January 21, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 21, 1971 |
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~" ~ ~* ~ v v v ~:.~v~..~ ~A~. ~v~v~ %~~v~---~.--~...~ ~v~~ ~ ~A~~.~--.~..~-~_~
tats, Livestock Personal Services Services Services
R sa,e, 2O ba es$12.00 I WELCOME ,etters on E•S•P• CARPET *NSTALLATION --S,NGER TUNE UP special • PAINTING and DRY WALL
Any make sewing machine. A
especially from women 30--70. Reliable, dependable. Chuck
~ngvald Joe Cameron Rt 2 Box 182-A Gigstead. Call 426-2774 after 6 Singer expert will come to your RESIDENT and
~ver 15. ~-- Shelton• C1/7-28 pm. G1/14-21 home and: Adjust and balance COMMERCIAL
eat .~ERED AUSTRALIAN ..... -- .... tensions; check fabric-handlinq
female puppy, seven CONFIDENTIAL CARE for BACKHOE SERVICES with late mechanism,de-lint thread handling
~old.~ Phone 426-6152. unwed pregnant teen-age girls• model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years ~ssembly; oll enhre machine;
lay . ~ UGH Agency. Collect calls experience. Also sewage systems•inspect motor; lubricate motor, if
...... accepted. Florence Crittenton Top workmanship. Earl T Marr needed; check wiring for safety!
d~'~IPS, professional poodleHOme. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, 426-3053.6/11tfn ' Only $6.95. In Shelton contact
Kay's Draperies, 129 Railroad,
~&~an'd,,'pet grooming Ca Seattle, Wa. 98178•8/28tfn ,CHILD CARE Wanted -- 426-6207. Singer Center, South
..:,~" ~ ~rnball for appointment•
~,~P.~b~B.8/31tfn ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION Licensed, experienced, reliable.Sound Center, Lacey. 491-3400.
and Referral center 428 Birch St. Day or night. Fenced yard. Other
___~ON Vacation? Leaveyour Shelton• Phone 426-4407. playmates phone 426-2540•
"~'-~-3 us It over 20 Ibs• MeI-Ru S2/12tfn A1/21-2/11
ml Est 7" N8/14tfn
"]LIPPING and grooming.
~)pointment, call Mrs.
I LOT ~64. L9/17tfn
,ed. Go~D GOOD home for
i00 cash,~d, female, 7 months old.
Union. K1/21
~AL FISH for sale Large
! A~l.Also supplies• Marion's
- -~ lus. 1221 W. Birch.
Wise 1/7-28
In Prop¢
NEED CASH? We buy or consign
almost anything. Tropics
Ballroom Auction, Olympla
943-9949. D2/26tfn
Cards Of Thanks
WORDS CANNOT express our
sincere thanks to all our many
friends for the lovely flowers,
food, cards and acts of kindness
shown us during the loss of our
CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy,
accurate. Precision grinding. Now
at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest.
Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn
remodeling. Roofing, patios,
carports. Smaller jobs also. Call
Osborne's 426-6241. 10/15tfn
drive-ways, reasonable rates.
Phone 426-2143 after 6 pm.
EVERYTHING FOR your beach•
Engineering, designs,
IS, in to~:- beloved son and brother•
chool• ~ Mrs• Mabel Zamzow
lion an dJaI Estate Wnnt.d Mr• & Mrs• Percy Zamzow
]e garde'~ll~I esTaTe wanted & family
construction, repair, Bulkheads,
boathouses, boat handling
systems. Sea Walls Inc. 858-3603
1714 Jefferson (Mt. View)
Ph. 426-6687 6/1 ltfn
Lawns, Gardens, Farm work- 2
machines no job too large or
small. 4264750 4/Ptfn
Houses Raised, Foundations
and Leveling
Bonded and Insured
Call 426-8773
7/4 tfn
Sales -- Service -- Supplies
CALL 426-3544
For free delivery -- Jack Manley
Septic Tank
500-gal., 750-gal, 1,000-gal.
Drain Fields, Ditch Digging,
Backhoe, Trencher for Hire
Slmmr Digging servke
Phone 426-3660
Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1127 tfn
or 857-4550. Gig Harbor.
