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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Janllar&apos;y, ,° 1959, 45, Montesano 44 71, St. Martin's 33 58, Raymond 52 Shelton 45 3HELT( SON, COLTNTY 'ima 5a, St. artin's :1 C|TY {]ODE Chehalis 81, Raymond 73 i '. ' ; Aberdeell 52, Wilson 33 (Cmtinued from page 1) Hoquiam 47, M(mtesam 21 posed building code carefully be- ............................................... fore either adopting or rejecting @X THEATRE, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 26, 27 TIME TO LIVE AND a lifetime of ecstasy into a few A TIME TO DIE" stolen h()llFS. John Gavin and Plus ..... Lilo Pulver "N IOK" of the bl'azing i)assion born A delightful jungle adventm'e. COmes tlmt unf()rgetable A live action featm'ette in of two Wire crammed T(chnicolor. esday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31 DER ROAD" Mitehum blasts the He's trapl)ed between and th, terror-mob, hottest highway on More savage than lhe nn/ssaere of the twenties. Today's bil- whiskcy war. • Plus ...... "THE NAKED EARTH" Starring Richard Todd and Juliette Greco From ]mLure at its rawest comes adventm'e at its mighl- lest. Special Admission: Children 35¢, Students 75€, Adults 85€. for DAMN YANKEES, the greatest show to ever play Broadway - Coming Soon. the idea. B(ffh Moore and Mc- Cunn feel that some city building codes are overly restrictiw , and phce a hardship on tile home owncr. MANY CITIES, such as Seattle and Tacoma have elaborate build- ing codes that control every phase of construction and new improve- ments. City officials here feel th'lt such a code would not be ill the best interest of Shelton al- though they admit that a building code does have its advantages. WEATHER High Low Precip. Jan. 1,t .. 4;) deg. 33 deg, .... :... Jan. 15 _. 4,1 deg. 37 deg'. .17 in. Jan. 16 .. 52 deg. 42 deg. .11 in. Jan. 17 .. 52 deg. 42 deg. .45 in. Jan. 18 ,. 51 deg. 49 deg. .14 ill, Jan. 19 ,. 55 deg. 3't deg ......... Jan. 20 .. 45 deg. 30 deg. ---Rayonier Incorporated. ,JAN UA00Y gl i Q Rifles . 25% Off 41 41 TOOJS r 41 Model 70-257 Roberts Breast Drills ....................... 25% Off Model 70-270 Rolerts Planes, Levels ................ . .... ,20% Off Model 721A 300 Magnum Hand Drills .. $2.95 Braces .. $2.19' Model 722A 300 Savage Q Miscellaneous ® Iron Boards ................ $6.95 Fishing Rods ½ Price Elec. Mixers .. $39.95 .. qts. $1.40 - gals .. $4.29 Stainless Tableware .. $6.50 Value Mirrors .............. $1.95 Rubber Mats .............. $1.49 Set Nortika China .... $45.56 Breast Drills ........ $1.95 and $2,95 Triangle Squares .................... 65¢ 6 -inch Skil Saws ................. $38.95 Ball Pein Hammers .............. $1.39 Alcohol Torches ................  Price Combination Squares ............ $1.19 Hammer Handles ...: ................ 15¢ :mm mmmmmm mmmm  mmmm mmmm | " . . .. .. ........ | [ MANY OTHER ITEMS AT ] I | ! ! I REDUCED PRICES ' | I Fmmmmmlimmmmm mimm..mmmmm. J e Bath Scales ........ $5.95 "' Sheriffs Gf;li00 tics 2 A6Dto: aofS3, :2 mess[lcre m ad e in 1958 by the Shelton Police De- partment as compared with 417 in 1957. Thirteen were arrested for burg- laries, bad checks and .grand ltr- eeny and 58 juveniles were han- dled by the juvenile officer 'for various offenses. One hundred and fifteen accidents, with over $25 in :damages :resulting, were handled as compared to 142 acci- dents ,last year. Twenty-seven persons were in- jured in auto accidents but no deaths resulted, The estimated damage to persons who made re- ports in 1958 amounted to $23,142 while in 1957 it was $30,000. Sepli© Tank Servioe To Resume Business Bill's Septic Tank Service will resume operations within the next six weeks as soon as new equip- merit can .be installed. The truck of the .company was badly .:damaged New Year's day while parked,at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Meal who own the arvice. " A :new, truck has alredy ii bee pnrehased but it requires time to find and install the necessary ,quipment, f0r, the: business. BASKEIBALL SCOES Olympia 54, East Bemerton 49 Hoquiam 51, Hudson's Bay 30 West Brmerton 48, Lincoln 30 North Kitsap 68, Port Towns 44 Port Angeles 50, South ;:Kit 44 Centralia 52, Fort Vancouver 49 West Brem 40,.Olympia 36 TIDES OFTHE WEEK Computed forHood Canal (Oakland Bay Udes :m, O!le ,laogr and 55 mlaut leXer.) Friday, n. 23 High .............. ,5:'06 aml. .12.2 ft. Low ................ 10:20 a.m. :r/:6,ft. High .............. 3:07 ;p.m. I1.0 'ft. Low ................ 10:17 pan. -1.4 ft. Saturday, ,la .24 ,High . ............. :5:36 a.m. 12.5 ft. Low ................ t0:59 a,m. 7.2 ft,, High .............. 3:510 p.m. 11.1 ft. Low ................ 10:54Lp,m. -1.5 ft. Smlday, Jan. 25 High .............. 6:08 can. 12.8 ft. Low ................ 11:38 a.m. 6.6 ft. High .............. 4:38 p.m. ll.l.ft. Low ................ 11:30 p;m. -1.3 ft. Monday, Jan, 6 High .............. 6:32 a.m. 13.0 ft. Low ................ 