January 22, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 22, 1959 |
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2_tlrsday, January 22, ] 959 SHELTON-MASON .COUNTY. JOUPNAL Published in "Chritllta,town, U S.A/" Stlelton, Washington Page :l.
rs. Z • . • ' . . r -----,------,--- • . . • . , I ,.. .
• entner Holds Nursing League to Patmnts Take Part Joint Installatmn Too :Rated Concert Canal Gardeners
• @ I -- !r
gh Cards at Last Hold Seattle Meet In Hospital Party, / €' J, m I L'.. , ,. , .. Seats New IOOF, I Band Due Here il o Hear Seattle
Nt!IRA Pinachl m.., .he We,te, n W,,shi.t.,, 1",..,' Vt'UZ &...- ( Uqk I U.I &, lit !1 |0 I.).l.i..,h md,ttlP iwhich will present a (:oncert in! A,'harahnmnt.Mtw
'aadL'-mt ' .... . ,ll.,U, Lengt,. e for .Ntrsi 1/4 will |m c its a1.[/ult3 ¥1 It /l[l,x. ( . . l%.q:PdPq:::l(¢ll t.l|lUgli ,,,,l(,,l¢h t ,, t,n,(,ti, i • J.l} 'o'1} .... s( tie , di- ' " Lit aJta -....,, .... . ..l-,..t.Ja.
J, pson Pinochle enthusi.sts • ,r Friday t 1 '30 A r,,port ,m t re ent w trd S0etet)' Editor • Beve Wells * Phone H& fi 442 1 ht "oint instalhltion of off| ' ' . , ' 'l?tt m xl m etmg t tlt Ih)od
'@d;"'on Tuesday evening of i:;;t annual Ineetl;:tHe Chii,h';n's ([;' partyh(qd ;,t Am,','ir [,,l(e ,i,s-/ cers 0f'heton"L0dge No. 62 andl t°rium Feb. 6. m rated as ,)nt OtlCanal Garden Club will be hehl
[Rllek ill th °J .... .' p m m uc e) .... - it t \\; ts x¢ ] M '(It\\; v¢ .... lebet ah Lodo'e No 75 the t ,p (o cert I) nds in the (ou 1-, at one ('clock in t u, H )o I C i
. nelton Ar . . ' . ,. .' .. " .' ,,,b, [ c o .... . ] .... .. ....
' regular ,,. ....... mt .ry mr tbopedm Hospital. . (,-d,,,,. :t th, l,sl ,-,,,,,i,g ,,r 1,(. 12N A g'lT/[Urtrr l TTI%t TT['T' I.O.O.F., was held last Thursday !try. Critics !avc plac, ed it at the [Woman s chfl.d,mse i,,b. :, msh.ad
Ji, t,: " ...... men evening oi: There will be. a shin's: ousm,'s. V,,l,rans of l'oF(qgLll Wlrs Auxil- ll.£i.IihlYll1:lll J-lll'.PUJ.l.]lil under direction of Raymond Prou-lto n of their list with the best ore- ('f the previously annotmced l:ish-
[R[' rngn Scores for lhe eve- meeting with Mrs. Edit[! lh.ine- iary. Atl,,nding the p,rly with ty and Mrs. Elsie Roberson, din- .,.,,.. . ...... . " • ]opbrook.
IIIIVg Went to Mrs Fred Zentner man presiding. Ft)llowm ltm Mrs. (o(hvin w,n, Miss Mlria t'ict deputes " *':;"'"."." ....... ,.., ,,.- ....... €, h, ,In .... .HI h, r,,
]', and GHbert Kuhnle 6t10 meeting, a panel discussion will be ,](lmson, Mrs. lAl('y Etn3ist) Instalhng officers asmsting Tne nmton appt.,ua.ncL el u¢:[ .... h A XVi* ,,,*'* ,i,-o,,,, ,,f
ll;,.in k Morton 2190 an(i held on the 'ic(.editatim of Mrs. Vit'ie ('h.v,l.u.(i Mrs. Shar- them we.re E L Andrews Deputy Minn.capoi!s, Mirth.. cn!legians wi!!lr,\\;*,:'tf,,':,,,:.[,.':,;,"[7""@':','::';,:"•( "*
• .... [P',y. tJaie, 1510 took low sc(;res Seh( c]s )f Nursing Ai'fccls th,, ,m Me(l(, 'f d Mrs Cecil|: Gun- Grand Master and Mrs Ira Brown nignngnt (uneftu rammers as wen ],"•'.,,:;.".'''., " ur.: ','/';",[..'.'.'",
tae • " ' " * r ' ,, " ' • ' ' :* ) 1 si" I/JlCttllIl J.Vll, yVIL. L lll I<t,'l z[,x
|, u evening. Whole C(mamumt.. t, t. A l)},gam ,(;, hehl wth vtce-premdent, Mr. and Mrs. Walt- as malt.hes and sa(itd In i " Ihis tall( with colored slides of the
' irboretllnl gronnds.
traveling pinochle prizes were Members of the panel will be
. by Mrs. AI l=]utler and Mrs. I Mrs. Alice Mickelwait. moderal(w:
RX]on Speeee. Dr. Kattcz'ine Hoffm:m, back-
] l.l'OUlld; Mrs. Evelyn Bnrk0L pro-
T :|°thing the club at the last paration for accreditation anti
_' ting were Mr. and :Mrs. Clif- Sister Marie Carmen, review
Rlli F: Linton.
