January 21, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 21, 1999 |
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i.l00eaders ' 00ourn00l:
00Keep Hood Canal vibrant
a n Edit°r, The Journal: Pioneer, Olympia, Griffin, Turn- failing heating system won't be
img The issues have been argued
Hcountless times. What is the val-
woUe of education in our society?
e Who gets the credit and who d
,ubserves the blame for a child'es
school success or lack of it? "Why
raise my taxes? Schools have
enough money."
For over a hundred years, since
our first "education" governor de-
creed that we should have a pub-
lic school system, funded with
public dollars, we have heard
these arguments, but they have
never been resolved. Will they
ever be? Not likely; on both sides
of the aisle we find truth, logic
and strong convictions. Let's not
try to resolve these questions at
the polls.We continue to send our
children and grandchildren to
school, expecting the best educa-
tion our money can buy. Let's foot
the bill.
A dark cloud looms over our lo-
cal school. Depending on the levy
water, or Rochester school dis-
tricts. Because only 58.6 percent
of the voters said yes to the levy,
and we needed 60 percent, our
school had to lay off teachers, in-
crease class size, reduce hours of
other staff, cut the after-school
activity bus, hold off on important
building and heating repairs, and
postpone replacing lost music,
physical education, art and com-
puter programs.
Your vote will make a dif-
ference. We either help Hood
Canal School move forward or
stay the course. If the levy fails,
we continue to slip behind other
schools across the state, schools
that successfully pass supplemen-
tal levies. Over 90 percent of
Washington State school districts
rely on supplemental levies to
fund their basic programs. The
state just does not provide enough
to cover the costs. If it passes, our
school once again can provide pro-
repaired or replaced, and class
size will continue to creep up.
The real kicker is that whether
or not we pass our local levy, we
will continue to send the Shelton
School District a check each year
totaling over $170,000 to educate
our high school students. This fig-
ure is the projected amount we
would owe in the year 2000,
based upon the assessed value
per $1,000 of homes and property
of residents in the Shelton School
District. That's right, for the right
to provide our students with a
high school education, we send
these basic education dollars out
of district. The state does not pay
for this cost. Cuts are made in
other programs grades K-8.
Make a visit to our school.
Take a walk through the hall-
ways and visit a classroom or two.
As parents of Hood Canal District
students, we are confdent that
you will see an eager student
Election letters
The Journal will follow its don t print letters five days be-
regular policy at election time fore an election that cannot be
and make this the last edition rebutted.
for letters to the editor about Only narrowly focused re-
the school issues on the ballot buttals, not letters breaking
February 2. new ground, will be printed
In an attempt to be fair, we next week.
Info misleading
E dho:'eTh :;to:ell vet ers on a q? tai°: ;h:h ::; diobri lt' Ys fo t hd °:se
bond issue of $16,130,000 for sue.
Pioneer School District have been Voters are not been told that if
. g
decept,ve. The tax rate shown .m this bond issue is approved, it will
mamngs irom me scnool amtrlct reuresent an irrevocable and oer-
is at best misleading, manent commitment to prov'ide
Voters are being told to expect secondary education within the
a tax rate of $1.31 per thousand district. This should be an import-
dollars of assessed value. In fact, ant consideration both for those
given the present "excess levy" as- concerned about the cost of build-
sessed value for the district of ing schools and for those who
$579,461,738, the principal want the district's students to
amount of the bonds would not be have the best facilities.
repaid over 20 years - the pro- Because, according to the dis-
vote on February 2, that cloud grams which once received state- body, a hard-working, competent posed term of the bonds - even if trict's own estimates, the pro-
li mm.er pass on and let more wide recognition and our students staff and a sense of pride in many bondholders were paid no inter- posed high school would need to
g.ac snme on our students, or it will again have the learning op- accomplishments. We are equally est. be expanded almost as soon as it
m remain, blocking them from portunities they deserve, certain that you will leave under- When I asked Superintendent was completed - given the high
pPortunities which they deserve The bottom line is that it takes standing that to keep the school Sirokman about this apparent rate of population growth in the
We encourage you to help pass a lot of effort and money from the vibrant and moving forward, we
!e.vy on February 2. This same entire community to run a quality need your "yes" vote on the levy. shortfall, he explained something district - voters may expect to be
tarrY, mfledlast year by a handful school. The doors of the school We think that you will agree that the mailings conceal, namely, asked to pay to double or more
v'.V°ces. 'or a mere handful of can remain open with a bare- your "yes" vote will continue to that the "rate" assumes that as the size of the proposed high
the existing bond issue is retired, school and existing elementary
oces, our school would have had bones budget, but outdated text- make a difference in our child- for which we paid $.90 per thou- and middle schools long before
similar programs and learning books can't be replaced that still ren'slives, sand dollars assessed value in the proposed bonds are paid off.
