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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 20, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 20, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 0000&apos;FUEL KIDS {OURFUEL OIL KEEP5 THIE COLD WITHOUT, ,WLL F IT, TOO, BEVOHC) A DOUBT Don't take shanoes abOUt fuel. Rlay it smart and oler your fpel oil today. You'll be lur$ of Mver getting caught with "oold foot" due to iaok of heat. STORAGE TANKS 50 to 1,000 Gallons for new burner Installations. CLIMBERS TOP RAYMOND, MEET HOQUIAM HERE FRIDAY EVENING NORTHERN DIVISION ,W L pf AlYerdeen .............. 4 0 173 Olympia ................ 3 0 173 Centralia 3 1 160 SHELT, ON ............ 2 2 129 Hbquiam ................ 1 3 154 Montesano ............ 1 3 113 Raymond .............. 0 2 60 Elma .................... 0 3 86 geor FHdy Shelton 44, Raymond 40 Aberdeen 34, Hoquiam 27 Olympia 71, Elms 22 Centralia 43, Montesano 28 Games Friday Hoquiam at She[ton Centralia at Elms Olympia at Aberdeen RaymOnd at Montesano GHlam Tuesday Shelton at Olympia Aberdeen at Elma Montesano at Hoquiam Raymond at Centralia half, also enjoying' a 14 to 11 mar- pa gin at the end of the opening 105 quarter. 104 I The Highclimbers played a nifty 154 defensive game and wouldn't have 143 had any 40 points scored against 161 .their ,smooth working zone de- ]14[fense but for the exceptionallly 100fine long-range accuracy of the 157  Seagulls. Virtually all Raymond's baskets were scored from well out and over the Shelton defense, lllGH(LIMBEIt accuracy also wa: tumsually good, but most of Shelton's baskets were scored on well earned lay-ira's. The Red and Black shooters connected with 15 of 35 shots from the floor as well a.s 14 of 20 foul shots, both being tremendous ilprovements over previous games, Raymond hit 13 of 62 field goals and 14 of 16 foul shtX.s, After Shelton had overcome Raymond's half-time lead the game settled down to a baskeL-fof SPARKED BY the sterling play of Wayne Clary, the Highclimbers attained an even standing in the n o r t h e r n division Southwest Washington basketball circuit Fri- day with a last.minute 44 to 4,0 victOry over the Seagulls at Ray- mond. EYeta though he fouled out of the contest in the third quarter, Clary was the spark which brOUght the Highelitnbars from a 25-17 half-time deficit to a 32 to 28 margin at the end of the third quarter. It wasn't so much his slating, for he made only four pglnts in that period before foul, ,.fig Out, but his play.making and floor-work was superb. BIG NORM BUCK handled the burden of that third quarter scor- ing spree as well as ringing up the game-winning basket with a min- ute of play left and the score tied at 40-40. Buck had gone score- THING IN TOWN" Ask Your Grocer For less in the first half, but wound up with ten tallies, sit on field goals. The Climbers scored 14 straight poirrts in the third period to take t 31 to 27 lead while wiping out the Seagulls' half-tame'advantage. The Gulls led all through the first "00l'he Fm00est Thing In Town" basket duel with Raymond catch- ing up at 38-a11. There Gene Wells, testing his sprained ankle for the first time, converted two, foul shots only to have Fredricks tie it again at 40-40 wit}: a long shot. Then Buck laid in a close up for the winning basket, after which Doug Cole and Toby Vas- binder converted free throws for tbe final Highclimber four-point lnargin. THE VICTORY gave Shelton a balanced account in the division standings