""_--'.,l he next meeting of the SRA board. '
l0 H.hle Cltlb will be at 8 p.m., The meeting is open to the pub-
day, in the Shelton Armory. lic.
sler,ng its ae this is a VFW to Send Delegate
aty fast old World.
To PI. Angeles,School
i,' Shelton VFW Post 1 L 4 at |heir
0/rl ". Itl:r%T'r. .-.,, January 16 meet:|rig selected As-
r -z/.l. oI]L)]R OF sot|ate" Service Officer AI Pinney
[ OOSE to a.ttend tim VFW Serxice Offi-
I.hal,,,2":J_7 l cers' School to be held at Port
' I','" hell0" Lodge No. 1684 Angeles this weekend.
|ITING$ U,n ,,, These schools arc conductcd
) o,.i-',.7L "'" semi-annually by the Veterans of
I * ]l [lesdav Foreign Wars for' the purpose of
' otthe Month ..... "Y informing local post. service off|-
| ........ cers of the most recent cnanges
|. 8 Pill. Ailol,, in the various federal and state
| J,,hn u ..... -r-- laws affecting waP veterans .ann
|",2°we, Governor their" dependents. Thus enammg
|, wan°"..e H A. 6"443- them to render more efficient serv-
e[ "a'Dt,_TYY?iSlaa,'SOy. ice to their communities ann wor-
|, 'no HA 6-32 "" thy war veterans
.ver 75 p:d:it.nts taking part dnr-
ing th(, tmrty.
A (l()II,q i(n/ W'lS iTlade to the
March ,)1! Dimes ill l'lClllori3D1 Of
Mrs. Eula Martin.
President Marian Johnson gave
a /''p()rl of her attendance at the
Cascade (ollncil meeting on Men-
(lay of hlst week Mrs. Amy
b'rank uls() attended fron] the allX-
It was allllOtlnced that Mrs. Fae
l{obinson, youth activities chair-
man. c'm be contacted by the
Ill('lnbers l'or additional informa-
tion (m the things needed by the
Rogers School for Retarded'Chil-
dren. Nvlon hose is also needed
for makiz'g rugs Mrs. Robinson's
phone number is HA 6-38,t0.
Mrs. F orenc, Hamilton re-
ported that the MJB coffee bands
are coming in but several are still
needed for th( coffee pot. All
members are asked to please re-
member to save their coffee bands.
The membership committee re-:
ports almost 100 per cent in paid-
up dues for 1959 However, in
order to receive Sp('eial honors, all
dues must be in no later than Jan.
31. Members are asked to contact
Mrs. Ham|It(in immediately if dues
have not been rcceived. MR. AND MRS. Ray Collins are,announcing the engailelilent Of ,
bb --lersS their ,aughte,, S..,ra .a., to Mr. Lewis A. MoCor,, . o, M..
and Mrs. Leo McCord, Toppentsh. The couple are both jufliors
Dirt w ate at centra, Wash,n.to. Co,,ego o, .oa,. a.d .orl.. ,n
White Elephant Sale e,,,ca*,on. No w,dd,ng date has been set.
Menlbers of the r)irt Dobbers , " llmn h
Garden Club will meet at i0:30 Georgm _,__enour ts Installed
a.m., Tuesday, in the Girl Scout bOW W thy Ad
Littlehouse, Kneeland Park. A New Rain or visor
white elephant sale will be held
following the meeting. "Love in My Heart wan the
It was reported - at the last meet- theme of the public installation of
ing of the group that Fred Peste officers for the Shelton Assembly
,if the Douglas Fir Company has of Order of Rainbow for Girls
replanted the Douglas fir trees last Friday in the Masonic Tern-
that had died since last spring, pie. ' . , .
or(rand the log monnment. Miss Georgia Umpienour, aaugn-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Umphen-
, 00organ & Eacret! Lumlm Co. I I
'n0 ghway) Phone HA 6.4522Hill€rest (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-4522 [[
Members of the Golden Age
Clujwill meet at 6 p.m., today,
i t, Memorial hall for a po•t -
lucl dimmer followed by a pro-
gram and dance.
our, was installed as Worthy Ad-
visor by her father. Line officers
installed were Sharon Lee, Worthy
Associate Advisor; Judy Frisken,
charity; Janet Larson, Hope; Peg-
gy Price, faith; Shirley Linton,
Agate Grange's
5Oth Year
Officers of Agate Grange, their members
and many friends will celebrate this organiza-
tion's Golden Anniversary on Saturday nigit.
