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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 20, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 20, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PaT.e 4 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Enjoy tile whiskey tha£s +t!,!-: s3.46Kentucky Wkiskey-A Blend  4 I:{ (1[. $2A8 ]ff. PI l" l&apos;,; > i,I/li +' IAql, l,r : .... Ti:tX NATIONAL DISTILLERS tROD. CORP., N. Y. • 86 PROOF * 651 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS GAS IN BULK TANKS OR BOTTLES DICK MATHENY DISTRICT MANAGER I. O, Box 24 • Phone 2,2943 • Olyl| , ,L L , ,. FOR PERFECT COOKING REFRIGERATION WATER HEATING So dependable, too, PRO-GAS is delivered to your home in "bottles" or bulk tanks. Instant hot water, refrigeration--all fully automatic, PRO:GAS is a joy to use because you avold'electric power and light to. PRO-GAS [s clean and economical. We carry a complete variety of gas ranges, lieaters, and refrigeratorl at 41 our branches and headquarters. Come and see us or mol cou- pon for further Informgtion. + ......... " + • I I v e da, Wash. J ,r_ , ---' NAME ................................................................................................... cir, ....................................................................................................... . , i , , , pAR AMOIJNT Shelton, Wash. THE HOME OF" THE FINEST ENTERTAINMENT--DiRECT FROM SEATTLE'S LEADING THEATRES. r  " lhursday Saturday, Jan. 20 - '' TWO FEATURES PHiLiP REED tl¥ lillilS •  Ill(Mtll tML"llllllA" Ill/fl Utllllll * lttlll 10 Sunday - Wednesday, tll. 3 - 26 TWO FEATURES TO THE .... GREAT / ANIMAL STORmS i! YOU'VE LOVED ON THE F,....,., SCREEN e,,',.,,..,,.,,.,, 1 2? " *"'" '"' i •..lOg ., GlOlOt IRENDA IOSlItT NOKES-,JOVCE. SItAYNE I I i Tahuya Residents Have Accidents On Icy Highways By Effie L. Knowlton The icy roa(Is of the past ten d'lyq hi'alight three accidents to local residt.nls. The most serious was ttl',ll Of Boh [)ieRsmL wire 'ki(lded on the hill on the highway g'(dn" down. to the he.a(f of the hay at ('h)rst dropping over the steel) bank landing lfim in the hospital. Car (tamage was estimated at $400. l)h:kson is now home from the h,spita], rejoicing' to be alive. ltarry Curl was returning hon)e from the Knowlton ranch, which ha hlls been operating smee Vcrne I(nnwlton's illness, when he ]net Mike Thorne]y on'a hill. Cm'l had chains and stopped, but Thornely l.ou(thed the hrakes of his army trnek that went into a.waltz and swiing, around to smast in the front end of Curl's pickup. .Tohnny Matson of Dewatto went into a skid between here and De- watto and damaged his car. With the icy condlfion of the roads and. tte apparent shortage of gravel with which to safeguard ttlem, it is small wonder the damage is not grellter. • $ # i Mrs. Martha Cowan, mother of i Ranks Rendsland, celebrated her 1 8,itl) t)it'thday !ast Saturday withl n sauerkraut feed. She found this I ,German delicacy more to her lik-I ling than the traditional cake and i candies. We wish her many more birthdays. A stork shower at the Bremer- l(m home of Fay Chi]ton. honoring Shirley Huson last Tuesday eve- ning was attended by several local ladies. Stcelhead fishing has i)een good here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Metzler of Shelton visited with tie Rends- Innds over the week end. The last meeting of the Tahuya Garden Club vas held at the BeN fair Imme of Ruth Small. Twelve members answered roll call with two visitors The County Agri- . cultnrai agent spoke on this oc- casion and answered the many questions fired at him by the en- thusiastic ° metal)era. Delightful refr0shments were served follow- I in K the business meeting. The next. meeting is scheduled to be a -joint hm('heon at Alderbrook Inn! with Rhod,ddendron and Ever- green Clubs. weather conditions permitting. Members will be no-I titled by postal card of the details. I I Mrs. CaW Hutchinson of Sheltonl has been the week end guest of lVlrs. Mary 'Pip•on. On Sunday Mr. Hutchinson joined the folks f(li" ,qun(lav dinner. Mrs. Fo)'z'est Flor'a ts recovering fl'onl 1 burned hand. The accident occurred over s week argO when b • eeo %e••oee ee,.