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Dessa Johnson Heider
Dessa Johnson Heider died peacefully at the age of 95 at the Ida Culver
Nursing Home in Seattle on January 10, 2011 of age-related illness.
Dessa was bom October 26, 1917 in Wood Lake, Nebraska to Alva
Clayton Shaul and Cleona Mac (O'Halloran). In 1920 her parents
moved to Whitewood, South Dakota where Dessa grew up with her two
sisters, Dorothy and Belva. After graduating from Whitewood High
School in 1934, during the Great Depression, she married Lawrence
K. Johnson, her high school sweetheart. In 1942 they moved west and
joined relatives in Bremerton, Washington where Lawrence became a
pipefitter in the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard during WWII, and Dessa
was a homemaker raising the first three of their children. Subsequently
they made their home in Shelton, Washington for over 20 years where Dessa
continued to be a loving, dedicated mother raising her growing family of five
children. At the same time she was a loving and supportive wife while Lawrence co-
founded with two other partners the Meadowcreek Mill, cutting cants and lumber in one of the first portable
sawmill operations in the Puget Sound region. The two of them became accomplished ballroom dancers,
dancing every Saturday night with friends and family. Dessa was a self-sufficient and resourceful woman
as well as vivacious, beautiful, spirited and artistic. She was always determined to make sure her children
developed into responsible adults with the right social graces.
Dessa became a widow after 33 years of marriage to Lawrence and as a single mother she retrained herself to
become a professional secretary. She was subsequently employed by Boeing in that capacity and while living
in Seattle she met Fred Heider, a Boeing engineer. Dessa and Fred had a fun and loving 15 year marriage with
many trips to Reno and Hawaii until he passed away and she became a widow for the second time.
For the past 10 years Dessa resided at the Ida Culver-Broadview Nursing Home receiving wonderful care from
the Ida-Culver staff and her extended family. She had fun going to all the family events and even, at 90 years of
age, was going to community dances with her family---whooping it up on the dance floor in her wheelchair and
still the life of the party.
Dessa was predeceased by her husbands Lawrence Johnson (1967) and Fred Heider (1993), sisters Dorothy
Metzler (2010) and Belva Olson (2000). She is survived by her loving children Gwen Anderson, Teryl Payne,
Kent Johnson, Billee Irwin, and Robyn Johnson and their spouses. Also feeling the loss are 11 grandchildren, 6
great grand-grandchildren and many nieces, nephews and friends.
-- Paid Obituary Notice -- " ri
Weddin!7 Announcement
Caryn Brand and Mi-
chael Byron Clark of Shel-
ton were married at 5 p.m.
July 17, 2010 at the Fair
Harbor Marina in Grape-
view. Don Hartman per-
formed the double ring cer-
Following the ceremony
there was a reception and
Michael and Caryn Clark
catered dinner in the out- Robin Hudson of Shelton
door pavilion at Fair Har- and bridesmaid, Heather
bar Marina. Shull of Renton.
She is the daughter of The best man was Dave
Randy and Margot Brand Hudson of Shelton and the
.of' Shelton and he is the son groomsman was Chuck
of Michael Clark (Lorna) of Bridges of Shelton; Jr.
Shelton and •Donna Van- Groomsean were Blaine
paepeghem of Adna. and Evan Clark the grooms
The matron of honor was sons.
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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011
Shelton student graduates from
University of Puget Sound
James Sobotka, a 2006
graduate of Shelton High
School, graduated from the
University of Puget Sound
in December 2010. He ma-
jored in physics and minored
in education. He is the son
of Mi Sobotka and Jacque-
line Ouellette of Shelton.
While a student at Puget
Sound, Sobotka participat-
ed in Logger football for four
Founded in 1888, the
University of Puget Sound
is a 2600 student, indepen-
dent, national liberal arts
college in Tacoma.
In last week's Journal
Living section, there was a
mistake in the What's Cook-
ing feature on local fitness
expert/author Marnie Domi-
Dominy did anot mean to
state that carbohydrates
should be eliminated from
a person's diet as they are
needed in the human body.
In last weeks article called
"Time for a Story, Megann
Schmitt was listed as an
Americorps volunteer. She is
in fact a library associate.
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