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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES RCs No. 7105.20030/Vopat, Lan L. and Peggy Grantors: North Pacific Truat=e, Inc. ,. EquiVantege, Inc. Grantee: Yopat, Larry L and Peggy Notice of Trustae'a 8sis Pursuant to the  Code of Wsehlngton 61.24, at ssq. I. On January 29, 1999, at 10:00 ll.m.   main lobby of the Mason County Courthouse, Comer of 4th St. and Alder St. in the City of Shelton, State of WMhington, the Undemlgned True- tee (subject to any conditions In by the trustee to protect lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sele, e following descdbed reel property, situated in the ty(ias) of Mason,  of Washington: Tax Parcel ID NO.: 32030-51-08005t32030-51-0802(M32030-51-08028 Parcel 1: Lot Rvs (5), Block Eight (8), Bevedy Height= Addition to Shelton, Washington, Vo- lume 3 of Plats, Page 2, records of Muort County, Washington. Parcel 2: Lots Twentyslx (26) and twentysevan (27), Block Eight (8), Bevedy Heights Addition to Sbelton, Wludltngton, Volume 3 of Plats, Page 2, records of Mason County, Wa. Parcel 3: Lot Twentyelght (28), Block Eight (8), Bevedy Heights  to Shetlon, Wmd, Volume 3 of Plats, Page 2, records of Mason County, Washington. Commonly known as: 2040 Lake Boulevard Shalton, WA g8584 which is subject to that carton Deed of Trust dated 8/27/96, recorded on 9/5/96, under Audl- tor's File No. 633684, records of Mason , WUhington, from Let W L. Vopst and Peggy Vo- pat, husband and wife, as Grantor, to Washington Administrative Services, Inc., as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of EquIVantage Inc., a Delaware co, as Baneflen/. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of  Deed of Trust le now pending to seek satis- faction of the obligation in any Court by reason of  Gnmtofs or Borrower's default on the obll. gation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the following amounts now in arrears and/or other defaults: A. Monthly Payment= B. Late Chergee C. Advances D. Other Fees Total Arrearage $3.262.70 E. Trustse's Expenm (Itemization) Trustee,s Fee Attorneys' Fees Tits Report Process Service Photocopies Statutory Mailings Recording Fees Toll Calls Publication Inspection Fees Other Total Costa $1,174.48 Total Amount Due: Amcunt dua to reinmte by 10/15/98 $3,122:90 $126.80 $0.OO $33.00 $650.00 $0.OO 23 $126.00 $20.00 $402S $3O.OO $15.00 $0.oo $o.oo $0.OO INA6/.18 Other potential defaults do not Invoke payment to the Banefidluy. If appli¢eble, each of defaults must also be cured. Listed below are categories of common defaults which do not in- volve payment of money to the Benolk. Op each such listed ditault Is a brief dsecdp tion of the action/documentation neceary to cure the default. The list dose not exhaust all pod- ble other defaults; any defaults tdentitled by Benel or Trustee tl't are not flstod below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments Default under any senior lien Failure to insure property against hazard Waste Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sale) ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Deliver to Trustee wdttan proof that all taxes and =m=mwn= nt h' property = paid current Deliver to Tru=ee wdtfan proof that all senior liens ere paid currant and that no oer default= exkt Deliver to Trum wditan proof that the prop. arty is Insured against hazard as required by the Deed of Trust Cease and desist from committing waste, re- pair = dan-age to property and maintain prop- erty as required In Deed of Trust Revert title to pe vestee IV. The sum owing on the obllgatlon secured by the Deed of Trust Is: Pdnclpal Balance of $53,534.79, together wlth Interest as  In  nofa or oer Instrument secured from 5/I/98, and such other costs and fees as we due under the Note or other Irmrumant secured, =nlse are provided by statute. V. The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obllge- tn secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The =de will be made  w, express or implied regarding title, , or anctnbran(e on 1/2g/99. The dofat(s) re- ferred to in paragraph III, together with any  paynlantl, late charges,  o01ts and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 1118/99(11 days I:,#ore the sole date), to ususe a db- continuance of the sale. The  will be dkmontlnu and terrrdrBted If tt =my time before the close of the Trustes's business on 1118/99 (11 dlys before the sale date), the default(I)   r forth in paragraph III, together wflh eny  ,  chergel, , costs arty fees thereafter due, Is/are cured and the TRaltoe's feel and  are I:el. The m may be ter- minated any time aftar1118199 (11 days biters the le data), and before the lale by the Borrow- er, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any rxled Nnlor lien or encumb p/ing the entire balance of pdn¢lpal and interest  by file Deed of TnJst, plus coets, fees, and ad- vances, if any made pursuant to the term= of the oblige'l end/or Deed of Trust VI. A written notice of default was  by the Banefidery or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following addren(ee): NAME AND ADDRESS Larry L Vopat Peggy Vopat 2040 Lake Boulevard 2040 Lake Boulevard Shelton, WA 98584 Shalton, WA 98584 by both first class and either certified mall, return receipt requested, or registered mail on 9/8/98, proof of which is In the pouNmldon of the TRBtea; and on 5/11/98 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with maid wdtton notice of default or the wdttan notice of default was posted on a conspicuous piece on the real property delcdbed In paragraph I above, ertd the True. tee has possession of proof of such seneca or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are let torth below will provide In writing to anyone requesting it a statement of all foreclosure costs and 'a fees due at any time pdor to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or un- der the Grantor of all their dght, title and interest in h*'te ::Mt property. IX. Anyone having any objection tO the Ja on any ground= whatsoever will be afforded an of)- portunlty to be heard as to then Ol:Kma If they bdng a lawsuit to rostraln tile sale pumuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bdng such •  may result In a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale, NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the TRadN's 8ale Is entitled to possession of the property on Ihe 20th day following the Isle, as agair the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone  an Interest Junior to the deed of trust, kkjding oc- cupants and tenants. After the 20th day fo '1 sale e purchaser has  dght to evict oc- cupants and tenants by summary proce under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW DATED: October 15,1998 North Pacific Trustee, Inc., Truatae By/S/David E. Fannell Its Vice President PO BOX 4143 Bellevue, WA 98009-4143 Contact: Shannon Blood (425) 686-1900 Thla ie sn attempt to €olla a debt and any Information obtained will be used for that purpose. 