January 21, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 21, 1999 |
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NMHS boys hoopsters drop two games last week
The North Mason Boys Bulldog The Bulldogs were soundly de- points with Casey Reynolds ad- Though hoping to
THE BULLDOGS were in action last week against Washington.
Bulldog grapplers look good
(load N°rth Mason wrestlers Cuyler
(101 pounds) and Jan Berg
f POunds) took tournament
Onors at their respective weight
asses at the 16th annual Island
invitational, held last Saturday,
aLauary 16, at Woodward Middle
,}ool oa Bainbridge Island.
1 oad, upping his record to 14-
ti_reglstered decisions over Jus-
ce Barns of Forks (9-6), and Tra-
a is bever of host Bainbridge Is-
n d (12-0). Bead then followed
,¢use Wins up with a 4-0 triumph
ve.r Mike Hirsh, also of Forks.
erg took his record to 12-2 as
he pinned Chris Cooley of Mead-
owdale in 5:12. Berg also deci-
sioned Brandon Nall of Bain-
bridge Island 13-3, and pinned
James Protzeller of Peninsula in
2:21. This was Berg's second
championship at the Island Invi-
tational. He won last year's cham-
pionship at 108 lbs.
North Mason also sent four
other wrestlers into the finals.
Taking second place finishes for
the Bulldogs were Derricks
Speaks (135 pounds), Wes Wat-
son (141 pounds), Bryan Garcia
(158 pounds), and senior Brandon
Byars (190 pounds). Abe Goldberg
(115 pounds) finished fourth, los-
ing in the third place match 9-3 to
Jan Easton of Gig Harbor.
The Bulldog grapplers play
host to Fife tonight (January 21),
then travel south to the River
Ridge Tournament on Saturday,
January 23.
Last Thursday, January 14,
North Mason wrestlers crushed
league rival Lakes 55-17, pushing
their record to 4-0, best in the
league. The out-manned Lakes
Lancers forfeited the first four
weights and then suffered conse-
cutive falls at 190 pounds, 215
pounds, and 275 pounds.
ANNUAL ELKS Hoop Shoot was
.m recently at Sand Hill Elementary.
-.Qe Winners, left to right were: 8 and 9
girls: Heather Keehn; 8 and 9 boys: Lo.
gaa I •
e _ art, 10 and 11 girls: Dawn Nor-
lOSs; 10 and 11 boys: Spencer Cooper;
d 13 girls: Shelby Pod; 12 and 13
We are the champions
boys: Ryan Cooper. Incidentally, Heath-
er Keehn was the 8 and 9 year old girls'
champion last year as well. The event
was organized by Dan Dittmer, who was
assisted by Roy Bead, Art Guide, Jim
Ozier, and Terri Kunick.
basketball team watched their
overall record drop to %5 after
losing two games last week. The
Bulldogs are 2-3 in Pierce County
League play.
feated by Franklin Pierce last
Tuesday, January 12, 67-52.
North Mason was led in scor-
ing by Jeremy Huffman, who
dropped in a career high 16
ding 21.
Other scorers for the Bulldogs
included Philip Flatau 3, John
Price 2, James Martin 3, Jeremy
Keenly 5, and Jansen Byers 2.
THE BULLDOGS turned the ball over 24 times in a 62-52 loss to
THE BULLDOG wrestling team has looked impressive all year.
from the loss at Franklin Pierce,
North Mason played without top
scorer and rebounder Casey
Reynolds against Washington last
Friday night, January 15. In spite
of valiant effbrts by Jeremy Huff
man and Rick Biehl, the Bulldogs
turned the ball over 24 times en
route to a 62-52 loss.
Huffman, a six-fbot-three sen-
ior forward who's helping pick up
the slack in the paint, hit a 3-
pointer to open the game and fin-
ished with 20 points and seven
North Mason played hard and
kept the game close until the end
of the third quarter, when the Pa-
triots pulled ahead to stay, 41-40.
But in the end, it was North Ma-.
son's turnovers that spelled de-
feat for the Bulldogs.
Scoring for North Mason were
Rick Biehl 14, Jansen Byers 4.
James Martin 7, Jeremy Keenly
two, Philip Flatau 2, and John
Price 3.
Three spaces
Hwy 3
in Belfair.
700 - 1282
sq. feet.
