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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P,pge_ , ,HELTON-MAON COUNTY JQURNAL- Published fn &apos;¢Chr{stmastowm U.Z.A.," helton, Washington • Thuraday, Janttarv 2 ... - ........................................................... ...... -..:,r? .,: ............... .  (7 ' *' ........ Ilflili ......... ?;" IIH I I lllllll tl I' I I I I I llll I m I II " II I " " : Grape vie News ,,oo, M, , , (;range News W Soutk00ide News ,,'eel, .,,,=,. ,.',-:,,, HOME LOANS AUT01NSURANCE RATES, F0R YOUR , SECOND:CAR N0W25%LESS!* * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates Sr NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg, Tile Snuthside Grange enjoyed a polhmk (linnet" preceding last Friday's meeting. There were 34 metal)ors present inch.iding all the officels. The degTee team has been araeticing for lhe first and second degrees which they will exemi)lify in theh' hall Feb. 11. Shelton Valley Grange had a social meeting last Friday, at whith time they phtyed canasta and WllaIlI Ino. Tile Agate Grange will hold its anrmal ,Pies for Polio" meeting this Friday, and have invited the public to help thenl celebrate their 50th anniversary on Saturday. All Mason county stihordinate inastera attended a selmol at the Progress h:II Jan. 12, Most of the wives were also present, Tim school is ildendcd to hell) the new masters get started and as a re- II IIII " fl'esh(r /!ourse for tire old lnas- T'I--7-, .......................................... "' :::-::- ters. 'The class was condttcted by NOTICE The stated annual meeting of the shareholders of the association will be held at the office Of the association on Saturday, February 7, 1959, at 2 o'clock, p.m. Mason County Savings ,&Loan Association Title "Insurance Buildtng Shelton, Wash|ngton Ann Slater. Oil Tuesday, a conference was held for subordinate secretaries, lecturers and home economic chairmen also at the Progress hall. Classes were conducted by Iolet Otflsen, state secretary; Lor- r'aine Mills, state lecturer, and Ann Slater, state home ecorlolllic chairman: .............................................. Alaskan Governor Due At Valley Festival Governor William A. Eg.n of Alaska has been invited to lmad a delegation of mayors and presS- dents of Chambers of Commerce of 20 Alaska cities So the 26th Puyallup Valley Daffodil Festival GRAPEVIEW. Those mid-win- tcr blue got you down? A happy thought that iTlay give those sag- ging spirits a b,.)st is the heart- w:lrming fact that just a scant ei.',ht weeks away is the first day [ of spring! Now is tbe time for : takitg that l.wo-week jaunt to Palm Springs. Ha! Oh well, we can always battle that January palh)r by dragging out the old ,<am lamp and putting it to good u,e and then get to work on those unflattering bulges that invar- ial)ly sneak u I) on us after the hol- idays. For the menfolk, a few hours silent with lndpaper and paint brush nn the family "yacht" shotzld help chase away the Jan- uary depression. Could be that's exactly what is going on in our conlnnnlity l:he, days I)r'r'lltlSl', Ile',vsh'iso, there is Very little h) report. Howcver, here's what we've been abh. to dig u p. RUTH WELLS is convalescing satisfactorily at home from re- cent surgery tit Pllget Sound Na- val Hospital. This is indeed hap- py news and we wish Ruth a .peedy recovery, A somewhat belated Christmas gt t-together was held at the home (;it" the Robert Tragers of Sheridan Heights in Seattle last weeknd when Wall and Salli Clayton llnd three children paid them a visit on Friday and Saturday. It was a most enjoyable respite from the wintertime routine for both fami- lies and especially so for Walt and Bob who were childhood playmates in Hoquiam. in Tacoma, Puyalhip, Sunmer and Orting April 6 ttvrough April 12. One way to beat the January The new state will be sahlted slump is to go out and buy some- new, and that is exactly ):by the big daffodi! 'festWal, the what the Mike Zelenaks have done. [fete's theme being 'Daffodils So-They're sporting a pretty two- lute Ahiska." ......... toned Plymouth sedan since last ' "' ' " Tuesday. The Orville Kagers said good- 20 Years Ago bye lastSundaytoLeoma'smoth- er, Mrs. Florence Peterson, when she left for Portland, Ore., for a l visit with her other daughters there. McConkefe Phirmaoy, serving Mason Oounty reeidents vor ED AND LOUISE Okonek were' more than 20 yea're, brings you this column taken from the surprised last Snnday afternoon files of yuteryear. We hope It Is of Interest to you. whim Louise's cousin and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Lester Chamberlain JANUARY 17, 1939---Edgar Wright, Stretch Island Winery of Grisdah, droped in on them. president, Was ehted president of the Washington State Wine By the way, Ed reports that he Council and Charles Sorners, preshhmt of the St. Charles Winery h)st approximately 50 feet of his of Grapeview, was re-elected to the board of trustees at the bulkhead in onr recent windstorm. annual convention in Seattle last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grigg In tl Friday tim 13ih accidmt at the Simpson-Rayonicr showed very good thnlng ,in the joint powerhollse H. L, Hadse.ll suffered sewre electric burns colnplction of their bulkhead and when both hands came in contact with a bar-switch controlling new h)g ramp for they had just 480 volts of electricity. Lighls flicleered througlmut the corn- hauled their outboard cabin cruis- munity bit Hadsell wa. able to wall€ to :t c;ir lti t)r, taken t() lhe or to safety on the ramp when the tiospital for treatment. New Year's northwinds began cutting capers. Alth(Miffh the boat Claude Danielson, manager of the West C.