January 21, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 21, 1965 |
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pAGE 10 . SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in rrChristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thur &qv
. ... i, , .* T . . . ' ' '' ' '1 J "~'~"%Y 9 "~i~L~.7 ~'L9
( SHELTOH HIGH tlOOL NEW Lillimup [ie J ent F,r Some 50 Y mrs Sells He;;
.... ~ . • . . .' " , , • onp , _ . ',g '.
Hlghc]ilnber To Resume Publication This ~J[ollth, By Frtmee~ Cairo [c.ancelled because of weathei con-winter of 1916 the one of 1943, en o ed the man le ter f'o . yearTto.yea* numbels.
i 0T CE. , , : ,, . ,-, _ [ LILLIWAUP Indmn Beach'aidona" the blizzard and long cold s ellofJ , JY y ,t .s ~ in . p,e' a!d if' txN
Girls Clllb laKlllg Plans ~or r nquet ro err for over half a centur Repairs to the commumt hall Januar . 1950 and th a P frmnas Lelhng about the Winter doesn't take them, sometltir
P P Y, y ' ' Y Y . , e e rthquake tha ' "" '
th:hs?l:::t3?d:~3pIt~eeetsl:2ciOt l.iappil?Yf~n(l~2eW~I~rdstudents, [ ~2~rUg2:itols, Mike Isbell and Mlck [h3s(h°m3n°~ M:2~iS Jo:ephn~ Pen lalfi~eC;:l!eed" bwY:he he~l;y in ;he~c:Pr2vgi;)iftol~4:;ter tile shut- thetbeW::Y °T~i(LYllr'egll;tgil:;lal'sfl;:tzg d:es._ --~
" bo w I the Htghchmber" " , the school pc-" ..... ,~ E ,+~ i1943, her husband, Gils V Peter'- . ' , ' plac. and chimney in _co riod of the '.~nnur ........... ~,o,f..,.:~a, .... met LilliwauD conesnondent
' n ,, be held at the off,or .... . ,, ....... ' son, has ust been sold The ro - builder, who is a member of the ,] / J " " iS~02~
/of the association on Saturday, pet" will resume pubhcatmn Jan.I THE (,IRLS CLUB ,s planning/" ....J_ ._" ._" P_P I ........................ land Mrs. Elmer Emmens, wholb,'ought me an item that went
iFebru-r,, a ,aa, ,, , ^,,.^^[,22 It was announced that there its Father-Dau hter Ban uet to elLymcmoes the resmenee ano a, ....... a~ uu,y mommy worKmglpaida Sunday visit toMfl~esRe ] from T, ,ton Head to he a
|pro"" "' ............. ' will" be 10• ,ssues' mchzdmg" " the be held in the nea+. futurcg q S.nd' /:smaJjm+ cottage' on. 215 feet of on the buildings' ch,mney" " winch', sorL for a visit wiLh Mr" and Mrs" '- tome She told me how her nei" r STORM
-' " + 'o' :" "o he a u lic't • +. , * " : Y peach waterlront Tne [ransacdon had broken into two pieces, one , " ' " " . . . g "
