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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 21, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 21, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Nearly completed LIKE HIGHWAY 3 near Allyn, this has been closed. But according to Rich Stretch of North Shore Road I0 miles Geiger of the Mason County Public West of Belfair State Park has seen bet- Works Department, "It is very close to ter days. Since Thanksgiving, the road being fixed." fund-raiser set for February 6 Community Associa- will sponsor a fund- to benefit the community North Bay Review, be- at 6 p.m., Saturday, Fe- at Victor Hall. in North Mason is in- Tickets are $5 and are lable at the door, from local or ACA members. The evening's festivities prom- from door prizes have to be present to to live music, along with a donated for the auction fly fishing lessons, golf lessons, four rounds of golf along with a cart, five gallons of home- made beer, a homemade Afghan, dinners at local restaurants, a chainsaw carving, fruit leather, and much more. The fund-raiser is already off to a terrific start. The hall is be- ing donated by Ben and Margie Meservey, the band is playing for free, the auctioneer is donating his services, and several local es- tablishments are donating food, pop, and other supplies (BYOB), and items for the auction or raf- fle. A complete list of donated items will be available next month. bance scheduled t: ltreraerton Parks and Recrea- 0a Will hold its fourth annual addy/Daughter Dance on Satur- day, February 6. The dance will A,,tleld at the Sons of Norway :u, 1018 18th Street in Bremer- n, from 7 to 10 p.m. Cost for the dance is $12 per UPle, and $6 for each additional aUghter ' i-The evening will include danc-  the music of Jay Pee Bage,  Entertainment, games, Wings for prizes, and lots of 0 er fun activities. Also, a Polar- !"• Photo of each couple and a rlstlet for each girl will be of- ered. An additional activity for the dance is a ballroom dance work- shop that will be held on Monday, January 25 and again on Monday, February 1, from 6 to 7 p.m. each day. The cost is $16 per couple. Dads and daughters can learn the Foxtrot, Swing, and Waltz and other steps in order to look good on the dance floor. Doyle Forrester, 'from the Ap- plegate School of Ballroom Dance, will teach the two lessons that will be held at the Bremerton Senior Center. For more information, please call the Bremerton Parks and Re- creation Department at (360) 478- 5305. Missing Nala PETS CAN BE A very important part of our lives, as faas Nala. The bloved pet was recently killed on nd Hill Road, ironically, just a few hundred yards oa Twin Firs Cemetery. Neighbors had no idea ho put up the memorial, but Nala will nevertheless e Vaissed. ADVANCED HEATING AND COOLING, INC. "Your comfort is our business!" Residential and Small Commercial ES & INSTALLATION Free Estimates ' Heat Pumps • Gas & Electric Furnaces ' Air COnditioning • Electric Air Cleaners "heetmetal Work • Systems Design/Duct Work Financing Available SeRVlCe • Radio Dispatched . Factory Trained Technician • 24 Hour Emergency Service & Repair ' Maintenance & Service Cent It's Hal To Stop A Tne, / The Meservey's are co-chairing this event and also procuring auc- tion and raffle items in Allyn. They could use some help, though. Their phone number is 275-6835. Other key helpers include: Gwen Alverts - Auction and raffle procurement for Grapeview; 275-3161. Lloyd Sinclair - Auction and raffle procurement for Belfair; 275-5892. Pam Merrill - Auction and raf- fle procurement for Belfair; 275- 0561. Don and Sally Anderson - Bucket raffle and food service. Gene Triplett and Roy Baker - Road sign. Devonne Wells and Pat Yin- gling- Decorations. Valerie Spaulding - Tickets. Pam Merrill - Publicity posters and design. Windermere Real Estate - Copies. The latest cash support for the newsletter came from Mr. & Mrs. Al Williams. (A hearty thank you!) Speaker scheduled Lou Ladow, of the Belfair Wa- ter System, will be the featured speaker at the North Mason chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting, to be held on Wednes- day, January 27, at noon at the Belfair Fire Hall. Ladow, who is the chair if the three-person Belfair Water Com- mission, will review the water company in regard to its current size and operation, as well as its future plans and challenges. "The water system is a vital as- pect of our future infrastructure," stated Tim Wing, program chair- person for the chamber. He further said, "The state