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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FOR RENT FOR RENT 1993 LIVINGSTON fiberglass boat, motor, trailer, $2,500 OBO, 427-1729. H1/21-28 21 FT. 1978 Transvan motorhome. 57,500 miles. Electric refrigerator, gas service burners and furnace. New bat- tery in starter, toilet, shower, $2,600. 426-6660. J1/14-21 LOOKING FOR used RV or travel trail- er? Come see us at Sun Auto, RV and Marine Sales Inc. We have many sizes and makes to choose from. Also used boats, autos, pickups, canopies. Con- signments welcome. Sun Auto and RV Sales Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. #3, Shelton (360) 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1984 FORD Bronco, full-size. Good looking truck. $4,900 OBO. 432-9727. Possible trade for car. R1/21 1981 CHEVY Citation. New transmis- sion, clutch and tires. Engine good, body and interior excellent. Dash fire, needs repair. $300, 426-6884. W1/21 1993 4-DOOR Ford Taurus. V-6, A/T, A/C, P/S, P/B, excellent condition, $4,500. Call 877-5080 after 6 p.m. M1/21 1981 OLDS 98 Regency. Inherited new car. High freeway miles. Faithful, good looking, gray, no dents. Economical, fully equipped, good upholstery, 5-1itre motor, 4-speed, new air conditioner (retrofitted to 135A), good tires, brakes, new water pump and wind- shield. Has original alternator. Best car we ever owned. $1,250 OBO. 426- 5823. F1/21 1998 CAMARO, 4,300 mi, lease $380 month. Owner will pay 6 months lease at start of contract. 427-9309. Kl/14- 21 1986 TOYOTA P/U, runs great. $1,800. 427-2661. M1/14-21 1981 COUGAR, new ignition, new ex- haust, runs great. $1,850 OBO. 432- 8239. M1/14-21 1986 FORD 3/4T PU, new brakes, rebuilt transmission, runs great, $4,850 OBO. 432-8239. Ml/14-21 1985 FORD Escort, low mileage, PS, AC, AT, great commuter, excellent condition, $1,700 OBO. 427-3809. Mc 1/14-21 .... 1981 VOLVO, new front tires, $500 OBO. 426-2243. W1/21-2/ 1 1969 FORD 4x4 pick-up. Where else can you find a full-size 4-wheel drive truck that is reliable and gets you where you want to go? Come look, make me an offer. 426-7067 - let ring. B 1/Ttfn CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ors. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1991 CHEV S-10 Blazer, 2-door, 4x4, good condition, $6,000. Jack Janda 87!-5867. J12/31-1/21 . OBO. 426-2243. Wl/21-2/11 TIMBERLAKES AREA 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-car garage, ($695 monthly, in- cludes water) 877-375-5246. V1/21- 2/11 RENT/LEASE option 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $650 monthly (+) deposit. References/credit check. 1507 Center St. 491-8800, 459-5159 or call Howard 432-8255. Pl/21-2/11 SPACIOUS CLEAN. Agate 2 bedroom mobile, new carpet, woodstove, view, acreage, $500 first/last/deposit. 427- 2391. $1/21 LAKE LIMERICK - 2 bedroom mobile with enclosed back porch and 2 stor- age sheds. $475 rent, $500 deposit. Available 2/1/99. Invest Realty, 426- 3567. 11/21 TRAILER SPACE for rent. 426-9763. $1/21 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath. Heat pump, fenced yard, storage shed. No smok- ing, no pets. $650 monthly, $500 de- posit, references. Near Belfair State Park. 275-5156. Pl/21 LAKE LIMERICK - Over 1,200 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with larger than average rooms. Well insulated, sepa- rate laundry room. $635 rent, $600 de- posit. Available 2/1/99 or sooner. In- vest Realty, 426-3567. 11/21 AGATE 19' cozy, insulated trailer on acreage, scenic. $275 monthly in- cludes utilities. First/last/S100 deposit, 427-2391. $1/7-21 NICE 4-bedroom house, close to grade school and market. No pets. No smok- ing. $700 monthly, $700 deposit. 