January 20, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 20, 1949 |
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¢w Beauty, Interior Luxury In 1949 Studebaker Models
We learn len wisdom fram what ls
told us than from what we observe,
Z2[dwacd VII becme
king of tng;.nd,
)niled Mine Work.
erS of Ameri
€ formed, l90.
It : ' . Q,.... ms,
ZFirsI trans-U.S
I, _ €)q!I "/ 2--Au!tralia tommemO"
.h I--1 178s.
p- I 4([ 27--Japan starts warfare
J I I" agatns, Chin-,, !912,
,l)Hitler becme €lan,
eerier of Germany,
-- ! 933.
The Western Veashlngton Farm
Forestry association will hol'd it;;
amuml winter meeting January 21
at 10 a.rn. in the Centralia city
hall auditorium.
"l"tle day's ew.nts will begin at.
l('a.m, with a moUon picture ou:
cascara. The r'cst of the program
is as follows:' Farm wood lot ec,-]
o:mmies 10:30; management ofl
f:r'm wood lot ll; association bu-i
iness vmd committee report 11:20 I
hlnch (tlrl':mgt!(t), partial (iuttlngi
for the wood lot owner, 12 o cloek;
election of officers, 1::15; fencel
post treting demonstration, 1:.30; i
anel d s( ussion, Ileal Estate Fares l
On B'arm-Woodlands t 50' panel
dICUSsK)n, MI aor Ik r'(st PPoduct i
LegL'-:lation.. 2:50: summary and !
adidm'nment, 3:50. I
Every farrn wood lot owner in!
Mason county should attend this
meeting, Andrew Kruiswyk, corm-I
ty hgent, said. "Grow rnorc trees
for Washington."
Ch)qu}l!um Grange
't Iebruary Events
{ Cloquaihlrn (2-t't-ll't', 'o tet: ,Jil;tl-
! ary 14. The dam.'. committee has
:: : ::
zavy Mothers Thai!s
Tie Mason Cou nty Navy
Mothers Club No. 247 wishes to
thank the general public and the
merchants of Shelton for their
cooperation in the past by their
purchase of tags on our annual
tag day.
Also our thanks to the Ki-
wanis Club to whom we serve
luncheon every third Tuesday.
This money is used for wel-
fare work at the Bremerton
Naval Hospital and the Ameri-
can Lake Hospital to help dis-
abled Navy and Army men,
Stated Meeting
JAN. 25 - 8 P. M.
Thursday, Jahuai
=c@? r SA . - N
Sure. She's priceless to you, and good he ii
is priceless to her! You can depend on u
the very best in pure baby needs. We're reS[,y
to serve you at all times, u
"A Healthy Child Is A Happy One"
Office at the Bus Dpot
tllIlOUI'tc"d [)la!lN are made for a
' benefit. (Ilac'e for Sister Make-
; viney, who h;s been ill for several
; months, It will be held at the
CI )qua 1 u'nCot in unit y Hall I,'eb-
I ruary 12.
There will ho a Keno party at
the Grange Hall January 29.
Next meeting will be Januray
- 28,
New 1949 Studebaker passenger ,vv,..,vv-.,,,-..)ff ,,.,,..Zv,.-v........
I car models have been put on dis- Matlock
|l)]q'lll/J#II play here by the Anderson Motor
! __ Compm:y in its showroom at First """lVIarAM.;"gh:Avl''Ia'ye
I ' m owl c,,+-otreo+= North River iere Iriday night.
! ' , A /7 ", //AH ....... . .... . . . A hard fought game resulted in a
A long hst of mptovements in
I . a f'.,)h.r,i " . , ' ' score of 26 to 28 in favor of
I $/ /1J,. , I[jlr 'IIF@ the now Studebakers is highlighted North River. The Mary M Knight
I B' J l]ll.J ....," )v an interior luxury which in its second team won by "18 points.
I _iIr-j) /llI TM ...=i:. ---- ........ ........ "^s-n effe-'t M. and Mrs. William Black
..: .... '%i II I / A4', [][{.)Uel'I[ LULIUII [JI'UUUt.',* . C __
I ilar v- ,.! - wele nests to a joint bh'thday
T ¢ m kc mg wth the best in home
I I • g z, ' P" " " party in honor of, Mrs. Ruth Ken-
I decoration, according to S. B. An- nedy and Clinton Painter last
• / V " 1¢) on Tht{rsday evening Those present
Sr ( 's . " .....