12:13 p.m. 5.9 ft. High .............. 5:26 p.m. 11.0 ft. Tuesday, .rJa 27 Low ................ 0;09 a.m. -0.9 ft. High ............... 7:02 a,m. 13.1 ft. Low ............... 1:02 p.m. 5.1 ft. High .............. 6:18 p.m. ;10.8 ft. Wednesday, a. 28 Low ................ 0:51 aan. 0.9 ft. High .............. 7:34 a.m. 13.2 ft. Low ................ 1:49 p.m. 4.2 ft. High .............. 7:17 p.m. 10.4 ft. Thursday, J,aL 29 Low ................ 1:34 a.m. 2.0 ft. High .............. 8:09 a.m..13.1 ft. Low ................ 2:41 p.m. 3.4 ft. High .............. 8:22 p.m. 9.9 ft. Look across the border to Oregon and Idaho-" k WHY SHOULD. YO.._U.U GET ONLL$2 WHEN YOUR NEIGHBORS IN OREGON AND IDAHO GETS3? Read how trading stamp savers in Washington are deprived by. out.ot.:dat. : state legislation  legislation which can and should be repealed now. .LL over America, smart thrifty house- • wives regard trading stamps almost s a "second savings  account." A way to get things for their home and family they might not otherwise be able to afford. But here in Washington, an out-of-date law deprives the housewife of the full re- iturn on her thrift. This law says that she must redeem her tamp collector's books for cash-S2 in cash-instead of merchandise, worth on ian average of over $3 Wh y does she lose this $1 ? Why has this out-of-date law remained on the books for Over 40 years? Why do our neighbors across the border in Oregon and Idaho en- joy the full return on their thrift-while , We in Washington canno? The answer is imple. Some retail interests in .,the' State who dread the increased ¢-o._m, Petition full use of trading stamps would bring-have blocked attemp,,a£ repeahng this legislation ,for ..their ,o special interests. The present iState Legislature did :,ot Of course, create this legislation. ,It d0es, 1 however, have before itnowa'bffi:to tepeal the old law and give you :the ,right ¢orj deem stamps 'for merchandise. Attempts are being made to :block the r; peal at this very moment. 'If you :agree that Washington housewives ,:axe ,entitled to a full return on their ,hrift-:the full return enjoyed in Oregon, Idaho ,and ' almost every other state- hy ot wto your legislator now and tell him how you I feel. He will appreciate heaHngyour semi,! ments. (This newspaper can give you the name of your State Senator.) To him, the opinion of thousands of voters will always carry greater weight a small mila,ority of lobbyists. 'Remember, trading stamps have been given by merchants and saved by . housewives in this state for over hail a century. The only question now is Shouldn't Washington housewives be entitled to the same full re tg.r O their thrift as housewives in Oregon, Idaho and othpr states? e WHy NOT WASHINGTON? Commlttea .,a, group of Washington homemakers mar,ng merchandise for trading stomps. MRS. JEANNE LINDEEN, Exec. Secy. 1911 Monroe St., Pullman, Wash. THE S & H GREEN ST/uP PEOPLE serving tO million families for aver 60 years. THE SPERRY & HUTCHINSON CO. George Schlrer, President 114 Fifth Ave., Nsw York City WASH NGTON E ......... " ___= .... R T, AI!ER$ ,FAVOIN@ tERCHANDISE FOR, TRADING .STAMPS... an organization af local merchants ad(a. catlng,freedom in zelail,competlticm. BEN E. ADAMS, ChaiIq 692| E. Marginal Way ttle in .U.8,A,," ..W.ashin , 00HHSgN'00 Sf:23 MERCHANI MERCItANT LEA(IITE W L Thackery Electric .......... 5 3 .Den's Flying A Service 5 3 Prepp's .Rexall Store .... 4 Lfi 31,./, Olympic Plywood ....... ... 4 35 !Ziegler's Camera Shop .. 4 4 Kimbel Motors Inc ........ 4 4 Bill's Shell Service ......... 4 4 Western Meat ................ 1 7 High .game--Don Johnson 241 High total--Don Johnson 623 Don Johnson slammed a 623 se- ries (177-241-205) for top honors in the Merchants bowling league last week and also led the team he sponsors, Den's Flying A Serv- ice, to a 3-1 triumph over Zieg- ler's Camera Shop (Ed Byrne 230 and 575) which shot the gas ped- dlers :into a top rung deadlock ,with Thackeray .Electric (Mary Biehl 211 and 552), which gained a 3-1 edge over Kimbel 1Iotors (Dick White 556). Olympic Plywood (Don Ander- son 540) wona 3-V,o victory over Prepp!s Rexall Store (Russ Mor- ken :496), and Bill's Shell Service (Floyd Fuller 518) blanked Wes- tern Meat (Jim Kitna 220 and 219 for a 579 series). 'CLUBS' GET NEW PiN ,MEMBERSHIPS JUNIOR BOWLING W L Bernie's Barber Shop ........ 7 1 Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop 7 1 Les Joslin Insurance .......... 5 3 Shalalro0k . Care .................. 5 3 Beckwith 3ewelry ,. 3 5 Angle 'Insurance .................. 2 6 Graystone ............................ 2 6 Hembrof Agency .............. 1 7 High Scores Boys game--Wayne Carlson 212 Boys total--Larry Neal 541 • :Girls ;game--Pat z'cher 172 Girls total--Nancy '.Wilson 436 Special "clubs" lgained new d members in junior leagpe bowling play :Sturdlkv. t,Archer joined the girls "15[} lub' by posiing a 172 and Larry Neal and Wayne Carlson both hit the "200.Club" Lowe 666,-Whitmarsh In 00ommeroial MEN's *()OMMEll(JIAL V¢ L Ritnor's Highballers .......... 