January 22, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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, nury 22 lgO
i I _.
Les Joslin
The most logical plave to invest
today's dollar is in Life Insurance.
First., its value will grow greater
as today's prices recede. Se,,oad, it
helps eurh infh, tion. Aad third, it
buys SECURITY for you wlwn
you'll need it most!
Shurfresh - 10-oz. Pkg.
IIELTON-MASON COIEWI'Y JOURNAL- Published tfi "C1ir(,,draastmen, U.KA./' helton, Washington Pa: 15
i i i i ii i ,,i / i .... / i i i ii in iiiii i i i f i iii Ii I II iii " i1 iiii iiiii I ii ii i ........ _ i ........... i i ................... ii .............. .... .,. .: =::: _
Senators Issue Timber Report
IJOIIHCtd the completion of a spe-
cial review of National Forest
timl)er sales, whicl shows:
1. Thal in the Pacific North-
Wesl more than one billion board
feet; in planned t:imbel' sales are
beiru.r delayed for lack of access
roads and rigtt-of-way; and
2. That a comparative handftfl
of 52 large firnls hold 70 per cent
of b'orest Service timber under
contract in the region.
The report, prepared by tim Sen-
ate Interior and Insular Affairs
Conmfittee at the request of the
tWO scnalors and then Congress-
man-at-large Don Magnuson, is
being printed and will be available
for Imhlic distribution within the
n(xl fev’ weeks.
The thrce Washington State
Democrats had pressed for the
special study as a result of numer-
ous complaints from the industry
S.natm.s VVarren (i. Magnuson -- especially from small loggers
mid lhmry M. Jackson today an- and mill operators .... concerning
I range-
in recent
Forest Service sales and manage-
ment policies.
Jackson said that
years the Forest Service sales pro-
gram has been hampered by inade-
quate budget ,(,quests from the
Administrati(m, lack of a clear
right-(if-way policy, and reliance
on outdated sales procedures.
He and Senator Magnuson said
the report points out the need for
hmg-range timber management
and forest development goals to
aid in preparing anmml budgets
and in making appropriations.
Both senators agreed that the
Forest Service has made progress
in potting more timber on the
market. They suggested, however,
that it is time for a full review
of national forest programs to de-
termine what must be done to
achieve full development of forests
for all uses.
Former She/tonian Finds Alaskan
Life Exciting New Adventure
Holiday greetings to her many
Mason county friends tell an ab-
sorbing story of the life former
Sheltonian Ann Carr is leading
as a teacher in Dillingham, a
remote, off-shore island fishing
village in Alaska.
From her Yule letter the Jour-
nal quotes interesting comments
which tell the story of her ex-
periences since late last summer,
when she left here to accept her
new teaching assignment after
many years as a public school
tutor in Mason county:
William Aho
Booth's - 8-oz. Pkg.
RSH STICKS , . 3/$1
Shurfresh - 10-oz. Pkg.
To Take Exam
For West Point
William Aho, Shelton High grad-
uaie, was one of the seven boys
named today by Rep. H.ussell V.
M'.ck to compete for entrance this
Year to the Military Academy at
West Point.
Fie is the son of Mr. Olavi A.
Aho, 603 South 9th Street, Shel-
ton, and is presently attending the
University of Washington.
Congressman Mack advised the
Another event during our "APPRECIATION
MONTH OF SALES." You can put pennies
away and give the budget a boost by using
this week's sale items in your meals. Tempt-
ing but economical menus are the order of the
day -- so trade at RALPH'S A-G and put
pennies away.
Prices Effective Noon Thurs., Jan. 22-23-24
2/35’ ........ OR
BONNET .... 1-LB.'s
FRUIT COCKTAIL ::::T ..... 4/'1
AA MEDIUM EGGS ::,.7::.. 42'
FRESH BUTTER°'"°°00° 67'
Prints - POUND'
Journal that he has two vacancies "I was astounded anti greatly
to West Point for this year and pleased with the school facilities,
tbat seven Southwest Washington utterly joyous with my work-day
boys have mlbmitted applications, schedule . . . superintendent is
Rep. Mack has asked tim West tops.
