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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 20, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 20, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;,CITY HOOP LOOP SPLITS SEASON; A[YlDMEN'S VI(00ORY SKEIN ENDS CITY LEAGUE BASKETBALL i Rayonier just barely outlasted a (Final Firtt Half) I Woodfiber rally for a 25 to 2,1 de- W L pf pa I cision. Anderson-Reiten 9 0 263 187[ Rayonler recovered fr o m a elfair .................. 5 3 185 172t scoreless first quarter in which Pantorium .......... 5 3 209 194'Woodfiber built up a %0 lend to 81NG|R Vacuum Cleaner Yem, here is the S/.NGF.R* Vacuura Cltamerwith 5 Mlnew, exclusive features: • CORD BLVIHD hi•Is h Nrd W;Hl#ut wi,din$ by hand. • €ORD REEL storss eord for you witMa the €loahor |tlf. • TWIN FANS m ahain o.solb unl.. 1.arm #:uroW ot |uefloncSong IlK e na? ,of th iqczle as well a with the €Oatw! • .P.I,VOTED FLOATIKJ BRUSH IlquJme no •dlustmmnt for ordinary  rUJlL • STREAML|NED N0,USING, smmer "set-under<lbiJitlf', only S  high! j 8UDGrr TEIMS I • AUowence oF yo t Nflode | ¢EITI We'll rmap •  I ;Pl;I; 118 etratlo$,..a'kamwJ aoldNrvlvlllusranhI ol), at yore' siren SEWINg m115R McConkey .......... ;4 5 216 Woodfiber ............ 2 7 168 Rayonler .............. 1 8 206 Games Monday 7--Rayonier vs Pantorium 8Woodfiber vs Anderson 9--.-Belfair vs McConkey Games Wednesday 7Rayonier vs Anderson 8--Woodftber vs Belfair 9--Pantorlum va McConkey 510 East 4th Avenue *-OLYMPIA Phone 7586 231 188 260 CITY LEAGUE basketball teams got a new lease on life with the decision to split the season after Anderson - Reiten Motors made a shamble8 of the race with its ninth straight victory last week, taking a three-game lead on the pack, and to make the fresh start the more portentious, the first half champions suffered their first de- feat of the year Monday night. McOonkey Pharmacy f I n a l I y cracked the goose-egg in the An- dersonzReiten 10aS Column when Pat Smith looped in a free throw ten ec0nds from the eid of the ame for a 26 to 25 triumph for e pharmacists. It was mith's 12th paint of the game, giving him scoring honors by a sLgle digit over teammate. Dan C ormier and rival center Johnny Dunnar. I THE OTHER two games of the second half openilg tlple bill Were . equally as exciting, with Belfair ] sadlng Pant0rlum, 23 to 21, as Center Anderson tipped in a re- bound in the last ten seconds, and II II -] ....... Lumber Company I FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT III I I In Our Location on L L I I SItELTON-MA,0N COUNTY JOURNAL .............................. i ii ....... ' ................. GOLF GABBING Leaders Laced In Fem Imop: 7 Teams by RAY WIIITESIDE In 5-Game a' Mountain View ON THE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY MAILING ADDRKGS ,- P.O. Box 598. $halton Charles Welrauoh PHONE 657 ] .... I . , L trail at the half by 9-8 and finally tied it at 14-all as the third quar- ter closed. Cliff McPherson put the pulpmen ahead as the final period opened and kept them Just fat' enough up to withstand .Wood- fiber's clo:ing bid. BELFAIR ALSO recovered from a scorele:.s quarter, the third, dur- ing which it 10st n 1.6-11 half-time advantage to fall behind 1%16, Anderson wound up with eleven points fdr game honors, getting the all-im0ortant one in the final ten seconds. Last week's first half finale found Anderson-Reiten putting the skids under its closest challenger, Belfair, by a 26 to 12 count: Pan- torhlm squelching Woodfiber, 37 to 29: and McConkey Pharmacy kicking Rayonler, 28 to 19. The lineups: SECOND HALF OPENERS Rayonler (25) Woodfiber (24) MePherson 7 f Parsons 6 Howe 4 f McCann 4 Dewed'art c Trobltz 5 Peach g . Levett 2 Dronen 4 g B. Viger 3 Subs: Rayonier--Armstrong 4, Kendall 4, Daniels 2. Woodfiber--- Oruver 2, Price 2, R. Viger. cConkev (26) And.-Reiten (24) Cormier 11 f J.Phlllips 6 Morgan f Cartwright Smith 12 c Dunbar 11 Lee 2 g Frasier 2 Shlrmer 1 g Hagen 2 Blazers Explode Against Chehalis For 48-25 Victory JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE W L pf pa Hoquiam .......... 