January 21, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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day, January 21, 1965 SI-T X,TON--MA 0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in 'Ch,r stmastown, U.Z.A.", Shelton, Washington PAQE 11
B:,.LII(E TI~UF, FUN to 3,000 dancers gather each year
~" .. .. . I for dancing and fellowship." We
~alty Sasnayer Squltl'et ire g'ettin~ So we ]-[no~,v a O'l'P tt
~. t}b is planmng a new number of these people if not by
o[ Deglnnel"S lessons soon. A;~t IHIIllC \ve kno%v their faces, allfi
anti I have been very aetiw~. recognize them as square dancers
the square dance movqmen" Square dancing ana round dane-
~e we took our first lessons or- I ins go together For the snu ue
:[:ur ye.a['s ago, I thought per-]dance, you have :~ eallcr who-calls
x coum tell a little about the I the movcments but instead of to
cmatmn it seems to hold for hillbilly-type of nmsie as in the
~i.~}uare.~lancers, ohten times these squares are
c.~t o~ all, through square dqn- [ written to pop tones. To go
g I have met som~, very fine throughthese move
~11.~.. ,.. - " " , .. .,'- nlents easily
• ~,.~. we nave met people from jm]d enjoyably, it is necessary t~
over the United States as have lessons After eight o;' 10
late dancer,., tr'xvel 't ;reatliessons a dancer can attend dan-
d. We have retired friends from lees al;'d of collrse, the lllol'e you
Lif°rma, Arizona, Fh),'ida, and l dance, the better dancer you "bc-
,ooa to?, ?lg2 po i,ily noy the ,ound
nmer to d'mee xwth om e .. . , j
ch summer we look forward todan(~s 'F].(h (ianee is written to
.... ' "e rein 2,000 learn the steps'(+f the clanee wMeh
One Group
Cardigan Sweaters
Pullover Swealers
Turtle Neck
Wo.ol Skirls
Ladies Panls
Ski Ja©kels
409 Railroad Ave.
1 group of Weyenberg, Pli-matic,
Massagic, Edgerton
Values to $22.95
Sizes 6½ - 12, Widths, A-E
Reg. Values to $15.95
Hush Puppies
may be a two-step, waltz, samba,
polk:t, etc. I-Iere, too, it is neces-
sary to attend lessons to learn
der Th
ome A| O|ympia
the basic steps of round dancing,
which g'o into each dance. There is Vohnlteer Fireman PcllSiOU Repeal To Be Not Whell But How Mall}' Special ~esSiOllS new I)epartmcnt of Motor Vehic-
les tl) t~lke over the ln(itor vehicle
ana Stateav,.adancecouneilOf thedanccnlonth,of andthe Recommended To Legisla.ture This Year Of Legislature This Year Is Question functions of the Depariment of
month,,, st) .you are. always ehallen- OLYMPIA ...... Repeal of servicereports with the Ati;orney General.il~. ROi~FllT,, ('. ....... ('ITMMINGS ton'ally., ,mcl if the n ,'~j'o]'lts" lead- Licenses.
,~ed to learn new ones. Some of retirement pensions of vohmtcer The repo|'ts wonld have to be cer-OLYMPIA ..... The question in ership pushes too h'~r(t, it will They both favor developing the
{he older dancers know as many firemen not presently em'()llcd is tilted bv a CPA. this Legislature is not whetherhappen umrc and more frequcnLly~tate's potcnt.ial for pe:lce time
as 200-300 dances. The mnount ofbcirlg recommended to the I,egis- The bill also would require all there will be a special session this :is thno goes on. • nuclear industry.
