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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mobile Homes Mobile Homes I I I Did You Know 95% of the new one-family homes being sold in the under $15,000 price bracket are mobile homes. Wonder Why? We have the Answer NEW PRE-BUILT HOMES (20 & 24 feet wide -- 36 to 68 feet long.) $7,950 $12,700 3 bedrooms -- includes appliances and drapes with carpets in living, dining, hall and master bedroom 3 bedrooms with den includes appliances and drapes with carpets in living, dining, hall and master bedroom 1,368 sq. ft. $6,830 12x60 2 bedrooms, front dining room, living room tip out carpet, furnished. $1 1,950 dishwasher -- garbage disposal -- many many extras -- see at Taylor Towne Manor space No. 1. USED 2 excellent buys priced from $4250 to $6250. 206/426-4455 Home Center Mobile Home Sales and Service At Taylor Towne Shelton, Washington 98584 For Rent ONE AND two bedroom unfurnished duplexes, full basement. No pets. Contact Ken Rose, 1024 Ellinor St. 426-6548 or 753-5030. 1/21 tfn FOR RENT- available February ], mobile home to responsible adults, references, deposit. 426-2455. w]/21-28 FOR RENT -- small one-bedroom house with carport, newly redecorated. Call after 6 p.m. 426-4537 C]/2] LARGE FURNISHED exclusive Legal Publkntions NOTICE TO CREDITORS No.4171 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said estate. Persons having clain~, against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publkutions Heart Fund Drive Volunteers NOTICE OF SURFACE NOTICE OF HEARING Northeast Quarter (NEI/4) 1of WATER RIGHT ON PETITION FOR the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) APPLICATION No. 22742 AWARD IN LIEU of Section Seventeen (17), STATE OF WASHINGTON OF HOMESTEAD Township Nineteen (19)North, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, No. 4034 Range Six (6), West, W.M, OLYMPIA. TAKE NOTICE: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF levied on m the hereinabove That REX D. UMPHENOUR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON described cause to satisfy a of Shelton, Washington on FOR MASON COUNTY IN judgment of foreclosure of a December 14, ]970 filed PROBATE. mortgage amounting to application for permit to divert the public waters of Mill Creek tributary of Hammersley Inlet, in the amount of 0.05 cubic foot per second, subject to existing rights, from April 15 through October 3] each year for the purpose of irrigation that the approximate point of diversion is located within Tract 3, Block 4, of the Plat of Mill Creek Tracts, within Section 29, Township 20 N., Range 3 W. W. M., in Mason County. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology within thirty (30) days from January 28, 197t. Witness my hand and official seal this 12th day of January, 1971. Glen H. Fiedler Department of Ecology 1/21-28-2t NOTICE OF SALE OF FOREST PRODUCTS VALUED AT NOT MORE THAN $2,000.00 Notice is hereby given that on IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALTER J. CASH, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition for award in lieu of homestead has been filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court and the Administratrix, who is the surviving spouse of the said deceased seeks to have the entire estate of the said deceased set over to her in lieu of homestead pursuant to the provisions of R.C.W. Chapter I 1.52, Laws of the State of Washington, and that the hearing on said petition ilas been set for 19 February, 1971, at 9:30 a.m. in the court room of the above entitled Court. Dated this lath day of January 1971. Lodge Fields Clerk BY Betty Thompson Deputy B. Franklin Heuston Attorney Angle Bldg. Phone 426-4672 Shelton, Washington 98584 1/21-1t $3,111.31, together with attorney's fees in the amount of $500.O0, plus interest and taxable costs in favor of plaintiff. DATED this 4th day of January 1971. John D. Robinson, Sheriff of Mason County, Washington By Ann Rose Chief Civil Deputy. 