and county are increasingly requiring urban growth areas, such as Bel- fair, to have greatly improved fire flow water capabilities. Many businesses looking to relocate might consider North Mason, ex- cept that we do not yet have our water source up to these newer standards. We look forward to this meeting to learn what has to be done to further the develop- ment of adequate water." All citizens are invited. Lunch is optional and available for $5.50 per person. Markhart, Mumme married in Texas RI00Ill) Property Management Leasing Services for: Homes, Condos, Duplexes, Commercial/Retail Homeowner Associations OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-5 JO years of Lisa Anne Markhart wed Shawn Michael Mumme in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday, De- cember 16, 1998, in a double ring ceremony. The bride, daughter of Neal and Teddy Markhart of Allyn, wore a white gown, and carried flowers including lilies and pink and white roses. She was given in marriage by her father, a retired senior chief, U.S. Navy, in uni- form. Their flower girl was Caressa Shae Mumme, who wore a pink dress and carried a basket of pe- tals. Special music was "Love of My Life." The groom is the son of Jamie Epps and Tom Mumme of San Antonio. The afternoon wedding and re- ception took place in the Encino Park Community Center. Rev. Bill Leffier officiated. The groom's mother served as hostess for the reception. The couple enjoyed a wedding trip to Cancun, Mexico, and are making their first home in San Antonio. The bride is a 1995 graduate of North Mason High School, and is employed as a bar- tender. The bridegroom is a supervisor of Green Grass Landscaping. CALL service Tahuya Day sch(00,Juled for July 3 (Continued from page 1.) she hasn't taken a pay increase for two years. If the teachers get a raise, the administrators do, she stated. Another concern of the super- intendent was having a "safe and prudent reserve of three to five per cent of the annual budget." That is not the case now, and the school district would use a part of the levy money to slowly rebuild the reserve. Charles Bennett expressed a concern about the state's failure to do its constitutionally-mandat- ed job of fully funding basic edu- cation. "It is their paramount duty," he said, quoting the state constitution. Pickel readily agreed, sharing that there have been several meetings across the state to dis- cuss this topic recently. MANY NORTH Mason kids who do not come from posh homes do "pretty darn well" on their standardized tests. "I don't want to see North Mason School Dis- trict slide behind. We're showing solid test scores now." She believes that levy money is needed to continue the quality ed- ucational programs that are now proving effective in North Mason. "Our kids are worth as much as Mercer Island and Bellevue kids, but have less support behind them," Pickel stated. Barb Brown, of the Tahuya Club believes "the levy system will never change until Seattle goes down and gets the attention of the state movers and shakers." She also challenged the others who thought education needed a boost to "become a tutor." Jim Blokzyl told of his volun- teer experiences in the high school music department. Pickel went on to say that 600 of the 800 students in the high school partic- ipate in some sort of extra-curric- ular program during the year. "These are healthy, wholesome activities! And research shows that kids involved in extra-curric- ular activities get higher grades. Our teams time and again get academic awards," she said. "THE STATE DOESN'T give us one cent toward extra curricu- lar activities, Pickel continued. They are funded by levy dollars. On another topic, the Tahuya residents expressed their ongoing concerns and frustrations about the slide that has closed the North Shore Road to all through traffic for the past two months. Barb Brown lives just 2u, miles from Tahuya. But with the slide between her and the community, she has to drive 23 miles to get there. Tahuya Day is scheduled for Saturday, July 3, and vendors who want to rent space were asked to contact Renie Ghylin at 275-0560, the Tahuya Communi- ty Club President, or the club's i, u i i '89 BUICK PARK AVENUE ELECTRA 4-DR SEDAN 80,000 original/one owner miles. So much car for the money. Top of the line Buick. 