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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i"G A"s 'TO'o N S l ' Weekend Split Leaves Climbers with Balanced Cage Ledger ....... .......,-..i_.,-,r [ ........... ., SHELTON SHADES HONTE, LOSES TO ELHA i ". RALPH and HARRY Highclimber baske£eers wound "Fill my radiator, che,k the tires and se ff the battery ne4ebt ter . : . eTc . . . ere." e We're just "naturally" friendly! e OOLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVIOE BANTAM BOWLING BOMBERS--Larry Ziegler (left) and Kelth Savage ho,d the trophies they won as doub,es champions of the Christmas holidays bow,ing tournament for She,ion's bantam bowling league. Ke,th was also s,ng,ea champion, I i I| • MOBIL T,RE8 • First and Pine 8troete Phone HA 6-3906 i THERE IS NO POINT In   that we carry Bell-Bo Boats in Stock or that Bell-Bo Boats are the STRONGEST - SAFEST - FASTEST - MOST BEAUTIFUL nun . i n of all -- You Already Know these facts BUT THERE IS ONE THING You don't know .... we have some SPEOIAL BuYs ON 1968 MODELS which we think are unmatchable anvhere for this I i quality boat. SOUND MILLWORK CO. Mi,e South of She,ton on Highway 101 -- Please No Phone Ca,is VERN DAVIDSON CAN DAVIDSON j r i , I Try it for up their first round play against Central League rivals with a 3-3 record after losing to Ehna and winning from Montesano last weekend. The thriller of the two was the Saturday night squeaker in Shel- ton gym, with the Climbers a 45-44 winner over the Bulldogs when sophomore Sherry Halbert came through for the second time this season with last-minute foul shots which earned the victory. The count was knotted at 43-43 when Halbert was fouled with 48 seconds of play remaining. On a one-and-one situation, the stocky sophomore neatly spun the ball through the net twice for the two points which proved to be the margin of victory in the exciting remaining seconds of play. AT TIlE 36 second mark Dave Myers fouled Montesano's George Raines, who converted his first shot but missed his second to narrow the gap to one point. With 14 seconds to go, Ray Manke drew a 1-and-1 foul but missed the first and Montesano grabbed the re- GERI WILsoN won the girls" bound and took time out with sev- singles championship In the Ima- en seconds 'to go. The Bulldogs tam league bowling tournament couldn't get the ball clear for a held during the Christmas holt- shot, however, so receipted for day Here she holds the trophy their 12th consecutive loss of the she earned, season. After a slow start, which found Montesano gaining a 9-5 first MAJOR LOOP ADDS queer advantage, the Cltmbers appeared to have the game in hand 7TH, 8TH ENTRIES en they raced to a 28-17 half- time lead as Myers scored seven, MAJOR LEAGUE Ray Manke and Denny Temple six PtL each during the quarter. Home Gas Company ............... 21 THE MARGIN was still a cam- Wolden's Chevr Service ..... 15 Timber Bowl ................................ 13 Northwest Evergreen ................ 12 Team No. 7 ................................ 11 Dan's Nits Hawks ................. 10 Rotner's Broiler ........................ 4 Olson's Barber & Beauty ........ 0 High series--Jess Dardels 595 High game-Joe Holt, Je Dan- iels each 218 With two new teams to swell its ranks to eight, the no-handicap Major bowling league opened sec- ond half play Friday night with- fortable nine points at 34-25 at the end of the third quarter and again at 38-29 with 2 minutes gone in the final chapter. Then the Bulldogs began to move, chop- ped five points away in one min- ute to 39-35, and finally caught the Climbers at 43-43 with 55 Subs: Shelton--Halbert 6, Mil- seconds to go when Ned Harris]ler, Guthrie. Mo'nte---Napiontek 6, converted two foul shots and Re-]Hoflin 4. get Brllmfield sank a field gotl, I Score by Quarters You've heard the exciting rest [Shelton ............ 5 23 6 11--45 of the story featuring Sherry Hal- Montesano ...... 