(last Power (,Olll- 1MD.S eoml)letely b0dccked in ice, pony's local division, was seated as 1939 Shelton Chrtmber of no danlagr, was noted. Commerce president last week, succeeding A1 tluerby, Pord Mr, Grigg, with friends, Dick dcah;r here. Other officers include vice-president Dfi:'k Eddy, Coleman .and Lock Wren, has a secretary-lresm'er Haroht Im, kesburg, and tmmtees C. C. Coh', new hobby to help him throueh C, E. Itunacres, D. B, Davies, S. li, Anderson, and Warren the dreary months. Seems thts Lincoln. threesome is out every day "beaeli- Under the leadership of Louise Mitchell, pll'Dl|u nt the Grape- combing" for agates and we hear view grade so)loci htve ff)l"nc(1 an lllformal waltOnff chib nll.t lhev have sonic real beauties in, at(. lakfn" f41"lol't trips arlitnld the eommllnity. Mrs. Mitchell their cllllections. acquh'ed tier ttsh, for hiking 111 Swilzcr]art(l. WE ARE sorry to hear that for- Picking Friday the 13lh for their pelforumnee, the Shelton mcr Grapeviewile, Charlle Lom- Highcllmbers rank np the season's high team score in the South- bard, is being treated for a back west Washington prep basketball eerie[ere, nee while mauling Men- ailment at .the Clinic Hosnital in, 40-27, with Bill Taylor, BtlYett, ]:)an Cormter mid Shelton. If a substantial diet George Smith playin K key roh,s, could do anything to speed his . , , recover:c, Charlie has it made for sure with wife (rlie (hfing her JANUARY 19. 1939--.Mason County's Seventh Eaffle Scottt illlllost in the hospital kitchen. badge in tile past ]g nionlbs will be presenled t(i Waiter Eddy, Our best wishes for your recovery, son of MT. and Mrs. 1)i(,k Ed(ly, tonighl in the first court of Charlie. honr of 19'19• Yollng Eddy's immediate predecessors as Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Dick Coleman at- Scouls were Vincent Manchel, Bob Harnilton Mike Rector. Bruce tended the wedding of their niece, Cole. Laurel Nelson and Harry Greenly. Mis Margie Craffe. to Mr. Dennis Allie Robinson announced completion yesterday of final de- Trettevik of Seattle at the Pull tails of lhe sale. of the Shelton Cash Grocery So Herb "Hank" Gem)el Cbur0h in Skokomish last I)urand. his assistant. RobtIon has Durchased |he Lake Cash- Saturday cvening, Jan. 17. Rev. man Resort, which he will rehnild and olmratc. Mildred Schultz. n sister of the Fellow Kiwanians joined forces Tuesd.ty to see tbat ,'t ea.e bride, performed the ceremony, of mumps (a! his age?) didn't spoil Walt Eckert's 14-year Colemsn helped decorate the perfect attendance record, ,A carload of brother ('hal)men drove hall nearby for the reception held to the honte of the Grapeview postmaster and grape juice maim- afte.r the wedding besides makhlg facturer to hohl a "meeting." defined under Kiwa.nis rllles tis itlld serving the delicious Duneh. permissable If five or more menabers fret together for lha| pill'- Mr. Coleman helped entertain pose. (, 20 years later. Eckert still possesses s perfect at a Lutheran Chnrch lunch6on att(dance record in the Kiwanis Club), in Shelton last Friday bV showlnff interesting slides i)f Alaska and Pete Eitriem was re-elected president of the Rayonier Era- Yellowstone Park. Mrs. Charles ployees Federal Credit Union at the annual meeting Tuesday, Lombard served on the entertain- when a 5 per cent dividend was declared ment committee, Rod and Sylvia TIansen spent For Over 23 Years It Has Been last weeknd tin South Bend, Wash., with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS pairmakeEngman'byit comlngaandrealR°d'SupreprieVefromdadAllynf°rhelpedtheto baby sit with the Hansen young- stets, Cheryl alid Ronnie. I could any of these nurnbers for il quick I)ick-up: HA 6-6080, HA 6-6027 or HA 6-3661. And wllile on Mothers' Club do- ings: Here's n reminder of the forthc(mdng card party -Jan. 30, 7:30 p.m. at the schoolhouse. Card-sliarks, please save that eve- ning! Local basketball enthusiasts who turned ()tit last Saturday ew,- nhlg to see Shelton's Highcliinbers do battle against Montesano's Bull- dogs really got their money's wot'th. Cheering as Shelton ended up with a one-point lead were Bill and I-ona Seiners and ttarley, Clem and Merge Hell, Bill and Lin- da Spooner, Walt and Sells Clay- ton, Orin and Ethel Buckingham, Larry Etherton, Linda Gilbert and Howard and Murlal Seiners. IT IS heartening to receive the resort tlmt Peninsula