1/7-14-21-28-4t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4173 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LOIS F. DAUGHERTY, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, To Meet Mason County Heart Drive Volunteers will meet Jan. 26 at ?:30 p.m. in the PUD auditorium to plan the February Heart Drive. Carol Kistler, Seattle, Field Consultant for this area from the Washington State Heart' Association, will show films and answer questions. Anyone interested in assisting is welcome to attend, as many volunteer workers will be needed. Washington State Heart Association devotes nearly 40 per cent of its budget to research and 15 per cent to professional education. Many of the nurses who staff the new coronary care units which most large and many small hospitals have in this state learned their skills at classes offered by Washington State Heart Association. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Legal Publications No. 4178 together with proof of such service within four months after Monday the ]st day of February, IN PROBATE 1971, commencing at ten o'clock IN THE SUPERIOR COURT January 21, 1971, or the same in the forenoon, at the Shelton O F T H E S T A T E O F will be forever barred. NOTICE OF HEARING District Headquarters of the WASH I N G TON FOR THE LEWIS H. DAUGHERTY PETITION TO SET ASIDE Department of Natural Resources, COUNTY OF MASON. 1626 Jackson Street PROPERTY IN LIEU the following described forest IN THE MATTER OF THE Shelton, Washington 98584 OF HOMESTEAD products will be sold at public ESTATE OF FRANK A. WHITE, Robert L. Snyder No. 4175 auction to the highest bidder. SR., Deceased. Attorney for Estate THE SUPERIOR COURT OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Notice is hereby given that 125 [/2 N. 5th WASHINGTON FOR MASON sale is composed of all dead and t h e u n dersigned has been Shelton, Washington 98584 COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of CARL J. down cedar bounded by orange appointed and has qualified as . 1/21-28-2/4-3t WHITE, Deceased. bordered sale area boundary tags, Executrix of the estate of ..... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN comprising approximately 9,600 FRANK A. WHITE, SR., NOTICE OF HEARING that the Petition of the board feet, in part SWl/4 SWV4 of Deceased; that all persons having The City of Shelton Planning Administratrix to set aside Sec. 28 Twp. 20N., Rge. 5 claims against said deceased are Commission will hold a public property to surviving spouse, (W) ,W. M. M ason County, hereby required to serve the same, hearing Tuesday, February 9, from the assets of said estate Washington. duly verified, on said PATRICIA 1971, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall on A. Forest products will be MEDEIROS or her attorneys of the following applications: sold on a cash basis. Minimum record at the address below (1) for a zone change of acceptable bid will be $182.40. stated, and file the same with the Parcel 14 & 15, David Shelton 1st On or before February l, 1971, at Clerk of said Court, together with Addition from R-I to R-3 10:00 a.m., each bidder must proof of such service within 4 (2) for a zoning variance for make a minimum deposit of months after the date of firstthe south 7 feet of lot 1, and the $18.24 in the form of cash, publication of this notice, or the north 40 feet of lot 2, block 14, money order or certified check, same will be barred. Olympic View Addition. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. On the day of sale the purchaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee. This balance may be paid by personal check. All checks, money orders, etc., are to be made payable to the Commissioner of Public Lands. Any sale which has been offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been readvertised. If Date of first publication January, 1971. Patricia Medeiros Executrix of said Estate. St, ar Route 2, Box 216, Belfair, Wash. 98528 Shiers, Kruse & Roper Attorneys for Estate, Box 126, 720 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Phone TR. 6-4455 1/21-28-2/4-3t NOTICE OFHEARING FINAL ACCOUNT No.4142 