Point Academy Board to conduct "Having a room-mate dispels
the necessary examinations and any danger of succumbing to 'cab-
choose the two with the highest in fever.' Donna hails from IllS-
rating for the 1959 entrance class, nois, daughter of a Methodist rain-
later, is in charge of the music
program, so we eat, sleep, and
think to music.
"WEATHER HER E is complete-
ly ignored. They take what
comes. It got down to 14 below
I was told 'what do" you mean,
cold? This is Indian summer.
Just wait until it gets down to
40 below.' go I'm warned to
breathe through my nose (always
have) and admonished not to run.
Can't you see me running down
the main road of this village be-
decked in longies, woolen socks
and slacks, two sweaters, scarf,
mittens, and a parka complete
with wolverine ruff (or fruff) and
fur-lined boots? An over-stuffed
Teddy bear, that's how I feel.
Airplanes are so commonplace
here. Some families not only have
ne but two. On a nice eler day
he air is full of them, resembling
oversize wasps. On some days
the impenetrable fog of Bristol
Bay takes over and all is quiet
. . worst part is no mail arrives
from King Solomon ( ..i-hour flight
from here. )
MAiL TIME is exciting time.
Late afternoon all paths gravitate
to the P.O., which does a landslide
business. The so-called Alaskan
bible (mail order catalogs) are re-
sponsible for the countless pack-
ages of every size and description
whtcl arrive with every plane.
Water is not fit for human con-
sumption. For drinking purposes,
one lugs jugs (we, from the school-
house, 58 tel)s fl'om out' back
door--.I counted them.)
The housing situation ill Dill-
ingham is acute. Donna and I
moved three times in one week.
For the last nmnth we've been ell-
sconsed in tile Penthouse (pent-
up) in the second hotel. Our grand
landlord is tile general contractor
of the modernistic and fabulous
high school lalder construction,
having fallen heir to his quarters
when he left for his hmne in Men-
Letters to Editor
Mason County Commissioners
Court House
Shelton, Washington
At today's meetin . of the Har-
sttne Isla, nd Women': Club. it was
most discouraging to hear that by
next spring and possibly sooner,
it would be necessary to have the
Harstine Ferry off the run for
repairs. This, notwishstanding the
fact that the ferry has been back
in operation only a few months
since it was off the mm for nearly
six weeks last spring--41 days,
to be exact.
At that time it was repaired
under, serious handicap and with
much delay and great difficulty,
due to inadequate facilities, on the
mainland side of Pickering Pass.
All these 41 days the hundreds
of property ovmrs who depend
on the ferry to get to and from
the Island for necessities as well
as those who come each weekend
to Improve their places, had only
a barge for transportation, which
barge takes only foot passengers
and no vehicles at all. Also, the
OUR IMMEDIATE landlord is
the foreman h,ft in charge of the
building project--he and his fam-
ily occupy three-flmrths of the top
floor. Somehow, there's still an-
other landlord lurking in the back-
ground--the 6th grade teacher who
is in the process of buying this
hOtel if all the lawsuits and litiga-
tions ean eventually be cleared up.
He's an optimistic and penny-con-
scious yonng fellow, out to make
his fortune before he's thirty.
SImt Thanksgiving vacation in
King Salmon with a terms, teaeh-
er from here. A delightful time.
She lives in a 40x8 foot trailer,
most modern in every aspect. Din-
ner with all the trimmings was
held in the CAA (Civil Aeronautics
Administration) clubhouse, 150 in
attendance. :Met so many people
connected with the weather bu-
All in all, it was a very pleasant
reprieve after three months in hi-
bernation. Here in Dillingham,
you go no place, there is no place
to go. So for diversion people
live out of each other's pockets.
Prices--cottage cheese 70’, eggs
$1.30 (airborne), coffee $1.25 lb.,
and bread 65’. Fresh ( ? ? ?) vege-
tables are available at prohibitive
prices but they soon cease to tempt
one's palate. What freshness pre-
vailed soon disappears despite re-
THE FISHING season last year
was the best in years, so a native
family makes $15,000 to $20,000,
But the year before was poor.