426- 0084. Bl/21-2/11 NEW THREE bedroom, three bath, large open kitchen, living room, and formal dining room with wet bar, two car garage. Owner will consider lease with option to purchase. $800 monthly rent or purchase at $135,000, 426-0953. Jl/21 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment. New carpet, walk in closet, A/C. Stor- age, W/D hook-ups. Water, garbage paid. Deposit, credit check, $375 month, 275-3968. G1/21-2/11 _.qohndE. RENTALS 2215 Olympic Hwy. North 426-3319 $475.00:2 bedroom duplex on Mt. View. Includes w/s/g. No pets, $300.00 deposit. $500.00:2 bedroom home south of Shelton, with lake access. No pets, $400.00 deposit. $500.00:2 bedroom home on Oakland Bay. Single garage, no pets. $500.00 deposit. $525.00:3 bedroom home on Mt. View. No pets. $500.00 de- posit. $525.00:2 bedroom duplex on Johns Prairie. No pets, $360.00 deposit, plus $65.00 no refund- able deposit. $550.00: Mt. View, 2 bedroom home, all remodeled. Fenced yard, single garage. No pets, non smoking. $500.00 deposit. $600.00:2 bedroom, 1 bath wa- terfront home a t Shorecrest. Non smoking and no pets. Month to month lease. $500.00 deposit. $650.00: Hood Canal waterfront home. 2 bedroom with great view of Mt. Rainier. NO pets. $500.00 deposit. Give us a call, we also have commercial rentals! Let the Journal's "Used Cars for Sale" classification help you sell your old car or find a good used vehicle to fill your transportation needs. Page 26- Shelton-Mason county'J0urnal - Thursday, January 2i, 1999 70' TWO bedroom mobile W/D, wood- stove, workshop, woodshed, garage. Water paid. Good references a must. $550 monthly, $200 deposit. Near Ma- tlock Fish Hatchery. 427-1604, 1-206- 783-6485. P1/21-28 DUPLEX, TWO bedroom, washer, dryer hookup, carport, storage, Shelton Hill- crest area, $440, 412-0318 (local call). H1/21 NEW, SPACIOUS two bedroom duplex, garage, utility room, Shelton Hillcrest area, $525, 412-0318 (local call). H1/21 SHELTON, 3 bedroom 1 bath gas heat, fenced yard, garden garage with shop. Must see. Available Feb. 1. $700 (+) deposit. 360-225-3920, 360-518-5388. Z1/21-2/11 1 BEDROOM apartment, W/S/G, cable available, $375 monthly. 426-2015. E1/21ffn VERY LARGE, saltwater view, execu- tive home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 2 acres. $1,200 monthly, $800 deposit. Day 426-1059, eve. 427-5788, avail- able March 1. F1/21-28 HOODSPORT 1 bedroom apartment sun deck, Hood Canal view, includes water and sewer. $395 monthly, 877- 5997. T1/21-2/11 2 BDRM Mobile, Timbedakes, $475 plus deposit. 427-4174. O1/7-28 TREASURE ISLAND, two bedroom,1 /2 bath, and family room. Water paid. $625/$300. References, 377-1193. B l/Ttfn UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, Mason Lake, sleeping loft, $600 monthly, first/ last/deposit 360-275-6654. J12/31- 1/21 SHELTON FINEST. These new one and two bedroom six-plex units come with their own dishwasher, washer, dryer, storage unit, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. W/SIC paid. Very low heat bills. Starting from $495. (360) 275-5240. C10/29ffn LAKE CUSHMAN Golf Course house 2 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space. 400 CASH AVAILABLE. Private party ! NEW C€ bedroom loft, W/D, fridge, microwave, borough Cove Apartments and Fair- SF. High visibility, clean, air-condi- cash to purchase real estate ccnW I[be:lr°°r W/S, no smoking, no pets. $500. (360) mont Cove Apartments, subsidized tioned. $350/mo. includes pwr and all mortgages or deeds of trust at a:{! oa; cal: 403-7261. Cl/14-2/4 family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- utilities. 426-2960 ext. 18 or 709-4488. count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn mtster ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn Eves. 426-1360. F9/17tfn  c rage E ckm SUPER GOOD Cents house, 2 bed- WOULD LIKE to buy a real estate: z 6-96( room, 1 bath, single-car garage. SALTWATER VIEW 1 bedroom unfur- HEATED, LOCKED building, downtown tract, 426-7952. MT/30tfn :: $560/month, $500 deposit. No pets. nished apartment at Jarrell's Cove Ms- Shelton, for boats or cars. $3.25 per  MOBILI 426-7091. L1/7-28 rina. $395 monthly, includes W/S/G, foot. 534-1095 (Olympia). A1/21-2/11 Park Lq $300 damage deposit. 426-8823. septic: LAKE LIMERICK small 2 bedroom J9/3tfn OFFICE SPACE, 530 sq. ft. High vis- :: $25,001 home, available now. No pets/smoking, ibility, prime location, new building, 2/11 woodstove, water included, $500 first, TWO BEDROOM house in mobile park. Olympic Hwy. North. Ready now, utili- last, $150 deposit. 503-842-1577. Clean, good security. No pets. Call ties included. 