sere t e htl n. T p per p b +,- Lewis, the Gn'ls Club president ' ., . ......... C.O. Bmtch, winter caretakers burs, the l~red Martins durra the f
I .. , . ti,,ns wore canceled durin~ the im ,~,,~ ~, ,. ,,~ ..... e,~ ....Jwas mado by J,m Snumate rep- h-~,++ ~ect,on of wh,ch had crashed ...... ,:+ ................ : ...g ~
+ + ~+ ........... ' .......+, ....... a.- . , . . at the lesort ........... a~ WJtlIOUL electricity aL II~l~|lllrl~llI-- II
] I~as0n U0u~tv entire firstsemester, due to a tivity, but a general chairman will |resenting the Hood C~nal Real/through thek~tchen door and into I With oil for heating, ~+as for [Triton Head, saved their food sup- I - II~rl|lL~l~-lll~.:
| . . ~ = " lack of subscription.. Subsc~:iptions I be chosen from a voluntarily sign-] ~state an~..~nsuz:~nce+jt~ompany_ I C~'rt31 ~°e~n'h~ne.c~mney was sev~ I cooking and a gas ]~'ntern for 1PlY in ingenious fashion, They i ~ ~" +_~+~
| ~avinJ~ ~ II i~l~lln may be purchased at +a cost o~ ~ led list. Miss Margaret Baldwin is |.,~*._'+=. "*+."~; ..... '=: ~=',"/.~" ",'~ ~ [~^,.;~^~. '.:~7~'+:;~.+_:..+'_::~:"_~+ +:~"_/light, the Bartcbes considered I placed their refrigerator food in I |l /~'*~g~.¢~~
/ I" "'O-- ~ II~ll~lI frowiF~tnv ll2~13qDeF ()£ the sttuf or I tho (2.lnh'u ncl~H~r |vvvllet.La oomyn oi ~eaT.ue,WhO |uiuttv u.t~ wl~l 12he wt21~61112 ul LII£; /,. . • ..... I o~ .-.1.4 ..'1...+.. o..~.. ~..~ t.' + I I~, / / - " ~rlvTI-V •
, ' - . " , . i .............. ials^ ~-v~ --: - '" 'slidin"+ snow from th s'-e- r -* 'themselves mcmer man some tim'- i-,. -,- ,~-~ ,+~,,~ ,,~c,]ne ou~- I %'P/~_ -~.. [k IT ..' "
| A~*~A."+.|-'A,~ from the staff adwsor, Paul Gilhe, ] . .... ~, | u .~ y. summer resmence prop- ].. s . . e ~c p om ~ine" the rioter cmt.~++ .n th~. I of-doors and vJaced their freezer I ~~~*P i~ I|fi" ,~
" • ' .' t f' in- ' erW on me wanm at Black Point a~ove, h new ~oor was oein in-[ u .- ...... o~ ~- ..... ~[ " . - . [ .~, ~
| M~U~iI¢I||UII .The "I~.~ghc!~mbe., fl a f+. [ It was announced this week. [~,,~,,,, +o . , .................. = I~ , .. ' + g way. Their water supply durin contents into an ~ron drum with *,
cmaes: ma,mr-m-cmeL tmne ~'re- . ' ...... : -o~. ........ v ............. taAed by Jack,Lmmback, con-'this i ,h~ m.~,+ a,,,,,~la ti~ht-fittin¢ lid and burvin~ it I J~ ~\'~ "-" |' k' ,~r~
i - too; page one editor Fran Ross that try--outsfor our next schooliAmerman Awways. [struct,on ,nan, WhO is ainu a cmOlwith t~e was _.._ :. ............ ++tin tffe snow ° " ~" ] ~x \N [[~[~t~t .
