January 21, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 21, 1965 |
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PAGE 2 8ET]LTON--MASON COUNTY" JOURNAL--Published in "Chr stma. town, U.g.A.", , helton, Washin on Thursday, January 21,
Mason County officials will at-
tend a Civil l)efem~e Conference
sponsored by the Univelsiiy of
Washington Jan 28, in Memorial
Hall. Shelton
giwanbns To Observe Anniversary
Mrs. Stackhouse
Called By Death
Frances Mary Stackhouse, 325 GRAYSTONE MANAGERSHIPS
"H" Street. died last Satm'day in iAT SHELTER, KKNT CHANGE-. ~ ~-
the Shelton Manor Nursing Home. ]gill Judah, manager ot Shelloza's
Slit; was 85 years of age having e(merc(c l,ro(hlcL,; plant since 1946, i
been born Nov. 3. 1879 in Oiague, was a::signe.l lo the man,~gership
Wash. She h'td been a Mason of the Grayst(me plant at Kenl
(Continu,'d from I)age 1)
l)e available for
the family if they de,tire.
An estinmted 1.(;00
be processed through the
tion Center in a year, it
:!1 The first one will start
'Feb. 1 when the
ter starts the second phase
Comity resident for t0 years, i effective January 14.
New developments and needs in The fmleral service was heldI His vespon,dbilities at the ~he,
civil defense will be the topic of ~, at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Bat-i ton phmt v:ere assigned to Jo*.m ling itself int() operation
the day-hmg meeting which is ' "~ stone lruneral Home. Rex,. Chas. K. Bennett, who has t;een s:ll,c~ the pnrpose for which it
open td others interesled in Civil Wigton officiated. Bmial was in i representative and as:;i,';lant man- strueted.
defense as well as to responsible Shelton Memorml Pink. lagez at Sl}elton ;dnee 19-17. , ' The tbird phase of t
public officials. She is sm'vived by one son, Mall- ~Vtlen Judah came h) Sheiton lh,. i tion--the implementation
UEGIS'rlIATION be~*ins at 8"30 rice ~\r. Staekhous[; Shelton one i eonereh~ plank was then known ,'.:', I treatment program-will
_~ ~,'~'.2Z ...... ~ ....,'~ "~.,'~;~ ' ;*.,~,~ daughter Mrs Wil~ifred Kimball k Mama MaLeria s. The rlnm,( \v~. I this summer, to put the :
BrU;tlan%U~c~);l.di~'~[~;r ~in~stru;:t~'};s Shell(m; one l~;'other, A, Lee Ptun" changed to C,:raystone ill J:~nuary, lion ill full swing by 1966,
of the UW Civil Defense training phrey of Spokane; two sisiers, [ 19,),1. Pie was viven the ad,:d;ie,lz~t l
program will open the conference .,ns.' Maude Bli(lgcs, Tacoma, and duties or' managing the Wynot,che ! The nearly 24 million a,
at 9 a.m. They will dis(uss "The :Mrs.Alice Damin of M(J,h:sLo, phmt by Ch'ayst(n.e in 19;o8. This forest lands in Washingte
~z--~,~.- *'~e .... Wea"ons Effects Calif I responsibility has been shifted to stitute more than half the
-- "1 n~--*^~*'v" Mea'Pres " and ............................. / the AberJeen plant manager w~th total land area.
:'~;ve~ime,~[al= Responsibil'ity for lr~ ..... V....l.r' JutJ,'}h s move to Kent. "~
• " ]~n~ ]['~|n~ "~-]Lr~.--~ 70 pcrsons, compared to a dozen '¢ ........ :"~~ ....
The aftenmon session will be l l.¥1alI JL)l~::;i;~ 11~751~U; [in Shelton
spent m wm kshops on she]te~ em- '
* " '' . • "" " ] Glenn W. King, Sv., Route 1[ Judah has been aclivo in th,
ergency opcratmns cente!'s: slip: Box 86 died at his home last Shelton Chamber of Co-'amerce ol~
poz ung se~vlees, ana z aOlologleal - , i .. s -" -wa s lid " '
defense.' " ' '" " ' Thursday. Born in Aurol,a, Iowa, I~t, nlgn y. .... a ~oaos committee
"~ n ' mo to Aber t for most of h s time here the 1' ,%
Set. 23. 1902, heved .............
..... ~,n in 1925 then to Finks Ill tWO as chairman the t