3.6 Liter, V-6, Auto, A/C, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise. Immaculate. #164CW54C7K1609236 treasurer Pat Oman at 275-8277. Spaces are $20 each. "Anyone with something to sell who wants to enjoy a fun day with about 3,000 people here should become a vendor," Ghylin said. tl/l.0000 Company 111" Top quality. Western " I ,. alJ type,. _ f[---:=, Wedeliver Jl-. i i '94 CHEVROLET 1 TON 4X4 "Z71" PICKUP Super nice low mileage trade in sold here new. Silverado Package that shows pride of ownership. Alloys, 350 V-8, Auto, NC, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, ZTt and more. #16CEK14K2RE186335 Thomson joins '3,980 '14,890 IGRIII' IGRtV I Herald staff , .o..o.c...o ,, .o..o.c...o, I Right turn off Sedgwick | | Right Sedgwick I Linda Thomson has joined the staff of the Belfair Herald as an editorial assistant/office manager. Thomson was born and raised in Bremerton, graduating from East High School• She and her family have lived in North Mason for the last 20 years. Thomson was a 13-year school board member, serving North Ma- son School District from 1984-97. During her tenure in that capaci- ty, she served as board president and also helped write several goal statements and district policies• Over the years, Thomson has been involved with the Allyn Bap- tist Church, having served as Bi- ble school director, church clerk, and Sunday school director. She's also written numerous articles for the Belfair Herald as well as the local Kiwanis Club newsletter. On a personal note, she has supported her husband, Tommy, in his motorcycle riding en- deavors. The Thomson, have traveled to places like Poland and Australia as part of a support crew for Team USA in interna- tional motorcycle competitions. During those trips, Thomson wrote articles and took photos that were published in the Belfair Herald• Thomson is the mother of two daughters, Lori Taylor and Bren- da Parks, both of whom graduat- ed from North Mason High School. Her hobbies include communi- ty service, sewing, reading, and quilting. "I look forward to con- tinuing to serve the community in a different way through the news- paper," said Thomson. The Belfair Herald welcomes Linda Thomson. BELFAIR, $1,250 Beautiful 5 bedroom, 2.5 baths, 3400 sq. ft., Like New!! 940 E. Cedar St. BELFAIR, $1,035 4 bedroom, 2 baths, 2000 sq. ft. No bank waterfront. 17121 Hwy 106 BELFAIR, $500 2 bedroom, I bath mobile, 960 sq. ft., month to month only. 2792 Old Belfair Hwy FOR INFOIMATION ....... A Division of Reid Realty, Inc. 698-4026 Linda Thomson ORVETTA M. SMITH - Memorial donations may be made to the U.S. Marine Corps program Toys for Tots. Jesfield Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since 1967 Specializing in seawall construction and home repairs 275-6684 Jim Jesfield Frank Merritt Belfair, WA i '98 CHEVROLET MALIBU 4-DR SEDAN WOW! 16,000 only miles. Motor Trend Car of the Year. Save some serious money over new. Auto, A/C, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, Stereo, Custom cloth +more. #161 N D52T4W4186790 '12,980 '98 CHEVROLET CAVALIER 4-DR SEDAN 10,700 only miles. Shows like a new car, it almost is. 36,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. Save a ton of Money. Auto, A/C, Stereo and more. Hurry in! #161JC5248W7321060 '9,980 GRIY I IGREY PORT ORCHARD I PORT ORCHARD Right turn off Sedgwick I Right turn off Sedgwick 876-8091 ..... '97 GEe METRO LSI 3-DR HATCHBACK 28,000 only miles. LSI equipment adds the extra nice touches. Hard to find automatic, A/C, Stereo radio and more. Must ,eel #2CIMR2295V6724874 iiiii iiiii '89 CHEVROLET CAMARO RS COUPE 80,000+ only miles. Great car at an even better price. V-6, Auto, T-tops, NC and much more. Hard to find car• Must see and drive, #161FP2154KL183365 '6,380 s2,980 I PORT ORCHARD ! I PORT ORCHARD I I Right turn off Sedgwick I | Right turn off Sedgwick I JOHN W. CAMPBELL, Denturist 38 Years of Treating and Caring Former Navy Dental Tech & Dental Officer * Dental Educator and Lecturer PORT ORCHARD BELFAIR mlt 3965 Bethel Rd. SE 23152 NE Hwy 3  .... (Bethel Square) (Across from Library) D.S.H.S. 876"0508 277-3406 Coupons i i ilu ii Thursday, January 21, 1999 - Belfalr Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 SELECT DENTURES CLINIC and LAB And the Obsession with Perfection" JOHN W. CAMPBELL will give you the Ultimate Guarantee-- if within three months of receiving your new dentures, you are not satisfied with their fit and comfort, your money will be refunded in full. Since 1960 we've made 1000's of dentures and successfully treated many hard to fit patients. • Cushion Liners for Comfortable Lowers • Bladed Back Teeth to Chew Better • Weighted Lower Denture for Better Fit REPAIRS • RELINES • PARTIALS * EXTRACTIONS • IMMEDIATES In-house lab for the most personal