/ HUe Insurance Building ~,..~ o~-r+e T,inder" ~a~e two e(i-Ipjay' '"me.jr tan..w.no t:amc to] Mr and Mrs Peterson, who Jmember and former president. ] .... ree ea~s an~ a (log. a!~d] ,~ " .~ i .~x~.\. ~_..~I[~ ~'~
a ..... ~'A ~'Z. - , ,-_o .-% uinner", win oe nelfl Jan 18 and | ...... " .......... 2. ........... / p--~i-~-.+ ~-- ~.v~vn XT~oho+ line teealng oz many wire oiro vls- I DESPITE E~ FORTS to save it, [ ~...~\\~k~.-2.'|~"~
J Shelton, Washington .ttors, tJatny u+~sen an~.JJ, ve 119 m the Reed Building auditorium / ..... .~. ............Y" ...... ] .... +o~,.+.+~.**+o......-..~+ ........ ]~tors, there was a httle donkey JR young elk, ~tranded and ++rob- [ 1~,~,~/+~/~~_
i bourne; page ill e , 'after school This play will have |-O .... ~Y" " 'dur:ii- *he we ...... 11 ........... ' (brought from Mexico by Mr and|ably wol'n out with its stl-uggles [ ~~~
Harve • Re|] ' . . | t en~oy tne oeauues anct pleas- , ++L ' wl c' atts~ ~as1 e6~- T1EeB~aid~ker~y SkU'n¢lay fa:'tell'n.oon|] "
I,, nis Partlow and Sut Y, P g Ja single cast, rather than the for- lures ~f H,,~a o ........... J.qnochle .,la.,ers t- ~ecom~ sno,.. }Mrs. Robert Schultz) to care for. J through deep ~now in search of I '~_"~ fir~,~\ )~
I ...... : ]1 ~oe~h:U2ut?~earY?°~:len~2SteeddU3/~t:rchh°meth onf ~i~l[waau~ra~;3 / T bhUnd ~vg?lt%eaTrS2:21 2:drtYePr132t~./ahicioPr:elti~edv2s p~;bl;m, b2:a~l~ ]~nOO~ di:ldowSa~rday w?t#:ns reff~we
] ~|~M~r~l~ ,DII~A~M@Ip~II~ ]lto participate in the.play. Dean|they came to fish and have other[ments and all are welcome to at-]~ _s- t highway from .the/y.ards of t:he highway, sot tth of Lil- I -¢-- ~'~v-~k~q"
• ueacn where mere was szx ~eet oz llWaUp "me weak animal was OlS ~,;,
m-- , Tarracn ano ~arry ±~emon will act recreation in rest periods from life tend. ' . "
i ~~/~ ~~W@~@ Ilas the advisors and directors. [in *he cit.." "+-~i .......... [ A well written -nd in~erestin"/sn°w" It kept the Bartches busylcovored Saturday evening by LeT- I ~,A! "%~~'
| ..... |[ * * * | .... = o~ .... ~" ~**~*:.,~u=~.'¢~*.,,~'v~[~sori.~ .... ¢ He= ~. ~., T.pl~tgetting snow off his shed roof,[is Evans and Allie Robinson and [ Ill+IT -r
• • ~ . v so that it wouldn't crash in on on Sunda montin they went to
i ~rlP ]J During the last home basketball |f'n~e~d~'a'n(~" rela'tz've: ........... J~vau~p ~a'rea du'rin;~th:rec'entper-"] ........ Y . ..g.
I |]game with Central Kitsap (which| A slide from the high, way in|iod of heavy snowfall was con-|,. | ~ HIIMFIITI
• ~- " " ram, an~t wa~ing up me hill to feed see k i~ were sliil mere and if it
| II I U I I M ~ ~ |[we won with a score of 65-47), as [1935 partially destroyed the sum- |tributed to the Journal last week [mm. [could be helped, p "" ~" ........
V~wen lson h Mrs Ed Another Sunday wmtor at the For a week with ho es tha z
| I! ll B II • NI _~ I/part of the half-time activities, lmer cottage and soon after that/by ' " O . S e is . -/ "' [ , p t "t I ~| | DI~ V•
| I~• ~ I1|11 I~ • |1 ~ |/Candy Nutt, the SHS baton twirl- |the Petersons came out to rebuild [gar Olson, who lives just south of |resort, who seems inclined to.stay, ~was becoming stronger, All[e, Joe r ,~i~ r r-.l~ ~kl~mj
l .=--I--.. . --.__.. I/er, and her younger sister, Ja-/it and to make it a permanent |Ayock Beach in the new home ira. a yo.u.ng msc oog, flrooabl.y |McKmIand A1 Rasmussen, State L ~ll II ml maul a~ a I,
I LllflllllOV And Tnv [unu [|nine Nutt, in matching gold metal- [home. While building, they lived/to which she and her husband are [about mgn~ monms ore. ne m [Game rroteetor in this area, rain- • "1=111II Ill ~k~ ]Ill