opPortunities as those students in talk about the Soviet Union being Kris and Dan Bolender 1998, the savings from paying off Perhaps 10 years before the pro-
:the Shelton, North Mason, one of the world's superpowers, a Hoodsport the existing issue, instead of be- posed bonds would be paid off, ac-
ing used to reduce our property cording to the district s projec-
Alternatives not explored taxes, would go toward funding teens.
the proposed new issue of bonds. Obviously, building new
What this means is that if the schools would entail substantial
assessed value of the district
Editor Th added costs borne by taxpayers.
. , e Journal: citizens, those impacted should be high school will be necessary to grows at an average rate of two mhose -, .... ,he+ +h me_
an /sschool bond e!ection time, a!l.owed to participate in that de- take care of popu!atlon .growth in percent annua!ly :- another un- tr[ct's stuie'n'ts" no"t'be'short
snea':mat t must once again ClSmn. lason wounty, w.ny aontall ot staea assumptmn Denlname an- changed should ask themselves
. uu against tle u,comi- ,-.----.- ----- ----- .,_ me SChOOl aisriccs in wason veruseu ngures - nen me com- _ ,__, . ,., , ._ _._
/..innn_ .... p Lij L₯1 Ill,In issue however is With . . , _ . ,. . . , .. . .. , Whether lC is IIKelV mac me um-
sue".cnool Dmtrict bond is- the unresponsiveness of the Pie- ?ounty get?eyond territory pro- mnea rate mr me ex,sng ann trict's taxpayers will vote to bear
not'a'iL,et me state that I am neer School Board to seek alter- ecuon ann prowncmnsm and propsearnag wm oe z;l per that burden, or whether it would
bu* _l-scnom or anti-education, natives. There are seven school work towaru.s_ a common goal to mousana umjars assesses vaue be better to continue to rely upon
m against th solve the roblem v ann wm conunue a ma ravel mr
wa ......... e process that dmtrlcts m Mason County, and .. P] " , ............ the Shelton School District with
_,o ueu to aetermine the need three high schools at nresent ms, wny are seven scnom Q1S- ZU years, even mougn me exmt- :,. ._^. ..... L^_^ ,.. :...;.
acost of the bonds R+h Shelton a,,a No-* roo,= tricts, with separate administra- ing bonds would be paid off long ^u ? .v, p ......
first t " . . - .................... ,,da, hl,,.
..... , he school dmtrmt says high schools are exueriencin tive costs and school boards, nec- before the end of 20 years and we
mat they went through an adi- overcrowdina There isno centra essary in a small county such as might otherwise expect a reduc- Finally, all who live in the
gory committee and conducted count- lanni'n to solve all of the MasonV teen in school taxes. Pioneer district because they val-
public meetm Y " ' "
gs and telenhone rohloms ono Instead ch Smple mathematms show that The mailings have also been ue ts rural character should ask
surveys. If so, the survevs-were district is R,hti'to ntct thir costs spread out over more people deceptive in another way. We themselves what would be the im-
no complete, as I never received own territo"v, insteadof wor'lng will result in lower taxes for ev- have been told that the total esti- pacts of a high school at Pickering
mCaeu, or saw any notices of public together for-the betterment of the eryone, mated cost, or tax rate, would be Road and Highway 3. Clearly it
eungs If the R G Parrett ou d llar s would increase traffic on Hgh
........ : school district students and taxpayers. $3.48 per th san do s a- " _ " -
.... , co mpose a tax increase on There is no doubt that a fourth Agate sessed value. But this is premised way 3. But it may also serve as a
on the 1998 maintenance-and-p- magnet for further low-density,
p p = erations levy of $1.27 per thou- sprawling residential and corn-
p4Ju JL.ffi _ _58 .... At_ sand dollars assessed value added mercial development within the
quallzy eaucauon .he combined bond rate of &itf:.e district charged impact
Editor_a=_ ...... . ....... Actuall . voters in 1998 a fees for new develo ment, it
_ , -----y,,--.-am. These activities seemed impos- hours, aaiy, on scnoot buses. Also " Y: .... P" - -" '" -1 .... for n: schools
as a grandmothe ....... proven a mgner mamCenance- woum ne p pay
