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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 . - . ....... , I I I FOR00 • ., , , PILE OF BARK for fireplace or fur- nace. Do not write, if interested seine and see. Frank Lusin, at. 2. Box 808 1/6-2 good condition. Phone HA 6-3022, M1/8-22 COLOR FILM proeesmng, direct thin- let, fter, more efficient. Also hour photo finishing. Try us. gieg- ler's Studio. 124 No. 2nd. HA. 8-61. 8/15tin NW AND USID CHA SAWS for Sale. I.E.L. power saws. Bales and Service. Phone Olympia , 9-4619 days, F. 2-1062 event.s. Roblno.n Machine Works, 106 E. Olympia Ave.. Olympia. 11/18tfn DUNCAN PtIYFEI mahogany dining set• table, six £halrs and buffet, good condltlon, Phone HA 6-6190. ___SinUs ,UCH BI.CK TOP SOIL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, wubed sand tnd gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. orman An- derson, phone HA. 6-B562..John's Creek 8ahd and Gravel, wtmore. 7/ttn NOTHING DOWN. 88 months to pay under F.H.A. terms on all buildng Supplies. Lump it •lJ under one bilL Iton Lumber, 4 S. 1st St. Ph. HA. 6-4808. 6/Stfn FOR SALE: used steel, plates, plpg, pulleys and shafts. All tyPeS sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mfll:._phone HA. 6-8628. e/ WATKINS PRODUCTS, finest in spices and flavorings, Cammetlce. household products. Phone HA, 6- 3. Cll/18Lfn MrT. VIW DOLL Hospital, 1{101 Laur- el. Phme 6-3187, Dolls of all ktndJ repaired, Do it now! Come In and see my e011ectlon of new dolls and fancywork. Also original ilmerted patterns In pillow ees. Mrs. Ann Twardowskl. 11/9 tin MONO CHAIN SAWS. 8 h.p., direct drive, $99.60, 16-inch bar and chain. Hillcrett Hardware. 11118 tin OATS TIILERS sad outboard too- tom at Hillerest Hardware. 2/20tfa ROOFING and all other building nuL. tertale, nothing down, 86 monthn to pay under FI-YA terms now available at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., _ pbqne HA. 6-4808. 6/Stfa FOR SA-LE. BLUEBERRIES "5 Extra large plans of Jersey, Raneoca$ and C.ncord, $1.75 each or 8 for . (;arden Shop. HA 6-3710. 1122 tin "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A," rUbber stamps for sale at the Journal, 1.00 each. 107 So. 4th, 13 ttfn F.H.A. TERMS now available on building materials allows you to lump oontructton seat* .under one bill. For information mqmre at Lawton Lumber, 40 S. 1st St. Phone HA. 6-809. 6/I/Sttn HOUSI TRAHP., 28 ft., completely furnished, electric brakes. Inquire Bill Turner behind Airport Grocery. 1/15-22 FOR SALE -- Maytag wringer*type washer with pump, .$45. Phone HA 6-$047 after 5 p.m. Mcl/15-22 piano made by Baldwin. Will deliver FOR SALE FOR SALE: large selecon of re- refrigerators, conditioned ranges, & VallsY/Al'_65ttn wuhers, dryers. Eells pllanes Center. FOR SALE. dry heavy or light slab wood, $10 n cord. HA. 9-667. C6/LIttn TRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS! Ar- rangements for all tours, transpor- tation and reservatipns, at no addi- tional cost to you. Clara Bell Angle, phones HK. 6-4184 or HA. 6-8272. 6/6tfn BEST BUY IN TOWN! ! Heavy leOrak -gal, caftans 97 cents, ggi- $£79, 2A-galions 18.97, Fens- Ice Cream Center, 4 North First. $/ffi3n WE BL v yOUR QUITY. or wnl sell on coiffnment, your D0at$, me, ore. trailers, etc. Hlllcret Hardware. DOLLS FOR SALE: 18" Revion Dolls and had made olothe to fit. 10 to 1" Revlon and Madame Alexander dolls. Or will make cloth for your dolls. Also hemstitohi• Phone HA. 6-6725. Opal Clay. Bll/14tfn I]VINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR intle and service at Hillcret Hardware. I/mtfn Knowledge, 9 year books. $. Call after 6 p.m. HA 6-4157. 1/15 tfn FOR SALE--Jtmt tceived, a few 1958 model 18 h,p. Evinrude outboard mo- t:ors at greatly reduced prices. Hill- crest Hardware. 1/;I.5 tin FOR SALF-Refrlgerator, 7 cu. ft. t second hand, Coldspot, very good e¢n_.!t!0n:__pho ne H h._6" $531 $I/15 FOR SALE  Currants, goeseberrles, nectarberries, loganberries, boyscn- berries, and Canadian red rlubarb. Three plants $1,00. Garden Shop, I1A 6-3710. 1/22 tin FOR SALE--Western Holly gas range, 1211 Turner. Phone HA 6-315, T1/2-29 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Excellent 3 bedroom, hath and & unfurnished .house available Feb. 1 $100 per month. Phone HA 6-852fi W1/22 tin rent downtown. Phone HA 6-3104. Wl/22 tin FOR RENT--Small house in Agate district. $20 per month. HA 6-6233 or HA 6-4184. SI/22 tin furoished house. 1413 Elllnor. Phone BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Days or Nights Phone HA 6-4150 5-22tin ! .! I I, , and (:an arrsnge terms, Wtll show at! _, yc*ur convenien(e, Wrtte me at BOX -. __ -_ '' " ' 416, South Taconm, Wash. 1/15-22[ Erl r[A'. defiling, Free home demomstratlon./ IS Stauffer Home Plan of Mason Coun ' /_14. r4. # ty. Phone HA 6-6889. MI0/80 tfn  .J¢xt,& JtL, ,JU. ............................................................ , :arl T,, Mart BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip-] m.nt at Wall's Marine Supply. on1 beautltd Hood Canal Phone Ilooda- IA)CKER MEAT Cut, double wrapped and trimmings Iround--5 Cents per pound. Don Wfl- limna. 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. 9/25 tin GUERNSEY AND DURHAM cow for sale. will fr,.shen in two weeks. Fourth calf. Phone HA 6-6703, C1/22 ARAGUS PL.NTS," Marth'a-'Wttsh- Ingt,ou-$1,00 per doz. Garden Shop. HA. 6-3710• GI/ tin .... per_tgn:- ....p.h!me. I5 A,..6S722 _. ..... I..-29 HECFROLUX vacuum cleaner, good condition, for sale. Pllone HA 6-6380. J1/22 ,, ,. An old wllh and m s/eere modem brld; and jtut to IM Your trlends know the happy ews and where the event took plj4e and whe we t htnimmhtt lint attrsetlw mmeune, mnt Call at the offlee ot this paper; it will be a plm to gho rou mmpl of  last styl. Let L LJ Jl ......... DRY SLAB WOOb $2O.OO Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-ll-20-tfn Days and Evenings Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tn . I .... L ,[ .... Custom Tractor Work Ro.t.ovating or regular plowing, amcmg and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-aged savdust. Work by hour single-handed. Jerome Burke, HA. 6.3678, APPLIANCES FOR RENT C'lark lectric qoor Sanders 8terl.4[ oetriz Portable Hand Ban0m Regina l]eetl Floor Pol/she House Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6-4803 2-10tin ,IT..T. ................... j ........... ±, ,, , I,,. I r  J EELLS AID BEUEVE ... Honest , sinceri , and good service are remem- bered long after price _ }7i is forgotten. J I II I ' Ill FRIGIDAIRE m. Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers also For E0pert, Eonom/eal, Elf/slant Appliance ]3/Service TELEPE[ONE HA. 6-6211 MI00CANTtLI I I lJ I [ _ t Jll I I I SNi SON [ [[[  JH A - bl n "C  t , U.S. A . " Shelton, Washington FOR RENT SMALL HOUSE for one or two adult*. 30 per month. 