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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Junior ig The Shelton Junior High Drarna Department will present "Ransom of the Red Chief", a two-act comedy, and "The A~;opll(, of a co~,nty poh,:y on ~,,ccomm,~dating utilities on right-c, , .., w:!*: ttcta~,.,~ , cek by tn, ,viason County Commission Monday after objections were raised by PUI) 3 Commissioner Harold Parker. County Engineer J.C. Bridger told the commission the adoption of the policy is necessary under federal aid requirements. He reported that the state cngintwr~s association had been working three years on a proposed policy which could be adopted state-wide. Bridger said that policy is not yet completed, and, that he had been advised by State Highway Department officials that the county could adopt the state policy and then when the engineer's proposed policy is completed, amend this to conform. He stated that the policy which had been proposed to the county commission was the state rese Youngest", a one-act drama, at 7 p.m. Jan. 26 in the Junior High auditorium. "Red Chief", adapted from MEMBERS OF the casts of the two plays to be presented by the Shelton Junior High Drama Class prepare for a dress rehersal of the plays. polic3 with revisions in the fees charged. Parker stated the PUD is ~ga' ~t the policy proposal, stating it will only cause delays in getting approval for line installations and add additional costs from the fees the county will charge. Bridger stated the fees were designed to cover the county's cost for work being doge now in inspection on utility installations on county rights of way. Parker asked the commission to delay the question for a week to enable the PUD to study it. The commission agreed to hold the question over and will take it up again at 1 1 a.m. Monday. Sheriff John Robinson told the commission his office had been approved for two frequencies on the high radio band. Two representatives of Nortec Engineers Inc. appeared at the meeting with Robinson to propose to the commission that they make a study of the county's Plays O'Henry's story is the talc of two kidnappers and their plight when they capture Red and hold him for ransom. The ransom is 4 x 8 No. 1 Prefinished needs before new equipment is purchased. They were asked to submit a proposal to the commission outlining the work they would do and the cost. Seven persons were named to the County Parks and Recreation Board, which had been created earlier, and is now being formed. Named to two-year terms were Irving McArthu~ and William McGee; named to four-year terms were Gary Plews and Nat Stairs and named to six year terms were Evalyn Stirling, J.W. Goodpaster and Louise Ewart. The commission approved moving of the Intermediate School District office to the small office at the end of the hall on the second floor and the moving of the Juvenile Probation Office from the Govey Building downtown to the office now occupied by the Intermediate School District. ere entirely different than they expect. "The Youngest" is the story of three teenagers and their less than scrupulous aunt, Amelia. The teens haven't seen their lather in five years, their mother has just died, so they are left to auction their house and belongings, and become wards of Amelia. The cast for "The Ransom of Red Chief" includes Keith Antonsen, Brad Aitken, Steve Savage, Susie Magnussen, Barbara ttarvey, Ken Carson, Shawn Waldrop, Michelin Drengson, Linda Bosch, Susan ttolland, Cecelia Clark, Jodie Stickley, Vickie Stracke, Vicki SCuller and directed by Kim Walden. The cast for "The Youngest" includes Dana Nutt, Vonnie Farrimond, Phil Kinnaman, Kay Roller, Dave Larson, Rex Rumpff, and directed by Carol Thompson. The student teacher'; helping with production is Vicki Buckley. Admission will be adults $1 and students 50 cents. IT IS hard to fight for one's heart's desire. Whatever it wishes to get, it purchases at the cost of soul. - Heraclittis: Burnet ½x4x8 Mahogany, 4-Color Tones. NOW NOW U-Haul For 2 ft. to 6 ft. Openings DISCOUNT ALL SIZES LUMI RMr/ 'S Mason County" Of Shelton • 426-2611 The first step needed to deal with the present ecological crisis is a change in basic attitude, Ed Wadington, air quality specialist for ITT Rayonier, told the Shelton Chamber of Commerce last Thursday night. The Chamber January membership meeting was held at Heinie's Broiler, starting with a 7 p.m. dinner followed by the program at which Wadington was the speaker. The attitude fostered by Christianity that everything in the world is made for man's benefit and that man is superior to nature has led to many of the abuses which have created the present problems, Wadington said. There must be a change in this basic attitude before real progress can be made, he commented. We know how we