It is Mason County's gain to have a num-
ber of fine granges and it is greatly to the
credit of Agate community that its Grange
has existed and prospered ,through 50 busy
The coming of "Tee-Ve" was viewed by
,Some gloomy prophets as the end of all com-
munity life. But this has proved untruel
Organizations continue to thrive, each doing
good for the community in its own way. The
'Golden Anniversary of Agate Grange demon-
strates the truth of this.
N,'w Varthy Advisor
recorder, an([ Jane l.ocl¢cfeller,
Other officers installed were
Jody Dayley, ' chaplain; Donna
Wolfe, drill leader; Barbara Um-
phenour, love; Barbara Johnson,
religion; Carole Dreger, nature;
Judi Coffman, immortality; Carol
Holt, fidelity; Neva Auseth, patri-
otism; Susan Reichman, service.
Judy Rowe, confidential obser-
ver; Joy Daugherty, outer obser-
ver; Kathy Kelly, musician; Men|-
ca Coles, choir director; Susan
Aho, Bible bearer; JoDean O'Neal,
historian; Mariene Hurst. lecturer;
Chris Samples, orator: Patsy
Workman• east page; Ginna Cor-
rea, west page: Rand| Tuson. keep-
er of the jewels: Kathy Clark,
keeper of the paraphernalia; Nan-
cy Peacher, merit keeper.
Marjorie'Parks, recorder's assis-
tant; Lana McInelly, reporter;
Joan. Hilderman, sunshine comnfit-
tee; Julie Larson, birthday bank;
Sheryll Schlegel, Susan Grunert
Sandra Cat<ler, Linda Hensel, Ter-
ry Roberts, Sharon Townsend,
Mary Lou Yourglove, Nancy Wil-
son, Jeri Ann Roberts, Sandra Me-
Arthur and Carol Zabroki, ehoir.
Inatalllng officers were lInor
Buck, Pat Price, Linda Christen-
sen, Janet Hinton, Joan Hilderman,
Mrs. Bea Large,n, mtmt¢lan, and
Penny Edmonds, soloist. Candle-
lighters were Gloria Morgan-and
Valarie Latham, "ushers Stuart
Bethl and RaWlin MIneUy. I
charge of the program was Don-
na err.
New members to the advisory
board are Mrs. Cleo Fisher, mother
advisor; Rex Umhenour, Rain-
bow dad; Mrs. Eva Faye SampI,
asoeiate mother dVlr; Mrs. Vi-
ola Frrls, Mrs. Dolls .Hillman,
,Mrs, Heidi Plte, '!. Verle
HurSt, Mrs. Evelyn Lee, Mrs. Vel-
ma M¢Inelly, Mrs. Vea MoIan,
Lawrenoe Fiher, Mr. end 'rs.
Claude Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs,
Gilbert Frlken.
A reception and dance was held
following the installation in the
dining room of the Temple. In
charge of the reception and decor-
ations were Barbara Umphealour
and Susan Reichman; Janet Lot-
son, refreshments; Donrra .Wolfe,
pgram; Jane Rockefeller, aden-
do; and Sharon Le, dance.
Serving the appointments at the
reception were Mrs. William Mal-
low, Mrs. George Doak, Mrs. Jay
Umphenour, Barbara Umphenour
and Gaff Ritner, in charge of the
guest book.
The next meeting of the Rain-
bow Assembly will be highlighted
by the visitation of the Grand
"Worthy Advisor, Ann Adams of
Anchorage, Alaska at 7:30 p.m.
Monday in the Masonic Temple.
Preceding the meeting the Rain-
bo W Girls invite the Masons and
Eastern Star to join them for a
dinner honoring the Grand Worthy
Advisor at 6 p.m, Membera of
the Rainbow advisory board and
Rainbow Mothers' Club will serve.
A reception will be held following
the meeting, Dinner rservations
must be made on or before tur-
day by oallIDg Georgte I2mphe-
nour, HA 6-4819. or Mrs. Fisher,
HA 6-4558
Most of the things we wait for
aren't worth the delay.
er Bucknmster, Deputy Grand
"Wardens, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Jone Grand Marshals.
Local members assisting were T.
J. Watts and Mrs. h'a Yule, Dep-
uty Grand Secretaries; Raymond
Wells and Mrs. Teckla Anderson,
Deputy Grand Treasurers; }larry
Carlon and Mrs. Cllarles Dahlman,
Deputy Grand Chaplains; Ellis
Wells and Mrs. Warren Earl, Dep-
uty Grand Guardians; and Mrs.
Geneva Silva, Grand Mumcian.
Appointive officers named by
Noble Grands Orin Ell|son and
Mrs. Dave Price ,-ere as follows:
Wardens, Charles Dahlman anti
Mrs. Raymond Wells; Conductors,
Charles Cox and Mrs. Frank
Smith;. Right Supporters to Noble
Grands, Lawrence Kent and Mrs:
Maybell Daniels; Left Supporters
to Noble rands, Robert Ebert and
Lodema Johnson; "Iris|de Guard-
ians. Robert Leman and Mrs. WiN
fred Jaekson; Outside Guardians
Iym0nd Wells and Mrs. Gertrude
l01der; Chaplains, Lionel Leman
IxRI Mrs. Ellis Wells; Musician
Mrs. Mabel Burk; Color Bearer
}Mrs. C'hrles Cox; Right and Left
Scene Supporters, P. J. Burke nd
rom Myers.
ppoirtted by Vice Grands L. C.