6 2 Delight Park ........................ 6 2 Verle's Sporting Goods .... 5 3 Moose Lodge ...................... 4 ,t Wingard's Sport Shop ...... 4 ,t Local 161 .............................. 3 5 Hansen's Union Oil ............ 2 6 Gott Oil ................................ 2 6 High game--.Sonny Lowc 251 High total -- Sonny Lowc 666, Bob Whitmarsh 605 Sonny Lowe's 666 series marked individual scoring feats in the men's Commercial bowling league last week but oddly his 251 high game was achieved in the ouly game Ritner's Highballers lost in a 3-1 victory over HanseWs Union Oil (Glenn Roessel 579). Bob Whltmarsh was another in the charmed circle, his 605 lead- ing Delight Park to a 3-1 success against Verle's Sporting Goods (Dale McClanahan 522). Other de- cisions were by 3-1 counts, too, Local 161 (Percy Zamzow 540) winning from Gott Oil (Jerry Sam- ples 486), Wingard's Sport Shop Jim .A.rcher 584) from Moose Lodge (Cliff Howard 588). OLYMPIA BANTAMS SQUARE PiN SERIES • THURSDAY BANTAMS W Selmabol's Jaybirds ............ 5 1 Hedrick Sport Center. ....... 4 2 Y/ereer's Alley-oops .......... ,1 2: Morgan & Eacrett .............. 2 4 Northwest Evergreen ........ 2 4 Boon!s Plumbing .: .............. i 5 High Scores Boys game--David Barnett ]28 Bos total---David Barnett 247 Girls game--Alice Pearson 134 Girls total--Alice Pearson 203 FRIDAY BANTAMS W ,L Ed Byrne ..................... : ........ 5 i Ar-own ' Bakery .................. 4 2 Lions Club .......................... 3 3 Active Club .......................... 3 0 .Ziegler Camera hop ........ 2 1 Timber Bowl ........................ 1 5 again with respective 201 and 212 Journal .................................. 0 6 games. Nelson's Oysters ................ 0 3 ;Pat and Nancy Wilson, with a II'h Scores .. 436 series, led'he all-giri Parker's Boys game---Keth Savage o Mr. & Mrs Shop team to one of l Boys Savage zaa three shutouts scored during the Gu'ls game-Gem Wlson 135 . day's play over Hembroff Agency I Gh'ls series---Joan Scnneider 24x (Joel Watters 458). Bernie's Bar- . , ' . --/ ...... _ . ber Shoo (Don Hanson 510) and nemn's bantam oowters were ShamrockCafe ('Gary Cowan 465) all square with O!ympia riwds af- goose-egged Grastone (Bruce ter losing a total-pins aecision Johnson-4-14) and B-eekwith lewel-"on Capitol Lanes Sunday morning. ry (Jerry Mallory 432), while Les Joslin Insurance (Larry Neal 541) took a 3-1 verdict over Angle In- surance (Wayne Carlson 446). SWING SHIFT -LEAGUE W L Hemloekers .... '.: ........... : ........ 8 0 Strippers .............................. 7 1 Chasers .................................. 5 3 Woodworms ........................... 4 4 Planers ..................... , ............ 3 5 Mixers ..................... : ............... 3 5 Log Peelers .......................... 2 6 Pin Benders .......................... 0 8 High game --- Darold Freeman 197 High total -- Doyle Barnett 564 RAYONIER RESEARCH W L Maintenance .................. 11 5 Cellulouses ...................... 11 5 Pin Curlers .................... 10V_, 5A Rayonettes : ............ : ........ 8 8 WOod Birds .................... 71/,/, 8] Clockwatehers .............. 7 9 Acetate ACes .................. 5 11 Silva Foxes .................... 4 12 High game --- Corky Dickinson 221 High total--Don Woods 575 CHEHALIS 71 ST. MARTIN'S 33 Dowling 14 f Skahan 13 Denny 13 f Soule 1 Kaija 10 c Van Geystal 10 Borovec 9 g Heutmaker 8 James 8 g Worthington .3 Subs: Chehalis--Allie 7, Wood 4, Schwarz 2, Boles 2, arr.ett 2, Wedin. i St. Martps--Brwick 1, Acuff 1,:Bucsko, Hartman, Boulac, Monroe. THURSTON 58 RYMOND 62 Heusman 4 f 'Bond 11 Bower 7. f Hampton 4 Ford 21 ,c ,,Olson 3 Asbach 10 g Evan 8 Cooper 16 g Lapinsld 4 Subs: /r.-Bachofner, Bertsch. Raymond  Gehlert 2, ,Barnum, Knight. " CHEHALIS 81 RAYMOND 73 Denny 11 f Bond 11 Dowlinff 13 f :,Harppkon 3 Kaija 16 c r I "Olson 36 Schwarz 13 g Evans 6 Borovec 16 g Lapinski 11 Subs: hehalis-llie 6, Wood 4,, Garrett 2. Raym0ndBaum 4, Zambaras ,2. TIIURSTON 74 ST. MARTIN'S 61 Heusman ,18 f Hartman 11 Bower 13 f yan,Ge¥tal 12 Ford 15 c .... loulac 2 Asbaeh 14 g Skahan 17 Cooper 12 g Heutmaker 12 Subs: N.T.--Blacketeer 2. St. Martin's--D. Stule 7. ELMA 53 ST. MARTIN'S 32 Peek 6 f 'kahan 4 George 6 £ Hartman 2 I-Iepworth 11 c Van Geystal 9 Tornquist &3 g *Heutmaker 5 Beerbower 10 g Worthington 5 Subs: :ElmaDotson 5, Brock- rnueller 2. St. Martin's--Acuff 4, Soule 2, :Monroe 1. Too Lat00 T o GIEEN DAVENPORT and chair, in gooa condition, for ,sale, Phone 1-1A 6-6675 from 9 a.m. fintil noon. T1/22-2/5 8AIdE--Box prag and inner ng matt'ress for double bed/$25. evening H& 6,M68. D1/22 F0R RENT--2 bdr0om house, i"ttl=- nihed, Phone HA 6-4622. M1/22 R'AI3BIT IRTILIZER for-al-'.. :B; the sack. Phone HA 6-8816. , • B1q22-2/5 lvO-"REN T'.