got into this mess and who got us into it, he said, the question now is how do we get out of it. Citing an example of the complexity of the problem, he stated if we wash the soluable dirt out of the air, we cause water pollution. This can be solved in turn by filtering the water, but, then the question arises as to what to do with the resultant which has been filtered out. The solution is to develop new techniques for doing the same things we are doing now, he said. Production of electric power is one major source of air pollution, which, while not important in the Pacific Savage Reports On House Bill State Rep. Charles Savage D-Shelton said Wednesday afternoon that it appeared that House Bill 199, which would bring State Employees under unemployment compensation immediately had enough votes to get out of committee and to pass the house. Savage said hearings on the bill are being held. The final bill may also provide coverage for employees of some political sub-divisions such as cities and counties, he said. Slates Film "The Missing Christians", a fifty minute sound motion picture in natural color, will be shown Sunday night, beginning at 7 p.m. in the Shelton Foursquare Church. Rev. Lewis Wysong speaks at the 11 a.m. service Sunday on the subject, "Living Your Religion". There are classes for all ages in the Sunday School which begins at 9:45 a.m. Now, for a limited time, your choice of a lovely silver water, wine or sherbet goblet, oil from famed International Silver Co.,---abso- lutely FREE when you open o savings account of $500 or more, or when you add $500 to your present savings account at TCF. Then, with each additional deposit of only $250 or more, you can purchase additional goblets for just $3. But hurry. Start your set now. This offer may have to be limited, soon. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL 6AVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • OLYMPIA -- Home Office Fifth G Capitol Way • LACEY • SHELTQH Branch " Branch 41111 Market Square ill Railmd Avenue ange Northwest because most power is generated with hydroelectric plants, is coming. He cited the example of the coal-burning plant which is being constructed in Lewis County. The answer, Wadington said, is to find new sources of energy. Some possible examples, he stated are solar energy, a new process for converting coal to energy called MHD and nuclear power. Nuclear power, he commented, while it keeps air pollution reduced, has the strong possibility of causing thermal pollution. Transportation is another major source of pollution, Wadington stated. We are going to have to come up with some other source of power for the present "gas hogs" we are driving. He listed as possible solutions electric power, fuel cells and in answer to a question from the audience, said liquor petroleum gas produces less pollution than , pea the present internal combustion problem is to get the engine, is throwing the article Another area in which deposit it at a rec changes are, needed are in collection area. processing materials. Substitution Plastics were cited as of equipment and substitution of big problem. materials in the processing are Wadington spoke two areas in which much work taw': of zoning to keep can be done, he said. plants and other activities Solid waste disposal is another contribute to pollution problem, Wadington stated, from residential areas as adding that the problem was possible. being handled poorly in Shelton "The Northwest is because of open burning at the unzoned mess im~ dump grounds, commented. During comments in which he The big problem appeared to favor sanitary land pollution abatement fills, he was told by a member of said, is cost, the audience that studies and industry. experience here indicated sanitary Controls must be land fills were not the answer uniformly so that a plant ii because of ground water forced out of business pollution, has to take on added ex Recycling materials which can pollution control which be used again is another area in required of a plant in which work can be done, with which it must Wadington commented. The price. Imperial Crown Model No. 39 4-Only Reg. $25.95 NOW Reg. 98¢ pr. I - ONLY 1 - ONLY COLORED. For Water Pic Reg. $6.95 NOW 33 Regularly $34.50 95 NOW Reg. $2.99 NOW Good for up to 3,600 flushes. (:leans, deodorizes toilet bowls automatically 4 position switch, Removable plaid flannel cover, Mastercraft label. rnln Includes: 10-inch covered skille| & lV2 qt. Covered Baking Dish. $14.90 Value NOW 2 - ONLY 1 - ONLY Rotating Cordless Electric Regularly $7.95 Cordless $24.95 Value NOW 99¢ Value HAIR CARE SPECIALS 16 oz. Shampoo 16 oz. Creme Rinse 1 3 oz. Hair Spray With case, choice of oral or rectal types. NOW Evergreen Square 426-3456 Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 21, 1971