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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 20, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 20, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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J January 20. 1949. Drilling Water Wells -- Test Holes OUR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Drilling Co. LAURENCE BEDELL (formerLy Davidson Drilling Co.) Route 3, Box 101, Shelton EVERGREEN RIDERS Present Benefit Dance SATURDAY, JAN. 22, 1949 AT DELIGHT PARK Dancing 9:30 P. M. to 2:00 A, M. Admission $1.00 (Including Tax) Music by and His Rock Candy Mountain Boys +Yes, whether or not you {eed your hogs a compound, you pay for it. Without 1 minerals in their normal rations will consume excessive amounts of you are paying for the minerals of waste feed. Watkins Hog Mineral Compound your hogs as a supplement to their. ar ration they will only eat the feed ulre for fast gains. , Hog Mineral Compound+wiU pro- r litters, prevent losses in your pig get the pigs off to a fast start, and get most profit out of your hogs. Your Watktns DeoT I FRANCIS W. LOUGH Box 782, Allyn SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i r,, , i SOCIFI[ @fl00 Laurel Court 26 of Amaranth Installation Program Presented F.ll+)wing a st!c(:esfut v(,:r as loch: treasurer. Florence Lawton; Royal M:ltrou -f lurel Cmlrt No. 26. Order of Amaranth, tt L. Hay uthelland was imcrowned in an lllll)l'(,sgivt (,,el'emony which pre(.eeded th,, inst':dlati(m of th(, Dew offit'e)':; fol' ]949. The in;talh, tion program took pined the a fternooll of .hlmlary 16 at the Masonic. Temple. As Mrs. Sutherland was led from the ihrone by her daughter, I(athy, and Royal Patron. Herbert Rotter..Ia('k Steward sang "The End ()1 a Perfect Day" in her honor. [ J|l('rosvn Jl] ceremonies were COTI(]LI('t('(t by lll/('I()wniDg Inatroll Ella Me('nlloeh: standard bearer. Beatrice (lroute: flag bearer. Ruth Rotter: "'marshall in West, Alice Dahlgreu: crown bearer, Glady: Irvinc: and musi(.ian, Nell Zin- thee, The candlelighters for the eor- el?silos veere l.ainbow girls Don- hagen and Ruby Jane Paulson. They wcre cscorled by DeMolay boys, Herbie and Chris Loop. Marian Grisdale sang "Peace" as the lights dimmed and the candles were lighted. An impressive feature of the coronation was the song "Mother My Dear" sung by Ernesine Crane an her mother, i:uby Crane re- ceived the crown of royal matron. Conducting the coronation cere- mony were installing matron, Mary Smith; honored marshall. Edna Loop; standard bearer. Eth,q Flatner: marshall in East. Katherine Sutherland: marshall in West. Alice Dahlgren: crowl] bear- er. Vera Duffield: sword bearer. Ernest Crane: and musician. Nell Zintheo. Officer. installed dulling the afternoon included royal matron Ruby Crane: royal patron, Dens Itaynes: associate matxon. Edna Haynes: associate )atron, Joe lhmtley: secretary, Ell:4 McCuI- M ARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS DROP DURING PAST WEEK Seems this a slack period in af- fairs of match-making and match- breaking for records in the county auditor's office reveal no marriage licenses were nought during the past week. and books kept by Couaty Clerl Harry Devette show no divorce decrees were signed. Over the year of 1948 a total of 259 marriage licenses were m- sued by Mrs. Susie Pauley, county auditor, and 38 final decrees of di- vorce were signed in the Superior Court of :Mason c(mnty, ILl 1947 final divorces amounted to 40. V.F.W. AUXILIARY The V,F.W. Auxiliary will hold a regular meeting ,January 24 at 8 p,m. in the Memorial tIall. Tuesday, January 25. the Aux- iliary will serve the Kiwanis Club hmcheon and all members are asked to assist. DEGREE OF