| nuo l/mm -u/anur |]liC costumes, performed in a rou- }in a smaller cottage that had been ]putting the finishing touches. |described as resmbling a toy Aire- ]istered to the elk. They brought ~11 irli 11 ~lk~|
| ............... ||tine entitled "Me and My Shad- ]the home for several years of Mr. [They are former seattleites, loam. ~..e is black with tan neaR,/it milk in bottles, pellets with vi- A, .. ~- ,
| ~+~.1~ lr~,,~+a ||ow." They were accompanied by ]Peterson's brother-in-law and sis-~ It was also Vivien Olson who ]feet and tail. It is hoped that ]tamins, and other food and tried b']~a~S I[" ~ ~'~srt
i ,- ...... lithe mustic of the SHS band under/ter Mr and Mrs Lee Hale now/brou~ht to the attention of what [someone l~mw where this lost pet to make the elk comfortable, but = "
I ~ al~ri~W~rl~ ~'lrTll)l:)l !"1~ ||the direction of Gary Nicloy. |living near Hoo¢]sport. The late |we h~ad come to call, "The Out-]belong_s and will notify them at ]it died Saturday night. Storm&mageiseasytoclean
I // * * * /Gus Orgren, a brother of Mrs Pc- Is[de World some of the facts /mike s t~esort. / Heavy snow was made this a with t'e '" ...... rg
, ters n o [I WOrl(l S llgll[esc al
/| • SILK SCREEN MATERIALS J| SINCE our¢ NEXT b~sketball |for ~ nu~'d:rhi~ h3me with them ~ab3U~seOUreuwnus[ml d:Pdt.liitmOnfsSnreW. | WEvE=KENDoVISITORS at the |severe winter for the elk herds in drive "a .... ,
• HO RAILROADING SUPPLIES ga~e will be played in Port An- . b y s. |a e 'nt y C ' ' p - |Nei ance h e were Mr. and/this area and the _ game depart- CI~ in saw witn sup
/ //~eles tomorrow night a pen as-/ Proouct of their mutual interestIvailing in this Hood Canal area. lMrs. John Burg, son and daugh-lment is makin~ every effort to n ..... r .... , U .... t~ .~,~
l __11 SLOT RACING SUPPLIES l|s~emblv~ will be held Friday_ b~e~in-.~ [in flowers and plants, Josie and |She was the "emissary from Hood ter-in-law of Mrs. Vance, who protect and fee~l them" They de- v .... ,+ -~,., ? .... ...- ..~'~
I Ilk I~,]1~+]1~,~]~[|t~, T||.|~. |[ning at 9 a.m. The game will be-ITM Peterson made their beach |Canal armed with a shotgun" de-/came from Tacoma with their ~sire to discourage curious peonle XL-12. I)a~flaged or d,~eas{,
i -!" ................ /]gin at 8 p m, and any Sheltonlhome grounds bloom with beauty fscribed by weatherman Bob Hale/three boys. The grandchildren,/from seeking out the deer and trees can be removed qt icklY
I ~ ROCK HOUND SUPPLIES i|~nectators are most welcome to [in shrubs and plants A huge, wide |on KING-TV as giving him a bad |who usually occupy the Vance elk, however aince their resence
• - . • ." • • • • ' ..... " P prevent further "damage.
| 8 COIN COLLECTOR~ ~|TPP[,IER ilattend this league game and sup- |spread wistema vine, blossoming |t~me because of the over!ook~.ng/guest cabin on thmr vm~ts, mmsed |would frighten them from the pla- . . ,
[ ~ ~,__,7~:~,,j~.~, ,,T~-~YnV.~,~.~+ ....... /Iport the Climbers. . |amng the length of the house |by news medi~ of the szmauon |their quarters, demolished by the Ices where they are accustomed to ca, tell, IImD alIQ cut trees
| ~ l:2tllN'l' [IS1 _I~ 131¥1Jl:$J~Jl~ il * z * |brought admiring comment from |here. And pictures taken from lthe Isnow in the first week of January. ~receive their emergency rations big as 4 feet in diameter int0
| || After our victory over Central Ivisitors. lair were snown of the snow u an-INeil Jonn ~urg an~ one ot me land would send the bewildered an- - " .
