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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 20, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 20, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i i I JR jllll i ii i ] .ED ADRSINO I RATES I 5 words or less (minimum | charge) 75c single Insertlon,. $L25 | two iJertlons, $1.50 three laser- | tlons.' Additional iertions 0c | e,..arger .ads at rate of 1c I retrench' 6 woras shove , | .l.adsr notices 15c per floe. 75c l minimum charn on each notice, [ trd. of Thanks,. $1:00; oril0nal IN PRORATE I poetry eJe per men: etaesifled dis- lktY, rates on request. . . In the Matter of tlze Kstate of Earl j .%avarunements accepts over B. Mal ls, Deceased. | the telephone from phone sub- NOTIC/ IS HEREJJY GIVEN that I acrlbers; uash snould accompa.y the undersigned, Alice Stotsbery, has I all other orders or payment rnaae been appointed and has qualified as I wt?J!ln five (1) days of the flt Admlnlatratrix of the estate of Earl [ kMePtion to save expense of bill- [ ,ng; 'An extra charge of 10e will | be made when billing la necem- • ' PHONE 100 NO. 2@154 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO .... FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WHING)N IN AND FOR" THE COUNTYOF MASON. IN PROBATE I the Matter "of the Estate of Cornelia Ann Piper, Deceased, NOTIC] IS I-IEREBY GIVEN, that oIfr cetamenlalry on the estate " o to nel Ann k'per were granted to the unaerslgna on the 15th day of Jnxtuary,, 1949, by said Superior Conrt, NOTICE IS FURTHER (IVEN, that all persons having cla/ms against said estate are required to serve them, Wttl the necessary vouchers, upon the n¢erstgd at the Law OHlce of Al- del"C. ayley, Title Insurance Bulld- lpg Sbelt0a. Washington that being the place designated for the transac- tion of the business of the estate, Wit]. ,lx.npnths after the date df therlrst pUblieamn of this notice, to- Wit, .thhn six months after the 20th day of January, 1949, and file the Aerie with the Clerk of this Oourt, to- gether with proof of suel service, or they 'dll 'be oreVer barred, 19Dated. this 20th day of January, OxHN H PIPER, eCulor (f the ]statc ef )rnella Ann Piper, Deceased ALDEN C: BAYLEY. Attorney for Executor, '/'itle Iu.rance Building, ShaRon, washlngtun. 1-20-.27--2-3-10--4t. NO. 200S NOTICE OF HEAIqiNG ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR • DISTRIBUTION INTHE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE BAE OF WASHrNGTON FOR ' MAIDN IOUNTY IN PROBATE of the Estate of that r of the estate Deceued, ha the above en- Report aId Petl- asking the court tile same, dlstri- there- the said FURTHER GIVEN that ort and Petition for be heard on Satur- day of February, 19, ' leo'clock in the fore- ntmn at the Court Room, In the Court House, in Sheiton. Washington, 1 Datsd'4$, - .. this 15th day of January, RRY DEYETTE. Caunty Clerk CIAS. R. LEWIS, EX0r of said estate, BII Building 119 South Fourth St. Shelton. Muon County, Washington, • , 1-20.7$--1--4t. ., Feanehlse' APplication NOT|CE OF IEARG ON APPLI- .... CAI'IOI FOR FRANCHISE I:N... MATTER OF the applica- tion Qfte {Uaitefl States of America for.a Ianchi :tb construct, operate a mtatatla one, or a eteett¢ power transmission lines across, over and upon certain county roads or pot tlns .thereof in Mason County. Wash- ington. WHERKAS, the United States of merlcg 'as, under te pr0vlslot of Chapter "I'ffL Lawn (f I0[17, fi!ed, with the Boarl of Coty CommAumners of Mason County, Washington. an ap- pi'tlon for .a franchise to construct, maintain and operate one or more electric power transmission lines, to- gether tth lhe necessary towers pvles, ann other fixtures appurtenan/ tlereo;' across, over ann upon the hereinafter described county roads or dPrtions thereof In Mason County, Wah|ltgt0n. for a period of fifty years. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held .on said ap_pllcat, ion by the oara ot County t;ommlssloners of tson County. in the M$.on County ourt H0te at Shelton, Washintoa, on the 7th daY of February, 1949, at 10 80 o'clock A.M, The cr! ed roads or the ones referred of the transmission PUBLICMIONS NOTICE T() CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMI4 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ' IN PRORATE In the Matter of tle state of Earl B. Mal lS, Deceased. NOTIC/ IS HEREJY GIVEN that the undersigned, Alice Stetsbery, has been appointed and has qualified as Admlnistratrix of the estate of Earl B. Malpass, Deceased and that all persons having c!aims against the, said estate or the sald Deceased are nereoy required to serve the same, duly veri- fied with the necessary vouchers at- tached upon the undersigned Admin- iatratr|x, or her Attorney of Record at the law office of Cha& R. Lewis, Bel Building, 119 South Fourth Street, She lton, .Washington, lhe same being demgated for the transuetion of the bustness of the said estate, and file maid claims together with proof of service with the clerk oI the above entitled court wlthi 6 months after 82701. of a Couut Treasurer Mason Colmty. ....... -P7--t, be the date of the first publicatlon of this notice, to-wit: January 18, 1949, or all claims not eo served and tiled shal! be forever barred. ALICE STOTSBERY, Admlnlstratrlx of the estate of Earl B. Malpass. Deceased. CHAS, R, LEWIS, Attorney for said estate Bell Building, 119 So, 4th Street Shelton. Mason County, Washington. 1-18-20-27------4t, CALl, FOR BIDS ON NEW VEHICLES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County. al their office In the court house at Sheiton, Washington, on Monday, February 1 19,t9, at two o'clock, P.M,, for the furnishing of the following described vehicles: 4 (Four) new conventional dump trucks wlth 81/ to 4 yard dump bed; cab shleld; cab controlled tailgate; 8) x 20 twelve ply tires; clearance lights and safety devices to meet State nspeetlon. Trade-ins on above new dump trucks are: one 1935 Ford 1 yara dump truck; one 1989 Ford 1. yard dump truck; one 1988 Chevroe ]. yard dump truck, 2 (two) new one-half ton pickups equipped to pass State Inspection, Trade-ins on new pickups ere: one 19 Ford one-half ton pickup; one 1984 Plymouth coupe, 2 (two) passenger cars as follows: one new 5 passenger four door sedan with heater and defroster; trade-in one 1949 Chevrolet sedan. One new standard retype equipped with heater and defroste; trae-ln one 1942 Chev- rolet four-door sedan. The Board reserve the right to re- ject any or all bid. Datedthis 17th day of January, 1949. BOARD OF COUNTY COM,IS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON. By SUSIE E. PAULEY, Clerk of Board. 1-20-27--2-3--3t NO. 2015 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIB U TION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE O WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Harry C, Ashfteld_ Deeeued. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 4hat Chas. R. Lewis, Administrator, of the estate of Harry C, Ashfield, Deceased ha filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court his Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the court to settle and approve the same, distribute the pr0perty to. the persons thereto satired•and to scnarge the said Admimstrator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that aid Final Revert and Petition for Distribution will be heard on Satur- day, the 19th day of February, 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock tn the fore- noon at the Court Room, l.n the Court House, in Shelton,Whlngtoa.  