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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Y PHONE 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday For Sale For Sale For Sale Wanted Help Wanted Lost & Found Real Estate Real 500 GALLON, 3/16" steel tank, like new. Two axles, wheels, tires. Three electric motors. 426-1894. Cl121 2 PIECE couch and chair, table 6 chairs, bedroom chair, lamps. Dishwasher and miscellaneous items. 426-1147 after 6 p.m. MONOGRAM OIL heater 80,200 B.T.U's oil air comfort control, 220 gallon tank $95. 877-9209. Wl/21 FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells& Valley Appliance Center. NEW SMALL davenport and chair in gold and avacado, $70.00; New walnut coffee table, $20.00 -- matching stand, $15.00; portable Westinghouse 21 inch TV -- late model, $45.00; small desk, $12.00; antique vanity dresser, $12.00; large oil drum with good metal stand, $10•00; Antique fordson old tractor, cheap -- WANTED -- A ride to St. Martins College, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Call 426-2234. M1/I4-ZI Will Buy or Consign RESEARCH FIRM needs interviewers for part-time evening telephone work. Short term assignment. No selling. Experience helpful but not required. Private line preferred. Please mail reply giving phone number, county, and qualifications to: RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, Box 222, Silver LOST 2 YR. old black labrador female and 6 month old Lab.-Shepherd. Agate area. For information 426-6856. M1/21 Real Estate 3 BEDROOM house on Mt. View. Fenced back yard, attached garage, low interest rate. 426-2126. L1/21tfn TWO ACRES, $2500, near Lost Lake, easy terms. Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203. Eves. 426-1111. 1/21 EXCELLENT LOT water, electricity, semi-landscaped. Gc children, $3500 R1/14-2/4 D1/21 6/5tfn phone 426-2347. D1/21 Spring, Maryland 20907. 1/21 ,,--_--.~-_-_-_-._-_--._-_-_-_-_-..-..,~,~ Join The Wise O11 PAIR OF mag wheels, in perfect WALL -- TO --Wall Carpets or Good Used Furniture ERE Invest In Pro~ shape. Phone 426-8670 or room-size rugs. Custom-made WANTED LPN for the 2:30 to HILLCREST, $9800 -- three , 426-1898. A1/21 draperies. We measure, expert or Appliances 11:00 p.m. shift. Contact Mrs. bedroom, living room, carpeted, Harris, 426-4552 or Mrs. Laney built-in oven and range. 1507 Reol Estote 2 BEDROOMS, in FREE ONE chicken basket to installation. Your satisfaction is 426-1651. After 5:30 p.m. Center st. Phone Lima 482-3171. stores and school. Donald M. Tinkcom, Rt. 2, Box 500 at Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. 1/21 guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture. 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O11/18tfn Used Cars 426-2716. Shelton Manor Nursing Home. 1/21 Will carry contract. V 1/14-2/4 LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME FOR SALE 3 bedroom home at O N L A R G E W E L L BACKHOE OPERATOR with 9 12 Cascade. Easy terms LANDSCAPED LOT:There is a THIS SPOT that spot, traffic CORD WOOD for sale. Cold 1963 VALIANT, 6 cyl., stick, 6255o. |st 426-241| supervisory experience and laying 426-6517. A1/7tfn paths too, removed with blue weather coming, call Exceptional f o u r d o o r. V e r y g o o d pipe. 426-3300. L1/14 verYand gOOdnut trees,gardenfloweringSp°t' patiO,shrubs,fruit bedrooms,D O W N T O Wse N lustre carpet shampoo. Coast to Foresters 426-1550. E10/ttfn mechanically. 426-6369 evenings. "~----"~--'-------------------"ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES and INCOME SPECIAL! Fourplex on for the home gardener and wellcarpeted, fi Coast Store. 