pleasure one gets fronl round dan-lature 1)5, the Pnblic Pension Corn- profcssion,ll fund r,~isers to be year, hilt how many? IPIIFI!E|II!;N'I'S Other points include a third
cing depends upon the ability ofmission, bonded before being pernlitted to In his first press conference as:More precedents were shattered Lake Washington Bridge, meeting
you and your partner, where as This could be one of lhe ntost conduct a public c.harity drivc in Governor, Daniel J. Evans saidill the 2irst two days ot lhls Leg- the nceds of cducation, highway
in squarc dances, you have eight explo'.~ive issues in the Lcgislatm'e. this slate. ~i;}]~i~i!i!~ilthcre m~s(biht3 th,lt i{ii!]i!i~i iltii~tili)iti~)l)i('iiii~][ii~ ~ilii(i~ili~ ]sldure than h~slltalil)cn,i}l ~n (,0 salety, incl'easing thc personnel of
people in the square, and you are the State Patrol, alleviating the
constantly changing partners. There are more than 300 vohm- O'Connell's staff has held thrce financial problems of cities and
Square dancing is an ine:'pen- teer fire departments in the state, meetings wilh representatives of towns, developing rec.reational fa-
sive hobby, enjoyed by husband and more than 12000 voluntecr all of lhe nlajor charity organi- cilitics mid detailed reporting of
and wife "togethe;r. Drinking and firemen. All are covered for in- zations in this'state, inciuding in- stu([y the State's "fi~lancial pic2first time that bot]~ hlmses hehl campaign contributions and ex-
square dancing do ]tot go together juries in the line of dutv, with the dependents as \veil as those affil-
so it is a common thing to havedisability coverage bei{~g manda- iated with United Good Neighborture: .... night sessions on the second (lay. penditure.~.
3,000 sqlmre dancers on the fh)or, tory nn(ler state law. " or C()nlmnnity Cltest groups, q'~,,,.,,. ....... ,,,,~,,~'-" ,o' ...... ,~ .~,,~',,,, ~,,.~,~,-"-" It was like, having, the 5t)th alld Evans' methods of achieving
enjoying themselves, without the More than 3,000 'tlso are covered Nunlerons suggestions fronlity..that the law-malter;ax~ 1!. . . have the(i0lhbeglda:ySunng'°i mstead'lhe Leglslature)f lbe endat fromS°me Rosellini's,°f Lhese $yoalsbut maYthe,, differ-differ
then' usual special sessl()U llanled- ,- * "~ . '
l;cnc:i'it ~of a "drink" for stimulent, for service retirement which isthese representatives have been lately following the windup of the , It ~Iso was, th,~ first, tinte, in enees won't be so g'reat that the
Thank you for alh)wing me to optional. So]\~c 7,000 ean'l ~'etincorporqted rote the bill. These r(,~ i,tr session next March ilislor~ inat Lne £~egislature nail l]enlocrats can't go along" on most
express some of my thoughts on coverage beca'use the n]unici)'ali- include safeguards ag'Mnstlang-
our favorite hobby, ties they sevve haven't en:~t;tcd uage which would discourage vol-'~" " iti~iilIS'rRiCTING" ' passed a pay raise for lhe elective of them.
%Vilma Downing enabling legislation, unleer workers. Now that the efforts to ram officials din'ins the first two days, CONSTITUTIONAL
The commission hill would con- O'Conncll said some 14 states througlx a redistricting lneasnl'e before they took office; thus mak- CONVFNTION
" inK it possible for thenl to get a Both Evans all(;] Roscllini Mso
WEI, COME TO COUNTY tinue pensions for those ah'eadyhave enacted similar laws. in two days have failed, it prob-
PATRONS AT TIlE covered, but the premiums woul~l ably Will requirc at least three raise immcdiately, favor calling a constitutional con-
crrY LIBRARY be increased; both for the fire-i EXEMPTIONS weeks to get that ch)se to agree-:however.It has Thebcen:1957talkCdLegislatureOf before,was vention.ing of AttvThis GenalS° JohnhaS thej O'Con-back"
Many out-of-city residents arc men and the mm~ieipalities. 1 Charity drives conducted by ment on another apportionment all set to do the sm~e thing, but nell, but it" still will have difficul-
old fri'ends of the Library staff. The commission bill also w°nld jcharities'spontaneouseharitablecollectionsh°spitalsfor ben-and measure.
It will be a pleasure to continue increase the disability bcnefits. Some legislative leaders think [dropped the idea, when the Dem- ty nn{stering the necessary two-
serving you under the new agree- I)ISAGREEM'i,]NTS ! cfit of a specific disaster victim three weeks will be the n~aximum i ocratic majority leaders of tha.t thirds vote of both houses'in the
session were informed that Ar- Legisl,'iture.
merit. The move to elimin'~te the ser-Ibill.ave excmptThe latterfr°nt exemptionPr°visi°ns Ofwouldthe timeregardsrequired,it as thebUt nfininmm.this writer still thur B. Langlie, the outgoing gov- DcN)ite Evans' willingness to
New County patrons at the City vice rctirement provisions of the l provide some safeguards for the
Library will be interested to Rnow pension orginally was based on I apply to neighborhood drives for The Democrats first plan to try !elnor, wouldn't sign it.