THE KINDNESS and sympathy S11/12tfn
it- INVESTOR has cash of neighbors and friends in our ................ Phone 426-8147 Satisfaction
W N H~ buy, prefers acreage or 1/27 tfn
recent sorrow will always remain Tree looping, and falling phone Guaranteed
_,d investments Call Vi with us as a precious memory. 426-3532. Mc8/8tfn
separate... . ,
.... JvaHey Land and Hom
Ireplac~4~- es
:orner I~L 26-1203 1/14-2/4 Our sincere thanks and gratitude
for all those comfortinq acts. Mrs. INTERIOR PAINTING Special
BOB OGDEN 426-2857 Evenings
J" E D A C R E ^" "- Don Zamzow and family, Mrs. Winter prices all areas. References.
M-r~v ~ . .. ~t~ ~- -- Mabel Zamzow, Mr. & Mrs. PercyCall Olympia'491-0752 or Shelton Installation Service....
...... ']ru. creeks. Call or write Zamzow & family. 426-1400. P12/31tfn ..... SWIMMING POOLS
own of[) Real Estate LE 1-8999
~o acr~a~v P.O. Box 2245: ~-----~_ ~ ~arpezlng--I-ormlca-- •
• , a. T12/17tfn . SephcTank
IT''M~NGE -- WHAT you hav~ .¢.~/#~ For Fast, F&I< Service Just. Ph Ceramic and Linoleum bulldozing, backhoe
>m~,~ir;~na~xcYlUnWoant. K4uIt Mann, /~V/t~/Z/~-f/ . Licensed, Bonded and dump truck service
)ed yard,,~ .. -o-.. !26
, .4412 =Insured Surge water conditioners•
OOL Jr- Phone 426-3155 426.6 LEN
'! R.IR.I Estate R.I Estate Real E. st2te '" "° "*"
ENT P,~ ~ State Says; RealEstate .eal'Estate
H ,d 1 Country
,ow eed a ew l
s.=, eel Imlie We Cover the
II or pal~
Waterfront ,/
e,Sg'0 in Hood Canal (
, ' ount &Country ,
ve. Ph.~ O // // [I ~i
| INVESTOR? 289' of W/F two bedroom home. 6 small
. ! 600
;)king for a chance to sleep This great big family home s Here s a fully applianced
~uiet? Want the living room close to everyming ... it's kitchen ; range-oven,
r~ apart from the noise of
kitchen~H ....... been FHA appraised at dishwasher and refrigerator
e • ~'~, aoout a $19,500, and .we think YOU'l included in th)s. attractive 3
ment rec room for the agree its quite a nome. Why bedroom ~ngles!oe rambler
S? Then see this $22 500 not call us now for an You II also apprec=a~.e the 18' x
A 3 bedroom home It has 2 appointment. We'll be happy 18 rec room ann me fenc~,~
hs, and 2 fireplaces (one is a to show you anytime, kid-sized yard -- all for Only
inklin) and t can be yours $18,950. Your choice 0"f
almost any kind of terms
I'II qualify for. It's vacant, ONLY $4,200.00!! financing available.
"" Live alone? Need a small
home~ Here s an easy to care AGATE 8 ACRES:
1,500 BRAND NEWl for 1 "bedroom home that You Parklike setting --.nice clearing
ready. Let's go see this might like . :. It s even in middle aT WOOQed tract just
~t~TU.I. 3 bedroom suburbanfurnished. Cai= tar more waiting tar your new house or
u. It has a tamily room information, mobile home. bmall Pan-' •
stream make the se~*a-na
fireplace, a carpeted complete. If you see it, yo/nI
)ore, living room, hall CRANBERRY CREEK- love it. Priced at only $7 nnn
roorrs. The garage is Over 200 feet frontage on on terms. ~ ....
and the large WOOded lot beautiful stream. Lots of big
;urance of elbow room All trees. Telephone and power
say is--it's beautiful~ nearby. Interest in good well.5.3 ACRES --
Approximately 3 ~ acres. DAYTON WAY
ESTORS- Priced right.CallMarl for Just 2 miles from new freeway
acres in the path of details, intercnange F..
• --~cellent
ress. Just off freeway near investment potential. 374 feet
~ty line• 1,000 feet of ATTENTION of county road frontage. A
ty.l=vergreenrOad frontage.College.llpricedmiles INVESTORS!! bargain at $4,00u cash.
$00 per acre on terms. Let us show you this big 3 ANGLESIDE-VIEWII
bedroom home =ocated right ..