9 8 8 19---44 bert's heroics at the foul 1 ne. * * * traction! At Elms Friday the Eagles led all the way except for the open- ing couple of minutes, when the Climbers held 2-1 and 4-3 mar- gins, but Ehna's final 58-45 ad- vantage was only that because of Shelton's woeful inaccuracy from the floor and some equally woe- ful officiating. THE CLIMBERS made only 18 of 74 field goal attempts, often had several shots in succession as they were out-rebounding the Ea-I gles a good part of the game, but couldn't make this advantage pay off. At times it looked like there was a lid over the basket. The Eagles made only three more field goals, 21 of 54 attempts, but had 21 chances at the foul line of which they converted 16. The Climbers had 16 chances and made  nine. By quarters the Eagles enjoyed 18-12, 32-23, and 49-30 leads, their biggest margin at any time in the game being at 49-28. The Climbers cut into the advantage in the last quarter when Halbert bagged four points, Myers matched that mark, and Dick Lord, Laurie Sein- ers and Ray Manke a pair each against Elma reserves. IN NEITHER of the weekend games did the Climbers play their best ball, not only their shooting being poor but their general ball handling and floor play lacking sharpness. The ltneups: SHELTON 45 MONTE 44 Temple 11 f Harris 14 Seiners 4 f Watland 6 Myers 11 c Raines 9 Manke 10 g Brurnfield 5 Lord 3 g Roderick . SIDELINE . SLANT S By Bill D,ckle UPHILL CLIMB So far---With the season just half gone--the Highclimbers have out a 600 series. Home Gas Company, behind Just about lived up to Coach Jer-i Jess Daniels' top 595 series, swept ry Vermillion's expectations. The new Shelton cage mentor to 21 "points to grab a six-point lead over Wolden's Chevron Serv- said before the season began that he would feel well satisfied if this ice (Joe Holt 594). SIMPSON MEN'S LE,GUE W Railroad ................................ 6 Engineers ............................ 6 Mill 2 .................................... 4 Loggers ................................ 4 Mill 1 .................................... 4 Insulating Board ................ 4 Shops 2 u ball club won half its Central League games. They've done just exactly that after meeting evezT L conference rival once. 2 But thing are going to be 2 tougher the erond time around 4 for the simple reason that the schedule advantage was with the Climbers during the first round 4 by bringing Raymond and Men- 6 tesano to the Shelton gym. ' Loaders .................................. 2 6 The Gulls and the Bulldogs, High game---Roy Kimball 191 along with St. Martin's, were the High total -- Glen Robertson clubs the Climbers figured to beat 526 and they did, but it took an over- if you'd like to drive a true where you've never been able to drive one before.., by all means come in and test one of our new four-wheel-drive IWraNATZ0NAL& Take it through muddy fields... up steep hills Take it where you would be afraid of getting stuck with your conventional mar-wheel drive truc Find out how those /TRNATZONAL-powered front wheels help pull you through! Come in soon and traction-test all INTBRNATIONAL rruclr with u,-wheol.&'ive ! i INTERNATIONAl. The worM'l rood complete t& line---lon to ,000  Aq. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS cost least to own! KIMBEL MOTORS IN(}, 707 SOUTH FIRST STREET • SHELTON. WASH. • oeeeeeoee time to dispose of Raymond and the Bulldogs surrendered by one lonely point. On their home floors in the next meeting the Gulls and the Bulldogs could be considerably tougler. This Friday brings the road test against the Gulls. The Climbers are going to bare to snoot:h out their play considerably over what it was Elms, and Montesao Lattt weekend to aecAmaplish thet feat, or be lucky enough to ettch the other clubs on off nights. If the Climbers can hit some- thing approximating their shoot- ing performance against St. Max- tin's they could hope for more success, could even produce an upset triumph over North Thurs- ton when the Rams pay their visit to Shelton gym next week. However, on the baals of first round results, the outlook is fax from inviting for the Climbers during the second round for it indicates the strong possibility of only one victory in the six games between now