426-4712. H10/29tfn 2 BEDI Sl/14-2/4 Joyce (253) 858-7442. R1/14-2/4 tric an( COMMERCIAL BUILDING for lease, : age, vi HOUSE WITH garage all new 2 bedroom 3,420 sq. ft., with upstairs, 1 /2 bath- den bl, 1 bath, D/W W/D hook-up, convenient rooms. All or part. Fredson Road off $67,50 location, $625 426-9579. L1/Ttfn Hwy 101,427-1226. A12/3tfn ,.....-_. FARMHOUSE NEAR Shelton. 2 bed- room, 2 bath, appliances. Available im- ............................................. mediately. Nonsmoking. $450 monthly, $300 deposit, (360) 457-7171. H1/14- NOW LEASING BETTER HURRY. Only one 3 bedroom ................................................................................ • and one 2 bedroom left. Remodeled, BEACON CENTER play area, on bus, convenient to schools/shopping. Laundry room. Rea- Professional Office Building sonably priced. 426-5511. Ng/17tfn BARGAIN MINI-STORE. We now have I ./. t," • Executive Office Suites I 1 5'x10', 1 10'x10' open. Better hurry. • Conference Room Best prices in town. Secure, 426-5511. • Separate Washrooms N9/17tfn • Includes utilities GREAT TWO-STORY, two bedroom • Copy/fax shared use town home. $500 plus deposit and ref- Now under construction at • From ] 50 to 500 SF erences. Toll free 1-877-307-9505 or 1620 Oh'mpic ltwy N., Shelton • Available March 1999 (206) 947-9584. J10/22tfn " BB FURNISHED ONE-BEDROOM house, For More Information Call Cl, electric heat, woodstove, nice view of 1.91 Hood Canal, near Alderbrook Inn. No Mr. Rick Ryan at 791-3484 or 753-0086 o,, pets, $425 monthly, $250 deposit. 360- the 898-2986. H 10/29ffn bcs WOODSY ACRES on Harstine Island. New 1,500 sq. ft. home, $775 includes PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: ,.,. septic/waterplus old horse barn. Must FINDsAvINGsTONS OF j IN THE washer, dryer. Water garbage paid. £LASSlFIEDS MOBILE HOMES have excellent references, 253-735- All real estate advertising in this 9298. G1/14-2/4 newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal RENT TO own 3 bedroom, 1 bath, large to advertise "any preference, limits- 14X66 1982, large 2/3 bedrooms. Good lot rent for $500.00 per month and in 6 tion or discrimination basedon race, condition, new carpet, bathroom rome- months you can buy. Call Jack @ 360- color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- deled, storm windows. Must see. Must 427-6960 or Bob @ 360-352-7522. ial status or national origin, or an be moved. 426-0874. Cl/14-21 $11/19tfn intention, to make any such prefer- 0 CASH down possible on this beautiful ence, limitation or discrimination." new 3 bedroom with Jacuzzi on huge 2 BEDROOM duplex. Completely re- Familial status includeschildren un- wooded lot, dlr. 1-800-542-5624. Dl/21 done. Paint, carpet, vinyl. Access to der the age of 18 living with parents S.,..,. =---i=-, i Carport and storage area. $515 month orlegalcustodians, pregnantwomen FORCED TO sell! Owner never moved .llJl UUIIII,,.,B  $300 deposit. References, no pets, andpeoplesecuringcustodyofchil- into this beautiful new 3 bedroom home . 1' dren under 18. on large wooded corner lot. Seller 1 426"6338" A1/14"21 Pp - . .. This news a er will not know desperate and will work with whatever you have down ff cred0t 0s good Take I LIMITED TIME, 5O% off 1st month's ingly accept any advertising for real -- a whn h advantage SN #24524, dlr 1 800 542 . 1 rent, Newly remodeled, new applianc- est te ch is in violation of t e • - - " 5624 D1/21 RESIDENTIAL e In | s. Mt. View, near hospital. One law. Our readers are hereby in- $400. 55 o,'older mobi!em park I bedroom $435 2 bedroom, $475 No free telephone number for the hear-f°rmed that all dwellings advertised 770.6106 Ol/21-28 It(l,, --.,'"And 010n 0_nd 0 h0,1[ 0| re-== 2 close to shopping D/TOWN I pets. Cal( 427-6)85. F1/7-28 " in this newspaper are available on whole uear h=ltwArt P .h==l* .... rl $450- 2 bdrm. mobile, clean, l  ' "  ...................... carport, TIMBERLAKES I SMALL 2 bedroom house, attached ga- an equal,opportumty basis. To com- Olympia. Save over $6,500. First time  Whether you're look- II. p,ainofaiscriminationcallHUDtoll- buyers encouraged to call dlr, 1-800- ;;;, r[ $475- 2bdrm. lg fourplex, carport, l rage, airport area- quiet dead end free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- " J l e&t0 U: storaze clean MT, VIEW / road no dogs $450 first/last/S200 '-'--'-''-- [ I I I ind he I1I :--,'-i:- Ik.. € 'o ',, w l damage/S35 screening 426-9041 ..25- 2 bdrm, I.. du,.lex, ne - W1/Ttfn " ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. GIMME 5. FIVE bedrooms, three baths, I I ion of '!i I paint, HILLCREST I between Shelton and Olympia $770 ]J li$lingns,$iied$! HI':I $550- 2 bdrm. waterfront, wood I dlP lll monthly, $1,400 down. dlr, 1-800-770- stove, possible lease option I . .  