with two wins and two losses and possesmon of fourth place, one rung ahead of the Ho- quiam Grizzlies who come to Shclton gym this Friday night for the Hfghclimbers' next league op- ,osition. The Grizzlies have lost three of their four games so far, the three defeats being at the hands of their fellow members of the "Big Four.' their victory over HlChcllmbcr rooters will be pull- tag fcr a re[peat performance of l;at httory-making victory SheI- t<m scored over Hoquiam when the GrizZlies visited Shclton in 1947, r'} '  first trlu,lph the Red and Black ever scored ()vex' a Big Four rival. The lineups: SllELTON (44) RAYMOND (40) ;b]ey 2 f Poole 14 V,sbihder 3 f Bridges 2 Buck 10 c Maloney 4 Clary 14 g Fredricks 11 Cole 5 g Buchanan 7 Subs : Shclton Skagen 6, Wells, 4, Heuer, Getty, Gohrick. Raymond .... Aiken 2, Madscn, Guernsey, Ping. Aberdeen Cracks Hoquiam Jinx To Remain Unbeaten Most significant of last, Friday's northern division Southwest Wash- ',.ton bred baskctbail contests: was Aberdeen's 34 to 27 victory over Hoquiam on the Hoquiam court. Lanky Tony Vlastelica,. Bobcat center, was key performer in the Aberdeen victory which broke a five-year jinx the Grizzlies have held over their harbor neighbors. Vlastellca batted in 18 points and held his substantial lead in the di- vision scoring race. The other divison games re- in lopsided victories for Cen- tralia over Montesano. 43 to 28, and Olympia over Elma. 71 to 22, Bob Devones with 16 tallies led the Tiger victory. Dean Rockey with 20 headed the Bear barrage. The lineups: Hoquiam (27) Aberdeen (34) Elway 6 f Jones 5 Sankus 4 f Perkins Earley 1 c Vlastelict 18 Hillstead 4 g Druet 3 Johnson 4 g Brudvik 5 Subs: Hoqulam-- Hazeiquist 8, Hartough, Aberdeen --- Randich 2, Hale, Palmer 1. Tamczuk. Contrails (43) Montelulno (28) Johnston 2 f Vukich 5 Nugent 6 f Drugge 4 McIntosh 6 c Augustine 4 Devones 16 g Hood 2 Urquhart 8 g Hampton 8 Subs: ContraUa --- Messenger 1, Bronzini 1, Keiffer 3. Montosano ..... Trautman 4, McCallum 2, Lamb 3. Olympia (71) Elms (22) Rockey 20 f Watchkins 6 Jorgenson 3 f Monjay 1 McClary 8 c Williams 5 Paterson 15 g Murphy 3 Partlow 8 g Thayer 0 Subs: Olympia--Westover 4, El- lis, Allard 3, Morton 12, Boyd, El- ms--Hamilton 1. Clark 2, Prante 4, Machalak. Canvasbacks and i Mallards Gaining [Aberdeen World)--Mallard and canvasback duck seem "to be o the increase. Canadian geese hold- ing thei own and butterball on the 1 decrease, DiStrict Supervisor Clyde[ Norton of Aberdeen reported to I the Aberdeen World last week. ] Norton. supervisor for the game] department in dtstrict 10, made his estimate after a six hour flight l over the strait and sound area with I William Terry of the U.S. flsh and wildlife service. The officials! were taking a waterfowl census and flew in a plane from the Edtz hook coast guard base from Port Angeles, The flight took the men from here over the Dungeness flats. Se- quire bay, Dlsoovery bay, over the 5an Juan islands, NisqualIy fiats, other Puget sound areas and Hood canal. Large numbers of C a n a d i a n geese were seen near Quilcene but white geese were scarce, Norton said. Geese flocks are soattered more than usual and all waterfowl are feeding" far from shore because of frozen conditions of flats, Nor- ton said. He said the count of brant may show an increase over last year. The census of widgeon, now plentiful in fields, is made in this area from the ground by State Game Proteutor Boyd King. One of the reasons why English is fast becoming the universal language of today is the fact that it's easier to say "gamma" in English than in any other lan- guage. SIIELTON-MAS0N COUNTY JOURNAL Dale Leads B Team BILL TAYLOR TOP ATTRACTION ,,rid l).. 