January 20, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 20, 1949 |
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I) age 8
Shelton's new $:164,419 grade
school buildi)g at Ninth and CedaP
streets is going Ul) despite such
('(I,d we, ather thal colwret<, cannot
be poured saf{:ly into forms.
F;NTIMATED AT 16 per cent
eOml}lete on l)(,t:embeP 1 work-
men h'tvl, beer] laboring persist*
ently It) )hake enough progrt:ss
dm'ing bad weatimr that the struc-
tiire may be (,p(ned to students
m the fall of 1949.
All foul]daticms in the building
have been p()ured, nnd the con-
crete wails to tile 81,eond floor
1o%'('] (in tit(" Fi()l'th secthm are m.
The Irshal}ed sch<)nl will have ap-
proximately ,I0.000 square feet <11
floor space, enough for 12 class-
rooms, a kindergarten, library,
office rot)ms, kitchen, aliditoriHrn
and special depnrtmontal seetions.
A(?COllIDIN( 'FO superinterl-
(]("ill {if eoi'lslrllPtion Frllnl( l]. Stl-
Lherlin. the late:q1 desig]ls of
l:li'chlte(.tiil'l, Ill'(: t}{'ing employed.
Tt) k(.,el'} lho yoltnl4st.m'a %.varln tt
radiant heating .<;ystem is being
Work on the school )s being
done by local fellows, with lhe
exception of three eiectri{.mns and
three phimbers Sutherlin said.
"Acl:llal ('orh<Itrtl('tion began Nov-
emb(,r 10/"
l..e, wis Constru('lion Conipgmy,
of Seattle, has the prime eontracl,
plumbing being dime by Plumbing
arid Heating Company, of Brem-
erton, and electrical wmk ires
been contracted t{i H.ockwell EI-
0(:trie {h')lrlt)atly Of }:JrenleYton.
The eomlltlon of Iiol)erl l)ah,
Blake, 19, vh(, suffered a frac-
hired skt)ll In a motorey(.le ae(,i-
de.t tluit look the+ ill'it of his
('omitanhm, Ilollis Hoosier, last
Thursday )tight llt Olympia was
reporlod Inlproving by attend-
ants at: t. Peter's Ilospital.
Both men, from Shelton, were
le¢lvlng the Trii)le X restaur-
ant (Jill ()lyml)hl's easl sld(" when
the inotoreyele (irlvesl hy Iloos-
ler strtl('k the rear (if a ntaehhte
driven by James Dewey, Route
4, Box 334, Olympia. Van it.
lllnRle, Thurston ('ounty ('ore-
ller, IIVIILS qnoted.
The Dally Olympian reported
Devcey teillng Mr. l|inkh, that
both Hoosier and Blake were
thrown oh,at of their motorcy-
cle, thai after the {'olliion lie
"stB theln behlg hurled throllgh
the air. itinkle pronoun(,ed
|lo()siPr dead at, the 'ene l)f tho
Jllake wa |itltt,n Io l'.
Peter's I]ot)i1111. and lh)oh,r's
Ix)(ly wtls I)ri)itgilt h) %Vifaler's
Ftiineral IIonle hi NhellOll Wiler{
service#4 IV('l't" held Moilda), at'-
t e, rnoon.
,nip, ,ll, qlp, ,,q!l, ,qu) ,,i), ,,i), ,lup, u), ,lp)- ,,m), lp, ,lip, v ,ip, ,ii, ',,op, •
Too Late to Classify
(.rat,.)r. Suilable for calnp ill NIIllil]
v<staurant. Call Shelton Printing a!ld
Stati{,ril:ry, Pholle .57. 1-20Ifn.
\\;V; N'i ; :l fii:;F;,;-'h'F.:(;';Ji-i;;,:;TiTF
MII}11 Ib(, btAFl)l<i\