I " ........... were r. and t.s. a,.l Walkor
z;>,.]..i,,¢ .... ' Mr ,x llOergon, polrlteo 01. L trial; In S •
v',.,, .',;: 1 Mr. and Mr. Wflham Avtry
" :!i' :':ii v ..... " Orchard
I ,, 'l,e=ha,,, |,,,*,,- 'i] inv, two-tone contrasts between up- l . . , , ,
I -- holstery and the vide-walls and ,.. x$.,o aa.,.- ......... ....
'":4'' ......... '.'" head-lhmg. In addRion he said, ,. . ..
,.,.. .;..:;.:, , . . [ antiy surp) mcd on b(l bt ]day
V II |n O, No Exfra ,h(:trge' (::>
there, is a )tota?le stepp)ngup In[ last Thursday evening at th'e
i IiIllIl[YJ =--n YOU B I " "" "' " . ' . • , home of Mr and Mrs Efvin, Itear-
th petformanet ot IOIt'l toe unam- " " ' " ' ' •
I /ll$llIF € .. I pion and Commanaer engines, n The follo,-m o" ",u,,st ,v,,r
: ' ' ure If ' . , t. , ,
As he pointed to the feat ,s ( r s • '
. p e, ent. Mr. and Mrs L D Port-
I FI In Illlll I 1| IlIl the ....... 1919 Studebaker models..., Mr...Iman, Mrs. A. iortman, Carl iort. ] " ' " )
i "LII llII-I Ih Anderson issueo a gener!tl mvl:a-lman Mrs Rediska The eveningl
II M I I [] III ttoa to tne resioents ot ntis area{ _' ' "a i "' n (hl( " '1
I nIiI II ii [] -- -- . "" ' . ' ,' wa. spem. p y g p, o: '. avJrs..
I I I Irt III I [] In l[] III to visit hs2howroom s torllanso t L. D. portman and Mr.;. Hearing
"peel;IOn Ol l:ne cars a, We a, t s( i ved Pinch '- "-- " " '"
| ' : ' " ' " " " 1 "' 3 ' t " . lile ilonore(l tt LlCeJ[
, , obtlin an explanation of the lal:esI: rceeiv,, d ,N,, ,, .... ,r,. " "
. . . ) ] e.. ,.1,.,, • • . p),.o
I j -- ' ' ' ," ' " ,'r tre fl)r the • ' ' -. , i Mrs. Rose Rabideau ent,.red
ust think ten of }our favorae nlo,lefl won t (()st }or! a tent wlen improv(m(nts t .... a •, - ,
I V ' * . , ' , ' , ' * • . • . U,}.)ll. It 11/ /Dt'l'ueL'n
you bu a tine, smooth-running ttIAWATHA l's tu ; . The unique h rig-wearing soil- St fost-m H ..... • L. --,: _., :
I New '¢"r .... " giltfrom y,,ur friendly Western. Auto Su,j'e and i¢;u rosi'tmg ,yl( 2 fabr,(. pioneered} tas t week for treatmefit
I friendly neighborhood theatre Briar )our l)aq an(t viotner - st )] utomobil uphotstery oy toe .....
. * .... ,, ' .... : ' :: ..... .. , . • Mr and Mrs Charles Hartman
I then) ilIAWATtIA. S .sturd),' w(Ided frame;, powertut c( aster vraKe;, ,owp. ;ut 3' in 1948. is .... eonttnncu In I :rod £o s of Keiso s'i)or the week
ider, soher Imlloon tires moc ern styling . . . and, (,t) most mod,els: tie f;tud,,bal or T aad Cruiser but e-'t" "";[" ;"::s " "''-"2 o ;-
I " , . ' ' ' t . , -*, .... • " " " [ II "L WlLII 2A'lf llal'LlniIl'S IO KR
I 1Ire€ insurance" ,Rldc' h)r fun ot to school economca,) on tmwatnat i ' n ,w (?olorful pattc';)n; Alliga.. "' Mr. and Mrs."W. B. I= almer.' .... '
I - t r leHtl'rett, is uaea Tor :rllrl- M" andMrq F \\;V(]t' "r0¢tl
..... " " . . , . d 1¢ i1-
I iil!i!i;':i:!ii!':,i:!y! 'i!i:,) Models Priced front n,,,, ao,),,;,],,,n },s, ?, flU/,ly ,',>turned home last week art,:r
A Bu On Eas Terms T'ede,i*n(d w rap-aound bump r Mr ,
! K< .72;* \\;t , , " , ,., . .. ,.. . . a,,d Mr.',. Roe ol;er ,,,d
I ,!IIX ',".t.a "" , '\\; and a parking DraKe wtn a. pusn 7 family of Tacoma visit,,,] their
I ,!1 kX "X*':t) ( ,' \\;X J. M. AXELSON button release to m,ara agal.lst folks, Mr. and Mrs, V. 13. I"almer
I il [\\; _.OUy( ' \\;k . dr . ,= accidental reteash]g of the bt'ale. Saturday. "
i [.\\; "" "" /, i' Those who have children /ate Mr. and Mrs. N. P. MeLcod of
t m hf, are Im troubl, A;h( ]
I {!;! " .-- ..... - . - ...... .= ' ' ' " , ' " " . - .>" "". Seattle were dinner guests (n Mr
I ;\\;\ -.-.'% !.ii '='" the y >, ng" f lks nre old enot,g, 'rod Mrs Elvin Hearing and Mrs.
' l.:'! "h":? ":.- - ....... " ' , , , .......
i :":' '':''<:' 315 S. 1st St. = P;,onc S0S : o t';!::," (, ',>:'!:!o( :i, :i!:i' I. ::a thc(tr a: 'lle t ' e:t a )Uld:cY " and t.I'tch,'ry
/ _ • thrah g -:' ,. Grange officers wer( jointly in-
"! ................................................ staffed Saturday night at Mt{ttock
...... 7 .............. ; .......... ......... I': i': "'-T- .... -__- .... :_"--- u by Mr Margaret Bishop asdsted
':' J -- - 9 rc[[, r Bradberry and R O'Brien. Mrs
w sanv I III I@,ll I I IIQ - :-" - • _. " ! mcay ana 'LIS.. a, rjory Evans.
_..-_.'2..'.n-=-. l_t|_JI[':'" -' ...... s - tt _net*Id '{r. arid Mrs. Harold Ellingson
llfl UMILRIP. -- _ - --=- - -- --i P,I, and non David were dinner guests
LI£ OF FtlI i/ Ii iI ALM of Mr. and Mrs. Ilerbert Helin
WAllE[II PlOItl11 I II I Sunday,
r'l W| I I I'[; --A, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Palmer
"n II II I Lll /" were Visitor in Cosmopolia Satur-
"? IInc.-I II// lI k --" • day;.. ..... .---.-. ......
¢&APHORATED ,,,-- .... ,,-,,,--,,-,,--,,,,---
GLYCERIN & V/,,,C#tdd/ 01afsen £ofoten f.A.D*v (hra.d) .... -.. Cushman is warmer. After the
m,,,,,u n n.n,a. ,nn a a QI I snow, ice and cold weather of the
Ih¢IATtl I¢¢UN I rung uu a n u " . - ..
r I/W la ........ 'as£ , ix weeks, re,qments were
__, COMPLEX LIVER 01L TABLETS $.o,,,¢o d € glad to see the thaw starting
X " Bottle t 98 Tlwlhr 'l ?9 Bottle I 17 o,I, ..... &l even though it brought nud. We
M SO ,,. l-- pMt, .. 1-" M gO... l-- (Limit I) ea.n't soy we amn' nave tun, oe-
'" 2 OIANT SIZE in abundance.
CAItrON OF ROCHE VI-PENTA PERLES box s... 1.13 ---:'----w Mrs, O K. Linscott
t IV lAl¢lll UAII$Ifl/ 80:¢ ABDGl'iuid 1 1Q ¢;OLUAII word from her daughter, M's.
IVVI va,q.w,-n s...-,.vb " . " " " =,,w=, Robert Rains that the new baby
MATCHU ¥1TAMINS PLUS box 36 ¢osules .... 1.49 born November 2 is doing free,
. enIIIDI I PhUIIEV 10 CO'sules . q= CRIAM home from the hospital and
' " __ .= weighs eight pounds and four
I LILLY HOMICEIRIN .ou. ...... 1.21 1€ ounces. He is named Stephan. An-
(Limit 2 ......... "2 ...... ----.--- d a other of the Linscott daughters,
SUpF OCEI&IE Upjohn, 10c¢ I,D Mrs. Robert Andrews writes from
San Diego to tell of their pur-
chase of a new five-room house,
Mr, and Mrs, Verne Htll enter-
• While offering a long list of improvements in the new 1949 Studebaker models, the empany ],as
continued the popnlar Raymond Loewy design and added new interior luxury. The famed Studebaker MASONIC TEMPLE
vision is especially notable in the Commander five-passenger Starlight eonpe (shown) with its panoramic
windows. 'i'opping the list of chassis changes are refinements which provide stepped-up performance Earl Jordan. High Priest
in both €he Commander and Champion engines.