I 1'_. ll nll_LL., a~. I[m.=.. iIKitsap, the pep club supported a ~ And throughout her residence |keted Hood Canal shoreline. Spur- |sons tried some fishing up at the ~imals back into starvation, tJ0ns in mi.mes. Weiglls (
l i /. k ll SPEC:IALSALE
o '. S ' to '
or Lilli~aup for ~ day or so this m g p
. week to supervise the packing of
.Ib' ossessions to be removed :fron~ atl0ck Area Durra ast Wee
I L +r long-time home. A group oz/ II
• I relatives and friends are assisting | By Dora. HeR,ring Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook f ]V~on- I[
• Iher in this task that is bound to | MATLOCK -- A large herd of t es~no and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I| on the following Lowre Or ins
I |i;z'ing memories of many happy |Elk was seen about one and one- t3oo~ were milcneoil guests Wea-I| Y g
• ]years in a house known for its|half miles South of Mary M. nesaay of the Kenneth Howard I[ U~J.I
| Ifriendly hospitality. IKnight school last Friday. Also, zami£y. II muuol
1 | PLANS VgERE progressing ear-la herd at Deckerville was seen Mr. and Mrs, Robert Trenck-II |_ ,,n == ~ •
| Ily this week for a pinochle party I lV[onday, mann and Mrs. James Pike spent II ,-owrey-.er,ta :e umuxe
i [Friday evening, in the Lilliwaup J Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry Sunday evening at the Earl Wal-II • " -, • "~ ==, ,
• ICommunit, y Hall, the first Ltlli-]spent Saturday afternoon with ,ker home. I| L.owrev-LmCOm woo.
| Iwaup Community Cl~0 party since IMr. and Mrs. Wes Goodburn and Mz" and Mr.~ Ralnh Jenkins )1
H [the one held Dec. 11. The New [family of Shelton. and "two sons 'of T~'coma werc II __ .
I~=eaz"s Eve party and the monthly Tuesday callers at the Elvinweekend ~u sts f r n r.~ I[ • ~
i~.~ potluck supper Jan. 8. had to be I Hearing home were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Moore ||
................................................................................ ~ .......... R E Bradberry and Mrs Lud
E ........... ~ ' ' J~==.,,+, T,~ ,, .......,~- ~x,rr N[r and Mrs Gene Brown and II One Used Small U.rn .i,, p,=,,, s~_,
............. ' ................ e, -,--, f iJ S ........ II r ~••z ||~==V 1 | I H I~
• am y ~pent ~aturoay m u£ympm . •
and Mrs. Harold Chft called. . . '. P
_ _ ............ (~ De~th took two old-time Mat-w,th relatives antfrmnds [[ O.e Used Small Upnghi Piano... $1J
![ |lock residents--Mrs. Sofus JR- .tvtr. and Mrs. ~arnes and son [I A n = ~ = = ==• .,.a~
] cobson passed way in Portland, Bill a;nd M.i.ss. Susan Hyast. all of I] useu pmet
• d azd ~eatue cases on ~r ano mrs
]~ lOre., Jan. 12, and Mrs. E w R • • ]1 • m~ ....... *
I! JStackhouse passed away Jm, ' • • • • L0wrev. mntwnnd,,.,,,. Mndnl $11|
]~ ~~= -=-:----:~ [in Shelton. Our sympathy is ex- c bur mi y ofII =wmvNvu m m m | a m m m v
............ _~,m~ ~~- :=- = - ~ I. -ded to their fam:l:cs Simpson Salmon Hatchery are en- ]J ~-. . ~!
LCII 1, . I "
[~ ~ -] -°~ ~~l~~ "- ? --:-~ It - ziday joying a brand new International ~emember We are open Monda anct
[Jl[ ~~i!!i:i~ evening with Mrs. Au~mta Port- Scout. I! ....
