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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 20, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 20, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BWD Continued from page A-3 find funding opportunities for the estimated $1.7 million to $2 mil- lion project, he said. "We're disappointed," said Bel- fair Water Commission Chair John Phillips. "This is a tremen- dous blow to our customers ... the things they talked about at the hearing don't have anything to do with construction grants. We're not perfect, but this is all for North Mason." Water district manager Dave Tipton, who could not attend the hearing, also expressed disap- pointment and said that the coun- ty commissioners have a skewed perception of how the water dis- trict meetings are run. "Lynda Ring Erickson and Tim Sheldon have never attended any of our meetings," he said. "I felt that the county commissioners once again let down the people of Belfair, and it only hurts our cus- tomers ... Our customers deserve much better representation than Tim Sheldon." As for December washout, Tip- ton said the water district con- tracted Zephyr's Inc. in Allyn to rebuild the line and that the fire district was notified, though some may have felt "it wasn't done quickly enough." Some speculate whether the county's relationship will suffer with the water district, particular- ly whether the water district will still cooperate with sewer manag- ers to provide them with water us- age data so that the county can set sewer rates. The county sent the water dis- trict a list of more than 300 homes for which they needed water use data two weeks ago, and the dis- trict is in the process of compiling that information for them, said Emmett Dobey, the county's direc- tor of public utilities. "No bridges have been burned," Ring Erickson said. "I would like to see a capital facilities plan, I would like to see a thoughtful work plan for annexing those ar- eas into the water district, I would like to hear from the fire district that they have managed to reach an agreement with the water dis- trict over adequate access ... It's not that I'm not willing to work with the water district in the fu- ture, even for this project, but it would have to be with a different sense of stewardship." Vote Continued from page A-3 public meeting. Following a public com- ment period that was cut short when Bonnie Pope asked for an apology from Tipton and Phillips for Tip- ton's e-mail, the commis- sioners came back from an executive session and voted, 2 to 1, for a raise for two wa- ter district employees, Mike Brown and Jenn Tipton. The vote angered former water district employee Treasures Thrift Store was founded in November 1996 to support quality health care at Mason General Hospital in Shelton. The store was an instant success and after only 15 months in a very small store moved to our current location in beautiful downtown Shelton, WA. Because Treasures received such a large number of books, Treasures Bookstore was opened about five years later. After expenses, 100% of the profits are contributed to Mason General Hospital and their clinics. Our community, through quality donations, volunteering and shopping, has made Treasures and Treasures Bookstore very successful for 15 years. We need your continued support!! Our donation wish list: Furniture, quality shoes and clothing, collectibles and electronics. We appreciate our donors, customers, volunteers and staff for making Treasures and Treasures Bookstore and integral part of Mason General Hospital and Mason County. TREASURES TUmFT STORES 305 & 317 W. Railroad Ave. Downtown Shelton Quality Donations Accepted Mon-Sat 10-5. Sun 12-4 Mon.-Sat. 9:30arn-5:3Opm (Bookstore to 5pm) Sunday 1 Ire'n-Spin (Bookstore closed) 427-3858 • 432-2641 , :::: .... ::'::': .... :: :')- • : !:...: :: ¸ f:::: -/¸ ¸::- "/¸: .... /%: ":! ::: ..... )! mmmm m i i l i i i i I Complete this form, clip it and mail to P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 You can order by phone (360) 426-4412 with your credit card. $37 (Mason County address) $51 (Elma or Bremerton address) [ $51 (in Washington State)  $61 per year out of state Please check: I New [ Please charge my subscription to my credit card $  Visa Renewal MasterCard Card Number: Signature: , Expires: Name: L.City: 3 digit security code Address: State: Phone: Zip: I I .J Isaac Mangum, who was let go September 8. Tipton told Mangum he had never deserved a raise, and Mangum, who is half- black and half-Mexican, iiii•iiiiiiii said he had endured Tipton calling him a "wetback" and his language "Spanish gib- berish." "You are dishonest, Dave," Mangum said before leaving the room. Pope, who did not vote for the raises in part because of the vote of no confidence against him, called the rais- es "frivolous spending." 60 Second Feedback Survey Thank you for reading the Journal. Please take a minute to complete the simple confidential survey It is very valuable to all of us here at the Journal and we will review every one. Please drop off at our office - 227 W. Cota St., Shelton  or mail to P.O. Box 430 Shelton, WA 98584 Based on your overall experience, please circle the number below which best indicates how you would score the Journal in each category. 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest and best score. Please tell us why you answered the way you did for each of the questions below. ........ ::::: .... 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I Name: [City: hone: State: Zip: Please Mail Gift Subscription to: Address: State: Zip: _J Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, JAN. 20, 2011 - Page A-7