and the end of the schedule. e SPORT SPECK A sledding accident during the brief sojourn mow was a part of the ladseape in these parts has sidelined little Morley Preppernau, BlaZer track letterman now a sophomore in Highclimber terri- tory, trom running with the 100- mils clubbers during the winter pre-aeaon track training period. Little Prepp was a faithful 75- miler for three years in junior high,, twice was first to finish the 75-mile grind (at the two.mile daily limit), and was looking for- ward to partcipating in the 100- mile club now that he is up with the senior high runners. Prepp broke his arm in the slid- ing accident during the Christmas holidaYS. * $ $ Chub NUtt's ftt of tltttng identical tiff4 sertett on tt,eslve outing, in bowlinr competition _recently hem the ]regaling elan buzzmg. Chub banged one in the me's commercial league on Wedneuty, then followed with second o Friday in the ma- jor circuit, Two of the best ,ooking sopho- mores ever to perform in the Cen- tral Leag]e are making a runaway of the individual scoring race this year. Raymond's Rolf Olson is lead- ing" the field at this writing (not including games of this Tuesday) x¢ith 132 Points while trailing in second place is North Thurston's ,rmscular Dale Ford with an eveu 100 tallies, each in five games. Olson's 36 markers against Che- last Week is tbe season's top (me-game individual scoring feat so far tlis yea),. When She|ton played at t. tbt's mnUy fn, we p.z- twtt during the game vllen offlehtls stopped play nd ,ruth t e a m s began lookhg aronnd oil the floor. They were earehbg for, and sueeefful both times in finding, a enta,t le.s which Iraqi been Jolted out of tim eye of Mike Wort The odds are heavily against it, but p'oprlctor L. T.. Me/really r PHONE HA 6-3433 III I III , I I I I I I __ I Ill I I] I I]1 [[I g_{ " _  ILl_ . .... I _ 1 O a sizeable sum of money every time a league bowls on his eight-, lane bowling lay-out. McInelly pays $5 for every all- spare game rolled in league play and $10 for any "Dutch" game, alternate strike-and-spare. No one has collected on the "Dutch" game offer yet but Ed: Griffen pocketed the five bucks i for an all-spare just a few nights back. Offers for a perfect 300 amount to a small fortune as several dif. ferent sources pay from $100 to $300 for mmh a feat in league l play. No one has collected on ELMA 58 SIIELTON 45 Peek 7 f Temple 11 Dotson 12 f Somers 7 George 18 c Myers 7 Tornquist 6 g Lord 8 Beerbower 6 g Manke 5 Subs: Elma -- B'rockmueller 4, Murphy 3, Clifford 2. Shelton -- Halbert 4, Miller 3, Llvermore. Score by Quarters Elms .............. 18 14 17 9--58 Shelton .......... 12 11 7 15---45 Try a Journal Want Ad WORLD'S • 4 CYLINDER • 50 , ENO,NE Lth Now at HIaOREST HARDWARE Falrmont & Olymplo The "'RUMPUS 7 ) ) 7 • • • • What? Where? When? Watch these columns for announcement of opening this new Shelton center for Teen-age entertainme this one yet, either. ..... . i i' " ler tractors, use our new / r 'craw ....... T00CK ASSEMBLY ,REBUILD FAOLmE$ ' I ROLLER AND IDLER REBUILD .(Dene .,.,.. ,,. Se,. I The life of track miler rims and al well as idlers, which take most ' tractor s working shocks, can be prol0 us rebuild them for you. Our sut 1 welding techniques reface these woril with a smooth, long.lasting material ' economically restores them to PIN & BUSHING (Done el Te.e'  Se¢le) Replacing the pins and track assembly.., or turning your I ones if wear is not too great... nomical and fast by our modern press. Check your pins and busldnb If they need replacing or turning, 1 ! it for you. Your tractor will perfot, efficiently and service costs will be g1 .,. .,i i:... il .... '-" ....... : '::::> TRACK LINK REBUILD (Dane el Seonle fm) J The track links oe yo, r cnwl can be economically rebuilt, providi|][ . has not been allowed to become ez Our automatic welding techniques P i[ an impact and abrasion resistant we|ll lay of high quality. The cost is less cost of new parts thus keeping tenance expense to a minimum. YOUR CATERPILLAR DEALER CAN REBUILD 'RACK ASSEMBLIES AND ROLLERS BOWl FAST ECONOMICALLY. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE i"G A"s 'TO'o N S l ' Weekend Split Leaves Climbers with Balanced Cage Ledger ....... .......,-..i_.,-,r [ ........... ., SHELTON SHADES HONTE, LOSES TO ELHA i ". RALPH and HARRY Highclimber baske£eers wound "Fill my radiator, che,k the tires and se ff the battery ne4ebt ter . : . eTc . . . ere." e We're just "naturally" friendly! e OOLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVIOE BANTAM BOWLING BOMBERS--Larry Ziegler (left) and Kelth Savage ho,d the trophies they won as doub,es champions of the Christmas holidays bow,ing tournament for She,ion's bantam bowling league. Ke,th was also s,ng,ea champion, I i I| • MOBIL T,RE8 • First and Pine 8troete Phone HA 6-3906 i THERE IS NO POINT In   that we carry Bell-Bo Boats in Stock or that Bell-Bo Boats are the STRONGEST - SAFEST - FASTEST - MOST BEAUTIFUL nun . i n of all -- You Already Know these facts BUT THERE IS ONE THING You don't know .... we have some SPEOIAL BuYs ON 1968 MODELS which we think are unmatchable anvhere for this I i quality boat. SOUND MILLWORK CO. Mi,e South of She,ton on Highway 101 -- Please No Phone Ca,is VERN DAVIDSON CAN DAVIDSON j r i , I Try it for up their first round play against Central League rivals with a 3-3 record after losing to Ehna and winning from Montesano last weekend. The thriller of the two was the Saturday night squeaker in Shel- ton gym, with the Climbers a 45-44 winner over the Bulldogs when sophomore Sherry Halbert came through for the second time this season with last-minute foul shots which earned the victory. The count was knotted at 43-43 when Halbert was fouled with 48 seconds of play remaining. On a one-and-one situation, the stocky sophomore neatly spun the ball through the net twice for the two points which proved to be the margin of victory in the exciting remaining seconds of play. AT TIlE 36 second mark Dave Myers fouled Montesano's George Raines, who converted his first shot but missed his second to narrow the gap to one point. With 14 seconds to go, Ray Manke drew a 1-and-1 foul but missed the first and Montesano grabbed the re- GERI WILsoN won the girls" bound and took time out with sev- singles championship In the Ima- en seconds 'to go. The Bulldogs tam league bowling tournament couldn't get the ball clear for a held during the Christmas holt- shot, however, so receipted for day Here she holds the trophy their 12th consecutive loss of the she earned, season. After a slow start, which found Montesano gaining a 9-5 first MAJOR LOOP ADDS queer advantage, the Cltmbers appeared to have the game in hand 7TH, 8TH ENTRIES en they raced to a 28-17 half- time lead as Myers scored seven, MAJOR LEAGUE Ray Manke and Denny Temple six PtL each during the quarter. Home Gas Company ............... 21 THE MARGIN was still a cam- Wolden's Chevr Service ..... 15 Timber Bowl ................................ 13 Northwest Evergreen ................ 12 Team No. 7 ................................ 11 Dan's Nits Hawks ................. 10 Rotner's Broiler ........................ 4 Olson's Barber & Beauty ........ 0 High series--Jess Dardels 595 High game-Joe Holt, Je Dan- iels each 218 With two new teams to swell its ranks to eight, the no-handicap Major bowling league opened sec- ond half play Friday night with- fortable nine points at 34-25 at the end of the third quarter and again at 38-29 with 2 minutes gone in the final chapter. Then the Bulldogs began to move, chop- ped five points away in one min- ute to 39-35, and finally caught the Climbers at 43-43 with 55 Subs: Shelton--Halbert 6, Mil- seconds to go when Ned Harris]ler, Guthrie. Mo'nte---Napiontek 6, converted two foul shots and Re-]Hoflin 4. get Brllmfield sank a field gotl, I Score by Quarters You've heard the exciting rest [Shelton ............ 5 23 6 11--45 of the story featuring Sherry Hal- Montesano ...... 