-T wo-"-":b-e-d I,-o o--il 1 '= h-o-m--e--i'iii"- nthed, refdrences required. Phone V. 6-86i9. __!/, ¢ were. Phone Olyml#.'FL, 7'1:, ..... _ /  Stdkius, ' 1.4023' 1,14 S,E., Rent0a, Wash, J1/22 The girls upset their Olympia opponents, 1313-1270, behind Joan Schnoider's 328 series after losing to them in the first match on Shelton alleys, but the Shelton boys took the short end of an 1874-1806 count to give Olympia a 25-pin edge in total pins. Keith Savage's 451 was high for both teams. WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Timber Bowl .................. 7% 41. ].ll.& Valley ................ 75':, 4//.', ilk Tee "Care ............ 7 5 Gott Oilerettes .............. 7 5 Richfield Oil .................. 7 5 Darigold .......................... 6 6 Den's Flying A Service 4 8 Ralph's Fine Foods ...... 2 10 High game Phyl Ziegler 211 'High total--Phyl Ziegler 566 WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE Hedrick Sport Center .. 49 19 McConkey Pharmacy .. 45,. 22 Joy Novelty .................... 38 30 Cota Grill ..................... 33 35 Olsen Fm'niture ............ 30 38 Manley's Fountain ........ 28, 39b Shelter Hotel ................ 28 40 Ritner's Broiler ............ 20 48 High game--Vera Bishop 191 High total--Inez Dodds 456 pa o: 5 ' ' A Lower Skekomish Adds '00INTERS OU SRAHOOPMEN 523 T 3 More,Hoop S©a[ps , Qlfick Print kepl Shelton SR.A L x; .... S )< sh ran its \\;'i '- Oltt of the victoFy cohll]ln agLahlltol'v sttillg 1() fi\\;'t in a r(av \\;,,ilh.. in Olympia city ]eag/Ic basketbdl o It' deleal hy w ]il)pim4 ,:a nik.Ie. play lasi week with a 52-37 tci- tllllpt). QUICK PRINT 52 SI{.A 37 Williams 3 I' Coleman 6 Heintzelman 12 f Ashley 2 McCallum 6 c Hohnan 6 Hersey 1:1 g' Sutherland Stautz 1.4 g Clary 11 Subs: Qui('.l Print Robinson 2, Martin 3, l)ay 1. SRA .Corey 10, Christy 2, Ristine. MEN'S IN I)[TNTRIAL Lumbermen's Mere ......... 11 1 20th Cenim'y Thriftway .. 7 5 Panatorium Cleaners ...... 7 5 "Waterfront Realty . ........... 6 6 Wilson's Lefty's ................ 6 6 Grant Lmnber . .................. 5 7 Cote & Myhre Service ....... 4 S Morgan Transfer . ............. 2 10 High game Walt Elliott 215 High total . Walt Elliott 572 BURP LEA(I[TE Rainier Beer ....................... 4:9 15 Shelton Recreation ............. 38 2(; Rilner's Straight Shots .... 37 27 Mick's Tavern ................... 32 ;32 The Tropics ......................... 29 35 Log Cabin .......................... 25 39 Rishel Logging .................... 24 ,10 Heidelberg Beer . ............... 22 42 High game--Dot Robm, ts 178 High series - Dot Knulzen, Dot Barnaby each 476 25-1], and Vauhn lwce. 2,-9,t :16-22, in recent ,r:ulc sclm,}l ba:-- 1;at ba, ll ganws .... , Billy Smilh's 17 pcdnls in the first Vaughn gtlnle, ,I il/lllly ifl()([- paster's 12 aglirlsl l"::llllJl('h(', :'D(I Eddie MilLer's 13 in Ihe ,'(!con(i Vl.||,'hn gl:tl*llC \\;\'cFc ll)tl t)¢qq't)|'lll- a u(x!s, iEN'S ()I'F" IAqAGIi;I . \\;V .L \\;Vilson Company . ......... 7 2 l:eckwittl Je\\;veh'v ...... 5 ,t ,Frisl:en Oii ..................... 5 Simpson Logg'ers ........... Z t ' Needhanl Shopvi/e ,t 5 • t0 & 8 ............................... 4 5 A,Iac's Corner ........... ,t 5 Lllnlberule,,l',q Nlel (' :3 (i High garne Mtlrv ('aiq(q' 221 High total• Mary Carier ;I "'------T---- .............................................. Mutual Fund Sb¢rnl ,,, v WADDELL & REED, iNC2,1 /Pr/€/po/ Underw¢i#erg HERB ROTTER Title InSurance Building /PrOle('tlts m H'qu*',M !, L ....  ......  .............................................................................. • I . I]1 II I II1( . i,ml IImm iiilU i ml Well Drilling WATER WELLS- TEST HOLE,S Bedell Drilming Co. LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 • Route 3, Bo 170, 8helto I .... Ill llll I II UNI I I I I .... [ --. I I I .................. ,, • :BLACK SUEDE • BLACK PATENT .• BLACK LEATHER • '.RED PATENT • RED LEAq'HER • TAN WOMEN'S FLATS !: Values to $5.!}8 STARTS THURSDAY, JAN. 22ND WHEN YOU THINK OF" SHOES THINK OF The Bootery "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" Phone HA 6-3122 125 Raih'cad Ave. I ...... I Gigantic 'Tir,e Sale! SAVE FROH TO All Grades of restone Tires On Sale PUNETURE SAFE -SIZES IN' STOCK Tht aectlonl view of the new Firestone 6Upreme tire il]ustrat how the gummy sealant prevent air llge ,by dinging,to ,a .pene- trating nail. It also shows how the dphragm 'i etoured to protect it fr'om puncturing nails. The auto- matte valve in the center of the diaphragm atttomatieMly elos .when the outer wall of the tire i broken or sluhed  retains enough air in the inner chamber to kP the tire inflated a! tl r ,6.00-16 6.50-i6 6.40-15 6.70-1.5 7.10-15 7.60-15 7.50-14 8.00-14 8.50-1.4 ,BUY A PAIR-- GO ANYWHERE Firestone & Country The sensotianol new winter,fire that's GUARANTEED TO GO --- thru ice, mud or snow or we pay, tke tow Plus Tax and Recappable Casing NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE Lundord,s l00|restofle 317 Railr0ad OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN OUR NEW LOCATION PHONE HA 6-8476 Janllar'y, ,° 1959, 45, Montesano 44 71, St. Martin's 33 58, Raymond 52 Shelton 45 3HELT( SON, COLTNTY 'ima 5a, St. artin's :1 C|TY {]ODE Chehalis 81, Raymond 73 i '. ' ; Aberdeell 52, Wilson 33 (Cmtinued from page 1) Hoquiam 47, M(mtesam 21 posed building code carefully be- ............................................... fore either adopting or rejecting @X THEATRE, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 26, 27 TIME TO LIVE AND a lifetime of ecstasy into a few A TIME TO DIE" stolen h()llFS. John Gavin and Plus ..... Lilo Pulver "N IOK" of the bl'azing i)assion born A delightful jungle adventm'e. COmes tlmt unf()rgetable A live action featm'ette in of two Wire crammed T(chnicolor. esday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31 DER ROAD" Mitehum blasts the He's trapl)ed between and th, terror-mob, hottest highway on More savage than lhe nn/ssaere of the twenties. Today's bil- whiskcy war. • Plus ...... "THE NAKED EARTH" Starring Richard Todd and Juliette Greco From ]mLure at its rawest comes adventm'e at its mighl- lest. Special Admission: Children 35¢, Students 75€, Adults 85€. for DAMN YANKEES, the greatest show to ever play Broadway - Coming Soon. the idea. B(ffh Moore and Mc- Cunn feel that some city building codes are overly restrictiw , and phce a hardship on tile home owncr. MANY CITIES, such as Seattle and Tacoma have elaborate build- ing codes that control every phase of construction and new improve- ments. City officials here feel th'lt such a code would not be ill the best interest of Shelton al- though they admit that a building code does have its advantages. WEATHER High Low Precip. Jan. 1,t .. 4;) deg. 33 deg, .... :... Jan. 15 _. 4,1 deg. 37 deg'. .17 in. Jan. 16 .. 52 deg. 42 deg. .11 in. Jan. 17 .. 52 deg. 42 deg. .45 in. Jan. 18 ,. 51 deg. 49 deg. .14 ill, Jan. 19 ,. 55 deg. 3't deg ......... Jan. 20 .. 45 deg. 30 deg. ---Rayonier Incorporated. ,JAN UA00Y gl i Q Rifles . 25% Off 41 41 TOOJS r 41 Model 70-257 Roberts Breast Drills ....................... 25% Off Model 70-270 Rolerts Planes, Levels ................ . .... ,20% Off Model 721A 300 Magnum Hand Drills .. $2.95 Braces .. $2.19' Model 722A 300 Savage Q Miscellaneous ® Iron Boards ................ $6.95 Fishing Rods ½ Price Elec. Mixers .. $39.95 .. qts. $1.40 - gals .. $4.29 Stainless Tableware .. $6.50 Value Mirrors .............. $1.95 Rubber Mats .............. $1.49 Set Nortika China .... $45.56 Breast Drills ........ $1.95 and $2,95 Triangle Squares .................... 65¢ 6 -inch Skil Saws ................. $38.95 Ball Pein Hammers .............. $1.39 Alcohol Torches ................  Price Combination Squares ............ $1.19 Hammer Handles ...: ................ 15¢ :mm mmmmmm mmmm  mmmm mmmm | " . . .. .. ........ | [ MANY OTHER ITEMS AT ] I | ! ! I REDUCED PRICES ' | I Fmmmmmlimmmmm mimm..mmmmm. J e Bath Scales ........ $5.95 "' Sheriffs Gf;li00 tics 2 A6Dto: aofS3, :2 mess[lcre m ad e in 1958 by the Shelton Police De- partment as compared with 417 in 1957. Thirteen were arrested for burg- laries, bad checks and .grand ltr- eeny and 58 juveniles were han- dled by the juvenile officer 'for various offenses. One hundred and fifteen accidents, with over $25 in :damages :resulting, were handled as compared to 142 acci- dents ,last year. Twenty-seven persons were in- jured in auto accidents but no deaths resulted, The estimated damage to persons who made re- ports in 1958 amounted to $23,142 while in 1957 it was $30,000. Sepli© Tank Servioe To Resume Business Bill's Septic Tank Service will resume operations within the next six weeks as soon as new equip- merit can .be installed. The truck of the .company was badly .:damaged New Year's day while parked,at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Meal who own the arvice. " A :new, truck has alredy ii bee pnrehased but it requires time to find and install the necessary ,quipment, f0r, the: business. BASKEIBALL SCOES Olympia 54, East Bemerton 49 Hoquiam 51, Hudson's Bay 30 West Brmerton 48, Lincoln 30 North Kitsap 68, Port Towns 44 Port Angeles 50, South ;:Kit 44 Centralia 52, Fort Vancouver 49 West Brem 40,.Olympia 36 TIDES OFTHE WEEK Computed forHood Canal (Oakland Bay Udes :m, O!le ,laogr and 55 mlaut leXer.) Friday, n. 23 High .............. ,5:'06 aml. .12.2 ft. Low ................ 10:20 a.m. :r/:6,ft. High .............. 3:07 ;p.m. I1.0 'ft. Low ................ 10:17 pan. -1.4 ft. Saturday, ,la .24 ,High . ............. :5:36 a.m. 12.5 ft. Low ................ t0:59 a,m. 7.2 ft,, High .............. 3:510 p.m. 11.1 ft. Low ................ 10:54Lp,m. -1.5 ft. Smlday, Jan. 25 High .............. 6:08 can. 12.8 ft. Low ................ 11:38 a.m. 6.6 ft. High .............. 4:38 p.m. ll.l.ft. Low ................ 11:30 p;m. -1.3 ft. Monday, Jan, 6 High .............. 6:32 a.m. 13.0 ft. Low ................ 12:13 p.m. 5.9 ft. High .............. 