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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ommunity 00alendar Meetings Thursday, January 21 6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters, Timbers Restaurant. 7 a.m., Citizens for Academic and Athletic Excellence, McDonald's meeting room. 10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist Church. Call 426-3727 for informa- tion. Noon, Hood Canal Community Club, Potlatch clubhouse. Noon, Senior citizens, Mason-Ben- son Community Clubhouse. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming Tree Cafe. b 3:30 p.m., "New Beginnings," free ereavement support group, 121 West Railroad, Shelton. 4:30 p.m., Mason County Civil Ser- vices Commission, Mason County Building I. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start Facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 7 p.m., Emergency Medical Ser- vices Council, Mason General Hospi- tal. 7 p.m., Mason County Recreation Area Advisory Board, Mason County Building III. 7 p.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Olympic Poets and Writers Workshop (writer's circle), 218 North Third Street. 7 p.m., Pioneer School Board, study session, main district building. 7 P.m., Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For information, 427-0947. 7 S p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, aint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 8 p.m., Eagles, 411 First Street. Friday, January 22 9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Community Church, 877-6842. Noon, AI-Anon family group, Saint David's Episcopal Church. Call 427- 6831. 12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694 dessert and card party, Memorial Hall. 12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more information. 2 p.m., Fibromylagia Support group meeting, Burgermaster. For more info, call 432-0124. 7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxili- ary, Memorial Hall. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Hoodsport library. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. 8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma- son General Hospital. Saturday, January 23 7 p.m., Q.W.I.B. (Quality World In Balance), chemical dependency sup- port group, Shelton United Methodist Church. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous for Newcomers, 210 South Second. 8 p.m., Salty Sashayers square dance, small hall, Mason County Fairgrounds. Sunday, January 24 Mason County invites you to at- tend the church of your choice. 9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD 3 Auditorium. 9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Burgermaster conference room in Shelton, 754-4433. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. Monday, January 25 3 p.m., Shelton City Commission, workshop, city hall. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island Lake Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Southside School Board, school. 7 p.m., Mason County Singles, PUD 3 building. For information, 427-1796. 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110, United Methodist Church. Tuesday, January 26 8 a.m., Mason County Hospital District 1 Commission, Mason Gener- al Hospital. 8 a.m., Housing Authority of Ma- son County, housing authority office, 3000 Johns Prairie Road, Number 28. 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, Third and Cots. 11:30 a.m., Club Read, William G. Reed Library, Shelton. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 4:30 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commi- sioners meeting, district office in Pot- latch. 4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton United Methodist Church. Call 426- 0101 for information. 6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society, Burgermaster, Olympic Highway North. 6:30 p.m., Pioneer School Board business meeting, main district build- ing. 6:30 p.m., South Sound Rental As- sociation, meeting at Orient Express Restaurant. For information, call Pet- er or Darlene Pennock at 426-2015. 7 p.m., Mason County Commis- sion, Mason County Building 1. 7 p.m., Shelton School Board, An- gle Education Center library. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Skokomish Tribal Center. 7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more information. 7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous, Pershing Room, Mason General Hos- pital. For more info, call 427-6847. 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, women's group, Saint David's Episco- pal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7:30 p.m., Cancer Society board meeting, Mason General Hospital. 7:30 p.m., 4-H leaders, extension office. 7:30 p.m., Roundtable for Scout- ing, United Methodist Church. 8 p.m., Moose Lodge, 201 Moose Place. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. Wednesday, January 27 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill Creek Inn. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa- nis Club, Spencer's Restaurant. 6 p.m., Mason County Council on Abuse and Neglect domestic violence education and support group. Call Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664 for location. 7 p.m., Beta Zeta, home of mem- ber. 7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol- ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym- pic Highway North. 