attention and convenience NO COST EXAM i i uu i UUl u 'Wever Underestimate the Value of 39 Years Experience, Nearly completed LIKE HIGHWAY 3 near Allyn, this has been closed. But according to Rich Stretch of North Shore Road I0 miles Geiger of the Mason County Public West of Belfair State Park has seen bet- Works Department, "It is very close to ter days. Since Thanksgiving, the road being fixed." fund-raiser set for February 6 Community Associa- will sponsor a fund- to benefit the community North Bay Review, be- at 6 p.m., Saturday, Fe- at Victor Hall. in North Mason is in- Tickets are $5 and are lable at the door, from local or ACA members. The evening's festivities prom- from door prizes have to be present to to live music, along with a donated for the auction fly fishing lessons, golf lessons, four rounds of golf along with a cart, five gallons of home- made beer, a homemade Afghan, dinners at local restaurants, a chainsaw carving, fruit leather, and much more. The fund-raiser is already off to a terrific start. The hall is be- ing donated by Ben and Margie Meservey, the band is playing for free, the auctioneer is donating his services, and several local es- tablishments are donating food, pop, and other supplies (BYOB), and items for the auction or raf- fle. A complete list of donated items will be available next month. bance scheduled t: ltreraerton Parks and Recrea- 0a Will hold its fourth annual addy/Daughter Dance on Satur- day, February 6. The dance will A,,tleld at the Sons of Norway :u, 1018 18th Street in Bremer- n, from 7 to 10 p.m. Cost for the dance is $12 per UPle, and $6 for each additional aUghter ' i-The evening will include danc-  the music of Jay Pee Bage,  Entertainment, games, Wings for prizes, and lots of 0 er fun activities. Also, a Polar- !"• Photo of each couple and a rlstlet for each girl will be of- ered. An additional activity for the dance is a ballroom dance work- shop that will be held on Monday, January 25 and again on Monday, February 1, from 6 to 7 p.m. each day. The cost is $16 per couple. Dads and daughters can learn the Foxtrot, Swing, and Waltz and other steps in order to look good on the dance floor. Doyle Forrester, 'from the Ap- plegate School of Ballroom Dance, will teach the two lessons that will be held at the Bremerton Senior Center. For more information, please call the Bremerton Parks and Re- creation Department at (360) 478- 5305. Missing Nala PETS CAN BE A very important part of our lives, as faas Nala. The bloved pet was recently killed on nd Hill Road, ironically, just a few hundred yards oa Twin Firs Cemetery. Neighbors had no idea ho put up the memorial, but Nala will nevertheless e Vaissed. ADVANCED HEATING AND COOLING, INC. "Your comfort is our business!" Residential and Small Commercial ES & INSTALLATION Free Estimates ' Heat Pumps • Gas & Electric Furnaces ' Air COnditioning • Electric Air Cleaners "heetmetal Work • Systems Design/Duct Work Financing Available SeRVlCe • Radio Dispatched . Factory Trained Technician • 24 Hour Emergency Service & Repair ' Maintenance & Service Cent It's Hal To Stop A Tne, / The Meservey's are co-chairing this event and also procuring auc- tion and raffle items in Allyn. They could use some help, though. Their phone number is 275-6835. Other key helpers include: Gwen Alverts - Auction and raffle procurement for Grapeview; 275-3161. Lloyd Sinclair - Auction and raffle procurement for Belfair; 275-5892. Pam Merrill - Auction and raf- fle procurement for Belfair; 275- 0561. Don and Sally Anderson - Bucket raffle and food service. Gene Triplett and Roy Baker - Road sign. Devonne Wells and Pat Yin- gling- Decorations. Valerie Spaulding - Tickets. Pam Merrill - Publicity posters and design. Windermere Real Estate - Copies. The latest cash support for the newsletter came from Mr. & Mrs. Al Williams. (A hearty thank you!) Speaker scheduled Lou Ladow, of the Belfair Wa- ter System, will be the featured speaker at the North Mason chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting, to be held on Wednes- day, January 27, at noon at the Belfair Fire Hall. Ladow, who is the chair if the three-person Belfair Water Com- mission, will review the water company in regard to its current size and operation, as well as its future plans and challenges. "The water system is a vital as- pect of our future infrastructure," stated Tim Wing, program chair- person for the chamber. He further said, "The state and county are increasingly requiring urban growth areas, such as Bel- fair, to have greatly improved fire