January 22, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 22, 1959 |
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Orthopedic Dance is
for Saturday, Feb.
"Tf"elton Armory by the
the Juninr ,and Chil-
is open to the public
as well as teenagers
to attend.
the dance are the
Verda McConkey,
and James Stevens
and Atahualpa
:eeds from the dance will
the eattle Children's
MXSS DONNA BURNETT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Burnett, became the attractive bride of Mr. Richard Allen John-
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Johnson of Albuquerque, N.M.,
in a recent double ring. cerem9ny in the Methodist church. The
couple are making thMr home in Seattle where they are students
at the University of Washington. Mr. Johnson is employed at
Boeing Aircraft and Mrs. Johnson in the University forestry li-
Phone HA 6-4393
Foresters Report
,Given Beta Zetas,
Calendar Pr0jects
The regular business and edu-
cational meeting of Beta Zeta
Chapter, Epsilon StgTna Alpha In -
lernational, was held Wednesday
of last week at the home of :Mrs.
Jim Cross, Mrs. Ken Smith co-
In the absence o1: the president,
Mrs. Ed Dunbar, vice-president,
presided at the meeting. Mrs. Ken
Evans gave a report on the Excep-
tional Foresters, Inc., benefit held
in December. Tentative plans were
made for a rummage sale to be
held February 28 at the PUD
building. Also plans were made
l for a bake sale to be held later
in the spring.
TAb? group was told that Mrs.
!R. . Stephens, fm'mer Beta Zeta
member, had affiliated with the
Olympia chapter. Mrs. Stephens
attended meetings here for some
I time even though they were re-
siding in Olympia. It was also an-
nounced that Mrs. Bill Kimbel and
Mrs. Jim Dean will become inac-
tive members for a short period
(if' time:.
Date lfo :the forthcoming ESA
state convention to be held in Spo-
kane is May 22, 23 and 24. Beta
2eta has in its chapter two state:
council officers, Mrs. Dick Hol-
land, president, and Mrs. Glenn
Sowers, secretary. In addition
Mrs. A-rt Nicklaus has been se-i
lected to serve on the state nomi-
nations committee.
For the educational program, a:
panel discussion on first aid was
conducted by Mrs. Germ White,
educational director.
The next meeting will be held
January 28 at the home of
Ken Evans with Mrs Don Smith
acting as co-hostess.
,tvr00 TQ0
"EVEn TOO I,A.TE .,,
Now I, The Time To...
Georgine Reed Guild
Meets in Diem Home
Last Friday, 12 members of the
Georgine Reed Orthopedic Guild
met at the home of Mrs. F. H.
Diehl where the hostess served
a colorful variety of salads and
homemade rolls f)r hmch.
hi tbe absence of Mrs. Paul
Schlosser, 'presidentl Mrs. John
Bennett conducted the short busi-
ness meet.
Mrs. S. A. Hatcher, treasurer,
rep(rted all dues had been paid.
It was announced that the John
Bennetts, Winston Seotts and Ola-
vi Ahos are planning a project for
i March. Details of the project will
be announced at the next meet-
! Three tables of bridge were
]played the llemainder of the af-
/t's A Date
Today, Thursday, Jan. 2
Golden Age Club, 6 p.m., Me-
moriql ball.
Toastmaster's Club, 7 a.m.,
Hciie's Broiler.
l,'riday, ,hen. 23
Basketball, Jefferson vs. Shel-
ton, 6:45 p.m., Shelton gym, three
g ull e s.
Sdurday, Jail 24
Ch)thing Pool, 10 a.m. until noon
Welfare Bldg., Sixth and Railroad.
Sunday, Jan. 25
All-City Choir Concert, 4 p.m.,
Jtmior high school auditorium.
Mcmd|y, Jan. 26
Lake Isabella Woman's Club
Mrs. Lombard's home.
Southside School PTO expcutive
board, 7:30 p.m., Southside school.
Royal Neighbors of America
7:30 p.m., Mrs. Olaf Laugen's
Tuesday, Jan. 27
Shelton Music Club, 8 p.m., Mrs.
R. W. Oltman's home.
Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, 10:30
a.m., Girl Scout Littlehouse.
Wednesday, Jan. 28
SRA Pinochle Cinb, 8 p.m., Shel-
ton Armory.
WSCS 2 p.m., circles meet--Mrs.
Howard's circle, in Mrs. L. D.
Hack's home; Mrs. Reck's circle,
Mrs. Hal McClary's home; Mrs.
Wingard's circle, Mrs. W. A. Wit-
sier's home.
DeMlays To
Install (Hticers
The public is invited to the an-
nual installation of afftcers for the
Mark g. Reed chapter, Order of
DeMolay, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in
the Masonic Temple.
To be instaffed as Mater
councilor will be Stew Biehl, on
of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blehl.
Other officers to be lhstalled will
be Jerry Ktlbourne, senior coun-
cilor; Sherry Hlbert, junior coun-
cilor; Harry Coles, senior deacon;
3udd Tuberg, junior ¢eacon; Ter-
ry 0sterberg, senior stewa'rd; Bill
Forman, Jtmfor steward; Dave
Pearce, orator; Scott Briggs,
scribe; Rick Beck, treasurer; Jim
oakes, sentinel'; James Mattis,
chaplain; Rawlin McInelly, mar-
shal; Jerry Mallory, standard bear-
er; Kern Livermore, almoner, and
Jan Norvold, Corky Peterson, Eric
Coles, Dave Meissner, Ed Stock,
Ralph Hoard, and Wllford Bear.
don, preceptors.