Debts must be paid off first, then
months of living it up follow. Two
shows every night, vying with one
another via loud speakers for a
half hour preceding show-time, the
raucous blasts blasting over the
entire village. And they go in
droves--good, bad, indifferent or
ancient shows, it makes no differ-
Firewater flows freely. By the
time next fishing season has rolled
arotmd the majority are living on
welfare, which they get (and ex-
pect). The advent of the white
man has changed things very lit-
tle. Five churches have done little
to develop civic pride . . . individ-
ual garbage dumps abound, litter
of candy and chewing gum wrap-
pers and other debris greets the
newcomer and a sewer treks its
merry way down the main road.
"EVERYONE IS happy when
the snows come . . . things are
beautiful then. But there. IS a'
heauty that transcends all else, the,:
most gorgeous sunrises, tile mag-
nificent out-of-this-'world sunsets.
tile inspiring view of the chain of
snow-capped mountain peaks in
the northwest. Soon we'll be hav-
ing a front seat view of the North-
ern Lights.
"With this note of beauty, may I
add one on joy . . the joy it Is
to be able to wish one's friends,
far and near ,a Merry, Merry
Christmas. May the year 1959
i i i n ii ii I J IIII ii
of Many Kinds
Bike & Fixit Shop
223 COTA
i i
ATO JUICE .l/s1 barge, as it was operated in1958
was very inconvenient, inasmuch
as there was no way to get off the
Island or retnrn all afternoon.
Would it be at all possible to
i I Produce---'- _ || 4AO lease a ferry or a barge large
i: ." ". ( IN enough to hold two or even one
SlIY, 46 OONC L ...................................................................... car at each trip (if and when
[ii0US APtLES !D Z our Ferry is laid up), so that our
and picked up and sent to Shelton
on the same day so there is no
twenty-four hour delay in out-
m!ilkll iaLJP00IIJ O/ n 2 lot ZW going mail? All the 41 days the
BoHAIIE t Ferry wa. off the run last spring
MONTE, 303 TINS - 2 FOR 35e OR ... eq, W elkormed , Gre’n Heads : " - the Islanders were completely iao-
) , ' , ' * * ' r .... ...... :'] ...... ............... ' B -- lated except for foot passage and
!WT PR*EM 4 SQUsa : :d B a B I a !! t it is frightenin to think what
' and death emergency, with no am-
fire, with no fire truck available.
.. bulance or in case of a dangerous
It ' Ig We have a very fine, coopers-
.................................................... PArSnIPS INCE TIN tire, obliging ferry crew and have
E, "" :::;';" B'a'2"nl :a no occasion to complain about the
" MONT ' flit, Smoke lie service when the ferry is in run-
1 00.00ktinks 29 I
6/' ' However, it seems ridiculous
that ou ferry must ,be laid up
303 (a's it has been for the past eev.
!00le.lce : 4/i SPAGHETTI R100$1 tie, when we eould have repairs
eral years) for long periods of
made at a well-equipped quell-
" i fidd shipyard, where fast repair
' " jobs can 'b guaranteed, probably
:h FRANCO AMERICAN, 143-OUNCE .............................................. V l Wh, ie Harstlne Island has no
iu L0oal.Paok , = ....... r industries, still it has great I-
ES tentlal for development 'of re-
, m , . , ! sources for lason County, even
0 ir Seattle once were for King Coun-
/ e : ty.
m 's' This annual lay.off of ths fort*F,
0 TATEWELL ' NALLEY'S ice, is moa discouraging to those
"lll& .... Iimillr F'reh, lean @ IL_ Aim, V C S GRA -- ................................................ With no adequate, substitute serv-
:0 8A'i who want to get to the Island
OS With materials tor development of
their places and it is such ira.
'°°' "'"'"""" SaladOil , . . S proveents and developments
STI:'Jlv00 Ibm. 89C QTS. 5S May0nnal00e QTS. whlch will bring increased revenue
to Mason County,
The development and improve.
nents of Harstine Island will as-
S’* W i[lePRO II m,... BLUE-BELL NBC OVR.AHAM '-- sure Mason County Of increased
to.009 PotatoChips ;? 49 Craok 3.9 taxes for nece.ary upkeep, and an
. o * ers LB. PKG. intermittent, undspendable terry
m ItOAST 49 C;k;ihi;s z "i/$1 .ervicetothIslandonlydiseour.
J A ages any building up of homes,
which would bring increased taxes
i m O to the County. .