Light Co. sent out  crew one day last week to check our utility poles. Fair Harbor Grange held its 161st meeting last Monday eve- ning at the ,choolhouse a]d ap- pointed its standing committees for the year. A special committee appointed that should be interest- ing to all was the one to be. in charge of another-' Game Night. Lecturer Ruby Lewis with Mr. and Mrs. Kruize, Phyllis Lutz and Julie Stock plan another fun-filled evening next month, Friday, Feb. 13. Should prove a lucky one for someone ! Mr. and Mrs. Web Etherton en- tertalned Mrs. John Etherton (Web's sisteroin-law) of New York City, and brother, Mr. Bryce Eth- erton of Seattle, last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John was return- ing from a visit with her daugh- ter in California. UTILE SKOOKUM BAY :By MANETTE MOORE The last two weeks of mild and partly sunny weather have brought many results nature-wise to Little Sknokum. Already th pussywillow can be found blos- soming along the roads and through the woods and many of the spring blooming bulhs are showing themselves quite boldly. Let's hope old man winter doesn't come rushing hack to surprise them. The author of aeveral Northwest novels, Mrs. S. W. Rosa, and her husband will be guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Bishop this weekend• Monday Mrs. Bishop will be traveling to Betlingham where she will spend the week with Mrs. Ralph Olson. The Bill Price family took a drive Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kinnaman in Elms, th0 on to Montesano where they dropped in on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cat.enter. Weekend glests at the Bill Mar- cy home were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Overby and (laughter Kathy of Troutdale, Ore. Sunday visitors at the Marcys' were Mrs. Marcy's parents, the Phillip Hardtes. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knight of Shc[ton called on Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore Friday night for a pinochle session. House guest at the Fred Silva home Saturday night was Karen Cole who was visiting with Sharon Silva. Visiting the Seth Bush family Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baker of Tumwater. Double birthday celebration., were in order for Frances Allen who, along,with her husband Gene, spent the weekend in Aberdeen with their daughter and son-in- law, Joan and Davis Chappell. Joan prepared a bh'thday dinner for her mother Sunday. Mrs. Allen was honored at another birthday dinner Monday, this time at the home of her mother, Mrs. Joe Silva, Helping celebrate were Mrs. Eddie Braz and Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy Moore and Cheri. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Lynch were dinner guests at the John Blanton home Sunday night. The Blantons' two oldest girls, little Kathy, 5, and Betty, 3, returned holn with the Lynches to spend the night. A weekend trip to Seattle to viait their daughter and sn-in- TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU name a few harrassl morns who law. Mr. and Mrs, Dick Bennett, and little granddaughter Ann was would like" to avail themselves of -e- "°r ........... such kind services maa oy  . ana Mrs. HO0 waum. 306 RAILROAD ' ' Corn any at the home of Dr and That Mothers' Club rummage .  ......... . • . ....... last wee'- Mrs. "rnomas Rym unaay m- sale we olo yrm scout . K Phone HA 6-3456 ,,,m .^ ,,, . ,, " cluded Mr. and Mrs Bernie Bailey .....  ,,,,, ,,o, ......... in the fu- _ _ ture (whenever they get a good- ana son arry... _ .. O W.AI1LOAD sized haul) probably at the P,U.D. ,r, a na ,lrs: IDertoy Moore one u#lt i*= h,,il¢lll. t.' 61.=l+^. la=tA= rl¢l= ,llrrt lieu =arS. Joe 151lye were Phone HA 6-4456 and e.ds of clothing, white ele- eelflse Etdie Ine nome of Mr. ut az "rnursaay phants dishes etc, old books, es- .. .: ' n,h,11, th, 111*1: "L-*h k e'l iwitn a stoner In honor of LeRoy, nst call the occasion being his biz thday ti0ns will be ccepted. J '1 " " --- i I ..... I I i l I • , . I CIoquallum N ewseeeeeteeeleeee • • ee • eeeee • eee e e ee eee eeeeeeeee • Before you start feeding a too-big'59 car,., i=:..,,,, tka /'.mhmt" • [ ....By DO..VELE' _ II .. . ,t_ r_ • Mallett celebrated her birthday • "  .'  • With ,a party laet week. Guests i, "g. \\;',,/t y tb  lit i'l'illlill • the Charles Alexander family of •   V'- IUV//lr- ,,. ...... I.L. ....... • Ilma. Linda Alexander stayed • =ave more inan v, eve •  ..