Berry and Mrs. Raymond Prouty
were Harry Carlon and Mrs. Del
Cole as Right Supporters and Roy
r Lannlng and Mrs. Bueford Rose
los Left Supporters. Courtesy of-
ricers to the Rebekah Chaplain
are Mrs. Orin Ell|son and Mrs.
T. J. Watts. Courtesy officers to
the Past Noble Grand are Mrs.
Vera Cole and Mrs. Valdor Jack-
Refreshments were served fol-
lowing talks by several of the vis-
itors. The Rebekah drill team hon-
ored Irs. Arthur Gurnsey, Junior
Past Noble Grand, with an adden-
da and Mrs. Dave Price presented
her with a glft from the members.
The regular meeting of Ruby
Rebekah Lodge No. 75 will be held
Friday, Jan. 23, at 8 o'clock in the
Odd Fellows Hall with the newly
installed officers in charge. Com-
mittee appointments will be an-
nounced for the new year of ac-
Raehael Knott Guild
Meets in Carte Home
Eighteen ntembers of the Rach-
ael Knott Orthopedic Guild met
last Friday at the home of Mrs.
W. B. Carte with Mrs. C. T. Rowe
as co-hostess. D ring the meet-
inff hand towels for the Seatth,
Children's Orthopedic Hospital
were hemmed.
Mrs. Dorothy Jessup, projects
chairman, revealed plans for the
"Next to New Shop" sale to be
held May 1 and 2. All Guilds and,
friends will be invited to attend a!
"Strip' tea at the PUD auditor-
ium on April 10. Mrs. Harvey
Wtrnaca accepted the general
chairmanship of the tea and Mrs.
Will|ant Judah, publicity for the
tea and sale.
The Feb..20th meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. George
Next Tuesday, the Goodwill In-
dustries truck will be in Shelton.
Anyone having discards to be
picked up are asked to call Mrs.
Charles Lentz, HA 6-4847 to have
the truck stop.
The powerful hydraulic arrest-
ors aboard the Navy's newest air-
craft carrier USS Independence,
will stop 70,000 pound jet planes
within 150 feet after they hit the
deck at better than 100 miles per
which well illustrate the technique
an(t artistry of the runs;clans.
Mayo Savoht, Lhe c(mducLor of
this highly rated organization, has
put his ntusicians through a rigor-
()us trainin gprogrant which began
last September and has continued
throughout each week since. Sa-
void has had a hmg exeperience
as leader of musical organizations.
He serve(! as direct;or of General
MacArthur's general headquarters
choir in the Philippines during the
Second World War.
Shelton Gardeners
Review 01son Book
"Singing Wilderness" was the
book reviewed as part of the pro-
gram at the last meeting of the
Shelton Garden Cluh. The review
of the bo6k highlighting Lake
Superior by Segrid F. Olson was!
made by Mrs. Nhta Miller.
Plans were fctmulated for the
annual Conservation Luncheon of
the club Feb. 16, in the Shelton i l
Armory, during the busines met
inff. I I
Presiding over the naeeting was I,
Mrs. William Henderson, in the j
home of Mrs. Harold Sutherland. [
Co-hostesses for the meeting were I
Mrs. Charles Lentz, Mrs. Grover t
Brewster and Mrs. A. H. Good-
Everyone interesied in the Ar-
boretum and gardening is ask,M
to attend the meeting, ftoslcss(:,s
for the event are Mesdames M,,r-
rit Stark, Harry Mawson and Til-
lie Sherman. Progrant ehaim:m'
is Mrs. Ethel Dalby.
VISITS SON: Mrs. Alice Cot-
tense, Penugilly, Minn., lll'[Ve(t it|
Shelton last Saturday for a visit
with her son and dallghter-in-htw,
Mr, and Mrs, Sam Foster,
NEW IIOMF:: Mr and Mr,.
James O!Donnell left Tuesday to
make their new h,)me in Ontati,,
Calif. The O'l)(:)llnells roll(h; |heir
:ome in Shelton for the past five
rW3; No. 11 /
Toni Watts, %LM.
'Walter Marble. See'y.
Nearly New
Fully Equipped - Priced to go.
This car is perfect.
Low Mileage - Top Cmaliti(m
Real Low Mileage, Fully EquiPl)ed
One-Owner C;tr
$50.00 AND UP
.... ,i
i ) , ,
v n ., I n n
Si)e/ton Singer
We are cleaning house and have priced a wide variety of
Singer and other makes for quick sale.