°oo e * ee . e* e.t ° % • e ,., • • *o° ;-: O • I I" - x _':. .!. :;:)octal r.vents :i: Barbara Nelson, Society Editor . . Phone 100 !i ;.*;,*;,,;..;..;.,;.....;,,;*.;.%..;,.;..;..;..;..;...;..;..;;..;., .; .;-;..;..;,,;..;..;,*;..;.-.;,-i.,%*,.:-,,.;-;-;-;-..;.* Miscellaneous Shower At Dayton Given Monday For Mrs. Joe Duffey By Ro, Beers A ITliscelianeous shower was glviql for MFS. Joe Duffey, form- erly Bernadine Ogg, on Monday evening at tie Dayton Connnun- ity Hall. Gifts were pat under a white and yellow trimmed umbrella. Imncheon tables were decor- ated witl greenery and the ceriter piece had two sets of yellow candles m crystal holders. Games and group singing were enjoyed by tl)se who attended. Hostesses were Mrs. Witt Ra- racy and Betty Lemke. Those present were the mes- dames Charles egg, Darl Goldy, Mary Chappell, Warren Williams, LaurerLee Bailey, Charles Dennis. Archie Lemke. Edward Bunnell, A. R. Davis, Witt Ramcy, Henry Cimppeil, Arcifie Vaughn, Steven Beers. Fritz Buechel. Delphige I¢.i,hel. Also present were the misses Betty Lemke. L. egg, San- dra Chappell, and Laura Beers. Mrs. Joe Duffey was honor guest. TIlE DAYTON LADIES' Club is meeting at noon, Januray 20 at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Scott. Last Friday evening the Little Egypt 4-H Club sponsored a s]at- ing party for all youngsters in community at Panhandle Lake. Mrs. A. R. Davis from Garry- owan, Mont. is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunnell; Mrs. Davis is Mrs. Bun- nell's aunt. MRS. ANDREW SCOTT is con- fined at the Shelton Hospital. Betty Lemke and Mrs. Steven Beers attended Thursday a Grange meeting at Shelton Valley Hall. ALLYN COMMUNITY CLUB 0FFICFA00, WRAGE IS PRESIDENT By Francis W. Laugh dent; Vern .Hawk, treasure,', and The Allyn Community Club had Mrs. D. F. Schofield, re-elected as a good turnout during the Jan- I secretary. uary 1,2 meeting at the school i OTHER BUSINNESS conducted house. Officers elected for the included a discussion which soon new year were Charles Wrage, will lead to a meeting with Pen- president; Dick Valley, vice presi- Shelton Valley Ice Delighted Young Persons Ere, Thaw By Signe A. Kneeland Sunday evening ' rain fell on Shelton Valley after the longest cold snap in many years. FROST AND ICE delighted many young persons wire too sel- done get the chance to skate or ski in this part of the country. To the" ones who ]lave to worry over pipes freezing and wood piles diminishing, the warmer weather comes as a blessing. Shelton Grange 40 put on the first and second degrees Tin trs- day. Therewere about 60 Grang- ers in attendance. A dance was held Saturday night Not many braved the cold, but the ones who did had a good time. TIlE SLATER FAMILY a n d Jim Vandermay spent Wednesday evening with the Winsor and Ben- nett families in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bemlett called at the Highlands Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glover nd children spent Saturday in Olym- insula Light regarding street lights for Allyn, Brought up briefly, and to be discussed at greater length at a special meeting soon, was the question of a mobile library unit regularly calling at Allyn. Next regular meeting of the Commun- ity Club will be held at the school house on Febmlary 2. The local tavern is now tinder the management of Harvey Nel- son, formerly of Seattle. THE OYSTER company has ceased operation until further no- tice, after a futile battle