Daated .this 15th . day of, January, , HARRY DEYETTE, County Clerk. CHAS. R. LEWIS Admlnlstrator of said Estate, Bell Bulidlng. 119 South Fourth St. Shelton Mason County, Washington. ' ca 1-20-/--2-8-1-4t. Claa, tiled Service • i i I QUICK - EXPERT SERVICE For Home and Car RADIOS . Call 842 PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View Free Pickup and Delivery ll-18-tfn { " I ii i Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents Hauled AWay quick Service 1714 East 9th, Olympia Phone 8486 or 7026 1-15tfI. 1 I I SHELTON-A.ON COUNTY JOURNAE i i iii ii i i u u l n I I i l i  SeLL O Cla,ssified Serv/ce Classified Service EEAL ESTATE / . WANTED -. SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE. HOME MADE' PIES CAKES and FOR SALEm, s unfinished'OR SAL: s a.,^3  m ulfin'siediWAN T TO RUY:.oid horse for Mink t:leamn nunamg ant] repairing ....... l e "o or  " e 82 house, tnqun'c u6 airmont. ] feed. Myers anu iansen Mink Farm, septic tanksA .......... e,A. nan t uer, A-non v YI-18-27 I Olympia. Phone 4678 collect• 1-1tin CH.v wa*- or inquire First Street Grocery. wars, i;;Oi"li'=':-'fx-ri;i,fii--iii-;(is5"Tm7u'r .................................................. Phone Elma 137M .Box 788Elma Mlntle Ahern • 4-attn. acres cabin  ('m school bus route WAN'ED: dea. stock., prompt .f.ree, ,---,-z# 7;-.:.-.;. .... -'--'2-.--'-'-:.: ,:... garage heal; I)eer Creek for smalle courteous ¢ervlce. l-'none uS CoLLeCt ................ t'EMAAACJ['IAAIIJ: £i/ yarn, m.o vut" " " " l!'lina 121 J Grays Harbor Render- ............. • -nho"-" -° lli" rll- ang *r home Ill Slmlton J,hn II l)unean I  - • v'a]luatr'A'au ERVIL'E on meat- t, ,,,,. ,.o.   v,  " " Rout( 2  115 D((' r( '' Ing Inc S-27tfn Ca] fontracts, old age lslstance, or cadlagounuary. Avenuettree, (.Corner) Arcadia]_l.tfnanq ' , ox • ( u C ek).].t)..o7 ' ......... ' . " . • - ' di.rect Wltn o on your doctors ........... " ....... --'-;.-'... ........... .r ...... --. WANTED hy Working couple: hou,, ' oraer, trepps Drug Store, Second DON'T TtIROW that old fur'niture v.,,,t. r_ n'w l-roon jmrn or apartnent. Walking distance and lrv, h=-. 10-Stfn. away. Br ng it to L(s' C tb et SI ,p m,,tm at .. kIOO(lSl)OrL lfIl .0 X.;D(); , trois business dis ('t. ] ' " made. to ordt 'F. ].)i )lLyl C;( U It *'.,! S (1 V, I1, OaltUlCt t( I ..... q l( C[lltr(l GI o (!ill' q ." .,) I Phone 687. 625 So. h'st Hoodsport. 1-6-20 hal Office. home or auto radios. Free estimates gladly gi_ven if desired. Reasonable prices. Free plckup and delivery, Closed Friday evenings and Satur- days, or leave work at Kllhner Elec. trlc, B URGESON RADIO SERVICE, 1221 Franklin, near Loop Field. Note new phone No. 845-W. 5-20-tf PL0()R-SA[i)ED- aiid REFINISHED - New hardwood floors Installed. old or new homes. J. A. Schlange, Box 28. Belfair. Phone BelfaJr 5-8981, 7-17-47tin. IXPHRT ITI--' end'-alteration done, Mrs M MrCann. 222 Sputh Fourth St. Phone 489M, 129tfn Title /nsurance~-A bat raet --Eserows SHELTON-BELL Abstract & Title Co,, Ins. 119 S, 4th (Bell Bldg.) Shelton. Wn. PHONE 6,5 Maon County agent for Puget Sound Title Insurance Corn party of Seattle Member Washington Land Title Ass'n. American Title Ass'n, II I I I | Reliable, lxperr2y Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS O Cntract with the Mason County Medical Ann. Or Dlraet to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 9nd & Railroad Phrase 89 II ] I I FOR. SALE OPEN FOR P-ASINESS w(''kdays 8:30 to 6. Sundays 10 to 5. Itilh'r'st IIar,- .ware. ................... 