1/21 $230.00. C1/21 mothers -- work from your home highway 101, $20,500 terms, maintained house with hardwoodgarage, on a corner Sporting Goods 2 hours a day. Stanley home Maple Valley Land and Homes. floors, electric heat, carpets, ARE YOU in a sewing slump? COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from Create a coat of wet-look color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 naugahide, 54" wide $3.59 yd. enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Kay's Draperies 129 Railroad. Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. K1/21 4/17tfn RUMMAGE SALE! Everything WOOD FOR sale -- Fir or Alder, must go! Route 2, Box 857, cord $20 delivered or $16. you Agate Grange Road. Watch for haul•426-6555. K1/7-28 signs. Friday, Saturday, 29th , 30th. H1/21-28 YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and UPHOLSTERY BARGAINS! bolt wrapping. Shelton Foods. ends -- large pieces -- great 426-6523.$3/27tfn selection, $3.29 a yd. Kay's ,, , Draperies, 129 Railroad. D1/21Pool Table ', n,, -tom'leee FREE ONE gallon of root beer to Wmiam Dagle, 833 Turner from $119.95 Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. 1/21 See our selection of new Pool FOR SALE or trade -~ 8' x 36', Tables. A complete selection two bedroom home will trade for available. The most desirable pickup with camper or pickup models in stock for immediate and smaller trailer. 426-]885 delivery. Free delivery. Z I121-28 l lln i n i n • Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock Septic Tanks Ready Mix Fireplace Supplies and Building Materials at 7th & Park 426-3344 7/2t fn i products. Call 426-6802 ask for 426-1203. 1/21 drapes and appliances included for the homemaker. Only Jeanette. G1/14-2/4 $14,500 on conventional financing. 01sen Furniture 4th & Cota 426-4702 9/1Otfn III CHAIN LINK fencing, 36" high, installed as low as $1~_1 per foot. For free estimate just call Sears desk for Norm. 426-8202. 1/7-28 LIKE NEW Duo-Therm oil heater, automatic, reasonable. Phone 877-5302. M 1/14-21 I Q4C SALE JANUARY clearance. Used hard cover books, l/z price. January 18 through 30. Browsers' Book Shop, 522 So. Washington, Olympia. .... !/21 OAT, HAY for sale. No rain. 35 bales for $28•00. Phone 426-6091. R 12/t0tfn FOR FREE estimate on a new furnace just call Sears, phone 426-8202 and ask for Norm. 1/7-28 CARPET SAMPLES shown in your home. For free estimates, call Sears 426-8202 and ask for Norm. 1/7-28 MOBILE HOME Furniture --We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome. 4th and Cota. 426-4702.4/14tfn FOR SALE 1951 Chev, 3/4 ton truck. Phone 426-4015 N1/21tfn 1955 G.M.C. ~12 ton pickup. V-8, 4--speed, radio. Call 426-1225. S1121 1964 CHEVROLET, Fleetside four speed, heavy duty rig, $575. Call 426-1894. C1/21 1962 FORD Galaxie 500, 390 cruisomatic, two door hardtop, $395.00. Call 491-5384. Del/21 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition, $750.00. Phone 426-6156. A1/21 '66 TOYOTA Land Cruiser 426-8715 M1/14 tfn. 1968 BUICK Electra, factory air, one owner, excellent condition, all power. Call 426-1260 after 5 p.m. $2995. G1/7-28 FOR SALE -- 55 Buick, good work car. $100 cash, 426-4002. K1/7/tfn 1965 FORD Country sedan; 1966 Mustang. Call 426-4653 after 5 p.m• L9/17tfn INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Gas and Diesel Heavy - Medium and Special Duty Scout -- Travelall Pickup -- Campers NEW and USED JACK KIMBEL Shelton, Wash. Phone 426-8124 Representing INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. Portland, Oregon 12/8tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn DEMONSTRATOR LOWREY organ, new price $895, now $695. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota, 426-4302. 12/17tfn ONE ONLY, 26" riding lawnmower. Was $292.50, now $199.95. Call Norm at Sears 426-8202. 