'9.9S & Up
"14.9S & Up
s19,95 & :Up
SINGER PORTABLKS ........ $89.S0
Today- Fri0000- Saturday
at 210 South 2nd Street
Slmlton, Washington
2_tlrsday, January 22, ] 959 SHELTON-MASON .COUNTY. JOUPNAL Published in "Chritllta,town, U S.A/" Stlelton, Washington Page :l.
rs. Z • . • ' . . r -----,------,--- • . . • . , I ,.. .
• entner Holds Nursing League to Patmnts Take Part Joint Installatmn Too :Rated Concert Canal Gardeners
• @ I -- !r
gh Cards at Last Hold Seattle Meet In Hospital Party, / €' J, m I L'.. , ,. , .. Seats New IOOF, I Band Due Here il o Hear Seattle
Nt!IRA Pinachl m.., .he We,te, n W,,shi.t.,, 1",..,' Vt'UZ &...- ( Uqk I U.I &, lit !1 |0 I.).l.i..,h md,ttlP iwhich will present a (:oncert in! A,'harahnmnt.Mtw
'aadL'-mt ' .... . ,ll.,U, Lengt,. e for .Ntrsi 1/4 will |m c its a1.[/ult3 ¥1 It /l[l,x. ( . . l%.q:PdPq:::l(¢ll t.l|lUgli ,,,,l(,,l¢h t ,, t,n,(,ti, i • J.l} 'o'1} .... s( tie , di- ' " Lit aJta -....,, .... . ..l-,..t.Ja.
J, pson Pinochle enthusi.sts • ,r Friday t 1 '30 A r,,port ,m t re ent w trd S0etet)' Editor • Beve Wells * Phone H& fi 442 1 ht "oint instalhltion of off| ' ' . , ' 'l?tt m xl m etmg t tlt Ih)od
'@d;"'on Tuesday evening of i:;;t annual Ineetl;:tHe Chii,h';n's ([;' partyh(qd ;,t Am,','ir [,,l(e ,i,s-/ cers 0f'heton"L0dge No. 62 andl t°rium Feb. 6. m rated as ,)nt OtlCanal Garden Club will be hehl
[Rllek ill th °J .... .' p m m uc e) .... - it t \\; ts x¢ ] M '(It\\; v¢ .... lebet ah Lodo'e No 75 the t ,p (o cert I) nds in the (ou 1-, at one ('clock in t u, H )o I C i
. nelton Ar . . ' . ,. .' .. " .' ,,,b, [ c o .... . ] .... .. ....
' regular ,,. ....... mt .ry mr tbopedm Hospital. . (,-d,,,,. :t th, l,sl ,-,,,,,i,g ,,r 1,(. 12N A g'lT/[Urtrr l TTI%t TT['T' I.O.O.F., was held last Thursday !try. Critics !avc plac, ed it at the [Woman s chfl.d,mse i,,b. :, msh.ad
Ji, t,: " ...... men evening oi: There will be. a shin's: ousm,'s. V,,l,rans of l'oF(qgLll Wlrs Auxil- ll.£i.IihlYll1:lll J-lll'.PUJ.l.]lil under direction of Raymond Prou-lto n of their list with the best ore- ('f the previously annotmced l:ish-
[R[' rngn Scores for lhe eve- meeting with Mrs. Edit[! lh.ine- iary. Atl,,nding the p,rly with ty and Mrs. Elsie Roberson, din- .,.,,.. . ...... . " • ]opbrook.
IIIIVg Went to Mrs Fred Zentner man presiding. Ft)llowm ltm Mrs. (o(hvin w,n, Miss Mlria t'ict deputes " *':;"'"."." ....... ,.., ,,.- ....... €, h, ,In .... .HI h, r,,
]', and GHbert Kuhnle 6t10 meeting, a panel discussion will be ,](lmson, Mrs. lAl('y Etn3ist) Instalhng officers asmsting Tne nmton appt.,ua.ncL el u¢:[ .... h A XVi* ,,,*'* ,i,-o,,,, ,,f
ll;,.in k Morton 2190 an(i held on the 'ic(.editatim of Mrs. Vit'ie ('h.v,l.u.(i Mrs. Shar- them we.re E L Andrews Deputy Minn.capoi!s, Mirth.. cn!legians wi!!lr,\\;*,:'tf,,':,,,:.[,.':,;,"[7""@':','::';,:"•( "*
• .... [P',y. tJaie, 1510 took low sc(;res Seh( c]s )f Nursing Ai'fccls th,, ,m Me(l(, 'f d Mrs Cecil|: Gun- Grand Master and Mrs Ira Brown nignngnt (uneftu rammers as wen ],"•'.,,:;.".'''., " ur.: ','/';",[..'.'.'",
tae • " ' " * r ' ,, " ' • ' ' :* ) 1 si" I/JlCttllIl J.Vll, yVIL. L lll I<t,'l z[,x
|, u evening. Whole C(mamumt.. t, t. A l)},gam ,(;, hehl wth vtce-premdent, Mr. and Mrs. Walt- as malt.hes and sa(itd In i " Ihis tall( with colored slides of the
' irboretllnl gronnds.
traveling pinochle prizes were Members of the panel will be
. by Mrs. AI l=]utler and Mrs. I Mrs. Alice Mickelwait. moderal(w:
RX]on Speeee. Dr. Kattcz'ine Hoffm:m, back-
] l.l'OUlld; Mrs. Evelyn Bnrk0L pro-
T :|°thing the club at the last paration for accreditation anti
_' ting were Mr. and :Mrs. Clif- Sister Marie Carmen, review
Rlli F: Linton.