7:15 p.m., Al-Anon meeting (help and hope for families of alcoholics), Collier Building, 4th and Birch, Room 17, Shelton, basement entrance, 427- 6831. 7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second, 426-7230. Thursday, January 28 6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters, Timbers Restaurant. 7 a.m., Citizens for Academic and Athletic Excellence, McDonald's meeting room. 7:15 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Lions, the Pine Tree Restaurant. 10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist Church. Call 426-3727 for informa- tion. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming Tree Cafe. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks Lodge, Craig Road.. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For information, 427-0947. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411 First Street. Temple to address Kiwanis Activities of Circle K Club at Garrett Heyns Educational Center, which is at the Washington Corrections Center north of Shelton, will be the topic for a presentation by Denny Temple at the next Shelton Kiwanis Club meeting. The session is set for noon on Tuesday, January 26, at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House located at Third and Railroad in downtown Shelton. Sashayers dance Saturday The Salty Sashayers will pay tribute to sweethearts as a pre- lude to Valentine's Day at their dance scheduled for Saturday, January 23, in the small hall at Mason County Fairgrounds, north of Shelton on Highway 101. Prerounds will begin at 7:30 p.m. with square dancing at 8 o'clock. Carolyn and Larry Small will cue fi)r the rounds and Tom Harrington will call for the squares. Dirt Dobbers to hear Leroy The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club members will learn how to prepare for emergencies at its meeting set for 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 26, at the Island Lake Fire Hall. Paul Leroy from Mason County Department of Emergency Services will be the speaker. After the meeting members will gather at the Ma- son County Senior Activities Center tbr lunch. Beta Zetas will roll the dice Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha will get together at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, January 27, at the home of hostess Bey Holland. Laurie Larsen will be the co-hostess for this social meeting featuring a "tried-and-true" dice game. Members are reminded to bring white elephant prizes. New support group Union parks board for families of the convenes Tuesday mentally ill to meet A new support group for fami- p.m. on Friday, February 5, in lies of the mentally ill will begin the Skokomish Room downstairs meeting next month at Mason at the hospital. Those with ques- General Hospital. tions can call Doreen Buckles at The meeting will begin at 7 427-1508. The Union Parks and Recrea- tion Commission will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, at the Union Fire Hall. The public is welcome to attend. Haiku You are my poem, the sonnet that I would write were words adequate. Haiku Cherry bowl of life should be enjoyed while the fruit is fresh and unspoiled. Adopt-a-Pet Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit vol- unteer group whose placement services, kennels and spay-neuter assistance program are financed [hr°ug h monthly garage sales. To it pets wlth the placement-as. sistance program or to list lost and found pets, call before 8 p.m. Sunday for publication. All pets from Adopt-a-Pet kennels are vet- checked. Call 426-2610 to set up a kennel visit or to donate items. Or visit the Web site at TESS, A DOBERMAN cross, is a beautiful dog who loves people but is not good around other fe- male dogs, according to her care- takers. She is 4 years old and spayed with natural ears and tail. WILBUR, A GOLD and white, 5-month -old, neutered Lab/Saint Bernard cross, is a great dog, ac- cording to the folks providing his interim home. RANGER IS A 5-month-old, neutered German shepherd cross who has short, gold-colored hair and a black muzzle. BILLIE AND JINGLE, 5- wmittlhonld-,spayed sister pups . g, mack and tan hair, are described as real characters by their caretakers. Free Pets TWO LAB/SHEPHERD CROSS pups, one black and tan and one tan, are 8 months old and good with children. 877-6311. MISSY IS AN 8-month-old, black Lab cross and good with children. 427-2434. A CHOW CROSS male, 3 to 4 months old, is good with children. 426-2102. AT A YEAR old, Sabrina, a husky/shepherd cross who weighs 60 pounds, is spayed, medium-siz- ed and current on shots. 427- 2770. A BATCH OF cats: a black, short hair female; two 6-month- old males, one with long hair with silver tips; a black cat with dark bars. 426-3775. PENNY, A 5-YEAR-OLD pure- bred Rottweiler who has a great personality, weighs 110 pounds and is housebroken and good with children. 877-9068. BROWN, A SPAYED female tabby cat, is a year old and a good mouser. 275-8273. PRINCE, A BLACK and white male dog, is medium-sized and good with children. 427-1791. A BEAUTIFUL, BLACK and tan German shepherd pup, Chloe is 13 weeks old and has been vet- checked and given her first set of shots. She is good with other dogs and children. A fenced yard is re- quired. 