Call 876-8580
Dig '
iii i
Girls lose two
The North Mason girls basket-
ball dropped a pair of games last
week, scoring just 50 points in the
two outings.
On Tuesday, January 12, the
Bulldogs played hard, keeping the
game close in the first half. But
Franklin Pierce went on a 12-1
run, late in the second period to
open things up. The Cardinals, 2-
2 in Pierce County League, scored
all their points on free throws
during the late minutes of the
half. Franklin Pierce went on to a
59-30 win.
The Bulldogs were only down
by 10 at half time, 27-17. But the
team's dismal 2-point scoring out-
put in the third quarter was to be
North Mason's undoing.
Lisa Truemper led North Ma-
son with 9 points, 9 rebounds, 4
blocks, and 2 steals. Others scar-
ing for the Bulldogs included
Mary Jenkins 3, Katie Rothen-
berg 5, Shannon Schiemer, Tara
Frank 5, Jill Criss, Leslie Cruz 4,
Corinthia Williams 4, and Sarah
A non-productive third quarter
was North Mason's Achilles again
on Friday, January 15, as the
North Mason girls lost to Wash-
ington. The Bulldogs scored 2
points and tallied 20 for the game
as Washington ran away with it,
Lisa Truemper again led the
Bulldogs with 8 points, 8 re-
bounds, and 5 blocked shots.
North Mason dropped to 1-4 in
league, 2-9 overall.
Other North Mason players in
the scoring column included Mary
Jenkins 1, Katie Rothenberg 5,
Shannon Schiemer 2, Tara Frank
2, and Michelle McGuire 2.
CLEAN Septic Service
Serving All of Mason C()lmiy
* Tanks Pumped * Risers Installed * Baflles/Pumps Repahed
• Sewers Unclogged • Electronic Tank Locating • Home Sales Inspection Report,
Al Droulliard, Owner-Operator O&M Certified (CMS)
NE 1120 Old BelIalr Hwy. Belfair 360-275-4685
Bellhir, WA 98528 1-800-939-0465
Member of N.M. Chamber of Commerce
Bark • (7rushed Rock • Washed Rock • Roekery Rock • Decorative Rock
Sand • Pltrun • Land Clearing • Road Building " Stump Remowfl
Free Estimates: 275-3465 7
Corrmr of Highway 3 and Log Yard Road, Belfair Monday-Friday
Flousing program answers consumer questions
vie^ Fdtsap Mental Health Ser- lord mediation and assistance if
.4;'e}aUHs) Housing Program
h%s:" any KMHS consumer with
eed g: questi0ns, or a housing
dr',tcluding families of chil-
d -he are enrolled m" Child"
laraily Services.
housing and rent subsidies,
search for affordable housing and
negotiate rents and damage de-
posits. In some cases, the Hous-
ing Department introduces con-
sumers to appropriate potential
The housing program also
their housing is jeopardized due
to unpaid rent or problems with
to he Objective of the program is helps consumers access deposit,
ttli uelp COnsumers find and main- utility and rental assistance
ag Try'e, decent, affordable hous- funds in the community.
%a' :ue Housing Program helps Additionally, the housing pro-
lag ers find housing by help- gram helps consumers maintain
-era apply for subsidized
their housing by providing land-
Oroceries, Post Office, Texaco Gas, Videos & Feed
Rainier Case,cans ................. $11.99
Busch Case, cans .................. $10.99
Land O'Lakes Best Case, cans .................... $9.59
Feed Henry's 6 pk, bottles ............... $4.99
'./c:. -.o,t..,,.,,..o,. Pepsi Case. cans ...................... $6.99
l G--RS HAY-- $"""-""'. 00 Bal-----"-e
land Hog I ALFALFA- 88.50 Bale
[ $160 Ton
"t' eStock Ibs ............ BlendS5'99 WE HAVE ] STRAW -- $4.50 Sale
lb 8m Ao gse00sso, I PROPANE
l h land Layer OlrflrNT . I $1.20 Gallon
'ellets or crumbles, ---'--- I K-I KEROsENE
I $1.99 Gallon
........... $6.99
NE 3560 Old Belfair Highway, Belfair 275-6222
KMHS does have a limited
supply of agency-owned housing
to offer consumers who are will-
ing and able to live in a group
hosing situation. The Supported
Living Program consists of one 1-
bedroom, one 2-bedroom, three 3-
bedroom and five 4-bedr0om
houses in Kitsap County. Addi-
tionally, the Intensive Transition-
al Housing Program consists of
four studio apartments and one 1-
bedroom house available for con-
sumers who are unable to live
with roommates.