5:26 p.m. 11.0 ft. Tuesday, .rJa 27 Low ................ 0;09 a.m. -0.9 ft. High ............... 7:02 a,m. 13.1 ft. Low ............... 1:02 p.m. 5.1 ft. High .............. 6:18 p.m. ;10.8 ft. Wednesday, a. 28 Low ................ 0:51 aan. 0.9 ft. High .............. 7:34 a.m. 13.2 ft. Low ................ 1:49 p.m. 4.2 ft. High .............. 7:17 p.m. 10.4 ft. Thursday, J,aL 29 Low ................ 1:34 a.m. 2.0 ft. High .............. 8:09 a.m..13.1 ft. Low ................ 2:41 p.m. 3.4 ft. High .............. 8:22 p.m. 9.9 ft. Look across the border to Oregon and Idaho-" k WHY SHOULD. YO.._U.U GET ONLL$2 WHEN YOUR NEIGHBORS IN OREGON AND IDAHO GETS3? Read how trading stamp savers in Washington are deprived by. out.ot.:dat. : state legislation  legislation which can and should be repealed now. .LL over America, smart thrifty house- • wives regard trading stamps almost s a "second savings  account." A way to get things for their home and family they might not otherwise be able to afford. But here in Washington, an out-of-date law deprives the housewife of the full re- iturn on her thrift. This law says that she must redeem her tamp collector's books for cash-S2 in cash-instead of merchandise, worth on ian average of over $3 Wh y does she lose this $1 ? Why has this out-of-date law remained on the books for Over 40 years? Why do our neighbors across the border in Oregon and Idaho en- joy the full return on their thrift-while , We in Washington canno? The answer is imple. Some retail interests in .,the' State who dread the increased ¢-o._m, Petition full use of trading stamps would bring-have blocked attemp,,a£ repeahng this legislation ,for ..their ,o special interests. The present iState Legislature did :,ot Of course, create this legislation. ,It d0es, 1 however, have before itnowa'bffi:to tepeal the old law and give you :the ,right ¢orj deem stamps 'for merchandise. Attempts are being made to :block the r; peal at this very moment. 'If you :agree that Washington housewives ,:axe ,entitled to a full return on their ,hrift-:the full return enjoyed in Oregon, Idaho ,and ' almost every other state- hy ot wto your legislator now and tell him how you I feel. He will appreciate heaHngyour semi,! ments. (This newspaper can give you the name of your State Senator.) To him, the opinion of thousands of voters will always carry greater weight a small mila,ority of lobbyists. 'Remember, trading stamps have been given by merchants and saved by . housewives in this state for over hail a century. The only question now is Shouldn't Washington housewives be entitled to the same full re tg.r O their thrift as housewives in Oregon, Idaho and othpr states? e WHy NOT WASHINGTON? Commlttea .,a, group of Washington homemakers mar,ng merchandise for trading stomps. MRS. JEANNE LINDEEN, Exec. Secy. 1911 Monroe St., Pullman, Wash. THE S & H GREEN ST/uP PEOPLE serving tO million families for aver 60 years. THE SPERRY & HUTCHINSON CO. George Schlrer, President 114 Fifth Ave., Nsw York City WASH NGTON E ......... " ___= .... R T, AI!ER$ ,FAVOIN@ tERCHANDISE FOR, TRADING .STAMPS... an organization af local merchants ad(a. catlng,freedom in zelail,competlticm. BEN E. ADAMS, ChaiIq 692| E. Marginal Way ttle in .U.8,A,," ..W.ashin , 00HHSgN'00 Sf:23 MERCHANI MERCItANT LEA(IITE W L Thackery Electric .......... 5 3 .Den's Flying A Service 5 3 Prepp's .Rexall Store .... 4 Lfi 31,./, Olympic Plywood ....... ... 4 35 !Ziegler's Camera Shop .. 4 4 Kimbel Motors Inc ........ 4 4 Bill's Shell Service ......... 4 4 Western Meat ................ 1 7 High .game--Don Johnson 241 High total--Don Johnson 623 Don Johnson slammed a 623 se- ries (177-241-205) for top honors in the Merchants bowling league last week and also led the team he sponsors, Den's Flying A Serv- ice, to a 3-1 triumph over Zieg- ler's Camera Shop (Ed Byrne 230 and 575) which shot the gas ped- dlers :into a top rung deadlock ,with Thackeray .Electric (Mary Biehl 211 and 552), which gained a 3-1 edge over Kimbel 1Iotors (Dick White 556). Olympic Plywood (Don Ander- son 540) wona 3-V,o victory over Prepp!s Rexall Store (Russ Mor- ken :496), and Bill's Shell Service (Floyd Fuller 518) blanked Wes- tern Meat (Jim Kitna 220 and 219 for a 579 series). 'CLUBS' GET NEW PiN ,MEMBERSHIPS JUNIOR BOWLING W L Bernie's Barber Shop ........ 7 1 Parker's Mr. & Mrs. Shop 7 1 Les Joslin Insurance .......... 5 3 Shalalro0k . Care .................. 5 3 Beckwith 3ewelry ,. 3 5 Angle 'Insurance .................. 2 6 Graystone ............................ 2 6 Hembrof Agency .............. 1 7 High Scores Boys game--Wayne Carlson 212 Boys total--Larry Neal 541 • :Girls ;game--Pat z'cher 172 Girls total--Nancy '.Wilson 436 Special "clubs" lgained new d members in junior leagpe bowling play :Sturdlkv. t,Archer joined the girls "15[} lub' by posiing a 172 and Larry Neal and Wayne Carlson both hit the "200.Club" Lowe 666,-Whitmarsh In 00ommeroial MEN's *()OMMEll(JIAL V¢ L Ritnor's Highballers .......... 