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Continued from page B-1
County's Harstine Island Community
Choir. Auditions are for placement only
- everyone is welcome. Car pools are set
up for Matlock/Steamboat areas, Allyn/
Grapeview areas and Lake Cushman/
Union areas. For more information,
contact Elizabeth, 432-9940.
Shellee Mathews has volunteered to
do the annual island newsletter. Now,
I've never worked on the newsletter,
but I've heard it is a lot of work. So,
if you have any information you feel
needs to be in the annual news letter
please send it along to Shellee. Her
email address is katladyma@hotmail.
Sunday, January 30 Inquiring Minds
will present its first program of the
year. It will feature Harriet Baskas of
Seattle. Harriet is an award-winning
author and radio producer who has
written six books, including Washing-
ton Curiosities and Washington Icons•
The Community Club doors will open at
1:30 p.m. and the program will start at
2 p.m..
Let's all mark our calendars for the
Pioneer School levy and bond elec-
tion. You will need your ballet marked
by February 8. Funding for public
schools comes primarily from three
sources; Federal monies, state mon-
ies and local levies. Federal and state
monies cover approximately 60 per-
cent of needed funds. Local levies fund
about 20 to 28 percent of school budget.
Levies help pay for general main-
tenance and operation costs such as
books, supplies, teaching staff, and
busing. This levy money isn't new, it's
something we've voted on before and
this is just a vote to continue with what
we have. A school bond finances major
school construction projects, much like
a home mortgage.
Bond monies, by law, can only be
used for school building construction,
remodeling, or specified capital im-
provement projects; they cannot be
used for teacher salaries or other op-
erating expenses. If you wonder if the
Pioneer School needs any new repairs,
stop by in the coming days and let the
staff show you around.
I received this email from the the
Department of Ecology and thought I
would pass it along. It came from Brook
Beeler, Watershed Education Coordi-
nator. They are developing an educa-
tion program for the public and land-
owners about the value of shorelines
- that is, areas that connect land and
water, such as oceans and beaches or a
river and its banks.
Since the term "shoreline" can be
used to describe many different types of
places, we need your help in identifying
a program name that's meaningful to
people throughout the state, and com-
municates the importance of all those
places "where land and water meet."
You can participate by taking our on-
line survey. Just click the link below.
This survey should take about 10-15
minutes, www.surveymonkey.com/s/
seaprogram. The survey link will stay
open until Friday, February 4.
The Harstine Island sewing group
will meet at the home of Donna Hamil-
ton on January 25 at 10 a.m.
Continued from page B-1
didn't get bullied and did.
Some of the kids I thought
would be bullies ... were
probably bullied the most,"
she said.
Now, Osorio said that he
wants to continue the pro-
gram past the requirements
of his senior project.
"Actually I've been think-
ing the last couple days of do-
ing this every year for fourth
and fifth graders," he said.
In the end, both stfldents
only wish that their anli-
bullying club members will
remember them, and the les-
sons they've learned.
"I was ,just hoping that
we could make an Mlpact on
them," Smith said.
Osorio shared this recipe.
Cranberry Cheescake
: i, 2 ¸ ;: •
1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs I6 ounces cream cheese,
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar softened
il4 cup butter, melted 2 eggs
3/4 cup granulated sugar
CERRY TOPPING 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 (8 ounce) carton sour cream
1t2 cup corn syrup 2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
2 cups cranberries 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
square baking pan or press against bottom and sides of a 9-inch
pie plate. Beat cream cheese until fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time,
blending well after each addition. Add sugar and vanilla extract.
cake; cool. Refrigerate 3 hours.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., Al-
coholics Anonymous, 125
West Cota Street.
5:30 p.m., Overeaters
Anonymous, Mason Goner-
al Hospital, Pershing Room.
5 p.m., New Community
Church of Union office, 310
Dalby Road, Suite 3.
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, The Right
Path, North 80 Tribal Cen-
ter Road.
