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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 14 ,gH'ELTON--MAg0N COUNTY' JOURNAL-- PuNished in "Chri. tma. town, U.KA.", helton, Washin on Thursday, January 2] Sore Threats " "'" , Colds Keep Grapevlew Achwhes At er, sex have been fighting the do]- ] Now there's a statcme.nt to really his wife are at present eagerly drums, along with the flu bug and ] put me on the good side of every h)oidng forward to a visit from its depressing aftermath, since ] g'ni in the community! Anyway, their non, Du me M. Rol) noon, wh, the Christmas troll(lays while timirlsurc throats and cold's are •doin~ is flying out from Chicago thia hard working men folk contil~ue their part to keep activities at a coming weekend• Imininmm thi.~ ~eck ..... ............................................................... " ~ ' l.)I', l~oblnnon's son Danny is still [ Mrs. l,~d Okonck and Mrs. Julie in Korea on duty with the Armv. [ Stock made an interesting journey WE ARE SORRY to report that qlillmRIIl~qPll IIII F I to Ocean Shores last Thursday and F 'ed 1,1 t- ha,; |)ten ho,;pitalized enjo',(d h'~ing hmch at one of ~- " ...... hI illl~IJ I fllll I( the ocean view llestaurant.s..J~eae.n- Veteran's }fospiLal in Vancouver, m = .AnO sr*Mp combing, orowsulg ana .]llst plum undergoing diltgnosis and treat- relaxingI !n ihe ch.angc of. atmo~- mcnt A phone call to his wife, I puere oiu Lne girin' moram a I0t Phvlliq Monday n ~ht (,heerod h ~ of good btlt the ()lily thing of con- ,:~ ,~,~',,~ (, ~¢~: ,. ,~,o ,~,,;~. ,.: BoquoIWO ttIPV nl'tnagcd to bril ,~" "~ ' r, hrtl¢l ~e onrl hlrn r~ ~ ....... - ~ - " t olln~' ._2_~cF. ,.o S ............... I.J I | I ]back with them was one sore very best wishes for a quick re- I I Lhroat a p i e c e. Consequently,tnrrl i,(;;ne they'vebeen housebound again ~. . ' ....... _\ _'.. _. wmrtccn-year om ~utn lsaac- I ~~__~/ "/A wnne reeuperaung. L ~',~------~-_t 1~xx ~ ' ' SOn urJderwent stlrgery at Taeo- Othc}'s suff(,rirlg frfm nimila" ma's Mn v ~,idwo 14n~nit ~1 Mnn afflictions this past ~ _eek incl_ude day morning and her mother, Mrs Mesdames Don Query, Don Ander: Rodney Isaaeson, told your report- .. ...... I son. Jimmy wmt~er and Howard el" that all went well and she- never nee0s an ink pad! Fast. [asy. I Somers. Just a' little sunshine is honed to brimr her daul~hter hom~ E$cieat. Can be custom ordered to I what the doctor orders! on'Tuesday. ";/'he eagerly antlci- meet any size, shape or message re, I M,. ,~. Robinson, who is recup- paled arrfwd of "daddy" from .....crating 8t DIS nolne here aiterVlet' Nam in' the next c0uple ot qurement. PERMA-STAMP w repro / " su-er- ~eceiv(d "t most • ' .. t .. ' .... ,__ .. ,. ,,. , i recen~ .t g y, ' ' :" ' * weeks will tlnctoubtectly, iiot only. IitlCt~ CO|Of$, llBe ilfles, small type lace8 / welcome visit duringthe New r~reatlv hasten her recovery but 10g0types--even photos--in tcuc / ear's holiday. The Robinsons' ~ri~g"j,,y 'to 1.he entire Ca'rhtly curate &tall daughte~ ,~nd f~mfly Mr and Mrs , ' , I~ ". ] ~ ~' ~: ". , • . "" the Isaaeson s became Grapeview [ Barney Shallitt and son Boboy ites last fall when the,, moved flew north from thmr home m - THE JOURNAL [--- - - here from Alaska prmr to Isaac- ' t~crkley, t;alif, to Sea-wae airpor: son's departure for Viet Nam where he is in construction work FOP yoUP. WEET -II:A T... CANDLES F'ANCY SATIN HEARTS" RED FOIL HEARTS 5 1/2 oz. 80¢ 1 lb. $2.10 1 314 lb. 3.40 ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 1 lb. box$1.60 2 lb. box3.15 $3.35 to $1&00 VALENTINE'S DAY IS SUNDAY FEBRUARY 14 as a civilian. They are at present living in ]~anny Robins0ns' cot- tage near the Treasure Island bridge• The welcome mat was out last Sunday night at the Runs Wells' home for their son Jack who