""_--'.,l he next meeting of the SRA board. '
l0 H.hle Cltlb will be at 8 p.m., The meeting is open to the pub-
day, in the Shelton Armory. lic.
sler,ng its ae this is a VFW to Send Delegate
aty fast old World.
To PI. Angeles,School
i,' Shelton VFW Post 1 L 4 at |heir
0/rl ". Itl:r%T'r. .-.,, January 16 meet:|rig selected As-
r -z/.l. oI]L)]R OF sot|ate" Service Officer AI Pinney
[ OOSE to a.ttend tim VFW Serxice Offi-
I.hal,,,2":J_7 l cers' School to be held at Port
' I','" hell0" Lodge No. 1684 Angeles this weekend.
|ITING$ U,n ,,, These schools arc conductcd
) o,.i-',.7L "'" semi-annually by the Veterans of
I * ]l [lesdav Foreign Wars for' the purpose of
' otthe Month ..... "Y informing local post. service off|-
| ........ cers of the most recent cnanges
|. 8 Pill. Ailol,, in the various federal and state
| J,,hn u ..... -r-- laws affecting waP veterans .ann
|",2°we, Governor their" dependents. Thus enammg
|, wan°"..e H A. 6"443- them to render more efficient serv-
e[ "a'Dt,_TYY?iSlaa,'SOy. ice to their communities ann wor-
|, 'no HA 6-32 "" thy war veterans
.ver 75 p:d:it.nts taking part dnr-
ing th(, tmrty.
A (l()II,q i(n/ W'lS iTlade to the
March ,)1! Dimes ill l'lClllori3D1 Of
Mrs. Eula Martin.
President Marian Johnson gave
a /''p()rl of her attendance at the
Cascade (ollncil meeting on Men-
(lay of hlst week Mrs. Amy
b'rank uls() attended fron] the allX-
It was allllOtlnced that Mrs. Fae
l{obinson, youth activities chair-
man. c'm be contacted by the
Ill('lnbers l'or additional informa-
tion (m the things needed by the
Rogers School for Retarded'Chil-
dren. Nvlon hose is also needed
for makiz'g rugs Mrs. Robinson's
phone number is HA 6-38,t0.
Mrs. F orenc, Hamilton re-
ported that the MJB coffee bands
are coming in but several are still
needed for th( coffee pot. All
members are asked to please re-
member to save their coffee bands.
The membership committee re-:
ports almost 100 per cent in paid-
up dues for 1959 However, in
order to receive Sp('eial honors, all
dues must be in no later than Jan.
31. Members are asked to contact
Mrs. Ham|It(in immediately if dues
have not been rcceived. MR. AND MRS. Ray Collins are,announcing the engailelilent Of ,
bb --lersS their ,aughte,, S..,ra .a., to Mr. Lewis A. MoCor,, . o, M..
and Mrs. Leo McCord, Toppentsh. The couple are both jufliors
Dirt w ate at centra, Wash,n.to. Co,,ego o, .oa,. a.d .orl.. ,n
White Elephant Sale e,,,ca*,on. No w,dd,ng date has been set.
Menlbers of the r)irt Dobbers , " llmn h
Garden Club will meet at i0:30 Georgm _,__enour ts Installed
a.m., Tuesday, in the Girl Scout bOW W thy Ad
Littlehouse, Kneeland Park. A New Rain or visor
white elephant sale will be held
following the meeting. "Love in My Heart wan the
It was reported - at the last meet- theme of the public installation of
ing of the group that Fred Peste officers for the Shelton Assembly
,if the Douglas Fir Company has of Order of Rainbow for Girls
replanted the Douglas fir trees last Friday in the Masonic Tern-
that had died since last spring, pie. ' . , .
or(rand the log monnment. Miss Georgia Umpienour, aaugn-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Umphen-
, 00organ & Eacret! Lumlm Co. I I
'n0 ghway) Phone HA 6.4522Hill€rest (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-4522 [[
Members of the Golden Age
Clujwill meet at 6 p.m., today,
i t, Memorial hall for a po•t -
lucl dimmer followed by a pro-
gram and dance.
our, was installed as Worthy Ad-
visor by her father. Line officers
installed were Sharon Lee, Worthy
Associate Advisor; Judy Frisken,
charity; Janet Larson, Hope; Peg-
gy Price, faith; Shirley Linton,
Agate Grange's
5Oth Year
Officers of Agate Grange, their members
and many friends will celebrate this organiza-
tion's Golden Anniversary on Saturday nigit.
