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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PSL Blazers Play Only Home Night Game Friday; Jaguars Rival Olimbers Bound For Raymond Friday; Lose To Nodh Kitsap 68-34 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOLrRNAL- Published in "Ohristmastown, U.8.A.," Shelton, GOLF CLUB CALENDAR I LittleGlimbers Noloh 4lh in Row with Wins JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE W L Jefferson ........................... 3 1 Miller . ................................. 4 2 Hoquiam ................................. 3 2 Hopkins ................................ 2 2 Washington ........................ 2 3 Centralia ............................. 2 3 Shelton ................................. 1 4 Last Week Hoquiam 34, Shelton 26 Millet" 38, Hopkins 27 Centralla 23. Jefferson 20 Thi Friday ,Iefferson at Shelton (niglt) Hoquiam at VVashington Centralia at Hopkins Now that Jefferson junior high of Olympia has tasted defeat, the Shel[on Blazers hold hopes of keeping the skids greased under the Jaguars this Friday night when they visit the Shelton gym for the only home night game at which Shelton fans will get an opportunity to watch the Blazers in action this year. TIlE BLAZERS are lloping for a full house, toe. in order to bols- ter their always-strained athlet- ic fund and will give fans a triple- header for their money. Blazer /*The well that I made t wish J come true In the 1890's a wish came true at the little town of Tumwater, near Olympia, Washhlgton. Here, flowing cool and clear from deep artesian wells, water of an extraordinary character was discovered. This was war equal to those used in brewing the famous beers of Bavaria ... water which, in the years ahead, was to be responsible for th popularity of light Olympia Beer. It nmin$ as tree in this century as the last: the more perfect the brewing water, €he more per[set the brewing result. Olympia's famous water is naturally per[cot tot brewing just u it flowl from the earth... cresting a br of refreshingly different good taste. -, the one-! priceless ingredient' b OLYMPPA gREW'ING €O. Olymo|a, Wo U, $. ..... III II nil ...... 7th graders wilt open the eve- ning's fare at 6:30 against the Kamilche Cougars, the Blazer 8th graders tackle the crack Hood Canal Consolidated 8th graders, undefeated so far. at 7:15. and the main event will send the Blazer varsity against Jefferson at 8:00 o'clock. Conch Walt Clayton's,. Blazers seemed headed for an upset tri- uraph at Hoquiam last Thursday, leading untthe final four min- Then big Curt Hagen dumped in four successive basket.s and Ho- qmam was off to a 34-26 triumph. The Blazers led at 8-6 and 14-11 in the first two quarte,'s and it was knotted at 20-20 at the final pause. BILl, DENNIS turned in his top performance of the season with 1.2 points .Dlt age took game honors at 16. The Blazer 8th graders dropped a 27-19 decision to their Hoquiam hosts and the Blazer 7th graders were short-enders on a 29-11 count. The lineups: HOQUIAM 84 SHELTON 26 Kosnoski 2 f Rose 2 Mandich 4 f Gustafson 3 Hagen 16 c Peterson Leach 7 g Dennis 12 Wayman 2 g Carlson 5 Subs: Hoquiam ..... Anderson 2, Wilson 2, Forrest. Shelton -- Wat- ters 4, Kazinsky. 8TH GRADERS IIOQUIAM 2"/ SHELTON 19 Robbins 2 f Bliner 7 Drake 3 f Todd 6 Rhebeck 2 c Anderson Jones 9 g Waters 2 klexander g Sloan 4 Subs: Hoquiam -- Parker 4, Sampson 3, Howard 2, Sallow 2, Robertson. Shelton .... Paulsrude Donahue, Orr, Rodgers, Combs. FRATERNAL LEAGUE W Lions Club ......................... i0 2 Kivanis Club ...................... 9 3 Shelton Hardware ............ 6 6 Active Club ...................... 5 7 Cascade-Olympic .............. 5 7 Fuller Construction .......... 5 7 McCleary ............................ 5 7 Moose Lodge ...................... 3 9 High game-.- Jess Phillips 216 High total..-Jess Phillips 589 LAWTON LUHBER COMPANY CENTRAL LEAGUE W L pf pa Elma ...................... 6 0 333 255 Chehalis ................. 5 1 381 300 North Thurston .... 4 2 333 299 SIIEI,TON ............... 3 3 296 318 Raymond .................. 2 4 340 344 Montesano ............... 1 5 258 309 St. Martin's ........... 