re- turned home after his recent dis- charge from the Navy. Jack flew from Japan where his ship, the destroyer Leonard F. Mason was based at Yol{osuka, to San Fran- cisco and then to Portland, Ore. Fog prevented his plane' from landing at Sea-Tat airport so he came m~ to Seattle by bus and to Bremerton by ferry. After re- laxing at home for the next cou- of weeks, Jack will leave for California where he plans to worl,. Hardy fishermen braved the cool weather last weekend venturing out to test their skills against the elusive salmon and, at least one family came home with their sue- tess showing. AL OKONEK joined .his son Jim and grandson Jimmy on Sat- urday in Jim's handsome boat and brought home a fine catch. AI's older yon Ed with son Bobby fish- ed the same day with Bobby cop- ping t.he honors with an eight pounder. Then, on Sunday, Al's nephew Roy Frederieks went ont with him and both got their limits. Roy and his wife, Stella, out from Seattle, were paying a visit to Stella's mother, Mrs. Annie Nel- son, at her home near Al's. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Buckingham didn't really mind cutting through the thick fog last Sunday morn- in~ with their Rambler station wagon as long as they had a plea- sant visit to look forward to. Their destination was Pe Ell, and 4kc, visit was with brother and sister- in-law M'r. and Mrs. Roy Green. They were surprised to find Pe Ell still covered with a blanket of snow and pleased to find Roy re- cuperating satisfactorily after bis re{urn lmme from a reCent stay In the hospital. Normal activities have been curtailed somewhat for Leslie Okonck with the addition recently of a cumbersome cast to his left wrist. With a joint separation necessitating this correction, Les expects to wear Iris unwanted wristlet for another six weeks. A belated happy birthday to t " ' ,Toel Zehe who entered he term- ble teens" era last Saturday, h~- viting several of his cohorts to ahare the event with him. Art Nicklaus, Bucky Query, Les Okon- ek and Don Somers, together with Joel, attended the Shelton-Central Kitsap basketball game and then returned to the Zehe home at Grapeview where young Don Po- greba joined them for an over- night. With refreshments provid- ed by Mrs. Ze.he and good spirits added by the boys, a fine time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clayton, Sr. were pleased to welcome Mrs. Irene Lustie of Vaughn e.:~ t.uir Pace tie, Irene wa9 pajing a rare v'.' to Grapevie~ no she and the Clay- tons had nmcll to talk about and her recent trip to Washington D. C. was an important topic. BRIEF VISITS to our area were nntde last: weekend by Still]me/' r'es- idents: Mr. and M~'s. AI Linde- man spent Sunday at their new cottage on Treasure Island's west shore and the Clarence Bauligs drove up last Saturday from Aber- deen for a quick "look-see" at their beach home. Weddings are always such hap- py news items and this one ia especially so: Perry Reynolds of Lake Devereaux and Mrs. Faye Ritehey of Seattle were married I dan. 9, in Coat}]' d' Alene Idaho. The sister-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richey of Stretch Island, Mrs. Reynolcls is well-known to many Grapeview residents. The newlyweds drove to Seattle follow- ing the wedding and then on to their lakeside home near Allyn where they plan to reside. Faye's youngsters, Pare and Rick were cared for by their aunt, Mrs. Richey, durin'g their mother's ab- sence and they will remain at their school in Seattle uritii thh end of the semester and then join the Reynolds. Our sincere congrat- ulations to fbe entire family. Incidentally, enjoying a first "at home" dinner with Perry and Faye were the Lloyd Richeys last Friday evening. New owners of the C, J. Widrig place on Harstine Island are the C. W. Walkers. This