2 0 55 39 Olympi{} .......... 1 0 27 17 SHELTON ...... 1 1 69 d9 Aberdeen ........ 1 1 51 38 Centralin ........ 0 1 12 18 Chehalis .......... 0 2 52 83 Latest Sco res Shelton 48. ChehaUs 25 Olympia 27. Aberdeen 17 Hoqumm 18, Centralia 12 Games Friday Shelton at Olympia Centralia at Chehalis Aberdeen at Hoquiam Volunteers to take the respon- sibility of improving one hole at the Shelton-Bayshore Golf Course were secured at the election meet- ing last week.' One man who will pick his own crew will be responsible for tile general improvement of the hole of his own choice. The following volunteered: No. 1- -John Hooper No. 2--Glen Correa No. 3- A1 Munro No. 4----Phil Murphy No. 5..-Vern Miller No. 6 Rolla Halbert No. 7--Laurie Carlson No. 8----Roy McConkey EMPLOYING a fast-break with No. 9-Bab Stewart excellent effectiveness, the Shelton If in the fltur'e you get collar- Blazers ran Chehalis right out of ed by one of the above gents, re- Shelton gym Tuesday afternoon to member it's for a darned good win a Southwest Washington ju- cause, nior high co0ference basketball. game, 48 to 25. S pervi N Led by little Elmer "Sherry" U sers ow Cole, smallest player on the team. pc€ J g°u00v's'n- Pin who scored ten points in the first half and earned high point honors T a. r • with 14 for the game, the Blazers I flOl'}/[. lVonler r" ,7 ----- r-- built up a v, ommandlng 27 to 11---..,7.- ...... ,.,, half-time advantage and boosted I nu,,,ffin Dvvv.,, it to 38 to 20 at the third quarterl _ . W^ L rest r [ upervmors ................ z zz ' * Maintenance .............. 28 23 Reserves played a substan{lall _,,,==,,,== 9 9a portion of the final period for the r¢;. """ 9 od azers, [ Research Girls ............ 25 26 COLE'S ALERTNESS at inter- Grease Balls ................ 24 27 cepting Chehalis passes up front Chemists ...................... 24 27 shook him loose for several half- Bleach Plant .............. 22 29 floor-length dribbles which re- High game--*Walt Wolden 191 sulted *in unchecked lay-in shots High series--Bruce Thorpe 542 Subs: McConkeyEacrett. An- dera)n-Reiten--Erhart 2, White 2. Belfalr (23) Pantorium (21) steady contributor to the Blazer Paterson 7 f Dodge 2 Saffer f Valley 4 scoring total as well as playing a. Anderson 11 c Rose 4 fine floor game, and Murray Cole- Landram 2 g D.Phillips 2 man's hustle helped plenty, too, Willis 1 g McComb 9 although everyone of the BlaZer Subs: Belfair---Foster 2, Davis, starters chipped in With at least Allan, F o r s y t h. Pantorium--- six points and all played splendid ball. Boone, Fredson. The Blazers go to Olympia this Friday, The lineups: Shelton (48) FINAL FIRST HALF McConkey (28) Rayonler (19) Cormier 12 f Howe 3 Lee 4 f Peach 2 Smith 5 c Deweyert 2 Shirmer 6 g Sampair 2 Eacrett g Armstrong 3 Subs: McConkey---Vn Goetlin 1, Morgan. Chase. Rayonier.-- Daniels 3, Jeffery 4. Pantorium (37) Woodfiber (29) Valley 9 f Parsons 2 D.Phlllips 6 f Levett 6 Rose 3 c McCann 9 McComb 9 g Gruver 9 Fredson 6 g B.Viger 1 Subs: Pantorium ...... D o d g e 4, Price, Woodfiber--Clary 2, Gus- tafson, R. Viger. And.-Reiten 26) Belfair (12) Cartwright 7 f Saffer 4 J,hillips f Petersnn Dunbar 8 c Anderson 4 Frasier 4 g Landram 2 Hagen 4 g Forsythe Subs: Anderson-Reiten---White 3, Erhart. Belfair-Davis 2, Fos- ter, FRANK CLEVELAND HOME FPank Cleveland is now at home, recovering from an opera.timer hich he underwent on December 17, He is reported making suc- cessful recovery. Hero's how YOU J can win the Gold Bars of .1!11 Army Officer :::: ..... DIRECT ¢OMMI$|IOM A commlglon as mcond lieutenant in the Oflicam' Rewve Corp with a 2-year initial tour of active duty is eady for you if you meet these requirements: one '.