1-20 FOR BALls: see Olympic Motor Sales for auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets. shone 696 7-4tin PHONE 26 for home mIk delivery. M] 1-14tfn. O-R-SALE-C'IA': 2 foot neat. Just Thursday, Ja.m/ary T FOR SALE; FOR SALE: mixed oat and in nit)w, about ten Ranch. Rt. 2. phone BALED ItAY : clover rass. Mrs. Merrill Isabella 215, 860R1. FOR SALE: Royal t-n--kty-Sh in good condition. Muskrat.! overhauled. Needs some cabin work. siz^_l._ph^ , p.... E ? -**--2------------ffi " Lester LaMarsiL Rt. 1 Box 151A. Shelton. Wash. 12-9--2-3 FOR SALE: young New --SAL--4 ('(unpile steel beds. I chickens, dressed or alivl , Olund. Route 1, Box 20lib springs and mattresses tone single); (Isabella Valley)! .... (.-'-,-C" cook stoves, heaters; snmll air eom- FOR SALE: 9-year-old 10r " presser for ,spray gun: davcno. See pack horse. Will sell or [it] J. B. Sch,di corner Laurel and K livestock. Two miles southir " St.. Mr. View. 12-302-3 Herman p/a highway. HSt I(')t -SALE" 15-'iTl(mt [ )i(]'-bbcls-a-- 1. BOX 124. KIMBEL OIL CO. m vmm 'o,,. New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) #,or Immediate Delivery ' WE REPAIR All makes of RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES and SMALL APPLIANCES Expertly and Reasonably [tltllg I Ill I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. I I State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Collision Coverage On Cars as Old as 1937 For ?ualified Applicants Rates, Servme for Policy Holders Transfers'Now Available2 at BOB ERVIN MOTORS 6i 80uth First 8tenet Phone 673 i I I [ ]I  II I  II ] I DESLUDGING New Hiklo)aic Preare Desiudging $3.5O Come In and See It Work BOB ERVIN MOTORS Fit and Mill Streets Phone 678 11-4,tin II [[ .... I  "  .... I ;' ] I'Iiiii ' ' - III" TITLE INSURANCE s I j Shelton.Bell , , ,,J , L I I I .I ABSTRACTS Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 SOuth Fourth {Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lwi, ident Blgoh B, Bell, Vlce.Pros/dt C. Nolan Man, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE Member Washington Title Association American Title Aociation II1 III 1 - 20--2- t 0 now ()pill! f(r I)tlSiUeSS. Waslle, l'S, v:t- cuums and sewing nlachines roi)aire(I, Sportsmen note--guns repaired and cut down to any style. Work guar- anteed. Location R. R. Ave. :tnd Matlock Road. one mile from city GJ -20 center. aL[PERT WORK. Reasonable chsrge S.'stimates made In your bu,ne by courteous, bonded employe. No ula *lgation. Leave calls at The Journal h Shelton. Phone I00. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO, fit0 E., 4th &vs. OIympl i ONE BLOCK OF CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE [l'Olll business district. })'urnished t,z take g¢,od {[]It " ( ) [i place. Write }ox . J,ur- IH-13tfe 5¥k5- r(i- (i::.Wi:T=;;J, ii -Z iZ,. ,1 I'OOal unfurnisiled tioust.. ('il)sC lO t(,wr. No children or pets. See Vic Rice at Safcway Meat Mark4. WANTED: daily ride from Lilllwaup Four bedroom home on Southside to Shelton by dept. store employee. hill. Large living and dining room Pitons Hoodsport 32-J-12. W i t h fireplace, automatic dish- H12-30tfn. washer and built-in electric range WANTED: well Pay casl for timber in kitchen with pleasant dinette, stumpage. Write Daniel and lClet- cher Logging Co., P.O. tox 35. OIal- Full basement with double garage. Is. Wash. ll-4tfn. Automatic oil furnace with air .................... WANTEl): Linlher sumt)age :).rge or conditioner. Beautiful surrounding small Iraet. Cash ()r' troll c.(nltraet. dlc filly. Also large generator. Mrs. N()W-IS-THE TIME Alvin Butler. Rt, 1, Box 168. Elms. 1-6-20 Ft)fL SALE. registered black male and f(.illale cocker si)arlJcl puppies. 