place, located on the west shore, north of the ferry landing, will be used by Jimmy and Evelyn as a weekend place and what with its' cozy we!l- equipped cottage, will make a de- lightful vacation spot for their daughter and family, the Joe Sha- hans of Bellingham. Newest addition to the Walk- er's family circle is Toby Licorice, :a beauteous black Persian kitten recently acquired from the Dia- mond T Cattery in Tacoma and who is of the same litter as the kitten who was Kitten of the Pa- cific Northwest in the recent re- gional cat show. And speaking of kitty-cats we hear that Marge Hull is anxious to find a good home for her pretty long-haired calico kitty, a spayed female. Semns her bouncy Aire- dale Togo is too much for kitty's nervous system! Any interested readers should contact Marge at their earliest convenience. THE SARAH ECKERT Ortho- pedic Guild met at the home of Mrs. Faye Soule last Friday with 19 ladies attending, including Mrs. Edna Jones who was the guest ot Mrs. Anna Dowell. Their Christ- mas gift exchange was effected and Mrs: Fearle Retzman was the lucky winner Of the beautifully decorated candle ,~vhieh was gen- erously donated by Mrs. Peggy Hillman. Plans for their spring activity were centered on a bake sale, time and place for which will be an- flounced at a later date. A lovely WOOl afghan crocheted by Mrs. Alice Clayton will be given away at this bake sale. If you haven't ah'eady done so - please circle Jan. 23, on your cal- endar. That's the night Fair Har- bor Grange sponsors a card party at the Grapeview School. Here's your chance for a real fun game ot Pinochle, Samba, Bridge or, you name it. Tliats a:t 7:30 p,m. Won't you come ? F0und: A small blue and white dinghy was left on the dock at the A10koneks' a week ago Sun-] day. When they discovered it floating off during a recent high tide, A1 .retrieved it and it is now tied up waiting to be claimed. ON HONOR ROLL The :Fall :quarter honor roll at Central Wash!ngt0n state College lists 362 students, a.6 of whom earned 4.0 averages (alIA grades) Enos Underwood, registrar, an- nounced. Harvey C. Becker, Shel- ton, was among those receiving 4.0 averages. Men of the Marine Corps Cer- emonial Guard Company were a.~- signed to guard the famous port- rait of Mona Lisa when the paint- IN EVERGREEN SQUARE dinner guest last Sunday. The wife ing was displayed in the United of the late Admiral Alvin C. Lus- States• The Tiger of the year was lust named Car Of tke Year by MOtor Trend. if that Isn't enough of a hint, try Quick Wide-Track. (This ls their year.) Or Turbo Hydra-Matic, the new transmission Pontiac you can order that does away with roaring between shifts. Coupled with any of the quicker engines for the '65 Quick Wide-Track Pontiac, it saves the roaring for whenever you need it. When you don't need it, the extra-potent engines let you just loaf along. This loafing gives you the kind of economy you wouldn't expect from a looker like the '65 Pontiac, See TiGers your Pontiac d,,aler. He'll show you all 32 Pontiacs thai are tt~e "Car of the Yoar," They're Line buy of the year, too. I~EE THE NEW BONNEVILLE, STAR CHIEF, GRAND PRIX, CATALINA, 2+2, LEMANS, GTO AND TEMPF.~T AT YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALEI~ SHELTON MOTOR 233 S. 1st St. Shelton, Wash. Harsfine Orang For l,stalhfi0, 0I New Officers ' I • } I ' r .... " • , ' , , • ,,. land Grange met Jan. lo at the Also on Monday Mr• and Mrs. ilonle of Mr• & Mrs. Patti Chaffee, A1 Pridham entertained at a din- Mrs. Chaffee reports a very nice her party for Mr. and Mrs. Wil- meeting with 16 adults and seven ]iam Gortz, to celebrate their wed- childreu attending. Mr. and Mrs, ding anniversary. Otlmr guests Martin Auseth wine guests. /vlr'. were Mr, and Mrs. Jim MeAullife. Auseth, who is .deputy_ state While we were fogged ill on grange master, mstaueu tne new Harstine Saturday and SIInday, officer's. A dessert luncheon was Mr. and Mrs. Jim McAullife, aI'ld served after the meeting', ~ather son Dan. were enjoying sunshine nurnemy, too, as tnere m. a{ways at Ilwaeo, where they were guests the problem oI catching tnat las: of Ella's sister and her husband, ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Cook. Mr" and Mrs Gunnar Johnson Or~ Friday • nd M,,~ ~,, • " isi. . .,, Mr. a ........ s. N~,s were very happy to have a.v. t Bannsgard, drove rip to Mud Bay from their son l~on up from ucea~l It) spend the dav with Mr a~(d Shores for the weekend. " M,'s'Jack D'~viso;r " " Ms'. and Mrs. Larry Jerrells were M'AKING 'A "SU'ItVEY of how hosts to Mr and M~.'.s. Williamour Islanders are combvting the ~ingnam anct sons J~iu and JJo:n January blues, we discovered timt ~rom ~eatue. Jim Lohrer is turning out beau- Ma~y of our summer residents tiful things from his new machine are frequent winter visitors. Mr. shop; Sid Baunsgard has been and Mrs. Elwood Bragett were busy assembling his new co-cart, here last weekend and Mr. and and his first ride around tim (lrive- Mrs. Burch of Aberdeen. wa:y was wondez~ul Lo see; the WE ItAVE many talents in our bridge pla.yers are donning their enmm,~itv L~st week when Mrs green eyesnaaes more often. Flo- ........... "/° -- ~ * ° ' cr "' Ja,~" "" ,~v~s~)^"q"~=" u'~iscovmed" a fire ia rence Jerrells. ~s moldin~ t~gur-• the chimney, she was fortunato !nes, anti gazing at the new pin- to be able to call Jim McAullife, Lure o~ her mvmy ntue grand- who is retired from many years' daughter. service with the San Fraacisco There was a large turnout at Fire Department. It was a hot the bookmobile on Thursday, so and stubborn fire, but Jim's ex- we assume we are all doing extra perience enabled him to confino reading. it to the chimney. Thora and Gene Seward are al- It Was a happy day when Got- ways busy keeping their Punkin don Simmons came home from the Center Store. It is a big job and hospital again. We hope Gordon all of their neighbors appreciate has the patience of Job, as he has this service. had almost as many trials this Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stamborski last month. On Monday, Mr. and are extra proud grandparents. Their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rickett of Seattle presented them with twin grand- daughters last Tuesday. The good things in milk glve you That's why you never outgrow your need for milk. Enjoy & g] iss with every meal. It keeps you golng--great. Vitality moral: milk makes a WASHINGTON DAIRY PRODUOT$ COMMISSION, SEATi'LE Representing the Dairy Farmers in Your Area Remember, you°il need extra milk tot the By Mrs. Ray Krateha SOUTHSIDE -- Clover Girls 4-H club met aL Cindy Hovind's January 12. Club members dis, cussed projects and talked about Demonstration Day. Cindy Ho- vlnd gave a demonstration on how to thread a sewing machine. Susan Swayze gave a demonntra- tion on how to pi'epare a green salad and Dena Harris gave a demonstration on how to measure. Sherilyn Byrd guild met at the home of Ruth Neff on Arcadia Road last Tuesday afternoon. Guild members talked about nev- eral projects and selling candy• Doris Neff is a 'new member of the guild. Attending the meeting were Vi Height, Joyce Byrd, Helen Kunkel, Marie Frazier, Toni Mat- son, Ann Wheeler, Carol Crossen, Ruth Neff, Polly Swayze and Dale Dawson• Hostess Ruth Neff sel;v-. ed hutch after the meeting. Cheryl Sheppard who is a third grader in Mrs. Montgomery's room at the Southside School cel- ebrated ner birthday last Tuesday at the school. Soft drinks and dixie cups were served. BBOWNIE TROOP 109 met at the home of Mrs. Huff last Tues- day for the first meeting of the year. Krtsti Huff bro'ugl~t treat~ ~rtd it was Cheryl Sheppard's birthday. The troop played games and team No. 2 won. Live Wires 4-H club members met at Ltnda Rains' Wednesday. 