1/7-28 FREE KODAK Film, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Zeigler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163.5/26tfn II II i FOR SALE American Coins & Bottles (FANCY BOTTLES) Beams, Brooks Japan, Italy & France Pl~one 426~117 ] 1 2/3tfn For The Finest In: * PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL I SATURDAY POURS ! ARE WELCOME LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/3tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tfn FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER needs some repair, six chair dinette set, both $60.00. 426-2132• H 12/3tfn SUNDAY, FEB. 7th-2:00 P.M. DAYTON COMMUNITY HALL GET A '71 DODGE DEMON FOR UNDER $3000.00 Radio & Automatic CHECK A DEMON! 1969 DODGE SWINGER 2/Dr. Htp. 6 cyl., stick shift, 25,000 miles. $1895 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 4/Dr. P. St., P. Brakes, auto- matic, runs good. $795 1963 DODGE 4/Dr. Custom 880, One owner, shiny black paint. $645 1969 CHEV. ½ TON PICKUP P. steering, automatic Like new, 12,000 miles. $2595 Front & Railroad '~h: Phone 426-8 183 l i I [I i SNOWMOBILE EVINRUDE Bobcat, 25 hp. $856. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union, Wash. Phone 898-2252. H10/29tfn SALES and SERVICE New and Used Machines 5847 MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA 491-8477 12/17 tfn Instruction BEGINNER'S TAP 10 a.m. Hood Canal School auditorium. Call 877-5713 for information. D1/t5tfn Adult classes begin Monday, January 25 at 7:00 p.m. Classes for chlldren, Saturday, January 23, 12 noon. Springboard diving classes for adults and children, Monday, January 25, 7:00 p.m• For information call: 426-2507 or 426-8223 P 1/21 ~~v~..~ ~ ~ --~A J Work Wanted WANT PLAYM/~,TES -- have two children of my own, reasonable rates, license and references included, 426-3246. Wl/14-2/4 LICENSED ADULT Baby-sitter will care for one or two pre-schoolers in her own home 426-4279. M1 t/5tfn Used Cars 66 Yolks. Camper 64 Chev. 64 Valiant 69 T-Bird 67 T-Bird 66 Plymouth 66 Valiant Conv. 65 Mustang 62 T-Bird 62 Impala 69 Plymouth Sod. 68 LTD 67 Volvo 67 Rambler 66 Plymouth 4-Dr. 65 Falcon 65 BeI-Air 2-Dr. 65 Ford Custom 500 4-Dr. 62 Bel-Air 4-Dr. 69 Ford % Ton 67 Chev. % Ton 66 Dodge Sportsman 66 Willys 4 x 4 Wagon 65 Ford % Ton Yellow 65 Ford % Ton White 52 Ford Dump 50 Int. 1 Ton Bill Johnson - Bus Einarsson Bob Watters - Bob Wolden Mt. View at Kneeland Center 426-8231 7 MILES WEST OF SHELTON ON RAILROAD AVE. BOY FOR morning paper route. Mt. View area. Call 426-6527 before 7 pm or 426-6311 anytime. R 1/141fn Real Estate 6 chair dinette sets, maple dining room set with 6 captains chairs & glass enclosed hutch, hardwood bedroom sets in several styles including early American & Contemporary. Several box spring & mattress sets, hardwood maple bunkbed silts complete with mattresses. Front room sets in several styles, several late model appliances, refrigerators, ranges, washers & dryers. Zig-Zag sewing machines, large assortment of table & hanging lamps. Several occasional chairs, reclining chairs, Boston Rockers & etc. Several full & twin size beds complete with mattresses. Some baby furniture, small kitchen appliances, coffee perks, deep fat fryers, steam irons, electric skillets, teflon cookware & many more kitchen appliances. Hand & power tools, electric saws, drills, bench grinders, open & box end wrench sets, drop cords, tap & dye sets & many more tools. Lots of misc. items. These & many more items will be sold at auction, Sunday afternoon starting at 2:00 p.m. 1/21-28-2/4 EXECUTIVE POTENTIAL. New 3,500 sq. ft. unfinished home. Fireplace. Live in two bedroom older home while you finish. Both on three tree-studded acres. Close-in $25,000 terms. Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203. Eves. 426-8460. 