[~an and Carl Portman°.- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson ofII Frlctay Evenings Till 8:30
.| MRS. A., C. Anderson and son Pickering were Sunday dinner [| ~
lil~i~~ -: :-- _ --_ - l~~l~-._ ~:=_ ~_ - -: -~ iAllail Anderson were Sunday din- ff=uests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley II 1Al|llllll~, NnlnAn,A i~na~ ;i
Ii _:-+-- - --= =- -- =---- ~ I~e,. guests of Mr. and Mrs Herb- uwm~ett of the Salmon Hateh-[I /IIHH~]'X NIl..~|r_ Kill :t
][ Ull~n[~\. =-_---_ - - ]ertHelin, cry. ~n the aftenmon Mr. and]] wvm nimmm V l|lV~h~lV I~V~P~ '+
Ul | Mrs August Portman and Carl ~v~rs. vernon Tover and girls of [I ,~,~ ~ . +i
II mmmmm =--- --! I ;uests of ". and Mrs. L.D. PorL-"''' Portman wereM] Thursday luncheon n+ttesPUget IslandThe Tovet sCalled- OnnowthehaveGW,n-a '1]1 +,D ~..;01;~ 4~+ "~'+
~~ -=--- -_- -_- --=| Zx'n+n of Shelton. Grocery Store at Puget Island. '1
II -. -_ - ~~--- -_-_ _ ~ ~ Icalled on Mrs. Augusta Portman -'+
II +=---...... : - - ..... I land Carl Portnlan Sunday after- I i ~, ~. +.~
nooil n IV-- ll $ A
II -= 1 I Mr. and Mrs. James Freden- i iA.. = =---.
/I - - _ - -I Iburg of Hoquiam were Sunday Uilll n IIIl & • iIIr
,u ]dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. -vmm I I lUI $ VMI
[ Elvin Hearing.
"~ ~o ..... • - | MRS. ItAROLD CLIFT was a .
' '65 Ford " luncheon oo++ o~ ++ + ++ ~ ~~IIP~~RA,m
Hxs lather s ...... +[ des qmeter than at Lake Nahwatzel Tues-
/* ~ ./ II 1~ ~ 1~ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley ~ ~~l,..~ ~lli~1
tntha 'O l all Ispent Saturday evening with Mr.
lll~ II:II, ILLL~L ~ [dnd Mrs. Charles LaBreck. ~ "~"" --
-- J The Earl Wilder family of Sat-
Isop called at the Edwal;d Valley .. _ _ ~ .... ~._....
• + ar • r'fl ..... I~h°me Sunday. ~-- ~~ ~'- --
WeknowJtsh dtobcheveaFordcou]dndequ|eterthan Y, qmctncwBngS,x--thcbxggest~offcr~d~a~ 1 Mr. and Mrs, Lud Rossmmer _~i~_~a~-----~-- : __ ~~__[~~
the famed Roils Ro ce But nt's a fact I eading acousheal car in Ford's class 289-cu in V-8 in XL's and LTD'm spent Friday evening with the ~ k'~"'--_---~ ~ + --~i--~ "~-- [ __ _ ~_
" Y ' " " + "'" " " " m • "-" -- -
cons~tanfs conducted tests in which three V-8 powered = All auot matin' transmissions havc t~ree spe~d% not two as I i__.,Paul *-milie-R°ss aler., and~ ....... Ervin Sleevc- E~r~ ~ Vh ~ ~1 -- ~~ ~-~ ~" --
• " CO "I " " 0 ll:tllLI. ,tt~ ,~ ~ ~r~,~ o
Fords (Galax]e 500 Sedan, new Galaxic 500/XL and LTD m somc n petmg cars--smoother shifting, more ¢con my. [' Mr and Mrs Lud" Rossmaier i' /~~ ~ • ] 1 l~ f"-l~ 'l~'d ~/ aX I~
Hardtops)with automatic transmissions rode quieter thana = Silcnt-Flo ventilation (in 4-door hardtops) providcs freah [were'Sunday dinner guests of Mr. 1 ~ ~ / %O1 JJ~~~