6106. 01/21-28 ' • Aulo$ f S.ale I ....s.,..E I II GRF_AT I . • Homes & Aporlmenl$ !],: I $600- 2bdrm, Waterfront house | J| il/llr311,12 ,RJ P,,DI£'P, A,I q i ,QUAL Houm an ,reduced to $79,900. I! "P. ;I HAMMERSLEY INLET | I| ,ViUV i.:,'1110[ I.:,L, IZ'•I.,O I o,,o,ru.,vv Brand new3 bedroom, 2 bath, lender l|lll  li.': .._ al P"kL__J-_ Ilri $600- 3 bdr,n, new paint/carpet I II Kneela00d Park I desperate9424. Wl/21," Hurry. Bob, 1-800-490- J • Merchandise J i: Ii garage, ANGLESIDE l II  .... ; ..... ;, .... I  - II • Antiques i,I !: I $650 3bdrm., new paint and i II o.... ,me.tff,,, I ..,,....-,, NO YOU can trent forever. 3 bedroom, II II I vinyl RUSILEWOOD 2 bedroom • ' " I I i 2 bedroom, H/C $438 I ............ 2 bath for as low as $499 monthly. Call /nU , ce" r.:U;:i COMMERCIAL I II 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large I -  now for easy approval 1-800-542-5624, [ I """ u,h 0, II i:00l ' NE(; Barkley Square 1700 sq ft I ............. z " '_ ,, l [I family Unit -- $460  I WE DO dlr. D1/21 Store Frontage Retail.. , ' ........ " ......... I ll', TA 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large 606 WESTCO I 4 be2. bath, large I , ,v,v,.-- L-,p,n.a. ing sale of this beautiful 3 bedroom li Jl It 1  I I Now Taking Applications I • 10-,. Financing15 & 30-Yearand refinancingM°rtgages home in niCeandneighborhoOd.unbelievable Assume " ,o. ] iI Call for,4ppointmentnll[ huge equity terms to :'!i Ask for Rentals  I I1 1z7-7909 I111 • Home Equity Credit Lines sell fast. Call today, SN #25254 dlr, 1- ,, ALL MASON COUNTY 800-542-5624. Dl/14 Property Management Services Since 1976 I ......... RESIDENTS CAN JOIN 1 • . .t, . , Peninsula Community [  I , Federal Credit Union ]  J 1-800-426-1601 I  T [ (\\; 1 I I Mg [ re enta mt. 427 6154 m .r00TAfi00 ! aOUn.aLl00il ,,.= ...,o. 00o,o.,o ' -,cL00SSlFIEgt00lilll 441 • Downtown - JR. HI. APARTMENTS Extra Large 1 Bdrrn Available Now, [,i. 0, ff,,0;,O. 0;O,,0, T, dT, d,O.,0,j ,v  .,., .,,, ,..,,. j %1"O1 211 ll • Laundry Facility. Secured Building. $415. Downtown, 3 bdr, 1.5 bath, fresh paint, new carpet, 2 car garage. $700 11 i,,,,, . • Pine Park- 1050 Sq. Ft. 2 Bdrm Duplex, D/W, W/D Hook-Up, Garage w/ Opener, Fenced Back Yard. $625. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.II  | 227 West CotaJl l MORTGAGES • COTA STREET, 3 Bdrm Apt, laundry, wsg pd. $645 • Downtown studio apt, laundry, wsg pd $375 • Angleside, 4+bdr House, 1.5 Bath, w/d hk-up, gas heat & cook, fenced ( yard, carport, $700.00 UN • Russellwood - 3 Bdrm, Continental Bath, D/W, W/D Hook-up, Large 2 Refinance and consolidate all oL car Garage. $615. your credit card debt to a low '"' • Fawn Lake, Newer 3bdr, 2bath manufactured home, DAN, W/D hk-up, 2 car Carport... $750 monthly payment, ibua Buckowski J • Shorecrest - 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath Mobile, D/W, W/D Hook-Up, Garage. $550. • Russellwood- 3 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Garage, Fireplace, W/S paid, W/D Hook- a6o-29o-2aS4 "Home Loan Specialist" Up. $640 a Refinances, Debt Consolidation, Purchases, Custom Construction | • Timberlakes, 2 Bdr. mobile, w/d hk-up, water paid, $440 • Mason Lake. 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Lake Front. Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher. I ...... .  Dock. $go0. tip i • MINI STORAGES PICKERING PROTECT-IT A-1 [ 800-370-3620 II Heated Units N Hwy 101 Cots St., Inside/Heated J Extension ... 56321 ... Daily Interest Rates 1 Various sizes including 5x10, 10x10, 10x20 $29 to $85 monthly I ... 