00it,00s. A1,- State guard from Idaho. Rally For Victory FOR SUNDAY'S HOOP EXHIBITION T00,e 00on,l,OSed chiefly of former (.)lympia iligh Monarch & school players, best known :unong Over "-'-- -'naymonu Shelton basketball fans will be them being Herb Pashkowski. Art B TEAM STANDINGS treated to a fancy casaba menn Swanson. Bill Day Red L yn e. next Sunday afternoon when two Chuck Lozeau. and Stan Borden. W L f pa Hoquiam ...... 4 0 lo, 129 of Washlngton's top independent THE CAMS have t)(,en scoring SHELTON .. 3 1 .41 124 teams tangle in the new Shelton an average of 70 points or better Aberdeen .... 3 1 172 114 gym at two o'clock in an exhibit- against most of their rivals this Olympia ..... 2 I 91 78 Ion game sponsored by the high y(,ar an(i Imv,. aJr,'.dy l¢noclced Montesano . l 3 112 126 school athletic association for over All;i:e Dairy prt,..nt h,,l(h',t Per Centralia ... ...... 1 3 i00 132 funds to complete the new rifle of the Northwest League. Pacific $.i Raymond 0 2 48 94 range beneath the gym. Trail holds third t)lace ill that cir- Stoker e Elms ........ 0 3 84 112 While it will be an exhibition ('ui at present • • • • . Scores Friday game, the Olympia Cammaranos The Cam-Pacific Trail Kamc . €,1 Shelton 36, Raymond 27 will be endeavoring to w/den their marts two f.llow00,,g " - vum" $1( b Hoquiam 40. Aberdeen 36 already enviable reputation as 4helt(m city league Vame between Centralia 29. Monte 26 SouthWest Washington's sfi'ongest Belfair and Pant,)riun w h i e h .... Olympia 32, Elma 29 AAU club so will be giving with v:' :;tarts at one o'clock. ] _{ ..... everything they have to hang up - ................. oange .... ,,, SETTINGthe pattern for their a victory over Pacific Trail Sports- 11 ,000 Pheasants 1948 n varsity big brothers to follow, wear, one of the top entries in the Production To',::d llere CAPITAL the Little Climbers made a big powerful Northwest Basketball third quarter overcome Raymond's League, The 1)ht'a:ant pro(h(thn of the half-time lead and a bigger final I, ,., ,,0,,.0 ,, riD/FUEL quarter good for an ultimate 36 composed Of three former gnawer- merit rtmched 117.000 birds in 19,t8. aeeordillg to n l'c('cnt estinml e bv to 27 victory in the B team pre- slty of Washington stars, Sheltons . ...:'::.:. L::.-::.:..,: • Harold Witham in clmge of tle 504 N. Garrison St. liminary at Raymond Friday. I own Bill Taylor, Lea Eathorne and ..... '":">':"  Departments's bi"d farm system. The Baby Gulls held 7 to 3 and BOb Bird, and three other former 13 to 8 margins at the end of the college aces, plus three outstand- Large plants during 19,18 hcl)cd , Olympia relieve a shortage caused by heavy first two quarters, but with Fritz fag former hlR'h school players. BILL TAYLOR Priszner, Lea Hawk and Ted Dale Coming Home To Play q)ri, '",ollect)i ram,; and freed t:amage, Phone 5515 providing the punch the Ltttle I This will be the first chance l)r,)viding consi(hr,bh, m(,r,, hunt- Climbers started clicking in the since Bill Taylor showed the ear- ctflc Coast championship club at ihg than mherwi::¢, ('(ad(l have marks of basketball greatness as WaJlngton. been antwipated. third quarter and closed it with a slim wisp of fl high school ath- a21 to 19 advantage, late with the Highcltmbers ten EATHORNE and Bird wre .................. Date- wound up with eleven points to lead the Little Climbers years ago for many S helton teammates of Taylor's on that scoring, although he was topped sports fans to see Bill in action team. by Ben KIzer of the Baby Gulls. l on, the maple Court. The other college grads on thc IN- STOCK N who bagged 14. Since his graduation from high Pacific Trail club include Frank it was Shelton's third straight school here he has played four Wright, All-Big-Nine center from i .victory after losing their opening veers of brilliant varsity basket- Northwestern in 1945- 46: Jim V=,:± confeeence game, The lineups: ball at the U. of W. (thanks te Gregg, University of Oklahoma: war-tlme eliglbillty rules)as well andWallyMcGovern. Gonzagaand : ::::9:STD::: = SHELTON (S) RAYMOND (} as three years of top-notch service Santa Clara. Priszner 6 f Kizer 14 team basketball while serving in The prep stars with the Trail Richert f Carlen the Navy during the war. He was o u t fi t include Art McCarthy, B Hawk 6 c O'Leary2 the play-maker of last y ear's P a-B re metros; Carl Martin so n. B'd- 1 Davidson 6 g Betrozoff 4  FOLDERS and GUID Dale 11 g Lomsdalen 2  for TRANSFER Ft Subs: BheltonWare 7. Ray- mond--Sigurdson 1, Harling 4.  @ LEDGER SHEETS .... DON S SPORT AND CYCLE SHOP PREP BASKETBALL SCORES Shelton44, Raymond 40 "" "$ Current & Transfer BJ Aberdeen 34, Hoquiam 27 OBicycle Repairs OLawnmowers Sharpened T. $1Z[ YOU N|ED. For the New Year Olympia 71. Elma 22 " WE HAVE Ilr JN STO(g. ' Centralia 43, Montesano 28 Battle Ground 44, Chehalis 38 OSporting Equipment OKeys Made Longview 40. Vancouver 38 Port Townsend 47, Poulsbo42  C00000NTY STAT000N00RS Bremerton 42. Seattle Prep 32 HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES ,, ......  Silverdale 21, Sequim 20 Junior Highs Stationery, Office Supplies and Equipment Shelton'47. Chehalis 25 223 Cots Street Phone 243 Olympia 27, Aberdeen 17 118 N, 2nd Strect Across from Postoffice Phone Hoquiam 18, Centralia 12  ........ .., ...I , --I .= ,, , m Your Directory  Of Veterans I "xne vmerans t;orner Do::gBushless ' In Mason County N(I --- . .................. ,..,, . i i ............ .! ....................... t _ - ......... ' VET'S DOIN'S ................ . ........... ' ............ . SEE US FOR , Complete Automot,ve Repair ..=.-r...g" "VINR Complete Men s Apparel By Kurt Mann EATON BODY ,v,,,,.,,.--,-, ...... And Shoes A ve'er o ............ o rr xr][O.r m. ...... .  an • worm war , wn lvlx. v:vv ETn 3zr.a UL]EMIIU MIlI,LER'R served at any time from Oet:l- BIITrld% :?-D&lf x' 'SU.JLUX vvaw/ lltrTllt.TTrl][T]l]l .=r-.." ''.r.-.= ber 6, 1917 to July 2, 1921, still x...,u=J a* z-z Automo/ve Glas ] ;JJ[U lS eltg ble to apply to tht Vetcr- (Opposite Skatinj Rink) and Painting s Wait Elllott, Owner Vern Miller, Owner ans Administration for up to Mt. View Phone o38 Vern and Jack EatCg mm $10,000 worth of United State3 Govermnent Insurance, The in- AUTO TRUGK FIRE surance may be applied foz Farmers Insurance Simpson Employees whether or not the veteran to.k REALLK ..... , ...... out such insurance while m the Group Federal Credit Union service or has since let it lapse. MEANS QUALITY Chevron PHONE 654 SAVINGS & LOANS World War I insurance (USG- LI) is available under the term Bill Pearson, District Agent For Simpson Employees (temporary) plan or any one or K.L. Mann Phone 279-W HIIIcrest - Phone Bill Pearson, Treas.-Mgr. combination of six permanent types. These are: Ordinary Life. - ................................... FLY WITH . . . SHELTON'8 FRIENDLY 20-PaymentLife. 