¢var of'honorable  in any of the Armed Forces between 7 December 1941 and 30 June 1947; have completed two year at an ted aolloge or univ- airy; U. S. dp; AGCT score of 110 or better;, not more tha 32 yearn old; physically fit. Once commkaion, you'll be asalgnd to a 3-month ofl]ces' training school, and, on succeefful com- pletion, you'll be free to compete for a Regular Army Commission if you meet the competitive tour age requirements. Go to your nearest U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station for complete detai at once. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES quotas, of course. Upon graduation, yourll be commissioned a Second Lieu- tenant in the Reserve, and placed on two yearn of active duty. Top OCS graduates are commissioned in the Regu- lar Army--aU others may compete for a is approved, you'R be enlisted a a Regular Army Commission. Get all the Sergeant and given basle training if you fact about applying for OCS entrance have not had it already, then sent direct at your nearest U. S. ,-'my and U. S. Air to Offic Candidate School, subject to Force Recruiting Station without dlayl : OCS FOR If you've: graduated from high adul or can pa an equivalmat mmmition, ate between 19 and 28 years old, are a U. S. citizen, and have neceary physical qualifications, apply now for enlistment fo' Army OCS. After your application PEACE AMERI'S MOST IMPORTANT BUSiNESs : Mezzanine Floor, HOTEL 0LYMPIAN  OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE \\;V L Cash Grocery .... 20 21 Ma's Corner . 29 '2": Ritner's (:m'nm' . 27 2! Pastime . ...... 26 25 McC,mkey t'harnmey ?6 25 ()]d Mill 25 O6 Fields Auh) Parts . . 25 26 Pantorium ...... 16 :}5 ]Ii series Verde M(,Cotfl:ey 523 ]]i g:lmc V(,rd;I McConkcy ll Matches Tuesday 7 Ritncr's vs Fiehls MeCt)nkey vs P'ntol'illm 9-Mac's vs Pastime [ Old Mill vs (-roc(,ry LEADING TEAMS took thump- ings Tuesday night, tightcnin," up the women's city bowling h'nuc standings to a point wi]crc ,(,,'] of tile eight eniries aro iamm(,d within a five-game el)read. Only the luckless Pantorium Cleaners are out of the s(,r,md)]o. b6ing 14 games behind the leaders. nine away from their nearest ri- vals. First place Cash Grocery yiehled a 2 to 1 verdict to fourtla place Pastime and Pauline Stalcy's scm'- ing, second place Mac's Corner lost the odd game to the up-cm- ins Old Mill and Marne Mifflin': pin-toppling, and third place Rit- net's Corner took a shutout shel- lacking at the hands of McCon- key Pharmacy and the league teD- ping individual scoring of Verde McConkey, whose 523 series and 184 game were best of the night. as the Blazers were fashioning LES FIELDS Auto Parts drove their first half lead. I Supervisors topped Rayonier Pantorium deeper into the ccllqr Hart Dittman was an o ther bowling standings after their 2 to by winning a 3 to 0 verdict be- 1 victory over the Office Monday hind the combined games of Rnth nigh t while Maintenance. was Jacobsen, Fran McNeil and Lodga knocking off the Guttersnipes in Kimbel. the odd game, [ The Office wasn't able to cash- Pastime Holds Share in on Bruce Thorpe's 542 series, best of the night, losing to strong' On Olympia Loop Lead games posted by the Supervisors' Lobe Bell and Ernie Lemley. ] OLYMPIA SCRATCH LEAGUE W L Maintenance copped its duke on Pastime Shelton) .... .5 big games by Stu Steehler and Joe Capital Cigars ............ 5 Chehalis (25) Rank. Chicken Coop ............ 4 2 Young 6 f Deshler 2 Coleman 8 f Lamb Hunter 7 e Annie 5 Cole 14 g Revenaugh 9 Dittman 10 g . Mitten 2 Subs. Shelton--McCovd 2, Moore 1. Franklin, Schwarck, Yarr, Ends, Jackstedt. Chehalis---Wood 3, Gib- son 2, Rosbach 2. SIMPSON RIFLE LEAGUE OPENS FIRE TUESDAY First-round firing in the Simp- son Rifle League ts to start next Tuesday evehing on the Shelton high school gym range. Harold Still, Simpson assistant recreation director, said teams will be entered by Reed Mills One and Two, Woodfiber, Olympic Plant, McCleary and a combina- tion of Boom, Shop and Office em- ployees. League officers include Phil McCully. McCleary, president; Harold Cramer, Reed Mill Two, vice president: Roy Lonacre, Olympic Plant. secretary; arrv Latham. Woodfiber. treasurer; and Rollie Rus.qell, Woodflber, field captain. Simpson teams will. shoot in