1004 East Elinor after 6 ()'sic)ok. G1-Gtfn. FOR SALE: fr.vcrsTNow Ian)psiu.g average 2V, to 3 pounds. Dressed or lLve weight. L • E. Pratt Phone' 14-J 1-Gtfn. .......................................... years old. Ex('ellcnt condition. Priced at $175. Phone 3,t8W. 1-6-20 3ZPiECE ATH ROOM -.i.-- 18b---  tUnlper, IIillcrcst IIardware. 1-20 ent condition. Buster FOR SALE: small Phil:i--rad-[o.--Ex- corner Dearborn and celh,nl condition. $12.50. May be crest. seen at .I.urnal. S1-20tfn SNATCI1 -ILOCK 8" she iv(,  1..a0. .......  ,,- FOR SALE: .baled grass 5" sheave   hay and oat straw 10.8). Load binders.  ell. phone 8Fll. Sequim, $8.50. Farmers Supply, Hillcrest. ' 1-20 outboard motors for repa::: the spring rush. Hill.s_st l ] D---'-' IFOR SALE----be'iful-'LI[I piano. Like new, ¢ompetL, T antced. $775. " ][I T • Also * .'1: The Beautiful New Lesl Ross Spinets $495 and up. l lect or write Dene Armltl( 4th it., Brenlerto gy $12; play pert, $8; Teller1 tumper. $.t. All like new, l/ eat condition. u2j%Ab corner Dearborn and Celli  I crest. _ ....  r • 3mea I ' ..... - n 0R SPENC'R FOUNDATIONS and grounds--90x200 fL. supports, phone 799-J for appoint. , , , sent or call at 14)6 Summll Dr!re: Four room house, electric range HMS'ITCHING, 10c n,,r yard. Scls- , sors and knives sharpened. Inquire and automatic water heater, elec- 427 Bellevue Ave., Sheiton, Phone tric heat, Lot 60x100 ft. 876-M. El-4-tfn , , , tioning, Body and fender. Day and night service, Beall's Auto Repah., Hoodsport. Phone 87-R. Also motor tune up and oil stove, washing ma chine repairs. 1-13-21 E. F. FULMER DECORATOR Painting, Paper Hang. ing, Spray Painting PHONE 100 I for , IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS SEE EDDY BUSINESS SERVlqE PHONE 540 120 South Third Street, Shelton, Wash. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: one bedroom unfinished house, partly furnished, bath room with shower, good well(, electric pump, cabinet sink, electric hot wa- ter heater, 8 acres, fenced garden, Jack Mitchell, First road to right past Golden Pheasant. 1-6-20 tel Hill. electric lights and city wa- ter available. Will e:l cheap. 3- room house on Beverly .ttedghts, .newly redecorated. Terms. 1-'hone 808R8. Y1-6 -20 Seattle North end Lake Washington waterfront property (5 room house 1.50 ft. frontage) to trade for tined Canal house. Might consider water- front or view property near Shelton. Call Union 251. Fl-13tfn f--i-kL"-BUYi -- e-c:ep-6-n-,:/y--fin. three-bedroom family home with t substantial income from two sepal'- ate /urnished apartments. Available furnished or unfurnished. Beauti- ful landscape.d grounds, 170' by 220'. Assorted fruit trees, boysen berrles and fine family garden pl0t. Can go F.ILA. Phone 787. Fll-4tfn. ....... --W:,--'-A Y- -'£Yf ................... Three small houses each on 60x100 foot lot. Priced from $1i00 to $2.[300. Terms. See J. B. Schott. corner Laurel and K St. (Mr. Vtew). 12-30.-...2-3 'dR-h.L".-w--:'l)cdi',m home,, all plastered, all electric hludlng heat- lng. Hardwood fl)rs, fireplece. Co.o nor lot. Excellent view of Olym- pics, $9,200, Phone 945,1". R12-9tfn from Sheiton on school hu line. Plenty of wopd. 53 font well and electric pump. Ch/cken house rtrd barn, good. plac, for si*.lail lie)me, See Mrs, H. C. Johnson, Rt, 2, Is- land Lake. 1-20.