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF This is in accordance with Ordinance No. 682. Purl Jemison, Chairman Shelton Planning Commission 1/21-28-2t property up to the value of $6,035.00 in lieu of homestead, will be heard in the above entitled Court at the Mason County Courthouse in the City of Shelton. County of Mason, State of Washington, on the 11th day of February 1971, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. Betty Thompson Deputy Clerk of Court John C. ReDan Attorney at Law Shelton. Wash. 98584 1/21-1t all sales cannot be offered within THE STATE OF WASHINGTON apartment for couple or singletogether with proof of such the specified time on the FOR MASON COUNTY I:mr~on. Utilities furnished. Lots service within four months after advertised date, the sale shall In the Matter of the Estat~e of " " :~ of storage, fireplace, and garage. January 7, 1971, or the same will continue on the following day LESTER L. AGER, Deceased. No pets, references required, be forever barred, between the hours of ten o'clock NOTICE is given that the Final Auto Glass Gunsmith Phone after 5:00 and weekends PHILIP C. BAYLEY, a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Account and Petition for I! " ! I --Repairing M°dern and I I Antiques 426-3560. Wl/21tfn Executor The State of Washington does Distribution has been filed with I --Precision scope & Sight ~~ I Mounting ON E B E D R OOM partially P.O. Box 728 not guarantee its published cruises the Clerk of the above Court and Expert Installation furnished apartment, at Wivell's Title Insurance Building of the herein described forestthe Executrix seeks settlement of I --Shotgun Choke Alterations, Shelton, Washington products, and purchasers thereof the account, distribution of the I JIM PAULEY, INC. I all gauges | --Shooting Supplies. Court. Phone 426-8670 or ROBERT L. SNYDER shall have no recourse againstestate, and discharge, which | Mt. View | WARREN A. GIRARD 426-1898. AI/21 either the State of Washington or matters have been set for hearing I e Attorney for Estate Kneeland Cent r Ph. 426-8231 [Route 2, Box 795 Phone 426-2501 125 ~/z N. 5th the Board of Natural Resources if on February 19, 1971 at 9:30 TRAILER SPACES for rent on Shelton, Washington 98584 the actual cut does not equa| such a.m. in the Courtroom of the said Mt. View at the Pines. Near 1/7-14-21-3t published cruises. Court in the County Courthouse stores. 426-3273. O1/14tfn Forest products must be of Mason County in Shelton, removed prior to February 1,Washington. Auto Repairing Home ShoppingService'----" ALOERBROOK, FOR lease on 1972. ILENE L. AGER Golf course, three bedrooms, two SUMMONS Located approximately 18 Executrix I -- Major Overhauls FREE BONUS CREDITS! baths rec. room with fireplace. No. 10633 miles by road west of Shelton.ROBERT L. SNYDER | -- Brakes & Ignition Valuable Premium Gifts! Purchase option available. Rental IN THE SUPERIOR COURT A copy of the forest products Attorney for Estate | -- Welding & Tune-ups Buy and Save on Food & $200 per month. Call Union O F T H E S T A T E O F bill of sale contract is posted at 125 t/z N. 5th I -- Special Winterizing Household Products. 898-2795. L1/14-2/4 WASHINGTON FOR MASON the Shelton District Headquarters Shelton, Washington 98584 FREE sHOPPiNG GUIDE FOR , COUNTY. office. 1/21-1t| ED'S SERVICE SHELTON & McCLEARY I FURNISHED 2 bedroom DOROTHY H. SHUGART, BERT L. COLE ~ ! 2195o. 1st 426-1212 I 426-3465 I waterfront home, 5 minutes from Plaintiff, vs. A. P. SHUGART, JR., Commissioner of town, $90 per month. ReferencesDefendant. Public Lands 1/21 it NOTICE OF SURFACE 426-8577. B1/21 tfn T H E S T A T E O F - WATER RIGHT WASHINGTON, TO: A. P. APPLICATION No. 22739 Beauty | Masonry-- ' FOR RENT one bedroom newly SHUGART, JR., Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON | decorated, furnished apartment. YOU are nereoy summoned to DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, I -- Complete Hair Care I All utilities paid. Days ES 3-7321 appear within sixty days after the NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL OLYMPIA. I -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches II --Fireplaces eve. CR 5-6378. V]/21 date of the first publication ofNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TAKE NOTICE: | -- Merle Norman CosmeticsI III --All_BlOck WorkBrick and this summons, to-wit: Within that the following Mason County That REX D. UMPHENOUR FOR RENT one bedroom sixty days after the 17thdayof Warrants are called for payment of Shelton, Washington on I -- Free .E~monstrations | I apartment close to downtown, December, 1970, and defend the at the office of the Treasurer of December 14, 1970 filed I ELAINE S BEAUTY SALON I I MASON'S MASONRY" $75. References. 426-6577. above entitled action in the~above said County, and that interest will application for permit to divert Cab6thI& Laure,I , 426-4582 |L Phone 426-2278 Wt/7tfn entitled Court and answer thecease January21, 1971: the public waters of Mill Creek I complaint of the plaintiff and CURRENT EXPENSE FUND tributary of Hammersley Inlet, in WILL SUBLET furnished one serve a c op_.y of =your answer upon Warrant Nos. 412 to 703 the amount of 0.07 cubic foot per bedroom apartment until June t-h-e-u-n--dersigned attorney for the inclusive; second, subject to existing rights,@ TV - Rental Service- let. Phone 426-3343. No pets or plaintiff B. Franklin Heuston, at COUNTY ROAD FUND from April 15 through October I children. Vl/Ttfn his office below stated; and in Warrant Nos. 3432 to 3441 31 each year for the purpose of I I Almost Anything Anywhere case of your failure so to do,inclusive; irrigation that the approximate I For ServiceCall I | Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps FOR RENT= Trailer space closejudgment will be rendered against SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 311 point of diversion is located | Folding Banquet Tables to downtown. Call 426-4426. you according tothedemandsof- GENERAL FUND Warrant within NEV, SWV4NEV4 of Section 1 426 1691 I' .~,0,,.o,o,,..,, ~,, 10/gtfn the complaint which has been Nos. 6989 to 7052 inclusive; 29, Township 20N., Range 3W. filed with the Clerk of said Court. SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 401 W.M., in Mason County. I I LEW RENTS FURNISHED 8' x 35' mobile Plaintiff's objective in this -- GENERAL FUND Warrant Any objections must be 12216W, 4th,Olympia, 357.773! home, ] -bedroom, Lost Lake action is to secure a divorce from Nos. 4140 to 4204 inclusive, accompanied by a two dollar area, $55 per month, ideal forthe defendant upon the grounds John B. Cole ($2.00) recording fee and filed bachelor or retired couple, stated in her complaint on file as TREASURER OF MASON with the Department of Ecology 426-6852. 11/19tfn atoresaid and for such additional COUNTY within thirty (30) days from Chain q " All Types STATE OF WASHINGTON January 28, 1971., Sign Painting ~, relief as is prayed for in said (Seal) Dated at Shelton, Witness my hand and official I New and Used--Rentals I * Truck Lettering FURNISHED STUDIO apartment complaint. available at Lawton Apts.723 B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Washington, January 21,1971 seal this 12th day of January, I Oregon Chains & Accessories I * Cartoon I lustrated Signs Attorney for Plaintiff I Small motor tune-up & repairs I I * Personalized Business Card & Pine St. 12/31 tfn 1/21-1t 1971. Office & Post Office Address: Glen H. Fiedler I Hours: 8 a.m to 6 p.m., daily I I Letterhea~ Designs N Angle Building Department of Ecology MOVE I Shelton, Washington 98584 1/21-28-2tI .i.,'s McCulloch Shop I IPhil Sharpe 323 S. Front St. 12/17-24-31-1/7-14-21-6t NOTICE TO CREDITORS I 2215 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-4639 | L i, ~ Phone 426-2661, TODAY No. ,,72 NOT,CE OF SHER,FF'S - ' " IN THE SUPERIOR SALE OF REAL One and two bedroom NOTICE OF SURFACE COURT OF THE STATE PROPERTY apartments, with carpet, WATER RIGHT OF WASHINGTON IN AND No. 10350 Concrete I Travel - drapes & appliances. APPLICATIONNO. 