0 6 245 352 This Friday Shelton at Raymond Monte at North Thurston Ehna at Chehalis La,t Tuesday Chehalis 54. North Thurston 48 Ehna 66, Raymond 55 Monte 59. St. Martin's 42 Last Saturlay Shelton 45, Montesano 44 Ehna 53, St. Martin's 32 Last Friday Ehna 58. Shelton 45 Chehalis 71, St. Martin's 33 North Thurston 58, Raymond 52 Needing a greatly improved pre- formance over their showing at Poulsbo Tuesday, the Highclimbers trek to Raymond this Friday to meet the Seagulls for the last time as Central League foes. Shelton will have to play a far superior brand of ball than they did in their 68-34 hen-conference defeat at the hands of highly- rated North Kitsap before they can expect to set the Gulls down for the second time this season. It took an overtime to do it in Shelton gym three weeks ago. Dick Lord's foul shooting was the lone bright spot in the shel- lacking at Poulsbo. He hit seven- for-seven in an eleven-point pro- duction. Thriller of the night was the B team prelim, in which the Little Climbers lost a 57-53 overtime verdict after leading all the way until the final moments of the fourth period. The quarterly counts were 17-12, 28-23, 39-33, and 51-51. The lineups: NORTH KIT 68 SIIELTON 84 Bird 6 f Temple 6 Maddocks 9 f Somers 4 Howerton 20 c Myers Anderson 13 g Manke 4 Bland 9 g Lord 11 Subs: N. K.--Milton 5, Schroe- der 4, Waali. Shelton--Halbert 5, Livermore 2, Miller 2. Guthrie. Score. by Quarters Shelton ......... 5 5 15 9--34 N. K ............... 14 18 19 17---68 B NORTti KIT 57 SHELTON 53 Mauser 22 f Sharpes 11 Lindvig 2 f Bill Fitchett 10 Paulson 12 c Close 12 Williams 12 g Bob Fitchett 10 Lambert 8 ff Bloomfield 6 Subs: N. K.--Uusitalo 1. Shel- ton-- Buzzard 4. Score by Quarters Shell.on .... 17 11 11 12 2..--53 N. K ......... 12 11 10 18 6---57 Arian Ghapman One of l]olu00ffWrestlJTng LEGE ...... James Arian Chapman, son of Mr. and Mt. I. F. Chap- man Route 1, Box 38, Shelton, is making a. bid for a spot on the 1959 varsity wstling team at Washington" State College. The former Shelton athlete will be competing at 137 pounds for th(. Cougars this wintei'. Hoquiam 34, Shelton 26 Centralia 23, Jefferson 20 Miller,,' 38, Hopkins 27 West Brem 33, East Brem 24 Bainbridge 26, Central Kit 22 North Kit 51, South Kit 22 Outboardlng's new PROFILE or POWER ,..from ,Jl.,I • i New inside as well as out.ida The new Johnson Sea.Horses go better with your boat....* make your boat go better! THeM SAEGER HOTOR SHOP Hillcrest Phone HA. 6-4602 __ I . J H _ THE OLD AND THE NEW--Frank Travis, retiring president, and Bill Batstone, newly elected president, discuss Shelton-Bay- shore Golf Club affairs after Monday night's annual membershi meeting at the clubhouse at Bayshore. (Journal photo, Ziegler print.) BATSTONE NEW PRESIDENT Bill Batstone, Rocky Hembroff and Bill Francis hold the three top offices--president, vice-presi- dent, and secretary-treasurer---in the Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club after their election by the mem- bership Monday night. Retiring president Frank Travis Jr. and Tony Nelson were elected to two-year terms on the board of trustees. After hearing reports from greens chairman Jack Kimbel, tournament chairman Clint Will- our, house chairman Clyde Fager- gren (given by Neff Brander), membership chairman Pete Zopo- lis (by written report in absen- tiaL men's division president Bea- nie Daniels and women's division president Ann Reichman, pro-man- $ • ager Alphie Kneeland and treas- urer Ed Begley, retiring president Travis concuded that the club had achieved 60 per cent of its project calendar for 1958. Total assets and liabilities of the club on the treasurer's balance sheet for 1958 showed $46,923.28 as the organization's fiscal worth. Of the assets $43,450.55 was listed as depreciated real estate while the principal liabilities were noted as $22,064.70 in contracts and notes payable. The club membership as of Jan- uary 1 this year was reported to be 202 active and inactive com- pared to 198 a year earlier with 82 of that number inactive as com- pared to 69 a year ago for a total active membership of 120 now as against 129 a year ago. k 00IITD - .... -- 00ASO. cou.,Y FAIR STEELIIEAI) WEEK Several sizeable fisi saved the past week from mediocrisy for Mason County steelhead anglers. Honors for the week go to a fishermwoman, Beth Brown, who battled a 16-lb. 9-on. giant from the Chehalis Jan. 14 while the best husband Ray could do