9 8 8 19---44 bert's heroics at the foul 1 ne. * * * traction! At Elms Friday the Eagles led all the way except for the open- ing couple of minutes, when the Climbers held 2-1 and 4-3 mar- gins, but Ehna's final 58-45 ad- vantage was only that because of Shelton's woeful inaccuracy from the floor and some equally woe- ful officiating. THE CLIMBERS made only 18 of 74 field goal attempts, often had several shots in succession as they were out-rebounding the Ea-I gles a good part of the game, but couldn't make this advantage pay off. At times it looked like there was a lid over the basket. The Eagles made only three more field goals, 21 of 54 attempts, but had 21 chances at the foul line of which they converted 16. The Climbers had 16 chances and made  nine. By quarters the Eagles enjoyed 18-12, 32-23, and 49-30 leads, their biggest margin at any time in the game being at 49-28. The Climbers cut into the advantage in the last quarter when Halbert bagged four points, Myers matched that mark, and Dick Lord, Laurie Sein- ers and Ray Manke a pair each against Elma reserves. IN NEITHER of the weekend games did the Climbers play their best ball, not only their shooting being poor but their general ball handling and floor play lacking sharpness. The ltneups: SHELTON 45 MONTE 44 Temple 11 f Harris 14 Seiners 4 f Watland 6 Myers 11 c Raines 9 Manke 10 g Brurnfield 5 Lord 3 g Roderick . SIDELINE . SLANT S By Bill D,ckle UPHILL CLIMB So far---With the season just half gone--the Highclimbers have out a 600 series. Home Gas Company, behind Just about lived up to Coach Jer-i Jess Daniels' top 595 series, swept ry Vermillion's expectations. The new Shelton cage mentor to 21 "points to grab a six-point lead over Wolden's Chevron Serv- said before the season began that he would feel well satisfied if this ice (Joe Holt 594). SIMPSON MEN'S LE,GUE W Railroad ................................ 6 Engineers ............................ 6 Mill 2 .................................... 4 Loggers ................................ 4 Mill 1 .................................... 4 Insulating Board ................ 4 Shops 2 u ball club won half its Central League games. They've done just exactly that after meeting evezT L conference rival once. 2 But thing are going to be 2 tougher the erond time around 4 for the simple reason that the schedule advantage was with the Climbers during the first round 4 by bringing Raymond and Men- 6 tesano to the Shelton gym. ' Loaders .................................. 2 6 The Gulls and the Bulldogs, High game---Roy Kimball 191 along with St. Martin's, were the High total -- Glen Robertson clubs the Climbers figured to beat 526 and they did, but it took an over- if you'd like to drive a true where you've never been able to drive one before.., by all means come in and test one of our new four-wheel-drive IWraNATZ0NAL& Take it through muddy fields... up steep hills Take it where you would be afraid of getting stuck with your conventional mar-wheel drive truc Find out how those /TRNATZONAL-powered front wheels help pull you through! Come in soon and traction-test all INTBRNATIONAL rruclr with u,-wheol.&'ive ! i INTERNATIONAl. The worM'l rood complete t& line---lon to ,000  Aq. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS cost least to own! KIMBEL MOTORS IN(}, 707 SOUTH FIRST STREET • SHELTON. WASH. • oeeeeeoee time to dispose of Raymond and the Bulldogs surrendered by one lonely point. On their home floors in the next meeting the Gulls and the Bulldogs could be considerably tougler. This Friday brings the road test against the Gulls. The Climbers are going to bare to snoot:h out their play considerably over what it was Elms, and Montesao Lattt weekend to aecAmaplish thet feat, or be lucky enough to ettch the other clubs on off nights. If the Climbers can hit some- thing approximating their shoot- ing performance against St. Max- tin's they could hope for more success, could even produce an upset triumph over North Thurs- ton when the Rams pay their visit to Shelton gym next week. However, on the baals of first round results, the outlook is fax from inviting for the Climbers during the second round for it indicates the strong possibility of only one victory in the six games between now and the end of the schedule. e SPORT SPECK A sledding