league competition each Tuesday evening under regulation National Rifle Association rules. Rifles will be rented at a fee of 25 cents ler evening for marksmen who do not use their own rifles. Teams ]nay have as many mem- bers as wish to enter competition but only the five highest scores -ach night will count in league statistics. BOILING TOURNEY TO CLOSE SUNDAY Zero hour competitorn in the an- nual Shelton bowling aBsoclatiov tournament which cloaes Sunday have the following marks to beat to get into the prize brgckets: DOUBLESArnle Arommn and Fred Snelgrove, 1198; Leo Pearce nd Bob Newell, 1195; Alphie Kneeland and Phil Bayley, 1183: Laurie Carlson and Hank bur- and. 1173. SINGLES--Arnie Aronson, 658; Laurie Carlson, 644; Phil Bayley, 633; Burl Brown, 627. TEA_MS.--Pastime, 2881; Simp- son Logging Company, 2784; Simpson Office, 2705; W.H.S. Elec- tric, 2699; Frisken Oil, 2688; Ac- tiye Club, 2883. Only, teams left to bowl aj'e Camp Grisdale lineups, whlch roll Saturday. Paatime'a total is the outstanding mark of the tourna- ment to date and It II take some remarkable scoring to beat it, but the doubles and singles axe wide open. sportsmen UrKe Public Hearing .Attel$n0e Monday On Salmon Bill Sportsmen and all perQps in- terested in'the preservation of this state's salmon rp re urg- ed by Prutdbnt M..C/ rk '6f the Ho0d Cangl Sport ,sr(tt$ ABs0- diatlon to Itftend  puled hear- ing at 7:30 next M0ay _dght in the ,Capitol Building hi Ol;n- pia on tWO identical measures ip- trodueed simultaneoue/y ha the legislature ,which Would reserve the tributaries below the McNary dam on the Columbia River to compensate for pstream fishery loes. Principal reason for the meas- ures is to stop the lmmeate c0n- struction of two high da on the C0wlitz River proposed by the City of Tacoma, which fl..ery xr pe:ts agree would vlrtu&Uy wipe )ut the 'fish .runs of th CoWlit and make ineffective the broad plan Of the fderal government to rebuild the Columbia's salmon runs, Mr. Stark pointed out. Sports, Skeets Club To Meet Tonight The Mason County Sport and Skeet club will hold a social ses- sion at 8 o'clock tonight in the I.O.O.F. Hall, with the main at- tractions to be an oyster stew |up- per and a sports film, T,,f Sey, president, annotmced. All mem- bers are urged to attend." The Research Girls moved into l Steak House ............. 3 3 a tie for fourth place with a 2 to Tranum's Service ...... :1 5 1 triumph over tailend Bleach Round Table .............. 0 6 Plant, scored on Kitty Price's and I ........ Phyllis Arbogast's games, who off- Pastime held its co-hold on first set Walt Wolden's 191 game, best place in the Olymoia scratch bow!. of the night. The Grease Balls gained ground by shutting out the Chemists with a consistent performance all down the lineup. PIN DONNYBROOK WON BY HEDRICK GALS PREP TEAM PREP BOWLING LEAGUE W L Miller's Men's Shop . 25 14 Beckwith Jewelry .... 19 20 Hedrick Amusement.. 19 20 Dean's Studio ............ 15 24 Hi series--Don Cleveland d47 Hi game Don Cleveland 188 They don't come much closer than this in bowling, Hedrick's Amusement, the high school league's lone girl team, won all three games from Beckwith's Jewelry Monday afternoon, yet had only a three-pin margin in to- tal pins at the end of the match. Hedrick's won the opener by two sticks with Sally Ferguson getting the critical pins, Hedrick's won the second by one pin with Sally and Donna Demmon doing the important scoring, and Hed- tick's won the third in a roll-off after winding up in a deadlock in the regulation ten frames. Terry Skelsey was the heroine m this one, The victory tied Hedrick's with their victims for second place. The league leading Miller's Men's Shop, getting the afternoon's individual scoring highs from Don Cleveland's 447 series and 188 game, edged tailend Dean's Stu- dio, 2 to 1, in the other match. Don Cole paced the photographers to victory in the opener but the haberdashers rallied behind Cleve- land and Chuck Berets to win the last, two. ing league by odd-gaming Tran- um's