4-I-I members discussed demon- :--=:=:.7.== - Architect's sketch of the future home of Mason County ~-'ederal Credit Union, which serves residents of Mason County, except Simpson employees. Construction should begin s~on on the Credit Union's property at 4th and Cedar Street, Watch your building grow. STATEMENT AS OF DEG. 31, 1964 ASSETS 1963 1964 stration day and community set- Loans to members ........................ $ 801,243.48 $1,051,112.82 vice for Valentines Day. Club members haven't set any date for their postponed Christmas party. Cash on Hand and in Bank ......... 31,882.23 46,033.48 Barbara Cook gave a demonstra- tion on economical meals. At the Savings and Loan Shares ............ 110,000.00 190,000.00 next meeting all 4-H members are to bring their record books up Loans to other Credit Unions .... 115,000.00 90,000.00 to date and plus a demonstration each. The next meeting will be Furniture and Fixtures ................ 3,669.36 2,594.25 held at Paula Woods'. Southside Orange met Friday Land and Building 17,51 .92 19,514 00 and the Subject of their meeting ....................... was getting back 01d members to All other Assets 5 942.63 12,458.1 attend the meetings and help out ............................. with the projects or will close up. Total Assets ............................ $1,094, 76.02 i iV[r. and Mrs. Don Clark, Winl- fred Carr and Mr. and Mrs. Jor- dan Cla~idr 0f ttie Soiithstde Grange attended the kickoff ~eet- ing held at Agate last Tuesday. LIABILITIES , spending the evening With Mr. and Mre~ Fred Stuck One day Accounts payable ......................... $ 950.37 $ 3, last we w~re Mr. v:nd Mrs. Ai Atkison and daughter Of Hoqtfiam.Shares ........ ' .... , ............................ . ...... 1,013,846.57 1;315,228.43: Busy----ls 4-H Club members met at the home of their leader, Reserves 61,760.57 73 Julia Bare last Tuesday. JoAnn ............................................ Cole led the flag salute and 4-H Undivided earnings 18,118.51 20 members discussed what they're ....................... going to do for Demonstration ay. At the next meeting 4-H Total Liabilities ...................... $1,094,676.02 $1,411,7i2.68!i club members are having a taffy pull Jan. 23 at Dixie LaFond's. Total Income ..........................$ 92,138.88 114, MR. AND MRS. FRED Stuck Sunday attended the Eagles DiS- Total Expenses ........................ $ 38,462.66 $ trict meeting in Olympia, southside Eagles 4-H club Net Profit 1963 .................... $ 53,676.22 $ 72 090.63 members met at the home of thetr leader Catherine Bracy Thursday. Club members decided what to give for Demonstration Day. The WHERE YOUR 1964 PROFIT GOES next meeting will be Jan. 28. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck last Friday were Mr. and Regular Reserve ........................................ 18.7% Mrs. John Hubbard and family of Brernerton and Clarence Hubbard 4.8% Dividend ............................................ 71.6% $51 of Tacoma. Vistting Mr. and Mrs. Walter 5% Interest Refund .................................... 6.8% $ Kratcha, Linda and Susan ThurS- day evening were Mr. and :Mrs. Undivided Earnings .....................................2.9% 2 Ray Kratcha. I THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS of the County Federal Credit Union will be held in the ,auditorium SHELTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY, JAN, 1965 at 8:00 P.M., at which time Directors and Credit tee members will be elected to fill the offices of those terms expire, and other business will be transacted properly eome before the meeting.