HONOR JUNIORS The Junior Club of the Degree of Honor will meet this Saturday, January 22. at 11 a.m. in the conductress. Minnie Sauer: associ- ate conductress. Helen Mitehell; trustees, Mary Smith. Margaret Anderson and Fred Sauer; marsh- all in East, Kay Sutherland; marshall in We.t. Alice Dahlgren; standard be'trer, Ethel Flatner; prelate, Rosie Smith ; truth, Frankie Radkc ; faith. Emmy Peterson: wisdom. Lydia Tower; charity, Stella Neuensehwander; historian, Hattie Huntley; music- ian, Nell Zintheo; warden, Georgia Miller: and sentinel, Craig Wilkie. Installing officers were ArthUr Royal, Hazel Orner, Charles Doug- las, Margaret Anderson, Ella Ross. man, Alice Haskin, Arletta Skanes and Lilly Royal New Guild Officers Elected president for the com- ing term of the A. B. Covey Or-I thopedic Guild was Mrs. S. W. I Price at the meeting held January] 6 at the home of Mrs. Steve Ru-I pert. ] Other officers elected were Mrs. Richard Hill, vice president, and l MrS. AI Munro, secretary-treasur-[ er. I Following the short business meeting, refreshments were served and the evening was spent sewing and playing bridge. Former Resident Guest Of Honor at Parties A former resident of Shelton, Mrs. R. E: Brown, has been hon- ored with several parties during her visit here. Sunday, January 16, Mrs. Brown was guest of honor at an open house, given by Mr. and Mrs. George Durkee at their home. She was again entertained at a luncheon given Monday, Jan- uary 16, at the home of Mrs. Or- ville Anderson. On January 18 Mrs. Georg0 Cropper entertained Mrs. Brown and several close friends at s luncheon at her home. Dr. and Mrs. Brown are now making their home in Mt. Kisco, New York. New Project of Preschool Unit "A phonograph in each kinder- garten room" is the project for the commg year of the Shelton Pre- school unit. At a meeting of the ways and means committee Thurs- day, January 13, at the home of Mrs. Fred Daugherty, it was de- cided to hold a Children's Country Store and Food Sale on Saturday, March 5, at the Anderson Motor Co. showroom. New and used clothing for chil- dren from infancy through Ju- nior High age will be sold as well as a variety of toys, al=o both new and used. All members and friends are requested to go through their closets and salvage anything that can be used by anyone else, get it in good repair and bring it either to the February 21 meeting at Bordeaux School or to the An- derson showroom on Friday, March 4th. I.O.O.F. hall. If neRher of these plans is feas- Helen Cole and Cecilia Clifton ible, contact Mrs. R. A. Gustafson, general chairman, at 792-W any will be hostesses. I evening after 6:00 p.m. arid ar- rangements will be made to have the articles picked up. A ham raffle will be held in conjunction with the food sale. sc Is Willing To Give Liberal AllowanCes On Your Old Electric Range When Applied OF NEW RANGES $50.00 ,+,,owo,, ON YOUR OLD RANGE WHEN BUYING THIS ON THE PURCHASE S3S.O0 Allowed ON YOUR OLD RANGE WHEN BUYING THIS 00restinghouse $269.95 'Chairman Named For February 9 Concert Program The Mason County Community Concert Association Board met in executive session at the Collier Clinic Wednesday, January 12. During the session final arrange- ments were made for the Yarn Bernette concert which will be pre- sented at the Graham Theatre Wednesday, February 9. Committee chairmen in charge of concert arrangements were ntmed as follows: Mrs. Bernhard {'W!nt¢cki, programs; Lynn Sher- wood, ushers; Bernhard Wtrdeckl, doormen; Dr. Collier and Mi's. Grant Packard, pia0 coldition- ing; Dean Palmer, stage proper- flea, and Mrs. R. W. Not, void, pub- lictty. The Concert Asoclat[on board reminds all members that the membership cards which they re- ceived this week entitle them to attend