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, Third
and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Friends of Bill
W. Chapter at Hood Canal
Community Church, 81
Finch Creek Road, Hood-
8 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
mous, Mountain View Al-
liance Church, 314 East J
11 a.m., NA, United
Methodist Church 1900
King Street.
Noon, Al-Anon family
group, Saint David's Epis-
copal Church. Call 427-
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.,
AA, 125 West Cota Street.
6:30 p.m., Celebrate Re-
covery, 419 Railroad Av-
enue. Childcare provided.
Call 426-8461.
7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport
8 p.m., NA, Ellinor
Room, Mason General Hos-
pital, 901 Mountain View
10 a.m., Overeaters
Anonymous, Saint David's
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA,
125 West Cota Street.
7 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
mous, Ellinor Room at Ma-
son General Hospital, 901
Mountain View Drive.
10 p.m., The Point Is,
Easy Does It, 125 West
Cota Street.
8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and
7:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street.
9:30 a.m., NA, PUD Hall,
Third and Cota streets.
4 p.m., Freedom in Re-
covery, Gateway Christian
Fellowship, 405 South Sev-
enth Street.
4:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport
Library for women only.
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Spinners Gone
Straight, St. David's Epis-
copal Church, 324 West Ce-
dar Street.
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AAI
125 West Cota Street.
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Belfair's
New Hope, Belfair Baptist
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, Third
and Cedar streets.
7 p.m. Narcotics Anony-
mous, Mountain View Al-
liance Church, 314 East J
7 p.m., Depression Sup-
port Group, Saint David's
Episcopal Church.
7:30 p.m. AA, Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation
Center, 2430 North 13th
6:30 p.m., AA open meet-
ing, Hoodsport Library.
7:15 p.m., Narcotics
Anonymous, Mountain
View Alliance Church, 314
East J Street.
7 p.m., Depressed Anon-
ymous, the Pershing Room
of Mason General Hospital,
901 Mountain View Drive.
9:30 a.m., A1-Anon fam-
ily group, Skokomish In-
dian Assembly of God, 1925
Highway 101.
11 a.m., Narcotics Anon-
ymous, United Methodist
Church 1900 King Street.
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Spinners Gone
Straight, St. David's Epis-
copal Church, 324 West Ce-
dar Street.
7 p.m., NA at Mountain
View Alliance Church, 314
East J Street.
City of Shelton
Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75 plus
$10 for a city license. New
dogs are brought in all the
Iime. Call 427-7503 or vis-
it the shelter at 902 West
Pine Street. Dogs available
may be viewed at: Shelton.
petfmder.com online.
The hours are from 11
a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and
Wednesday; from 11 a.m. to
4 p.m. Thursday and Fri-
day; and from 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. Saturday. The shelter
is closed Sunday and Mon-
Currently Available:
Pit Bull Terrier mix,
male, 3 yrs; Labrador mix,
male, 4 mo; Shepherd mix,
male, 2 yrs.
Mabelline is an affection-
ate kitten. She enjoys attention
and will share a lifetime of
"Rub and Purrs", "Kitty play"
and "Happy Meows". Mabel-
line is looking for a sunny win-
dowsill, daily food and water,
and a safe warm bed. She
would like to have a Forever
Home and loving Family of
her own. Mabelline would
like one of her friends to come
too. For information on Mabel-
line and other indoor only Kit-
ties call 360-584-0594 or leave a
message at 360-426-2455.
His name is Opie. lh": .p-
proximately 4 ye,rs old, i. a
dalmation/spaniel m ix and i."
looking ['or a lzelv home. Opi,'
would love a honw wM,' ke
could be the only do.G Hc ]ive'd
in a cage most o/'his /,;/i,, ;/,
loves going [br wit,:..: , ., .i//
be a constant, loving4 (,:,.?:(:
ion. If you are inh'rcxt,'d /zt
meeting Opie email or c.l/ ..' l,
set an appointuwnl.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 - Page [:-