6 2 Delight Park ........................ 6 2 Verle's Sporting Goods .... 5 3 Moose Lodge ...................... 4 ,t Wingard's Sport Shop ...... 4 ,t Local 161 .............................. 3 5 Hansen's Union Oil ............ 2 6 Gott Oil ................................ 2 6 High game--.Sonny Lowc 251 High total -- Sonny Lowc 666, Bob Whitmarsh 605 Sonny Lowe's 666 series marked individual scoring feats in the men's Commercial bowling league last week but oddly his 251 high game was achieved in the ouly game Ritner's Highballers lost in a 3-1 victory over HanseWs Union Oil (Glenn Roessel 579). Bob Whltmarsh was another in the charmed circle, his 605 lead- ing Delight Park to a 3-1 success against Verle's Sporting Goods (Dale McClanahan 522). Other de- cisions were by 3-1 counts, too, Local 161 (Percy Zamzow 540) winning from Gott Oil (Jerry Sam- ples 486), Wingard's Sport Shop Jim .A.rcher 584) from Moose Lodge (Cliff Howard 588). OLYMPIA BANTAMS SQUARE PiN SERIES • THURSDAY BANTAMS W Selmabol's Jaybirds ............ 5 1 Hedrick Sport Center. ....... 4 2 Y/ereer's Alley-oops .......... ,1 2: Morgan & Eacrett .............. 2 4 Northwest Evergreen ........ 2 4 Boon!s Plumbing .: .............. i 5 High Scores Boys game--David Barnett ]28 Bos total---David Barnett 247 Girls game--Alice Pearson 134 Girls total--Alice Pearson 203 FRIDAY BANTAMS W ,L Ed Byrne ..................... : ........ 5 i Ar-own ' Bakery .................. 4 2 Lions Club .......................... 3 3 Active Club .......................... 3 0 .Ziegler Camera hop ........ 2 1 Timber Bowl ........................ 1 5 again with respective 201 and 212 Journal .................................. 0 6 games. Nelson's Oysters ................ 0 3 ;Pat and Nancy Wilson, with a II'h Scores .. 436 series, led'he all-giri Parker's Boys game---Keth Savage o Mr. & Mrs Shop team to one of l Boys Savage zaa three shutouts scored during the Gu'ls game-Gem Wlson 135 . day's play over Hembroff Agency I Gh'ls series---Joan Scnneider 24x (Joel Watters 458). Bernie's Bar- . , ' . --/ ...... _ . ber Shoo (Don Hanson 510) and nemn's bantam oowters were ShamrockCafe ('Gary Cowan 465) all square with O!ympia riwds af- goose-egged Grastone (Bruce ter losing a total-pins aecision Johnson-4-14) and B-eekwith lewel-"on Capitol Lanes Sunday morning. ry (Jerry Mallory 432), while Les Joslin Insurance (Larry Neal 541) took a 3-1 verdict over Angle In- surance (Wayne Carlson 446). SWING SHIFT -LEAGUE W L Hemloekers .... '.: ........... : ........ 8 0 Strippers .............................. 7 1 Chasers .................................. 5 3 Woodworms ........................... 4 4 Planers ..................... , ............ 3 5 Mixers ..................... : ............... 3 5 Log Peelers .......................... 2 6 Pin Benders .......................... 0 8 High game --- Darold Freeman 197 High total -- Doyle Barnett 564 RAYONIER RESEARCH W L Maintenance .................. 11 5 Cellulouses ...................... 11 5 Pin Curlers .................... 10V_, 5A Rayonettes : ............ : ........ 8 8 WOod Birds .................... 71/,/, 8] Clockwatehers .............. 7 9 Acetate ACes .................. 5 11 Silva Foxes .................... 4 12 High game --- Corky Dickinson 221 High total--Don Woods 575 CHEHALIS 71 ST. MARTIN'S 33 Dowling 14 f Skahan 13 Denny 13 f Soule 1 Kaija 10 c Van Geystal 10 Borovec 9 g Heutmaker 8 James 8 g Worthington .3 Subs: Chehalis--Allie 7, Wood 4, Schwarz 2, Boles 2, arr.ett 2, Wedin. i St. Martps--Brwick 1, Acuff 1,:Bucsko, Hartman, Boulac, Monroe. THURSTON 58 RYMOND 62 Heusman 4 f 'Bond 11 Bower 7. f Hampton 4 Ford 21 ,c ,,Olson 3 Asbach 10 g Evan 8 Cooper 16 g Lapinsld 4 Subs: /r.-Bachofner, Bertsch. Raymond  Gehlert 2, ,Barnum, Knight. " CHEHALIS 81 RAYMOND 73 Denny 11 f Bond 11 Dowlinff 13 f :,Harppkon 3 Kaija 16 c r I "Olson 36 Schwarz 13 g Evans 6 Borovec 16 g Lapinski 11 Subs: hehalis-llie 6, Wood 4,, Garrett 2. Raym0ndBaum 4, Zambaras ,2. TIIURSTON 74 ST. MARTIN'S 61 Heusman ,18 f Hartman 11 Bower 13 f yan,Ge¥tal 12 Ford 15 c .... loulac 2 Asbaeh 14 g Skahan 17 Cooper 12 g Heutmaker 12 Subs: N.T.--Blacketeer 2. St. Martin's--D. Stule 7. ELMA 53 ST. MARTIN'S 32 Peek 6 f 'kahan 4 George 6 £ Hartman 2 I-Iepworth 11 c Van Geystal 9 Tornquist &3 g *Heutmaker 5 Beerbower 10 g Worthington 5 Subs: :ElmaDotson 5, Brock- rnueller 2. St. Martin's--Acuff 4, Soule 2, :Monroe 1. Too Lat00 T o GIEEN DAVENPORT and chair, in gooa condition, for ,sale, Phone 1-1A 6-6675 from 9 a.m. fintil noon. T1/22-2/5 8AIdE--Box prag and inner ng matt'ress for double bed/$25. evening H& 6,M68. D1/22 F0R RENT--2 bdr0om house, i"ttl=- nihed, Phone HA 6-4622. M1/22 R'AI3BIT IRTILIZER for-al-'.. :B; the sack. Phone HA 6-8816. , • B1q22-2/5 lvO-"REN T'.-T wo-"-":b-e-d I,-o o--il 1 '= h-o-m--e--i'iii"- nthed, refdrences required. Phone V. 6-86i9. __!