-. / . - lJ// " • might with GWen. •  _./ , ..t OI1 Ilrst ...... cost," g'-as, u-kee-00 •• busiMrS"nesaKennethvisito inPears°nShelton,WaSMon-a • .... --- ,  -- I- day. • i'; MR £ORGE JOltN,.qON ai,ft • .! Mrs. Marion EVeleth  ere dinn r • guests of Mrs. Dave Wagner of • Elms Thursday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearson and Judy Michael and Melinda vis ited the boys at Auburn Academy • Saturday. • Mrs. Joe" Whiting, Mrs. Bert • Rau and Marcia and Diana went • to Hoquiam to visit Mrs. Whiting's • uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Leon- e ard Richarda, on Sunday. • Plans are progressing for the •  ,. • big benefit barn dance b'eb. 7th, • 4/ ,. .... • • • You've seen the others grow in siz, and price RAMBLER AMERICAN STATION WAOON • • now see how ranch more you can savo with .,p=q Save $$00 on Flcst Cost • |tan)bier. Hundreds on first cost,. New gas econ- ', $,b00 less lhan other leadiriR • Iowpdced wagons, Based n. • .my 'I'o], re,<ato, E;i¢,'st parkinl:. ['ersonalized c0ml)a,lr,.0 of DUbiishPd • O (:l,llllTl't: sectioual Hole t'r,,.H .tt;t4, !]ill' back arlulacturersURgeMedprlcv, r, • Slid ('fll Ll}l iruliVidually. (J# t{llinbhr 6 r,r V-.8, Full S p3s£tltig#l IU0lll. n • • • • KIMBEL MOTORS IHO,, 707 S. I sl St., Shellon : It• llli•• • ll• •ttltlt•• • • • • • • • • II • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • e @$@$ Tickets will be $1.00. no advance in price. There will be a surprise auction at the dance. Shelton Buys $119,838 Of Liquor In December The residents of Shelton con- sumed $39.838.29 worth of liquor in the month of December accord- ing to fignires released by the Washington State Liquor Control Eaa'd. }The total  sales of liquor for the state amounted to $9,247,825.36. Ily MI. RAY l{IA'I'('li,% SOUTItSII)I; (Hover I,:his 4-I{ Chib libel "il S,/lvi:l Sinilh'. 'F!c nleel;ing wits ctllo(I to oi'der qnd they gave the flag sMlite and the. 4-H pledge. They (ti,c, ussed their record books. |lild rd] c:fl and took lip their (hl'S. Mi.. l-lelly \\;Veil gave lho 4-[{ lnenlheishi t) cards to show thal lllcy werv nleli<ibers of a 4-I[ Chlb. The chib discussed whal 1 }If"," wcl'e goiat- to denlonstrate, wholi ltl(,.v %%otlld give demonslrathms, ttnd refresh- llle!lts \\;Vel'e ervod. 'l'hc IIcxt i/eet- iIIg will be heh.l at Coiltlit, Sl,'VOll' on Jantiflry 2'). MR. AND MRS. lCarl LeI4getl nnd Mrs. Evelyn Klingbh)y altend- ed the Eagles district nieeling at Hlnla Sunday. Willing Workers 4-H Club met Thursday. Terry Hartwcll gave a demonstration on how to build a self-feeder for rabbils, ':tlld Jeffrey Heinis gave a dcmonstration on ihow to prepare a nest box for a rabbit. The next lneetinff will be Mrs. M. Brobecl¢ spent lasl week with Mrs. Louie Horasl,:i at Buck- Icy. BUSY BELL 4-11 CLUII met at Sherry Palmer's Wednesday, and the meeting was called to order, and talked about naking things for the Orthopedic. Refreshments were served and games played. Mrs. Earl Leggett received some nice pictures from her grandson, Billy Bernertt, and also word that he is getting along fine. Mrs. M. Brobeck has a new grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mnrphy of "Tacoma. Mll. AND bird. Henry Boysen and Terri visited the Ray Krat- chas Wednesday nlght. A urprise mmiversary dinner was held on Mr. and Mrs. John Holtdorf and family last Sunday. Those attending wel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coleman and family, Mrs. Joe Zakowski and Billy, find Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Staley of Seattle. Mrs. L. P. Sat'nard and Joan Barnard of Seattle visited the Ray Kratchas Saturday. Journal Want Ads Pay MC)NDAY Chicken oodle soup, Cl'a('keFs, ]lol COrll))l'ea(, eal•r()l llld c(,Jel'y sticks, (,anlled fl'lliI, Inilk• TITESDAY Sp'lghetti wilh nleat. hot I,'rench bl•ead, blltlcred car- rots, fruit, niilk. \\;V],]I)N1,]SDAY Chili con corse, fin/er salad, t)(:lnllil butter sand- c, inn:lnioi] rolls, nlilk. THURSI)AY .... Meat pie, party sandwich, fruil salad, and milk. I,'].H)AY -Macaroni aild cheese, Sll}lp l'eel] |)calls, bread and bill- tel' satdwich, ice cl'ellnl, milk. If all of the 2,000,000 pounds of weld metal used Oil the Navv's newest aircraft; carrier USS In;le- pendence, was !.. inch size. it would extend froni New York 1o San tcrancisco. Usuallv it's the silent partner who has tile. most to say. Good News for Two-Car on • bodily Injury and property damage • collision coverage • ndical payment= FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO • LIFE • FIRE • TRUCK BILL PEARSON 175 N. 5Ih treet l'hone IIA 6-306t :: if no unmarried nlale drivers under 25 years. All Types of INSULATION New, Fancy WEATHER STRIPPING . • POURING • BLANKET STORH WIHDOW KITS AND OTHER Superior to the excellent FOIL types we've had before. MATERIALS MORGAN & EACRETT LUHBER COHPANY 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6-4522 AYTINAL AYTI NAL lilT*Mill VITAMIH$ ,i ,,.I IN(RAtt MtN f.RAL$ ON IIATIONALL  F4BIOU$ OI YlTAMINS OLkBERON12 C0D LIVER 01L 97 < Imported; plain (x" 6avomd. lit. ........ bicalcium Phosphate -c 'ith vlmterol--r;dt in D. 100s. ..........  jR. AYTINAL ''"" ,ags MINtRAL$  :"'=" Just'r;ght llle foe Ckke. ,lli...--.--.. aa _ , --IL G till00 0L4 VlTOL Solution 7M € VITAMIN A 2 BAYTOL TaSietl .... 1 v---- , iK V .... • 98 ' r, ,., , ViTAmiN C" : : • , '; ........... I -'- '::i R;go;:r:;O Regular $3,7 : Our GERiATRIrJ00 rm_00n :i KNO-'--W Olafsen THERAPEUTIC FORMUI.o N.,.i.... i!l Vi, a.,., B COMPLEX "' SnteCee: dmlO:s:i,tf'l::Y31itn;? s''illness Reg. ,o.,.v.,=, 6" 6" "" Bottle of 100 McC O N KEY'S DRUG OENTER 306 RAILROAD -- PHONE HA PHARMAOY 4TH & RAILROAD  PHONE HA P,pge_ , ,HELTON-MAON COUNTY JQURNAL- Published fn '¢Chr{stmastowm U.Z.A.," helton, Washington • Thuraday, Janttarv 2 ... - ........................................................... ...... -..:,r? .,: ............... .  (7 ' *' ........ Ilflili ......... ?;" IIIIII I I lllllll tl I' I I I I I llll I m I II " II I " " : Grape vie News ,,oo, M, , , (;range News W Soutk00ide News ,,'eel, .,,,=,. ,.',-:,,, HOME LOANS AUT01NSURANCE RATES, F0R YOUR , SECOND:CAR N0W25%LESS!* * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates Sr NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg, Tile Snuthside Grange enjoyed a polhmk (linnet" preceding last Friday's meeting. There were 34 metal)ors present inch.iding all the officels. The degTee team has been araeticing for lhe first and second degrees which they will exemi)lify in theh' hall Feb. 11. Shelton Valley Grange had a social meeting last Friday, at whith time they phtyed canasta and WllaIlI Ino. Tile Agate Grange will hold its anrmal ,Pies for Polio" meeting this Friday, and have invited the public to help thenl celebrate their 50th anniversary on Saturday. All Mason county stihordinate inastera attended a selmol at the Progress h:II Jan. 12, Most of the wives were also present, Tim school is ildendcd to hell) the new masters get started and as a re- II IIII " fl'esh(r /!ourse for tire old lnas- T'I--7-, .......................................... "' :::-::- ters. 'The class was condttcted by NOTICE The stated annual meeting of the shareholders of the association will be held at the office Of the association on Saturday, February 7, 1959, at 2 o'clock, p.m. Mason County Savings ,&Loan Association Title "Insurance Buildtng Shelton, Wash|ngton Ann Slater. Oil Tuesday, a conference was held for subordinate secretaries, lecturers and home economic chairmen also at the Progress hall. Classes were conducted by Iolet Otflsen, state secretary; Lor- r'aine Mills, state lecturer, and Ann Slater, state home ecorlolllic chairman: .............................................. Alaskan Governor Due At Valley Festival Governor William A. Eg.n of Alaska has been invited to lmad a delegation of mayors and presS- dents of Chambers of Commerce of 20 Alaska cities So the 26th Puyallup Valley Daffodil Festival GRAPEVIEW. Those mid-win- tcr blue got you down? A happy thought that iTlay give those sag- ging spirits a b,.)st is the heart- w:lrming fact that just a scant ei.',ht weeks away is the first day [ of spring! Now is tbe time for : takitg that l.wo-week jaunt to Palm Springs. Ha! Oh well, we can always battle that January palh)r by dragging out the old ,<am lamp and putting it to good u,e and then get to work on those unflattering bulges that invar- ial)ly sneak u I) on us after the hol- idays. For the menfolk, a few hours silent with lndpaper and paint brush nn the family "yacht" shotzld help chase away the Jan- uary depression. Could be that's exactly what is going on in our conlnnnlity l:he, days I)r'r'lltlSl', Ile',vsh'iso, there is Very little h) report. Howcver, here's what we've been abh. to dig u p. RUTH WELLS is convalescing satisfactorily at home from re- cent surgery tit Pllget Sound Na- val Hospital. This is indeed hap- py news and we wish Ruth a .peedy recovery, A somewhat belated Christmas gt t-together was held at the home (;it" the Robert Tragers of Sheridan Heights in Seattle last weeknd when Wall and Salli Clayton llnd three children paid them a visit on Friday and Saturday. It was a most enjoyable respite from the wintertime routine for both fami- lies and especially so for Walt and Bob who were childhood playmates in Hoquiam. in Tacoma, Puyalhip, Sunmer and Orting April 6 ttvrough April 12. One way to beat the January The new state will be sahlted slump is to go out and buy some- new, and that is exactly ):by the big daffodi! 'festWal, the what the Mike Zelenaks have done. [fete's theme being 'Daffodils So-They're sporting a pretty two- lute Ahiska." ......... toned Plymouth sedan since last ' "' ' " Tuesday. The Orville Kagers said good- 20 Years Ago bye lastSundaytoLeoma'smoth- er, Mrs. Florence Peterson, when she left for Portland, Ore., for a l visit with her other daughters there. McConkefe Phirmaoy, serving Mason Oounty reeidents vor ED AND LOUISE Okonek were' more than 20 yea're, brings you this column taken from the surprised last Snnday afternoon files of yuteryear. We hope It Is of Interest to you. whim Louise's cousin and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Lester Chamberlain JANUARY 17, 1939---Edgar Wright, Stretch Island Winery of Grisdah, droped in on them. president, Was ehted president of the Washington State Wine By the way, Ed reports that he Council and Charles Sorners, preshhmt of the St. Charles Winery h)st approximately 50 feet of his of Grapeview, was re-elected to the board of trustees at the bulkhead in onr recent windstorm. annual convention in Seattle last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grigg In tl Friday tim 13ih accidmt at the Simpson-Rayonicr showed very good thnlng ,in the joint powerhollse H. L, Hadse.ll suffered sewre electric burns colnplction of their bulkhead and when both hands came in contact with a bar-switch controlling new h)g ramp for they had just 480 volts of electricity. Lighls flicleered througlmut the corn- hauled their outboard cabin cruis- munity bit Hadsell wa. able to wall€ to :t c;ir lti t)r, taken t() lhe or to safety on the ramp when the tiospital for treatment. New Year's northwinds began cutting capers. Alth(Miffh the boat Claude Danielson, manager of the West C.