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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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January 21, 1965 Tr x,TON-- AgON COUNTY 30URNAE-- Published in "Chr¢stmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington PA E 9 ,p By Betty Criss Wing, estimated that the student: -- The third meeting body could contribute around North Mason Athletic hn- $2.000 over a period of years, de- Committee was held pending, of course, upon increased -~k ago Tuesday night in the gate receipts. A scrap metal drive to go over proposed has been suggested by the Let- ways and means of fin- termen's Club. Also being con- sidered is sale of two-year athlet- Le Athletic Improvement Corn- ic passes for a suggested $20 each. came into being as a resultBooster pins could also be sold of interest and of- for $1 or any amount anyone of help from various eiti- would like to donate. in the community who are Tim students at North Mason interested in athletics butare just like high school students in the students of anywhere. They are loyal, enthus- Mason. " • iastic and optimistic. They think aims of the committee their band is the greatest and and seating at the foot- their teams the finest. Their a running track around school sph'it is outstanding, and and tennis courts. Un- win or lose they come right back law, interscolastic activ- for more with" their hopes and high schools, as well as spirits undimmed. cannot be supported outLast year they wer award distMct budget Thezefme " _ e ed a: • ', hophy m then let l f have to be mm,,,,,~n ,,,,~ ..e- • ~gl e or sports- nt body fun(t'~_*'~72 Y.2'~-~-,~, manshlp. Recently, the Bainbridge inch o}'a rol i^Zal% j ot football coach personally wrote a ~-~ xor l~rge , letter i established high ~oh,,,,lo h.~ . to North Mason commend- .... ,-= .... :='. y~-~."~, ,-~ ing them on their school s irit ,,=,w. n,ga scnool nas to start and ~,,~,.~m~,,~hi as exhibitePd at ., scratch", and it takes a the fiLa~nb;:i'd~e:~Pt.,,, ;i, ume, a lot of hard wnvlr ~nd • ~ --, ...... ason foot- ~it,, s ..... -;.7--~"." "':" pall game. The students are anx- ,e Xnr ° o en 2 ions and willing to do thor sha e p~ ..__ v, . _ now it is up to the adults to do hi~'prPo;2e~a~v !~l~ can;r: their's. The greatest need now ~s :alis are no- J'- "['= u,~umL, leadership and support, financial the be~-~ w Demg p}'epar- and 'otherwise. •This prim'am Will ~ru zor two tennisbenefi " which, with luck o~^,oa ~,o t not only athletes, but the • - ...... .. --'-; ....... "~ WhoIe extra-curricular ~x>gram ~-y .spring. ~ate receipts, More im-ortan'p t u~ougn ..... it: wut .... ul-' ~Dall and basketball help timately l~enefft the whole .school mat~y other activ'ities by giving the students tangible as, debate,minoretc.sports, music pro- evidence Of community ~upport the field is not lighted, gaines have to he Scheduled , daytime. This meanS that of adults are Unable to come games and even many stu- ~a~able to attend, hav- to Catch a bus night games Only increase attend- WOuld bt~ng in larger po]es have bee~ Huson; Russ nger and Bob Hinningsen dig the track; has offered in clearing trees for The lights alone Will around $4,800. Installation, With volunteer labor may s high as $2,000. estimate as yet on bleacher or finishing work on the after it is dug. The financ- t~ for this program ae reach of the Stu- In addition to gate they raise funds each the annual Student and various Smaller activities, plus the Cards. The past two worked to pay On athletic and purchased. one thing, they the tel~nis ays and means were dis- the meeting Jan. 12. Body president, Tim and approval. It wilt me~m hard Work and a lot of financial sup- port, but can you think of a better or more rewarding investment than in the youth and future citi- zens of the community? HAlbF-~EVI:E entertainment at the Saturday ~ight Forks-North: ~ason game was a basketball game betwee~ teams ,of 4th grad'- era participating in the IKiwanis. Basketball program for boys in the community from the 4th through 7th gradeS. The boys turn out every Saturday