610 Pine. Phone A 6-6336. D1/I tin FOR RENT--Small hoUSe on Angle-[ side. Phone HA 6-3080 after 6 p.m. D10125 tfa PeR RN: 4-room apt.. completely furnished. Phone HA 6-6500_ F 1/9 tin FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and i trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tfn -N-e-m3y. I furnished, yard, large garage. Walter I George. HA 6-664 or HA 6-4686, ' 10/2-11/19 tin GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown store&  sewer and water. At .., .h.ighwa bridge. IS4YStin "REE ROOM UNFURNISHED np. for rent, close to downtown. Phone H£. 6. M6/26ttn town. for rent. Phone HA 6-3104. W12/18 tin F-Ok---RENs'Tb-e'd-room modern -d;u plex. Electric heat, garage, utility room, Phone HA 6-9150. 12/18 tin low winter rates, heat furdlshed, newly redecorated, clean as a pin, Owner managed. Very desirable place to live, located at Shelton Alr port, 2 miles north of town• Call HA 6-8771. A12/18 tin house, attached garage. Island Lake• Phone HA 6-4861. S1/22 FOR RENT: I bedroom furnlehed apt. 719 No. 6th, phone HA. $-4848 after 5 p.m. D10/llt . It CUSTOM MADE WATER SKIS Glass or Wood {All Types of Ski Repair) JOHN LENTZ HA 6-6426 1-22-29 BEDROOM VALUE Double dresser, beveled mir- ror, Bookcase headboard bed. Foot and rails and nitestand. Walnut, Blond Ash and Frosted Mink, complete with 10-year warranty mattress and box spring. $199 Complete Usual Friendly Convenient Terms Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots HA 6-4702 !!1 ] 1 I I Immediate Delivery. on popular sed BATTERI] and .'IRES Free Tire-Mounting Service CATAIM3G SALES OFFIC Sears. Roebuck and Co. vergreen Square Phone HA. 8-8201 Shelton 10-21tin INSUI'I'ION ! Fiberglass and ckwool home blown insulation. Special elec- tric heat and floor insulations. No down payment and 86 months to plty, FREE ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. Hoquiamb Wash. Phone Hoquiam 312 10-31n I I'I " ' H SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel Lw winter rates Heat furnled Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live, Located at Shelton Airport, 3 miles north of town. HA 6-8772 12-18-tfn *Jl t ............... J CLEARANCE 1 ONLY 30-INCH Deluxe Kenmore Range $259.95 Was $289.95 I ONLY Kenmore Combination Washer - Dryer $.369.95 Was $399.95 1 ONLY Coldspot Deluxe 16-Cubic Foot Upright Freezer $304.95 Was $364.95 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 324 RAILROAD AVE. Phone HA 6-8201 - - I T ] TF II Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- eertions 25¢ each. Ratu for larger ads on request. Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column in0h. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e s $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of I0€ will be made when billing is ueeeuary. FOB REN00 FOR RNT: light hottsekeeptng_r. 100 We Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. l/lSttn ON AND TWO bedroom unturnlted ,I, FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM HOUSE, clean and furnished for rent. New electric range and oil heater. Phone HA 6- 4644: • S1/22 tin NT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. Cl/8 tin CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, hy day or week. Cameron Hotel. 2/8tin .OR",'NT-Uf-u[s-hed tWO bedrooll house, large utility room, $55 per month. Phone HA 6-4000. 81/15 tin 5-:6b-M'--FbRNfsHb--XV'r:]--:b'd- room, washer, dryer, refrigerator, electric range, trash burner. Oil heater, water and lights included. Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 225 5th at Pine. B12/4 tin LARGE ONE-BEDROOM house for rent. Fenced yard. sonie furniture. Water paid. $30 me. Phone HA 6-2259. S1/15 tfn C{MFORTARL] two bedroom house for rent, $50 per month, garage, un- furnished. Phone HA 6-6860 about 8 p.m. B1/8-22 F-(YR"R'NT:3 rooln honse and bath. Garage, lawn, garden, grapes, ber- ries, flowers. Partly furnished. $25 month. Phone HA 6-3360. 911 Frank- lin St. G1/22-29 RT---Ubed room unfurnished" house with extra heated bedrooms in basement and garage. Double garage. $80 pet" month. Inquire Twentieth Century Grocery on Hill- apartment*, hot water heat, re, refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts,, 920 Olympic. Joe Hsrtou crest. 1/8-22 manager. Apt. 9. Phone ttA. n-sues FOR RENT -- Attractive waterfront Or HA. 9-6598, Be/26tfJa home. 1  bedrooms, cry conven- ON-E-']BEi)-R-M'-al)arm';nt---rren-t fences. 10 miles from town. Call HA with fireplace, downtown• Utilities 6-8641. G1/15 tin paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. N'---AN'-T()---BEI)-R--0()M--c-otta'g $1/22 tin for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Phone HA 6-4420. M1/15-22 q Zenith Television Finest Reception and Carefree Service NO PRINTED CIRCUITS Buy a Zenith Today Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 WANTED FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, In- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Furnace Co., 821 So. Third. Dial HA. 6-6121. 5/ltfn WANTED--Boats to fiberglass. For estimate call HA 6-6977, William Me- Laughlin. 1/15-2/18 CHAIN SAW SHARPENING. speedy, accurate precision grinding, Now at Saeger Motor Shop, HJllcrst• Phons HA 6-4602. 1/15 tin CASH FOR SHAKE BOARDS at Mc- Cleary. Phone Elma 3806 after 6:30 p.m. Mcl/i 5-2126 WILL BUY seller's equity real estate contracts, Archie Springer. Dial Olympia FL 7-9876. 1/15 tin' DEPENDABLE older woman will baby sit in your home evenings. Myrtle McAloon. phone HA 6-3546, 1/15-22 en to service Avon customers in AJlyn and Shelton areas. We traln you to earn Sg.O0 and up per hour. ! Phone HA 8-4219. 1/15-29 WORK WANTED--Clerking, care for sick, house cleaning, Janitor work or will baby stt nights. Mrs.. Louis Durand. phone HA 6-3036 or HA 6-! 3323. 1/22 tfn Help Wanted--Male $115.00 A WEEK Married man with good car, age 21-40 to put out and pick up Fuller catalogs. Write or- ders, deliver merchandise. 1/22-2/12 PHONE HA 6-2052 I ! ! ! I , Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Lcal Builders No" job too large or too amass. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tn | CHEM CLEAN CLEANS RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY, CLEANER AND FASTER Try It - You Will Like It Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 2 ONLY SHOPSMITH WITH ACCESSORIES 1/3 OFF @ Just a few left FAMOUS SIEGLER 01L HEATERS 1/2 PRICE Lum00en's Mercantile APPLIANCE DEPT. BUDGET SHOP BARGAINS * USED APPLIANCES  Automatic Washer and Dryer Wall Covering, 9€ Running foot Clearance on Heavyweight Print Linoleum . . • 89, sq. yd. New Occasional Chairs . 25% off Floor Lamps, $9,95 Refrigerators. $39.50 . . . $59.00 40-Inch Electric Stove , . $59.50 p9.50... $.50 '1 Television . . . $39.50 Automatic Washer (like new) . . . $149.50 * Ued Furniture * 1 Daveno . . . $34.50 1 Rocker... $7.50 Overstuffed Chair . . . $7.50 2 Tables... each $12.50 2 5.piece Chrome Sets, each $39.50 * Brand New * 3-piece Chrome Set . . . $49.50 7-piece Chrome Sets . . , $99.50 7-piece Chrome Sets with service tray... $119.50' 3-piece Foam Rubber Sectional was $349.50... NOW $259.50 Occasional Chairs . . . 