30-Payment Life, FOR FINE CAKES SHELTON AIR STATION 20-Year Endowment, 30-Y e a r AND PASTRY "HILLTOP Endowment and" Endowment at SERVICE, INC, BILL MILLER'S age 62. SHAFER'S BAKERY Auto Repair - She[i Len Tiffany, Pre01dent SERVICE No veteran may hold at any time more than $10,000 worth of Walt Sherr, Owner Ed Johnson - Phone Richfield Product government insu'ance, including Bill Miller, Owner the National Service Life Insur- ance (NSLII available to World " " " War II veterans. "Our Aim Is to Serw You" NEAL'S TO reinstate or apply for new SERVICEMEN'S STOP-INN CAFE u.s. Government Life Insurance. SHOE World War I veterans must fur- MERCANTILE i 320 South 1st St. t wish a complete report of physi- 407 South 1st Neal Robi0son, OW Jack Wallace, Owner cal examination, These may be John Hunter, Manager obtained without charge at any VA regional office or VA hospital, --  " or by a licensed doctor at the vet- EXPERT WATCH REi AROWN. BAKERY Dewey Denials eran's expense, DWIGHT MORRIS Additional information or appli- RAY'S JEWEL (Our own) PACIFIC RADIO cations for USGLI "may be ob- MEN'S WEAR tained at the nearest VA office, or Liberal Trade-Ins Loving Ilrethora CLINIC from your Legion or V.F.W. Serv- 23 Railroad Ave. Phone 494 Ira, Duane, William Mt. View - Phone 842 ice Officer. Ray Vrahnos, Own! ' THE .................................................................... WATKINS DEALER DEN'S SPORT   NASH rate, HERS RAY'S SERVICE :In South Mason County & CYCLE SHOP  PHOTOGRAPHY , ! Wiltr Nalh RIOHFIELD PRODUCTS MaPritt I111 US]D CARS Francis W. Lough (Formerly Sleyter's) George Valley Bill Jaokson . Ray Buohmann . Box 782  Allyn Don Woods, Owner Phone 309-J Groceries - Meats Western P,rts I Sheltn IlmdlT BOARS - RENTALS - REPAIR FIR DRUG STORE UNION MARKET And Cleaners SMITH'S MARINE Machine Minoru Okano, Manager Jim and Pat mith Russ Hunter, Manager UNIoNR°Y Watson, Owner242 218 No. First - Phone! UNION PHONE 242 For Home deliveries Call 26 t, =a. L.L. McInelly , Cottages - Lunch Power /2we BOB ERVIN BOB KOLAR Groceries  - Distributor of Kitsap Logging Company LILLIWAUP M Construction Co. MOTORS Dairy Products Box 352 Phone 111-W Jack Chisum, Mgr. 100% Ex-I)ervioemen Milk - Cream - Butter Jack and Jim GORDON'S MEATS WOOD" MOVING OLYMPIC BREAD WEE PAUSE CAFE VISELL HOODSPORV HEAVY HAULING Ed Burelie, ALLYN REA HOWRY BELFAIR Gordon Bayes, Owner 303 Ssnderson Drive Driver-Salesman Dick Valley, Prop. (Homdng Project) Phone 615-J-2 Bill Landram, 24-HOUR SERVICE IF IT'8 LUMBER UPHOLSTERING FOR FUEL OIL BELFAIR Frank's Auto Repair cAu. OUR NUMBER PHONE 326 Gordon Squire, and Welding Shop ss LITERAL TRIM SHOP Union Oil Products 000 Ft. No. Allyn LAWTON LUMBER Audra Literal Road Junctio Frank Kowalozyk, Owner 420 South First Phone 145 Glenn Roessel • FOR FINE FOOD@ CHEVRON PROVUCTS HOODSPORT CLIFF WIVELL'S CALL 697 FOR THE GROVE RESORT DUANE'S SERVICE LUMBER CO. Dick's City Del i HOodsport Potlat'oh TEXACO SERVICE _ Fred Wllllamo, Proprietor Duane Mead - Harry Pozorski Emil L. Lauber 100% Veterans Diok Gardner, O1 q General Automotive Repair "SPortsmen's Head¢l uarters" PHONE 11 F 6 R Aootyleno Weldlng Dusty Rhodes Resort Mt. View Dirt. Gravel- FI CITY CAB Harry's Auto Repair Starlight Room Available for WHITE SPOT Bob Allen Private Parties and Banquets Mal Robertll0n 2032 Hay It. (HIIIorest) Jim Bleecker Phone 354  ] Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Rhodes , , ,, I , ,, , !