]ATAVIEWII downtown. Here's 2 big lots on We have a 2 or 3 bedroom
a brand new listing on a Railroad Avenue, in a very home that has had very good
care and shows * ,-
oom home with a very choice location. Mive us a call ,L ffr~ce is
al floor plan and so on this one. iSnlc4u'clPehd0,t ~Usgaaol drapes
• , ~urnace,
located, overlooking a part basement, a very nice
Skookum Inlet• It is a NOT ENOUGH ROOM?? patio that is well secluded from
home with a circulator Then, why not consider this view and a single garage with a
and a good drilled good, older 4 bedroom home work bench. About $2 200 is
COuld stand some on Angles;de with full needed to take over the
ut you will want basement for $15,500. 100% mortgage with total monthly
you see it. FHA financing available. Call payment of about $106 It's a
quick for more details!! good deal~ "
DICK KNAUF 426-8110- "SKIP" HESS 426-3049
DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407
CallDICK ROLLING, Closing Broker 426-8162
Or • • • MINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501
apt. or motel units, excellent income property. $59,500
terms or will consider trade ,
Brm. home garage, workshop, bulkheaded. Home in
very good condition• Home located near Hoodsport
stores. $29,500• Terms.
W/F PLUS -- Four plus acres of beautiful Mt. View, 119
ft. of water front. Lots of Oysters and clams. Your own
private hide-a-way. $13,200. Easy terms.
ONE PAYS FOR THE OTHER Potlatch. Two homes.
Both in fair condition but need a good handy man to
put them in top shape. Both are now rented• Why not
get two for the price of one? $21,000.
OTLATCH --Why not move out df town to a |
eautiful water front two bedroom home.
ulkheaded frontage, beautiful fireplace with
eat-o-lator and glass doors. Excellent view Pebble }
each with clams and oysters galore! Garden spot, all
6% interest
this for $35,000. Terms, " /
HOODSPORT -- Two plus wooded acres on Cushman
road 1/2 mile above Hoodsport. Excellent access. Would
make beautiful home site or Would be ideal for some
commercial venture. Give us a call on this.
EXTRA!!! Want some canal waterfront? We have just
number of good canal W/F lots priced to sell
on easy terms. Give us a call for more information on
CTI=T¢.(' N BEACH -- ere's your chance for a summer
HfortS of home 800' of
cottage with all the cam . beautiful
reek on property, boat aunch n
community beach. C , " g
00 from canal $11,675 O0
pad together. Located 2 • .
me special area of Hood Canal
INTERESTED -- In so , !
country give us a call• If we .eon t have it now,we'll find
it for you. Give us a call day or night at 877-5576 or
better yet stop in and talk wire us.
Box 125
Day or Night Office Ph. 877-5576
If No Answer Call 877-5575
124 N. First
FHA appraised & approved for easy financing 2 bedroom Hillcrest charmer, level
grounds, all improvements in & paid, beat high rent costs•
"They don't build 'era like this anymore." Real good solid two bedroom home with
part basement, big kitchen & double corner lot. Bring your smile & a paint brush, save
on this bargain.
Cozy view home on oversize grounds only minutes from town. Attached garage, needs
some work & fixing- whatta buy!
Charming A frame on Shorecrest level grounds with swimming pool membership and
guaranteed salt water access• Fully insulated, 2 bedrooms, full bath and built-ins --Call
Downtown -- 2 bedrooms, new bath, part basement on nice lot plus garage and
outbuildings• FHA appraised -- new paint -- new foundation.
4 Bdrms. nicly paneled, double garage. This is a fantastic home for growing family and
we will tailor the payments to fit your budget.
Hillcrest 4 Bedroom, (2 up), with 1322 sq. ft. of living area. Deluxe bath. auto. gas
heating. Perfect for growing family -- Will sell G.I. -- No Down• Just remodled.
"SNOOTIE-CUTIE" Custom built shake rambler with twin bedrooms, automatic
furnace heat. On sewer, paved street and large fenced yard. If you want a good home
in top condition -- don't miss this bargain.
~1,(1~1~IJVt}IOI~I Mt. View family home at a price anyone can afford. Great big living room w/fireplace,
deluxe kitchen, separate utility, three bedrooms and double size detached garage. See
this today!