ro*'-^ - . r, mother and ruble to accomphsh considering Pmneer students will continue to . . s heel district is not now
.,-u eaucator t a and-operatmns levy, which was But the c
e$! cerned that our publ m smcStol: °,n" [hei:rCr?rded cl:::raS Iabd ece: Oenyba:cuc][m; ::: advertised as $1.87 per thousand seeking such fees. Instead of tbl-
the most desirable env" e o g sp - - dollars assessed value, but whi'ch lowing the principle that growth
_ ........ ronment served It is obvious to me that tinue to be housed in overcrowded .... , .... ...... ,,_. ____,
posSlOle snouau u mr grown, ue sonora
Y to promote an " t " the county assessor tells me will P Y
"1. t " ....... d insure he Pioneer commumty should be classrooms. . . , - t,,o, o =1,, ch= ,,
.:- our cnnaren receive the to+ awaP f + ..... rticular situs- work out to De about $1.95 per ...... ? ='.", ....... /, ..... -
] clnmg opPortunities. This in- teens since the population centn- Please consider the serious thousand dollars assessed value payer L o pck up the tab for
: es stun, equipment, adm,to ues to Ynrt] .mil'ian c th f]nr f t=h] in 1999, because the total as- $,uw,.
s|! housing, recreational "fa]+:::, -"" .... ,,-,-':"'":::':':':'°'’:'=°'":':::':',-oo,e ....... J .......... '- sessed value has slipped from We should channel growth to
e ennance v
.- d curriculum, librar,, ac It is my understanding that if ,. ....... o wo,, enco,.ra, 1997 values used to set taxes for areas adjacent to existing urban
) cess, tec j - . . ..,,,=,y ,. , ,,., -
.. hnology, safety and nut, thin bond passes, these prewously ..... +, ,.+ the .h,,]. ,a =o ,, 1998. areas, where urban government
mn. "" mentioned pressing issues will be ..::.:ev:s ..................... The result, if there is no fur- services may more efficmntly be
ad n Y'° " '
dressed and corrected a d the ther slippage in assessed values provided, and avoid endless con-
: Knowing Peon ........ Pioneer community will construct Pioneer School District wants (which the assessor says has been version of productive forest and
#q trict is presentinea .cnom urn- its own high school, eventually to insure the community that its due to declining timber values), agricultural lands to residential
g bond to be n
o voted o s v
n Februar-- - -- a ing taxpayers thousands of students co tinue to receive qual- would mean that in the first year and commercial development, re-
-- m accom l fen At
: redate the abow r_,_ " do lars (that is now being paid to ity educat' . any rate, it is of the proposed bond issue, the suiting in congestion and wall-to-
eu Issues a e It send o m s
and to m Sh
,o ' clude the .... * ..... elton High School to continue the mess g " s t e. The e school tax bill for the owner of wall suburbia. Those who agree
u,rUClOn el o le are t
a much t
. needed hi,t. . ..... he education of Pioneer students young pep he future cite- property assessed at $100,000 that it is a mistake to start build-
;. : ]te.d" both the Pioneer" s,. o,.uu,n vs- who attend there). This enables zens of the new millennium. Let's would be $416, not the advertised ing high schools in the rural
; mddle school buil:-P- mary .and the Pioneer School District to de- give them every opportunity to $348. Pioneer district should vote "no"
t: .... pressed. The =v^*:---?'"'" a was m-. velov_ its curriculum K-12 for con- succeed. Certainly the msleadmg man- on February 2.
.:f at. these sc,^L -..,,, werms,,,o,-m prog'es .... tinuitv for Pioneer students - us- Virg'nia C. Merifield ner in which costs have been pre- John Diehl
In m .... "u"'t; " ' " "
Y Proton Th ....... mg the money for Pmneer instead Grapewew sented to the pubhc calls rote Harstme Island
11 auens ann of paying Shelton High School
staff appeared to be happy and If this bond is defeated cur
i! learning. Some students were ,
i working diligently and quietly in rently enrolled and futur; At Shelton Athleuc Club...
':i °ups while other students work Pioneer high school students will
-! " dependently moving around the be attendine Shel n H] h School
L i' we can help you make some r classroo . _ to "g
computerms s using matermls or in overcrowded classrooms in old
" buildings as well as traveling M het[thy lifestyle changes.