(last Power (,Olll- 1MD.S eoml)letely b0dccked in ice, pony's local division, was seated as 1939 Shelton Chrtmber of no danlagr, was noted. Commerce president last week, succeeding A1 tluerby, Pord Mr, Grigg, with friends, Dick dcah;r here. Other officers include vice-president Dfi:'k Eddy, Coleman .and Lock Wren, has a secretary-lresm'er Haroht Im, kesburg, and tmmtees C. C. Coh', new hobby to help him throueh C, E. Itunacres, D. B, Davies, S. li, Anderson, and Warren the dreary months. Seems thts Lincoln. threesome is out every day "beaeli- Under the leadership of Louise Mitchell, pll'Dl|u nt the Grape- combing" for agates and we hear view grade so)loci htve ff)l"nc(1 an lllformal waltOnff chib nll.t lhev have sonic real beauties in, at(. lakfn" f41"lol't trips arlitnld the eommllnity. Mrs. Mitchell their cllllections. acquh'ed tier ttsh, for hiking 111 Swilzcr]art(l. WE ARE sorry to hear that for- Picking Friday the 13lh for their pelforumnee, the Shelton mcr Grapeviewile, Charlle Lom- Highcllmbers rank np the season's high team score in the South- bard, is being treated for a back west Washington prep basketball eerie[ere, nee while mauling Men- ailment at .the Clinic Hosnital in, 40-27, with Bill Taylor, BtlYett, ]:)an Cormter mid Shelton. If a substantial diet George Smith playin K key roh,s, could do anything to speed his . , , recover:c, Charlie has it made for sure with wife (rlie (hfing her JANUARY 19. 1939--.Mason County's Seventh Eaffle Scottt illlllost in the hospital kitchen. badge in tile past ]g nionlbs will be presenled t(i Waiter Eddy, Our best wishes for your recovery, son of MT. and Mrs. 1)i(,k Ed(ly, tonighl in the first court of Charlie. honr of 19'19• Yollng Eddy's immediate predecessors as Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Dick Coleman at- Scouls were Vincent Manchel, Bob Harnilton Mike Rector. Bruce tended the wedding of their niece, Cole. Laurel Nelson and Harry Greenly. Mis Margie Craffe. to Mr. Dennis Allie Robinson announced completion yesterday of final de- Trettevik of Seattle at the Pull tails of lhe sale. of the Shelton Cash Grocery So Herb "Hank" Gem)el Cbur0h in Skokomish last I)urand. his assistant. RobtIon has Durchased |he Lake Cash- Saturday cvening, Jan. 17. Rev. man Resort, which he will rehnild and olmratc. Mildred Schultz. n sister of the Fellow Kiwanians joined forces Tuesd.ty to see tbat ,'t ea.e bride, performed the ceremony, of mumps (a! his age?) didn't spoil Walt Eckert's 14-year Colemsn helped decorate the perfect attendance record, ,A carload of brother ('hal)men drove hall nearby for the reception held to the honte of the Grapeview postmaster and grape juice maim- afte.r the wedding besides makhlg facturer to hohl a "meeting." defined under Kiwa.nis rllles tis itlld serving the delicious Duneh. permissable If five or more menabers fret together for lha| pill'- Mr. Coleman helped entertain pose. (, 20 years later. Eckert still possesses s perfect at a Lutheran Chnrch lunch6on att(dance record in the Kiwanis Club), in Shelton last Friday bV showlnff interesting slides i)f Alaska and Pete Eitriem was re-elected president of the Rayonier Era- Yellowstone Park. Mrs. Charles ployees Federal Credit Union at the annual meeting Tuesday, Lombard served on the entertain- when a 5 per cent dividend was declared ment committee, Rod and Sylvia TIansen spent For Over 23 Years It Has Been last weeknd tin South Bend, Wash., with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS pairmakeEngman'byit comlngaandrealR°d'SupreprieVefromdadAllynf°rhelpedtheto baby sit with the Hansen young- stets, Cheryl alid Ronnie. I could any of these nurnbers for il quick I)ick-up: HA 6-6080, HA 6-6027 or HA 6-3661. And wllile on Mothers' Club do- ings: Here's n reminder of the forthc(mdng card party -Jan. 30, 7:30 p.m. at the schoolhouse. Card-sliarks, please save that eve- ning! Local basketball enthusiasts who turned ()tit last Saturday ew,- nhlg to see Shelton's Highcliinbers do battle against Montesano's Bull- dogs really got their money's wot'th. Cheering as Shelton ended up with a one-point lead were Bill and I-ona Seiners and ttarley, Clem and Merge Hell, Bill and Lin- da Spooner, Walt and Sells Clay- ton, Orin and Ethel Buckingham, Larry Etherton, Linda Gilbert and Howard and Murlal Seiners. IT IS heartening to receive the resort tlmt Peninsula Light Co. sent out  crew one day last week to check