In order to encourage improve-
ments on the Island, it is essen-
} tial that a reliable, continuous fer-
ry service be maintained and we
l I hope that you will see to it that
this is done.
Copy of this letter is being
set to Mr. Streckenbach for his
informatioh, but we shall appreei-
} ate it if you will have this letter
read at your next Commission
On Hillrest
Meeting, so that all Commissioners
may be informed.
YOu very. truly,
+, : r your windshield b orackd, or oitt4]
,*t take chanoas on drivl= with lmiJr
m, - bring your car in tod&$' for S pt'lsp
,nt and retonably-pticedreploerolato
" r:')'l|"h ,%ffety (31aN. avallt i d
'" ,-,,,1vt- ltltp,,
Body & Fender Worlm
Third and Grove
omplets with cement pier foun-
dation, roofing, insulation, wiring,
plumbing, eleotrio range, water
heater, refrigerator, dellversd in
easily handled sections to 8hetton
2 bedroom 25'x26' $1215
3 bedroom 24'x34' $1555
4 bedroom 24'x40' $1812
3 bedroom 24'x50' $2852
4 bedroom 24'x52' $2352
415 Perry Hoquiam 3L2
i ,
am mm4ama I I mamm i
Please send free floor
plan folder to
Name .................................................
Address ...............................................
City ......................................................
be good to you."
Ann Cart. , , ,
lPiI#11VIPll and Utility to Your
k.] 1 t Fireplace
DESIGNED FOR BEAUTY. Polished solid brass canopy top
protected with "Flrebrass" finish which prevents tariffing.
Brass finist mesh curtain drapes beautifully on your fire-
place. Traverse pull-chain to open and clo your screen tn
a Jiffy. Seren fits flush against fireplace, takes no space in
DESIGNED FOR QUALITY. Heavy mesh curtain Will give
you complete spark protection for floors, rugs and furniture.
(Brass or Satin Black Crtain finish optional.} MABTEI%.
SCREINS adjust to fit your fireplace (may be moved if
you change homes or apartments). Quickly and sitnply
installed . . . no holes to drill. Your choice of a variety of
fireplace screen, An excellent value at. $p
this price .......... from - tr avv
PHONE HA. 6-6661
, nury 22 lgO
i I _.
Les Joslin
The most logical plave to invest
today's dollar is in Life Insurance.
First., its value will grow greater
as today's prices recede. Se,,oad, it
helps eurh infh, tion. Aad third, it
buys SECURITY for you wlwn
you'll need it most!
Shurfresh - 10-oz. Pkg.
IIELTON-MASON COIEWI'Y JOURNAL- Published tfi "C1ir(,,draastmen, U.KA./' helton, Washington Pa: 15
i i i i ii i ,,i / i .... / i i i ii in iiiii i i i f i iii Ii I II iii " i1 iiii iiiii I ii ii i ........ _ i ........... i i ................... ii .............. .... .,. .: =::: _
Senators Issue Timber Report
IJOIIHCtd the completion of a spe-
cial review of National Forest
timl)er sales, whicl shows:
1. Thal in the Pacific North-
Wesl more than one billion board
feet; in planned t:imbel' sales are
beiru.r delayed for lack of access
roads and rigtt-of-way; and
2. That a comparative handftfl
of 52 large firnls hold 70 per cent
of b'orest Service timber under
contract in the region.
The report, prepared by tim Sen-
ate Interior and Insular Affairs
Conmfittee at the request of the
tWO scnalors and then Congress-
man-at-large Don Magnuson, is
being printed and will be available
for Imhlic distribution within the
n(xl fev’ weeks.
The thrce Washington State
Democrats had pressed for the
special study as a result of numer-
ous complaints from the industry
S.natm.s VVarren (i. Magnuson -- especially from small loggers
mid lhmry M. Jackson today an- and mill operators .... concerning
I range-
in recent
Forest Service sales and manage-
ment policies.
Jackson said that
years the Forest Service sales pro-
gram has been hampered by inade-
quate budget ,(,quests from the
Administrati(m, lack of a clear
right-(if-way policy, and reliance
on outdated sales procedures.
He and Senator Magnuson said
the report points out the need for
hmg-range timber management
and forest development goals to
aid in preparing anmml budgets
and in making appropriations.
