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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 20, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 20, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t i i i T Morgan & Eacrett Lumber Co. 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY "Phone b.%6 tar PITTSBURGH PAINTS OO HAULING BUILDING SUPPLIES ill I I I - I Little Skookum Unit Elects Ofifcers for Term New  (Iffict,rs for the (:on]in K tornl wt,re eh,(:ted by the Little Skoflcun] Ia.V ()rthope(ih. Auxil- bu'y when they nleL at the home of X'II's. It|Ftitl L(HItIH. ,I/]IHl]r)/ 13 ,Mr:;. VV. b] AIIeu was cleF:ix,(] l)rcmd('id, re])ia(']rlE Mrs, Arehi(, A(lnlb; tllld Mrs, Hud:-:r)n t)ec;Hne ib" II\\;V s(,('t'ett[y-IA'ot4tlll'er, [li¢- m the place of Mrs. It. 'V BiSllop. Mr,. Allen alld M.r ltu(lsou \\;:trill F(q)Ft?OHI the TOU I) llt the .Mn;orl (:o]lt/t y ()i"l.hoi)edh: Associ- ali(m me¢,ting to be held in Sh('l- l(,tl ,]llluary 26. 'rlw next meeting will be held February 10 at the honm of ]V[rs. F. \\;V. l:idmp, UPHOLSTER Your DAVENPORT, CtIAIR SET NOW FAC00RY PRICES- $125.00 UP CALL COLLECT FOR APPOINTMENTS We Will Bring Samples to Your Home To Choose Patterns No Obligations FREE ESTIMATES and DELIVERY DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF FINE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE OLYMPIC FURNITURE STUDIO 545 4th Street, Bremerton- Phone 4971 i i i i i ill ii i NOW COMES THE LEADER WIT SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i I i i iI i ii i I , , |, , .... Mrs, Crampton I"o Discuss These Legislative Measures At Bordeaux PTA When rashington State Con- /4ress of Parent and Teac,hes president, Mrs. George M. Cramp- ton speaks at the important P.-T.A. meeting ,lanuray 20 at the }3or(leaux school, her subl)ect will I)e ella 0|" p:lt'arln)unt ]nl[3o|'tlnec l{) school gI'OUi)S. In l¢eel)ing wiLl] the program of kee))inK the public informed on it.eros of inlportanee m eonnet:{iou with our schools thc P.-T.A. is furnishing this list of legisla- LAve matters that Mrs. Ct';mpton will discuss and explain at the meeting. These measures will be prt,- sooted to the 19,19 LegiSlature. Al)lmintnlent of State Super- lniendent of Public Instruction I)y the Stale Board of Educa- i ion. To effect this e, hange requires n colstilutional flnlen(tinellL. Such an amen(hn(,nt was proposed to Lhe 1947 Legislature under the sponsor,hlp of the school forces of the State but was not approved For submission to the electorate. Reorganization of the Office of (hlulliy Scilooi Superinteud, ent. A proposal t,o reconstitute the county superintendent's office a- hmg the following lines is being I I HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms , Reasonakle Rates . NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association l"Itle Insuranoe BIdo, . ,'wL I I I H A 7-YEAR ADVAN considered: tl) establish a county lay board of education elected by school directors in each county; (2) authorize the eo]mty board of t education to appoint the county superintendent; (3) permit two or l more counties to t'ot'n a joint I caunLy snperintendency; (41 fi- nance the county superintendent's or' the joint county superintend- ear's office from the State school equalization fund automobile ex- cise tax ). This proposal is being con- sidered by county superintendents and other school forces with a view to increasing the services of the county superintendent's of- lice to meet the needs of the new school district organization pat- tern in this State. A bill with similar objectives was introduced into the 1947 Legislature but was not enacted into law. Removal of Legal Restrictions span the Institutions of lllgher Learning Pertaining to Train- ing Elementary and Secondary School Teachers. A proposal to provide for train- lng elementary and secondary teachers at all State institutions. Revision o f Constitntlonal Provisions Concerning the Local School District Tax, Constitutional amendment seek- ing to effect the following changes in the local school district tax have been generally agreed upon: (1) Permit the people hy majority vote to increase the millage limita- tion imposed upon the school hoard by the State: such increase in millage limitation may be au- thorized for a specified period not to exceed five years at a single election. (2  Require school dis- trict taxes to be levied upon as- sessments equalized on a statewifle basis, (3) Require the State to provide at least three fourths of the regular current operation rev- enues of school districts. (4) Allocate the 10-mill tax now al- located to the school districts in the Constitution. Safelarding the Investme.t of the Permsmeent School Fund. The State Finance Committee should be required to publish