what they may expect. Filling out projected assets of the fund from J the banefit of a family burned out to reach agreement within their i This session was also the first major "sacred cows," such as the
in a honse fire. !fil ifistory to which an outgoing ban on income tax and 40-mill
a simple registration form willan actuary's survey made in 1957 I own ranks. • " limit on property taxes, there are
enable you to have a borrower's However, suppo~:ters of the pre- ! Fraternal organizations also are If they do, it very well may be !Governor submitted executive rcL many other "sac~'ed cows" of vary-
" ' or sent pension plan say that as of lexempt in cases where solicita- another gerry-mandered bill, and;quest bills.
card---your "credit card fm b - ing imt)ortance to others.
rowing books, magazines and re-June 30, ]964, the assets were l tions are confined within their own if so, Evans most certainly will CODPERATION
cordings. The loan period is two $553,000, or 25 per cent, above i membership and are made by vol- veto it. Then they will have to Outgoing flov. Albert l). Rosel- M~ny Democrats won't go along
weeks for most material, or onethe projected fig~res. '' innteer workers, start all over again, which could lini contin{~cd to function as Gov- with any proposals that wotfld
week for new fiction and maga- The rural communiiies are ! TI{UST FUNDS requireanother three weeks,or :ernor to the very last moment,keep the door closed to a state i3t-
zines. The only charges levied are proud of their vohmteer fire de-i The proposed law also would re- more. mal¢tng appointmeuts as well as come tax. Other Democrats, and
a fine of two cents pet" (lay for partments, quire annual financial reports on BI-PARTISAN submitting bills to the Legislat- most Republicans, will insist thai
overdue books; and 15c fr lost These have come a hmg way l all funds held in trust for char- It appears that before they are ure. the door remain locked.
library cards, since the bucket brigadcs of colon-itable purposes, through, the Democratic majority Now thai. he is gone, much of Guardians of the 40-mill limit
Books borrowed from the Book- ial days. Using moden~ equipment, i The Attorney General currently leaders will have to start nego- :the inccntive for playing politics, will insist on more than a mere
mobile or from tbe Olympia head- many have frill-time paid ehiefs, i has records on approximately $8 tiating with the Republicans. as far as the Democratic legislat- guarantee that the 40-mill ceiling
quarters may be returned through 1V[any drill one night each week. i million in such trust flmds, but The longer they wa~t, the hard- ors are concerned, has gone with will remain.
he has been advised by banking er they will find Republicans to him.
Shelton. Books borrowed from Mutual assistance pacts provide] They'have fought off numerous
Shelton ]nay be returned, if nec- increased protectionin many cxperLs that total trust funds in negotiate with. What finally is All indications are that the ma- attempts to weaken it by elimin-
essary, to any Regional Libraryareas. ! this state, if reported, would ex- enacted, however, will probablyjority leadership will cooperate ating the 40 per cent voter partic-
outlet. Any book in the Regional The vohmteer firemen have ceed $120 million, be a hi-partisan measure whichwith Evans on many issucs. Theyipation requirement in special levy
Library collection may be reques- plenty of support from their re- I)OUBLE VERDICTS gives the Republicm~s a much bct- found little in his inaugural rues- and bond issue elections.
ted through Shelton. ' spective communities to help themAnother bill being sponsored by ter break than anything on the sage with which they could quar- They also have defeated in the
This offers to County patrons, in their fight to save their pen-: O'Connell would require juries to horizon at the moment, rel. " i past efforts of school forces to
in addition to the excellent Book- sions. With exception of these retm'n two verdicis in cases where WOUNDS AND TEARS I)IFFERENCES [ take the one-year limitation off
mobile setwice, the convenience of from a few districts within the ' a defendent is found guilty of a ] It probably would have been Basically, the only major dif- ] special levies. "
a library which is open from 12city limits of Seattle, Spokane and capital crime such as first degree ,easier to reach agreement on re- ferences between Evans' inaugu- I It is unlikely that a constitu-
to 5, and 7 to 9, on weekdays; Tacoma, every legislator has at murder. !districting if the blitz had never ral address and l:~oselliniN fare-Iti°nal convention call can muster
and 12 to 5 on Saturdays. The City least a few vohmteer fire depart- i This would have the effect of :been tried, well message revolve around fis- a two-thirds majority in either
Library contains a much larg.ermcnts within his district, providing for a pre-sentence re- The methods left some bitter- cal matters, house.