Both senators agreed that the
Forest Service has made progress
in potting more timber on the
market. They suggested, however,
that it is time for a full review
of national forest programs to de-
termine what must be done to
achieve full development of forests
for all uses.
Former She/tonian Finds Alaskan
Life Exciting New Adventure
Holiday greetings to her many
Mason county friends tell an ab-
sorbing story of the life former
Sheltonian Ann Carr is leading
as a teacher in Dillingham, a
remote, off-shore island fishing
village in Alaska.
From her Yule letter the Jour-
nal quotes interesting comments
which tell the story of her ex-
periences since late last summer,
when she left here to accept her
new teaching assignment after
many years as a public school
tutor in Mason county:
William Aho
Booth's - 8-oz. Pkg.
RSH STICKS , . 3/$1
Shurfresh - 10-oz. Pkg.
To Take Exam
For West Point
William Aho, Shelton High grad-
uaie, was one of the seven boys
named today by Rep. H.ussell V.
M'.ck to compete for entrance this
Year to the Military Academy at
West Point.
Fie is the son of Mr. Olavi A.
Aho, 603 South 9th Street, Shel-
ton, and is presently attending the
University of Washington.
Congressman Mack advised the
Another event during our "APPRECIATION
MONTH OF SALES." You can put pennies
away and give the budget a boost by using
this week's sale items in your meals. Tempt-
ing but economical menus are the order of the
day -- so trade at RALPH'S A-G and put
pennies away.
Prices Effective Noon Thurs., Jan. 22-23-24
2/35’ ........ OR
BONNET .... 1-LB.'s
FRUIT COCKTAIL ::::T ..... 4/'1
AA MEDIUM EGGS ::,.7::.. 42'
FRESH BUTTER°'"°°00° 67'
Prints - POUND'
Journal that he has two vacancies "I was astounded anti greatly
to West Point for this year and pleased with the school facilities,
tbat seven Southwest Washington utterly joyous with my work-day
boys have mlbmitted applications, schedule . . . superintendent is
Rep. Mack has asked tim West tops.
Point Academy Board to conduct "Having a room-mate dispels
the necessary examinations and any danger of succumbing to 'cab-
choose the two with the highest in fever.' Donna hails from IllS-
rating for the 1959 entrance class, nois, daughter of a Methodist rain-
later, is in charge of the music
program, so we eat, sleep, and
think to music.
"WEATHER HER E is complete-
ly ignored. They take what
comes. It got down to 14 below
I was told 'what do" you mean,
cold? This is Indian summer.
Just wait until it gets down to
40 below.' go I'm warned to
breathe through my nose (always
have) and admonished not to run.
Can't you see me running down
the main road of this village be-
decked in longies, woolen socks
and slacks, two sweaters, scarf,
mittens, and a parka complete
with wolverine ruff (or fruff) and
fur-lined boots? An over-stuffed
Teddy bear, that's how I feel.
Airplanes are so commonplace
here. Some families not only have
ne but two. On a nice eler day
he air is full of them, resembling
oversize wasps. On some days
the impenetrable fog of Bristol
Bay takes over and all is quiet
. . worst part is no mail arrives
from King Solomon ( ..i-hour flight
from here. )
MAiL TIME is exciting time.
Late afternoon all paths gravitate
to the P.O., which does a landslide
business. The so-called Alaskan
bible (mail order catalogs) are re-
sponsible for the countless pack-
ages of every size and description
whtcl arrive with every plane.
Water is not fit for human con-
sumption. For drinking purposes,
one lugs jugs (we, from the school-
house, 58 tel)s fl'om out' back
door--.I counted them.)
The housing situation ill Dill-
ingham is acute. Donna and I
moved three times in one week.
For the last nmnth we've been ell-
sconsed in tile Penthouse (pent-
up) in the second hotel. Our grand
landlord is tile general contractor
of the modernistic and fabulous
high school lalder construction,
having fallen heir to his quarters
when he left for his hmne in Men-
Letters to Editor
Mason County Commissioners
Court House
Shelton, Washington
At today's meetin . of the Har-
sttne Isla, nd Women': Club. it was
most discouraging to hear that by
next spring and possibly sooner,
it would be necessary to have the
Harstine Ferry off the run for
repairs. This, notwishstanding the
fact that the ferry has been back
in operation only a few months
since it was off the mm for nearly
six weeks last spring--41 days,
to be exact.