25% OFF , $ oor Covering Inlaid Remnants . . $2.U0 sq. yd. Tile . - . 10€ each Heavyweight Print.. $1.09 sq. yd. THE BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD WILL DO IRONING In my home. Call HA 6-2070, 121 East Cota. L10/80 tin viu L. Arnold. HA 6-2052. A10/80 tin tors, copper, salvage of all klnda Shelton Junk Co.. Pirst and MUI Street*. Phone HA. 6-8626. 4/7tfn  WANTED: large 0r small tracts of timber. Cash. Cruiser available at nut expense. Jones Tie & Lumber Co., P$O. Box 472. Olymp/& 9/20tin WANTED: Dead stock, prompL free, courteous service. Phone us collect. IFO'R--P-'r--1% bedroom house, elec- Elmn 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, tric range, hot water table top, oil Inc. ___ 2/27tin beater, gauge, free water, only $25 -q¥:D" 1-----b-- per month. No dogs. 1 miles south Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10tin on Olympic Hiway, Earl Dickinson, Route 1, Box 15, 1/15-22 S-Ar-'----LNG  Henry Boysen, 2£12 Laurel. Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 tin heated apt. Adults only. Purdy Apts. MISC LANEOUS 911 N. lt St., phone HA. 9-9095. P1/16tfa OR RENT -- Three-room furn]sh- CARD OF THANKS apartment also three-room partly We wisil to express our heartfelt furnished house, $25 per month. Sub- gratitude for the sympathy, kindness urban Iocatlon. Phone HA 6-6976. and nssistancc, also the beautiful flr- • D11/6 tfn al offerings given us during the loss -i]-S-lh-v-DMt-----re. of our loved one. Mrs. George M. Dix- Phone HA 6-2009. K 10/9 tin on. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bruns ' F-Oil-  - -R -NT - -- l  e and family downtown $50 month, references. Mr. and Mrs. John Worland Phone HA 6-3218. B1/1 tin -'---ARD---0-i"AppRECIA-TION ..... -SH-EP-"AR'ire The kindness and sympathy of neigh- At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4tfla bets and friends in my recent sorrow L-Jtt'(N--.AI-TENTS, B-ac--h will always remain with n|e as a prec- units Ideal for single men or wom- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 13/4 tin ()'Nt-d---k'-OO1" apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1008 Railroad. L912/4 tfn wired for .automatic washer and dry- er, double garage, large yard with lots of privacy, close to downtown, To see call at 706 Cots after 6:30 p.m. or Saturday. B1/8 tfn WANTED WILL DO BABY SITTING in your home anytime. Phone HA 6-2235. K1/8-2 Pbone HA 6-8617. Wl/22 THE GARDEN SHOP HA 6-3710 Shrubbery Feb. Daphne 24" . ................... $1.50 Magnolias (budded) .............. 4.00 Green and Gold Hollys ........ 2.,50 Red Bud Trees (Ex. large) .. 2.00 Rock Daphne, small .............. 50 Forsythia, small ..................... 50 Dcutzia, small ......................... 50 Boxwoods .................... 75, and 1.0 Broom, White or Red (Non- seeding) ................................. 75 Gold Spot Acuba, small ....... 7b Deodar Cedar ........................ 2.50 French Willow, ex large catkins ................................. 1.00 Peonies, large clumps mixed pink ann white ................... 1.00 Route 1, Olympia Highway 1-15-t-in L J { ,//I I J -- I I "  " I I I I I I I Used Appl!ances and i Furmture 2 4/6 Coil Bed, spring (good), $10.00. I Electric Cormote Ironer, $45.00. Wringer Washer, fnew motor), $65.OO. Wood Heater, like new, $65.O0.. wood Circulators, $39,00, $49.00. Incinerators, $45.00. Oil Heaters, $35.00. Vac: Cleaner, with al] at- o tv-t:itgd condition, $15. R y v . leaner, and all at- tachmenta, $10.00. Cold Sp °t _Retrig., $50 00 rgdre aetrig., $ed0ol 50-_L FOWler, 10yr. warranty, $85.uu. Kelvinator Range. full a _ y utomatic, like new, $12.50. lectric Dryer, $95.00. WeAngnouse Console Sewing Ma- cnena(Rotary), all attachments, 1 i,o.,,,,4.. "Bedroom Suite (maple), $75.OO. 1 Maple Dropleaf Table, $19.00. 1 Ms,li. Dinette Table, $20.00. 1 Wl..Round Table, buffet and 4 chmr $,50.00. r, $10.00. 1 Leather Rock ^- - Uph. Cl?airs, $10 00 ea T V :ieL,q, $50 ^^' 36.6sl Hetw.0000 ....... 2 Wood Ranges, all en%nl''";:2, $35. 1 Dresser With mirror, $15.00. 1 Dresser only, so o 1 Wal. Dinii k "'l':'" gu° c°I js_,_ts ...... 12)6 $75.00.chairs' 2 Davenos, $25.00 es. ea. Davenports, $20 00 ea Studio COUch0 -' " I Rocker, $/5.00. $15'00" ious memory. My sineere thanks and l gratltude for all those comforting acts 1 snd the beautiful floral offerings. I Mrs, St. Elmo Russell I TH--HT--0-IT-N--TX i id -%G5- kittens .I who caa lh;k any varinit their size l should be on a farm, Will dellverl reasonable distance from Shelton, I Phone HA 6-6861. 1/22.29 il REWARD PLEASE--Any hlformation to find what happened to out" loved fainily dog, Someone must have hit or kilh,d him with a car in front of our home 1 mile south of town mid-merning Sunday. Big Airdalc and German Shepierd. chiu whis- kers, black with brown feet• Jaznes Elmhmd, HA 6-8097. 1/22 LOST AND FOtND LOST--Lady's brown leather handbag vicmily Ritncr's Cafe Jan. 9. Cen- tenls needed. Return P.O. Rex 293, OIympia or call collect FL 7-7224 ewmmgs. Reward. G1/15-22 E6STlr/;ff riiTi -gi i't'e--b-o on front, and sides. Reward. Phone HA 6-3519. H 1/2-9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALEEquity in nice 2-bedroom Mt. View home, 180 Adanls. Phone HA 6-480. K1/8-22 FOR SA.LEMedium sized 1 story home in town; eonomical electric baseboard heat, partial basement, large yard wtth private stream pro- tected by water right. Reasonable terms to responsible party. Phone HA 6-8898. McS/8 tfn i FOR SALE Going business for sale in Shelton. Leaving bcause of other interests. * * $ 110 acres, about 30 cleared seeded to red clover, very good fences, large barn, excellent house, plenty of water, 4,000 ft. of merchant- able timber stumpage. Close to town--$12,oo0. 5 Acres ,all cleared, 3 bedroom house, pressure water, single Ear- age---$8,000.oo. 2 bedroom house, 3 lots, close to town, $4,500.00, $50.00 down and $50.00 per month until $500 is paid in as down payment, then $40 per month payments. 32 l acres, 24 acres clead and in pasture, barn--40x60 foot, gar- age & wood shed, drilled well, 2 bedrooms, living room, den, din- ing room kitchen, utility, partly furnished with practically new fur- niture--$13,650.00, $6,542.00 down payment• 2 bedroom house, central ell heat- ing plant, nice utility room, one lot 60xl00, yard In perfect shape both front and rear--$9,Soo.00, $300.00 down payment and closing co@t. 3 acres, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen combined, fireplace, G.E. furnace, built-in range, close to town$11,750.00. 