Installing officers will be Jerry
HOME LOAN Preuse, Bob Kepka, Woody Silli-
font, Tacoma, and Bob Forman,
i All 'Ocountslneured up to $10,000 by F.S.& (.and I.C. eirt Oobbe Slab
:!' &INIISTOII 08UmY FEDERAL White Elephant Sale
Members of the Dirt Dobbers
: NGS & LOAN ASSODIATION Garden Club will meet at 10:30
a.m. Tuesday in the Girl Scout
Littlehouse, Kneeland Park. A
Btty Bldg., .Olympia, Wash. white elephant sale will be held
iCERI, following the meeting.
m " DIRECTOR-- It was reported at the last meet-
I Sears, Pl'esident ing Of the group that Fred Pests
of the Douglas Iir Company has
replanted the douglas fir trees
r, S--rdata 'ZY'Ua JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. that had (tied since last spring
U r,_ __ = " V.R. LAWRENCE around the log monument.
_ --', Altar. Secy.-Tree& J C rrv°HULL ROYAL-NH(iHBOItS
Mlauli. Vice , ...... " ........
--,era(tent CARLTON I. SEARS Members of the Royal Neighbors
of America will meet for the reg-
" -..,, YT PIN? gATE8 3Ya PER ANNUM-- ularly schluled meeting at 7:30
p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs.
Olaf Laugen.
AL- Published in
Canal Woman's GI
:Plans for Foreip
Mrs William Gilbert, interns-
tional relations chairman for the
Hood Canal Woman's Club, an-
nounced phms to bring University
of Washington foreign exchange
students at the last meeting of
the club.
The students, who visited Hood
Canal last year during their friend k
ship tour, stayed overnight in ten
Canal tmmes during their two-day
visit in Mason county. Those who
opened tlmir homes counted it a i
privilege as they learned a great
deal about the customs of the dif-i
ferent countries as well as to pre-[
nit the students to find out mor
alout our way of liing.
The club voted to give $10 to
the Girl Scouts, $5 to the student
nurse and penny art funds and a
"Blanche Radtke" memorial of $20
" ShelleD, Washington
Sea PiaNist to
Appear In Annual
,/Cir Ca,eert
sunday, 4 p.m., in the Junior
high school auditorium, is the
time, date and place for' the atonal
choir concert sponsored by the
Shelton Music Club. Featured
among the local choirs will be
Leslie Wood, brilliant young Se-
attle musician, who will play a
group of piano solos.
Wood is one of the outstanding
pianists from the aist class of
Paul Pierre Neely, natimially known
teacher of piano. He is a popular
soloist, for various clubs and or-
ganizations in Seattle and Shelton
music loers are eagerly looking
forward to his playing.
The ;high school choir and the
choirs from the following churches
Will participate: Faith Lutheran,
First Baptist Methodist St. Da-
vid's Episcopal, Mo nt Olive Lu-
Bridal Show=' Fetes
Dera Jeah Malhew$
A Sunday aftern,)nn bridal show-
el' ill tbe home of Mrs. Madelcne
: Anderson honored |he conliu K nlar-
rin,,e of Miss Dora Jean Malhews
to Mr. Roy Putxin. ]h)stesses for
!the affair were Mrs. Ken Wohlen
and Mrs. T)on Hansen
Pink rosebuds and a bride doll
were lined as the cc.nterpiece for
the attractively set tahle.
Attending besides the guest of
:honor were Mesdames Cecil Mc-
;Clain, Bob Wolden, A. E. Lemke,
Robert Ogden, H. E. XVolden, L. L.
iPutvin, Laurence Putvin, Don Put-
vin, F. E. Ogien and Susie, I)ick
FranMin, Bud Franklin, Jack Mal-
langer, Hester Ogden, Geri Villines,
Bob Pughn, Art Graf, Tom Ogden
and Bellaine and Miss Lethe Wil-
Ollt-of-town gtlests were Mrs.
S. W. Babcock and Mrs, Hilder
WSCS Members
'Rekindle Gift'
"Rekindling the Gift" was the
themc of last Wednesday's meet-
ink of the Wom'm's Society of
Christian Service in the fireplace
room of the MetbodisI church.
Mrs, I)avid Little was in charge
of the proKranl and Mrs. Thonlas
Rowe led the devotions.
. Preceding the nleeting Mrs. Mer-
ritt Wingard's circle served a des-
sert luncheon:
The folh)wing circles will meet
for a Olle o'ch)ck ]lulcheon next
Wednesday ill tile f o I l o w i n g
homes: Mrs. Howard's circle in
the h,)me of Mrs. L. D. Hack with
Mrs. Amy Frank, co-hostess; Mrs.
Reck's circle in Mrs. Hal Mc-
Clary's boule and Mrs. "Vingard's
circle in the home of Mrs. W. A.
Wits,era with Mrs. H. W. Gruver
as co-hoatess.