The KMHS Tenant Selection
Effective 1/8-1/25/99 5 Nights 7 Nights
Studio MV- 5th Night Free $ 808" $ 93(
IStudio OF -- 7th Night Free $ 951 $1,032
mR 1 Bdm MV -- 7th Night Free $1,031 $1,128
I! 1 Bdrm OF-- 7th Night Free $1,036 $1,134
I Above packages include: Roundtrip airfare on Hawaiian Airlines, l
Ilbudget compact rental car, budget value coupons and accommodations. €(lI
[,, All applicable taxes except vehicle surcharge. l
II P.,e, are per person double occupancy. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. Subject to change .!
e tl'un me periods lisd,
E-Mail: vacation@telebyte.com
WEBSITE: www.enquest.com/wa/wa8398
Local Presence, Global Power s
3276 NW Plaza Road, Suite 112, Silverdale, WA 98383
Phone (360) 698-1411 Fax (360) 698-1428
Owned and operated by S.E.E.K., Inc.
Process provides inibrmation on
how to access this housing. For
more infbrmation, call 373-5031.
Hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday. The
housing program has two full-
time employees.
We can't let the levy go dryl
Our school levy expires in December of 1999!
Do What's Best for Kids!
Vote YES
FOR the levy!
Let's make sure the NM School District can continue to upport:
Athletics Art Activities Rdministrators
Computers College Prep Curriculum Counselors
Teachers Technology Transportation Textbooks
For oil of our futures!
Pa,d for by Citizens for Funding North Mason Schools. P.O. Box 823, Belfoir, WA 98528. Tom and Lyn : t :,
Marcia and Denny Hamilton, Tim and Betty Wing, Peter and Pare Merrill, Shawn Packald, [)oL % .; Ir(
Steven and Lori Anderson, Steven and JJ Anderson
Thursday, January 21, 1999 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5
NMHS boys hoopsters drop two games last week
The North Mason Boys Bulldog The Bulldogs were soundly de- points with Casey Reynolds ad- Though hoping to
THE BULLDOGS were in action last week against Washington.
Bulldog grapplers look good
(load N°rth Mason wrestlers Cuyler
(101 pounds) and Jan Berg
f POunds) took tournament
Onors at their respective weight
asses at the 16th annual Island
invitational, held last Saturday,
aLauary 16, at Woodward Middle
,}ool oa Bainbridge Island.
1 oad, upping his record to 14-
ti_reglstered decisions over Jus-
ce Barns of Forks (9-6), and Tra-
a is bever of host Bainbridge Is-
n d (12-0). Bead then followed
,¢use Wins up with a 4-0 triumph
ve.r Mike Hirsh, also of Forks.
erg took his record to 12-2 as
he pinned Chris Cooley of Mead-
owdale in 5:12. Berg also deci-
sioned Brandon Nall of Bain-
bridge Island 13-3, and pinned
James Protzeller of Peninsula in
2:21. This was Berg's second
championship at the Island Invi-
tational. He won last year's cham-
pionship at 108 lbs.
North Mason also sent four
other wrestlers into the finals.
Taking second place finishes for
the Bulldogs were Derricks
Speaks (135 pounds), Wes Wat-
son (141 pounds), Bryan Garcia
(158 pounds), and senior Brandon
Byars (190 pounds). Abe Goldberg
(115 pounds) finished fourth, los-
ing in the third place match 9-3 to
Jan Easton of Gig Harbor.
The Bulldog grapplers play
host to Fife tonight (January 21),
then travel south to the River
Ridge Tournament on Saturday,
January 23.
Last Thursday, January 14,
North Mason wrestlers crushed
league rival Lakes 55-17, pushing
their record to 4-0, best in the
league. The out-manned Lakes
Lancers forfeited the first four
weights and then suffered conse-
cutive falls at 190 pounds, 215
pounds, and 275 pounds.
ANNUAL ELKS Hoop Shoot was
.m recently at Sand Hill Elementary.