was a pan-size 6-pounder. Dick Angle had the big one in a hHfch of t'¢mr rmming to 15-.t which he and Bm:k Armstrong claimed from the Satsop Friday. Roger Bogden hit the Goldsbof ough twic, on the 17th and 19th for a 12%-pounder among three t ekes. Karl Schwarck, Armstrong and Bob Keir each had llU-pounders during the week, Karl's from the Satsop Tuesday, Bob's from the Skokomish Saturday, Buck's from the Duckabush Thursday. BoWs was one of three he and Don H.ush took on the trip, Buck's one of five he and Fred Holm beached. Bill Valley s 14-3 from the Dose- wallips Sur;day was tbird best of the week and" close behind came Grant Yocum's 13 from the Sko- komtsh the samc day. Yocum also had a 6-pounder. Bill Jaekstadt limited in the Skokomish yesterday with %6 his largest, Grant Fiscus and his brother took three to 8 lbs. from the Duckabush Saturday, and dou- ble successes were scored by Frank McCaslin Thursday and Corky Dickinson Sunday, both to 7 lbs. and both from the Duckabush. Wayne Stenberg to 7 lbs. from the Skokomish Tuesday, and Blondie Petersen to 9 lbs. from the Hump- tulips Tuesday. Floyd Wetters. 7-9. Duckabush; Floyd Perkins, 5. Archie Young, 5. Dan Cormier, 6 !:, and Ode Dur- JEAN RAU BAGS 612 IN HOUSEWIVES LOOP IIOUSEWIVES LEAGUE W L Evergreen Texaco ........ 11 1 Shelton Union Service . 8 4 BuccJtl's Garage ........ 5/. 6b," 101 Park In .................... 5 7 Jim Pauley Inc ............. 4V, 7U., Byrne & Batstone ........ 2 I0 High game--Jean Ran 227 High series--Jean Rau 612 Jean Rau set a new pinnacle of individual performance in the Housewives bowling league when she rolled a 612 series Tuesday afternoon. Her feat sparked Ever- green Texaco to a shutout victory over Byrne & Bat.stone {Nell Byrne 444). Jean had games of 227, 202 and 183. SIMPSON "WOMEN'S LEAGUE Insulating Board ............... 4 0 Lumber . ............................... 4 0 Loggers ............................... 3 1 Purehasin .......................... 3 1 Engineering ..................... 1 3 Olympic Plvood ............... l 3 Accounting ......................... 0 4 Research ........................ 0 4 High game- Lil Dale 220 }tigl total Phyl Ziegler 585 MlXb'l) 1,O [TRSOME I)eerslavers ...... : ........ 52 2'i Rusty )uck ................... 46 30 Vho Knows .................... 45 31 Timher DIIcks ........... 43 33 Board Busters ............ 39 ..,. $6 ' I'in Busters ................. 32 4.i Odd Balz ............... 2(i 50 Wee-Uns ........... 20% 55': lligil Scores Men's game ..... George Howard 225 Men's total.-Charlie Savage 583 W men s game--Ada'r Neau ,2 , Women's total -- Phyl Zleglcr 567 Over Eagles, Bulldogs MONTESANO LED at the first and third quarter pauses Saturday night, 10-7 and 27-24, while Shel- ton enjoyed the half time (15-14) and the final bulges. Dave Sharpes dunked in a rebound to send Shel- ton ahead at' 28-27 at 5:45 of the *B Team Stanangs last period and the Little Climb- W L pf paers never trailed again :'*Raymond .............. 4 O 179 144 SHELTON 71 EI.,MA 57 North Thurston .... 4 1 219 169 Shat20es 7 f Henry 4 SHELTON .............. 4 2 264 254 Bloomfield 17 f Murphy 8 Elmer ...................... 3 2 232 231 Close 17 c Hay 15 *St. Martin's ........ 1 3 208 236 Bill Fitchett 15 g Easton 12 Chehalis .................. 1 4 218 240 Bob Fitchett 11 g Roderick 2 Montesano ............. 0 5 166 212 Subs: Shelton----Paulsrude 2, err La.t Week 2, Van Blaricom, Schneider. Elma Shelton 71, Elms 57 ...... "Walker 4, Graves 4, Brecuty 4, Shelton 34, Monte 30 Berry 2, Shelky, Frederickson. Raymond 48, Chehalis 41 Raymond 47, N. Thurston 38 SHELTON 34 IIONTE 30 St. Martin's 59, Chehalis 46 Sharpes 11 f Frizzell 7 Elms 64, St. Martin's 54 Bill Fitchett 5 f Whiting 11 *Game result unreported--stand- Close 5 c Smith 4 ings do not include last Tuesday's Bob Fitchett 5 g Hammock 2 Bloomfield 8 g Beaulieu 5 games. Subs: Shelton--none. Monte-- Coach Harold Wi!s0n's Little Fry 2, Phillips. Climbers ran their victory skein to four in a row in Central League B team competition by sacking Elms, 71-57, Friday in a scoring donnybrook at Elma, and com- ing from behind to shade Monte- san(), 34-30, at Shelton Saturday. NEIL CLOSE SCORED eleven points in the first half and 17 for the game, Jerry Bloomfield eight in the second quarter, seven in the third