January 22, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Legal Publics.runs
Is t C.rHl'y That the flh)wing dv.-
rribed [:lnds, situated ill MIison Coua- ]
iy• Washington," will be offered for
lease on Friday, the 20tll day of Feb-
ruary, I959• at tqt O'clock a.m., m dilly saw the Mason County petted for the annual Seafair
-- IP alount of .aters or Island f,',,nl or .th,, .¢ou,'t .ous,.)[ hiMe:{{e Board of Commissioners, the Sports Car Race to be held here
<" I0 e " •ta ;econo ioot, (.lJullly [ pUbliC aacilut: tu tit. .
m i,l..xstlng rights c(nt nuo s ,, ' "-• '¢- ,,' ,r* 'f ( ).s less C(n ntv Assessor the County Ex- A1 .gllSt 2 and 3. Cars from all
jnd)i.,the Purpose of domestic in qumtitit:s not exceedmg uitc scc- tel2ston Agent\\;the Proseeutmg At- )ver the northwest are expected
'late re Protection; that the lion t¢, tniy Gnu person or cOnl)an'• tornev and this writer attend a to comnete in this race
l-Hh:. " innt of dlvn.sion is lo- E.i(.ii bidder will be ri,qu red to deposit ._ .. .- " 7•:..--- -L---::-- • - --:.2-=-.::.+. - ....... • -- --
<E %'" D Ots 79, 80, 81 83 'Blk ','certified check cerl ficatc t,l" d.posil l/IP('tlng in the Olllce ot tate .iA¥lJlf, I"]k moore re•andes
;i,, Surclands of Seet'ion 6' iavablc to tii,' ,2aunty Auditor, o!' La.n(1 Commissioner Bert Cole con- the char es a ainst City lttorne
__..: Cu' Range 3 W.W,M., !'affli. ,,quill in ainqunt._!o !lit+ .fJ'{]t cerning the state management of Ha,ten ags agpolitical smear il
, ' v 'al" l't'nll el so(',o (tits s tC - . .
...=[Jectione must be ac-o ....... - lni '.i'll ilia bid to,,'ethe with .$2 (t0 connty lands here The Mason tended to discredit the present city
O d % .lltiill "" •t , , g; ' ..... .
.--=l 7. ar ($2.f)) re(ording fee the slatotory fee for Isstltng a It, as.. county group favored the return commission.
ReUrJhf State :upervisyr N,J tmpr!>vements shall !,]n';.On f of cotlnty lands to local adminis- TIlE MONTH or Augnst got off
lU J witlltn ioirty i30) butte Lancis ixeept ny wl'iit' i" ." ,, • • . . .
O n an, 22 195.q ' . ...... + ,h,, . ........ issioner tiation. The county lands were to aflymg start with the big two-
,tL"do:,X naiad and official seal No lessee shall wltlmut tile writiqrl taken ()vet' by the state in 1936 day Seafair Race wlJlch was won
'["- a)ecenmer 1958 '.n,nt of the C)I*Hi sst )m.r renan because the state legislature felt by Tom Carstens of Tacoma drie-
St ALKER n l))Sses.n of the land el' lnll)iO( >- th ' ' '
...ate Sunet'vis.) ..... '> ." ........... L,,., e) collld be more affectively mga Lister-Corvette and hitting
w4ater " " * • tlJC llll'nts all(q" in(, OXpll•at loll o tilt, l ,,. • . __
------------------Se.l Resources ........ ,1~8 managed by the state, a top speed of 145 MPH. ']:he
1;:: 2t 17,i!:?:a%NP<i:;!)ilil0i, r!Al!,71!il}, !is for a per,, d ,i ., r n> i!embiTiiit/a.fetctTi! !:Lie'bOs!u;;o ;nehSl;
,.ifTi'ii:: y,LlT's" could get revenue from their sale and the Northwest Sports Cal' As-
-]-'._,Ia OF TH I Tl/e'ie ale no inl,lrovements m the to private parties sociation who made money on the
: *t'i%JAi .J% • " " nd nfine ' •
"t:lY_ ....... ' Iland as of date ol • this lease a . The State Land Commissioner event
ne, I r_ ) will be permitted without tile Cam- agreed to look into the metter •
- ".419f :te .Eat ..... l inissloner s'consent ........ "- The Rayonler mployees Fed-
"-l'-(;°d " Aaplleation No 51943 ._u. ki.. acon was promoted 0 eral Credit Union expanded its
o--'-Y" q.. that WV2; S /E%; W 8%; Sec..4, ne• post oi executive vice-presi- operations to take in everyone in
J'nast,utrlx_ of thelTwp. 23 N• Range 3 W.; AreaL.p sent of the Simpson togging corn- lW ........ +,, "this was do-o i
,rl e ' ' Brush ICK s ,wIj , ,
, ha lied acres; Cltaracter of Land• " an
" . .'t ,urt ling' Minlmun Annual Rental: $2SS.00..P. Y." He had set¢ed as vice pres- order to keep the credit union op.