with Jack Frost. Sounds kind of fimhy to me. but I was told that the little rascals don't eat right when it's so cold and they get thin around the waistline. Fred Stock took Joe Smith along as mascot to the Elwah and both Fred and his mascot brought back nice elk, or nice elks. Ye olde correspondent has been promised a steak from a two-pointer. Mrs. Maurine Cornelius. her mother, Mrs. Minnie Zahller of Retsil, her daughter, Mrs. Roger Scott, and Michael, and Mrs. Jer- ry Clark spent Monday shopping in Olympia. Jerry stayed home and played at thawing out frozen water pipes with his brand new electric welder. LATEST WORD •received from the Fred Purvls' indicates that she, wa.s rendering hot hu:d. pia visiting and shopping. Man,' hirthdays were celebrated j Sna K;}e.a'ri;a}le%ltn the at Kamilche Point this last weeki ."" . s "', -- ':' :' -- .... .,s.:low o ,pens tne say toe the Thursday the Lloyd Clarks cele i,o, ..... --. " .' .... ,i,<, hirthda00 <,f their ter. Mary, and that of Mrs. Aark s +.^ ks',: ..... r,, a; ..... r "'*h -   l Lll Y i 1 i%Jl-, Jt J. c£%+l %a1.4 i l lir vvit. father R-V (.arr. ']he sam( (late .. - .. ...... ' tr ana lvlrs. Harry metongey wa, the birthdav of Mrs. Effie ; ..... ',,- ,,€.'0 u,:;- H,, ew.., aria mo sgme sJ10pplng. ,,',,,,,,,o,., ......... , .......... , Mrs. Larry games' mother, nmnv friends and relatives gath- Mrs Greww.e of Seattle. spent <'red 'It her place for a surprise, Imrty. Sh receiwd many lovelyt last week in this Valley The Karnes plan to leave for Call- presents, o fornia in the near future. They gaturdav evening Mr. nnd Mrs. own the old Shatter lmmc and plan on eeing it before leaving.. i MRS.' JOE KNEELAND a n o on Ionnie spent Thursday with the Knutson family who live in the lmme of Mrs. Wallace Knee- land in_the M i!l. _Creek ?•o_n.).munity. Orville Taylor and son. Roy, were the dinner guests of Mrs. Fred Clark. it being in honor of Roy's eleventh birthday. Sunday Elmer MeMonagle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Taylor, came from Aberdeen, and Roy en- joyed another birthday dinner at home. Mi,'rS Jeanne Clark was hostess at a slnmber party at her home on I'i'iday, January 7. Her guasts were the Misses Betty Brownfield, Bonnie Brownfieid. VirgiIfla Bin- dara arid Harriet Wilson., The girls nlayed table tennis and other games nnd topped the evening by makirig fudge. Mrs. Grace Petty and Mrs. Ber- tha Taylor attended the Degree of 7loner in Olympia Tuesday night. There was 'a good attendance at the Progress Grange Friday night. The next regular meeting will be SHELTON EAGLES TO HOST DISTRICT MEETING SUNDAY Members of Shelton Aerie 2079 will be hosts to a distrtct'meetlng of Eagles from Bremerton, Port Orchard, Aberdeen and Gig Har- bor in ,.the Eag/es Hall at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, according to Bob Aikins, trustee. Last Monday night Ed Bigelow , of Seattle, the state representative for Eagle's IAfe Insurance, gave an illustrative talk to Eagle mem- bers meeting at the lodge hall. January 28. - ......................... ............................................. SIX MEN INITIATED GnAHAM FHRay, as'turdsy Dick Poweli, Jane Grer "STATION WEST" Agnes Moorehead, Burl lve$ A great Picture from Sat. Eve. Post great story of' the' last Frontier! Sunday, Monday, Tiwday Jannary 28. 