our utility poles. Fair Harbor Grange held its 161st meeting last Monday eve- ning at the ,choolhouse a]d ap- pointed its standing committees for the year. A special committee appointed that should be interest- ing to all was the one to be. in charge of another-' Game Night. Lecturer Ruby Lewis with Mr. and Mrs. Kruize, Phyllis Lutz and Julie Stock plan another fun-filled evening next month, Friday, Feb. 13. Should prove a lucky one for someone ! Mr. and Mrs. Web Etherton en- tertalned Mrs. John Etherton (Web's sisteroin-law) of New York City, and brother, Mr. Bryce Eth- erton of Seattle, last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John was return- ing from a visit with her daugh- ter in California. UTILE SKOOKUM BAY :By MANETTE MOORE The last two weeks of mild and partly sunny weather have brought many results nature-wise to Little Sknokum. Already th pussywillow can be found blos- soming along the roads and through the woods and many of the spring blooming bulhs are showing themselves quite boldly. Let's hope old man winter doesn't come rushing hack to surprise them. The author of aeveral Northwest novels, Mrs. S. W. Rosa, and her husband will be guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Bishop this weekend• Monday Mrs. Bishop will be traveling to Betlingham where she will spend the week with Mrs. Ralph Olson. The Bill Price family took a drive Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kinnaman in Elms, th0 on to Montesano where they dropped in on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cat.enter. Weekend glests at the Bill Mar- cy home were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Overby and (laughter Kathy of Troutdale, Ore. Sunday visitors at the Marcys' were Mrs. Marcy's parents, the Phillip Hardtes. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knight of Shc[ton called on Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore Friday night for a pinochle session. House guest at the Fred Silva home Saturday night was Karen Cole who was visiting with Sharon Silva. Visiting the Seth Bush family Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baker of Tumwater. Double birthday celebration., were in order for Frances Allen who, along,with her husband Gene, spent the weekend in Aberdeen with their daughter and son-in- law, Joan and Davis Chappell. Joan prepared a bh'thday dinner for her mother Sunday. Mrs. Allen was honored at another birthday dinner Monday, this time at the home of her mother, Mrs. Joe Silva, Helping celebrate were Mrs. Eddie Braz and Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy Moore and Cheri. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Lynch were dinner guests at the John Blanton home Sunday night. The Blantons' two oldest girls, little Kathy, 5, and Betty, 3, returned holn with the Lynches to spend the night. A weekend trip to Seattle to viait their daughter and sn-in- TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU name a few harrassl morns who law. Mr. and Mrs, Dick Bennett, and little granddaughter Ann was would like" to avail themselves of -e- "°r ........... such kind services maa oy  . ana Mrs. HO0 waum. 306 RAILROAD ' ' Corn any at the home of Dr and That Mothers' Club rummage .  ......... . • . ....... last wee'- Mrs. "rnomas Rym unaay m- sale we olo yrm scout . K Phone HA 6-3456 ,,,m .^ ,,, . ,, " cluded Mr. and Mrs Bernie Bailey .....  ,,,,, ,,o, ......... in the fu- _ _ ture (whenever they get a good- ana son arry... _ .. O W.AI1LOAD sized haul) probably at the P,U.D. ,r, a na ,lrs: IDertoy Moore one u#lt i*= h,,il¢lll. t.' 61.=l+^. la=tA= rl¢l= ,llrrt lieu =arS. Joe 151lye were Phone HA 6-4456 and e.ds of clothing, white ele- eelflse Etdie Ine nome of Mr. ut az "rnursaay phants dishes etc, old books, es- .. .: ' n,h,11, th, 111*1: "L-*h k e'l iwitn a stoner In honor of LeRoy, nst call the occasion being his biz thday ti0ns will be ccepted. J '1 " " --- i I ..... I I i l I • , . I CIoquallum N ewseeeeeteeeleeee • • ee • eeeee • eee e e ee eee eeeeeeeee • Before you start feeding a too-big'59 car,., i=:..,,,, tka /'.mhmt" • [ ....By DO..VELE' _ II .. . ,t_ r_ • Mallett celebrated her birthday • "  .'  • With ,a party laet week. Guests i, "g. \\;',,/t y tb  lit i'l'illlill • the Charles Alexander family of •   V'- IUV//lr- ,,. ...... I.L. ....... • Ilma. Linda Alexander stayed • =ave more inan v, eve •  ..