quarter and 17 for the game, Bill Fitchett eight in the first quarter and seven in the fourth with 15 for the game in the wide-open tally-binge at Elms. By quarters the Little Climbers margins were 22-17, 43-32, and 54-43. and, 5, all Skokomish; and Don Rock, 7, Dosewallips, took single- tons during the week, while Al err hit the Skokomiuh on separ- ate trips for 9-3 and 7 pounders. OWLS TUMBLE LOGGERS, MATLOCK--Don more than the Mary Owls could handle in gym Friday night, so ing Wishkah Loggers a 53-29 Tri-County ball victory. Entus tallied 22 the figure totalled by er, the Owls' top Wishkah girls also with booty, a 36-10 the Matlock girls. WISHKAH 53 Ancich 6 f Scoby 2 f Entus 22 c Bosz 2 g Parker 18 g Subs: Wishkah--Allel enbaugh, Ridgeway, Matlock--C. Walker DANCE Every Salurday Night THE TROPICS Schneider's Prairie - Shelton - Olympia Hiway Domeliner " TO D E NVE on the a d 00a,W2a00 Convenient Connections to Kansas City and St. Only one night ca route from the on the Domcliner City of Pordand. Convenicnt with the Domclher City of St. Louis at time to Kansas City and St. Louis as wcll. Whether, iIii liam ii I t:0001.. ..... Or. .... t,. sore [ 9:26 A.M ................ Lv. Tacoma | ............. tv.t01mm | I I:00 P.M .... (C el P) .... iv. P0¢daad I for busine*s or pleasure, the Dome Lounge, the $:30 P.M ................. lr. Dearer I and the world's only Dome Diner arc just a few of the City| gin r OF ST. LOUIS COINECTWN I I ,:407:05 A.L p' .......... ............ ' ..... tr. Kanatv" Bmmt¢ity i Portland features that will make your trip trul 2 I I1:1 KM ............... 1I. It. teuis 3:4SP-..'..;..---Lv-Oe-nr I Newest, Finest Train Service | *I:OOAJH ............... Af.Chicg0 I UNION i *$ecood Morning ! p WS schedule--sn it for reference. L....------..--- J J. C. Bach, Agent, Ticket Office, 407 E. 4th Ave. Olympia, Washington * Phone FL 7-3345 .......... ... Take this page with you when you go to look over the '59 cars00 Iflf0u get the ......... youll get a hrd ck r will give you a few very important things o lool for fore you're  o your feet by any 1959 car. You'll find that few cars can hold a candle to the 59 Ford wi .... / ....... it come, to the  am, make a car lovely to live with and lovely t loeb at.' Does the car you're looki  at offer a truly modern sin m (v 30-year-old design)? I$. Does the frame sweep out  a 4. Is the driveshaft tunnel low ether c |3. Doe, s the car you're con-  at fides to protect all ImP-  sidering use regular gas with oe*  -ngers? enough to let center passen.  FORD standard engi es (thereby I ger be comfortable? y[$ FORD saving up to $1.00 a tank- - 25. Does the roof have at l,eat  # ff Are feet of rear pa.,ngcrs 0thet cr fuD ? 5 cr. o.braces? (Many hat  FOSt Cramgl into deep well? -" FORD only 3) , 14. ls the Car you,re looking at ...... I 6. Are headlights high enough othe ctf the lowesl-pricod cat of its 0fhet tat Zl. Does the car rove a -snoge # for sufficient protection and  FORD type among the full-size  FORD deep-dish steering wheel  __.. best illumination? cars€ . that protects your cheat 11 ott ..... fom possible injury? [ Y, Are front seats high cnough othe csr I. /ocs the car you're con- ........... # I to kecp you comfortable on  FORD stdenng/wyou, at no extra er cl z p, re the front am ancnoree r 8, long trips? cost avull F , , " - "low oil filter   =ORD to the frame (Va. to hod)"  Is there sufficient rear seat  othe, tat eY°c, )0 i?ens e oil only .... floor)? ... I kncc room? Y[S FORD I,. Is the muffler on the car ._ 1--( TT' 9. Do front scats havc loam olher cat ahmmized to last twice as  otqe  ".-x._'-- i ! paddirtg in model you're "ikS" FORD long as convcntional ¥1S FORD L).J K --/J[----# considering? .. mufflers? ,,f.  v, . ,- -- -- -.---.-- == == -- --. -- =- ,-- == --. == == -. -- -- -- ,, -- I --. -. I -- -- JIB /niiIAv IN 5thandRailr°adll m It, Does it have sufficient in,-  e lation? (Check by rapping knuckles on the headlining) Y[8 FORD 1.  it have a full-depth other W sprmginR ia center of rear  FORD teat? (Bounce to prove) . Axe the door openings extra othe ca$ wide for easy entry? Y FORD |IIIIII Nk Does ride adjust Rself to oe, e varying road and load con-  FORO dition automatically? 11, Does incread glass arca ol,er € mean inocead heat and  FORD glare? 12. ]s the luggage compartment other eat easy *o get at? Y[---$ FORD IIIIIi PSL Blazers Play Only Home Night Game Friday; Jaguars Rival Olimbers Bound For Raymond Friday; Lose To Nodh Kitsap 68-34 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOLrRNAL- Published in "Ohristmastown, U.8.A.," Shelton, GOLF CLUB CALENDAR I LittleGlimbers Noloh 4lh in Row with Wins JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE W L Jefferson ........................... 3 1 Miller . ................................. 4 2 Hoquiam ................................. 3 2 Hopkins ................................ 2 2 Washington ........................ 2 3 Centralia ............................. 2 3 Shelton ................................. 1 4 Last Week Hoquiam 34, Shelton 26 Millet" 38, Hopkins 27 Centralla 23. Jefferson 20 Thi Friday ,Iefferson at Shelton (niglt) Hoquiam at VVashington Centralia at Hopkins Now that Jefferson junior high of Olympia has tasted defeat, the Shel[on Blazers hold hopes of keeping the skids greased under the Jaguars this Friday night when they visit the Shelton gym for the only home night game at which Shelton fans will get an opportunity to watch the Blazers in action this year. TIlE BLAZERS are lloping for a full house, toe. in order to bols- ter their always-strained athlet- ic fund and will give fans a triple- header for their money. Blazer /*The well that I made t wish J come true In the 1890's a wish came true at the little town of Tumwater, near Olympia, Washhlgton. Here, flowing cool and clear from deep artesian wells, water of an extraordinary character was discovered. This was war equal to those used in brewing the famous beers of Bavaria ... water which, in the years ahead, was to be responsible for th popularity of light Olympia Beer. It nmin$ as tree in this century as the last: the more perfect the brewing water, €he more per[set the brewing result. Olympia's famous water is naturally per[cot tot brewing just u it flowl from the earth... cresting a br of refreshingly different good taste. -, the one-! priceless ingredient' b OLYMPPA gREW'ING €O. Olymo|a, Wo U, $. ..... III II nil ...... 7th graders wilt open the eve- ning's fare at 6:30 against the Kamilche Cougars, the Blazer 8th graders tackle the crack Hood Canal Consolidated 8th graders, undefeated so far. at 7:15. and the main event will send the Blazer varsity against Jefferson at 8:00 o'clock. Conch Walt Clayton's,. Blazers seemed headed for an upset tri- uraph at Hoquiam last Thursday, leading untthe final four min- Then big Curt Hagen dumped in four successive basket.s and Ho- qmam was off to a 34-26 triumph. The Blazers led at 8-6 and 14-11 in the first two quarte,'s and it was knotted at 20-20 at the final pause. BILl, DENNIS turned in his top performance of the season with 1.2 points .Dlt age took game honors at 16. The Blazer 8th graders dropped a 27-19 decision to their Hoquiam hosts and the Blazer 7th graders were short-enders on a 29-11 count. The lineups: HOQUIAM 84 SHELTON 26 Kosnoski 2 f Rose 2 Mandich 4 f Gustafson 3 Hagen 16 c Peterson Leach 7 g Dennis 12 Wayman 2 g Carlson 5 Subs: Hoquiam ..... Anderson 2, Wilson 2, Forrest. Shelton -- Wat- ters 4, Kazinsky. 8TH GRADERS IIOQUIAM 2"/ SHELTON 19 Robbins 2 f Bliner 7 Drake 3 f Todd 6 Rhebeck 2 c Anderson Jones 9 g Waters 2 klexander g Sloan 4 Subs: Hoquiam -- Parker 4, Sampson 3, Howard 2, Sallow 2, Robertson. Shelton .... Paulsrude Donahue, Orr, Rodgers, Combs. FRATERNAL LEAGUE W Lions Club ......................... i0 2 Kivanis Club ...................... 9 3 Shelton Hardware ............ 6 6 Active Club ...................... 5 7 Cascade-Olympic .............. 5 7 Fuller Construction .......... 5 7 McCleary ............................ 5 7 Moose Lodge ...................... 3 9 High game-.- Jess Phillips 216 High total..-Jess Phillips 589 LAWTON LUHBER COMPANY CENTRAL LEAGUE W L pf pa Elma ...................... 6 0 333 255 Chehalis ................. 5 1 381 300 North Thurston .... 4 2 333 299 SIIEI,TON ............... 3 3 296 318 Raymond .................. 2 4 340 344 Montesano ............... 1 5 258 309 St. Martin's ........... 0 6 245 352 This Friday Shelton at Raymond Monte at North Thurston Ehna at Chehalis La,t Tuesday Chehalis 54. North Thurston 48 Ehna 66, Raymond 55 Monte 59. St. Martin's 42 Last Saturlay Shelton 45, Montesano 44 Ehna 53, St. Martin's 32 Last Friday Ehna 58. Shelton 45 Chehalis 71, St. Martin's 33 North Thurston 58, Raymond 52 Needing a greatly improved pre- formance over their showing at Poulsbo Tuesday, the Highclimbers trek to Raymond this Friday to meet the Seagulls for the last time as Central League foes. Shelton will have to play a far superior brand of ball than they did in their 68-34 hen-conference defeat at the hands of highly- rated North Kitsap before they can expect to set the Gulls down for the second time this season. It took an overtime to do it in Shelton gym three weeks ago. Dick Lord's foul shooting was the lone bright spot in the shel- lacking at Poulsbo. He hit seven- for-seven in an eleven-point pro- duction. Thriller of the night was the B team prelim, in which the Little Climbers lost a 57-53 overtime verdict after leading all the way until the final moments of the fourth period. The quarterly counts were 17-12, 28-23, 39-33, and 51-51. The lineups: NORTH KIT 68 SIIELTON 84 Bird 6 f Temple 6 Maddocks 9 f Somers 4 Howerton 20 c Myers Anderson 13 g Manke 4 Bland 9 g Lord 11 Subs: N. K.--Milton 5, Schroe- der 4, Waali. Shelton--Halbert 5, Livermore 2, Miller 2. Guthrie. Score. by Quarters Shelton ......... 5 5 15 9--34 N. K ............... 14 18 19 17---68 B NORTti KIT 57 SHELTON 53 Mauser 22 f Sharpes 11 Lindvig 2 f Bill Fitchett 10 Paulson 12 c Close 12 Williams 12 g Bob Fitchett 10 Lambert 8 ff Bloomfield 6 Subs: N. K.--Uusitalo 1. Shel- ton-- Buzzard 4. Score by Quarters Shell.on .... 17 11 11 12 2..--53 N. K ......... 12 11 10 18 6---57 Arian Ghapman One of l]olu00ffWrestlJTng LEGE ...... James Arian Chapman, son of Mr. and Mt. I. F. Chap- man Route 1, Box 38, Shelton, is making a. bid for a spot on the 1959 varsity wstling team at Washington" State College. The former Shelton athlete will be competing at 137 pounds for th(. Cougars this wintei'. Hoquiam 34, Shelton 26 Centralia 23, Jefferson 20 Miller,,' 38, Hopkins 27 West Brem 33, East Brem 24 Bainbridge 26, Central Kit 22 North Kit 51, South Kit 22 Outboardlng's new PROFILE or POWER ,..from ,Jl.,I • i New inside as well as out.ida The new Johnson Sea.Horses go better with your boat....* make your boat go better! THeM SAEGER HOTOR SHOP Hillcrest Phone HA. 6-4602 __ I . J H _ THE OLD AND THE NEW--Frank Travis, retiring president, and Bill Batstone, newly elected president, discuss Shelton-Bay- shore Golf Club affairs after Monday night's annual membershi meeting at the clubhouse at Bayshore. (Journal photo, Ziegler print.) BATSTONE NEW PRESIDENT Bill Batstone, Rocky Hembroff and Bill Francis hold the three top offices--president, vice-presi- dent, and secretary-treasurer---in the Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club after their election by the mem- bership Monday night. Retiring president Frank Travis Jr. and Tony Nelson were elected to two-year terms on the board of trustees. After hearing reports from greens chairman Jack Kimbel, tournament chairman Clint Will- our, house chairman Clyde Fager- gren (given by Neff Brander), membership chairman Pete Zopo- lis (by written report in absen- tiaL men's division president Bea- nie Daniels and women's division president Ann Reichman, pro-man- $ • ager Alphie Kneeland and treas- urer Ed Begley, retiring president Travis concuded that the club had achieved 60 per cent of its project calendar for 1958. Total assets and liabilities of the club on the treasurer's balance sheet for 1958 showed $46,923.28 as the organization's fiscal worth. Of the assets $43,450.55 was listed as depreciated real estate while the principal liabilities were noted as $22,064.70 in contracts and notes payable. The club membership as of Jan- uary 1 this year was reported to be 202 active and inactive com- pared to 198 a year earlier with 82 of that number inactive as com- pared to 69 a year ago for a total active membership of 120 now as against 129 a year ago. k 00IITD - .... -- 00ASO. cou.,Y FAIR STEELIIEAI) WEEK Several sizeable fisi saved the past week from mediocrisy for Mason County steelhead anglers. Honors for the week go to a fishermwoman, Beth Brown, who battled a 16-lb. 9-on. giant from the Chehalis Jan. 14 while the best husband Ray could do was a pan-size 6-pounder. Dick Angle had the big one in a hHfch of t'¢mr rmming to 15-.t which he and Bm:k Armstrong claimed from the Satsop Friday. Roger Bogden hit the Goldsbof ough twic, on the 17th and 19th for a 12%-pounder among three t ekes. Karl Schwarck, Armstrong and Bob Keir each had llU-pounders during the week, Karl's from the Satsop Tuesday, Bob's from the Skokomish Saturday, Buck's from the Duckabush Thursday. BoWs was one of three he and Don H.ush took on the trip, Buck's one of five he and Fred Holm beached. Bill Valley s 14-3 from the Dose- wallips Sur;day was tbird best of the week and" close behind came Grant Yocum's 13 from the Sko- komtsh the samc day. Yocum also had a 6-pounder. Bill Jaekstadt limited in the Skokomish yesterday with %6 his largest, Grant Fiscus and his brother took three to 8 lbs. from the Duckabush Saturday, and dou- ble successes were scored by Frank McCaslin Thursday and Corky Dickinson Sunday, both to 7 lbs. and both from the Duckabush. Wayne Stenberg to 7 lbs. from the Skokomish Tuesday, and Blondie Petersen to 9 lbs. from the Hump- tulips Tuesday. Floyd Wetters. 7-9. Duckabush; Floyd Perkins, 5. Archie Young, 5. Dan Cormier, 6 !:, and Ode Dur- JEAN RAU BAGS 612 IN HOUSEWIVES LOOP IIOUSEWIVES LEAGUE W L Evergreen Texaco ........ 11 1 Shelton Union Service . 8 4 BuccJtl's Garage ........ 5/. 6b," 101 Park In .................... 5 7 Jim Pauley Inc ............. 4V, 7U., Byrne & Batstone ........ 2 I0 High game--Jean Ran 227 High series--Jean Rau 612 Jean Rau set a new pinnacle of individual performance in the Housewives bowling league when she rolled a 612 series Tuesday afternoon. Her feat sparked Ever- green Texaco to a shutout victory over Byrne & Bat.stone {Nell Byrne 444). Jean had games of 227, 202 and 183. SIMPSON "WOMEN'S LEAGUE Insulating Board ............... 4 0 Lumber . ............................... 4 0 Loggers ............................... 3 1 Purehasin .......................... 3 1 Engineering ..................... 1 3 Olympic Plvood ............... l 3 Accounting ......................... 0 4 Research ........................ 0 4 High game- Lil Dale 220 }tigl total Phyl Ziegler 585 MlXb'l) 1,O [TRSOME I)eerslavers ...... : ........ 52 2'i Rusty )uck ................... 46 30 Vho Knows .................... 45 31 Timher DIIcks ........... 43 33 Board Busters ............ 39 ..,. $6 ' I'in Busters ................. 32 4.i Odd Balz ............... 2(i 50 Wee-Uns ........... 20% 55': lligil Scores Men's game ..... George Howard 225 Men's total.-Charlie Savage 583 W men s game--Ada'r Neau ,2 , Women's total -- Phyl Zleglcr 567 Over Eagles, Bulldogs MONTESANO LED at the first and third quarter pauses Saturday night, 10-7 and 27-24, while Shel- ton enjoyed the half time (15-14) and the final bulges. Dave Sharpes dunked in a rebound to send Shel- ton ahead at' 28-27 at 5:45 of the *B Team Stanangs last period and the Little Climb- W L pf pa ers never trailed again :'*Raymond .............. 4 O 179 144 SHELTON 71 EI.,MA 57 North Thurston .... 4 1 219 169 Shat20es 7 f Henry 4 SHELTON .............. 4 2 264 254 Bloomfield 17 f Murphy 8 Elmer ...................... 3 2 232 231 Close 17 c Hay 15 *St. Martin's ........ 1 3 208 236 Bill Fitchett 15 g Easton 12 Chehalis .................. 1 4 218 240 Bob Fitchett 11 g Roderick 2 Montesano ............. 0 5 166 212 Subs: Shelton----Paulsrude 2, err La.t Week 2, Van Blaricom, Schneider. Elma Shelton 71, Elms 57 ...... "Walker 4, Graves 4, Brecuty 4, Shelton 34, Monte 30 Berry 2, Shelky, Frederickson. Raymond 48, Chehalis 41 Raymond 47, N. Thurston 38 SHELTON 34 IIONTE 30 St. Martin's 59, Chehalis 46 Sharpes 11 f Frizzell 7 Elms 64, St. Martin's 54 Bill Fitchett 5 f Whiting 11 *Game result unreported--stand- Close 5 c Smith 4 ings do not include last Tuesday's Bob Fitchett 5 g Hammock 2 Bloomfield 8 g Beaulieu 5 games. Subs: Shelton--none. Monte-- Coach Harold Wi!s0n's Little Fry 2, Phillips. Climbers ran their victory skein to four in a row in Central League B team competition by sacking Elms, 71-57, Friday in a scoring donnybrook at Elma, and com- ing from behind to shade Monte- san(), 34-30, at Shelton Saturday. NEIL CLOSE SCORED eleven points in the first half and 17 for the game, Jerry Bloomfield eight in the second quarter, seven in the third quarter and 17 for the game, Bill Fitchett eight