$13,950 Double wide mobile home .permantly set up includes water view sun deck carport &
extra storage & landscapea ~oL Mall today! "
,pl ~ ,#VV~II~II~ItlI~ Shake two story,.2 bd,rms, down plus full dining room separate entry, lush carpets,
separate utility, p~us z Dorms. up. Master bdrm. is oversized. Separate garage & fenced
corner grounos, t-H/~ or ~1 terms. Owner bought a farm & must sell this week!!
~IU 7~V~1£111~i~ BRAND -- NEW.- 3 bedroom rambler with log fireplace, wall to wall ca rpe~
throughout, budt-m range and oven hood and fan Can be yours for as low as ~z xo
per mo.at annual interest rate of 7~/,°~o -- your chance to beat the landlord.
I1| O ~tV4kl ~1~1~1~1~'~ 3 Bedrooms- 2 Baths- Spacious Mt. View rambler on level fenced corner grounds.
Built in range and oven. Breakfast area plus dining room. Wall to wall carpets. Best of
all, an extra % bath with separate shower off master bedroom. One of a kind at this
price so see it toaay.
qp'~r.L -v.av(~e~e~lAl~ NEW ENGLAND CAPE COD. Huge carpeted living and dining rooms, modern
spacious kitchen, utility room, 2 twin size bedrooms and deluxe full bath on main
level. Dormitory size bedroom up with half bath. Garage attached. Level corner
grounds, paved streets, walks and alley. Dare to be different -- see this charmer today.
'Pq*2AI500 New3 bedroom with 1632 square feet of living -- Bath & a half. Living room, family
room & dining room plus breakfast nook & separate utility area. Panelled wall electric
heat, big garage & drilled well on 3 level acres.
*11M'~w vvv~l~l~ltIUl~il~ New custom built deluxe spacious rambler with twin bedrooms on 5 acres. Bubbling
stream - lovely view. Electric furnace and garage.
*11~pJ vvv~l~lll~l~l~ Ranch Home on 4 1/2 fenced level acres. Immaculate 3 bedroom home plus den and
office -- 2 baths built-in appliances, beautiful carpet and stone fireplace. All this and
formal dining room too! Trade up today! Quality throughout.
~S~VVI~ :1 I~ltl~h,~meFive aCresites,tractS,Low downneW r oad,payment.powerEasyand terms.Ph° e. Minutes from town. Terrific for mobile
*11~" z "Jvell ~1~,1~i~ 500Easyft.terms.Of County road in the Agate area• ]b acres partly cleared and part in timber.
$1 500 Sixteen cleared acres just perfect to build that farm home on. Year around stream --
1 nice view -- partially fenced. Hurry on this one.
$21,000 Special buy one huge 35 acre tract only 3 miles from Shelton City limits. Call today!
$49150o 80 acres on Harstene Island -- E-Z terms.
71 ft. no bank, choice waterfront. Very easy terms. This is a one-of-a-kind
opportunity. Better hurry on this one.
Harstine Island -- Older 2 bedroom home on sand and gravel beacn plus
tidelands 100 x 300 grounds plus more waterfront and acreage available.
Guaranteed Secluded J
Level low bank 100 ft. frontage and over 500 ft. to road. Best waterfront lot
in Mason County• Can subdivide.
3 Bedroom, basement, double garage and shop on 90 ft. low bank waterfront
with fabulous view. Raised hearth fireplace, sundeck, dining room, Kitchen
with modern built ins and large breakfast room. All this plus wall to wall
carpeting and drapes. Easy assumption with low payments•
76 ft. on nice beach and beautiful view. Spacious 3 bedroom home - Sauna
bath and extras galore. This is a new home - grounds are 76 x 300 deep.
120 ft. on Lake Nahwatzel -- Sweeping view of lake and mountains. Real
good cabin included -- you name the terms! This one is right on the water.
Charming A frame chalet on bulkheaded 60' x 300', Spencer Lake level
wooded lot. Truly a bargain• Completely furnished. Built-in range, nice trees.
4 bedroom -- 3 baths- basement -- Charming story and a half with full
basement and garage -- sprinkler system. Located right on Island Lake -- On
the water. We trade!
INS. &
Reid "Mitch" Mitchell .... Asso. Broker ........ 426-25! 9
Tom Savage ............ Asso. Broker ........ 426-8584
Tom Townsend ......... Asso. Broker ........ 426-6597
Thursday, January 21, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17