' T--.__ ---- --__.___A_._ -_-- --d -- l We invite you to come by
uocxe[DK mm and see our facilities,
: Editor, The J -. 1 include a swimming pool, sauna,
: T ournal, your vote and the Pioneer bond ///,-'=, "" " "" r r nrl rcnm#
o all Pioneer o^__, ..... ultimatel,, faP ......... m +_ ...... ......... - ....... .... all courts along
voters ,.,,mul DIBrlC$ . j, ,o, yv w,, ,,,, u’= .
.... , m regards to the uncom- required to pay for the Shelton .... " ....... " with all regular fitness equip-
S,§ r]oneer school bond issue on district bond. Then, in 10 years or :,:, " meflr.
ii eoruary 2, vote your pocketbook so, when Shelton is once again p'.r8 q
i: onslaer the following: " bursting at the seams, Pioneer .. - ^. ,, ho= ..^,, o. healthv
(I We have no choice as to will have to make a decision .... t. u ,,,,/u /.
wnemer or not we will be a.- about running another bond. If, ' "
zora school bond The nieceice at that point, we finally build our r -- GHT IN SHELTONI
wehaveisvotin='to_a..'or_.'. " high school, we will still be re- =VERYTHINGYOU NEED FOR FITNESS--- RIGH" __
p y either . .....
the Shelton School District bond sponsble for our share of the -.-.=.., =, u...-,.. ,,__ _. r., _ _ o.n ,. m ,,. R ,I m ,'n0 o m Closed undo s
or the p Shelton be H,JUL.r nvN. vw, r. . u,, o. ,... - r Y
. ioneer Schnal r=+..+ nd from years back. In " "" .............. " ....
end. other words, we pay double. Vote ..... m_
(2) The Pionee your pocketbookt
' r bond will cost ......... ........... ....
oUe$vl'31 per one thousand dollars
=,uacmn. Last year this same
bond was $1.80 pege.thousand
:;kto a le,' bond
(3) If you choose not to exercise
We will be voting for the cur-
rent Pioneer School District bond
if for no other reason than it
makes sense financially!
Don and Dana Woolliscroft
1 388
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i I i iiiiii i I I III
Thursday, January 21, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5
i.l00eaders ' 00ourn00l:
00Keep Hood Canal vibrant
a n Edit°r, The Journal: Pioneer, Olympia, Griffin, Turn- failing heating system won't be
img The issues have been argued
Hcountless times. What is the val-
woUe of education in our society?
e Who gets the credit and who d
,ubserves the blame for a child'es
school success or lack of it? "Why
raise my taxes? Schools have
enough money."
For over a hundred years, since
our first "education" governor de-
creed that we should have a pub-
lic school system, funded with
public dollars, we have heard
these arguments, but they have
never been resolved. Will they
ever be? Not likely; on both sides
of the aisle we find truth, logic
and strong convictions. Let's not
try to resolve these questions at
the polls.We continue to send our
children and grandchildren to
school, expecting the best educa-
tion our money can buy. Let's foot
the bill.
A dark cloud looms over our lo-
cal school. Depending on the levy
water, or Rochester school dis-
tricts. Because only 58.6 percent
of the voters said yes to the levy,
and we needed 60 percent, our
school had to lay off teachers, in-
crease class size, reduce hours of
other staff, cut the after-school
activity bus, hold off on important
building and heating repairs, and
postpone replacing lost music,
physical education, art and com-
puter programs.
Your vote will make a dif-
ference. We either help Hood
Canal School move forward or
stay the course. If the levy fails,
we continue to slip behind other
schools across the state, schools
that successfully pass supplemen-
tal levies. Over 90 percent of
Washington State school districts
rely on supplemental levies to
fund their basic programs. The
state just does not provide enough
to cover the costs. If it passes, our
school once again can provide pro-
repaired or replaced, and class
size will continue to creep up.
The real kicker is that whether
or not we pass our local levy, we
will continue to send the Shelton
School District a check each year
totaling over $170,000 to educate
our high school students. This fig-
ure is the projected amount we
would owe in the year 2000,
based upon the assessed value
per $1,000 of homes and property
of residents in the Shelton School
District. That's right, for the right
to provide our students with a
high school education, we send
these basic education dollars out
of district. The state does not pay
for this cost. Cuts are made in
other programs grades K-8.
Make a visit to our school.