22725 FOR MASON COUNTY, SUPERIOR COURT OF I --Air-Rail-Steamship STATE OF WASHINGTON IN PROBATE WASH I NGTON FOR MASON I --Ready-mix Concrete | I --Bus - Hotels - Tours Jefferson Apts. 2329 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, In the matter of the Estateof COUNTY | --Concrete Culverts& Blocks | Jefferson St., Mgr. Apt. 11 or OLYMPIA DONALD V. ZAMZOW, GUTHRIE INVESTMENTS, | --Sand, Gravel, Brick &Stone | I No Extra Charge for Our Service TAKE NOTICE: Deceased. INC., Plaintiff, vs. ROY A. I ---Fireplace Screens & Tools I | Angle Travel Res. Center phone 426-8663. That GEORGE F. THOMAS Notice is hereby given that THORNTON and ETHEL IRENE ' " ' " ' ~ ' of Seattle, Washington on the undersigned has been THORNTON, Defendants. I GRAYSTONE of SHELTON I I 401 Railroad Ave. 426 8272 4 MT. VIEW December 8, 1970 filed appointed and has qualified as By virtue of an order of sale | 7th & Park 426-3344 I D " ' 426- 134 application for permit to divert Administratrix of the Estate of issuedout of the Superior Court =- ,,,,, ,, ! ELWOOD MANOR the public waters of Maggie Lake Donald V. Zamzow, deceased; of Mason County, Washington, on APARTMENTS in the amount of 0.0] cubic foot that all persons having claims January 4, 1971, by the Clerk per second, subject to existing against said deceased are hereby thereof, in the case of Guthrie Drugs-- I Tropical Fish-- ' 2 BEDROOM rights, continuously each year for required to serve the same, duly Investments, Inc., Plaintiff. I -He,ena Rubinstein I | Fancy Guppies, Clown Barbs, the purpose of domestic supply verified, on the undersigned against Roy k. Thornton and I Large variety including: [~N~UP~II|SH~ that the approximate point of administratrix or her attorney at Ethel Irene Thornton, I --Cosmetics I I Tetras, etc. diversion is located within Lot 3], the address below stated and file Defendents, being cause No. I -'Prescriptions A¥lillblt NOW Block ] of the plat of Maggiethe same with the clerk of said 10350, and to me, as sheriff, I -'HyPo-Allergic Cosmetics I I MARION'S AQUARIUS Lake Addition No. 2, within court, together with proof of such directed and delivered: NELL'S NO ~CI$ Section 14, Township 22 N., service within four months afterNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I PHARMACY i I 1221 W. Birch Shelto Range 3W. W.M., in Mason the date of the first publication of that I will proceed to sell at 426-6148 n CONTACT MANAGER County. this notice or the same will be public auction to the highest I-~th &,,,Franklin Ph., 426-33,271 I Any objections must be barred, bidder for cash, within the hours 42G-3100 Date of first publication,prescribed by law for sheriff's 3/]9tfn II I I I accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology within thirty (30) days from January 28, 1971. Witness my hand and official seal this 4th day of January, ]971. Glen H. Fiedler Department of Ecology 1/2 ! -28-2t January 14, 1971 BETTY R. ZAMZOW Administratrix of said Estate T R ENA BELSlTO WORTHINGTON Attorneys for Estate, Office and Postoffice Address: 205 Thurston Savings & Loan Bldg. Olympia, Washington 1/14-2 t-28-3t sales, to wit: at ten o'clock A.M.. on the 5th clay ot February 1971, before the front door of the Mason County Courthouse in Shelton, Washington, the following described property, situated in Mason County, Washington, to wit. The North three-quarters (3A) of the West llalf (WVz| of tf~e :loor Covering --Linoleum ---Carpeting ---Tile --Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 THIS SPACE CAN BE HAD How A bout You? "1 want to have a few words with those folks at Journal. I was the fastest draw in the West they came to town with their classified ads. Poeple came to me with their money probl{ Now they turn to Journal classifieds for extra A small, inexpensive classified ad turns those 'd wants' into $10.. $20..$30 extra spenl money. They're quick on the draw and alwaYl target--reaching thousands of readers in Ma County each week. Best of all, they work for jU BUCK AND A HALF. I can't compete that.., nobody can! Besides, maybe they can me sell my six-shooter." Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 21, 1971