---2-3 5 acres, One tt|ll¢ frol]l city. R, Ic. Ke)'zel's. Kaml[ch. Auto Part. 1-20 -2-8 i I I WATERFRONT 4-Bedroom House AT HOODSPORT Telephone office building. $6500. Must be cash. Phone Shelton 76-J-4 ,, ,, . B1-20--2-3 I , 'OR SALE 4-room mode'n home practically new, wlth utility room, elec. h.w, heater, wlred for elee. range, oil circulatol', washing machine, liv- ing room rug, 275-gai. oil tank. Home double constructed, inu- lated and weather proofed. Corner lot 100xl00 with lawn. Garage attached. G.I. loan balance at 4e mterest, monthly payments $43.00 per month including insurance, interest and taxes. Priced to nell $8 to $20 per M. Wrih: B:cmmth Al- t len. Rte. 6 Box 238, Olyn:pi,', Virash. l'lono 292i). 12-9--1-27 -V;ANTED: Lacly- t-yPt" ;[t g .neral- off lee, cxperience wants si.av (r pa,rt lime employnleut, Write l?t . Box 28. H--1-13--20 Four room house on lot 90x100 ft. WANTED: /Ave colored hens. H.I. Clay, Rt 2. Box 129. 1-18--2-17 Also 3 unimproved 50x100 ft. lots. WXNTEIJVZu.--0rk or invalid care. Will sell separately or as a unit. Phone 272R, Mrs. Shirk. Will make good rental property. 1 1-20--2-3 Mrs. Claude Danielson '.- ....................... Rt. 3, Box 209-C Phone 348-W Miscellanemm 1-6-tin .vv--.v ....... .. v.... v Ill I I I DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT. January 22 with Evergreen Riders at 1)eight Park. Admission $1.00. Conic out and ZINTHEO'S VALUES ha,,e a good time. Everybody w+.,- come. 1-20 CASCADE AVE. HOME of four RELIABLE Senior glr! will care for children day or night In your home rooms, bath, breakfast nook and or mine. Call 885-R. K6-10tfn. UtiIity porch; garage; lot 60 x 120 WILL CARE for children. My home. ft.; cement foundation; $5350. Day or night. Phone 473R. . . . N1-20-27 WJ ARE BUYING sc,'ap iron, junk, THREE - BEDROOM MODERN vatteries, used cars and wrecks. home on corner lot, oak fleers, Rodger Bros, Garage, 1 mile south fireplace, breakfast nook, base- on Ol_ympia Hlway. R8-4-tfn sent, furnace. Improved street, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Mondays 8 m at 408 Cots St cement walk; on. bus line. $7800. Tacoma and 81yrnpia group will as: 1 slat. ll-2512-9-tfn ON WEST COTA: 5-room modern; "WILL--T3.-tE-- CXRE-of -cfiffdr'i wired for range, automatic hot{ rv home by day or night_, also your nose evenings Mrs a er- water tank; Bendix included; I geson, 141I Railroad. Ph'one 272R. z-car garage; price ou. 12-Otfn. 4-BEDROOM FURNISHED mod-] 22 with Evergreen Riders at Delight ^ . ..... .+. I. ...... . ._. ..__  Park, Admission $1.00, Come out and . atom© w*, ,,t u.u *u*a-, have a good time. Everybody wel- ace, laundry trays, automatic else. come. 1-20 hot water tank: unexcelled view; wwvv.....vv. Price Reduced by $1000, for quick FOR SALE sale. Now only $5850. *  * I vvvv,vvvvvvwvvvvvwwvvvv COMPLETELY FURNISHED GALVANIZED PIPE,  i. 1, I'lL • HOME on East Fairmont, Includ-  1Va Inch, at Hillcrest I-lardware. 1 20 ing electric range and all new furnishings; garage; all for $6000. i FOR SALE: e R,---C.A con- sole, $50. G.E. portable, $45. 1211 only $1250 down o$4750 unfurn- Railroad. Phone 558J. H1-13-20 ished.. Only $750 down. i b-t--SL,-sne---h-:T---)-u%. * * * , also 80 gallon pressure tank. 800 $1300 W'/LL HANDLE this new feet outside wiring. Tom Sergeant, four room bungalow, with bath Capitol Hill. • . 1*6tin and Utility room; balance at $50 F'F--'-X--i:E:--ce shoe skates, nmn's. a month. THREE HIGHWA; IX)TS in Mt. View; will sell separatel or all three for $3000. Ready to build on; water and lights available. I 5-ROOMS AND LARGE ATTIC, I basement, oil furnace, laundry t trays, space for two cars; hard.P wood floors, fireplace, wired for I range; corner lot on paved htgh-I way; priced to sell quickly on I terms you can handle. for $735  with $2700 equity down / payment, FOR RENT 9-rooms located over business building suitable for transient or steady rental rooms. Two front rooms could be rented for bust- ness