1Q1 It Hie No. 7281.2000 1/Welch, EIII J. Grantors: North Pacific Truatae, Inc. Summltyma Corp. Grantee: Welch, Elfi J. Notloe ef Truet'= Pursuant to the Revised Gods of Wdngton 61.24, at seq. I. On January 29, 1999, at 10.'00 a.m. leadde  main lobby of the  County Courthou, Comer of 4th St. and Aider St. in e City of hOItoO, State of Wasllington, the Underalgned True- tee (subject to any conditions Imposed by the trustee to protect lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the highest lind belt bidder, payable it time of sale, the following de,dbed real property, situated In the County(lee} of Mason, 8tote of Washington: Tax Parcel ID No.: 32127-63-00173 Lot(s) 173, Lake Llmedck NO. 4, as par ptet recOKled In Volume 6 of Plats, Page(s) 190 to 195, both inclusive, records of Muo County, Wuhington. Together with tlt certain 1982 Fu- qua manufactured home, being 24X52 Inn alza, kx=led on Bald promieu. Commonly known as: East 2660  Iumn Lake Reed Staten, WAN684 which .s subject to that certain Dsedo( Rt detld 1/31/97, recorded on 2/10/97, under Audi- tor's File No. 641776, reorde of Mln Olty, Wlshk,   J. Waloh, an woman, as Grantor, to Land Tills Correny, all TRIIt00, to  an oblgitlon Ii1  of Good- rich & Pennington Mortgage Fund I, L,P. (t=L LIC, NO, 005-12g, Is Bano(kdlty, the benolkdal interest in which was assigned by Ek'drl TRlet Company of C, N,A., at  or Trustee to Summtyma COrp., under/in A ASSJg recorded UndM Auditor's File No. 661761. IL No action commenced by the B Of the DNd Of TRIer le now INIndll to seek MtllP Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 21, 1999 faction of the obligation in any Court by reason of e Grantors Or Borrowers default on the obli. gation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the foIowlng amounts now In arrears and/or other defaults: A. Monthly Payments B. Late Charges C. Advances D. Other Arrears Total Arrearage $8,535.02 E. Trustee'8 Expanm (Itemization) Trustee's Fee Attorneys' Fees Tittle Report Process Service Photocopies Statutory Mailings Recording Fees Toll Calls Publication Inspection Fees Oer Total Coats $1,168.73 Total Amount Due: Amount due to relnstate by 10/2598 $5,887.44 $3682S $2683O $O.OO $550.00 $0.OO $80023 $120.00 $2O.OO $345O $30.00 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other potential default= do not Involve payment to the Beneficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must also be cured. Usted below are cetegodas of common default= which do not In- volve payment of money to the Benelk:uy. Opposite each such listed default is a bdef descrip- tion of the acon/documentat1 necessy to cure the defaulL The list does not exhaust all possi- ble other defaults; any defaults Identified by Beneficiary or Trustee lhet are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT Nonpayment ot Taxss/Ansean'mts Default under any senior lien Failure to insure property against hazard Waste Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sets) ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Deliver to Trustee wdtten proof that all taxes and assessments agelnst the property ere pald current Deliver to Trustee written proof that all senior liens ere paid cummt and tlt no otler defaults exist Deliver to Trustee written proof that the prop- erty Is insured against hazard as required by Dead of Trust Cease and desist from commlttlng waste, re- pair all damage to property and rneintaln prop- erty as required In Deed of Trust Revert title to pe vestee IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust Is: Principal Balance of $54,585.07, together with Interest u provided in the note or other Instrument secured from 10/1/97, and such other costa and fese It= me due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as ere provided by statute. V. The above-described real property will be eold to satisfy  expense of sale and the obtige- tion secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by sfatiJts. The le Will be rnade without wan'anty, sxpress or implied regarding title, poseeaalon, Or encumbrances on 1/29/99. The default(s) re- ferred to in paragraph III, togethar with any Kequsnt payments, late charge=, advances coots and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 1118/99 (11 clays before   date), to  a dl continuance of the sale. The  will be dllcntlnusd and terminated If at any tlma before the close of the Trustee's business on 1118/99 (11 days before the sale date), the defautt(s) as set forth In paragraph III, together wi any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, Is/ere cured and the Trusteal fees and costs ere paid. The sale may be ter- minated any time after 1/18/99 (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Bonow. er, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded Junior lien or encumbrance payklg the entire balance of pdnclpal and Interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus coots, fees, and ed. vances, if any made pursuant to the tsrrm of the oblgetion and/or Deed of Tna¢ VI. A written notice of default was b'andtt=d by  Ber',etlary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following eddre(u): NAME AND ADDRESS Lift J. Welch John Doe Welch, East 2660 East Mason Lake Reed spouse of Elfi J. Welch Shslton, WA 98584 East 2680 East MalK Lake Rced Sheen, WA 68684 by both first class and either certified mall, retum receipt requested, or registered mall on 9t17/98, proof of which Is In the 10om=n of the Trustee; and on 9/19/98 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with  wdtten notice of default or the written notice of default was posted on a coneplcucus plase 0n the real praperty dldbed In paragregh I above, and the Tru =- tee has possession of proof of such service or polng,, Vll. The Trustee whose name and address are set fodh below will provide in writing to anyone requesting It a statement of all foreclceure coati and truMoe's fees duo at any time prior to the =de. VIII. The effect of the sale will be tO depdve the Gretor and all those who hold by, through or un- der the Grantor of all their dght, title and Interest In the bed property. D Anyone having any objection to the Isle on any grounds wifacever will be afforded an op- portunity to be heerd 8s to thuse objection8 If they I=dng a Jaweuit to rudmln the sere pursuant to RCW 6124.130. FalJuro to bdng such a 18wault may rosult in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustsa's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entYded to possession of ths propeny on the 20th day lollowlng the sole, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest Junior to  deed of trust, Including oc- cupants and tenants. After the 20h clay fdik3wklg the sale the purd'mser has  dght to evict oc- cupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. DATED: October 25, 1998 North Pacific Truatea, INS., Truatae By Is/David E. Fermeli Its Vice President PO BOX 4143 Bellevue, WA 98009.4143 Contact= Becky Baker (425) 586-1900 This Is an attempt to collect a debt and any Information obtained will be used for that purpose. 