ATTENDING the Governor's
to Girls' State. theran and St. Edward's Catholic. Alvesta(t, of Tacoma. Unable to Ball ,m Wednesday of hist week " ].
A potluck luncheon was served A Clarinet quartet from the city attend but sen, linK gifts were Mrs. from Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. ..,
instead ofthe regular luncheon by Ischool music department will also Art "Wolden, Mrs. Lou Alvestad A. L. Barnes, Mr. anti Mrs. Roy ' 'i
a committee. Mrs. C. R. Dugger]perform. Three selections will be and Mrs, Jerome Burke. Ritner, Mr. and Mrs. John Ben'-
........... mtt, Mrs Kathryn 14raneken anti k
showed one of her many habbies I sung by tile combined school and " ":
to the club and others Were' asked I church choirs. Walter Ttmmerick. 'fl,
to tell about their hobbies. ] There will be a silver offering. TWIN SONS were born Dec. 24 ............ ;' Sg.]
- ]The funds raised will be used to to Mr. and Mrs. 1 atrmk Kmball WEEKEND GUESTS at the
• Isend an outstanding Shelton stu- (.nee Marcy Fuller) in Spokane. home of Mr. and Mrs. George I'M. BE HAPPY 3
uthside PTO Board I dent interested in music to tile Proud grandparents are Mr. and Cropper were Mrs. Croppers TO SHOW YOU "
,1- ' ,.., - -- J___ xri_,- Inland Emi)lre Music Camp. Mrs. Floyd Fuller and Mr. and aunts, Mrs. Garrett Lawman and THE V aH'e na,¢=a
"L'O [MLI IIOlliQIIb" J.l /lllU I The She]ion Music Club is af- Mrs. Jack tIaydon. Mrs. William Chatfield, Seattle. , ,,,,=v=-r,w
The executive board of thelflliated with the Washington State[] &I] ;Yg7J[ [1
Southside Parent-Teachers Organ- and Nati0n'al Federatiot; of MU- .................................................................. #
ization will meet at 7:30 p.m.,si c Club. 'The next meeting of
Monday !n the school. . . the ehtb will be t 8 p,m..'rues.
Specim music has Deed piannea day in the home of Mrs. R. W
for the next meeting of the PTO Oltman
.for Feb. 2, tth the appearance " M APP&It|L
of the h'ene S. Reed high chool IN THE ¢OblaOR]r OF ¥OUOJII
nonettes. Clothing Pool STARTIHG SAT JAH 24
' The Monthly Shelton Jayette "9 • GLENN F, ltIOllTE
SALVATION AR.Y .TRUCJ< Clothing Pool will be open Sat-
The Salvation Army tmmk will urday from ten o'clock until noon Burley, :Wm,h.
be in Shelton to plck up discard in the Welfare building, Sixth and • IN EAGLES HALL (Airport) 8 p.m,
next Wednesday, Jan. 28. Those Railroad, to serve needy families Ph. TRiangle 6-4841 Evenings
wishing the truck to stop are of the county. Helping with the PUBLIC INVITED [ r'll
asked to call Mrs. A, H. Goodwin, fitting wi ,be melnLers of the Sandwiches, Salad, Coffee Served After Party
HA 6-3555. Degree of Honor Lode.
lrU., t
" 72xr,00t " Uw,ow.'.o I
.,.:::::.+. . .... , , , . . ' '' .. . ,, .., • .,2: ...
::::. s...::::::...':i:N "':.:..8::::.: :.:.::'' :V :.':.'. :N:
f ",'}i!:;!i:;ih:;;i}ii i:Fi:i:
i}iiiii;i!iilJ iNi ........
;:::!:!:i.::i:i::::::$: .%> , '::::;.::::: :'.. ..i:::!:i:i; :: ::
Going On Sale Friday Morning at 9:30 • For Best Selection Better Shop Early . . . You'll Save!!
.......... ' ......... " ............................ ............ . ........ " _ \\; !01earanoe Sleialst
::. ::,: ,,i: SPORT DENIM o !" ,n,ao,s' Rayo.
";: ,-Mi . :.,. i!ii;:;i ( ..}iF Waterproof
SPEOIAL !N!I]/i}il;i 'llnfants'
.',::::: % (: !i:!i:i!t
,. I i!ii € E,tr= Wide, 76 3,
,' i _..::,::::, ! : ,,,ti;i PANTS,nfants, 3 Prs.
:,:,,m Duponl Dacro#
' I Shot, S,eev.
:" " 2 pairs $1 ..................... *: ,u,,ovo, 3/S8' Prise,lies
i]...]..::iiii ....... ..... '"'"' ' "" .... '"" " 4i' ii}{':'£':!iii#ili[ii':::4'ti Si.es200 PAIRS!2. 4, .... 6, 8 yrs.'OYS' & GIRLS'Sturdy Iiilii 1 [*ii::i::":i;*i"iii:a' " "i)!il '*'6. a4Reeeiving Sizes 0 to 3'S. Bargains,3/, 1 $--50 _a pr
Sanforized sport denim in blue, BLANKETS Wispy sheer, yet strong
!i tan, grey. All 'round elastic tj!iI[ " i Pastels.
' .s { waist band. Ruggedly rein- as iron. Stand up to ram,
.::.' • ,.'4.> %, ,:.
,:::* , .:f.::,::*: "Day of Week" fumes. Wash in a jiffy,
;}i;i!'i;i !;.i :i::.2:i:.i,'..'a:ii.'./::.." pleaael TERRY needh,oning.just76 a xamidgen8:l inchee°f
BIBS / = long. Won't shrink or
Special Vahet Cnto nursery prints, stretch. Ivory.
'Hand Embroidered Batiste ............
OOLORFUL TOWELS Fashion =by 88 € More ust Unaced'
gQ Dresses Choice F,eecy Warm
, L 0 H S .................. _ _ '1
i ' 0 by 40 inches Just 190 Patrsl
BOYS' &afor!z.d 10-OZ. SWEAT SHIII'
=€ fae towe,. DEN ,IM JFAtTS S4 L<mg body full cut. Sizes small,
2 pairs $1 oo Price J medium an. large in the blg-
€ wash cloth, gt cold weather brgpin h rt
12 by 12 inches , Sizes 4 to 12 year, ever. Machine Washable.
Decorator hes in sturdy, ab- Hurry, dqn't delay. This price color. Ribbed neck for la y
sortmnt terry! Brown, yellow, m so low that these seli out fit. Save!
rose, pink, .turquoise, white, First quality, every pair per- lerYfroi.kly. Sturdy
green, blue. fect. Full fashion, 15 denier, Y • Reinforced atPa] Men's Nylon Reinforced
60 gauge nylons in Spring pointe of strain. CUSHION SOLE
More Towel Bargains shadB. Sizes S to n. Stock
Cannon Terry up now. 1 .Gr0upl 8peolalsl WOK tOC8
Wash qldq) for $ W0m', R011-Up Sleeve
, COTTON $41 "
Cloths ee Just Jt BLOUSES --,vw
Full Colors.
Vv'hite and pastels, gtze$ 32 to
38. Sanfortzod broadcloth.
Pairs '1.°°
,Fringed Terry SA'IOR][ZED "::'' i!: ii;:' ' ., White or random colors in sizes
10 ,to 12. Sttudy long wearing
S 1 co(ton work socks at a big av.
Guest for $ mrgals'
Towels Just OliAJaAY ln Elastic tops. 300 pairs,
'! New LI! Pdeu on SSeeld
11 x 18, Decorator Colors. !i;
Cannon Waffle Plaid SlHRT STOCK UP IN JAN UARYl
DISH I for '1 ation.M/ide 9r Dogble Bed Fitted $1.77
CLOTI q$st .- Stf0'ized /ta-Wtde.Fitted Tops now $2,39
Cannon Frlnged - St'Iped $ I on if 72xi08 N at, on-Wide. Tm Skeets ]&av ,st $IJ8
5 1 Terrific Famou0. P!Nlee9 Mus]ii 8][X08 are now lUSt $1.99
KITCHEN for $ Bargain!
TOWELS Just ,4,/= tO 17 Sanfonzed Pcnco Bottom Ftted Double $1.99
Just 4 Left! Stlidy Peace 7208 Twin Sheets _ now $1.79
Boys' All 001 Full cut, long sleeve, machine e Percales 81x108 or bottom fitted $2.09
SUBURBAN $ washable, 2 pockets. Double •
shoulder yoke, lined collar. Ms- 50% Chicken 50% Dnck Feather Pillows $2.98
JACKETS chine washable. Buy yours
Warmwool. Reduced,quilt lined. 4-6:'v'artyears.plaLd this weekend, Jan, Dlearan Bailtains from Ready b wear
Look Mothelml 1 RACK BETTER DRESSES $=8 fll
BOys' 8anforized Flannel AT GIVE-AWAY PRICE ................. lmVV
SPOR st SPEOIAL .; W'omen s Rayon Jersey,'Cottons Corduroy;: " Eve'ry mm
Dress worth three to four times this price.
SHIRTS.sizes 8 to 12 years,JOWonly. JLAll B0ys"T' Shirt ! ,I/ 18 WOS. ALL WOOL LeNd COATS $
from our top quality shirt line. S :: ' ] 8to16's. Riehboucles, fleeees, aIlmitiumlined. AJl
Many are wash 'n wear flan- Bargains.
2 f.o SS or I 1 Rack GLRLS' AUTO COATS $dlQQ
Terrific Bargainsl C ( Waxm lined ........................................................ CHOICE qilV
Men's Long Sleeve r ' ' ' Sizes 3 to 6x. Many washable. 7 - 14's are $5,88
Sport Shirts $,88 ief " ( 1 Group Girls' Better Dresses, $4q $ Sj
'" ''' '* , Sie.s ................................................................ i[= *T
Reduced Knit Br s ,, ..,
Sanforized ginghams, stripes,
solid colors. All machine wash- 5 Only! Girls' Milium Lined Long Coats $
o We00r $,
All pricedtosaveyoumoney. t 00 Size4 to6x. Fur trimmed flecces. All bargains. O
Sizes 7-1-1 years, same as at),)ve for just $!0.00.
12 Only* 72x90 Size J | : t
11 Only Wos. Better Coats $
Warm 10% Si "
BLANKETsORLON $e n°s°:til6rY'Ys)'htelfie{6lc "il" brtef. ',tirgain 'Ni] 10Miti'Im liningSonly Wos. ......... ..................................................... Chenille ........................................ ]l)upte NOWw Jl,i}__
Orthopedic Dance is
for Saturday, Feb.
"Tf"elton Armory by the
the Juninr ,and Chil-
is open to the public
as well as teenagers
to attend.
the dance are the
Verda McConkey,
and James Stevens
and Atahualpa
:eeds from the dance will
the eattle Children's
MXSS DONNA BURNETT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Burnett, became the attractive bride of Mr. Richard Allen John-
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Johnson of Albuquerque, N.M.,
in a recent double ring. cerem9ny in the Methodist church. The
couple are making thMr home in Seattle where they are students
at the University of Washington. Mr. Johnson is employed at
Boeing Aircraft and Mrs. Johnson in the University forestry li-
Phone HA 6-4393
Foresters Report
,Given Beta Zetas,
Calendar Pr0jects
The regular business and edu-
cational meeting of Beta Zeta
Chapter, Epsilon StgTna Alpha In -
lernational, was held Wednesday
of last week at the home of :Mrs.
Jim Cross, Mrs. Ken Smith co-
In the absence o1: the president,
Mrs. Ed Dunbar, vice-president,
presided at the meeting. Mrs. Ken
Evans gave a report on the Excep-
tional Foresters, Inc., benefit held
in December. Tentative plans were
made for a rummage sale to be
held February 28 at the PUD
building. Also plans were made
l for a bake sale to be held later
in the spring.
TAb? group was told that Mrs.
!R. . Stephens, fm'mer Beta Zeta
member, had affiliated with the
Olympia chapter. Mrs. Stephens
attended meetings here for some
I time even though they were re-
siding in Olympia. It was also an-
nounced that Mrs. Bill Kimbel and
Mrs. Jim Dean will become inac-
tive members for a short period
(if' time:.
Date lfo :the forthcoming ESA
state convention to be held in Spo-
kane is May 22, 23 and 24. Beta
2eta has in its chapter two state:
council officers, Mrs. Dick Hol-
land, president, and Mrs. Glenn
Sowers, secretary. In addition
Mrs. A-rt Nicklaus has been se-i
lected to serve on the state nomi-
nations committee.
For the educational program, a:
panel discussion on first aid was
conducted by Mrs. Germ White,
educational director.
The next meeting will be held
January 28 at the home of
Ken Evans with Mrs Don Smith
acting as co-hostess.
,tvr00 TQ0
"EVEn TOO I,A.TE .,,
Now I, The Time To...
Georgine Reed Guild
Meets in Diem Home
Last Friday, 12 members of the
Georgine Reed Orthopedic Guild
met at the home of Mrs. F. H.
Diehl where the hostess served
a colorful variety of salads and
homemade rolls f)r hmch.
hi tbe absence of Mrs. Paul
Schlosser, 'presidentl Mrs. John
Bennett conducted the short busi-
ness meet.
Mrs. S. A. Hatcher, treasurer,
rep(rted all dues had been paid.
It was announced that the John
Bennetts, Winston Seotts and Ola-
vi Ahos are planning a project for
i March. Details of the project will
be announced at the next meet-
! Three tables of bridge were
]played the llemainder of the af-
/t's A Date
Today, Thursday, Jan. 2
Golden Age Club, 6 p.m., Me-
moriql ball.
Toastmaster's Club, 7 a.m.,
Hciie's Broiler.
l,'riday, ,hen. 23
Basketball, Jefferson vs. Shel-
ton, 6:45 p.m., Shelton gym, three
g ull e s.
Sdurday, Jail 24
Ch)thing Pool, 10 a.m. until noon
Welfare Bldg., Sixth and Railroad.
Sunday, Jan. 25
All-City Choir Concert, 4 p.m.,
Jtmior high school auditorium.
Mcmd|y, Jan. 26
Lake Isabella Woman's Club
Mrs. Lombard's home.
Southside School PTO expcutive
board, 7:30 p.m., Southside school.
Royal Neighbors of America
7:30 p.m., Mrs. Olaf Laugen's
Tuesday, Jan. 27
Shelton Music Club, 8 p.m., Mrs.
R. W. Oltman's home.
Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, 10:30
a.m., Girl Scout Littlehouse.
Wednesday, Jan. 28
SRA Pinochle Cinb, 8 p.m., Shel-
ton Armory.
WSCS 2 p.m., circles meet--Mrs.
Howard's circle, in Mrs. L. D.
Hack's home; Mrs. Reck's circle,
Mrs. Hal McClary's home; Mrs.
Wingard's circle, Mrs. W. A. Wit-
sier's home.
DeMlays To
Install (Hticers
The public is invited to the an-
nual installation of afftcers for the
Mark g. Reed chapter, Order of
DeMolay, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in
the Masonic Temple.
To be instaffed as Mater
councilor will be Stew Biehl, on
of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blehl.