Service Monday night, hut had a new partner on the top rung. Capita] Cigars displaced th5 Chicken Coop am Pastime' bed- fellow by shutting out ()lYmi)ia Round Table while t!e coop lst the odd flame to Steak House. Slim Gustafson paced the Pqs- time victory with a 581 :wrie, and a 210 game. ............................. Canal Sportsmen Meet Again Next Thursday After a one-month Christmas- caused vacation, members of the Hood Canal Sportsmens A.'eia - Lion will resume their monthly meeting January 27 in the Hoods- port school building, President M C. Stark of Union announced ye:;- terday. I OLD HERMITA6E BRAN[: $3.46 4/5 '(it. $2.18 Ft. PI us 10% WarTLaiqUo )irits nal Distillers Products Coro.. New Yolk Thursdfiy, January ]3, . .... [ HEAt ()F .: ..... ' .,,,•, Georqc Aghb:;.-,h w;5 cl¢c?c:l l)resi:ient of the .he!tc, n [.ay- shore C.olf Cltzl) at the annunl nmeting hcb: .ondav niqht n i:he M5on cou;3[y court hguse. Other new officer's are [7.:.) S"ev.'- 3ft. vice preei,.'l::v,t a,:d Phil Bay- IcY secrctary-tv'eatu-er. Directocs of the C;I.Jb for thc next terot werc nnnounced an S. W, Pcice., AI Htmrby, IVlrs. Winston Scott an:l oy J. ;-:,i,- bel. Planning A We save you all the v,:nience of routing tickcting, on Plane, R. Steamship. No Service World-Wide Connecti, Call Olympia Service Oly. OLYMPIAN HOTEL O ympia, Wn. We'w, lust got to digress week from regu]ar .'d:op talk ia order to invite you to see ]u'w f!).i) Studebaker.;. Friday the 21st, have on displ'lv a Cpmmander Sedan and a Si'dail. Einee ,]me, 19.t6, Studebaker has held the light witiL tle world's first post-war productioni and, in announcing the ]949 series, we know that ae(:e}tan(,e is going t,,) continue with the same thusia:m as in the l)asL The trend favoring this type of car is as certain as stuffing a jackrabbit fre;h :lfalfa and turning it loose. And, there'S let-down in the demand for the simple reason Studebaker quality in craftsmanship upholds an that we can say about this fine line of cars. ome day, we hope that you, too, will the proud owner of a new Studebaker. Just to this new '49er will do things to you, and next 'to just talking cars to a Studebaker owner will out praises th'at even make us blush wth prude. sav {hat Studcbakcr.--. has something that people go is like telling a spinster that her eyes are like the ;l;v---it's inescapable. We extend a cordial invitation to you to this Friday and see the New 1949 Studebaker. know you will enjoy seeing them, and, it will be plea:ure to give you' the details about our new Next Week: Gasoline Mileage (the topic passed Iv). SALES AND S b:l| Vi Ci 1st and Cota, Shelton Phone 52 Studebaker Land Crulser for 6 Newperformance/ New smartness/New money00 NEW [@4@ HEY'RE here today in all their flight- streamed glorv--the fabulously /ne new Studebakers for 1949! New visions of loveliness inside and outside! Spectacular new examples of Studebaker's postwar pacemaking! The most value-packed automobiles a mod- erate investment ever bought! A new 1949 Studebaker Commander with new power! A new 194 Champion with new glamor! A s extra-long-wheelbase new 1949 baker Land'Cruiser--style.marked wi a new distinction! Take a moment to take a look-- you'll want to take an hour to these newest Studebaker dream cars. It's t Studebaker year again all over See these stand-out distinctions of the new 1949 Stud•bakers New decorator-fabric upholsteries • New =trument panels • New body colors * f-adjusting brakes • Variable ratio "extra-leverage" steering • Panoramic vlelon • Seats c€ntered betweqn axles • Low center of gravity • "Blak light" dash dials • Automatic hill holder and foam rubber seat cushions optional at added cost on Champiorm--standard on all other models a Automatic overdrive. Climatizer heating system, white side- wall €ires and wheel trim rings arc available on any model at extra cost• ANDERSON 00O2'O100 Studebaker Champion Starlihf C¢upe for Stude/baer's the b.y word fir thr;ft that lasts and style that FIRST AND COTA STETE, ;HELTON, WASH. PHONE 52