2 Homes, on l acre, large house is 2 bedoms, large living room, kitchen and utility porch, small house partly furnished, 1 bedroom, liVing room, kitchen and sun porch. Live in one and income from other, good location down. town$6,000.00, $1,500.00 down. * $ $ 4 bedroom house, garage, and 2 lots-$8,950.00. $ $ $ 3 bedroom house, fireplace, radiant heat in floors, garage, 1 outside fireplace, 1 lot, Angleide $12,000.00, $400.00 down payment and closing costs. e * $ WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 North First Office HA 6-6642--Res. HA 6-3530 IIIIIII , ,I 01sen Furniture 328 COTA PHONE HA 6-4702 Thursday,, Januar REAL ESTATE 10 ACRES, 2-bedroom house, out- buildings, at Dayton, $3500. Needs handyman. Artesian well. HA 6-6892. Mc12/11 tin FOR SALE: 4-room Hlncrest home. large fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA. 8- 4522 days, HA. 6-8559 after 6 p.m, E3/27tfn HOME FOR SALE -- Two be-drJ6h one wlth rug; 23' x 15' living room, wall to wall carpeting; large kitchen. plenty built- ins ; dinette ; cement foundation and long driveway; gar- age; two 60' x 100' fenced lots. This ntce borne at FHA appraisal. $350 down, about $53 per month. Phone HA 6-6573. R1/22 tin ONE BEDROOM HOUSE with enclosed rch. large lot, large garden spot. llcrest at clty limits. Phone HA 6-6229. B1/2 tin FOR ..: Five acres, moaern norms, elecUnc hot water tank. Skokommh Vnlley, Phone A 6-8688, Bll/t4 ttn FOR SALE--Two bedroom house near Mt. View School. Terms. Phone Glean Correa, HA 6-6361. 1/15-2 FOR SALE: the H. W. Skelseyprop- erty on 7th and Euclid St. Phone Union 411. 6/Stfn WILL TRADE my equity in new sub- urban 3 bedroom for your older 2 bedroom In town. Call HA 6-8910 after 6. Cl/15-29 USED CARS FOR SALE1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accessories, 25,000 miles. Don Johnson a% Don's Flying A Service. 12/18 tfn FOR SALE--I ton Ford truck. Phone HA 6-4719. B1/8-2 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SS'S both dairy and beet, $7.. s ergreen Northwest B Call William Turner,  leer. FL. 3-2118. IM.ARGIE SPECK DANC I ballet, acrobatic, ballroom..J. tratlon Wednesdays at the i Hall or phone H¢ SWVXNG MAC.HNE RimJ Expert work. Bonded Leave calls at Journal HA. 8-4412. Singer Seng Co., Olympia. S00geon ACCORDION private home. Stancato National Accordion. Mrs. Csaada, 6-8229. • 'No. 8016 NOTICE OF HEARING REPORT AND FOR DI tN THE SUPERIOR STATE OF MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the tates of HENRY RAYMOND, SIE RAYMOND, Deceased. NOTIE IS HEREBY William H. Raymond, of said combined estates, has ; the Clerk of aald Court his Ort and petition for g the Court to settle the same and to distr ty to the persons thereto to discharge the Admit NOTICE IS FURTHER said final re ort and etitioS I At i.tJslwllll l!iK)li#lil!li trlbution wil be heardPon . LKk]LI P,g aO,.evx%J-- S0th  . _ il  ay OE JanueJ'y, tt,J" hour of 10 am at the Co 1 ROOFING blown rock wool lnsula- the M .... 7. "t  .CotJ ' on %9ouny tSotgrrnotL: e tion. Guaranteed. Phone  6-ft17, ton Washington. ou  8/20tfn '   DATED THIS 29th day of PIANO TUNING and repair. All work 1958. guarantee& Lowell Hart. HA 6- HARRY DEYE'II 8030. H9/4 tiV Clerk of Satd Court , ---- By : Irene McGuire De' MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my real- ROBERT L. SNYDER , De- [vu[; , aence near the Lower Skokomlah Govey Building scnool. Mondays, Wedne:lays and Shelton, Washington ft Thursdays. Phone Hoodsprt TR 7- Attorney for said estates. _ ,' f, 2 BEDROOMS, BASEMENT, 1 ACRE .... i Just % mile from town this one is ideal for the ! small family. Good size living room, roomy kitchen I with large eating space. Heated by new, economical : % forced air furnace. Good water system and manY i: more extras. $6,500, low terms can be arranged, i Call Kurt Mann today. 12 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST, $4,500 .... Ii  A low down payment can be arranged for thiS.: , attractive little home which is only 8 years old. Concrete foundation. Price includes some furnishings and appliances. $50 per month including tnteresL  Call for details today, id  SPRING WILL $00•N Bd HERE And you renters should be thinking of movingi a into a home of your own. This 3 bedroom dow*i  town home would be ideal as a starter. It's comfort-'| able, roomy, and so close to schools and stores. $500 L. down and $50 per month will do It. Full price only' $4,950. Call today. : '1 2 BEDROOMS, PLASTERED, ON '/'2 ACRE .... , Only $500 down .nd $55 per month for this fully insulated, electrically" heated, 5 year old home. HouSe was planned for future expansion so as the family  grows the house can grow. Full price is now only i $6,950, $1,Oo0 less than appraisal. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND STORES .... This exceptionally neat 2 bedroom home can I yours for only $500 down and $50 per month, in- eluding interest. Attractive yard, double garage an& a mrge workshop. A safe quiet neighborhood: Full price $6,950. , REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR THE LARGE FAMILY Lend of room on excellent double lot on Mt, VieW,N Some redecorating is necessary but a little work wll nlaKe this a very fine family home. Has large worll'  snop, garage, lots of storage and many butlt-in][.i $7,956--terms of course.  sgi WATERFRONT REALTY HA 6-8535 E ' itl 2e Nort Ft : ' i ...... !! SOME EXCELLENT BUYS!00" 2 BEDROOM HOME IN FINE MOUNTAIN VIEW ARI[!K t: Fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting in living room, fenced e wired for range, washer, and dryer, etc. $7500 on easy : financing, ce,, 2 BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME ON 3 ACRES Picturesque home has log siding, stone flrella rooms. Nice setting with several good outbuildings, Jots of room for pony or pets of all kinds. $8500.  NEED SEPARATE WORKSHOP OR OFFICE AT HOMI If so, this very cozy 2 bedroom'home in the downto is just right. IL has an excellent separate building for w?¢f office', etc. And you'll like the fenced yard with lots oi" THIS ONE IS $500 BELOW FHA APPRAISAL .... Has 2 bedrooms, tile bath, large living-dining room, carpeting, 2-car garage, etc. Drapes, curtains, new heaWs, peting all included. Only $6500. llll t 3 BEDROOM HOME AT EDGE OF TOWN ,., c, Spacious living room has fireplace, separate dining' Eo roomy kitchen, electric heat, separate garage. Now oi  loan, with $55 monthly payments. $8500. ! YOU'LL LIKE THIS LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME .,, It has so many nice features--rooms are spaclous,, Sandstone fireplace, separate dining room, utility with a uwffi hookups, and 2-car garage. On extra large lot near sclt .AI fruit trees and berry patch. $10,350 with $350 down FPILIJ 3 BEDROOM OLDER HOME WITH SPACIOUS GROUN| This home is situated in excellent district on 4 lotS. like the large living-dining area, fireplace, hobby room, new redecorating. Wonderful place for growing family. with $1000 down and $50/month. NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME ON 10 ACRE ,' Only 5 minutes from downtown and you can enjoy living. Rooms are all spacious and home has many tures. $13,600. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Phone HA 6-6363 * Title Insurance Page 16 . - . ....... , I I I FOR00 • ., , , PILE OF BARK for fireplace or fur- nace. Do not write, if interested seine and see. Frank Lusin. at. 2. Box 808 1/6-2 good condition. Phone HA 6-3022, M1/8-22 COLOR FILM proeesmng, direct thin- let, fter, more efficient. Also hour photo finishing. Try us. gieg- ler's Studio. 124 No. 2nd. HA. 8-61. 8/15tin NW AND USID CHA SAWS for Sale. I.E.L. power saws. Bales and Service. Phone Olympia , 9-4619 days, F. 2-1062 event.s. Roblno.n Machine Works, 106 E. Olympia Ave.. Olympia. 11/18tfn DUNCAN PtIYFEI mahogany dining set• table, six £halrs and buffet, good condltlon, Phone HA 6-6190. ___SinUs ,UCH BI.CK TOP SOIL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, wubed sand tnd gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. orman An- derson, phone HA. 6-B562..John's Creek 8ahd and Gravel, wtmore. 7/ttn NOTHING DOWN. 88 months to pay under F.H.A. terms on all buildng Supplies. Lump it •lJ under one bilL Iton Lumber, 4 S. 1st St. Ph. HA. 6-4808. 6/Stfn FOR SALE: used steel, plates, plpg, pulleys and shafts. All tyPeS sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mfll:._phone HA. 6-8628. e/ WATKINS PRODUCTS, finest in spices and flavorings. Cammetlce. household products. Phone HA. 6- 3. Cll/18Lfn MrT. VIW DOLL Hospital, 1{101 Laur- el. Phme 6-3187, Dolls of all ktndJ repaired, Do it now! Come In and see my e011ectlon of new dolls and fancywork. Also original ilmerted patterns In pillow ees. Mrs. Ann Twardowskl. 11/9 tin MONO CHAIN SAWS. 8 h.p., direct drive, $99.60, 16-inch bar and chain. Hillcrett Hardware. 11118 tin OATS TIILERS sad outboard too- tom at Hillerest Hardware. 2/20tfa ROOFING and all other building nuL. tertale, nothing down, 86 monthn to pay under FI-YA terms now available at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St., _ pbqne HA. 6-4808. 6/Stfa FOR SA-LE. BLUEBERRIES "5 Extra large plans of Jersey, Raneoca$ and C.ncord, $1.75 each or 8 for . (;arden Shop. HA 6-3710. 1122 tin "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A," rUbber stamps for sale at the Journal, 1.00 each. 107 So. 4th, 13 ttfn F.H.A. TERMS now available on building materials allows you to lump oontructton seat* .under one bill. For information mqmre at Lawton Lumber, 40 S. 1st St. Phone HA. 6-809. 6/I/Sttn HOUSI TRAHP., 28 ft., completely furnished, electric brakes. Inquire Bill Turner behind Airport Grocery. 1/15-22 FOR SALE -- Maytag wringer*type washer with pump, .$45. Phone HA 6-$047 after 5 p.m. Mcl/15-22 piano made by Baldwin. Will deliver FOR SALE FOR SALE: large selecon of re- refrigerators, conditioned ranges, & VallsY/Al'_65ttn wuhers, dryers. Eells pllanes Center. FOR SALE. dry heavy or light slab wood, $10 n cord. HA. 9-667. C6/LIttn TRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS! Ar- rangements for all tours, transpor- tation and reservatipns, at no addi- tional cost to you. Clara Bell Angle, phones HK. 6-4184 or HA. 6-8272. 6/6tfn BEST BUY IN TOWN! ! Heavy leOrak -gal, caftans 97 cents, ggi- $£79, 2A-galions 18.97, Fens- Ice Cream Center, 4 North First. $/ffi3n WE BL v yOUR QUITY. or wnl sell on coiffnment, your D0at$, me, ore. trailers, etc. Hlllcret Hardware. DOLLS FOR SALE: 18" Revion Dolls and had made olothe to fit. 10 to 1" Revlon and Madame Alexander dolls. Or will make cloth for your dolls. Also hemstitohi• Phone HA. 6-6725. Opal Clay. Bll/14tfn I]VINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR intle and service at Hillcret Hardware, I/mtfn Knowledge, 9 year books. $. Call after 6 p.m. HA 6-4157. 1/15 tfn FOR SALE--Jtmt tceived, a few 1958 model 18 h,p. Evinrude outboard mo- t:ors at greatly reduced prices. Hill- crest Hardware. 1/;I.5 tin FOR SALF-Refrlgerator, 7 cu. ft. t second hand. Coldspot, very good e¢n_.!t!0n:__pho ne H h._6" $531 $I/15 FOR SALE  Currants, goeseberrles, nectarberries, loganberries, boyscn- berries, and Canadian red rlubarb. Three plants $1,00. Garden Shop, I1A 6-3710. 1/22 tin FOR SALE--Western Holly gas range, 1211 Turner. Phone HA 6-315, T1/2-29 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Excellent 3 bedroom, hath and & unfurnished .house available Feb. 1 $100 per month. Phone HA 6-852fi W1/22 tin rent downtown. Phone HA 6-3104. Wl/22 tin FOR RENT--Small house in Agate district. $20 per month. HA 6-6233 or HA 6-4184. SI/22 tin furoished house. 1413 Elllnor. Phone BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Days or Nights Phone HA 6-4150 5-22tin ! .! I I, , and (:an arrsnge terms, Wtll show at! _, yc*ur convenien(e, Wrtte me at BOX -. __ -_ '' " ' 416, South Taconm, Wash. 1/15-22[ Erl r[A'. defiling, Free home demomstratlon./ IS Stauffer Home Plan of Mason Coun ' /_14. r4. # ty. Phone HA 6-6889. MI0/80 tfn  .J¢xt,& JtL, ,JU. ............................................................ , :arl T,, Mart BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip-] m.nt at Wall's Marine Supply. on1 beautltd Hood Canal Phone Ilooda- IA)CKER MEAT Cut, double wrapped and trimmings Iround--5 Cents per pound. Don Wfl- limna. 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6-3040. 9/25 tin GUERNSEY AND DURHAM cow for sale. will fr,.shen in two weeks. Fourth calf. Phone HA 6-6703. C1/22 ARAGUS PL.NTS," Marth'a-'Wttsh- Ingt.ou-$1,00 per doz. Garden Shop, HA. 6-3710• GI/ tin .... per_tgn:- ....p.h!me. I5 A...6S722 _. ..... I..-29 HECFROLUX vacuum cleaner, good condition, for sale. Pllone HA 6-6380. J1/22 ,, ,. An old wllh and m s/eere modem brld; and jtut to IM Your trlends know the happy ews and where the event took plj4e and whe we t htnimmhtt lint attrsetlw mmeune, mnt Call at the offlee ot this paper; it will be a plm to gho rou mmpl of  last styl. Let L LJ Jl ......... DRY SLAB WOOb $2O.OO Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-ll-20-tfn Days and Evenings Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tn . I .... L ,[ .... Custom Tractor Work Ro.t.ovating or regular plowing, amcmg and harrowing, excavating, blade leveling, road grading, road gravel. Well-aged savdust. Work by hour single-handed. Jerome Burke, HA. 6.3678, APPLIANCES FOR RENT C'lark lectric qoor Sanders 8terl.4[ oetriz Portable Hand Ban0m Regina l]eetl Floor Pol/she House Jacks LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone HA. 6-4803 2-10tin ,IT..T. ................... j ........... ±, ,, , I,,. I r  J EELLS AID BEUEVE ... Honest , sinceri , and good service are remem- bered long after price _ }7i is forgotten. J I II I ' Ill FRIGIDAIRE m. Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers also For E0pert, Eonom/eal, Elf/slant Appliance ]3/Service TELEPE[ONE HA. 6-6211 MI00CANTtLI I I lJ I [ _ t Jll I I I SNi SON [ [[[  JH A - bl n "C  t , U.S. A . " Shelton, Washington FOR RENT SMALL HOUSE for one or two adult*, 30 per month. 610 Pine. Phone A 6-6336. D1/I tin FOR RENT--Small hoUSe on Angle-[ side. Phone HA 6-3080 after 6 p.m. D10125 tfa PeR RN: 4-room apt.. completely furnished. Phone HA 6-6500_ F 1/9 tin FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and i trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tfn -N-e-m3y. I furnished, yard, large garage. Walter I George. HA 6-664 or HA 6-4686, ' 10/2-11/19 tin GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown store&  sewer and water. At .., .h.ighwa bridge. IS4YStin "REE ROOM UNFURNISHED np. for rent, close to downtown. Phone H£. 6. M6/26ttn town. for rent. Phone HA 6-3104. W12/18 tin F-Ok---RENs'Tb-e'd-room modern -d;u plex. Electric heat, garage, utility room, Phone HA 6-9150. 12/18 tin low winter rates, heat furdlshed, newly redecorated, clean as a pin, Owner managed. Very desirable place to live, located at Shelton Alr port, 2 miles north of town• Call HA 6-8771. A12/18 tin house, attached garage. Island Lake• Phone HA 6-4861. S1/22 FOR RENT: I bedroom furnlehed apt. 719 No. 6th, phone HA. $-4848 after 5 p.m. D10/llt . It CUSTOM MADE WATER SKIS Glass or Wood {All Types of Ski Repair) JOHN LENTZ HA 6-6426 1-22-29 BEDROOM VALUE Double dresser, beveled mir- ror, Bookcase headboard bed. Foot and rails and nitestand. Walnut, Blond Ash and Frosted Mink, complete with 10-year warranty mattress and box spring. $199 Complete Usual Friendly Convenient Terms Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots HA 6-4702 !!1 ] 1 I I Immediate Delivery. on popular sed BATTERI] and .'IRES Free Tire-Mounting Service CATAIM3G SALES OFFIC Sears. Roebuck and Co. vergreen Square Phone HA. 8-8201 Shelton 10-21tin INSUI'I'ION ! Fiberglass and ckwool home blown insulation. Special elec- tric heat and floor insulations. No down payment and 86 months to plty, FREE ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. Hoquiamb Wash. Phone Hoquiam 312 10-31n I I'I " ' H SPORTSMEN'S Apartment Motel Lw winter rates Heat furnled Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live, Located at Shelton Airport, 3 miles north of town. HA 6-8772 12-18-tfn *Jl t ............... J CLEARANCE 1 ONLY 30-INCH Deluxe Kenmore Range $259.95 Was $289.95 I ONLY Kenmore Combination Washer - Dryer $,369.95 Was $399.95 1 ONLY Coldspot Deluxe 16-Cubic Foot Upright Freezer $304.95 Was $364.95 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 324 RAILROAD AVE. Phone HA 6-8201 - - I T ] TF II Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- eertions 25¢ each. Ratu for larger ads on request. Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column in0h. "Not Responsible" n o t i c e s $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of I0€ will be made when billing is ueeeuary. FOB REN00 FOR RNT: light hottsekeeptng_r. 100 We Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. l/lSttn ON AND TWO bedroom unturnlted ,I, FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM HOUSE, clean and furnished for rent. New electric range and oil heater. Phone HA 6- 4644: • S1/22 tin NT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. Cl/8 tin CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, hy day or week. Cameron Hotel. 2/8tin .OR",'NT-Uf-u[s-hed tWO bedrooll house, large utility room, $55 per month. Phone HA 6-4000. 81/15 tin room, washer, dryer, refrigerator, electric range, trash burner. Oil heater, water and lights included. Ground floor. Shorter Apts., 225 5th at Pine. B12/4 tin LARGE ONE-BEDROOM house for rent. Fenced yard. sonie furniture. Water paid. $30 me. Phone HA 6-2259. S1/15 tfn C{MFORTARL] two bedroom house for rent, $50 per month, garage, un- furnished. Phone HA 6-6860 about 8 p.m. B1/8-22 F-(YR"R'NT:3 rooln honse and bath. Garage, lawn, garden, grapes, ber- ries. flowers. Partly furnished. $25 month. Phone HA 6-3360. 911 Frank- lin St. G1/22-29 RT---Ubed room unfurnished" house with extra heated bedrooms in basement and garage. Double garage. $80 pet" month. Inquire Twentieth Century Grocery on Hill- apartment*, hot water heat, re, refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hsrtou crest. 1/8-22 manager, Apt, 9. Phone ttA. n-sues FOR RENT -- Attractive waterfront Or HA. 9-6598. Be/26tfJa home. 1  bedrooms, cry conven- ON-E-']BEi)-R-M'-al)arm';nt---rren-t fences. 10 miles from town. Call HA with fireplace, downtown• Utilities 6-8641. G1/15 tin paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. N'---AN'-T()---BEI)-R--0()M--c-otta'g $1/22 tin for rent. furnished or unfurnished. Phone HA 6-4420. M1/15-22 q Zenith Television Finest Reception and Carefree Service NO PRINTED CIRCUITS Buy a Zenith Today Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 WANTED FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, In- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Furnace Co., 821 So. Third. Dial HA. 6-6121. 5/ltfn WANTED--Boats to fiberglass. For estimate call HA 6-6977, William Me- Laughlin. 1/15-2/18 CHAIN SAW SHARPENING. speedy, accurate precision grinding, Now at Saeger Motor Shop. HJllcrst• Phons HA 6-4602. 1/15 tin CASH FOR SHAKE BOARDS at Mc- Cleary. Phone Elma 3806 after 6:30 p.m. Mcl/i 5-2126 WILL BUY seller's equity real estate contracts, Archie Springer. Dial Olympia FL 7-9876. 1/15 tin' DEPENDABLE older woman will baby sit in your home evenings. Myrtle McAloon. phone HA 6-3546, 1/15-22 en to service Avon customers in AJlyn and Shelton areas. We traln you to earn Sg.O0 and up per hour. ! Phone HA 8-4219. 1/15-29 WORK WANTED--Clerking, care for sick, house cleaning, Janitor work or will baby stt nights. Mrs.. Louis Durand. phone HA 6-3036 or HA 6-! 3323. 1/22 tfn Help Wanted--Male $115.00 A WEEK Married man with good car, age 21-40 to put out and pick up Fuller catalogs. Write or- ders, deliver merchandise. 1/22-2/12 PHONE HA 6-2052 I ! ! ! I , Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Lcal Builders No" job too large or too amass. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tn | CHEM CLEAN CLEANS RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY, CLEANER AND FASTER Try It - You Will Like It Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 2 ONLY SHOPSMITH WITH ACCESSORIES 1/3 OFF @ Just a few left FAMOUS SIEGLER 01L HEATERS 1/2 PRICE Lum00en's Mercantile APPLIANCE DEPT. BUDGET SHOP BARGAINS * USED APPLIANCES  Automatic Washer and Dryer Wall Covering, 9€ Running foot Clearance on Heavyweight Print Linoleum . . • 89, sq. yd. New Occasional Chairs . 25% off Floor Lamps, $9,95 Refrigerators. $39.50 . . . $59.00 40-Inch Electric Stove , . $59.50 p9.50... $.50 '1 Television . . . $39.50 Automatic Washer (like new) . . . $149.50 * Ued Furniture * 1 Daveno . . . $34.50 1 Rocker... $7.50 Overstuffed Chair . . . $7.50 2 Tables... each $12.50 2 5.piece Chrome Sets, each $39.50 * Brand New * 3-piece Chrome Set . . . $49.50 7-piece Chrome Sets . . , $99.50 7-piece Chrome Sets with service tray... $119.50' 3-piece Foam Rubber Sectional was $349.50.. , NOW $259.50 Occasional Chairs . . . 