in the first quarter and seven in the fourth with 15 for the game in the wide-open tally-binge at Elms. By quarters the Little Climbers margins were 22-17, 43-32, and 54-43. and, 5, all Skokomish; and Don Rock, 7, Dosewallips, took single- tons during the week, while Al err hit the Skokomiuh on separ- ate trips for 9-3 and 7 pounders. OWLS TUMBLE LOGGERS, MATLOCK--Don more than the Mary Owls could handle in gym Friday night, so ing Wishkah Loggers a 53-29 Tri-County ball victory. Entus tallied 22 the figure totalled by er, the Owls' top Wishkah girls also with booty, a 36-10 the Matlock girls. WISHKAH 53 Ancich 6 f Scoby 2 f Entus 22 c Bosz 2 g Parker 18 g Subs: Wishkah--Allel enbaugh, Ridgeway, Matlock--C. Walker DANCE Every Salurday Night THE TROPICS Schneider's Prairie - Shelton - Olympia Hiway Domeliner " TO D E NVE on the a d 00a,W2a00 Convenient Connections to Kansas City and St. Only one night ca route from the on the Domcliner City of Pordand. Convenicnt with the Domclher City of St. Louis at time to Kansas City and St. Louis as wcll. Whether, iIii liam ii I t:0001.. ..... Or. .... t,. sore [ 9:26 A.M ................ Lv. Tacoma | ............. tv.t01mm | I I:00 P.M .... (C el P) .... iv. P0¢daad I for busine*s or pleasure, the Dome Lounge, the $:30 P.M ................. lr. Dearer I and the world's only Dome Diner arc just a few of the City| gin r OF ST. LOUIS COINECTWN I I ,:407:05 A.L p' .......... ............ ' ..... tr. Kanatv" Bmmt¢ity i Portland features that will make your trip trul 2 I I1:1 KM ............... 1I. It. teuis 3:4SP-..'..;..---Lv-Oe-nr I Newest, Finest Train Service | *I:OOAJH ............... Af.Chicg0 I UNION i *$ecood Morning ! p WS schedule--sn it for reference. L....------..--- J J. C. Bach, Agent, Ticket Office, 407 E. 4th Ave. Olympia, Washington * Phone FL 7-3345 .......... ... Take this page with you when you go to look over the '59 cars00 Iflf0u get the ......... youll get a hrd ck r will give you a few very important things o lool for fore you're  o your feet by any 1959 car. You'll find that few cars can hold a candle to the 59 Ford wi .... / ....... it come, to the  am, make a car lovely to live with and lovely t loeb at.' Does the car you're looki  at offer a truly modern sin m (v 30-year-old design)? I$. Does the frame sweep out  a 4. Is the driveshaft tunnel low ether c |3. Doe, s the car you're con-  at fides to protect all ImP-  sidering use regular gas with oe*  -ngers? enough to let center passen.  FORD standard engi es (thereby I ger be comfortable? y[$ FORD saving up to $1.00 a tank- - 25. Does the roof have at l,eat  # ff Are feet of rear pa.,ngcrs 0thet cr fuD ? 5 cr. o.braces? (Many hat  FOSt Cramgl into deep well? -" FORD only 3) , 14. ls the Car you,re looking at ...... I 6. Are headlights high enough othe ctf the lowesl-pricod cat of its 0fhet tat Zl. Does the car rove a -snoge # for sufficient protection and  FORD type among the full-size  FORD deep-dish steering wheel  __.. best illumination? cars€ . that protects your cheat 11 ott ..... fom possible injury? [ Y, Are front seats high cnough othe csr I. /ocs the car you're con- ........... # I to kecp you comfortable on  FORD stdenng/wyou, at no extra er cl z p, re the front am ancnoree r 8, long trips? cost avull F , , " - "low oil filter   =ORD to the frame (Va. to hod)"  Is there sufficient rear seat  othe, tat eY°c, )0 i?ens e oil only .... floor)? ... I kncc room? Y[S FORD I,. Is the muffler on the car ._ 1--( TT' 9. Do front scats havc loam olher cat ahmmized to last twice as  otqe  ".-x._'-- i ! paddirtg in model you're "ikS" FORD long as convcntional ¥1S FORD L).J K --/J[----# considering? .. mufflers? ,,f.  v, . ,- -- -- -.---.-- == == -- --. -- =- ,-- == --. == == -. -- -- -- ,, -- I --. -. I -- -- JIB /niiIAv IN 5thandRailr°adll m It, Does it have sufficient in,-  e lation? (Check by rapping knuckles on the headlining) Y[8 FORD 1.  it have a full-depth other W sprmginR ia center of rear  FORD teat? (Bounce to prove) . Axe the door openings extra othe ca$ wide for easy entry? Y FORD |IIIIII Nk Does ride adjust Rself to oe, e varying road and load con-  FORO dition automatically? 11, Does incread glass arca ol,er € mean inocead heat and  FORD glare? 12. ]s the luggage compartment other eat easy *o get at? Y[---$ FORD IIIIIi