At that time it was repaired
under, serious handicap and with
much delay and great difficulty,
due to inadequate facilities, on the
mainland side of Pickering Pass.
All these 41 days the hundreds
of property ovmrs who depend
on the ferry to get to and from
the Island for necessities as well
as those who come each weekend
to Improve their places, had only
a barge for transportation, which
barge takes only foot passengers
and no vehicles at all. Also, the
OUR IMMEDIATE landlord is
the foreman h,ft in charge of the
building project--he and his fam-
ily occupy three-flmrths of the top
floor. Somehow, there's still an-
other landlord lurking in the back-
ground--the 6th grade teacher who
is in the process of buying this
hOtel if all the lawsuits and litiga-
tions ean eventually be cleared up.
He's an optimistic and penny-con-
scious yonng fellow, out to make
his fortune before he's thirty.
SImt Thanksgiving vacation in
King Salmon with a terms, teaeh-
er from here. A delightful time.
She lives in a 40x8 foot trailer,
most modern in every aspect. Din-
ner with all the trimmings was
held in the CAA (Civil Aeronautics
Administration) clubhouse, 150 in
attendance. :Met so many people
connected with the weather bu-
All in all, it was a very pleasant
reprieve after three months in hi-
bernation. Here in Dillingham,
you go no place, there is no place
to go. So for diversion people
live out of each other's pockets.
Prices--cottage cheese 70’, eggs
$1.30 (airborne), coffee $1.25 lb.,
and bread 65’. Fresh ( ? ? ?) vege-
tables are available at prohibitive
prices but they soon cease to tempt
one's palate. What freshness pre-
vailed soon disappears despite re-
THE FISHING season last year
was the best in years, so a native
family makes $15,000 to $20,000,
But the year before was poor.
Debts must be paid off first, then
months of living it up follow. Two
shows every night, vying with one
another via loud speakers for a
half hour preceding show-time, the
raucous blasts blasting over the
entire village. And they go in
droves--good, bad, indifferent or
ancient shows, it makes no differ-
Firewater flows freely. By the
time next fishing season has rolled
arotmd the majority are living on
welfare, which they get (and ex-
pect). The advent of the white
man has changed things very lit-
tle. Five churches have done little
to develop civic pride . . . individ-
ual garbage dumps abound, litter
of candy and chewing gum wrap-
pers and other debris greets the
newcomer and a sewer treks its
merry way down the main road.
"EVERYONE IS happy when
the snows come . . . things are
beautiful then. But there. IS a'
heauty that transcends all else, the,:
most gorgeous sunrises, tile mag-
nificent out-of-this-'world sunsets.
tile inspiring view of the chain of
snow-capped mountain peaks in
the northwest. Soon we'll be hav-
ing a front seat view of the North-
ern Lights.
"With this note of beauty, may I
add one on joy . . the joy it Is
to be able to wish one's friends,
far and near ,a Merry, Merry
Christmas. May the year 1959
i i i n ii ii I J IIII ii
of Many Kinds
Bike & Fixit Shop
223 COTA
i i
ATO JUICE .l/s1 barge, as it was operated in1958
was very inconvenient, inasmuch
as there was no way to get off the
Island or retnrn all afternoon.
Would it be at all possible to
i I Produce---'- _ || 4AO lease a ferry or a barge large
i: ." ". ( IN enough to hold two or even one
SlIY, 46 OONC L ...................................................................... car at each trip (if and when
[ii0US APtLES !D Z our Ferry is laid up), so that our
and picked up and sent to Shelton
on the same day so there is no
twenty-four hour delay in out-
m!ilkll iaLJP00IIJ O/ n 2 lot ZW going mail? All the 41 days the
BoHAIIE t Ferry wa. off the run last spring
MONTE, 303 TINS - 2 FOR 35e OR ... eq, W elkormed , Gre’n Heads : " - the Islanders were completely iao-
) , ' , ' * * ' r .... ...... :'] ...... ............... ' B -- lated except for foot passage and
!WT PR*EM 4 SQUsa : :d B a B I a !! t it is frightenin to think what
' and death emergency, with no am-
fire, with no fire truck available.