Take a walk through the hall-
ways and visit a classroom or two.
As parents of Hood Canal District
students, we are confdent that
you will see an eager student
Election letters
The Journal will follow its don t print letters five days be-
regular policy at election time fore an election that cannot be
and make this the last edition rebutted.
for letters to the editor about Only narrowly focused re-
the school issues on the ballot buttals, not letters breaking
February 2. new ground, will be printed
In an attempt to be fair, we next week.
Info misleading
E dho:'eTh :;to:ell vet ers on a q? tai°: ;h:h ::; diobri lt' Ys fo t hd °:se
bond issue of $16,130,000 for sue.
Pioneer School District have been Voters are not been told that if
. g
decept,ve. The tax rate shown .m this bond issue is approved, it will
mamngs irom me scnool amtrlct reuresent an irrevocable and oer-
is at best misleading, manent commitment to prov'ide
Voters are being told to expect secondary education within the
a tax rate of $1.31 per thousand district. This should be an import-
dollars of assessed value. In fact, ant consideration both for those
given the present "excess levy" as- concerned about the cost of build-
sessed value for the district of ing schools and for those who
$579,461,738, the principal want the district's students to
amount of the bonds would not be have the best facilities.
repaid over 20 years - the pro- Because, according to the dis-
vote on February 2, that cloud grams which once received state- body, a hard-working, competent posed term of the bonds - even if trict's own estimates, the pro-
li mm.er pass on and let more wide recognition and our students staff and a sense of pride in many bondholders were paid no inter- posed high school would need to
g.ac snme on our students, or it will again have the learning op- accomplishments. We are equally est. be expanded almost as soon as it
m remain, blocking them from portunities they deserve, certain that you will leave under- When I asked Superintendent was completed - given the high
pPortunities which they deserve The bottom line is that it takes standing that to keep the school Sirokman about this apparent rate of population growth in the
We encourage you to help pass a lot of effort and money from the vibrant and moving forward, we
!e.vy on February 2. This same entire community to run a quality need your "yes" vote on the levy. shortfall, he explained something district - voters may expect to be
tarrY, mfledlast year by a handful school. The doors of the school We think that you will agree that the mailings conceal, namely, asked to pay to double or more
v'.V°ces. 'or a mere handful of can remain open with a bare- your "yes" vote will continue to that the "rate" assumes that as the size of the proposed high
the existing bond issue is retired, school and existing elementary
oces, our school would have had bones budget, but outdated text- make a difference in our child- for which we paid $.90 per thou- and middle schools long before
similar programs and learning books can't be replaced that still ren'slives, sand dollars assessed value in the proposed bonds are paid off.
opPortunities as those students in talk about the Soviet Union being Kris and Dan Bolender 1998, the savings from paying off Perhaps 10 years before the pro-
:the Shelton, North Mason, one of the world's superpowers, a Hoodsport the existing issue, instead of be- posed bonds would be paid off, ac-
ing used to reduce our property cording to the district s projec-
Alternatives not explored taxes, would go toward funding teens.
the proposed new issue of bonds. Obviously, building new
What this means is that if the schools would entail substantial
assessed value of the district
Editor Th added costs borne by taxpayers.
. , e Journal: citizens, those impacted should be high school will be necessary to grows at an average rate of two mhose -, .... ,he+ +h me_
an /sschool bond e!ection time, a!l.owed to participate in that de- take care of popu!atlon .growth in percent annua!ly :- another un- tr[ct's stuie'n'ts" no"t'be'short
snea':mat t must once again ClSmn. lason wounty, w.ny aontall ot staea assumptmn Denlname an- changed should ask themselves
. uu against tle u,comi- ,-.----.- ----- ----- .,_ me SChOOl aisriccs in wason veruseu ngures - nen me com- _ ,__, . ,., , ._ _._
/..innn_ .... p Lij L₯1 Ill,In issue however is With . . , _ . ,. . . , .. . .. , Whether lC is IIKelV mac me um-
sue".cnool Dmtrict bond is- the unresponsiveness of the Pie- ?ounty get?eyond territory pro- mnea rate mr me ex,sng ann trict's taxpayers will vote to bear
not'a'iL,et me state that I am neer School Board to seek alter- ecuon ann prowncmnsm and propsearnag wm oe z;l per that burden, or whether it would
bu* _l-scnom or anti-education, natives. There are seven school work towaru.s_ a common goal to mousana umjars assesses vaue be better to continue to rely upon
m against th solve the roblem v ann wm conunue a ma ravel mr
wa ......... e process that dmtrlcts m Mason County, and .. P] " , ............ the Shelton School District with
_,o ueu to aetermine the need three high schools at nresent ms, wny are seven scnom Q1S- ZU years, even mougn me exmt- :,. ._^. ..... L^_^ ,.. :...;.
acost of the bonds R+h Shelton a,,a No-* roo,= tricts, with separate administra- ing bonds would be paid off long ^u ? .v, p ......
first t " . . - .................... ,,da, hl,,.