newRol]s-Royce. The tests were eertified by the U.S. Aulo air in car with all windows shut. |~nd ~rs. Eugene Rossmaier of ~ J~~'-~ ~l~ ~l I[ ~\~/ I ~\ ~~
• . • • • • Olympi~ to celebrate Eugene's
Club. Of course, thc best test of all ]s to get behind the = ltandy rcvcrmble key works cKhcr mdc up. [ c ,.**,,~.v and * .... ,h~ ..... ~J~~~J~ ~ I~ V',~III~~
wheel yourself.., and Hsten to a '65 Ford jn actio,. Thcrc's morc • • • much mor+ jn a Ford than you'd ~ for i ~'on~'e'.++'~ND ~ ....... +~+ ..... ;" '~" -~'--- "~'-~ ~-~~ ~l~ ~C
That s what Chuck s father did. Fords quietness reaIIy ira- thcmoncy.V£sJtyourFordDcaIcrandtakcatestdrivcsooll. [ MJ{,. l~s. RAY ~imme - __ , -- ---
pressed him. But it wasn't the quietness atone that sold h m " Ily and family of Shelton were _= c-. ~ - _ - _-_ - _
in its class. For cxample: ll~CSl: year yet o go torn, I chi, ldren of Ehna were supper ~ ~, .. "~" ~ Z ~~ ~~ il~ il~
• J00/( new body--strongest Ford body ever guests at the Bt'ehmcyer St. home. ' .+,+~ , ,~: V+. i_ I ~+~11~~ Ii~
• I~~DI3 [+,-- ...... ........... '+ ++ ~o:,~ " -'
: N::;~y~?a3;~;:;¢du:n't:;b:::'i°:LTD's," ' " " " th+ck ny]o. ax Refunds Gan Be I+++ + h . a+orAil F rost!eSS+reeze, $9Q|
carpetmg, i , ..... , + : , • g, " .... ar Fs
=+,, -=1 • I.'. - - | ,.-.0o.oooo w.,,o .
• More luggage spacc than in most competing mrs--trunk .Ji~ '~=~W .JL. ~.JL,~W ~ lln ~Rv|n~ Ki~l~ll_~ ~ .--2 " " "" i ' I st
holds four 2 smters standing uptight w~th room left over.. MUST~G FALCD~ I:AIRI/OIE. F~Ii~ THUNDtii~IW o +
...................... Ison County, L. A. Carlson, today ~.~,,,,,,w~,,~., ... .. II ........
~.~ ~ , _. [reminded taxpayers that the Trea- ~~ ~ay, llow AOou[ l'nese
~~ ii~ ~ m Isury Department will once again ~~ ,~ ..... ( ....
offer them the o uortunity of tak- ~: ~"~': : ~" ~ CarWl|vnl V,al.~.~
m, mmmmmmmm ++ i I = : t+,,n++ +,, o,,+" o,. +piy:.+ th+,,+ +o : " o,,,: ..... +t
~r~++t++0~ -~~L~~imi ii i +, + ~+ +~ + Next year's ta×. Taxpayers taking .............................. + ......
t : ~,~ +.~~~~ =- n ~ ~ ~~ [their 1963 refunds in Savings -~--~ ~--~- - .-- :
' -- : II nl , I E . °vv
., ,. | ,,, ........... o ......... - .
i" " " ' " ' " + ' r luon S ' , • . I .I Gu, Ft. GHEST FREEZER It
1965~ordGalaxm5~L'lD4D~orHard i ~~ mote than 240,000 redly,dual UOn[ MISS lhlS 0He[ 7 $
, US C,,,p.+ dow],,p Char,,e It Nothm Down
" ..... .... :17-i-+i " g -- " g as little as $10 per month.
II l p led the eo, ncept of 'Vertical En- " -
l ~ ~ U uz Ivelopment' which is the trans-
. . Iporting of combat ready Marines ~ I|~II~A
501 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Was|l. lover and behind enemy lines by ~ ~]~1|1[~ ~"
---,'_ ......... ' ................... helicopter.