/, ¢ were. Phone Olyml#.'FL, 7'1:, ..... _ /  Stdkius, ' 1.4023' 1,14 S,E., Rent0a, Wash, J1/22 The girls upset their Olympia opponents, 1313-1270, behind Joan Schnoider's 328 series after losing to them in the first match on Shelton alleys, but the Shelton boys took the short end of an 1874-1806 count to give Olympia a 25-pin edge in total pins. Keith Savage's 451 was high for both teams. WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Timber Bowl .................. 7% 41. ].ll.& Valley ................ 75':, 4//.', ilk Tee "Care ............ 7 5 Gott Oilerettes .............. 7 5 Richfield Oil .................. 7 5 Darigold .......................... 6 6 Den's Flying A Service 4 8 Ralph's Fine Foods ...... 2 10 High game Phyl Ziegler 211 'High total--Phyl Ziegler 566 WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE Hedrick Sport Center .. 49 19 McConkey Pharmacy .. 45,. 22 Joy Novelty .................... 38 30 Cota Grill ..................... 33 35 Olsen Fm'niture ............ 30 38 Manley's Fountain ........ 28, 39b Shelter Hotel ................ 28 40 Ritner's Broiler ............ 20 48 High game--Vera Bishop 191 High total--Inez Dodds 456 pa o: 5 ' ' A Lower Skekomish Adds '00INTERS OU SRAHOOPMEN 523 T 3 More,Hoop S©a[ps , Qlfick Print kepl Shelton SR.A L x; .... S )< sh ran its \\;'i '- Oltt of the victoFy cohll]ln agLahlltol'v sttillg 1() fi\\;'t in a r(av \\;,,ilh.. in Olympia city ]eag/Ic basketbdl o It' deleal hy w ]il)pim4 ,:a nik.Ie. play lasi week with a 52-37 tci- tllllpt). QUICK PRINT 52 SI{.A 37 Williams 3 I' Coleman 6 Heintzelman 12 f Ashley 2 McCallum 6 c Hohnan 6 Hersey 1:1 g' Sutherland Stautz 1.4 g Clary 11 Subs: Qui('.l Print Robinson 2, Martin 3, l)ay 1. SRA .Corey 10, Christy 2, Ristine. MEN'S IN I)[TNTRIAL Lumbermen's Mere ......... 11 1 20th Cenim'y Thriftway .. 7 5 Panatorium Cleaners ...... 7 5 "Waterfront Realty . ........... 6 6 Wilson's Lefty's ................ 6 6 Grant Lmnber . .................. 5 7 Cote & Myhre Service ....... 4 S Morgan Transfer . ............. 2 10 High game Walt Elliott 215 High total . Walt Elliott 572 BURP LEA(I[TE Rainier Beer ....................... 4:9 15 Shelton Recreation ............. 38 2(; Rilner's Straight Shots .... 37 27 Mick's Tavern ................... 32 ;32 The Tropics ......................... 29 35 Log Cabin .......................... 25 39 Rishel Logging .................... 24 ,10 Heidelberg Beer . ............... 22 42 High game--Dot Robm, ts 178 High series - Dot Knulzen, Dot Barnaby each 476 25-1], and Vauhn lwce. 2,-9,t :16-22, in recent ,r:ulc sclm,}l ba:-- 1;at ba, ll ganws .... , Billy Smilh's 17 pcdnls in the first Vaughn gtlnle, ,I il/lllly ifl()([- paster's 12 aglirlsl l"::llllJl('h(', :'D(I Eddie MilLer's 13 in Ihe ,'(!con(i Vl.||,'hn gl:tl*llC \\;\'cFc ll)tl t)¢qq't)|'lll- a u(x!s, iEN'S ()I'F" IAqAGIi;I . \\;V .L \\;Vilson Company . ......... 7 2 l:eckwittl Je\\;veh'v ...... 5 ,t ,Frisl:en Oii ..................... 5 Simpson Logg'ers ........... Z t ' Needhanl Shopvi/e ,t 5 • t0 & 8 ............................... 4 5 A,Iac's Corner ........... ,t 5 Lllnlberule,,l',q Nlel (' :3 (i High garne Mtlrv ('aiq(q' 221 High total• Mary Carier ;I "'------T---- .............................................. Mutual Fund Sb¢rnl ,,, v WADDELL & REED, iNC2,1 /Pr/€/po/ Underw¢i#erg HERB ROTTER Title InSurance Building /PrOle('tlts m H'qu*',M !, L ....  ......  .............................................................................. • I . I]1 II I II1( . i,ml IImm iiilU i ml Well Drilling WATER WELLS- TEST HOLE,S Bedell Drilming Co. LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 • Route 3, Bo 170, 8helto I .... Ill llll I II UNI I I I I .... [ --. I I I .................. ,, • :BLACK SUEDE • BLACK PATENT .• BLACK LEATHER • '.RED PATENT • RED LEAq'HER • TAN WOMEN'S FLATS !: Values to $5.!}8 STARTS THURSDAY, JAN. 22ND WHEN YOU THINK OF" SHOES THINK OF The Bootery "HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" Phone HA 6-3122 125 Raih'cad Ave. I ...... I Gigantic 'Tir,e Sale! SAVE FROH TO All Grades of restone Tires On Sale PUNETURE SAFE -SIZES IN' STOCK Tht aectlonl view of the new Firestone 6Upreme tire il]ustrat how the gummy sealant prevent air llge ,by dinging,to ,a .pene- trating nail. It also shows how the dphragm 'i etoured to protect it fr'om puncturing nails. The auto- matte valve in the center of the diaphragm atttomatieMly elos .when the outer wall of the tire i broken or sluhed  retains enough air in the inner chamber to kP the tire inflated a! tl r ,6.00-16 6.50-i6 6.40-15 6.70-1.5 7.10-15 7.60-15 7.50-14 8.00-14 8.50-1.4 ,BUY A PAIR-- GO ANYWHERE Firestone & Country The sensotianol new winter,fire that's GUARANTEED TO GO --- thru ice, mud or snow or we pay, tke tow Plus Tax and Recappable Casing NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE Lundord,s l00|restofle 317 Railr0ad OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN OUR NEW LOCATION PHONE HA 6-8476