Community Concert Asoc- iation programs wherever they may be presented, in other cities as well 'as in Shelton. Nearby cities presenting these programs are Aberdeen and B remerton. Degree of Honor 0flieers Installed The Degree of Honor Protective Association Shelton Lodge No. 25 held public installation of officer Tuesday evening, January 11, at the I.O.O.F. hall. State Director Esther Morgan was installing usher, Mary Cor- mier, assistant usher; and install- ing pianist, Boa Lateen. Each officer-elect and each past officer was escorted through the, inStall(ttion by ,a young lady. Of-I fleers and escorts made an im-[ pressive picture, as gowned in f0r-I mal attire they moved through the 1 installtion ceremony, i Past president pins were pre-[ sented to Gladys Nelson ad ITrit Olsen during the evening. Other gifts were exchanged and pre- sented to the officers. The tables where luncheon was served to the more than one hun, dred guests were decorated in a winter theme, with small skaters performing on miniature lakes, and skiers on the snowy hillides. Down the length of the tables were miniature power poles with imi- tation snow sparkling from the wires. The newly installed officers will take charge of the next meeting which will be held January 2. i TON ELECTRIC Bridal Showers Honor C. Davidson Miss Cherie Davidson, who will become the bride of Donald Fraz- ier on January 30, was honored with two miscellaneous bridal showers this week. Mrs. Burdette Loitz, assisted by Mrs. Ben Leighton, entertained a group of Cherie's friends at her home. Miss Davidson opened her gifts on a table which was decorated with an overhanging umbrella. Games on the art of cooking were played with the prizes being won by Mrs. Charles Myer, Mrs. Ralph Endico, Miss Dorothy My- er and Mrs. Otis Richey. Guests at the shower were Miss Hazel Hedman, Miss Dorothy Myer and the Mesdames Laura Cross, era M. Craig, Otis Richey, ']Ralph Endicott, Vernus Ray, Bob Cleveland, Everett Eckloff, Avene Richerts, Marshall Jackson, W. S. West, Lee Oisen. Charles Myer, Paul Davldson, C. B. Schwarck, Charles Loitz, Ted Chapman, John Cole, Harry Craig, the hostesses and Miss Davldson. Unable to at- tend were Miss Viola Knudson, Mrs. Harry Willis and Mrs. Ralph Landis. Another shower given in her honor was held at the home of Mrs. William Hunter, formerly Carol Barkley. Guests at tTae shower included Mrs. Robert Belllnghausen, Shir- ley Dtttman, Chloe Dickinson, Bey Dickinson, Marilyn Powers, Gail Hunter, Janiee Barkley, Mrs. Tony Nelson, Mrs. William Johnson, Mrs, Ray Cook, Myranel Jackson, the hostess and honored guest. Ladies of Southside Grange Plan Party The ladies of Southslde Grange met with Mrs. Myrtle Swearingen I Thursday with nine members pres- ent. Plans were discussed for a card party to be held at 8 p.m. January 29 at the community hall, and all interested in playing cards are asked to come, Mrs. Opal Har- die, recording secretary, said. The auxiliary will hold a silver tea at the next regular meeting on February 10, and members are urged to bring their friends. W.C.T.U. MEETING, The Shelton Woman's Christian Tewperance Union met at, the hore of Mrs. W. M. Elliott, Jan- uary 14. Dvotions were led by Mrs. Nettle Hedges. Following the short business meeting there was a discussion of the bills and They are: amendments which will appear be- Past uresident, Gladvs Nelson; fore this session of the state leg- nresidenl;, Grace Petty;'vice preei:, ls|ature. A social hour followed. dent, Ida Lundquist; second vice I .......... president, Florence Hamilton; fi- Ads Howard, Peggy Roush; cap- nancial secretary, [ne Shorter; tain of drill team, Jean Rau: true- treasurer, Alma White; usher, tees. Grace Bartlett. Ida Downie, Myrtle