1/21 SECLUDED BUT close in acreage for sale. 426-4870 evenings. X I REALTY "THE ACTION OFFICE" 5 SECLUDED ACRES Terms $2,750.00 sQuARE TEN Located near popular Lake Limerick. Mostly level, nicely wooded & has some merchantable timber. Just listed at $7,795 with excellent terms. Call Ed "Ski" Lizakowski 426-6572 REID REALTY 857-2161 Pu rdy 50 ACRES Some PASTURE, CHRISTMAS TREES and Small CREEK $39,500.00 200 feet HARSTENE ISLAND WATERFRONT over 1,100 ft. deep, Low Bank, $19,500.00. We will be happy to show you comparisons in these areas! Call BRUSH REALTY at 426-1141 John Brush, Jr• Broker 426-6744 AI Windell, Assoc. Broker 426-3132 Purce Guise, Salesman 877-9240 First & Cedar, Shelton PURDY REALTY Wynwood Center- P.O. Box 410 Gig Harbor -- 857-2121 In Grapeview on County Rd; 10 acre tracts; $6,950 & easy terms. In Grapeview, View lots, water, power, beach access, boat ramp, $2,950 & up, terms. tn Grapeview -- 3 br• home, 200' waterfront, 3-1/3 acres, beautiful view of Mt. Rainier, full basement. For more information Call Julius Stock 426-6705 Or 426-6911 A PRICE FOR YOU ... COZY.. • Comfy 2 bedroom home on Capitol Hill. Comes nearly all furnished and owner willing to carry contract. $6,500 CONVENIENT... Downtown home with 2-3 bedrooms, new gas heater and separateu=.,,=~ane=. Convenient walk to stores, schools, etc. Owner will carry contract. $7,500 NEED TRAILER SPACE?... Sturdy 2 bedroom home on 2 large lots located on Angleside. Mature fruit trees and new kitchen and bathroom fixtures. Contract available here. $8,500 GOOD VALUE... Very nice 2 bedroom home near Phillips Lake with access area for boat launching. Large stone fireplace, attached garage and covered patio. $14,000 CONTRACT HERE ... Rambler styled 3 bedroom home on Mt. View with fireplace, carport, and covered patio area. Good fenced yard and short walk to park. Good terms, $14,500 MUST SEE... Good terms on this 3 bedroom Hillcrest home with fireplace and carport. Plastered and Panelled interior. $16,400 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS • • • LIKE NEW... Downtown 3 bedroom home A real crisp and clean older located conveniently to nome built in a lasting style. schools. Full basement and _Has 3 bedrooms, fireplace, and large kitchen area. Quite tull basement. Lots of comfortable. Terms available, potentia $18 500 $8,500 " ' PARK LIKE SETTING • • • Cozy 2 bedroom home with unfinished 3rd room that could be used as small bedroom. Over an acre of land with city view. New fireplace and new forced air heating system• $8,950 PRIVATE... Small 1 bedroom home on nearly 8 acres about 9 miles from town. New septic tank, new roof, and good well. Frontage on county road. Terms available $10,000 INVESTMENT MINDED?... A real 2-for-1 sale. This includes 2 two bedroom homes on Mt. View. Both have good rental income and tenants want to stay. Or live in one unit and let income from second help pay for investment. $10,000 HIDEAWAY... Has 100' of frontage on Hammersly Inlet. New cabin sae~dingO~d natural wooded • real escape from crowded recreation areas. $11,000 TOP BUY... This one has 80' of no-bank salt water frontage in an area of calm water. Attractive panelling to complement the fireplace. Lovely view. $23,950 VIEW OF WATER AND MOUNTAINS... Permanent salt water home for year-round living. Has 120' of frontage with sweeping view of entire area. Separate garage with rec room and small shop. Fenced for horses with over 2 acres. $27,750 A REAL STEAL Nearly finished 5 bedroom home with 4 baths, 2 fireplaces, rec room, den, formal dining room, etc. On 10 acres of good Pasture land. Terms are available. $29,500 ONE TO SEE... Lovely waterfront home on Arcadia Point. Has 3 bedrooms, fireplace and basement shop area. Have to see this one. $45,500 e I 10 RAILROAD AVENUE . -- Evenings Call,-- Jim Roush 426-8522 or Don Brown 426-6388 426-4447 HANDYMAN SPECIAL: 7 room house (4 small bedrooms) on 90' X 100' lot with single garage attached. Only $6500 MOBILE HOME SITE IN