10741 ... Home Refinance 1 __ J ...56301... Buyer Pre-Approval 1 24 Hour Recorded Info. II "'" "7"" "  """ "'' I FEE  Scott Eichhorn & Roger Potthoff FOR RENT FOR RENT 1993 LIVINGSTON fiberglass boat, motor, trailer, $2,500 OBO, 427-1729. H1/21-28 21 FT. 1978 Transvan motorhome. 57,500 miles. Electric refrigerator, gas service burners and furnace. New bat- tery in starter, toilet, shower, $2,600. 426-6660. J1/14-21 LOOKING FOR used RV or travel trail- er? Come see us at Sun Auto, RV and Marine Sales Inc. We have many sizes and makes to choose from. Also used boats, autos, pickups, canopies. Con- signments welcome. Sun Auto and RV Sales Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. #3, Shelton (360) 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1984 FORD Bronco, full-size. Good looking truck. $4,900 OBO. 432-9727. Possible trade for car. R1/21 1981 CHEVY Citation. New transmis- sion, clutch and tires. Engine good, body and interior excellent. Dash fire, needs repair. $300, 426-6884. W1/21 1993 4-DOOR Ford Taurus. V-6, A/T, A/C, P/S, P/B, excellent condition, $4,500. Call 877-5080 after 6 p.m. M1/21 1981 OLDS 98 Regency. Inherited new car. High freeway miles. Faithful, good looking, gray, no dents. Economical, fully equipped, good upholstery, 5-1itre motor, 4-speed, new air conditioner (retrofitted to 135A), good tires, brakes, new water pump and wind- shield. Has original alternator. Best car we ever owned. $1,250 OBO. 426- 5823. F1/21 1998 CAMARO, 4,300 mi, lease $380 month. Owner will pay 6 months lease at start of contract. 427-9309. Kl/14- 21 1986 TOYOTA P/U, runs great. $1,800. 427-2661. M1/14-21 1981 COUGAR, new ignition, new ex- haust, runs great. $1,850 OBO. 432- 8239. M1/14-21 1986 FORD 3/4T PU, new brakes, rebuilt transmission, runs great, $4,850 OBO. 432-8239. Ml/14-21 1985 FORD Escort, low mileage, PS, AC, AT, great commuter, excellent condition, $1,700 OBO. 427-3809. Mc 1/14-21 .... 1981 VOLVO, new front tires, $500 OBO. 426-2243. W1/21-2/ 1 1969 FORD 4x4 pick-up. Where else can you find a full-size 4-wheel drive truck that is reliable and gets you where you want to go? Come look, make me an offer. 426-7067 - let ring. B 1/Ttfn CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ors. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1991 CHEV S-10 Blazer, 2-door, 4x4, good condition, $6,000. Jack Janda 87!-5867. J12/31-1/21 . OBO. 426-2243. Wl/21-2/11 TIMBERLAKES AREA 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-car garage, ($695 monthly, in- cludes water) 877-375-5246. V1/21- 2/11 RENT/LEASE option 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $650 monthly (+) deposit. References/credit check. 1507 Center St. 491-8800, 459-5159 or call Howard 432-8255. Pl/21-2/11 SPACIOUS CLEAN. Agate 2 bedroom mobile, new carpet, woodstove, view, acreage, $500 first/last/deposit. 427- 2391. $1/21 LAKE LIMERICK - 2 bedroom mobile with enclosed back porch and 2 stor- age sheds. $475 rent, $500 deposit. Available 2/1/99. Invest Realty, 426- 3567. 11/21 TRAILER SPACE for rent. 426-9763. $1/21 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath. Heat pump, fenced yard, storage shed. No smok- ing, no pets. $650 monthly, $500 de- posit, references. Near Belfair State Park. 275-5156. Pl/21 LAKE LIMERICK - Over 1,200 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with larger than average rooms. Well insulated, sepa- rate laundry room. $635 rent, $600 de- posit. Available 2/1/99 or sooner. In- vest Realty, 426-3567. 11/21 AGATE 19' cozy, insulated trailer on acreage, scenic. $275 monthly in- cludes utilities. First/last/S100 deposit, 427-2391. $1/7-21 NICE 4-bedroom house, close to grade school and market. No pets. No smok- ing. $700 monthly, $700 deposit. 426- 0084. Bl/21-2/11 NEW THREE bedroom, three bath, large open kitchen, living room, and formal dining room with wet bar, two car garage. Owner will consider lease with option to purchase. $800 monthly rent or purchase at $135,000, 426-0953. Jl/21 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment. New carpet, walk in closet, A/C. Stor- age, W/D hook-ups. Water, garbage paid. Deposit, credit check, $375 month, 275-3968. G1/21-2/11 _.qohndE. RENTALS 2215 Olympic Hwy. North 426-3319 $475.00:2 bedroom duplex on Mt. View. Includes w/s/g. No pets, $300.00 deposit. $500.00:2 bedroom home south of Shelton, with lake access. No pets, $400.00 deposit. $500.00:2 bedroom home on Oakland Bay. Single garage, no pets. $500.00 deposit. $525.00:3 bedroom home on Mt. View. No pets. $500.00 de- posit. $525.00:2 bedroom duplex on Johns Prairie. No pets, $360.00 deposit, plus $65.00 no refund- able deposit. $550.00: Mt. View, 2 bedroom home, all remodeled. Fenced yard, single garage. No pets, non smoking. $500.00 deposit. $600.00:2 bedroom, 1 bath wa- terfront home a t Shorecrest. Non smoking and no pets. Month to month lease. $500.00 deposit. $650.00: Hood Canal waterfront home. 2 bedroom with great view of Mt. Rainier. NO pets. $500.00 deposit. Give us a call, we also have commercial rentals! Let the Journal's "Used Cars for Sale" classification help you sell your old car or find a good used vehicle to fill your transportation needs. Page 26- Shelton-Mason county'J0urnal - Thursday, January 2i, 1999 70' TWO bedroom mobile W/D, wood- stove, workshop, woodshed, garage. Water paid. Good references a must. $550 monthly, $200 deposit. Near Ma- tlock Fish Hatchery. 427-1604, 1-206- 783-6485. P1/21-28 DUPLEX, TWO bedroom, washer, dryer hookup, carport, storage, Shelton Hill- crest area, $440, 412-0318 (local call). H1/21 NEW, SPACIOUS two bedroom duplex, garage, utility room, Shelton Hillcrest area, $525, 412-0318 (local call). H1/21 SHELTON, 3 bedroom 1 bath gas heat, fenced yard, garden garage with shop. Must see. Available Feb. 1. $700 (+) deposit. 360-225-3920, 360-518-5388. Z1/21-2/11 1 BEDROOM apartment, W/S/G, cable available, $375 monthly. 426-2015. E1/21ffn VERY LARGE, saltwater view, execu- tive home. 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 2 acres. $1,200 monthly, $800 deposit. Day 426-1059, eve. 427-5788, avail- able March 1. F1/21-28 HOODSPORT 1 bedroom apartment sun deck, Hood Canal view, includes water and sewer. $395 monthly, 877- 5997. T1/21-2/11 2 BDRM Mobile, Timbedakes, $475 plus deposit. 427-4174. O1/7-28 TREASURE ISLAND, two bedroom,1 /2 bath, and family room. Water paid. $625/$300. References, 377-1193. B l/Ttfn UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, Mason Lake, sleeping loft, $600 monthly, first/ last/deposit 360-275-6654. J12/31- 1/21 SHELTON FINEST. These new one and two bedroom six-plex units come with their own dishwasher, washer, dryer, storage unit, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. W/SIC paid. Very low heat bills. Starting from $495. (360) 275-5240. C10/29ffn LAKE CUSHMAN Golf Course house 2 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space. 400 CASH AVAILABLE. Private party ! NEW C€ bedroom loft, W/D, fridge, microwave, borough Cove Apartments and Fair- SF. High visibility, clean, air-condi- cash to purchase real estate ccnW I[be:lr°°r W/S, no smoking, no pets. $500. (360) mont Cove Apartments, subsidized tioned. $350/mo. includes pwr and all mortgages or deeds of trust at a:{! oa; cal: 403-7261. Cl/14-2/4 family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- utilities. 426-2960 ext. 18 or 709-4488. count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn mtster ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn Eves. 426-1360. F9/17tfn  c rage E ckm SUPER GOOD Cents house, 2 bed- WOULD LIKE to buy a real estate: z 6-96( room, 1 bath, single-car garage. SALTWATER VIEW 1 bedroom unfur- HEATED, LOCKED building, downtown tract, 426-7952. MT/30tfn :: $560/month, $500 deposit. No pets. nished apartment at Jarrell's Cove Ms- Shelton, for boats or cars. $3.25 per  MOBILI 426-7091. L1/7-28 rina. $395 monthly, includes W/S/G, foot. 534-1095 (Olympia). A1/21-2/11 Park Lq $300 damage deposit. 426-8823. septic: LAKE LIMERICK small 2 bedroom J9/3tfn OFFICE SPACE, 530 sq. ft. High vis- :: $25,001 home, available now. No pets/smoking, ibility, prime location, new building, 2/11 woodstove, water included, $500 first, TWO BEDROOM house in mobile park. Olympic Hwy. North. Ready now, utili- last, $150 deposit. 503-842-1577. Clean, good security. No pets. Call ties included. 426-4712. H10/29tfn 2 BEDI Sl/14-2/4 Joyce (253) 858-7442. R1/14-2/4 tric an( COMMERCIAL BUILDING for lease, : age, vi HOUSE WITH garage all new 2 bedroom 3,420 sq. ft., with upstairs, 1 /2 bath- den bl, 1 bath, D/W W/D hook-up, convenient rooms. All or part. Fredson Road off $67,50 location, $625 426-9579. L1/Ttfn Hwy 101,427-1226. A12/3tfn ,.....-_. FARMHOUSE NEAR Shelton. 2 bed- room, 2 bath, appliances. Available im- ............................................. mediately. Nonsmoking. $450 monthly, $300 deposit, (360) 457-7171. H1/14- NOW LEASING BETTER HURRY. Only one 3 bedroom ................................................................................ • and one 2 bedroom left. Remodeled, BEACON CENTER play area, on bus, convenient to schools/shopping. Laundry room. Rea- Professional Office Building sonably priced. 426-5511. Ng/17tfn BARGAIN MINI-STORE. We now have I ./. t," • Executive Office Suites I 1 5'x10', 1 10'x10' open. Better hurry. • Conference Room Best prices in town. Secure, 426-5511. • Separate Washrooms N9/17tfn • Includes utilities GREAT TWO-STORY, two bedroom • Copy/fax shared use town home. $500 plus deposit and ref- Now under construction at • From ] 50 to 500 SF erences. Toll free 1-877-307-9505 or 1620 Oh'mpic ltwy N., Shelton • Available March 1999 (206) 947-9584. J10/22tfn " BB FURNISHED ONE-BEDROOM house, For More Information Call Cl, electric heat, woodstove, nice view of 1.91 Hood Canal, near Alderbrook Inn. No Mr. Rick Ryan at 791-3484 or 753-0086 o,, pets, $425 monthly, $250 deposit. 360- the 898-2986. H 10/29ffn bcs WOODSY ACRES on Harstine Island. New 1,500 sq. ft. home, $775 includes PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: ,.,. septic/waterplus old horse barn. Must FINDsAvINGsTONS OF j IN THE washer, dryer. Water garbage paid. £LASSlFIEDS MOBILE HOMES have excellent references, 253-735- All real estate advertising in this 9298. G1/14-2/4 newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal RENT TO own 3 bedroom, 1 bath, large to advertise "any preference, limits- 14X66 1982, large 2/3 bedrooms. Good lot rent for $500.00 per month and in 6 tion or discrimination basedon race, condition, new carpet, bathroom rome- months you can buy. Call Jack @ 360- color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- deled, storm windows. Must see. Must 427-6960 or Bob @ 360-352-7522. ial status or national origin, or an be moved. 426-0874. Cl/14-21 $11/19tfn intention, to make any such prefer- 0 CASH down possible on this beautiful ence, limitation or discrimination." new 3 bedroom with Jacuzzi on huge 2 BEDROOM duplex. Completely re- Familial status includeschildren un- wooded lot, dlr. 1-800-542-5624. Dl/21 done. Paint, carpet, vinyl. Access to der the age of 18 living with parents S.,..,. =---i=-, i Carport and storage area. $515 month orlegalcustodians, pregnantwomen FORCED TO sell! Owner never moved .llJl UUIIII,,.,B  $300 deposit. References, no pets, andpeoplesecuringcustodyofchil- into this beautiful new 3 bedroom home . 1' dren under 18. on large wooded corner lot. Seller 1 426"6338" A1/14"21 Pp - . .. This news a er will not know desperate and will work with whatever you have down ff cred0t 0s good Take I LIMITED TIME, 5O% off 1st month's ingly accept any advertising for real -- a whn h advantage SN #24524, dlr 1 800 542 . 1 rent, Newly remodeled, new applianc- est te ch is in violation of t e • - - " 5624 D1/21 RESIDENTIAL e In | s. Mt. View, near hospital. One law. Our readers are hereby in- $400. 55 o,'older mobi!em park I bedroom $435 2 bedroom, $475 No free telephone number for the hear-f°rmed that all dwellings advertised 770.6106 Ol/21-28 It(l,, --.,'"And 010n 0_nd 0 h0,1[ 0| re-== 2 close to shopping D/TOWN I pets. Cal( 427-6)85. F1/7-28 " in this newspaper are available on whole uear h=ltwArt P .h==l* .... rl $450- 2 bdrm. mobile, clean, l  ' "  ...................... carport, TIMBERLAKES I SMALL 2 bedroom house, attached ga- an equal,opportumty basis. To com- Olympia. Save over $6,500. First time  Whether you're look- II. p,ainofaiscriminationcallHUDtoll- buyers encouraged to call dlr, 1-800- ;;;, r[ $475- 2bdrm. lg fourplex, carport, l rage, airport area- quiet dead end free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- " J l e&t0 U: storaze clean MT, VIEW / road no dogs $450 first/last/S200 '-'--'-''-- [ I I I ind he I1I :--,'-i:- Ik.. € 'o ',, w l damage/S35 screening 426-9041 ..25- 2 bdrm, I.. du,.lex, ne - W1/Ttfn " ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. GIMME 5. FIVE bedrooms, three baths, I I ion of '!i I paint, HILLCREST I between Shelton and Olympia $770 ]J li$lingns,$iied$! HI':I $550- 2 bdrm. waterfront, wood I dlP lll monthly, $1,400 down. dlr, 1-800-770- stove, possible lease option I . .  