oollection than the l~oo!~mooneAt the moment it looks like port, such as is provided for in ness which could dew, lop into Evans won't "buy" P.osellini's ..... ~T-'d~ii-~-W~-i--~T
can carry on a single trip, so your they have the troops to keep their i all other crimes, some serious rifts before it is all proposal of deDendiug upon $32.5
choice on any visit is larger, pension system intact. At present, when a jury finds over. million in a~,(2i~ional federal aid
SPECIAL SESSION a defendant guilty of a capitalMost of the tears over the money for balancing the budget.Avat: le t)youwithout a doctor's pre-
Scription. our drug called ODRIN]CX.
Mrs. Andrew Beelik, All indications at the start of crime, it also determines, in the hlitz's failure were shed in the This 'doesn't mean that he willYou must h)se ugly fat or your money
Librarian. the 1965 Legislature point to the l stone verdict, whether the punish- Senate, where the measm'e passed close the door to additional fed- back. No strenuous e.,=ercis,:~, laxatives,
inevitablity of a special session, ment shall be imprisomnent or without diffictflty. There were few eral matching fnnds. ~lassage or taking' of so-call~d rt~due-
As usual, the hig qncstion is death, in tile House. He just doesn't believe that Ins candid,s, crackers or cookies, or
glllll. ODRINEX is a tiny tab-
how long will it last? This lack of any pre-sentencing Though the Democrats wom~d Congress will make that money 'et and easily swallowed. Whea you
Though surprisingly few are evidence in our present law was up only three w)tes short of a available before tim regular ses- take ODR]NEX, you still enjoy your
quick to believe it, the answer is recently eriticised by a State Su- majorit'y, they had the 50th vote sion of the Legisl~iture~. has ad- youmea]s's nstillply don'teat tilehavefOndStheYOUurgelilte,for bUt~x.
simple. It won't last more than preme Court judge in the Don ple~lg'ed, if they could have rotlnd- im~rned, and he e(msiders it b'ld Ira portions b(~cause ODI~.INFIX depras-
four weeks; possibly no nlore than Anthony ~r]lite case. ed lip those other two. hUSillCSS to balallee a budget with sc:~ yaA' appctite and dec.teases your
ihree. O'Connell's bill would require However, many of those who probabilities, come(l°~iredowll,f°r food.becauscYOUras yourWeightownmU'~tdoc-
It doesn't matter how much hus- that afLer a jury returns a vet'- agreed to go along d~,t so only If lhe l'ed~,n'al money is available tin" will 1eli you, when y(nl eat less,
iness is left nndone, it in virtually diet of guilty, evidence and ill- in the interests of Democratic biter, he will call a spccial session, you weigh loss. (:~ct rid of excess fat
and live longer, OI)I~.INEX costs $3,(X)
impossible to keep the law-makers i formation be presenled, such as solidarity. ~{any ef thent didn't 2f necessary, io cnact the ncces- and is sold on this GUARANTEE: If
in Olympia more than three mitigating circumstances, so thereally l'ike the bill, and they sary legislaiion to ir, q)lcment the n,,l sntisfied fro" any reason just re-
months, including the 60-da.y reg- jury would be fully informed be-breai;hed a sigh of relief when it prograrns, turn the package to your druggist and
ular session, i!or~ imposing a,ppr'opriate pmlish- failed. A(~ItEi~]MENT get your full money back. No ques-
t inns nske(:l. ODRINEX in sold with
There have been two special ment. . SPFARIIEAD On many is:~ue~, Evans al~d|his ~.~" mr ultee by:
sessions which extended more than ; After lhis, the jury wouht again Though the coalition has beenmerit. EVEI{GIlIEEN 1)llU(l CENTER
' 30ti Railroad Ave.