-.Qe Winners, left to right were: 8 and 9
girls: Heather Keehn; 8 and 9 boys: Lo.
gaa I •
e _ art, 10 and 11 girls: Dawn Nor-
lOSs; 10 and 11 boys: Spencer Cooper;
d 13 girls: Shelby Pod; 12 and 13
We are the champions
boys: Ryan Cooper. Incidentally, Heath-
er Keehn was the 8 and 9 year old girls'
champion last year as well. The event
was organized by Dan Dittmer, who was
assisted by Roy Bead, Art Guide, Jim
Ozier, and Terri Kunick.
basketball team watched their
overall record drop to %5 after
losing two games last week. The
Bulldogs are 2-3 in Pierce County
League play.
feated by Franklin Pierce last
Tuesday, January 12, 67-52.
North Mason was led in scor-
ing by Jeremy Huffman, who
dropped in a career high 16
ding 21.
Other scorers for the Bulldogs
included Philip Flatau 3, John
Price 2, James Martin 3, Jeremy
Keenly 5, and Jansen Byers 2.
THE BULLDOGS turned the ball over 24 times in a 62-52 loss to
THE BULLDOG wrestling team has looked impressive all year.
from the loss at Franklin Pierce,
North Mason played without top
scorer and rebounder Casey
Reynolds against Washington last
Friday night, January 15. In spite
of valiant effbrts by Jeremy Huff
man and Rick Biehl, the Bulldogs
turned the ball over 24 times en
route to a 62-52 loss.
Huffman, a six-fbot-three sen-
ior forward who's helping pick up
the slack in the paint, hit a 3-
pointer to open the game and fin-
ished with 20 points and seven
North Mason played hard and
kept the game close until the end
of the third quarter, when the Pa-
triots pulled ahead to stay, 41-40.
But in the end, it was North Ma-.
son's turnovers that spelled de-
feat for the Bulldogs.
Scoring for North Mason were
Rick Biehl 14, Jansen Byers 4.
James Martin 7, Jeremy Keenly
two, Philip Flatau 2, and John
Price 3.
Three spaces
Hwy 3
in Belfair.
700 - 1282
sq. feet.
Call 876-8580
Dig '
iii i
Girls lose two
The North Mason girls basket-
ball dropped a pair of games last
week, scoring just 50 points in the
two outings.
On Tuesday, January 12, the
Bulldogs played hard, keeping the
game close in the first half. But
Franklin Pierce went on a 12-1
run, late in the second period to
open things up. The Cardinals, 2-
2 in Pierce County League, scored
all their points on free throws
during the late minutes of the
half. Franklin Pierce went on to a
59-30 win.
The Bulldogs were only down
by 10 at half time, 27-17. But the
team's dismal 2-point scoring out-
put in the third quarter was to be
North Mason's undoing.
Lisa Truemper led North Ma-
son with 9 points, 9 rebounds, 4
blocks, and 2 steals. Others scar-
ing for the Bulldogs included
Mary Jenkins 3, Katie Rothen-
berg 5, Shannon Schiemer, Tara
Frank 5, Jill Criss, Leslie Cruz 4,
Corinthia Williams 4, and Sarah
A non-productive third quarter
was North Mason's Achilles again
on Friday, January 15, as the
North Mason girls lost to Wash-
ington. The Bulldogs scored 2
points and tallied 20 for the game
as Washington ran away with it,
Lisa Truemper again led the
Bulldogs with 8 points, 8 re-
bounds, and 5 blocked shots.
North Mason dropped to 1-4 in
league, 2-9 overall.
Other North Mason players in
the scoring column included Mary
Jenkins 1, Katie Rothenberg 5,
Shannon Schiemer 2, Tara Frank
2, and Michelle McGuire 2.