It is Mason County's gain to have a num-
ber of fine granges and it is greatly to the
credit of Agate community that its Grange
has existed and prospered ,through 50 busy
The coming of "Tee-Ve" was viewed by
,Some gloomy prophets as the end of all com-
munity life. But this has proved untruel
Organizations continue to thrive, each doing
good for the community in its own way. The
'Golden Anniversary of Agate Grange demon-
strates the truth of this.
N,'w Varthy Advisor
recorder, an([ Jane l.ocl¢cfeller,
Other officers installed were
Jody Dayley, ' chaplain; Donna
Wolfe, drill leader; Barbara Um-
phenour, love; Barbara Johnson,
religion; Carole Dreger, nature;
Judi Coffman, immortality; Carol
Holt, fidelity; Neva Auseth, patri-
otism; Susan Reichman, service.
Judy Rowe, confidential obser-
ver; Joy Daugherty, outer obser-
ver; Kathy Kelly, musician; Men|-
ca Coles, choir director; Susan
Aho, Bible bearer; JoDean O'Neal,
historian; Mariene Hurst. lecturer;
Chris Samples, orator: Patsy
Workman• east page; Ginna Cor-
rea, west page: Rand| Tuson. keep-
er of the jewels: Kathy Clark,
keeper of the paraphernalia; Nan-
cy Peacher, merit keeper.
Marjorie'Parks, recorder's assis-
tant; Lana McInelly, reporter;
Joan. Hilderman, sunshine comnfit-
tee; Julie Larson, birthday bank;
Sheryll Schlegel, Susan Grunert
Sandra Cat<ler, Linda Hensel, Ter-
ry Roberts, Sharon Townsend,
Mary Lou Yourglove, Nancy Wil-
son, Jeri Ann Roberts, Sandra Me-
Arthur and Carol Zabroki, ehoir.
Inatalllng officers were lInor
Buck, Pat Price, Linda Christen-
sen, Janet Hinton, Joan Hilderman,
Mrs. Bea Large,n, mtmt¢lan, and
Penny Edmonds, soloist. Candle-
lighters were Gloria Morgan-and
Valarie Latham, "ushers Stuart
Bethl and RaWlin MIneUy. I
charge of the program was Don-
na err.
New members to the advisory
board are Mrs. Cleo Fisher, mother
advisor; Rex Umhenour, Rain-
bow dad; Mrs. Eva Faye SampI,
asoeiate mother dVlr; Mrs. Vi-
ola Frrls, Mrs. Dolls .Hillman,
,Mrs, Heidi Plte, '!. Verle
HurSt, Mrs. Evelyn Lee, Mrs. Vel-
ma M¢Inelly, Mrs. Vea MoIan,
Lawrenoe Fiher, Mr. end 'rs.
Claude Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs,
Gilbert Frlken.
A reception and dance was held
following the installation in the
dining room of the Temple. In
charge of the reception and decor-
ations were Barbara Umphealour
and Susan Reichman; Janet Lot-
son, refreshments; Donrra .Wolfe,
pgram; Jane Rockefeller, aden-
do; and Sharon Le, dance.
Serving the appointments at the
reception were Mrs. William Mal-
low, Mrs. George Doak, Mrs. Jay
Umphenour, Barbara Umphenour
and Gaff Ritner, in charge of the
guest book.
The next meeting of the Rain-
bow Assembly will be highlighted
by the visitation of the Grand
"Worthy Advisor, Ann Adams of
Anchorage, Alaska at 7:30 p.m.
Monday in the Masonic Temple.
Preceding the meeting the Rain-
bo W Girls invite the Masons and
Eastern Star to join them for a
dinner honoring the Grand Worthy
Advisor at 6 p.m, Membera of
the Rainbow advisory board and
Rainbow Mothers' Club will serve.
A reception will be held following
the meeting, Dinner rservations
must be made on or before tur-
day by oallIDg Georgte I2mphe-
nour, HA 6-4819. or Mrs. Fisher,
HA 6-4558
Most of the things we wait for
aren't worth the delay.
er Bucknmster, Deputy Grand
"Wardens, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Jone Grand Marshals.
Local members assisting were T.
J. Watts and Mrs. h'a Yule, Dep-
uty Grand Secretaries; Raymond
Wells and Mrs. Teckla Anderson,
Deputy Grand Treasurers; }larry
Carlon and Mrs. Cllarles Dahlman,
Deputy Grand Chaplains; Ellis
Wells and Mrs. Warren Earl, Dep-
uty Grand Guardians; and Mrs.
Geneva Silva, Grand Mumcian.
Appointive officers named by
Noble Grands Orin Ell|son and
Mrs. Dave Price ,-ere as follows:
Wardens, Charles Dahlman anti
Mrs. Raymond Wells; Conductors,
Charles Cox and Mrs. Frank
Smith;. Right Supporters to Noble
Grands, Lawrence Kent and Mrs:
Maybell Daniels; Left Supporters
to Noble rands, Robert Ebert and
Lodema Johnson; "Iris|de Guard-
ians. Robert Leman and Mrs. WiN
fred Jaekson; Outside Guardians
Iym0nd Wells and Mrs. Gertrude
l01der; Chaplains, Lionel Leman
IxRI Mrs. Ellis Wells; Musician
Mrs. Mabel Burk; Color Bearer
}Mrs. C'hrles Cox; Right and Left
Scene Supporters, P. J. Burke nd
rom Myers.
ppoirtted by Vice Grands L. C.