morning in the high school gym and are coached by vohmteers from the Belfair Kiwanis Club• This 4s a fine program and will not only benefit the boys but train future North Mason athletes. The un- sung heroes are the men giving their time to help these boys. This is only one of the programs benefiting the youth of the com- munity sponsored hy the Kiwanis chib. Men in the community interest- ed in playing basketball may turn out Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 in the high school gym. A team from this group will play North Mason later on in this an- 'nual "classic". The North ~ason Junior-Senior High PTA will meet tonight at :8 p.m. in the cafeteria. The pro- gram will feature "Youth Night" and many community youth groups wil participate. ]" • (treat Ca.r that new Dodge. Just gra t. And 'al goes w=th it. Longer wheelbase. Better ride (Torsion. Morn 'gl up;and,git on regular gas. Better ra- =a e Value built right in. And a much ,better warranty --B years or 50,000 miles. How about fhat . " rds again this year (for the thsrd Straight year). So come on. Deall P;S. Thls beautiful Dodge l=a Coronet, {~Om,mH...... I~IN WARRANTY PROTECTS YOU: Ch slut ,~=~"Z"""cars Ior~nnoentlyb warrants ull of the following!! I~ vlta I parts ofrY its ,.~,.~ ..... Y~rs or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, durin Z'!!~a..~m~.~/oum'psrts that prove deled]re In meterls | m.namp WlU ~o re Is I end work- Authork=~ n--,---p .¢ed or t epa.lred el a Chry .tier Motors Corpomllolt " moor:*'= - ongtno"" "~'Yszb placo o! business without cnerse for such ps rts or ti Io@., 5end and intm'nel otts i lailake manifold, Wos~ ~ • PUmp Ira P , n ke manifold, water tot--" - nsm!sslou case and internal parts (excepUn m|nuol clu ~.0 coqvenor dr v ~ii ~1l tch), lind t '" ~" esMft, universa joints, rearoxleanddifferenthl' Ur Witee beafln~t, REQUIRED MAINTENANCE e I~inlens : Th fofl0wln~ ~ .,._ n~ se~..ices are required under the warran -,,-than u en in t =,tow m,,., wh,ch.., com2.r,t: ,: Sndr iff sec°nd pit change; clean carburetor nl =ts !~R=eve~2 years; .~nd. every 6 months furnish 7vidence of lind re-us-, I;'"~ m a un~fer Motors uorporation Authorized Dealer ~1~ , ,~i~,..~ ..=z aim to certify receipt of such evidence and Railroad • Shelton, Washington Program At Hose, The Board of Direcl.ors met last received by the Board. The Board Monday night and have scheduled a second meeting tonight to in- terview prospecl, ive architects for the proposed high school building program. At the regular January meeting of the Board, bids were opened on gasoline, diesel burner oil and PSJ00. Richfield Oil Co. was awarded the contract for gas- moved to establisi~ April 1Z as a bond electim~ date. At a previous m'eeiing the Board approved a $193,000 bond issue to be placed on a ba;Iot in the near future. A IIEI~OilT was heard from Supt. Normatl ScOlders as to pos- sible housing for students now us- ing the Chalet buiMing, should it be necessary. The report fi~clud- of the Belfair Barn, and the Vie-end vice president; Ivan Holm, tor Community Hall. Another pos- sibility would be doube shifting. April 20 was designated as a mal¢e-up day for the day lost Jan. ,1. due to sno\v con(tit.ions. Mr, Hoppe, chat!re:m, vohmteercd to contact people in the community who might be inl(u'esled in fornl- ing a Citizen's Committee to help I)romote tiae llp-colnillg bond issue election. New officers of the Kiw.mis Club were installed Tuesday eve- oline and Olympia Oil an(1%Voo(1ed housing a greater number of ning, Jan. 19 at the Fire Itall. l(i- Products received the awa)'(1 for students in the Allyn school andwants wives were invited to si- PS300. use of "other eomnmnity buildings tend. Ed Hoister, LL. Gov. of the No award was made on diesel such as the Community church, Kiwanis installed l)ick Burrell, burner fuel sines the County bid basement of the Masonic Temple, president; Bill Bvtler, first vies on that item was lower than anyroom at the Fire Hall, basementpresident; Norman Sanders, set',- : secret.u'y-I reasuror, lJoard mem- bers installed included Ed Berb- erel;, Paul MeI