25% OFF , $ oor Covering Inlaid Remnants . . $2.U0 sq. yd. Tile . - . 10€ each Heavyweight Print.. $1.09 sq. yd. THE BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD WILL DO IRONING In my home. Call HA 6-2070, 121 East Cota. L10/80 tin viu L. Arnold. HA 6-2052. A10/80 tin tors, copper, salvage of all klnda Shelton Junk Co.. Pirst and MUI Street*. Phone HA. 6-8626. 4/7tfn  WANTED: large 0r small tracts of timber. Cash. Cruiser available at nut expense. Jones Tie & Lumber Co., P$O. Box 472. Olymp/& 9/20tin WANTED: Dead stock, prompL free, courteous service. Phone us collect. IFO'R--P-'r--1% bedroom house, elec- Elmn 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, tric range, hot water table top, oil Inc. ___ 2/27tin beater, gauge, free water, only $25 -q¥:D" 1-----b-- per month. No dogs. 1 miles south Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10tin on Olympic Hiway, Earl Dickinson, Route 1, Box 15, 1/15-22 S-Ar-'----LNG  Henry Boysen, 2£12 Laurel. Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 tin heated apt. Adults only. Purdy Apts. MISC LANEOUS 911 N. lt St., phone HA. 9-9095. P1/16tfa OR RENT -- Three-room furn]sh- CARD OF THANKS apartment also three-room partly We wisil to express our heartfelt furnished house, $25 per month. Sub- gratitude for the sympathy, kindness urban Iocatlon. Phone HA 6-6976. and nssistancc, also the beautiful flr- • D11/6 tfn al offerings given us during the loss -i]-S-lh-v-DMt-----re. of our loved one, Mrs. George M. Dix- Phone HA 6-2009. K 10/9 tin on. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bruns ' F-Oil-  - -R -NT - -- l  e and family downtown $50 month, references. Mr. and Mrs. John Worland Phone HA 6-3218. B1/1 tin -'---ARD---0-i"AppRECIA-TION ..... -SH-EP-"AR'ire The kindness and sympathy of neigh- At Goldsborough Apts. S4/4tfla bets and friends in my recent sorrow L-Jtt'(N--.AI-TENTS, B-ac--h will always remain with n|e as aprec- units Ideal for single men or wom- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 13/4 tin ()'Nt-d---k'-OO1" apartment at reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1008 Railroad. L912/4 tfn wired for .automatic washer and dry- er, double garage, large yard with lots of privacy, close to downtown, To see call at 706 Cots after 6:30 p.m. or Saturday. B1/8 tfn WANTED WILL DO BABY SITTING in your home anytime. Phone HA 6-2235. K1/8-2 Pbone HA 6-8617. Wl/22 THE GARDEN SHOP HA 6-3710 Shrubbery Feb. Daphne 24" . ................... $1.50 Magnolias (budded) .............. 4.00 Green and Gold Hollys ........ 2.,50 Red Bud Trees (Ex. large) .. 2.00 Rock Daphne, small .............. 50 Forsythia, small ..................... 50 Dcutzia, small ......................... 50 Boxwoods .................... 75, and 1.0 Broom, White or Red (Non- seeding) ................................. 75 Gold Spot Acuba, small ....... 7b Deodar Cedar ........................ 2.50 French Willow, ex large catkins ................................. 1.00 Peonies, large clumps mixed pink ann white ................... 1.00 Route 1, Olympia Highway 1-15-t-in L J { ,//I I J -- I I "  " I I I I I I I Used Appl!ances and i Furmture 2 4/6 Coil Bed, spring (good), $10.00. I Electric Cormote Ironer, $45.00. Wringer Washer, fnew motor), $65.OO. Wood Heater, like new, $65.O0.. wood Circulators, $39,00, $49.00. Incinerators, $45.00. Oil Heaters, $35.00, Vac: Cleaner, with al] at- o tv-t:itgd condition, $15. R y v . leaner, and all at- tachmenta, $10.00. Cold Sp °t _Retrig., $50 00 rgdre aetrig., $ed0ol 50-_L FOWler, 10yr. warranty, $85.uu. Kelvinator Range. full a _ y utomatic, like new, $12.50. lectric Dryer, $95.00. WeAngnouse Console Sewing Ma- cnena(Rotary), all attachments, 1 i,o.,,,,4.. "Bedroom Suite (maple), $75.OO. 1 Maple Dropleaf Table, $19.00. 1 Ms,li. Dinette Table, $20.00. 1 Wl..Round Table, buffet and 4 chmr $.50.00. r, $10.00. 1 Leather Rock ^- - Uph. Cl?airs, $10 00 ea T V :ieL,q, $50 ^^' 36.6sl Hetw.0000 ....... 2 Wood Ranges, all en%nl''";:2, $35. 1 Dresser With mirror, $15.00, 1 Dresser only, so o 1 Wal. Dinii k "'l':'" gu° c°I js__ts ...... 12)6 $75.00.chairs' 2 Davenos, $25.00 es. ea. Davenports, $20 00 ea Studio COUch0 -' " I Rocker, $/5.00. $15'00" ious memory. My sineere thanks and l gratltude for all those comforting acts 1 snd the beautiful floral offerings. I Mrs. St. Elmo Russell I TH--HT--0-IT-N--TX i id -%G5- kittens .I who caa lh;k any varinit their size l should be on a farm. Will dellverl reasonable distance from Shelton. I Phone HA 6-6861. 1/22.29 il REWARD PLEASE--Any hlformation to find what happened to out" loved fainily dog, Someone must have hit or kilh,d him with a car in front of our home 1 mile south of town mid-merning Sunday. Big Airdalc and German Shepierd. chiu whis- kers, black with brown feet• Jaznes Elmhmd, HA 6-8097. 1/22 LOST AND FOtND LOST--Lady's brown leather handbag vicmily Ritncr's Cafe Jan. 9. Cen- tenls needed. Return P.O. Rex 293, OIympia or call collect FL 7-7224 ewmmgs. Reward. G1/15-22 E6STlr/;ff riiTi -gi i't'e--b-o on front, and sides. Reward. Phone HA 6-3519. H 1/2-9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALEEquity in nice 2-bedroom Mt. View home, 180 Adanls. Phone HA 6-480. K1/8-22 FOR SA.LEMedium sized 1 story home in town; eonomical electric baseboard heat, partial basement, large yard wtth private stream pro- tected by water right. Reasonable terms to responsible party. Phone HA 6-8898. McS/8 tfn i FOR SALE Going business for sale in Shelton. Leaving bcause of other interests. * * $ 110 acres, about 30 cleared seeded to red clover, very good fences, large barn, excellent house, plenty of water, 4,000 ft. of merchant- able timber stumpage. Close to town--$12,oo0. 5 Acres ,all cleared, 3 bedroom house, pressure water, single Ear- age---$8,000.oo. 2 bedroom house, 3 lots, close to town, $4,500.00, $50.00 down and $50.00 per month until $500 is paid in as down payment, then $40 per month payments. 32 l acres, 24 acres clead and in pasture, barn--40x60 foot, gar- age & wood shed, drilled well, 2 bedrooms, living room, den, din- ing room kitchen, utility, partly furnished with practically new fur- niture--$13,650.00, $6,542.00 down payment• 2 bedroom house, central ell heat- ing plant, nice utility room, one lot 60xl00, yard In perfect shape both front and rear--$9,Soo.00, $300.00 down payment and closing co@t. 3 acres, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen combined, fireplace, G.E. furnace, built-in range, close to town$11,750.00. 