........ "-- -- at
o' o'" "' o"-"'"' 49€
ICE CAP Thermomter ' 80TTLE
S.ew. t E.a,, ,l Vi.,..) Off=
u,4p.. I to,e,.. I ruer, o U'
Im. ll
• ' ll | lllI
6OX of 54
I I force s, , r.,,.e NAPKINS
'29€ 1
' I I II I I I I
tained Mr. and Mrs. Ben Banner
of Shelton over the week end.
GU,s Pendland had still more
trouble the other night when lts
dog came rtmning up the base-
ment stairs whining and making
a great fuss. When Gus opened
the basement door, the dog nmde
a running Jump and landed shak-
izg and cowering in the middle
of the recently vacated bed.' Up-
on examination of the basement,
Gus was Just in time to see the
tail of a racoon disappear out the
bmement window. Maybe the,wild
animals will stay in the woods
now that the weather is warming
up. e,
Pacl-ii-6.-is -0-aner,
Leader Bas Honored
Cub I ark 11, under the auspices
of the I4oodsport P.T.A., received
its eharter during the January 13
meeting of the P.-T.A,, and" the
award was made to Richard Bates,
pack master, by W, B. Hawkins,
V[a,on District scout represeta-
t IH[ FORHM '1
.c Shelton-Mason County
Journal :
"The ShelLon General tIospital
wishes to express its s i n c e r e
thanks for the generous gifts of
canned fruit and vegetables given
by residents of Shelton and vlin- 1
ity. Yours truly,
Mrs. D, B, Davis,
_J IL .
JANUARY 21 = - ., A -
l] 11' ' li" ,' i '!"::'':":::':'P
Your Home-Owned Depart
OntttlOl:TTt:e Popular Brands ¢1 di!
4 D|UHIIK.//IKO Pkg. 17¢-- Carton.
X F I Ostrom's Pieces and Stems Fr sh Wonderfood qh
2VzZ 3' . 4-OZ. e, Lb. s
a;, 00BSHSOOHS ................ c.,, MAIISHHALLOWS ....
). • l
_.==--vj p2,,o.%HoLo, Cold ..... Ralston--Ask About Toy Televisiow@t2
= t-oz. ' 18-oz. r
(, 20-OZ.pG 39; /I " " rolls Sunshin_ 7-oz. "'
:OILETTISSUE 3,o, 37¢ HYI000XC00KIES,00,.200
__.iIIII 3unbrite -- Economical Looking Glass ', ¢ra'
£LEAHSER 3 ,o. 19c D c.00,o
V' S["'t" " /t SWIFT'S - Buy2 "'"'G;[:"nother for 1€ Fresh Tasfin- 12 oz Can "Is
e 00LEAHSBI 2 ,o. 23c .e
" ' - ............. NIBLETS .EXI{:0RNo.00,00
'--- - "_ Creamettes IDEAL - QUALITY "Ilm!
8-oz. Tall ly
NACARONI ............ D0G FOOD ..............
v, ' L
WESS0N 01 ,..
i .. CRYSTAL IIff SOhP ,,r8
.................. S1
)',, - • ,, CASnMBe BOUQUET ........ 2 =,o, 214[
]//',o,w,--, S$/ qualit] i, ,0 mu, better' RFr, HIAR PAIMNIVF . 9;
" ' ...__ Ir IV.I.. J . .............. ='" t7:
w- , BATH PaMOUYF .................. 2 ;, 21:
F,.ey- 4-Siev - Medium Size ¢IIDIDIllt¢ £DAUIII ATII:I Larg 9|'i
,' PEAS No. 2 tin 19 .m..-..)m,J vnm.m.- pkg. €.
r , ........................................ I , :' 4
fAv.C''GREEN BEANS ................... . No. 2 tin 29¢ C0t6hT[ S VEI. .................. Lgo. ,,g. 2i
C0L6hff'$ FhB .................. ,,,. ,.
FRUIT COCKTAIL ..:. .... No. 1 tall tin 29¢ € i
; CATSUP. [ ............................ 14-oz. bottle 0¢ FR00H FRUITS & VEGETgBLi:
Red Kidney
BEANS ................................... No. 2 tin
New England Style, Oven Baked
f.BEANS ........ ; ........................... 28-oz. tin 29¢
Serve With Baked Beans
BROWN BREAD .................... l-lb. tin 20¢
Like Fresh Oranges
V ORANGE JUICE ........................ 46-oz. 43¢
the only Mellow'd Coffee
DRIP OR REGULAR GRIND l-lb. tin 53¢ - 2-lb. tin $1.05
ONIONS ...... tO lbs.
NO. 1 SPUDS. 10 lbs.
CABBAGE ......... lb.
YAMS ......... 3 lbs.