Swearingen. Helen Cole; assistant usher. Marie Carlsor inner watch, Delores Sloe; outer watch, Irene Luhm; right assistant, Cecile Donaldson; left assistant, DorothyTodd. Other offices filled vere: Pian- ist, Ruth Mast; Juvenile director, Esther Morgan; assistant, Careta Nutt; advisor, Bertha Taylor; co'l- or bearer, Eunice Sharpe; escort staff, Mary Flint, Mary Cormier, WILBEBT . CATTO Representative of EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE 6OCI ETY Life Insurance & Retirements Aldercroft Nur=ery Phone 5gl-W B. W. SOPER G0vey Building Phone 154-W Tuberculosis Seals Campaign Brings In $3,039 In December Tuberculosis Seal sales in Mason county during December brought in a total of $3,089.62 for the county Tuberculosis Association, Mrs. Vernon Davidon," chairman reported. This figure is about $200 short of the amount gained during 1947, but Mrs. Davidson expssed the hope more Of the persons con- tacted would remit donations. "The county should have about $4,000 to keep the free x-ray ser- vice operating at full efficiepoy during the year," Mrs. Davidon said. LAKE ISABELLA CLUB Bad weather kept all but 0 members from attending the regu- lar meeting of the Lake Isabella Club January 12 which was held at the lme of Mrs. Vera Htthlg- ton. The next.regular meetllg h been scbedmed for January 28 at the home of Mrs. Lula 0unter. flAINBOW MOTHERI Plans for the installation OI their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Rainbow GirLs will be dlscud by me the Rainbow there when they meet at 1:30 p.m. Janukry 21 at the home of Mrs. Annette Munson, 1107 Turner St. RACHAEL KNOTT GUILD The Rachael Knot Orthopedic Guild will meet at the home of ZONTA CI,UB [ i DISPLAY& SELL YOUR HOBBY On Consignment YOUR GIFT SHOP 119 No. 1st - Phone 920 The ShelLeR Ztmta Club will hold a regular meeting thiK noon, Thursday, at the Shelter Hotel. Seventeen members were pres- ent. for the dinner anct social ene- ning at the home of Mrs. George Andrews on January 13, LROCKY ROAD OUR ICE CREAM "FLAVOR OF THE MONTH" 20 FLAVORS o, Our Own ICE CREAM From Cones to Gallons IN BULK AND BRICKS TAKE' HOME FROSTIES FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT OPEN SUNDAYS And Holidays SCOTT'S ICE CREAM Second and Franklin Streets Phone 202 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Daily, Including Sundays and Holidays I . ] .... J i No More Guesswork in Home Permanent Waving $20o Complete Kit Plus Fed,Tex new personalized HOME PERMANENT $100 ,,,i,, m, Plus Federal Tax + ] II II I with exclusive DIAL-A-WAVE chart...your guide to the ONE RIGHT WAVE for your kind of hair I I I I [ DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Mrs. Henry Bacon at 12:30 Fri- Keenan will assist as co-hostess. New officers of the guild were chosen at the December meeting. Great news about a great hosiery value! Sheerness and strength, beauty and long wear--all combined in Humming Bird 51, all yours for a low, low 1.65! Bqy several pairs in smart new shades to blend with your new spring clothes. ACCESSORIES AND LINGERIE DEPARTMENT Established 1895 Elected to the position as presi- dent is Mrs. Don (?allison; vice president, Mrs. Robert Keenan and treasurer, Mrs. William McKenzie. H. ENZO LOOP GUILD At the January 17 meeting of the H. Enzo Loop Junior Ortho- pedic Guild five new members were iniatited intthe group. They include Gerry arlson, Ilene Loughnan, Caren Condon, Mary Lou Petty and Pat Gilmore. Following the shor business meeting, refreshments were serv- ed. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hill of McCleary became parents of an eight pound 12 ounce baby daugh- ter born January 15 at the Clinic Hospital. A philosopher is a person who always kneWS what to de until it happens to him.