1/21 It M/ON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Subeteral Development, Notice IS hereby given that ALBERT MILLER who is the OWNER of the delmdbed property has Nod en 8ppllcam for a Shoreline Management Permit- Substantial Develop mant, for the development of: Id=,AGE Wn'H APT ABOVE/COVERED DECK Site Addre: 4180 E MASON LAKED DR W GRAPEVIEW Project Location: SOUTN SHORE TO TRAIL8 END LK RD TURN LEFT CON- TINUE TO MASON LK DR W TURN RIGHT GO 2.4 MILE8 DRIVEWAY ON LEFT Parcel #222a30(X Parcel Numbs. 2223MdX)0006 VWt... (quarter set, on) of 'on... Township, .22N Range...OW.W.M., In GRAPEVIEW, Muon County, Wash- Ingt. Said development is proposed within MA. SON LAKE and/or Its asloclited wetlands. Any Person desldng to express r view or to be notified of the action token on the appllcallon MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P,O. BOX 8HELTON, WA In wrltlng of thelr Interest wiin 30 day= of the final date of publication g(van pummmt to WAC 173-14-020. The final dmof publication, poing, or mai,ng of no§co I| 01,'21Re. Wdtten comments must be received by A public hudng will be held on this pomrdt request. Contact   at'(0) 427,0870, Extmak)n 16  date ancl Urnl of Iu'thg. areshoM  under W/ 197-11- 800 (1)(b)(I) [alnole family roaddartoe and a¢- csery suures otalde of an ser arms]. 1/14,,21 2t MASON COUNTY ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substant Devekxmmt, Condlfonel Use Notkm ts hereby given that FRED JONES who Is the OWNER of the described property flied an appllcitlon for a Shoreline Man- agement Pore'dr- 8ubstantlat Development, Conditional Use for the development of: e0 • QUARE FOOT ADDITION TO EXISTING KITCHEN Site Addreas: 1180 E PICKERING RD SHELTON Project Local: GO OUT HWY 3 TO PICKERING RD/TURN RIGHT GO 1 MILE ON RIGHT. Paroel #2213211OOloo Parcel  221321100190 Within... (quarter section] of Sectlon... Township...21N Range,..02W.W.M., In ELTON, Mason County, Washington. Said development Is proposed within SPENCER LAKE end/or its associated wst- lands. Any person deslflng to express their view or to be notified of  action taken on the ebplicatlon should not. MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT p.o. BOX S73 81tELTON, WA 98584 in writing of thelr Interest withln 30 days of the final date of publication given pursuant to WAG 173-14-020. The Itl data of publktion, I or  of  Is 01/21/1. Wdttan comments must be received by A public beadng will be held on this permit request Contact  offk at (360) 427-9670,  206 tot dote and time of headng. A Datarmb',itlon of Nor, significance was IMusd on 01/12R0 Under WAC 197-11-340. Wditan comments regarding this determl- ndon mu be by 01/27/99. 1/14.21 2t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED Jar 4,1999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, etal, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, et el, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. iF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 2120 Madison Street, Shelton WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98584 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Lot Eight (8) Block Three (3) Extension to Mountain View Addition to Shelton, Washington as recorded in Volume 4 of Plats at page 43, records of the Auditor of Mason County. Tax Parcel NO. 42013-50-03008 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $ 22,066.34 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Fdday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED iN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 10th DAY OF January, 1999. Shsdff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY IS/Irene Moftstt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 4, 1999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, DOUGLAS W. TWlTCHELL, DEALING WITH HIS SOLE & SEPARATE PROPERTY, et ai, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, Douglas W. Twitchell, deal- ing with his sole and separate property, et el, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 410 N Olympic Trails Drive, Ltlli- waup WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98555 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Lot Eight (8) Olympic Trails, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats at page 104.108 both inclu- sive, records of the Auditor of Mason County. Tax Parcel NO. 32434-500008 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $17,395.92 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Fdday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99,1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 19th DAY OF January, 1999. Shedff Steve Whyberk Mason County, Washington BY IS/Irene Moffaft DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERtFPS PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED Janu=y 4, t DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIAhJE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, et as, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, et ai, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 1341, 1343, 1345 & 1347 E Island View Reed, Gmpaviow WASHINGTON, ZIP # g0S46 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Tracts A, B, C & D of Short Subdivision No. 1306, recorded August 16, 1983, Auditor's File No. 418536, belng a portion of Government LOt Two (2), Section Twenty-two (22), Township Twenty-one (21), North, Range Two (2) West, W.M, Tax Parcel Nos, 22122-41-90031; 22122- 41-90032; 22122-41-90033 and 22122-41- 9OO34; THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $ 205,689.58 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BE- FORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Fdday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED iN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 19th DAY OF January, 1999. Shenff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 99 4 00006 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY IN RE THE ESTATE OF: ANDREJS BRINGIS, Deceased. THE UNDERSIGNED has been appointed and has qualified as Personal Representative of the estate of the above-named deceased. Each person having a claim against the de- ceased must serve the claim on the under- signed Personal Representative or on the at- torney of record at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the clerk of the court within four (4) months after the data of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of fil- ing of a copy of this notice with the clerk of the court, whichever is the later, or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions in- cluded in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of Notice to Creditors: Janu 11, 1999 Date of first publicatk: January 14, 1999 DATED THIS 15th day of December, 1998. Is/Cynthia J. Dymes CYNTHIA J. DYRNES Personal Representative P.O. Box 1417 Shslton, WA 98584 JEANETTE W. BOOTHE, #15687 Attorney for Estate 326 W. Alder/P.O. Box 1417 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-7198 