flow water capabilities. Many businesses looking to relocate might consider North Mason, ex- cept that we do not yet have our water source up to these newer standards. We look forward to this meeting to learn what has to be done to further the develop- ment of adequate water." All citizens are invited. Lunch is optional and available for $5.50 per person. Markhart, Mumme married in Texas RI00Ill) Property Management Leasing Services for: Homes, Condos, Duplexes, Commercial/Retail Homeowner Associations OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-5 JO years of Lisa Anne Markhart wed Shawn Michael Mumme in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday, De- cember 16, 1998, in a double ring ceremony. The bride, daughter of Neal and Teddy Markhart of Allyn, wore a white gown, and carried flowers including lilies and pink and white roses. She was given in marriage by her father, a retired senior chief, U.S. Navy, in uni- form. Their flower girl was Caressa Shae Mumme, who wore a pink dress and carried a basket of pe- tals. Special music was "Love of My Life." The groom is the son of Jamie Epps and Tom Mumme of San Antonio. The afternoon wedding and re- ception took place in the Encino Park Community Center. Rev. Bill Leffier officiated. The groom's mother served as hostess for the reception. The couple enjoyed a wedding trip to Cancun, Mexico, and are making their first home in San Antonio. The bride is a 1995 graduate of North Mason High School, and is employed as a bar- tender. The bridegroom is a supervisor of Green Grass Landscaping. CALL service Tahuya Day sch(00,Juled for July 3 (Continued from page 1.) she hasn't taken a pay increase for two years. If the teachers get a raise, the administrators do, she stated. Another concern of the super- intendent was having a "safe and prudent reserve of three to five per cent of the annual budget." That is not the case now, and the school district would use a part of the levy money to slowly rebuild the reserve. Charles Bennett expressed a concern about the state's failure to do its constitutionally-mandat- ed job of fully funding basic edu- cation. "It is their paramount duty," he said, quoting the state constitution. Pickel readily agreed, sharing that there have been several meetings across the state to dis- cuss this topic recently. MANY NORTH Mason kids who do not come from posh homes do "pretty darn well" on their standardized tests. "I don't want to see North Mason School Dis- trict slide behind. We're showing solid test scores now." She believes that levy money is needed to continue the quality ed- ucational programs that are now proving effective in North Mason. "Our kids are worth as much as Mercer Island and Bellevue kids, but have less support behind them," Pickel stated. Barb Brown, of the Tahuya Club believes "the levy system will never change until Seattle goes down and gets the attention of the state movers and shakers." She also challenged the others who thought education needed a boost to "become a tutor." Jim Blokzyl told of his volun- teer experiences in the high school music department. Pickel went on to say that 600 of the 800 students in the high school partic- ipate in some sort of extra-curric- ular program during the year. "These are healthy, wholesome activities! And research shows that kids involved in extra-curric- ular activities get higher grades. Our teams time and again get academic awards," she said. "THE STATE DOESN'T give us one cent toward extra curricu- lar activities, Pickel continued. They are funded by levy dollars. On another topic, the Tahuya residents expressed their ongoing concerns and frustrations about the slide that has closed the North Shore Road to all through traffic for the past two months. Barb Brown lives just 2u, miles from Tahuya. But with the slide between her and the community, she has to drive 23 miles to get there. Tahuya Day is scheduled for Saturday, July 3, and vendors who want to rent space were asked to contact Renie Ghylin at 275-0560, the Tahuya Communi- ty Club President, or the club's i, u i i '89 BUICK PARK AVENUE ELECTRA 4-DR SEDAN 80,000 original/one owner miles. So much car for the money. Top of the line Buick. 