.. bulance or in case of a dangerous
It ' Ig We have a very fine, coopers-
.................................................... PArSnIPS INCE TIN tire, obliging ferry crew and have
E, "" :::;';" B'a'2"nl :a no occasion to complain about the
" MONT ' flit, Smoke lie service when the ferry is in run-
1 00.00ktinks 29 I
6/' ' However, it seems ridiculous
that ou ferry must ,be laid up
303 (a's it has been for the past eev.
!00le.lce : 4/i SPAGHETTI R100$1 tie, when we eould have repairs
eral years) for long periods of
made at a well-equipped quell-
" i fidd shipyard, where fast repair
' " jobs can 'b guaranteed, probably
:h FRANCO AMERICAN, 143-OUNCE .............................................. V l Wh, ie Harstlne Island has no
iu L0oal.Paok , = ....... r industries, still it has great I-
ES tentlal for development 'of re-
, m , . , ! sources for lason County, even
0 ir Seattle once were for King Coun-
/ e : ty.
m 's' This annual lay.off of ths fort*F,
0 TATEWELL ' NALLEY'S ice, is moa discouraging to those
"lll& .... Iimillr F'reh, lean @ IL_ Aim, V C S GRA -- ................................................ With no adequate, substitute serv-
:0 8A'i who want to get to the Island
OS With materials tor development of
their places and it is such ira.
'°°' "'"'"""" SaladOil , . . S proveents and developments
STI:'Jlv00 Ibm. 89C QTS. 5S May0nnal00e QTS. whlch will bring increased revenue
to Mason County,
The development and improve.
nents of Harstine Island will as-
S’* W i[lePRO II m,... BLUE-BELL NBC OVR.AHAM '-- sure Mason County Of increased
to.009 PotatoChips ;? 49 Craok 3.9 taxes for nece.ary upkeep, and an
. o * ers LB. PKG. intermittent, undspendable terry
m ItOAST 49 C;k;ihi;s z "i/$1 .ervicetothIslandonlydiseour.
J A ages any building up of homes,
which would bring increased taxes
i m O to the County. .
In order to encourage improve-
ments on the Island, it is essen-
} tial that a reliable, continuous fer-
ry service be maintained and we
l I hope that you will see to it that
this is done.
Copy of this letter is being
set to Mr. Streckenbach for his
informatioh, but we shall appreei-
} ate it if you will have this letter
read at your next Commission
On Hillrest
Meeting, so that all Commissioners
may be informed.
YOu very. truly,
+, : r your windshield b orackd, or oitt4]
,*t take chanoas on drivl= with lmiJr
m, - bring your car in tod&$' for S pt'lsp
,nt and retonably-pticedreploerolato
" r:')'l|"h ,%ffety (31aN. avallt i d
'" ,-,,,1vt- ltltp,,
Body & Fender Worlm
Third and Grove
omplets with cement pier foun-
dation, roofing, insulation, wiring,
plumbing, eleotrio range, water
heater, refrigerator, dellversd in
easily handled sections to 8hetton
2 bedroom 25'x26' $1215
3 bedroom 24'x34' $1555
4 bedroom 24'x40' $1812
3 bedroom 24'x50' $2852
4 bedroom 24'x52' $2352
415 Perry Hoquiam 3L2
i ,
am mm4ama I I mamm i
Please send free floor
plan folder to
Name .................................................
Address ...............................................
City ......................................................
be good to you."
Ann Cart. , , ,
lPiI#11VIPll and Utility to Your
k.] 1 t Fireplace
DESIGNED FOR BEAUTY. Polished solid brass canopy top
protected with "Flrebrass" finish which prevents tariffing.
Brass finist mesh curtain drapes beautifully on your fire-
place. Traverse pull-chain to open and clo your screen tn
a Jiffy. Seren fits flush against fireplace, takes no space in
DESIGNED FOR QUALITY. Heavy mesh curtain Will give
you complete spark protection for floors, rugs and furniture.
(Brass or Satin Black Crtain finish optional.} MABTEI%.
SCREINS adjust to fit your fireplace (may be moved if
you change homes or apartments). Quickly and sitnply
installed . . . no holes to drill. Your choice of a variety of
fireplace screen, An excellent value at. $p
this price .......... from - tr avv
PHONE HA. 6-6661