purposes. FOR SALE 5-room modern plastered home with large tstairs room sealed with veneer. Fireplace, dining room, hblwood floors and fu/t basement, Nice yard with concrete walks and driveway. $5,000 G.I. loan balance with monthly pay- ments of $54.00 including interest, taxes and tsurance. $4950 down and assume G.I, loan. Herbert G. Angl, ONLY $3750 for this ,l-room modern furnished house in Olym- pie View Addition. FARMS: one of 40 acres on Har- stine Island, one of 80 acres near Matlock; both well improved. Will consider a trade on either for Shelton home. * . tu WATERFRONT and CITY LDTS in various locations. For Realty Buys Consmt a Realto! M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157 -- Title Ins. Building Shelton " FOR RENT ==:Z=:;==:LT=J Lawtoh Lumber Co 40 o l'ii'st t., Phone 58. " 1"0-16.,ttn "01-REtT: sleeping room. Clean, comfortable. In quiet home. Close tv btmlness,dlstriet. Inquire at 311 No. 4tk or phone 64, C10-7 three bodroom home, garag'e, q)n bus lille, oil heater, eh,etrie refrigerator, range and hot water heater, Write Box P, c-o Journal. 1-6-20 FUR"RENT .:"Fu-nished 4- room "house at Newatzcl. Inquire leranic's ltich- 1( ) She t(,n field Sere "L Star Rte 5,  '12  IMatloek #Road) '-su TR--YI "- ih:-L..:'tf'. );hi:nisi6"ci 4 room house. Eleetrlc.ity. 19', acres. On Highway 14-A. One ruilc Past Harsttim ferry road. O. W, Anthony, Rt. 2, Box 801. 1-18tfn ished. No children $35 per month. In Hoodsport. Inquire Rainbow ann. _Hoodspor, E1-13-2 FOR RENT: 2 and-e- log cottages, $20 aud $25 #per too. Lights and watel furnk. ed. 20 minutes from Shelton. Dusty nooes Resort, H)odsport Phone IIoodsport 15W11. 1-20-27 nished. R. F Keyzers. lamilcne Auto Parts, 1-20--2-8 O-RW-- l llv, quarters..God for anY" klnd of busi- ness. Marie Kublk 205 East Pine. Call 427W. ' 1-20tin Bayshore Road. Chicken ranch with Up-to-date 750 cnpaclty 8-unit layer nose, large broiler ho'tse, egg house and broouer house. Also g'oou gar0en spot. e Mrs. Harry Bergeson at Rltner's Corner. 1-20tin. "5]-" RJNFI"T'-: ha - r en t.-]q'e of Frank Roblnon -Lilllwaup, wash ' 1-20-27 FR' RENT" 3Z]:0om modern furnlshed apartment on Hood Canal, Twin Ehns Apts. Phone 25J12 /IlsPPot 6 'R IZ.T  a:r0om h,,use, p",'Uy furmsneu. 4nq,ulre 47 So. 2nd be- fore 10 or after 5 p.fl. P1-20 *F(jR RENT" 2 ;o) 'partly furnished housekeeping apt. Down town. Phone 664. , 1-20 ];'Off"-iE :--2-('Fii-o-Gi'-Fjif 7"u nf u--F "- ihed H. G Angle. Phone 304. An- Rid 1-20tfn gle g. - - =_ Ize 9; man's tweed sport coat. size 39-40; electric heater. Phone 623W. H1-6-20 tubs. 1 l/ h.p. Frigidaire compressr. 825 Franklin St. B1-13-20 $65. Phone 466R. J13-27 a.m. to 6 weekdays. 10 a.m. lo 5 I).m. Sundays. 1-20 -FOR SALEi-used D:i).HI" "C)i4ri, c dies- el tractor, with. top, Carco ]oggln dram and bulldozer with land clear- ing teeth. Glen Butler, Rte. 8. Box 108B. Phone 961R3. 1-20---2-8 "WINDOWS, for barn.-pSui{1.-lou-,, ] porche,, ett. Six sizes, factory im- i perfects, at very low prices. Farmers Supply, Hillcrest, 1-20 FOR SALE : dry encl-g-e(n--]-v,';(i del'ivered '],it'her get in touch with BoWs Calfe First and Cota or drop I postal card to Junllita Grant, Star O ¢* Rt. . Box 81. Shelton, ]-20---3 FOR SALE: 8 weeks old-i)]gs, A!,o electric vream eparator. C, L. Rood. ' Rte. 2. Box 251. ]-20-27 FOR SALE: °some mixed hay. al.'o assorted used ]umber. large slze, l,'. Lusin. Rt 2. Box 268. 1-20 F0R-- sKLEi- GhGy--5i-gy-7--fGT-T2- [ Rldremmd. ' B1-20 W--CA - S t- #-PL?--3-d"--U--wi ifi toilets Stop in and see the samph.s 'at HilLcrcst IIardware. 