THE COUNTRY: 7 acres partly cleared, partly wooded with septic tank hookup and power already in. $7,000 or less for cash. ! ACRE ON ARCADIA ROAD: with a 3 bedroom house, garage, barn. Lovely site with lots of privacy. See it today. Only $15,000. Conventional financing. BRAND NEW IN THE COUNTRY: 3 bedrooms, fireplace, garage and much more. Call 426-1641 Bey Thomason 426-8615 AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. COUNTRY HOME - Nearly new 3 bedroom home located in suburban neighborhood. Full price of $21,000 included large family size kitchen with lots of cupboards plus family-dining room combination. Large comfortable living room has carpeting, draperies and fireplace. Many other pleasing features to see in this home. Call today for an appointment. DELUXE DUPLEX An outstanding duplex with 2 bedrooms each, carpeting, appliances, carports and beautiful landscaping. Trade the equity of ~our home for down payment. hone 426-6592 for more details. LARGE FAMILY? 3 to 5 bedroom family home. Nice kitchen with lots of storage. Formal dining room, large living room with fireplace. Beautiful hardwood floors. Several ways of financing available. 37 ACRES Located in the Cole Road area at $875 per acre. An investment opportunity with investor terms. FHA 235 OPPORTUNITY Family size and income limit determines your opportunity to select building site and plans on 3 or 4 bedroom models in various Shelton locations. Call today for more information. 5 ACRES ON MILLCREEK Only 4 miles from town with 165 feet on the river frontage, stately firs, seclusion. $7500. $1,000 down. $50 per 'month. Ask Bobble to show it to you. $5,250 CASH For this 2 bedroom home located on a 60 x 163' lot at the edge of town. This price will include all furnishings. Has good gardening area and fenced yard. 15 ACRES Located in the Agate area. This piece has approximately 500 ft. of road frontage. About 4 acres cleared, rest in cedar, alder and some young fir. $800 per acre• Terms• RENTAL Fully carpeted, 2 bedroom unit in duplex. Range, refrigerator, washer, dryer and drapes, carport. $125.00 MANN REAL ESTATE 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Evening, Call BOBBLE GOODWlN 426-3503 I il i I i perfect condition an yard and large $14,500. LARGE COUNTRY miles from town just short of two garden. $25,750. WATERFRONT Lake. 3 bedrooms deck, landscaped NEAR SCHOOL t bedroom home is an i buy. Has double fireplace, electric he range and oven. $11 finance charges contract. DEVELOPMENT 40 acres with small town. Owner will contract. ISLAND LAKE nicely wooded, $7600. HARSTINE ISLAN{ frontage, buy all or A G~ Real Estate & In Since W890 HERB ANGLE DIC~I JACK STEWART -- P/~ BARBARA NE L~.~ BOB HARVE~ Evenings 426-4134 or~ 401 Railroad Ave. Ph, 1618 Olympic High 426-1600 ~i NO DOWN Best buy on the $500 for closing costs i in this excellent 2 bedf Living room, sunny K separate dining ro room, garage with building lot - fenced lots. Beats paying FHA SPENCER LAKE INVESTMENT Get a partner, good ir acres to be split into your money, 50 feet owner will hold cor interest, full price building lots HOOD CANAL DREAM HOME 4 large carpeted room with elegan formal dining roc designed kitchen built in, breakfaS recreation room witl lots of storage, extra baths, panoramic new, $47,000 HILLCREST For sale or rent, 3 basement, $15,000 or month COUNTRY ESTATI IN TOWN Almost like neW, designed 3 large beC bath and half, living and dining root excellent des dishwasher, lovely yard, double carport extra mother-in-law h( been empty, $23,500 ACREAGE 5 acres and a small 2 home $10,000 FAWN LAKE Waterfront lot, 60 ft. utilities in, 188 ft. build on, make an forces sale. FOR RENT Furnished Sue M. Daniels -~ | Wl Associate Margaret Yo Salesman -- Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 21, 1971