..... , he school dmtrmt says high schools are exueriencin tive costs and school boards, nec- before the end of 20 years and we
mat they went through an adi- overcrowdina There isno centra essary in a small county such as might otherwise expect a reduc- Finally, all who live in the
gory committee and conducted count- lanni'n to solve all of the MasonV teen in school taxes. Pioneer district because they val-
public meetm Y " ' "
gs and telenhone rohloms ono Instead ch Smple mathematms show that The mailings have also been ue ts rural character should ask
surveys. If so, the survevs-were district is R,hti'to ntct thir costs spread out over more people deceptive in another way. We themselves what would be the im-
no complete, as I never received own territo"v, insteadof wor'lng will result in lower taxes for ev- have been told that the total esti- pacts of a high school at Pickering
mCaeu, or saw any notices of public together for-the betterment of the eryone, mated cost, or tax rate, would be Road and Highway 3. Clearly it
eungs If the R G Parrett ou d llar s would increase traffic on Hgh
........ : school district students and taxpayers. $3.48 per th san do s a- " _ " -
.... , co mpose a tax increase on There is no doubt that a fourth Agate sessed value. But this is premised way 3. But it may also serve as a
on the 1998 maintenance-and-p- magnet for further low-density,
p p = erations levy of $1.27 per thou- sprawling residential and corn-
p4Ju JL.ffi _ _58 .... At_ sand dollars assessed value added mercial development within the
quallzy eaucauon .he combined bond rate of &itf:.e district charged impact
Editor_a=_ ...... . ....... Actuall . voters in 1998 a fees for new develo ment, it
_ , -----y,,--.-am. These activities seemed impos- hours, aaiy, on scnoot buses. Also " Y: .... P" - -" '" -1 .... for n: schools
as a grandmothe ....... proven a mgner mamCenance- woum ne p pay
ro*'-^ - . r, mother and ruble to accomphsh considering Pmneer students will continue to . . s heel district is not now
.,-u eaucator t a and-operatmns levy, which was But the c
e$! cerned that our publ m smcStol: °,n" [hei:rCr?rded cl:::raS Iabd ece: Oenyba:cuc][m; ::: advertised as $1.87 per thousand seeking such fees. Instead of tbl-
the most desirable env" e o g sp - - dollars assessed value, but whi'ch lowing the principle that growth
_ ........ ronment served It is obvious to me that tinue to be housed in overcrowded .... , .... ...... ,,_. ____,
posSlOle snouau u mr grown, ue sonora
Y to promote an " t " the county assessor tells me will P Y
"1. t " ....... d insure he Pioneer commumty should be classrooms. . . , - t,,o, o =1,, ch= ,,
.:- our cnnaren receive the to+ awaP f + ..... rticular situs- work out to De about $1.95 per ...... ? ='.", ....... /, ..... -
] clnmg opPortunities. This in- teens since the population centn- Please consider the serious thousand dollars assessed value payer L o pck up the tab for
: es stun, equipment, adm,to ues to Ynrt] .mil'ian c th f]nr f t=h] in 1999, because the total as- $,uw,.