3.6 Liter, V-6, Auto, A/C, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise. Immaculate. #164CW54C7K1609236 treasurer Pat Oman at 275-8277. Spaces are $20 each. "Anyone with something to sell who wants to enjoy a fun day with about 3,000 people here should become a vendor," Ghylin said. tl/l.0000 Company 111" Top quality. Western " I ,. alJ type,. _ f[---:=, Wedeliver Jl-. i i '94 CHEVROLET 1 TON 4X4 "Z71" PICKUP Super nice low mileage trade in sold here new. Silverado Package that shows pride of ownership. Alloys, 350 V-8, Auto, NC, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, ZTt and more. #16CEK14K2RE186335 Thomson joins '3,980 '14,890 IGRIII' IGRtV I Herald staff , .o..o.c...o ,, .o..o.c...o, I Right turn off Sedgwick | | Right Sedgwick I Linda Thomson has joined the staff of the Belfair Herald as an editorial assistant/office manager. Thomson was born and raised in Bremerton, graduating from East High School• She and her family have lived in North Mason for the last 20 years. Thomson was a 13-year school board member, serving North Ma- son School District from 1984-97. During her tenure in that capaci- ty, she served as board president and also helped write several goal statements and district policies• Over the years, Thomson has been involved with the Allyn Bap- tist Church, having served as Bi- ble school director, church clerk, and Sunday school director. She's also written numerous articles for the Belfair Herald as well as the local Kiwanis Club newsletter. On a personal note, she has supported her husband, Tommy, in his motorcycle riding en- deavors. The Thomson, have traveled to places like Poland and Australia as part of a support crew for Team USA in interna- tional motorcycle competitions. During those trips, Thomson wrote articles and took photos that were published in the Belfair Herald• Thomson is the mother of two daughters, Lori Taylor and Bren- da Parks, both of whom graduat- ed from North Mason High School. Her hobbies include communi- ty service, sewing, reading, and quilting. "I look forward to con- tinuing to serve the community in a different way through the news- paper," said Thomson. The Belfair Herald welcomes Linda Thomson. BELFAIR, $1,250 Beautiful 5 bedroom, 2.5 baths, 3400 sq. ft., Like New!! 940 E. Cedar St. BELFAIR, $1,035 4 bedroom, 2 baths, 2000 sq. ft. No bank waterfront. 17121 Hwy 106 BELFAIR, $500 2 bedroom, I bath mobile, 960 sq. ft., month to month only. 2792 Old Belfair Hwy FOR INFOIMATION ....... A Division of Reid Realty, Inc. 698-4026 Linda Thomson ORVETTA M. SMITH - Memorial donations may be made to the U.S. Marine Corps program Toys for Tots. Jesfield Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since 1967 Specializing in seawall construction and home repairs 275-6684 Jim Jesfield Frank Merritt Belfair, WA i '98 CHEVROLET MALIBU 4-DR SEDAN WOW! 16,000 only miles. Motor Trend Car of the Year. Save some serious money over new. Auto, A/C, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, Stereo, Custom cloth +more. #161 N D52T4W4186790 '12,980 '98 CHEVROLET CAVALIER 4-DR SEDAN 10,700 only miles. Shows like a new car, it almost is. 36,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. Save a ton of Money. Auto, A/C, Stereo and more. Hurry in! #161JC5248W7321060 '9,980 GRIY I IGREY PORT ORCHARD I PORT ORCHARD Right turn off Sedgwick I Right turn off Sedgwick 876-8091 ..... '97 GEe METRO LSI 3-DR HATCHBACK 28,000 only miles. LSI equipment adds the extra nice touches. Hard to find automatic, A/C, Stereo radio and more. Must ,eel #2CIMR2295V6724874 iiiii iiiii '89 CHEVROLET CAMARO RS COUPE 80,000+ only miles. Great car at an even better price. V-6, Auto, T-tops, NC and much more. Hard to find car• Must see and drive, #161FP2154KL183365 '6,380 s2,980 I PORT ORCHARD ! I PORT ORCHARD I I Right turn off Sedgwick I | Right turn off Sedgwick I JOHN W. CAMPBELL, Denturist 38 Years of Treating and Caring Former Navy Dental Tech & Dental Officer * Dental Educator and Lecturer PORT ORCHARD BELFAIR mlt 3965 Bethel Rd. SE 23152 NE Hwy 3  .... (Bethel Square) (Across from Library) D.S.H.S. 876"0508 277-3406 Coupons i i ilu ii Thursday, January 21, 1999 - Belfalr Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 SELECT DENTURES CLINIC and LAB And the Obsession with Perfection" JOHN W. CAMPBELL will give you the Ultimate Guarantee-- if within three months of receiving your new dentures, you are not satisfied with their fit and comfort, your money will be refunded in full. Since 1960 we've made 1000's of dentures and successfully treated many hard to fit patients. • Cushion Liners for Comfortable Lowers • Bladed Back Teeth to Chew Better • Weighted Lower Denture for Better Fit REPAIRS • RELINES • PARTIALS * EXTRACTIONS • IMMEDIATES In-house lab for the most personal attention and convenience NO COST EXAM i i uu i UUl u 'Wever Underestimate the Value of 39 Years Experience,