1-20 J First Time Advertised Anywhere 2 Baby Grand Pianos, I Bald- win,, I Brambach, Guaranteed to satisfy. $745 and $845. For furthe; information Phone Olympia 692 Evenings or 23414 Days or Write Mr. Fisher, 2946 Hawthorne Plac WE DELIVER I 3 It ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Hoodsport 43-W Phone Shelton 650 P,O. BOX 55, HO@DSPORT Jack Manley 7-15tin I ROOFING - SIDING Weatherstrlpping, Insulation General Construction Remodeling, Cabinet Work F.H.A. Terms - Free Estimate PHONE 904 - SHELTON J-12-2-tfn l' I! ACT NOW! /500 ROSE BUSHES of 150 Varieties Must be Planted Within 60 Days For Best Results. BELFAIR GARDENS 1000 Ft. No. of Allyn-Belfair Junc- tion. Write Box 690, Union Open Saturdays& Sundays 1-6-13-2t I I L . At Our New Location 308 $o. 1st Street Bus Depot Building USED IURNITURE Ranges, Oil, Wood, Coal, Elec- tric. Heaters, Wood, Coal. Oil. ers, /,  and full size. FOR SALE: 2 ton electric computer scale. tion and used heav saw, Rte. 1, Box Park Road). R. E. ALL-POLESI--iEELS ckle except fair-traded off for cash. We wish items out before our arrives. Hitlcrest Hard FOR SALE : Estate gas range. Good Side arm gas water t basement pump. I Mill with 50 ft'.. 6 in. [ F.D. Watters. 645 W. 190M. FOR SALE: Refrigerator. dition. Call 709-W. FOR SALE: practically size o/l heater. $60. In, S, M. Shelton. (Agate District, Concord FOR SALE: bath tub ris. Rt. 1. Box 88 pia Highway. "FbR SALE: 12-In. caulk $15. Brand new. Also sol ords. 1211 Railroad 558J. days, 10 to 5 Sundays,, H'ardware. HAVE YO the little woman a new in 1949 ? Then listen you don't buy the luml shortly, very shortly, price is low -- you'll be Good .2x4's today .... $ Cedar Shiplap ........ $, Cedar Paneling, U jointed ........................ Coselman Sells FC Mel's New and Used Furniture PHONE 40 8 FIR LOGS. Custom, ! RFI) 3, Shelton, 2 of Hillcrest on Arcadt tO the 'aign." . : Phone 87-11 11 PLUMBING HE Sexauer System Rim Pumps, Hot Water Ta-" Plumbing Fixtures. Licensed Master pl Ernest Sweari[ Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, ,I[ - - Second Growth WOOD FOR SALE Dean Bradley, Leave Orders at Phone 189-M. 1-20-292-3-10-4t SPECIAI PRICES ON Red Cedar Shingles Certigmde No. 1--$8.50 plus tax No. 2-$5.00 plus tax No. 3$3.00 plus tax No. 4-$1.25 plus tax A. R. ,Decker Shingle Co. On Road in Retr of Oakhurst Sanitarium, Elma, Wash. 1-20--2-10-4t CRAWFORD DOOR USED CAI't p. In. of Washington, Inc. lOR -.1- ¢o---o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oI INDUSTRIAL Dickle, Journal,  l RESIDENTIAL 1947 PONTIAC-,  Electric Operators sedan. Like new wttll]I • heater. Call 955J or ses L- ' PHONE 904 - SHELTON a Simpson Office..... J-12-2-tfn T]LrOK FOR SALE "lt , I 'ith long stake bed, .I'l]l - - - 20 tires. Good conditiol. wooo ' $10 a Ioac1 KAMILC Delivered In'Shelton AUTO PAt__ Our Wood Is Always A Cord New and U or Better to te Load. Trucks Fermi. Enitat Lumber Co. Complete Auto -Ace ,9 Minerva Park L/O: Phone Hoodsport 38-W-12 Mechs:nic" R. F. Keyza Owner  =7:=7=" ,some repah's, $250. Phon, )'R SALE: 1946 Chev . master 4-door sedan. E-[ dition and priced low.  tested, new license, foU,t good cndition. Inquiri' _ born, .......   Fo S£LE: qT-Nhsh-db0 cellent condition all a l mileage. Bargain: Ph t state tested. Good rubtI good. ,Clean inside, See corner Laurel and K St A-1 shape, state tested heater. Will consider tl' model car. hone 135J I MISKELLA SUPPLY • Olympia Highway I Your "BEST BET" for ' REFRIGERATION, Garden-Tractors. Pumps, Aluminum, Etc, 9-2-tfn II I LOGGERS, CONTRACTO.RS, MILL SUPPLIES Steel Construction Materials - Wire Rope Re-inferring Iron - Tools I,UMBERMEN'S  MERCANTILE S WHOLESALE DIVISION 606 South First Strett, Shelton Phone 805 FOR i AD MARINE See Your Frank Packard Service PHON 222 Quality Used