s|! housing, recreational "fa]+:::, -"" .... ,,-,-':"'":::':':':'°'’:'=°'":':::':',-oo,e ....... J .......... '- sessed value has slipped from We should channel growth to
e ennance v
.- d curriculum, librar,, ac It is my understanding that if ,. ....... o wo,, enco,.ra, 1997 values used to set taxes for areas adjacent to existing urban
) cess, tec j - . . ..,,,=,y ,. , ,,., -
.. hnology, safety and nut, thin bond passes, these prewously ..... +, ,.+ the .h,,]. ,a =o ,, 1998. areas, where urban government
mn. "" mentioned pressing issues will be ..::.:ev:s ..................... The result, if there is no fur- services may more efficmntly be
ad n Y'° " '
dressed and corrected a d the ther slippage in assessed values provided, and avoid endless con-
: Knowing Peon ........ Pioneer community will construct Pioneer School District wants (which the assessor says has been version of productive forest and
#q trict is presentinea .cnom urn- its own high school, eventually to insure the community that its due to declining timber values), agricultural lands to residential
g bond to be n
o voted o s v
n Februar-- - -- a ing taxpayers thousands of students co tinue to receive qual- would mean that in the first year and commercial development, re-
-- m accom l fen At
: redate the abow r_,_ " do lars (that is now being paid to ity educat' . any rate, it is of the proposed bond issue, the suiting in congestion and wall-to-
eu Issues a e It send o m s
and to m Sh
,o ' clude the .... * ..... elton High School to continue the mess g " s t e. The e school tax bill for the owner of wall suburbia. Those who agree
u,rUClOn el o le are t
a much t
. needed hi,t. . ..... he education of Pioneer students young pep he future cite- property assessed at $100,000 that it is a mistake to start build-
;. : ]te.d" both the Pioneer" s,. o,.uu,n vs- who attend there). This enables zens of the new millennium. Let's would be $416, not the advertised ing high schools in the rural
; mddle school buil:-P- mary .and the Pioneer School District to de- give them every opportunity to $348. Pioneer district should vote "no"
t: .... pressed. The =v^*:---?'"'" a was m-. velov_ its curriculum K-12 for con- succeed. Certainly the msleadmg man- on February 2.
.:f at. these sc,^L -..,,, werms,,,o,-m prog'es .... tinuitv for Pioneer students - us- Virg'nia C. Merifield ner in which costs have been pre- John Diehl
In m .... "u"'t; " ' " "
Y Proton Th ....... mg the money for Pmneer instead Grapewew sented to the pubhc calls rote Harstme Island
11 auens ann of paying Shelton High School
staff appeared to be happy and If this bond is defeated cur
i! learning. Some students were ,
i working diligently and quietly in rently enrolled and futur; At Shelton Athleuc Club...
':i °ups while other students work Pioneer high school students will
-! " dependently moving around the be attendine Shel n H] h School
L i' we can help you make some r classroo . _ to "g
computerms s using matermls or in overcrowded classrooms in old
" buildings as well as traveling M het[thy lifestyle changes.
' T--.__ ---- --__.___A_._ -_-- --d -- l We invite you to come by
uocxe[DK mm and see our facilities,
: Editor, The J -. 1 include a swimming pool, sauna,
: T ournal, your vote and the Pioneer bond ///,-'=, "" " "" r r nrl rcnm#
o all Pioneer o^__, ..... ultimatel,, faP ......... m +_ ...... ......... - ....... .... all courts along
voters ,.,,mul DIBrlC$ . j, ,o, yv w,, ,,,, u’= .
.... , m regards to the uncom- required to pay for the Shelton .... " ....... " with all regular fitness equip-
S,§ r]oneer school bond issue on district bond. Then, in 10 years or :,:, " meflr.
ii eoruary 2, vote your pocketbook so, when Shelton is once again p'.r8 q
i: onslaer the following: " bursting at the seams, Pioneer .. - ^. ,, ho= ..^,, o. healthv
(I We have no choice as to will have to make a decision .... t. u ,,,,/u /.
wnemer or not we will be a.- about running another bond. If, ' "
zora school bond The nieceice at that point, we finally build our r -- GHT IN SHELTONI
wehaveisvotin='to_a..'or_.'. " high school, we will still be re- =VERYTHINGYOU NEED FOR FITNESS--- RIGH" __
p y either . .....
the Shelton School District bond sponsble for our share of the -.-.=.., =, u...-,.. ,,__ _. r., _ _ o.n ,. m ,,. R ,I m ,'n0 o m Closed undo s
or the p Shelton be H,JUL.r nvN. vw, r. . u,, o. ,... - r Y
. ioneer Schnal r=+..+ nd from years back. In " "" .............. " ....
end. other words, we pay double. Vote ..... m_
(2) The Pionee your pocketbookt
' r bond will cost ......... ........... ....
oUe$vl'31 per one thousand dollars
=,uacmn. Last year this same
bond was $1.80 pege.thousand
:;kto a le,' bond
(3) If you choose not to exercise
We will be voting for the cur-
rent Pioneer School District bond
if for no other reason than it
makes sense financially!
Don and Dana Woolliscroft
1 388
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Thursday, January 21, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5