24, 25 Rohert Mltchum. Baxbara Bel Gedde "BLOOD ON THE MOON" Rober! Preston, Walter Brenntm Lusty, violent, savage tale of the deadliest range war ever tO EXPLODE on tie screen. AfllGli : Adults 50  Chil- d)oil 15, Wednelay, Thursday ,lanllary 6, 2I Double Feature John Enlety, lllllary Brooke "LET'S LIVE AGAIN" The happiest Fun imagin- able ! Second Feature Frank Bllek's Origlnnl "BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE" The biggest of all Wild Animal Thrills! INTO LEGION POST Initiation of six new American Legion members rounded out the main order of buslness at Tues- day night's meeting of Fred B. Wivell Post 31. Those initiated include Harold, Johnson, William I. Klingbiel,  William Batstone, Ben Soper, Willigm Blaha, :Harry R, Bay and Roy Baken. Maurice Needham outlined pos- sibllitiea of organizing a Junior Legion beball team, and other regular 0mmittee reports were given. Commander Vern Eaton stressed that-January was a time to enroll new members into the post. SON ARRIVES Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rebman of Mt. View, became parents Jan- uary 15 of a boy born at the Shel- ton General Hospital. PARENTS OF SON Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Whethan, of Route 2, Box 393, became par- ents of a son born January 18 at the Shelton General Hospital. .......................................... HOODSPORT THEATRE Friday, January 21 "IN OLD CHICAGO" Tyrone Power- Alice Faye Sunday, Jan. 23 Matinee and EVening "ENCHANTED FOREST" IN OLOR Two Nights a Wsek the south is very little more south than the north this winter. They reported they were leaving Dew- ing, Nw Mexico, where it had just z.'ined 'for three days and then froze all the mud. Ike Watson and Elmer Beeson have started out to work on two or three sunny Monday mornings only to find that the area on the canal in which they would ordin- arily work ia still under eight inches of snow. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Brown en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ike Wat- son at dinner and a few games of Pinocifle last Saturday night. Hospital Notes Thursday, January 20,  __.... ..................................... , ................ .- ........ ,,, i inn SHEI,TON GENERAl, ! IOSPITAL Timse admitted for treatment at the Shelton General Hospital this week iDeluded Lewis KeittL Frank Winkleman, George Hunt, Sam Endicott, Mrs. Oscar MeH, George Tozier, Master Edward Pratt, Dora Cardinal, Rosie Smith, Baby Mary Lee Horton, Thomas J. Bachtelor, Theodore Beese and James Willev. A new wheel chair. onated by teachers and P.-T.A. groups of Shelton in the memory of Mrs. R. W. Oltman, Ires been received by the Shelton General Hospital. The hospital, along with Mr. el•man, wish to express their ap- preciation for the kindness and sympathy shown by these groups. CI,INIC HOSPITAL Patients admitted for treatment at the Clinic Hospital this week include Mrs. Clara Rayson, Mrs. Fred Elson, Mrs. A. E. Cleveland, Joe Ziomek, and accident victim of Camp Grisdale; William Aus- tin and J. F. Dandurand. Among those discharged this week were Darius Dayton, Axel Peterson, Mrs. Sam McKessick, Mrs. Hattie Higgins, Mrs. G. B. Anderson, Roy Kimball, Mrs. Charles Fisk, Mrs. Mary Ohmit, Hoodsport, and Mrs. Gerald Byrne. WEATHER has played hob with your clothes of late. Have your coats and jackets, dresses and suits cleaned now before the dirt and mud has time to set. For Swift service, pick up and delivery, with your cleaning, call PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS[ 215 S. 2nd St. Phone 86 At Crane's You'll love our latest shipment of DRESSES in beautiful and unusual prints. Also- take a good look at our new hipment of KNIT DRESSES, at 0025.95 A Nice Assortment of Colors and Sizes A NEW LOT OF BEAUTIFUL SWEATERS Cardigans Slipovers 15.9S ..... : +" t" "3,95- In Your Favorite Color and Size Crane's Apparel 403 Railroad Avenne  Phone 886 OLYMPIC POTATO BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE WITH MILK AND SPUDS ASK IR IT AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCER .\\; LYNN'S GROCERY W. L. Lynn, Prop. MINERVA MERCANTILE Fred Hanson, Prop. HOODSPORT MARKET Steve Hale, Prop. HOODSPORT MERCANTILE Gibson & Wlnne, props. UNION MARKET / Roy Watson, Prop. WYATTS GROCERY Vern Wyatt, Prop. STARK'S WATERWHEel GROCERY M. StarK, Prop