2 Homes, on l acre, large house is 2 bedoms, large living room, kitchen and utility porch, small house partly furnished, 1 bedroom, liVing room, kitchen and sun porch. Live in one and income from other, good location down. town$6,000.00, $1,500.00 down. * $ $ 4 bedroom house, garage, and 2 lots-$8,950.00. $ $ $ 3 bedroom house, fireplace, radiant heat in floors, garage, 1 outside fireplace, 1 lot, Angleide $12,000.00, $400.00 down payment and closing costs. e * $ WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 North First Office HA 6-6642--Res. HA 6-3530 IIIIIII , ,I 01sen Furniture 328 COTA PHONE HA 6-4702 REAL ESTATE 10 ACRES, 2-bedroom house, out- buildings, at Dayton, $3500. Needs handyman. Artesian well. HA 6-6892. Mc12/11 tin FOR SALE: 4-room Hlncrest home, large fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA. 8- 4522 days, HA. 6-8559 after 6 p.m, E3/27tfn HOME FOR SALE -- Two be-drJ6h one wlth rug; 23' x 15' living room, wall to wall carpeting; large kitchen. plenty built- ins ; dinette ; cement foundation and long driveway; gar- age; two 60' x 100' fenced lots. This ntce borne at FHA appraisal. $350 down, about $53 per month. Phone HA 6-6573. R1/22 tin ONE BEDROOM HOUSE with enclosed rch. large lot, large garden spot. llcrest at clty limits. Phone HA 6-6229. B1/2 tin FOR ..: Five acres, moaern norms, elecUnc hot water tank. Skokommh Vnlley, Phone A 6-8688, Bll/t4 ttn FOR SALE--Two bedroom house near Mt. View School. Terms. Phone Glean Correa, HA 6-6361. 1/15-2 FOR SALE: the H. W. Skelseyprop- erty on 7th and Euclid St. Phone Union 411. 6/Stfn WILL TRADE my equity in new sub- urban 3 bedroom for your older 2 bedroom In town. Call HA 6-8910 after 6. Cl/15-29 USED CARS FOR SALE1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accessories, 25,000 miles. Don Johnson a% Don's Flying A Service. 12/18 tfn FOR SALE--I ton Ford truck. Phone HA 6-4719. B1/8-2 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SS'S both dairy and beet, $7.. s ergreen Northwest B Call William Turner,  leer. FL. 3-2118. IM.ARGIE SPECK DANC I ballet, acrobatic, ballroom..J. tratlon Wednesdays at the i Hall or phone H¢ SWVXNG MAC.HNE RimJ Expert work. Bonded Leave calls at Journal HA. 8-4412. Singer Seng Co., Olympia. S00geon ACCORDION private home. Stancato National Accordion. Mrs. Csaada, 6-8229. • 'No. 8016 NOTICE OF HEARING REPORT AND FOR DI tN THE SUPERIOR STATE OF MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the tates of HENRY RAYMOND, SIE RAYMOND, Deceased. NOTIE IS HEREBY William H. Raymond, of said combined estates, has ; the Clerk of aald Court his Ort and petition for g the Court to settle the same and to distr ty to the persons thereto to discharge the Admit NOTICE IS FURTHER said final re ort and etitioS I At i.tJslwllll l!iK)li#lil!li trlbution wil be heardPon . LKk]LI P,g aO,.evx%J-- S0th  . _ il  ay OE JanueJ'y, tt,J" hour of 10 am at the Co 1 ROOFING blown rock wool lnsula- the M .... 7. "t  .CotJ ' on %9ouny tSotgrrnotL: e tion. Guaranteed. Phone  6-ft17, ton Washington. ou  8/20tfn '   DATED THIS 29th day of PIANO TUNING and repair. All work 1958. guarantee& Lowell Hart. HA 6- HARRY DEYE'II 8030. H9/4 tiV Clerk of Satd Court , ---- By : Irene McGuire De' MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my real- ROBERT L. SNYDER , De- [vu[; , aence near the Lower Skokomlah Govey Building scnool. Mondays, Wedne:lays and Shelton, Washington ft Thursdays. Phone Hoodsprt TR 7- Attorney for said estates. _ ,' f, 2 BEDROOMS, BASEMENT, 1 ACRE .... i Just % mile from town this one is ideal for the ! small family. Good size living room, roomy kitchen I with large eating space. Heated by new, economical : % forced air furnace. Good water system and manY i: more extras. $6,500, low terms can be arranged, i Call Kurt Mann today. 12 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST, $4,500 .... Ii  A low down payment can be arranged for thiS.: , attractive little home which is only 8 years old. Concrete foundation. Price includes some furnishings and appliances. $50 per month including tnteresL  Call for details today, id  SPRING WILL $00•N Bd HERE And you renters should be thinking of movingi a into a home of your own. This 3 bedroom dow*i  town home would be ideal as a starter. It's comfort-'| able, roomy, and so close to schools and stores. $500 L. down and $50 per month will do It. Full price only' $4,950. Call today. : '1 2 BEDROOMS, PLASTERED, ON '/'2 ACRE .... , Only $500 down .nd $55 per month for this fully insulated, electrically" heated, 5 year old home. HouSe was planned for future expansion so as the family  grows the house can grow. Full price is now only i $6,950, $1,Oo0 less than appraisal. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND STORES .... This exceptionally neat 2 bedroom home can I yours for only $500 down and $50 per month, in- eluding interest. Attractive yard, double garage an& a mrge workshop. A safe quiet neighborhood: Full price $6,950. , REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR THE LARGE FAMILY Lend of room on excellent double lot on Mt, VieW,N Some redecorating is necessary but a little work wll nlaKe this a very fine family home. Has large worll'  snop, garage, lots of storage and many butlt-in][.i $7,956--terms of course.  sgi WATERFRONT REALTY HA 6-8535 E ' itl 2e Nort Ft : ' i ...... !! SOME EXCELLENT BUYS!00" 2 BEDROOM HOME IN FINE MOUNTAIN VIEW ARI[!K t: Fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting in living room, fenced e wired for range, washer, and dryer, etc. $7500 on easy : financing, ce,, 2 BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME ON 3 ACRES Picturesque home has log siding, stone flrella rooms. Nice setting with several good outbuildings, Jots of room for pony or pets of all kinds. $8500.  NEED SEPARATE WORKSHOP OR OFFICE AT HOMI If so, this very cozy 2 bedroom'home in the downto is just right. IL has an excellent separate building for w?¢f office', etc. And you'll like the fenced yard with lots oi" THIS ONE IS $500 BELOW FHA APPRAISAL .... Has 2 bedrooms, tile bath, large living-dining room, carpeting, 2-car garage, etc. Drapes, curtains, new heaWs, peting all included. Only $6500. llll t 3 BEDROOM HOME AT EDGE OF TOWN ,., c, Spacious living room has fireplace, separate dining' Eo roomy kitchen, electric heat, separate garage. Now oi  loan, with $55 monthly payments. $8500. ! YOU'LL LIKE THIS LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME .,, It has so many nice features--rooms are spaclous,, Sandstone fireplace, separate dining room, utility with a uwffi hookups, and 2-car garage. On extra large lot near sclt .AI fruit trees and berry patch. $10,350 with $350 down FPILIJ 3 BEDROOM OLDER HOME WITH SPACIOUS GROUN| This home is situated in excellent district on 4 lotS. like the large living-dining area, fireplace, hobby room, new redecorating. Wonderful place for growing family. with $1000 down and $50/month. NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME ON 10 ACRE ,' Only 5 minutes from downtown and you can enjoy living. Rooms are all spacious and home has many tures. $13,600. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Phone HA 6-6363 * Title Insurance