a list of investments of the perma- nent school fund and to advertise C,E IN ONE! / ,' come/00f00'm is tke on/y car bringing you all &ese f/he-car advantages at lowest €osff YOU'LL PREFER ITS *'LUXURY LOOK"! ChevroleYa new Leader-Line Styling is lower widor racier . . . with new uyna-Csol radiator grUie. Sin01e- Sweep front ami rear fender treatment, and fleet-let-a- rocket linea atl around . . . by fa¢ the most beautiful development De the now "functional form" for nlotor cars. MORI[' BE,tUIFUL FROM EVERY AROLE! The new Beauty-Leader Bodies by Fisher (with pueh- button door openers outside) are true meatorpieoso by me master builder of fine coachcraft . . . w th superb lines, extra-fine upholstery and a wide variety of al uring colors.., much more beautiful from every angle|nside and outsldefront, side and rear. MORE ROOM AT EVERY POINTI featuring lllltrwlde "Five- Foot Seats," live you plenty of head, leg and elbowroom as , x,, ." as extr.dinary .sting /; apace far six ufl-grown pesaan- i Z.--v -c,,? gre; and yo!ll alao notice that 0tant rea¢ de¢la= have what amounts to "trunk room" maJty. SEE hill ENJOY ALLI New Panoramlo Vldbiltty, with wider curved wlfldehield, thin- ner wlndehield Mllare, and 30 more window eree all-round, perlnlts you to see all and enjoy all, and to travel in maximum ifety. ON DISPLAY SATURDAY We cordially invite you to see the new Chev- rolet for '49--the first completely new car the leader has built in more than seven years-- and the most beautiful buy of hll/ You'll find it's the most beautiful buy l%r styling, for driving and riding ease, for per- formanee and safety, and for sturdy endur- ance born of quality construction throughout • . . beeanse it alone brings you all these advantages of highest-priced ears at the lowest prices and with the low cost of operatloa and upkeep for which Chevrolet products have always been famous. Yes, here's the newest of all new cars--pre- tested and prcproved on the feat General Motors Proving Ground--and predestined to win even wider preference for Chevrolet as the most beautiful buy of all, from every point of view and on every point of value, Come, in,and see ill " - AMERICA'$ CHOICE FOR 18 YEARS L___J NELL Phone 777 or 778 it ' THESE ARE URS ?HAT IliRU?HE'I yea, you'll enjoy the additional pleasure of rldln in s "car that breithes," for a eampleteJy efiootive het ng* and ventilattffg =yltem euoplies warm air te every noek and 9orner of the intorior-.exllea Idaie eli'--and keel glaU dear In aH weather. (Heetor and dMrollr units optional at ra coat.) THE NEW RIOE'S A REVELATION| A yearly impi'oved Unittzed Knee-Action Ride, combined with new direct-tctlng airplane type shock aboprbora, front and rear, and extra low preseure Urea, 01Yea the €ability, noothne end rod-eafety YOu have always wanted. THERE ONLY ONE WORLD'S OHAMPIOll ENGINE d Thr-MItor engine )n  tvlet too(lille,.. tooetlaor with sit of Chevn)let'a m= ng of operation and.upkeep . . .  thle is IfNI tlml" t champion engine for relies Nrved,  ilitllllldlt, snd yeanl tooted inn proved, JUST COUNT THE OOMFORTll Push-Button rtor for elm- plmd:, euioet Itlrtlno; Halld-E- Gear=hilt with 8ydohro.Meslt Trarmlion foe rnexln ehitng eltae; altd Rrm Fout.a- tlon Box-EIIrder 1intone for ¢ioe- itabtllty and n.d-stssdlnelB uneurphed In me Chevrolet loo ranOe. STOP MORE SWIFTLY AND 8PJirlktl The new Certl-Safe Hydrimlie Brilell OWe even f,e¢ emmtlve oraKing amion for you ema your family, Y0U'II. SAVR URn t= MONEY, TOOl Tlda new Chevrolet is doaod, engin add built to itoeed your pt!ae and ilpam your poDia_k, foe it flnOs you a. moso and many otrr In'4itnnt I nlenta at the    lltth eoonomy ef openltlon and UpKeep, NEW OEHTEE..m .lilt A rentarkable  .enoineoring diuo  caOlet !n its r, she .n_ of cat-n! 8forlng--Cnt-Iadnt 8eatttlng,.L0 Center ., ava.y -,nd . Pol,nt.L.,  lv n.0w r!olng aria onvng=relLltll W oem or para.ei m Iow-oo, momnng. TMt mum s m Idnd of riding ellm] ana a net.  ef driving mtofore reserves for ownore or rdore imlenelve illmomr,,.only now  m li iu all theee finer nlolopng ri. ultl; and only the mvrolet hrlngs you Genlor-t-omt Delon it lowed oii Yt First and Grove Streets @ MRS. GEO. M. CRAMPTON, president of the Washington State Congress of Parents and Teachers, will discuss school legislation during a public meet- ing at 8 o'clock tonight at the Bordeaux school. for bids for the purchase of se- curitlees. This proposal was pre- sented to the 1947 Legislature but was not enacted into law. Strengthening the Contlnning Contract Law for the Emlfloy- ment of Teachers. This measure was presented to the 1947 Legislature but was not enacted into law. It would amend the present continuing contract law specifying causes for dis- missal, providing for formal hear- ing and appeal