-. / . - lJ// " • might with GWen. •  _./ , ..t OI1 Ilrst ...... cost," g'-as, u-kee-00 •• busiMrS"nesaKennethvisito inPears°nShelton,WaSMon-a • .... --- ,  -- I- day. • i'; MR £ORGE JOltN,.qON ai,ft • .! Mrs. Marion EVeleth  ere dinn r • guests of Mrs. Dave Wagner of • Elms Thursday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearson and Judy Michael and Melinda vis ited the boys at Auburn Academy • Saturday. • Mrs. Joe" Whiting, Mrs. Bert • Rau and Marcia and Diana went • to Hoquiam to visit Mrs. Whiting's • uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Leon- e ard Richarda, on Sunday. • Plans are progressing for the •  ,. • big benefit barn dance b'eb. 7th, • 4/ ,. .... • • • You've seen the others grow in siz, and price RAMBLER AMERICAN STATION WAOON • • now see how ranch more you can savo with .,p=q Save $$00 on Flcst Cost • |tan)bier. Hundreds on first cost,. New gas econ- ', $,b00 less lhan other leadiriR • Iowpdced wagons, Based n. • .my 'I'o], re,<ato, E;i¢,'st parkinl:. ['ersonalized c0ml)a,lr,.0 of DUbiishPd • O (:l,llllTl't: sectioual Hole fr,,.H .tt;t4, !]ill' back arlulacturersURgeMedprlcv, r, • Slid ('fll Ll}l iruliVidually. (J# t{llinbhr 6 r,r V-.8, Full S p3s£tltig#l IU0lll. n • • • • KIMBEL MOTORS IHO,, 707 S. I sl St., Shellon : It• llli•• • ll• •ttltlt•• • • • • • • • • II • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • e @$@$ Tickets will be $1.00. no advance in price. There will be a surprise auction at the dance. Shelton Buys $119,838 Of Liquor In December The residents of Shelton con- sumed $39.838.29 worth of liquor in the month of December accord- ing to fignires released by the Washington State Liquor Control Eaa'd. }The total  sales of liquor for the state amounted to $9,247,825.36. Ily MI. RAY l{IA'I'('li,% SOUTItSII)I; (Hover I,:his 4-I{ Chib libel "il S,/lvi:l Sinilh'. 'F!c nleel;ing wits ctllo(I to oi'der qnd they gave the flag sMlite and the. 4-H pledge. They (ti,c, ussed their record books. |lild rd] c:fl and took lip their (hl'S. Mi.. l-lelly \\;Veil gave lho 4-[{ lnenlheishi t) cards to show thal lllcy werv nleli<ibers of a 4-I[ Chlb. The chib discussed whal 1 }If"," wcl'e goiat- to denlonstrate, wholi ltl(,.v %%otlld give demonslrathms, ttnd refresh- llle!lts \\;Vel'e ervod. 'l'hc IIcxt i/eet- iIIg will be heh.l at Coiltlit, Sl,'VOll' on Jantiflry 2'). MR. AND MRS. lCarl LeI4getl nnd Mrs. Evelyn Klingbh)y altend- ed the Eagles district nieeling at Hlnla Sunday. Willing Workers 4-H Club met Thursday. Terry Hartwcll gave a demonstration on how to build a self-feeder for rabbils, ':tlld Jeffrey Heinis gave a dcmonstration on ihow to prepare a nest box for a rabbit. The next lneetinff will be Mrs. M. Brobecl¢ spent lasl week with Mrs. Louie Horasl,:i at Buck- Icy. BUSY BELL 4-11 CLUII met at Sherry Palmer's Wednesday, and the meeting was called to order, and talked about naking things for the Orthopedic. Refreshments were served and games played. Mrs. Earl Leggett received some nice pictures from her grandson, Billy Bernertt, and also word that he is getting along fine. Mrs. M. Brobeck has a new grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mnrphy of "Tacoma. Mll. AND bird. Henry Boysen and Terri visited the Ray Krat- chas Wednesday nlght. A urprise mmiversary dinner was held on Mr. and Mrs. John Holtdorf and family last Sunday. Those attending wel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coleman and family, Mrs. Joe Zakowski and Billy, find Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Staley of Seattle. Mrs. L. P. Sat'nard and Joan Barnard of Seattle visited the Ray Kratchas Saturday. Journal Want Ads Pay MC)NDAY Chicken oodle soup, Cl'a('keFs, ]lol COrll))l'ea(, eal•r()l llld c(,Jel'y sticks, (,anlled fl'lliI, Inilk• TITESDAY Sp'lghetti wilh nleat. hot I,'rench bl•ead, blltlcred car- rots, fruit, niilk. \\;V],]I)N1,]SDAY Chili con corse, fin/er salad, t)(:lnllil butter sand- c, inn:lnioi] rolls, nlilk. THURSI)AY .... Meat pie, party sandwich, fruil salad, and milk. I,'].H)AY -Macaroni aild cheese, Sll}lp l'eel] |)calls, bread and bill- tel' satdwich, ice cl'ellnl, milk. If all of the 2,000,000 pounds of weld metal used Oil the Navv's newest aircraft; carrier USS In;le- pendence, was !.. inch size. it would extend froni New York 1o San tcrancisco. Usuallv it's the silent partner who has tile. most to say. Good News for Two-Car on • bodily Injury and property damage • collision coverage • ndical payment= FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO • LIFE • FIRE • TRUCK BILL PEARSON 175 N. 5Ih treet l'hone IIA 6-306t :: if no unmarried nlale drivers under 25 years. All Types of INSULATION New, Fancy WEATHER STRIPPING . • POURING • BLANKET STORH WIHDOW KITS AND OTHER Superior to the excellent FOIL types we've had before. MATERIALS MORGAN & EACRETT LUHBER COHPANY 1332 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6-4522 AYTINAL AYTI NAL lilT*Mill VITAMIH$ ,i ,,.I IN(RAtt MtN f.RAL$ ON IIATIONALL  F4BIOU$ OI YlTAMINS OLkBERON12 C0D LIVER 01L 97 < Imported; plain (x" 6avomd. lit. ........ bicalcium Phosphate -c 'ith vlmterol--r;dt in D. 100s. ..........  jR. AYTINAL ''"" ,ags MINtRAL$  :"'=" Just'r;ght llle foe Ckke. ,lli...--.--.. aa _ , --IL G till00 0L4 VlTOL Solution 7M € VITAMIN A 2 BAYTOL TaSietl .... 1 v---- , iK V .... • 98 ' r, ,., , ViTAmiN C" : : • , '; ........... I -'- '::i R;go;:r:;O Regular $3,7 : Our GERiATRIrJ00 rm_00n :i KNO-'--W Olafsen THERAPEUTIC FORMUI.o N.,.i.... i!l Vi, a.,., B COMPLEX "' SnteCee: dmlO:s:i,tf'l::Y31itn;? s''illness Reg. ,o.,.v.,=, 6" 6" "" Bottle of 100 McC O N KEY'S DRUG OENTER 306 RAILROAD -- PHONE HA PHARMAOY 4TH & RAILROAD  PHONE HA