Other officers to be lhstalled will
be Jerry Ktlbourne, senior coun-
cilor; Sherry Hlbert, junior coun-
cilor; Harry Coles, senior deacon;
3udd Tuberg, junior ¢eacon; Ter-
ry 0sterberg, senior stewa'rd; Bill
Forman, Jtmfor steward; Dave
Pearce, orator; Scott Briggs,
scribe; Rick Beck, treasurer; Jim
oakes, sentinel'; James Mattis,
chaplain; Rawlin McInelly, mar-
shal; Jerry Mallory, standard bear-
er; Kern Livermore, almoner, and
Jan Norvold, Corky Peterson, Eric
Coles, Dave Meissner, Ed Stock,
Ralph Hoard, and Wllford Bear.
don, preceptors.
Installing officers will be Jerry
HOME LOAN Preuse, Bob Kepka, Woody Silli-
font, Tacoma, and Bob Forman,
i All 'Ocountslneured up to $10,000 by F.S.& (.and I.C. eirt Oobbe Slab
:!' &INIISTOII 08UmY FEDERAL White Elephant Sale
Members of the Dirt Dobbers
: NGS & LOAN ASSODIATION Garden Club will meet at 10:30
a.m. Tuesday in the Girl Scout
Littlehouse, Kneeland Park. A
Btty Bldg., .Olympia, Wash. white elephant sale will be held
iCERI, following the meeting.
m " DIRECTOR-- It was reported at the last meet-
I Sears, Pl'esident ing Of the group that Fred Pests
of the Douglas Iir Company has
replanted the douglas fir trees
r, S--rdata 'ZY'Ua JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. that had (tied since last spring
U r,_ __ = " V.R. LAWRENCE around the log monument.
_ --', Altar. Secy.-Tree& J C rrv°HULL ROYAL-NH(iHBOItS
Mlauli. Vice , ...... " ........
--,era(tent CARLTON I. SEARS Members of the Royal Neighbors
of America will meet for the reg-
" -..,, YT PIN? gATE8 3Ya PER ANNUM-- ularly schluled meeting at 7:30
p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs.
Olaf Laugen.
AL- Published in
Canal Woman's GI
:Plans for Foreip
Mrs William Gilbert, interns-
tional relations chairman for the
Hood Canal Woman's Club, an-
nounced phms to bring University
of Washington foreign exchange
students at the last meeting of
the club.
The students, who visited Hood
Canal last year during their friend k
ship tour, stayed overnight in ten
Canal tmmes during their two-day
visit in Mason county. Those who
opened tlmir homes counted it a i
privilege as they learned a great
deal about the customs of the dif-i
ferent countries as well as to pre-[
nit the students to find out mor
alout our way of liing.
The club voted to give $10 to
the Girl Scouts, $5 to the student
nurse and penny art funds and a
"Blanche Radtke" memorial of $20
" ShelleD, Washington
Sea PiaNist to
Appear In Annual
,/Cir Ca,eert
sunday, 4 p.m., in the Junior
high school auditorium, is the
time, date and place for' the atonal
choir concert sponsored by the
Shelton Music Club. Featured
among the local choirs will be
Leslie Wood, brilliant young Se-
attle musician, who will play a
group of piano solos.
Wood is one of the outstanding
pianists from the aist class of
Paul Pierre Neely, natimially known
teacher of piano. He is a popular
soloist, for various clubs and or-
ganizations in Seattle and Shelton
music loers are eagerly looking
forward to his playing.
The ;high school choir and the
choirs from the following churches
Will participate: Faith Lutheran,
First Baptist Methodist St. Da-
vid's Episcopal, Mo nt Olive Lu-
Bridal Show=' Fetes
Dera Jeah Malhew$
A Sunday aftern,)nn bridal show-
el' ill tbe home of Mrs. Madelcne
: Anderson honored |he conliu K nlar-
rin,,e of Miss Dora Jean Malhews
to Mr. Roy Putxin. ]h)stesses for
!the affair were Mrs. Ken Wohlen
and Mrs. T)on Hansen
Pink rosebuds and a bride doll
were lined as the cc.nterpiece for
the attractively set tahle.
Attending besides the guest of
:honor were Mesdames Cecil Mc-
;Clain, Bob Wolden, A. E. Lemke,
Robert Ogden, H. E. XVolden, L. L.
iPutvin, Laurence Putvin, Don Put-
vin, F. E. Ogien and Susie, I)ick
FranMin, Bud Franklin, Jack Mal-
langer, Hester Ogden, Geri Villines,
Bob Pughn, Art Graf, Tom Ogden
and Bellaine and Miss Lethe Wil-
Ollt-of-town gtlests were Mrs.
S. W. Babcock and Mrs, Hilder
WSCS Members
'Rekindle Gift'
"Rekindling the Gift" was the
themc of last Wednesday's meet-
ink of the Wom'm's Society of
Christian Service in the fireplace
room of the MetbodisI church.
Mrs, I)avid Little was in charge
of the proKranl and Mrs. Thonlas
Rowe led the devotions.
. Preceding the nleeting Mrs. Mer-
ritt Wingard's circle served a des-
sert luncheon:
The folh)wing circles will meet
for a Olle o'ch)ck ]lulcheon next
Wednesday ill tile f o I l o w i n g
homes: Mrs. Howard's circle in
the h,)me of Mrs. L. D. Hack with
Mrs. Amy Frank, co-hostess; Mrs.
Reck's circle in Mrs. Hal Mc-
Clary's boule and Mrs. "Vingard's
circle in the home of Mrs. W. A.
Wits,era with Mrs. H. W. Gruver
as co-hoatess.
ATTENDING the Governor's
to Girls' State. theran and St. Edward's Catholic. Alvesta(t, of Tacoma. Unable to Ball ,m Wednesday of hist week " ].
A potluck luncheon was served A Clarinet quartet from the city attend but sen, linK gifts were Mrs. from Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. ..,
instead ofthe regular luncheon by Ischool music department will also Art "Wolden, Mrs. Lou Alvestad A. L. Barnes, Mr. anti Mrs. Roy ' 'i
a committee. Mrs. C. R. Dugger]perform. Three selections will be and Mrs, Jerome Burke. Ritner, Mr. and Mrs. John Ben'-
........... mtt, Mrs Kathryn 14raneken anti k
showed one of her many habbies I sung by tile combined school and " ":
to the club and others Were' asked I church choirs. Walter Ttmmerick. 'fl,
to tell about their hobbies. ] There will be a silver offering. TWIN SONS were born Dec. 24 ............ ;' Sg.]
- ]The funds raised will be used to to Mr. and Mrs. 1 atrmk Kmball WEEKEND GUESTS at the
• Isend an outstanding Shelton stu- (.nee Marcy Fuller) in Spokane. home of Mr. and Mrs. George I'M. BE HAPPY 3
uthside PTO Board I dent interested in music to tile Proud grandparents are Mr. and Cropper were Mrs. Croppers TO SHOW YOU "
,1- ' ,.., - -- J___ xri_,- Inland Emi)lre Music Camp. Mrs. Floyd Fuller and Mr. and aunts, Mrs. Garrett Lawman and THE V aH'e na,¢=a
"L'O [MLI IIOlliQIIb" J.l /lllU I The She]ion Music Club is af- Mrs. Jack tIaydon. Mrs. William Chatfield, Seattle. , ,,,,=v=-r,w
The executive board of thelflliated with the Washington State[] &I] ;Yg7J[ [1
Southside Parent-Teachers Organ- and Nati0n'al Federatiot; of MU- .................................................................. #
ization will meet at 7:30 p.m.,si c Club. 'The next meeting of
Monday !n the school. . . the ehtb will be t 8 p,m..'rues.
Specim music has Deed piannea day in the home of Mrs. R. W
for the next meeting of the PTO Oltman
.for Feb. 2, tth the appearance " M APP&It|L
of the h'ene S. Reed high chool IN THE ¢OblaOR]r OF ¥OUOJII
nonettes. Clothing Pool STARTIHG SAT JAH 24
' The Monthly Shelton Jayette "9 • GLENN F, ltIOllTE
SALVATION AR.Y .TRUCJ< Clothing Pool will be open Sat-
The Salvation Army tmmk will urday from ten o'clock until noon Burley, :Wm,h.
be in Shelton to plck up discard in the Welfare building, Sixth and • IN EAGLES HALL (Airport) 8 p.m,
next Wednesday, Jan. 28. Those Railroad, to serve needy families Ph. TRiangle 6-4841 Evenings
wishing the truck to stop are of the county. Helping with the PUBLIC INVITED [ r'll
asked to call Mrs. A, H. Goodwin, fitting wi ,be melnLers of the Sandwiches, Salad, Coffee Served After Party
HA 6-3555. Degree of Honor Lode.
lrU., t
" 72xr,00t " Uw,ow.'.o I
.,.:::::.+. . .... , , , . . ' '' .. . ,, .., • .,2: ...
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;:::!:!:i.::i:i::::::$: .%> , '::::;.::::: :'.. ..i:::!:i:i; :: ::
Going On Sale Friday Morning at 9:30 • For Best Selection Better Shop Early . . . You'll Save!!
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SPEOIAL !N!I]/i}il;i 'llnfants'
.',::::: % (: !i:!i:i!t
,. I i!ii € E,tr= Wide, 76 3,
,' i _..::,::::, ! : ,,,ti;i PANTS,nfants, 3 Prs.
:,:,,m Duponl Dacro#
' I Shot, S,eev.
:" " 2 pairs $1 ..................... *: ,u,,ovo, 3/S8' Prise,lies
i]...]..::iiii ....... ..... '"'"' ' "" .... '"" " 4i' ii}{':'£':!iii#ili[ii':::4'ti Si.es200 PAIRS!2. 4, .... 6, 8 yrs.'OYS' & GIRLS'Sturdy Iiilii 1 [*ii::i::":i;*i"iii:a' " "i)!il '*'6. a4Reeeiving Sizes 0 to 3'S. Bargains,3/, 1 $--50 _a pr
Sanforized sport denim in blue, BLANKETS Wispy sheer, yet strong
!i tan, grey. All 'round elastic tj!iI[ " i Pastels.
' .s { waist band. Ruggedly rein- as iron. Stand up to ram,
.::.' • ,.'4.> %, ,:.