to the State Board of Education. Compulsory School Attend- ante np to the Age of Eighteen Years or Gralttatlon fronl Iligll School This measure would contain a provision pecmkting local school authorities to excuse students pri- or to graduation from high school, with no requirement for attend- ance in a part-time school. Authorization for the Issu- ance of Temporary Permits for EXchange Teachers from For- eign Conntries. This proposal was presented to the 1947 Legislature but was not enacted into law, The measure would permit the citizenship re- quirements for teaching in the public schools of Washington to be waived for one year for ap- proved exchange teachers from foreign countries. ]Equal Division (if Forest Funds. Funds now received by counties from the Federal government from the earnings of grazing o] forest lands are required to be allOcated for schools and roads. At present, the proportior al- located to each is determined hy the county commissioners. This law would require that the money be divided equally between roads and schools. Purchase of Transportation Equipment. A bill was presented to the 1947 Legislature providing for payment by the State of its share of the cost of new transportation equip- ment at purchase date. This pro- posal is being considered for pre- sentation to the 1949 Legislature. get]Foment for Non-Certifi- cated School District Em- ployees This proposal would include all public school employees in one retirement system by including non-certificated employees in the established teachers' retirement system. State School Support Appro- priations Requested for the 1940-51 Biennium. The following school support ap- propriations have been submitted for the 1949-51 biennium: Basic State School Support .................. $132,764,700 County School Equal- lzation Payments .. 7,500,000 State Assistance to School Districts for School Plant Fac- ilities .......................... 40,000,000 Nursery School ReSupport 500,000 creation Su'prt":] 500,000 Education for Handi- capped Children .... 800,000 Total $182,064,700 • he basic school support appro- priation request for $132,764,700 includes the following amounts: Appropriations for 1947-49 biennium $ 95,555,962 Additional amount to provide for enroll- ment Increases ...... 17,247,663 (To bring regulsr ap- portionments for the current year up to $1400 per education- al unit, to provide for estimated 6 per cent aP.ual increase in school attendance, and to aintaitt reasonable p0pil-teacher ratios) Additional amount re- quired to increase an- ttUal allotment from 30¢ to 35¢ per day's at- Adtiitit)nal amount re- quired to increase an- nual allotment from $1,6150 to $2,150 per tendanee ................ 6,379,275 educational unit .... 13,581.800 Total $32,764,700 NAVY MOTHERS MEET A docial nlght meeting will be hld ThutlO.y, January 20, at the home of Mrs. Bess Simmons by the Navy Mothers Club. • - -  mH r nu .......... I i Thursday/, January 20, We Offer Our Sincere BEST WISHES TO BEN" BANNER, JOHN BURNETI AND TItE SHELL OIL COMPANY For the Quick and Lasting Success of tl NEW SHELL SERVICE STATI0 AT FIRST AND COTA We are happy to have had a part in its construction by laying the as- phalt surfacing. • ASPHALT PAVING AND ENGINEERING .CO. CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS For Asphalt Paving - Concrete Paving - Road Oiling P.O. Box 106, South Tacoma 9, Wash. I II I We Welcome Our New Contemporaries T0 Ben Banner And John Burnett We Extend the Hand of Friendship anl OUR BEST WISHES FOR IMMEDIATE SUCCESS In Their Fine New j SHELL SERVICE STATIOH, at First and Cota Streets ANDERSON MOTOR COMPANY Union 011 Products -- 1St & Cots RAY'S RICHFIELD SERVICE Richfield Oil Products -- Mt. View GRUNERT'S CHEVRON SERVICE Standard Oil Products -- 1st & Cota MELL CHEVROLET COMPANY Associated Oil Prod.,gcts -- 1st & Grove PAULEY'S ASSOCIATED SERVICE Associated Oil Products -- let & Cots RAUSCHER'S RICHFIELD SERVlCI Richfield Oil Produots -- Hillorest DICK'S SHELL SERVICE Shell Oil Products -- 1st & Kneeland FRANK'S MOBIL SERVICE General Petroleum Products -- 1st & Kneeland HIGH SCHOOL SERVICE Standard Oil Products -- 7th & Aider VANDERWAL'S MOBIL SERVICE General Petroleum Products -- 1st & Grove - CLIFF WIVELL'S TEXACO SERVI Texaco Products -- 1st & Franklin LES YOUNG'S CHEVRON SERVICI Standard Oil Produots -- HIIIcrett BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Oil PrOduOts -- 1at & RAilroad (These Shelton service stations are morn! of the Washington Gas Dealers Assoeiat i i i i CONGRATULATIONS,,, GOOD LUCK To The New Shell Service Station and Its Young Proprietors JOHN BURNETT and BEN BANNER from the contractor who supervised its construction CHARLES WEIRAUCH 528 Cots Street, Sheiton  Phone 254' I II II i