6106. 01/21-28 ' • Aulo$ f S.ale I ....s.,..E I II GRF_AT I . • Homes & Aporlmenl$ !],: I $600- 2bdrm, Waterfront house | J| il/llr311,12 ,RJ P,,DI£'P, A,I q i ,QUAL Houm an ,reduced to $79,900. I! "P. ;I HAMMERSLEY INLET | I| ,ViUV i.:,'1110[ I.:,L, IZ'•I.,O I o,,o,ru.,vv Brand new3 bedroom, 2 bath, lender l|lll  li.': .._ al P"kL__J-_ Ilri $600- 3 bdr,n, new paint/carpet I II Kneela00d Park I desperate9424. Wl/21," Hurry. Bob, 1-800-490- J • Merchandise J i: Ii garage, ANGLESIDE l II  .... ; ..... ;, .... I  - II • Antiques i,I !: I $650 3bdrm., new paint and i II o.... ,me.tff,,, I ..,,....-,, NO YOU can trent forever. 3 bedroom, II II I vinyl RUSILEWOOD 2 bedroom • ' " I I i 2 bedroom, H/C $438 I ............ 2 bath for as low as $499 monthly. Call /nU , ce" r.:U;:i COMMERCIAL I II 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large I -  now for easy approval 1-800-542-5624, [ I """ u,h 0, II i:00l ' NE(; Barkley Square 1700 sq ft I ............. z " '_ ,, l [I family Unit -- $460  I WE DO dlr. D1/21 Store Frontage Retail.. , ' ........ " ......... I ll', TA 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large 606 WESTCO I 4 be2. bath, large I , ,v,v,.-- L-,p,n.a. ing sale of this beautiful 3 bedroom li Jl It 1  I I Now Taking Applications I • 10-,. Financing15 & 30-Yearand refinancingM°rtgages home in niCeandneighborhoOd.unbelievable Assume " ,o. ] iI Call for,4ppointmentnll[ huge equity terms to :'!i Ask for Rentals  I I1 1z7-7909 I111 • Home Equity Credit Lines sell fast. Call today, SN #25254 dlr, 1- ,, ALL MASON COUNTY 800-542-5624. Dl/14 Property Management Services Since 1976 I ......... RESIDENTS CAN JOIN 1 • . .t, . , Peninsula Community [  I , Federal Credit Union ]  J 1-800-426-1601 I  T [ (\\; 1 I I Mg [ re enta mt. 427 6154 m .r00TAfi00 ! aOUn.aLl00il ,,.= ...,o. 00o,o.,o ' -,cL00SSlFIEgt00lilll 441 • Downtown - JR. HI. APARTMENTS Extra Large 1 Bdrrn Available Now, [,i. 0, ff,,0;,O. 0;O,,0, T, dT, d,O.,0,j ,v  .,., .,,, ,..,,. j %1"O1 211 ll • Laundry Facility. Secured Building. $415. Downtown, 3 bdr, 1.5 bath, fresh paint, new carpet, 2 car garage. $700 11 i,,,,, . • Pine Park- 1050 Sq. Ft. 2 Bdrm Duplex, D/W, W/D Hook-Up, Garage w/ Opener, Fenced Back Yard. $625. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.II  | 227 West CotaJl l MORTGAGES • COTA STREET, 3 Bdrm Apt, laundry, wsg pd. $645 • Downtown studio apt, laundry, wsg pd $375 • Angleside, 4+bdr House, 1.5 Bath, w/d hk-up, gas heat & cook, fenced ( yard, carport, $700.00 UN • Russellwood - 3 Bdrm, Continental Bath, D/W, W/D Hook-up, Large 2 Refinance and consolidate all oL car Garage. $615. your credit card debt to a low '"' • Fawn Lake, Newer 3bdr, 2bath manufactured home, DAN, W/D hk-up, 2 car Carport... $750 monthly payment, ibua Buckowski J • Shorecrest - 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath Mobile, D/W, W/D Hook-Up, Garage. $550. • Russellwood- 3 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Garage, Fireplace, W/S paid, W/D Hook- a6o-29o-2aS4 "Home Loan Specialist" Up. $640 a Refinances, Debt Consolidation, Purchases, Custom Construction | • Timberlakes, 2 Bdr. mobile, w/d hk-up, water paid, $440 • Mason Lake. 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Lake Front. Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher. I ...... .  Dock. $go0. tip i • MINI STORAGES PICKERING PROTECT-IT A-1 [ 800-370-3620 II Heated Units N Hwy 101 Cots St., Inside/Heated J Extension ... 56321 ... Daily Interest Rates 1 Various sizes including 5x10, 10x10, 10x20 $29 to $85 monthly I ... 10741 ... Home Refinance 1 __ J ...56301... Buyer Pre-Approval 1 24 Hour Recorded Info. II "'" "7"" "  """ "'' I FEE  Scott Eichhorn & Roger Potthoff