'fern" weeks. Thc 1926 sessLon went retire and d ~.ibc,'ale on the pen- "(li,~olved, the six remaining l)cm- Both favor esta.1)ii:~h//lel~i of a Mnil Ord~,rs I~illcd
55 days, and the 1933-34 session alty. • ,,: odrats who were ~ part of it last " ~"
which enacted the Stcele Liquor INSURANCE session are sticking closely to- ~] ~-
Control Act, ,15 ' days. However, Uniform legislation sought in all gether. They have voted qs a unit YOU S lould Know...
both of these occurred nearly a states by the Federal Securities on every, major issue. G ........................... ! ! ~ T ! ~ L 0 U R
year after the regular session: Exchange Commission will be the From time to time, they pick ~,
In 1951, during the Arthur B. principal bill sponsored l)y Insur- up othcr defectionists.
Langlie administration, there were ance Commissioner Lee I(ueckel-Before this sessinn is over, his
two conseeutive special sessions han. those who led the coalition two
immediately following the regular It would require all officers and years ago, could again rcpresent NEW 0FREE
~1 Oil in the
legislature; caeh of about two directors of insurance companiesthe most powerful g" P ' "
weeks duration, to file reports with tlle commis- House.
PHYSICAL BARRIERS stoner' any time any one of the.n, There won't be any attempt to 116 Horth 2nd St,
The barrier to prolonged spec-acquires company stock in excess overthrow the leadership, but (sharing with Himlie Realty)
ial sessions is purely physical, of ;10 pet" cent.
After so long, if the~':e a:r(~ only Only other departmental requestthOSeadditionalSiX ]teedvotesOnlyi~o piCknullifynp fivethe
a few days rest following the meast|res will be ,,housekeeping Democrats' majority. ~,/W NATIONAL,
regular scansion, th(i law-makers hills," correcting defects in exist- They have ah:eady demonstrtlt- Ph. 426-8139 ~tt¢o~t~r~l~ ~,~
start getting weary, ing laws.
There will be a time when it There will be the usual stock of ed that they can do this occas-
......................................................................................... i i i
appears they never will gc.t to- proposcd insnrance legislation ................... 7 ...................... .................... : ................................
gether. TOO many arc too far sponsored by individual legislators,•
apart on to()many issues. Then but none of this is expected to ON HOW! COME A'GALLOPI#' TO YOUR FORD DEALER'S"
going home becomes more ira- get anywhere.
portant than the differences be- In the past 30 years, few insur-
tween legislators, ance measures other than these in:
A few members yield. It's like troduced at departmental re ques~
a break in the dike. Within a have passed the Legislature. l'qone
short time agreement, is reached have passed which were opposed
on the very essential legislation: by the department, rance
The law-makers start packing ana' Besides regulatinginsu ,
leaving town, though much legis- rates and auditing companies ~o
lation which ,was seemingly ira- assure that all these licensed to
portant a few days ago is still do business in this state are fin-
pending, iancially sound, the department
CtIARITIES performs another service which
Atty. Gen John J. O'conne!l'si~'.~:( known to many....:~, ~,,
top priority bill in the 1965 seSS.lon cases where persons ~cu~[:,
will be the so-called ,'donated doi- surance claims have a~
lar bill," so named because..its with adjusters, o. call to. the !~v
purpose is to protect the publm s I surance commissioner will !lStlai Y
right to know how the money it straighten things out, saving mucn
gives to charity is spent. . money, as well as tim.e. _ ch
All charities soliciting funas I The commissioner has oran
from the general public wonld be offices Which perform this service HERE'S A GREAT HEW SIX FOR THE GREAT HORTHWEST
required to file annual financm~ also, in Seattle and Spogane.
Americans everywhere are galloping off in rustled up an extra herd. So now we're
Mustangs, the runaway success car of our throwing the wildest Mustang Stampede
KEEPS OUT COLD, "" "";HATTER PROOle generationl And here in Mustang country, ever! Low pricel Quick deliveryl Big new
• ....-HI:AT, •LASTSFORYEARS We Great Northwest Ford Dealers have 200-cu. in. Six built for action-no extra cost,
Savesupto 40r, on
90~ ""
36" Wide
Briar Gliff
Discontinued styles from our regular fall and wi
reduced • ........... nter stock
stvl. ne..nrs rime. Savings on men's dress and casual
m ny (to la : :lhoePtehak of the season. Our leading styles are
eir actual value.
Managed and Operated
by Christensen's ¢or
Shoes of Bremerton,
PHONE 426-4522
501 Railroad Ave.
Shelton, Wash.