,:::* , .:f.::,::*: "Day of Week" fumes. Wash in a jiffy,
;}i;i!'i;i !;.i :i::.2:i:.i,'..'a:ii.'./::.." pleaael TERRY needh,oning.just76 a xamidgen8:l inchee°f
BIBS / = long. Won't shrink or
Special Vahet Cnto nursery prints, stretch. Ivory.
'Hand Embroidered Batiste ............
OOLORFUL TOWELS Fashion =by 88 € More ust Unaced'
gQ Dresses Choice F,eecy Warm
, L 0 H S .................. _ _ '1
i ' 0 by 40 inches Just 190 Patrsl
BOYS' &afor!z.d 10-OZ. SWEAT SHIII'
=€ fae towe,. DEN ,IM JFAtTS S4 L<mg body full cut. Sizes small,
2 pairs $1 oo Price J medium an. large in the blg-
€ wash cloth, gt cold weather brgpin h rt
12 by 12 inches , Sizes 4 to 12 year, ever. Machine Washable.
Decorator hes in sturdy, ab- Hurry, dqn't delay. This price color. Ribbed neck for la y
sortmnt terry! Brown, yellow, m so low that these seli out fit. Save!
rose, pink, .turquoise, white, First quality, every pair per- lerYfroi.kly. Sturdy
green, blue. fect. Full fashion, 15 denier, Y • Reinforced atPa] Men's Nylon Reinforced
60 gauge nylons in Spring pointe of strain. CUSHION SOLE
More Towel Bargains shadB. Sizes S to n. Stock
Cannon Terry up now. 1 .Gr0upl 8peolalsl WOK tOC8
Wash qldq) for $ W0m', R011-Up Sleeve
, COTTON $41 "
Cloths ee Just Jt BLOUSES --,vw
Full Colors.
Vv'hite and pastels, gtze$ 32 to
38. Sanfortzod broadcloth.
Pairs '1.°°
,Fringed Terry SA'IOR][ZED "::'' i!: ii;:' ' ., White or random colors in sizes
10 ,to 12. Sttudy long wearing
S 1 co(ton work socks at a big av.
Guest for $ mrgals'
Towels Just OliAJaAY ln Elastic tops. 300 pairs,
'! New LI! Pdeu on SSeeld
11 x 18, Decorator Colors. !i;
Cannon Waffle Plaid SlHRT STOCK UP IN JAN UARYl
DISH I for '1 ation.M/ide 9r Dogble Bed Fitted $1.77
CLOTI q$st .- Stf0'ized /ta-Wtde.Fitted Tops now $2,39
Cannon Frlnged - St'Iped $ I on if 72xi08 N at, on-Wide. Tm Skeets ]&av ,st $IJ8
5 1 Terrific Famou0. P!Nlee9 Mus]ii 8][X08 are now lUSt $1.99
KITCHEN for $ Bargain!
TOWELS Just ,4,/= tO 17 Sanfonzed Pcnco Bottom Ftted Double $1.99
Just 4 Left! Stlidy Peace 7208 Twin Sheets _ now $1.79
Boys' All 001 Full cut, long sleeve, machine e Percales 81x108 or bottom fitted $2.09
SUBURBAN $ washable, 2 pockets. Double •
shoulder yoke, lined collar. Ms- 50% Chicken 50% Dnck Feather Pillows $2.98
JACKETS chine washable. Buy yours
Warmwool. Reduced,quilt lined. 4-6:'v'artyears.plaLd this weekend, Jan, Dlearan Bailtains from Ready b wear
Look Mothelml 1 RACK BETTER DRESSES $=8 fll
BOys' 8anforized Flannel AT GIVE-AWAY PRICE ................. lmVV
SPOR st SPEOIAL .; W'omen s Rayon Jersey,'Cottons Corduroy;: " Eve'ry mm
Dress worth three to four times this price.
SHIRTS.sizes 8 to 12 years,JOWonly. JLAll B0ys"T' Shirt ! ,I/ 18 WOS. ALL WOOL LeNd COATS $
from our top quality shirt line. S :: ' ] 8to16's. Riehboucles, fleeees, aIlmitiumlined. AJl
Many are wash 'n wear flan- Bargains.
2 f.o SS or I 1 Rack GLRLS' AUTO COATS $dlQQ
Terrific Bargainsl C ( Waxm lined ........................................................ CHOICE qilV
Men's Long Sleeve r ' ' ' Sizes 3 to 6x. Many washable. 7 - 14's are $5,88
Sport Shirts $,88 ief " ( 1 Group Girls' Better Dresses, $4q $ Sj
'" ''' '* , Sie.s ................................................................ i[= *T
Reduced Knit Br s ,, ..,
Sanforized ginghams, stripes,
solid colors. All machine wash- 5 Only! Girls' Milium Lined Long Coats $
o We00r $,
All pricedtosaveyoumoney. t 00 Size4 to6x. Fur trimmed flecces. All bargains. O
Sizes 7-1-1 years, same as at),)ve for just $!0.00.
12 Only* 72x90 Size J | : t
11 Only Wos. Better Coats $
Warm 10% Si "
BLANKETsORLON $e n°s°:til6rY'Ys)'htelfie{6lc "il" brtef. ',tirgain 'Ni] 10Miti'Im liningSonly Wos. ......... ..................................................... Chenille ........................................ ]l)upte NOWw Jl,i}__