CLEAN Septic Service
Serving All of Mason C()lmiy
* Tanks Pumped * Risers Installed * Baflles/Pumps Repahed
• Sewers Unclogged • Electronic Tank Locating • Home Sales Inspection Report,
Al Droulliard, Owner-Operator O&M Certified (CMS)
NE 1120 Old BelIalr Hwy. Belfair 360-275-4685
Bellhir, WA 98528 1-800-939-0465
Member of N.M. Chamber of Commerce
Bark • (7rushed Rock • Washed Rock • Roekery Rock • Decorative Rock
Sand • Pltrun • Land Clearing • Road Building " Stump Remowfl
Free Estimates: 275-3465 7
Corrmr of Highway 3 and Log Yard Road, Belfair Monday-Friday
Flousing program answers consumer questions
vie^ Fdtsap Mental Health Ser- lord mediation and assistance if
.4;'e}aUHs) Housing Program
h%s:" any KMHS consumer with
eed g: questi0ns, or a housing
dr',tcluding families of chil-
d -he are enrolled m" Child"
laraily Services.
housing and rent subsidies,
search for affordable housing and
negotiate rents and damage de-
posits. In some cases, the Hous-
ing Department introduces con-
sumers to appropriate potential
The housing program also
their housing is jeopardized due
to unpaid rent or problems with
to he Objective of the program is helps consumers access deposit,
ttli uelp COnsumers find and main- utility and rental assistance
ag Try'e, decent, affordable hous- funds in the community.
%a' :ue Housing Program helps Additionally, the housing pro-
lag ers find housing by help- gram helps consumers maintain
-era apply for subsidized
their housing by providing land-
Oroceries, Post Office, Texaco Gas, Videos & Feed
Rainier Case,cans ................. $11.99
Busch Case, cans .................. $10.99
Land O'Lakes Best Case, cans .................... $9.59
Feed Henry's 6 pk, bottles ............... $4.99
'./c:. -.o,t..,,.,,..o,. Pepsi Case. cans ...................... $6.99
l G--RS HAY-- $"""-""'. 00 Bal-----"-e
land Hog I ALFALFA- 88.50 Bale
[ $160 Ton
"t' eStock Ibs ............ BlendS5'99 WE HAVE ] STRAW -- $4.50 Sale
lb 8m Ao gse00sso, I PROPANE
l h land Layer OlrflrNT . I $1.20 Gallon
'ellets or crumbles, ---'--- I K-I KEROsENE
I $1.99 Gallon
........... $6.99
NE 3560 Old Belfair Highway, Belfair 275-6222
KMHS does have a limited
supply of agency-owned housing
to offer consumers who are will-
ing and able to live in a group
hosing situation. The Supported
Living Program consists of one 1-
bedroom, one 2-bedroom, three 3-
bedroom and five 4-bedr0om
houses in Kitsap County. Addi-
tionally, the Intensive Transition-
al Housing Program consists of
four studio apartments and one 1-
bedroom house available for con-
sumers who are unable to live
with roommates.
The KMHS Tenant Selection
Effective 1/8-1/25/99 5 Nights 7 Nights
Studio MV- 5th Night Free $ 808" $ 93(
IStudio OF -- 7th Night Free $ 951 $1,032
mR 1 Bdm MV -- 7th Night Free $1,031 $1,128
I! 1 Bdrm OF-- 7th Night Free $1,036 $1,134
I Above packages include: Roundtrip airfare on Hawaiian Airlines, l
Ilbudget compact rental car, budget value coupons and accommodations. €(lI
[,, All applicable taxes except vehicle surcharge. l
II P.,e, are per person double occupancy. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. Subject to change .!
e tl'un me periods lisd,
E-Mail: vacation@telebyte.com
WEBSITE: www.enquest.com/wa/wa8398
Local Presence, Global Power s
3276 NW Plaza Road, Suite 112, Silverdale, WA 98383
Phone (360) 698-1411 Fax (360) 698-1428
Owned and operated by S.E.E.K., Inc.
Process provides inibrmation on
how to access this housing. For
more infbrmation, call 373-5031.
Hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday. The
housing program has two full-
time employees.
We can't let the levy go dryl
Our school levy expires in December of 1999!
Do What's Best for Kids!
Vote YES
FOR the levy!
Let's make sure the NM School District can continue to upport:
Athletics Art Activities Rdministrators
Computers College Prep Curriculum Counselors
Teachers Technology Transportation Textbooks
For oil of our futures!
Pa,d for by Citizens for Funding North Mason Schools. P.O. Box 823, Belfoir, WA 98528. Tom and Lyn : t :,
Marcia and Denny Hamilton, Tim and Betty Wing, Peter and Pare Merrill, Shawn Packald, [)oL % .; Ir(
Steven and Lori Anderson, Steven and JJ Anderson
Thursday, January 21, 1999 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5