accident during the brief sojourn mow was a part of the ladseape in these parts has sidelined little Morley Preppernau, BlaZer track letterman now a sophomore in Highclimber terri- tory, trom running with the 100- mils clubbers during the winter pre-aeaon track training period. Little Prepp was a faithful 75- miler for three years in junior high,, twice was first to finish the 75-mile grind (at the two.mile daily limit), and was looking for- ward to partcipating in the 100- mile club now that he is up with the senior high runners. Prepp broke his arm in the slid- ing accident during the Christmas holidaYS. * $ $ Chub NUtt's ftt of tltttng identical tiff4 sertett on tt,eslve outing, in bowlinr competition _recently hem the ]regaling elan buzzmg. Chub banged one in the me's commercial league on Wedneuty, then followed with second o Friday in the ma- jor circuit, Two of the best ,ooking sopho- mores ever to perform in the Cen- tral Leag]e are making a runaway of the individual scoring race this year. Raymond's Rolf Olson is lead- ing" the field at this writing (not including games of this Tuesday) x¢ith 132 Points while trailing in second place is North Thurston's ,rmscular Dale Ford with an eveu 100 tallies, each in five games. Olson's 36 markers against Che- last Week is tbe season's top (me-game individual scoring feat so far tlis yea),. When She|ton played at t. tbt's mnUy fn, we p.z- twtt during the game vllen offlehtls stopped play nd ,ruth t e a m s began lookhg aronnd oil the floor. They were earehbg for, and sueeefful both times in finding, a enta,t le.s which Iraqi been Jolted out of tim eye of Mike Wort The odds are heavily against it, but p'oprlctor L. T.. Me/really r PHONE HA 6-3433 III I III , I I I I I I __ I Ill I I] I I]1 [[I g_{ " _  ILl_ . .... I _ 1 O a sizeable sum of money every time a league bowls on his eight-, lane bowling lay-out. McInelly pays $5 for every all- spare game rolled in league play and $10 for any "Dutch" game, alternate strike-and-spare. No one has collected on the "Dutch" game offer yet but Ed: Griffen pocketed the five bucks i for an all-spare just a few nights back. Offers for a perfect 300 amount to a small fortune as several dif. ferent sources pay from $100 to $300 for mmh a feat in league l play. No one has collected on ELMA 58 SIIELTON 45 Peek 7 f Temple 11 Dotson 12 f Somers 7 George 18 c Myers 7 Tornquist 6 g Lord 8 Beerbower 6 g Manke 5 Subs: Elma -- B'rockmueller 4, Murphy 3, Clifford 2. Shelton -- Halbert 4, Miller 3, Llvermore. Score by Quarters Elms .............. 18 14 17 9--58 Shelton .......... 12 11 7 15---45 Try a Journal Want Ad WORLD'S • 4 CYLINDER • 50 , ENO,NE Lth Now at HIaOREST HARDWARE Falrmont & Olymplo The "'RUMPUS 7 ) ) 7 • • • • What? Where? When? Watch these columns for announcement of opening this new Shelton center for Teen-age entertainme this one yet, either. ..... . i i' " ler tractors, use our new / r 'craw ....... T00CK ASSEMBLY ,REBUILD FAOLmE$ ' I ROLLER AND IDLER REBUILD .(Dene .,.,.. ,,. Se,. I The life of track miler rims and al well as idlers, which take most ' tractor s working shocks, can be prol0 us rebuild them for you. Our sut 1 welding techniques reface these woril with a smooth, long.lasting material ' economically restores them to PIN & BUSHING (Done el Te.e'  Se¢le) Replacing the pins and track assembly.., or turning your I ones if wear is not too great... nomical and fast by our modern press. Check your pins and busldnb If they need replacing or turning, 1 ! it for you. Your tractor will perfot, efficiently and service costs will be g1 .,. .,i i:... il .... '-" ....... : '::::> TRACK LINK REBUILD (Dane el Seonle fm) J The track links oe yo, r cnwl can be economically rebuilt, providi|][ . has not been allowed to become ez Our automatic welding techniques P i[ an impact and abrasion resistant we|ll lay of high quality. The cost is less cost of new parts thus keeping tenance expense to a minimum. YOUR CATERPILLAR DEALER CAN REBUILD 'RACK ASSEMBLIES AND ROLLERS BOWl FAST ECONOMICALLY. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE