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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE .... J ]i £nlodainmoni Friday and Perrific Music by The Banjo King Trio Benmle playm many instruments lind ,all requests, aeoompanied b.~ MARTH& dl, GENE FLEMING Members Only Beachcombers Plan For Flower Show Next Summer The Beachcombers Garden Club held its regular meeting last Thursday in the home of Mrs. Ann Westberg on Stretch Island with Mrs. Kay Sanford assisting the hostess. Plans were started on the flow- er show the chlb will sponsor in June. Neighboring garden club members and friends arc urged to enter the show. The date and place will be announced later. Mrs. Win. Calder was appointea chairman of the show with Mrs. Carl Izett as co-chairman. Stag- ing will be under the direction of Mrs. Emil Gaetena, Mrs, Ads Grigg and 1Yfrs. Alma Anderson. It was voted to pick up the shrubs from the Ford Founda- tion and deliver them to North Mason High school for planting. A sLlent auction was held of ar- ticles fu,'nished by members, bringing $10..92 for the club. Women Marines comprise ap- proximately 1 percent of the t0.tal Marine Corps force. I Somebody, somewhere would love to answer the phone right now and have it be you, PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL I~t d ~ ~=~1~ lid spin ...( SI-IELTON--MA 0N COUNTY 30URNAL--Published in t¢Chr stmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington .at SANDt LEWIS is Girls' Club president at She!ton High school. Music is her m.~in triter•st. She sings in the s ent0r choir and the swing the r" as well as doing solo work both in and outside of school. When Sandi Lewis was in the:literature and composition, civics sixth grade she took part in a and choir. school program and her teacher discovered she had a good singing voice. Since that time music has played a large interest in her life. i~andi i~ a member of the Senior Choir a~ Shei~0n High school. She al~o sings with the Swing Choir and does s01o Singing in and out- side of school. She has won sever- al music scholarships further en- abling her to study mtmie and music appreciation. It isn't attrpt~sing that she plans to major in music in college and would very much like to teach that sub,eat in the future. She has chosen Seattle Pacific university i for completing her education. Sandi is Girls' Club president this year and a member of Pep Club. In the past two years she was a member of the Girls' Ath- letic Association but her duties .as Girls' Club president keep her quite busy. She is active in the Baptist Youth Group. Subjects she is taking her last year at SHS are biology, French; Sandi is the daughter of Mrs. John Bur nett She .was~ .born ~ay 26, 1947 in Olympia and moved to ~helton when she was in the first rade. A blue-eyed brunette, she is: 5' 2" tail. She has two brothers, Mark and Randy Lewis who are 9 and 12, and her new family which in- cludes Mark, Joel, Jim and Mary Burnett who are 17, 12,. 15 and 10. HOBO PARTY, pOTLUCK SLATED BY EAGLES The Eagles Lodge No. 2079 will have a Hobo party and potKtck dinner for their meeting to begin at 6:30 p.m. next Tuesday in the airport hall. Prizes will be given for the best c6stumes. GOLDEN AGE CLUB Members of the Golden Age Club will meet at 6 p.m. next Thursday in the Memorial hall for a potluck dinner. Coming Months Bring Much Activity For Local Girl Scouts Girl Scouts of Mason Neighbor- hood will hold their secoud annu- al Sengi•st and Playday March 6 to celebrate the beginning of Girl Scout week. Preliminary plans for the event were discussed at the neighborhood meeting held last Thursday in the Girl Scout little house. Another item of business was the annual Cookie Sale to raise money for camping and troop ac- tivities. Mrs. J. Keh'in Hamilton will be chairman of the sale. Dates set for this event are March 31 through April 10. It was annuonced that due to the increase in Girl Scout member- ship in Mason Neighborhood the area will now be entitled to eight delegates to th~ Tall Timber Coun- cil meetings. These delegates will be elected at the February meet- ing. Day Camp was also on the agenda. It was agreed to ask for the week of July 12-16, with the week of July 26-30 as second pref- erence. Adults interested in being on th~ Day. Camp. staff are askea to submit their names and pre- ferred age level on or before the next Neighborhood Association meeting. Mrs. Jan Mills, field adviser, presented a film strip on The Troop Committee. The Feruary 11 neighborhood meeting will be a potluck lunch- eon in the home of Mrs. S. W. Vander Wegen, neighborhoocl chairman. LOCAL pEOPLE ATTEND INAUGURAL BALL Shelton residents attending the Inaugu~v,1 ball held in the Olympia armo~:y last Week iiml~tded Judge and Mrs. Glenn Correa, Mrl anci Mrs. Herb Angle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Everett, Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Kahny, M~r. and Mrs. S. W. Vander Wegen, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mc- Inelly, Mrs. Bob Puhn and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson. EVERGREEN PTA NEXT THURSDAY "Your Child and His Legisla- ture" will be the program for the 8 p.m. meeting of W.vergreen PTA next Thursday. Huntly S. Grant, state legislation chairman, Con- gress of PTA, will discuss legisla- tion affecting education in the current sessioii. The program will be introduced by Dr. Herbert Hergert. Everyone is invited. Refreshments will be selwed. .Youn .................. "and Women! i If you're. 16 through 21, here's your chance to 0 If you're 16 through 21 years old, out of school, and can't find a job- can't get the Armed Forces- and sometimes t,hink you have no future- JOB CORPS may be the answer. Just fill out the coupon below, send it in, and you'll soon find out. If you're accepted, you'll live in a Job Corps center with others your age. You'll eat• food.You'll learn a trade• You'll enjoy spo : and recreation. Learn how to speak and write well• Learn how to get and hold a good job. Best of all... YOU'LL GET PAID WHILE DOING IT! You'll get daily spend,rag money... and when you leave you'll be paid $50 for every month you were ia Job Corps! Ifs all's a big optx unity. Send the coupon in today and' start a new fuktre. Join Job Corps and BE SOMEBODYI | In i n | IN | Ul n n n n nt~n nun n m n nn n n n n u nml im nl n inl n nn n n Im i/,n n n n nii iii i q,e-,- ' II I n n l l l l ! ! m I l m l I I am interested in the Job Corps. Opportunity Card PRINT NAME ,.(first name) (last name) , AGR------ j ADDRESS (street address or rural route) (city) " ' (stY) Telephone wh e I can be . k I I i ! I I I I I i ! I I I I I II II u n n n n n n n n i n ii n n ii ii n n Ii ii ii Ii Ii ii ii ii ii ii Ii i ii un Ii q'| | | | | i i | | | ~ a|" ¢ookin'? TUNA TREAT is this week's recipe given to us by Ginger Brown. With Ginger in the above Journal photo is two-year old Lisa. $ $ $ There is seemingly an unlimited number of recipes for casserole dishes. This week's main dish, Tuna Treat, given to us by Ginger Brown, has some of the basic in- gredients used in other recipes we l have had, yet has a different meth- i od of assembling them, resulting in a completely new taste and tex- t~'~i'nger,""^ who originally hails from the other side of the (as- cades, is married to Don Brown, a Shelton resident most of his life. They have one little girl, Lisa, age two. Bowling on the Women's Com- mercial league is a pastime Ging- er enjoys very much. She is a member of the Patrick T. Ortho- pedic Guild and teaches the four- year olds Sunday school class at Faith Lutheran church. TUNA TREAT In 1~ quart casserole mix: 1 can condensed cream of mush- room soup 1 pkg. frozen peas, cooked with- out salt i can tuna fish Put into 400 degree oven for 12 minutes. Separate four eggs. Beat whites until stiff. Beat yolks until lemon colored. Add ¼ cup grated cheese. Fold mixture into whites. Turn onto top of contents of ca.~- serole. Return to oven for 20 rain- tiles. GIVES EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE WHITTEMORE AND L OWE Arthur Whittemore and Jack Lowe, internationally famous two- piano team, delighted Mason County Community Concert-goers by their fine performance in the Blue Ox Theatre last Thursday. Working in complete accord on matched Baldwin grand pianos these exciting artists played music of all types from classical Brahms and Schubert to today's show tunes. The audience, which included many young piano students, thril- led to the brilliant execution ot Ravel's "Bolero" and Liszt's "Mep- histo Waltz". Brahms' "Variations on a Theme by Hayden" and Prokofieff's "Love of Three Oranges" was also enjoyed. Arthur Whittemore's interesting remarks heightened enjoyment of a pro- gram which many rated one of the finest ever to appear in Shel- ton. At intermission Association president, Andrew Beelik, thanked the Shelton Garden Club for again furnishing beautiful stage decor- aliens and reminded members of the change of date and artists for the next concert. The Danzi Wood- wind Quintet, an excellent group of first chair artists from Amster- dam's Concert Gebouw Orchestra, will perform here April 14 to end this season's most successful ser- ies. Next season's membership drive will commence in three weeks ann an even larger association is ex- pected. Music Club Members To Study "Rigoletto" The Shelton Music Club will meet at 8 p.m.v.ext Tuesday l~ the home of Mrs. Bernhard Win- iecki for a study of the opera "Rigoletto". Mrs. Charles Lewi~ will narrate the story and Henry Van Hemmers, tenor, will sing. Guests are welcome. Please caU ~frs. James Barrom, president, at 426-3470. Thursday, January 21 Journal Want o Common At the turn of our century, medicine and sciences----despit e gre~ t nmde during the still faced with many conquered diseases of threating and fatal Another 20 years or so to pass before the insulin provided the ignited the flame of day drug research. and then another of the unmanageable diseases the conquering power "new era" drugs--the mones, sulfonamides, hypotensives, vaccines host~of others now worldwide medicine. These are the fruits of operative effort uniting science and the laboratories in a commol sade against all human everywhere. S Fifth & Franklin St. Open Daily 9:30 to 7: Saturdays --- 9:30 - Appliance Repairs I Ranges-Refers:Washers - etc. [ Any l~ake - Any Model Guaranteed Satisfaction [ Lem Warren Refrigeration 2nd & Cots 426-2445 Service For Good Service See Us! All Work Fully C & L Time Service 401 So. 1st St. Charline &l Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Floor Coverin • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERI Mt. View Ph. Bakery Fresh Baked Bread - Cakes - Doughnuts - Rolls - Buns - Custom Baked Cakes HI'S BAKERY Oly. Hwy. No. (Mt. View) 426.3179 Heating • Safety check • Clean-up • Minor & major STARKEY'S Sales & Service 514 Ellinor [ eauty ,. Landscaping • Complete Hair care "' "' 1" n • rockeries, • Merle Nornmn Cosmetics | | i s • Top soil, tilling, I( (free demonstrat on ) | I | [ • Free estimates Elaine's Beauty Salon | | SUNSET LANDSCAP~ 6th & Laurel 426"45821 I Herbert Baze Beauty Salon Complete Beauty Care Evenings By Appointment Under New Ownership Christmastown Beauty Salon 114 So. 4th 426-4783 Rental Service Almost Anything Bulldozers - Loaders - Folding Banquet & Chairs, Hospital LEW RENTS 2216 E. 4th Olympia Chiropractor • Office Now Open 323 Franklin Street • Phone 426-8060 J. L. DEBBAN, D.C. 9-noon 2-6 closed Thurs. Sand, Gravel • Top Soil • Peat Soil • Custom Tractor Johns Creek Sand & 426-3552 Norm At i i n .... Cleaning Services "----1 Sewing • Janitor Service / [ • Wall To Wall Carpet [ • Sales, Service [ . House & Upholstery [ • New and Used I • Complete Line Of Supplies l • Free Pickup & [ DON'S JANITOR SERVICE J Singer Sewing I 2103 E 4th Olympia 352-1367 I 117 5th Ave. East - ..... Ph, 357-7686 Cleaning Service Carpets - Wall to Wall Floors - Stripped, Polished Windows - Walls - Upholstery "SHELTON'S OWN" CLEANING SERVICE CO. Days 426-8138 Nites 426-4376 Ski Equipment Sales - Rentals - Bikes - New and CLINTON'S BIKE 223 Cota Drugs , Tire [ • Helena Rubinstein cos- ] [ metics . New OK Tires • Prescriptions I • Recapping I • Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics • Used [ NELL'S PHARMACY OK TIRE l. 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 Mr. View Ph. Electrical n • Fairbanks- orse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Travel • Air - Rail - • Bus - Hotels - • No Extra Charge Our Service Angle Travel Res. 401 Railroad Ave. Watch Repairing New Hamilton & BulGes Watches All' types Jewelry Items Expert Jewelry Repairing Neuenschwander Jeweler A. T. Boswell, Owner 405 Railroad 426-6182 TV Service • Radio - 'IV • Phonographs • CB 2-way radio LER:OY'S TV SERI Mt. View Ph.' Auto Repairing • Major Overhauls • Brakes & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups • Special Winterizing ED'S SERVICE 108 E. Cota 426-3926 TV Service Fast and TV and Radio R~ Antenna and Parts Armagost TV.Radto 1919 King St. (Mt. 426-4342 i: