rodney White Slough. ‘ According to the information packet, the Committee on Geo- graphic Names was created by the Legislature to review proposals submitted by the public to name geographical features and to make recommendations to the board on geographic names for proposals ap- proved by the committee. Nathaniel Sargent Lake and Rodney White Slough were accepted for final con- sideration and the committee is ‘ "r j ‘ V. ‘3z' V . Lilli? 13:. 2C5 SRPJUi‘iKlIGRi MOM .;l!} r . «31): i“. 'KWANHNKtWfiT SBI’VIEB $15. per banker’s box In oflice bin picked up monthly by AllShred '23270 NE State Rt. 3 seeking comments. “Both made lasting contribu- tions to our community,” the letter of support states. “Mr. Sargent Was elected as Justice of the Peace while Mr. White contributed to the devel- opment of roadways still used today. In the case of Mr. White, renaming the slough in'his honor would recog4 nize a form of institutional racism by removing the racist name for the slough that was in use for decades, including on official mappings of the area. The name change along can- not undo the damage caused by rac- ism, but it would be a small step, for- ward in our shared responsibility to provide healing and reconciliation.” The committee meets Thursday, and final consideration for the name changes for the two geographic fea- tures is on the agenda. ‘ I Compiled by‘reporter Mutt Baide o Batten", WA 98528 (360) 275-2257 ‘5