426-0382. TUFFY, A 2-year-old, neu- tered German shepherd cross, is sable in color with white trim and a real sweetheart, according to his caretakers. A fenced yard is required. Call 426- 2610 to meet him. MASON COUNTY LITTLE LEAGUE registration at the RU.D. #3 Auditorium - is searching for managers, coaches, and umpires for the 1999 season which begins in March and runs through June. All interested parties can sign up at at 3rd and Cota streets, downtown Shelton on SAT., JAN. 23 "D • WED., JAN. 27 TH SAT., JAN 30 TH or call Steve Beltz -- MCLL Pres. Dawn Thompson --V.P. Roger Garrick--V.P. 426-1494 427-3867 427-4117 Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Mason County Senior Activities Center at 826 West Railroad Avenue. The senior center hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center's tele- phone desk (426-7374) is closed for lunch from noon till 12:30 p.m. Adult lap swimming is set for 11:15 a.m. weekdays and noon on Saturday at the Shelton High School Pool. Friday, January 22 8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class. 9 a.m., intermediate line danc- ing and crafts. 10 a.m., beginning line danc- ing. Noon, potluck lunch. Monday, January 2{$ 8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class. 9 a.m., intermediate line danc- ing. 10 a.m., beginning line danc- ing. Noon, lunch. 1 p.m., drawing class by Bob Chamberlain and pinochle. Tuesday, January 26 9 a.m., crafts and beginning line dancing. 10 a.m., intermediate line dancing. Noon, lunch. Wednesday, January 27 8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class. 9 a.m., line dancing. Noon, lunch. 6:30 p.m., pinochle, Shelton Moose Lodge. Thursday, January 28 9 a.m., beginning line dancing and woodcarving. 10 a.m., intermediate line dancing. 11 a.m., blood-pressure checks. Noon, lunch. 1 p.m., bingo. LORDY, LORDY, BABY BARBIE'S GOING TO BE 40! ... to those in Shelton, Mason County and beyond who sent cards, flow- ers and condolences upon learning of Henry Gay's passing. A very spe- cial thank you is extended to Bill and Madeline Brown, Pastor James Markus, the Lydia Ruth Circle and congregation of Mount Olive Lutheran Church; Fr. Donald and Carolyn Maddux for their help in arranging the use of St. David's Hall for a celebration of life; Dr. Paul A. Robertson of Olympia; the staff of Fir Lane Health and Rehabilitation Center; the staff of The 5he/ton- Mason County Journal; Tom and Fran Myers of Thomas Printing; the Wash- ington Newspaper Publishers Association and its member publishers who submitted remembrances of working with and knowing Henry; and to Barbara Nelson for her support of the family and sharing her vast journal- ism knowledge to ease the transition of The Jouma] from father to chil- dren. 004mitt/o00 C00j400/ Thursday, January 21, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 7 L L 00ommunity 00alendar Meetings Thursday, January 21 6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters, Timbers Restaurant. 7 a.m., Citizens for Academic and Athletic Excellence, McDonald's meeting room. 10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist Church. Call 426-3727 for informa- tion. Noon, Hood Canal Community Club, Potlatch clubhouse. Noon, Senior citizens, Mason-Ben- son Community Clubhouse. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming Tree Cafe. b 3:30 p.m., "New Beginnings," free ereavement support group, 121 West Railroad, Shelton. 4:30 p.m., Mason County Civil Ser- vices Commission, Mason County Building I. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start Facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 7 p.m., Emergency Medical Ser- vices Council, Mason General Hospi- tal. 7 p.m., Mason County Recreation Area Advisory Board, Mason County Building III. 7 p.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Olympic Poets and Writers Workshop (writer's circle), 218 North Third Street. 7 p.m., Pioneer School Board, study session, main district building. 7 P.m., Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For information, 427-0947. 7 S p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, aint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 8 p.m., Eagles, 411 First Street. Friday, January 22 9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Hood Canal Community Church, 877-6842. Noon, AI-Anon family group, Saint David's Episcopal Church. Call 427- 6831. 12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694 dessert and card party, Memorial Hall. 12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more information. 2 p.m., Fibromylagia Support group meeting, Burgermaster. For more info, call 432-0124. 7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxili- ary, Memorial Hall. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Hoodsport library. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. 8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma- son General Hospital. Saturday, January 23 7 p.m., Q.W.I.B. (Quality World In Balance), chemical dependency sup- port group, Shelton United Methodist Church. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous for Newcomers, 210 South Second. 8 p.m., Salty Sashayers square dance, small hall, Mason County Fairgrounds. Sunday, January 24 Mason County invites you to at- tend the church of your choice. 9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD 3 Auditorium. 9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Burgermaster conference room in Shelton, 754-4433. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. Monday, January 25 3 p.m., Shelton City Commission, workshop, city hall. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island Lake Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Southside School Board, school. 7 p.m., Mason County Singles, PUD 3 building. For information, 427-1796. 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110, United Methodist Church. Tuesday, January 26 8 a.m., Mason County Hospital District 1 Commission, Mason Gener- al Hospital. 8 a.m., Housing Authority of Ma- son County, housing authority office, 3000 Johns Prairie Road, Number 28. 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, Third and Cots. 11:30 a.m., Club Read, William G. Reed Library, Shelton. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 4:30 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commi- sioners meeting, district office in Pot- latch. 4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton United Methodist Church. Call 426- 0101 for information. 6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society, Burgermaster, Olympic Highway North. 6:30 p.m., Pioneer School Board business meeting, main district build- ing. 6:30 p.m., South Sound Rental As- sociation, meeting at Orient Express Restaurant. For information, call Pet- er or Darlene Pennock at 426-2015. 7 p.m., Mason County Commis- sion, Mason County Building 1. 7 p.m., Shelton School Board, An- gle Education Center library. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Skokomish Tribal Center. 7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more information. 7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous, Pershing Room, Mason General Hos- pital. For more info, call 427-6847. 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, women's group, Saint David's Episco- pal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7:30 p.m., Cancer Society board meeting, Mason General Hospital. 7:30 p.m., 4-H leaders, extension office. 7:30 p.m., Roundtable for Scout- ing, United Methodist Church. 8 p.m., Moose Lodge, 201 Moose Place. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second. Wednesday, January 27 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill Creek Inn. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa- nis Club, Spencer's Restaurant. 6 p.m., Mason County Council on Abuse and Neglect domestic violence education and support group. Call Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664 for location. 7 p.m., Beta Zeta, home of mem- ber. 7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol- ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym- pic Highway North. 7:15 p.m., Al-Anon meeting (help and hope for families of alcoholics), Collier Building, 4th and Birch, Room 17, Shelton, basement entrance, 427- 6831. 7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge. 8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210 South Second, 426-7230. Thursday, January 28 6:45 a.m., Shelton Toastmasters, Timbers Restaurant. 7 a.m., Citizens for Academic and Athletic Excellence, McDonald's meeting room. 7:15 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Lions, the Pine Tree Restaurant. 10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) WA 1188, United Methodist Church. Call 426-3727 for informa- tion. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Ming Tree Cafe. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 7 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 103, Elks Lodge, Craig Road.. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For information, 427-0947. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Saint David's Episcopal Church, Third and Cedar streets. 7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary, 411 First Street. Temple to address Kiwanis Activities of Circle K Club at Garrett Heyns Educational Center, which is at the Washington Corrections Center north of Shelton, will be the topic for a presentation by Denny Temple at the next Shelton Kiwanis Club meeting. The session is set for noon on Tuesday, January 26, at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House located at Third and Railroad in downtown Shelton. Sashayers dance Saturday The Salty Sashayers will pay tribute to sweethearts as a pre- lude to Valentine's Day at their dance scheduled for Saturday, January 23, in the small hall at Mason County Fairgrounds, north of Shelton on Highway 101. Prerounds will begin at 7:30 p.m. with square dancing at 8 o'clock. Carolyn and Larry Small will cue fi)r the rounds and Tom Harrington will call for the squares. Dirt Dobbers to hear Leroy The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club members will learn how to prepare for emergencies at its meeting set for 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 26, at the Island Lake Fire Hall. Paul Leroy from Mason County Department of Emergency Services will be the speaker. After the meeting members will gather at the Ma- son County Senior Activities Center tbr lunch. Beta Zetas will roll the dice Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha will get together at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, January 27, at the home of hostess Bey Holland. Laurie Larsen will be the co-hostess for this social meeting featuring a "tried-and-true" dice game. Members are reminded to bring white elephant prizes. New support group Union parks board for families of the convenes Tuesday mentally ill to meet A new support group for fami- p.m. on Friday, February 5, in lies of the mentally ill will begin the Skokomish Room downstairs meeting next month at Mason at the hospital. Those with ques- General Hospital. tions can call Doreen Buckles at The meeting will begin at 7 427-1508. The Union Parks and Recrea- tion Commission will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, at the Union Fire Hall. The public is welcome to attend. Haiku You are my poem, the sonnet that I would write were words adequate. Haiku Cherry bowl of life should be enjoyed while the fruit is fresh and unspoiled. Adopt-a-Pet Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit vol- unteer group whose placement services, kennels and spay-neuter assistance program are financed [hr°ug h monthly garage sales. To it pets wlth the placement-as. sistance program or to list lost and found pets, call before 8 p.m. Sunday for publication. All pets from Adopt-a-Pet kennels are vet- checked. Call 426-2610 to set up a kennel visit or to donate items. Or visit the Web site at TESS, A DOBERMAN cross, is a beautiful dog who loves people but is not good around other fe- male dogs, according to her care- takers. She is 4 years old and spayed with natural ears and tail. WILBUR, A GOLD and white, 5-month -old, neutered Lab/Saint Bernard cross, is a great dog, ac- cording to the folks providing his interim home. RANGER IS A 5-month-old, neutered German shepherd cross who has short, gold-colored hair and a black muzzle. BILLIE AND JINGLE, 5- wmittlhonld-,spayed sister pups . g, mack and tan hair, are described as real characters by their caretakers. Free Pets TWO LAB/SHEPHERD CROSS pups, one black and tan and one tan, are 8 months old and good with children. 877-6311. MISSY IS AN 8-month-old, black Lab cross and good with children. 427-2434. A CHOW CROSS male, 3 to 4 months old, is good with children. 426-2102. AT A YEAR old, Sabrina, a husky/shepherd cross who weighs 60 pounds, is spayed, medium-siz- ed and current on shots. 427- 2770. A BATCH OF cats: a black, short hair female; two 6-month- old males, one with long hair with silver tips; a black cat with dark bars. 426-3775. PENNY, A 5-YEAR-OLD pure- bred Rottweiler who has a great personality, weighs 110 pounds and is housebroken and good with children. 877-9068. BROWN, A SPAYED female tabby cat, is a year old and a good mouser. 275-8273. PRINCE, A BLACK and white male dog, is medium-sized and good with children. 427-1791. A BEAUTIFUL, BLACK and tan German shepherd pup, Chloe is 13 weeks old and has been vet- checked and given her first set of shots. She is good with other dogs and children. A fenced yard is re- quired. 426-0382. TUFFY, A 2-year-old, neu- tered German shepherd cross, is sable in color with white trim and a real sweetheart, according to his caretakers. A fenced yard is required. Call 426- 2610 to meet him. MASON COUNTY LITTLE LEAGUE registration at the RU.D. #3 Auditorium - is searching for managers, coaches, and umpires for the 1999 season which begins in March and runs through June. All interested parties can sign up at at 3rd and Cota streets, downtown Shelton on SAT., JAN. 23 "D • WED., JAN. 27 TH SAT., JAN 30 TH or call Steve Beltz -- MCLL Pres. Dawn Thompson --V.P. Roger Garrick--V.P. 426-1494 427-3867 427-4117 Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Mason County Senior Activities Center at 826 West Railroad Avenue. The senior center hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center's tele- phone desk (426-7374) is closed for lunch from noon till 12:30 p.m. Adult lap swimming is set for 11:15 a.m. weekdays and noon on Saturday at the Shelton High School Pool. Friday, January 22 8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class. 9 a.m., intermediate line danc- ing and crafts. 10 a.m., beginning line danc- ing. Noon, potluck lunch. Monday, January 2{$ 8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class. 9 a.m., intermediate line danc- ing. 10 a.m., beginning line danc- ing. Noon, lunch. 1 p.m., drawing class by Bob Chamberlain and pinochle. Tuesday, January 26 9 a.m., crafts and beginning line dancing. 10 a.m., intermediate line dancing. Noon, lunch. Wednesday, January 27 8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class. 9 a.m., line dancing. Noon, lunch. 6:30 p.m., pinochle, Shelton Moose Lodge. Thursday, January 28 9 a.m., beginning line dancing and woodcarving. 10 a.m., intermediate line dancing. 11 a.m., blood-pressure checks. Noon, lunch. 1 p.m., bingo. LORDY, LORDY, BABY BARBIE'S GOING TO BE 40! ... to those in Shelton, Mason County and beyond who sent cards, flow- ers and condolences upon learning of Henry Gay's passing. A very spe- cial thank you is extended to Bill and Madeline Brown, Pastor James Markus, the Lydia Ruth Circle and congregation of Mount Olive Lutheran Church; Fr. Donald and Carolyn Maddux for their help in arranging the use of St. David's Hall for a celebration of life; Dr. Paul A. Robertson of Olympia; the staff of Fir Lane Health and Rehabilitation Center; the staff of The 5he/ton- Mason County Journal; Tom and Fran Myers of Thomas Printing; the Wash- ington Newspaper Publishers Association and its member publishers who submitted remembrances of working with and knowing Henry; and to Barbara Nelson for her support of the family and sharing her vast journal- ism knowledge to ease the transition of The Jouma] from father to chil- dren. 004mitt/o00 C00j400/ Thursday, January 21, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 7 L L