Berry and Mrs. Raymond Prouty
were Harry Carlon and Mrs. Del
Cole as Right Supporters and Roy
r Lannlng and Mrs. Bueford Rose
los Left Supporters. Courtesy of-
ricers to the Rebekah Chaplain
are Mrs. Orin Ell|son and Mrs.
T. J. Watts. Courtesy officers to
the Past Noble Grand are Mrs.
Vera Cole and Mrs. Valdor Jack-
Refreshments were served fol-
lowing talks by several of the vis-
itors. The Rebekah drill team hon-
ored Irs. Arthur Gurnsey, Junior
Past Noble Grand, with an adden-
da and Mrs. Dave Price presented
her with a glft from the members.
The regular meeting of Ruby
Rebekah Lodge No. 75 will be held
Friday, Jan. 23, at 8 o'clock in the
Odd Fellows Hall with the newly
installed officers in charge. Com-
mittee appointments will be an-
nounced for the new year of ac-
Raehael Knott Guild
Meets in Carte Home
Eighteen ntembers of the Rach-
ael Knott Orthopedic Guild met
last Friday at the home of Mrs.
W. B. Carte with Mrs. C. T. Rowe
as co-hostess. D ring the meet-
inff hand towels for the Seatth,
Children's Orthopedic Hospital
were hemmed.
Mrs. Dorothy Jessup, projects
chairman, revealed plans for the
"Next to New Shop" sale to be
held May 1 and 2. All Guilds and,
friends will be invited to attend a!
"Strip' tea at the PUD auditor-
ium on April 10. Mrs. Harvey
Wtrnaca accepted the general
chairmanship of the tea and Mrs.
Will|ant Judah, publicity for the
tea and sale.
The Feb..20th meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. George
Next Tuesday, the Goodwill In-
dustries truck will be in Shelton.
Anyone having discards to be
picked up are asked to call Mrs.
Charles Lentz, HA 6-4847 to have
the truck stop.
The powerful hydraulic arrest-
ors aboard the Navy's newest air-
craft carrier USS Independence,
will stop 70,000 pound jet planes
within 150 feet after they hit the
deck at better than 100 miles per
which well illustrate the technique
an(t artistry of the runs;clans.
Mayo Savoht, Lhe c(mducLor of
this highly rated organization, has
put his ntusicians through a rigor-
()us trainin gprogrant which began
last September and has continued
throughout each week since. Sa-
void has had a hmg exeperience
as leader of musical organizations.
He serve(! as direct;or of General
MacArthur's general headquarters
choir in the Philippines during the
Second World War.
Shelton Gardeners
Review 01son Book
"Singing Wilderness" was the
book reviewed as part of the pro-
gram at the last meeting of the
Shelton Garden Cluh. The review
of the bo6k highlighting Lake
Superior by Segrid F. Olson was!
made by Mrs. Nhta Miller.
Plans were fctmulated for the
annual Conservation Luncheon of
the club Feb. 16, in the Shelton i l
Armory, during the busines met
inff. I I
Presiding over the naeeting was I,
Mrs. William Henderson, in the j
home of Mrs. Harold Sutherland. [
Co-hostesses for the meeting were I
Mrs. Charles Lentz, Mrs. Grover t
Brewster and Mrs. A. H. Good-
Everyone interesied in the Ar-
boretum and gardening is ask,M
to attend the meeting, ftoslcss(:,s
for the event are Mesdames M,,r-
rit Stark, Harry Mawson and Til-
lie Sherman. Progrant ehaim:m'
is Mrs. Ethel Dalby.
VISITS SON: Mrs. Alice Cot-
tense, Penugilly, Minn., lll'[Ve(t it|
Shelton last Saturday for a visit
with her son and dallghter-in-htw,
Mr, and Mrs, Sam Foster,
NEW IIOMF:: Mr and Mr,.
James O!Donnell left Tuesday to
make their new h,)me in Ontati,,
Calif. The O'l)(:)llnells roll(h; |heir
:ome in Shelton for the past five
rW3; No. 11 /
Toni Watts, %LM.
'Walter Marble. See'y.
Nearly New
Fully Equipped - Priced to go.
This car is perfect.
Low Mileage - Top Cmaliti(m
Real Low Mileage, Fully EquiPl)ed
One-Owner C;tr
$50.00 AND UP
.... ,i
i ) , ,
v n ., I n n
Si)e/ton Singer
We are cleaning house and have priced a wide variety of
Singer and other makes for quick sale.
'9.9S & Up
"14.9S & Up
s19,95 & :Up
SINGER PORTABLKS ........ $89.S0
Today- Fri0000- Saturday
at 210 South 2nd Street
Slmlton, Washington