1/14-21-28 3t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT CAUSE # 98 2 498 7 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 22, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 11, 1999 DATE OF LEVY January 19, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, PLAINTIFF, VS. THE ESTATE OF LYLE G. WARE, DE- CEASED, ALL HEIRS AND DEVISEES, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OF LYLE G. WARE, DECEASED, DEFENDANT(S) TO: THE ESTATE OF LYLE G. WARE DECEASED, ALL HEIRS AND DEVISEES, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OF LYLE G. WARE, DECEASED, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 191 E VILLAGE VIEW DRIVE, AL- LYN WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98624 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE LOT 93 OF LAKELAND VILLAGE NO. 1, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 4t, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TAX PARCEL NO. 12220-50-00093 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $95,011.90, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 26th DAY OF FEBRU- ARY, 1999, ON FRIDAY, AT THE MAIN EN- TRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/21/99, 1/28,99, 2/4/99, 2/11/99 DATED THIS 15th DAY OF JANUARY, 1999. BY Is/Irene Moifstt DEPUTY 1/21-28.2/4-11 4t MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Sub=m De Notice Is hereby given that WILLIAM SHEARER who Is the owner of the described property has filed an applk=tlon for a Shoraline Management Permit- Submnttal Develop meat, for the development of:. CONSTRUCT FT. LONG BY 8 FT. WIDE RXED PIER, 40 FT. LONG BY 4 FT. WIDE RAMP, AND 30 FT. WIDE BY 20 FT. DEEP FLOAT WITH 9 FT. WIDE BY 22 FT. DEEP BOAT SUP; PIER SUPPORTED BY 6 CHEMONITE PIL- ING AND THE FLOAT SECURED BY 5 CHEMONITE PIUNG; TOTAL LENGTH OF STRUCTURE IS 100 FEET FROM THE EX- ISTING CONCRETE BULKHEAD. Sits Address: 6341 NE NORTH 8HERE RD BELFAIR Project Loceon: WEST FROM BELFAIR 6 1/4 MILES ON NORTH SHORE ROAD TO NE 6341 ADORF.8 Parc Number:. 222OO61OOO28 Within... (quarter section) of Section...00 Township.,N =nge...0=W.W.M. In BELFAIR, Mmmn County, Washington. Said development i8 proposed within HOOD CANAL and/or its associated wet- lands. Any person dulflng to exprese their view or to be notified of the action taken ont application should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPAF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 in wdting of their interest within the final date of publication ! WAC 173-14-020. The final data of posting, or mailing of notice is 01/28/99. Written comments must be 02./27/99. A public hsanng will be held on this request. Contact this office at (360) Extension 365 for date and time of hearing.. A Determination of Nonslgnificancs issued on 01/25/99 under WAC Wdtten comments regarding this nation must be received by 02/09/99, CORRECTED CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of Public of Mason County, invite sealed Pioneer Substation, in accordance Specification No. E3-99 obtainable District upon request. Proposals for construction of the Substation must teen No. E3-99 and filed with the Agent at the Districts office in Sheiton, ington, by 3:00 p.m., 3,1999. Each bid shall be accompanied by bond, in the amount not less than 5% amount bid, with a corporate surety do business In the State, and considered unless accompanied by such i bond. At the time and place named, will be opened and read, and the Commissioners will proceed to canvaN bids and may let the contract to th, sponslble bidder of the specifications. ' Board of Commissioners reserves the qualified fight in its sole and to reject any and all bids, and to which in its sole and absolute under all circumstances, est of the District. PUBLIC UTlUTY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF MASON COUNTY Bruce E. Jorgenson, President John H. Whelan, Vice President Llnde R. Got',, Secretary Date January 5,1999 Publish: Janmm/ 7,1999 Job Show:. January 20, @ 235 South Third Street, ington Bid Opening: February 3, 1999 @ p.m. @ 235 South Third Street, Washington ROSTER - 1999 The County of Mason (pursuant to 36.32.270 and RCW 39.04.280) Is compiling a list of Contractors to emergency winter the county reed department, Work includes, but is not limited plong and sanng We will contracting with the County on basis. Work may be accomplished with tor's equipment; or, Mason County's ment may be used, vtded). Letters of Interest should include retas and equipment avalleblilty. SUBMITTALS: Interested parties submit Letters of Interest to Department of Public Works P O Shetlon WA 98584, Janus27,1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 99 4 00008 1 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE PAUl.: A. CARRIERE, Deceased. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ass. COUNTY OF KITSAP ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the dern s m lxn u tm € as Personal Representative/Administrator the above entitled estate; that all ing claims required to serve the same on said representative or John M. Davis of record at the address stated below four months after the data of first this notice or the date of filing of a nonce with the Clerk of Court whichever is er, and within ten days to file the same, together with I service with the Clerk of said Court, same wlfl be barred. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 1999 DATE OF FILING A COPY OF TO CREDITORS: Jan. 13, 1999 Is/Bijou Anna Merk Cardare White BIJOU ANNA MARIE CARI Personal Representative/Administrator, cJo JOHN M. DAVIS, JR. Attorney for Estate P. O. Box 4540 Sou Co, WA 98384-0S40 1/21-28-2/4 PUBLIC NOTICE Rick Krueger, P. O. Box 548, Belfair, 96528, Is seeking coverage Under Washington General Permit for Stormwatsr Associated with Construction Activities. Construction commenced in 1998 on the 40 acre project known as Heights. The site Is located .75 miles Nodtt the intemectlon at Highway 106 and 3, (Mile Marker 26) ly 7 vu'se Ill being stomwater facilits, roads, utilities family homes. Stormwater will be an on-site detenn system approved by I son County Public Work= prior to discharge roadside ditch stream, to Union River. have been established along seasonal age. Any person dasldng to the Department of Ecology concerning t appticetlon, may notify In 30 days of the last date of notice. Comment= can bo submitted to: perb'nant of Look@j, Stonuwatar Unit, PO waw, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES RCs No. 7105.20030/Vopat, Lan L. and Peggy Grantors: North Pacific Truat=e, Inc. ,. EquiVantege, Inc. Grantee: Yopat, Larry L and Peggy Notice of Trustae'a 8sis Pursuant to the  Code of Wsehlngton 61.24, at ssq. I. On January 29, 1999, at 10:00 ll.m.   main lobby of the Mason County Courthouse, Comer of 4th St. and Alder St. in the City of Shelton, State of WMhington, the Undemlgned True- tee (subject to any conditions In by the trustee to protect lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sele, e following descdbed reel property, situated in the ty(ias) of Mason,  of Washington: Tax Parcel ID NO.: 32030-51-08005t32030-51-0802(M32030-51-08028 Parcel 1: Lot Rvs (5), Block Eight (8), Bevedy Height= Addition to Shelton, Washington, Vo- lume 3 of Plats, Page 2, records of Muort County, Washington. Parcel 2: Lots Twentyslx (26) and twentysevan (27), Block Eight (8), Bevedy Heights Addition to Sbelton, Wludltngton, Volume 3 of Plats, Page 2, records of Mason County, Wa. Parcel 3: Lot Twentyelght (28), Block Eight (8), Bevedy Heights  to Shetlon, Wmd, Volume 3 of Plats, Page 2, records of Mason County, Washington. Commonly known as: 2040 Lake Boulevard Shalton, WA g8584 which is subject to that carton Deed of Trust dated 8/27/96, recorded on 9/5/96, under Audl- tor's File No. 633684, records of Mason , WUhington, from Let W L. Vopst and Peggy Vo- pat, husband and wife, as Grantor, to Washington Administrative Services, Inc., as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of EquIVantage Inc., a Delaware co, as Baneflen/. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of  Deed of Trust le now pending to seek satis- faction of the obligation in any Court by reason of  Gnmtofs or Borrower's default on the obll. gation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the following amounts now in arrears and/or other defaults: A. Monthly Payment= B. Late Chergee C. Advances D. Other Fees Total Arrearage $3.262.70 E. Trustse's Expenm (Itemization) Trustee,s Fee Attorneys' Fees Tits Report Process Service Photocopies Statutory Mailings Recording Fees Toll Calls Publication Inspection Fees Other Total Costa $1,174.48 Total Amount Due: Amcunt dua to reinmte by 10/15/98 $3,122:90 $126.80 $0.OO $33.00 $650.00 $0.OO 23 $126.00 $20.00 $402S $3O.OO $15.00 $0.oo $o.oo $0.OO INA6/.18 Other potential defaults do not Invoke payment to the Banefidluy. If appli¢eble, each of defaults must also be cured. Listed below are categories of common defaults which do not in- volve payment of money to the Benolk. Op each such listed ditault Is a brief dsecdp tion of the action/documentation neceary to cure the default. The list dose not exhaust all pod- ble other defaults; any defaults tdentitled by Benel or Trustee tl't are not flstod below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments Default under any senior lien Failure to insure property against hazard Waste Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sale) ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Deliver to Trustee wdttan proof that all taxes and =m=mwn= nt h' property = paid current Deliver to Tru=ee wdtfan proof that all senior liens ere paid currant and that no oer default= exkt Deliver to Trum wditan proof that the prop. arty is Insured against hazard as required by the Deed of Trust Cease and desist from committing waste, re- pair = dan-age to property and maintain prop- erty as required In Deed of Trust Revert title to pe vestee IV. The sum owing on the obllgatlon secured by the Deed of Trust Is: Pdnclpal Balance of $53,534.79, together wlth Interest as  In  nofa or oer Instrument secured from 5/I/98, and such other costs and fees as we due under the Note or other Irmrumant secured, =nlse are provided by statute. V. The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obllge- tn secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The =de will be made  w, express or implied regarding title, , or anctnbran(e on 1/2g/99. The dofat(s) re- ferred to in paragraph III, together with any  paynlantl, late charges,  o01ts and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 1118/99(11 days I:,#ore the sole date), to ususe a db- continuance of the sale. The  will be dkmontlnu and terrrdrBted If tt =my time before the close of the Trustes's business on 1118/99 (11 dlys before the sale date), the default(I)   r forth in paragraph III, together wflh eny  ,  chergel, , costs arty fees thereafter due, Is/are cured and the TRaltoe's feel and  are I:el. The m may be ter- minated any time aftar1118199 (11 days biters the le data), and before the lale by the Borrow- er, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any rxled Nnlor lien or encumb p/ing the entire balance of pdn¢lpal and interest  by file Deed of TnJst, plus coets, fees, and ad- vances, if any made pursuant to the term= of the oblige'l end/or Deed of Trust VI. A written notice of default was  by the Banefidery or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following addren(ee): NAME AND ADDRESS Larry L Vopat Peggy Vopat 2040 Lake Boulevard 2040 Lake Boulevard Shelton, WA 98584 Shalton, WA 98584 by both first class and either certified mall, return receipt requested, or registered mail on 9/8/98, proof of which is In the pouNmldon of the TRBtea; and on 5/11/98 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with maid wdtton notice of default or the wdttan notice of default was posted on a conspicuous piece on the real property delcdbed In paragraph I above, ertd the True. tee has possession of proof of such seneca or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are let torth below will provide In writing to anyone requesting it a statement of all foreclosure costs and 'a fees due at any time pdor to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or un- der the Grantor of all their dght, title and interest in h*'te ::Mt property. IX. Anyone having any objection tO the Ja on any ground= whatsoever will be afforded an of)- portunlty to be heard as to then Ol:Kma If they bdng a lawsuit to rostraln tile sale pumuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bdng such •  may result In a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale, NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the TRadN's 8ale Is entitled to possession of the property on Ihe 20th day following the Isle, as agair the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone  an Interest Junior to the deed of trust, kkjding oc- cupants and tenants. After the 20th day fo '1 sale e purchaser has  dght to evict oc- cupants and tenants by summary proce under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW DATED: October 15,1998 North Pacific Trustee, Inc., Truatae By/S/David E. Fannell Its Vice President PO BOX 4143 Bellevue, WA 98009-4143 Contact: Shannon Blood (425) 686-1900 Thla ie sn attempt to €olla a debt and any Information obtained will be used for that purpose. 