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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 12 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, January 2 EuEene Ta] iRecupe ate! [Fr0m/ :ci( I [ to thank everyone for W ~ / cards, flowers and other t ................... /? iii ,._ I ........ I/aaughter and husband, 1 I . ............................................ DOZ. llwere home for the weeke! I nmpa'a A"-Ie Chert- ~" ...... l/weekend visitors at the ] ~.., ~,, D~,,y, me wer h ' n I'll, ....... I/ho e C et s sister a ~:~:~:~ I~UmpK n .................................... ~-A~M V ir 0 i .... I/band, Mr. and Mrs. Ler. I I |ID nlWE@ ]m IIof Beaverton, Ore., and ~!i~ | uur UMR[,%~ ............................... EACH ,~} I/niece, Mrs. Keith McNeil, ............ | |/children of Pendlcton, Ore Monday evening callers I Get Your Wedding Cakes Here. I/home of Mr and Mrs Hal ! ~~ ~ PHONE 426 3179 ' I/mons were" Mr. and" Mrd Hunt's AN ' '~ I/. ...-"fl~~;~ a " I/Hawson of Olympia. ~. Yellow i lL Ti s ' The Dan Woods visitedl Cling ~~ /evening at the Josdph Ei¢ ~~~ I -- ,- -- Am----- I Mr. and Mrs. Martin el I [] [] [] r I 4 I/ed the Jess Huskys at' Sunday. ilill _ II Therewiil be aGrange [] i i -- / I / at Progress Grange Hall ~~t1~/1/~%\\%%\ i Tins | i /Night at 8 p.m. Potluck l~ HUNT'S --I- / IIbe served following the~ TOMATOESIn Taste! l i 'x""inns t~~~.:::~ | Mrs. John Blake of °lc~d Tops ~~!i~ /Mr. and Mrs. Len C --i ......u. Hunt's Whole , |guests at the home of l .......... A $--lMrs Harry Simmons. rhlUU/ Unpee,ed .................. Tins OTTO ~~~'~ I=t~1~1~1~ Hunt's ~ NO 300 ~l | to Seattle Tuesday and '~~ I~ I , ~~~ IUHI~IUE:. Stewed . ' Tins -r j_i the home of Mr. and MrS .... - - " ............... / Maki. Hunt's Pork & Beans & 2 ½ / Mrs. Lord repo,'te Rich In Flavor Tills | nice ~rowd attended the ( P r I[ lm l [ [] [] [] I I day night to enjoy musl U $ [] []/ | Progress Grange Hall I Ill II [] /'rune Toppers =Ri.l ur I :ra aud Helen Stans ,'~#~ .... |their two grandchildren, iif Hunt's Tomato ---- '.,"--, __ __ | and Dale BLansbury, we .-- .-- Hullt's ~ r --J | guests at Cecil and Mildr • ~ ,,~"_-E ' ~, " ~ ! r ~ i ~ /welaers Sunday. N ~.?Z" ~.,~gi ' ~aney H ~I N ~ i Sunday afternoon call( BB / The Preferred ~ ~l~ Bottle ~ D ~--. lColes and the Harry Si: Tills Sauce oz. I Cecil , ekweiders w re ~_~~' i '% i | :Monday night there , ~l~_.7J~ | P'IO meeting at :-:amilo] H~..:~I~I~ I ~ehool starting at 8 p,n , ~ - will be show:: by Robert i]U "S nUATn )n FANCY 4416 oz. /~7 HlrL][]ItS ~1~ F ~J /and ,vL,'. Keller. Lunch 11 lilrllV ........................................................................ 1 Tins I~::I 20 OZ. 0 q I served by Dorothy SimZ Bo,ttle All e i oree toehr. = 'T'LE TI FANCY Mssion ~ No. 300$I '~~:' ' ........................... , :Mr. andMrs. HerbN¢ ITJ AN, tH l~/ I~l@|l[~l@ ~AAil 3 LB |guests at the Bruce N, . .UE TI Mission Cut ei lill.' ,i 2 L°ngoz. Pkg ......... ASA IIE 12 oz. Pkg ................. I: onions Grange will ~_Ull~ff ~1~ Snow ~ ~/2 24 at ii a.m. at Pro UIiUIII~ HUH~ Mist ............ ~I Tins Hall. Dinner will be Naliey's Hot or Reg. MJB... 1 lb. 73 3 lb. $2.09 2 LB. TIN White Angel, Betty Crocker BOX FFEE AA Large. Ranch Fresh Quality DOZ. Instant MJB $129 .................................... 10 oz, Jar DIAL Facial Soap ............................ 4 Bars 49 CREAM Arden-Flavor Fresh ................... ~2 GAL, 15 oz. Tins GRAHAMS Na,,oco 2 Lb. Box PIES Fireside ........................................ 18 oZ. Pkg. 8 LB. BAG Crisp, :Solid Heads "FRESH AS A DAISY" PRODUCE FANCY ARIZONA WHITE Frozen Food Specials.,, Banquet Frozen 6 oz.$i Tins M I N UTE MAID FROZEN .... POUND F~ancy Dry POUND Shop.Rite QUART Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Pizza ........Each Chiff,on ~c, vea Oy the SPECIALS FROM OUR VNE MEAT DEPARTMENT . . . ~J S%VIFT'S PREMIUM, FULLY COOKED. 5-8 lbs. SHORT SHANK POUND SLICED & TIED PICNICS . . . lb. 35 VNF U.S. Choice Beef First Cuts, Small End . . . Ib. 89 POUND CHOICE RIB STEAKS ,,NF QUALITY BEEF ................................................ POUND SHORT ROBS VNF BEEF POUND 39 U.S. CHOICE LAMB SALE Whole ,or Half , , . For Your Sunday Dinner POUND Pre-Carved~ Sliced and Tied. Square Cut Shoulder Roasts. POUND LAMB CHOPS R,~ ........................ LB, LAMB CHOPS ~o,n LB. LAMB LAMB Shoulder ........................ LB. .................... La, 19 Fresh Cut-up Wash. Grown Fryers LB. Detergent Giant Box ladies. A get-well wish Miss Maxlicne Otto who borne ~L weet( under tile: ~l'. and Mrs. O. R. on the Harry evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin tertained Mr. and Blackwelder, Mr. and Stansbury and Mrs. lor at their home Happiness reigns home of ~Vlr. and Burke. Word was melt son, Leon, will overseas the first of on's wife, Barbara and hen are staying at the until his return. The Cecil zan visited at the Larry~ home Thursday evening. MR. AND MRS., Wiles with children, and Sharon, and Mrs. lor were difiner guests the Edwin Taylo,'s. Rev. and Mrs. Earl as their guests during ary meetings at nmnity Church, Rev. Brown. Kamilche Valley etball players are victor scores of 24-19 School and against first team was 58-22 ond team scored 29-6. day afternoon two teams will take the non and play at the School at l p.m. Hope and friends will try to and support their team the first Saturday Mr. Keller reported days school was called of the recent made up Jan. 29 - Apt April 19.*£he school on schedule, June 10. Monday afternoon from the A1 Lords hmch on the Ed much to the delight of win. Ovmmight visitors to the home of Mrs. mons were Mrs. Ethel Mrs. Kalappa and her Dianne from Neah Bay. Mrs. Jerome Burke grandson Stevcn were ternoon visitors to the Mrs. Henry Robertson. / e N • M W Guarantee Everything Even Our Smile. 4 =1 Prices EffectiveJan. ', I-22-23. Limit Rights. e New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. Sull. 10 - 7 Alien Address Due This Here's a. reminder. rapidly drawing to a is the time for all the United States to addresses to the John P. Boyd, of the Immigration as{ zation Se}wice states alien in the IYnitcd exceptions must report to the Government whether or not there change since the last for this purpose are Post Offices and Immigration and Na Service. To avoid serious sure to fill out your the end of January. I