1Q1 It Hie No. 7281.2000 1/Welch, EIII J. Grantors: North Pacific Truatae, Inc. Summltyma Corp. Grantee: Welch, Elfi J. Notloe ef Truet'= Pursuant to the Revised Gods of Wdngton 61.24, at seq. I. On January 29, 1999, at 10.'00 a.m. leadde  main lobby of the  County Courthou, Comer of 4th St. and Aider St. in e City of hOItoO, State of Wasllington, the Underalgned True- tee (subject to any conditions Imposed by the trustee to protect lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the highest lind belt bidder, payable it time of sale, the following de,dbed real property, situated In the County(lee} of Mason, 8tote of Washington: Tax Parcel ID No.: 32127-63-00173 Lot(s) 173, Lake Llmedck NO. 4, as par ptet recOKled In Volume 6 of Plats, Page(s) 190 to 195, both inclusive, records of Muo County, Wuhington. Together with tlt certain 1982 Fu- qua manufactured home, being 24X52 Inn alza, kx=led on Bald promieu. Commonly known as: East 2660  Iumn Lake Reed Staten, WAN684 which .s subject to that certain Dsedo( Rt detld 1/31/97, recorded on 2/10/97, under Audi- tor's File No. 641776, reorde of Mln Olty, Wlshk,   J. Waloh, an woman, as Grantor, to Land Tills Correny, all TRIIt00, to  an oblgitlon Ii1  of Good- rich & Pennington Mortgage Fund I, L,P. (t=L LIC, NO, 005-12g, Is Bano(kdlty, the benolkdal interest in which was assigned by Ek'drl TRlet Company of C, N,A., at  or Trustee to Summtyma COrp., under/in A ASSJg recorded UndM Auditor's File No. 661761. IL No action commenced by the B Of the DNd Of TRIer le now INIndll to seek MtllP Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, January 21, 1999 faction of the obligation in any Court by reason of e Grantors Or Borrowers default on the obli. gation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the foIowlng amounts now In arrears and/or other defaults: A. Monthly Payments B. Late Charges C. Advances D. Other Arrears Total Arrearage $8,535.02 E. Trustee'8 Expanm (Itemization) Trustee's Fee Attorneys' Fees Tittle Report Process Service Photocopies Statutory Mailings Recording Fees Toll Calls Publication Inspection Fees Oer Total Coats $1,168.73 Total Amount Due: Amount due to relnstate by 10/2598 $5,887.44 $3682S $2683O $O.OO $550.00 $0.OO $80023 $120.00 $2O.OO $345O $30.00 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other potential default= do not Involve payment to the Beneficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must also be cured. Usted below are cetegodas of common default= which do not In- volve payment of money to the Benelk:uy. Opposite each such listed default is a bdef descrip- tion of the acon/documentat1 necessy to cure the defaulL The list does not exhaust all possi- ble other defaults; any defaults Identified by Beneficiary or Trustee lhet are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT Nonpayment ot Taxss/Ansean'mts Default under any senior lien Failure to insure property against hazard Waste Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sets) ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Deliver to Trustee wdtten proof that all taxes and assessments agelnst the property ere pald current Deliver to Trustee written proof that all senior liens ere paid cummt and tlt no otler defaults exist Deliver to Trustee written proof that the prop- erty Is insured against hazard as required by Dead of Trust Cease and desist from commlttlng waste, re- pair all damage to property and rneintaln prop- erty as required In Deed of Trust Revert title to pe vestee IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust Is: Principal Balance of $54,585.07, together with Interest u provided in the note or other Instrument secured from 10/1/97, and such other costa and fese It= me due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as ere provided by statute. V. The above-described real property will be eold to satisfy  expense of sale and the obtige- tion secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by sfatiJts. The le Will be rnade without wan'anty, sxpress or implied regarding title, poseeaalon, Or encumbrances on 1/29/99. The default(s) re- ferred to in paragraph III, togethar with any Kequsnt payments, late charge=, advances coots and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 1118/99 (11 clays before   date), to  a dl continuance of the sale. The  will be dllcntlnusd and terminated If at any tlma before the close of the Trustee's business on 1118/99 (11 days before the sale date), the defautt(s) as set forth In paragraph III, together wi any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, Is/ere cured and the Trusteal fees and costs ere paid. The sale may be ter- minated any time after 1/18/99 (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Bonow. er, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded Junior lien or encumbrance payklg the entire balance of pdnclpal and Interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus coots, fees, and ed. vances, if any made pursuant to the tsrrm of the oblgetion and/or Deed of Tna¢ VI. A written notice of default was b'andtt=d by  Ber',etlary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following eddre(u): NAME AND ADDRESS Lift J. Welch John Doe Welch, East 2660 East Mason Lake Reed spouse of Elfi J. Welch Shslton, WA 98584 East 2680 East MalK Lake Rced Sheen, WA 68684 by both first class and either certified mall, retum receipt requested, or registered mall on 9t17/98, proof of which Is In the 10om=n of the Trustee; and on 9/19/98 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with  wdtten notice of default or the written notice of default was posted on a coneplcucus plase 0n the real praperty dldbed In paragregh I above, and the Tru =- tee has possession of proof of such service or polng,, Vll. The Trustee whose name and address are set fodh below will provide in writing to anyone requesting It a statement of all foreclceure coati and truMoe's fees duo at any time prior to the =de. VIII. The effect of the sale will be tO depdve the Gretor and all those who hold by, through or un- der the Grantor of all their dght, title and Interest In the bed property. D Anyone having any objection to the Isle on any grounds wifacever will be afforded an op- portunity to be heerd 8s to thuse objection8 If they I=dng a Jaweuit to rudmln the sere pursuant to RCW 6124.130. FalJuro to bdng such a 18wault may rosult in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustsa's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entYded to possession of ths propeny on the 20th day lollowlng the sole, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest Junior to  deed of trust, Including oc- cupants and tenants. After the 20h clay fdik3wklg the sale the purd'mser has  dght to evict oc- cupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. DATED: October 25, 1998 North Pacific Truatea, INS., Truatae By Is/David E. Fermeli Its Vice President PO BOX 4143 Bellevue, WA 98009.4143 Contact= Becky Baker (425) 586-1900 This Is an attempt to collect a debt and any Information obtained will be used for that purpose. 1/21 It M/ON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Subeteral Development, Notice IS hereby given that ALBERT MILLER who is the OWNER of the delmdbed property has Nod en 8ppllcam for a Shoreline Management Permit- Substantial Develop mant, for the development of: Id=,AGE Wn'H APT ABOVE/COVERED DECK Site Addre: 4180 E MASON LAKED DR W GRAPEVIEW Project Location: SOUTN SHORE TO TRAIL8 END LK RD TURN LEFT CON- TINUE TO MASON LK DR W TURN RIGHT GO 2.4 MILE8 DRIVEWAY ON LEFT Parcel #222a30(X Parcel Numbs. 2223MdX)0006 VWt... (quarter set, on) of 'on... Township, .22N Range...OW.W.M., In GRAPEVIEW, Muon County, Wash- Ingt. Said development is proposed within MA. SON LAKE and/or Its asloclited wetlands. Any Person desldng to express r view or to be notified of the action token on the appllcallon MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P,O. BOX 8HELTON, WA In wrltlng of thelr Interest wiin 30 day= of the final date of publication g(van pummmt to WAC 173-14-020. The final dmof publication, poing, or mai,ng of no§co I| 01,'21Re. Wdtten comments must be received by A public hudng will be held on this pomrdt request. Contact   at'(0) 427,0870, Extmak)n 16  date ancl Urnl of Iu'thg. areshoM  under W/ 197-11- 800 (1)(b)(I) [alnole family roaddartoe and a¢- csery suures otalde of an ser arms]. 1/14,,21 2t MASON COUNTY ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substant Devekxmmt, Condlfonel Use Notkm ts hereby given that FRED JONES who Is the OWNER of the described property flied an appllcitlon for a Shoreline Man- agement Pore'dr- 8ubstantlat Development, Conditional Use for the development of: e0 • QUARE FOOT ADDITION TO EXISTING KITCHEN Site Addreas: 1180 E PICKERING RD SHELTON Project Local: GO OUT HWY 3 TO PICKERING RD/TURN RIGHT GO 1 MILE ON RIGHT. Paroel #2213211OOloo Parcel  221321100190 Within... (quarter section] of Sectlon... Township...21N Range,..02W.W.M., In ELTON, Mason County, Washington. Said development Is proposed within SPENCER LAKE end/or its associated wst- lands. Any person deslflng to express their view or to be notified of  action taken on the ebplicatlon should not. MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT p.o. BOX S73 81tELTON, WA 98584 in writing of thelr Interest withln 30 days of the final date of publication given pursuant to WAG 173-14-020. The Itl data of publktion, I or  of  Is 01/21/1. Wdttan comments must be received by A public beadng will be held on this permit request Contact  offk at (360) 427-9670,  206 tot dote and time of headng. A Datarmb',itlon of Nor, significance was IMusd on 01/12R0 Under WAC 197-11-340. Wditan comments regarding this determl- ndon mu be by 01/27/99. 1/14.21 2t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED Jar 4,1999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, etal, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, et el, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. iF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 2120 Madison Street, Shelton WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98584 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Lot Eight (8) Block Three (3) Extension to Mountain View Addition to Shelton, Washington as recorded in Volume 4 of Plats at page 43, records of the Auditor of Mason County. Tax Parcel NO. 42013-50-03008 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $ 22,066.34 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Fdday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED iN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 10th DAY OF January, 1999. Shsdff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY IS/Irene Moftstt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 4, 1999 DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIANE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, DOUGLAS W. TWlTCHELL, DEALING WITH HIS SOLE & SEPARATE PROPERTY, et ai, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, Douglas W. Twitchell, deal- ing with his sole and separate property, et el, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 410 N Olympic Trails Drive, Ltlli- waup WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98555 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Lot Eight (8) Olympic Trails, as recorded in Volume 9 of Plats at page 104.108 both inclu- sive, records of the Auditor of Mason County. Tax Parcel NO. 32434-500008 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $17,395.92 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Fdday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99,1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 19th DAY OF January, 1999. Shedff Steve Whyberk Mason County, Washington BY IS/Irene Moffaft DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t SHERtFPS PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT #98 9 992 5 CAUSE # 98 2 491 0 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December21, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED Janu=y 4, t DATE OF LEVY January 11, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DAVID B. YEADON PROFIT SHARING TRUST, PLAINTIFF, VS. WILLIAM P. LEMKE & DIAhJE E. LEMKE, husband and wife, et as, DEFENDANT(S) TO: William P. Lemke & Diane E. Lemke, husband and wife, et ai, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 1341, 1343, 1345 & 1347 E Island View Reed, Gmpaviow WASHINGTON, ZIP # g0S46 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE Tracts A, B, C & D of Short Subdivision No. 1306, recorded August 16, 1983, Auditor's File No. 418536, belng a portion of Government LOt Two (2), Section Twenty-two (22), Township Twenty-one (21), North, Range Two (2) West, W.M, Tax Parcel Nos, 22122-41-90031; 22122- 41-90032; 22122-41-90033 and 22122-41- 9OO34; THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $ 205,689.58 TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BE- FORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 19th DAY OF February, 1999, on Fdday, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED iN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/14/99, 1/21/99, 1/28/99, 2/4/99 DATED THIS 19th DAY OF January, 1999. Shenff Steve Whybark Mason County, Washington BY/s/Irene Moffatt DEPUTY 1/14-21-28-2/4 4t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 99 4 00006 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY IN RE THE ESTATE OF: ANDREJS BRINGIS, Deceased. THE UNDERSIGNED has been appointed and has qualified as Personal Representative of the estate of the above-named deceased. Each person having a claim against the de- ceased must serve the claim on the under- signed Personal Representative or on the at- torney of record at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the clerk of the court within four (4) months after the data of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of fil- ing of a copy of this notice with the clerk of the court, whichever is the later, or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions in- cluded in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of Notice to Creditors: Janu 11, 1999 Date of first publicatk: January 14, 1999 DATED THIS 15th day of December, 1998. Is/Cynthia J. Dymes CYNTHIA J. DYRNES Personal Representative P.O. Box 1417 Shslton, WA 98584 JEANETTE W. BOOTHE, #15687 Attorney for Estate 326 W. Alder/P.O. Box 1417 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-7198 1/14-21-28 3t SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT CAUSE # 98 2 498 7 JUDGMENT RENDERED ON December 22, 1998 WRIT OF EXECUTION OR ORDER OF SALE ISSUED January 11, 1999 DATE OF LEVY January 19, 1999 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, PLAINTIFF, VS. THE ESTATE OF LYLE G. WARE, DE- CEASED, ALL HEIRS AND DEVISEES, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OF LYLE G. WARE, DECEASED, DEFENDANT(S) TO: THE ESTATE OF LYLE G. WARE DECEASED, ALL HEIRS AND DEVISEES, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OF LYLE G. WARE, DECEASED, JUDGMENT DEBTORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY HAS DIRECTED THE UNDER- SIGNED SHERIFF OF MASON COUNTY TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BE- LOW, TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED ACTION. IF DEVELOPED, THE PROPERTY AD- DRESS IS 191 E VILLAGE VIEW DRIVE, AL- LYN WASHINGTON, ZIP # 98624 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AS FOL- LOWS, TAKEN FROM THE ORDER OF SALE LOT 93 OF LAKELAND VILLAGE NO. 1, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 4t, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TAX PARCEL NO. 12220-50-00093 THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR MAY AVOID THE SALE BY PAYING THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT OF $95,011.90, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST, COSTS, AND FEES BEFORE THE SALE DATE. FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT, CONTACT THE SHERIFF'S OF- FICE AT (360) 427-9670 OR P.O. BOX 1037, SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584. THE SALE SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT 10:00 A.M. ON THE 26th DAY OF FEBRU- ARY, 1999, ON FRIDAY, AT THE MAIN EN- TRANCE OF THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON FOURTH STREET. THE SALE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SHELTON JOURNAL ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: 1/21/99, 1/28,99, 2/4/99, 2/11/99 DATED THIS 15th DAY OF JANUARY, 1999. BY Is/Irene Moifstt DEPUTY 1/21-28.2/4-11 4t MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Sub=m De Notice Is hereby given that WILLIAM SHEARER who Is the owner of the described property has filed an applk=tlon for a Shoraline Management Permit- Submnttal Develop meat, for the development of:. CONSTRUCT FT. LONG BY 8 FT. WIDE RXED PIER, 40 FT. LONG BY 4 FT. WIDE RAMP, AND 30 FT. WIDE BY 20 FT. DEEP FLOAT WITH 9 FT. WIDE BY 22 FT. DEEP BOAT SUP; PIER SUPPORTED BY 6 CHEMONITE PIL- ING AND THE FLOAT SECURED BY 5 CHEMONITE PIUNG; TOTAL LENGTH OF STRUCTURE IS 100 FEET FROM THE EX- ISTING CONCRETE BULKHEAD. Sits Address: 6341 NE NORTH 8HERE RD BELFAIR Project Loceon: WEST FROM BELFAIR 6 1/4 MILES ON NORTH SHORE ROAD TO NE 6341 ADORF.8 Parc Number:. 222OO61OOO28 Within... (quarter section) of Section...00 Township.,N =nge...0=W.W.M. In BELFAIR, Mmmn County, Washington. Said development i8 proposed within HOOD CANAL and/or its associated wet- lands. Any person dulflng to exprese their view or to be notified of the action taken ont application should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPAF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 in wdting of their interest within the final date of publication ! WAC 173-14-020. The final data of posting, or mailing of notice is 01/28/99. Written comments must be 02./27/99. A public hsanng will be held on this request. Contact this office at (360) Extension 365 for date and time of hearing.. A Determination of Nonslgnificancs issued on 01/25/99 under WAC Wdtten comments regarding this nation must be received by 02/09/99, CORRECTED CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of Public of Mason County, invite sealed Pioneer Substation, in accordance Specification No. E3-99 obtainable District upon request. Proposals for construction of the Substation must teen No. E3-99 and filed with the Agent at the Districts office in Sheiton, ington, by 3:00 p.m., 3,1999. Each bid shall be accompanied by bond, in the amount not less than 5% amount bid, with a corporate surety do business In the State, and considered unless accompanied by such i bond. At the time and place named, will be opened and read, and the Commissioners will proceed to canvaN bids and may let the contract to th, sponslble bidder of the specifications. ' Board of Commissioners reserves the qualified fight in its sole and to reject any and all bids, and to which in its sole and absolute under all circumstances, est of the District. PUBLIC UTlUTY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF MASON COUNTY Bruce E. Jorgenson, President John H. Whelan, Vice President Llnde R. Got',, Secretary Date January 5,1999 Publish: Janmm/ 7,1999 Job Show:. January 20, @ 235 South Third Street, ington Bid Opening: February 3, 1999 @ p.m. @ 235 South Third Street, Washington ROSTER - 1999 The County of Mason (pursuant to 36.32.270 and RCW 39.04.280) Is compiling a list of Contractors to emergency winter the county reed department, Work includes, but is not limited plong and sanng We will contracting with the County on basis. Work may be accomplished with tor's equipment; or, Mason County's ment may be used, vtded). Letters of Interest should include retas and equipment avalleblilty. SUBMITTALS: Interested parties submit Letters of Interest to Department of Public Works P O Shetlon WA 98584, Janus27,1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 99 4 00008 1 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE PAUl.: A. CARRIERE, Deceased. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ass. COUNTY OF KITSAP ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the dern s m lxn u tm € as Personal Representative/Administrator the above entitled estate; that all ing claims required to serve the same on said representative or John M. Davis of record at the address stated below four months after the data of first this notice or the date of filing of a nonce with the Clerk of Court whichever is er, and within ten days to file the same, together with I service with the Clerk of said Court, same wlfl be barred. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 1999 DATE OF FILING A COPY OF TO CREDITORS: Jan. 13, 1999 Is/Bijou Anna Merk Cardare White BIJOU ANNA MARIE CARI Personal Representative/Administrator, cJo JOHN M. DAVIS, JR. Attorney for Estate P. O. Box 4540 Sou Co, WA 98384-0S40 1/21-28-2/4 PUBLIC NOTICE Rick Krueger, P. O. Box 548, Belfair, 96528, Is seeking coverage Under Washington General Permit for Stormwatsr Associated with Construction Activities. Construction commenced in 1998 on the 40 acre project known as Heights. The site Is located .75 miles Nodtt the intemectlon at Highway 106 and 3, (Mile Marker 26) ly 7 vu'se Ill being stomwater facilits, roads, utilities family homes. Stormwater will be an on-site detenn system approved by I son County Public Work= prior to discharge roadside ditch stream, to Union River. have been established along seasonal age. Any person dasldng to the Department of Ecology concerning t appticetlon, may notify In 30 days of the last date of notice. Comment= can bo submitted to: perb'nant of Look@j, Stonuwatar Unit, PO waw,