= a,tit-or Dis-I Lbase is fera period oI fh, e (5) enx ano general manager of.the erating since the closure of the
_tetecout e tOroetttlelyears. • .- impson Logging company since Rayonier mill hurt their buinese.
..., l)er.y[ There are no tmp-ovemens on the 1953 v* * ....... , • .... c,t* ,..i--
., -executors• and that 1 .............. ....... ....... ' ' rial .McuIa was a omteci to
torsc an dt sad/wlll be oernitted w tilout the Con*- _ , ry PP . in the country ,that embraces a
lati_ nlId °lmlssioner:s consent. ..• lacon•s zormer, position with the whole county.
e_(urt--(o' of' the I This area wui be put up for puDne company orgamzatlon. ] a anie. €--est fire th,,.
at of a.(d')urt alaucthm leasing at ttm termination of The Raynor cervera,ion has pro - :. "''t=". ":: .7 . ." ....
al).e jljly- "' ithis has ......... "- • - mites nortn oz nelton oescroyeo
-, .v #e son in- , • . testes their ibS county tax as- " .
'_:WduTm r' ...o. I Application No. 51S4 ...... 1250 acres of timber on land owned
--- o th--eto'an 2¢tl NW: of Sec 9 Twp 23 N Range sessment Tne company pmns to ............. ,,_. ........
UJanu: 199 I L'WI':'- A,!:j i0ckaCc:S.MiChia:,t,.rAn. li:net oltthhiTiLbaTl:rd f: company :lle state..0d...liash
iY ..... /nuai cemal: $96.00. . ...... +..+ ..... l ington. It qast, d for mree days
' il :x:REaia Court /.7.se m ]or a perioa el live ta, -..,. ..... • ...... I bef0rb it was brought under coin-
f , ¢, .s. : uay in tne mann oz duly i
or-i,s*ae I Tl.,re are no improvements on the hera in qu ..... coil hn the I P lete control• ,
• u land as of date of this lease aria none ............ ,o . .......... .- War M
/will be permitted Without the Commis- news of the pasai,g of larles R{ la 1 he futute O f. th e -- emOll>]
lllion --1/i-15-22 o +/iner's consent. Lewis was amioUnced :M:r iwlllilUUliing as ,blougnt lip .it it
:.l ....... "" "" / This area will be offered for public hd kthl.a t ...... ;.,o.....,aal mth held ?lil dn list ,
..''ll. .... No. till lauction leasing at the termination el ................ €" ............. :-';'1 ,l .. :. ,'A.^, ÷ .,•
.O .v[C R ", ,a___ " I thir l,,,.e year career in law and commun- '' '-:€ ,,, o,,¢,,,,,, ,.., ',,,m,a
flstr'S-tSliC,,g;.._IT_OS I ......... Annlleatiaa No 5S0S0 i't ..... i,, i, -o"*,, vl was iCounty Board of Commiatflonera
RC(UTrOF THE I All of Sec 36 Twp 23 N Range .1. ,. . ...... , and the veterans anizations in
s U lr(TON FOR ' ' ' ' '' • .... ,,, ,,,s,, • ,, _ everyone or@
ititio NTy O 4 W.. Area: 640 acres; Character of . . J , ,.
:b:!f:- - - Land: Brusil Picking" Minimum An-m the county and his final rites Shl.ton. I.. county wan..tl to
lat ot MIL- nual Rental" $82000 ' at St David' lnismnal church rm nseiz o .the responssou#ty ot
,ea;. . I Lease, ,s for a per,od of five (5) drew an ove, ...... d He]the huildiag and the city is inter
otll, e ha8 n , ;-nar tne years. "" ............
a°'Pi4'ed and I There are no imDrovements on the passed away while on btminess at le, ted in acquiring more space for
of __lUlr erstoe above land as of date of his lease and none the state capitol in Olympia. I °trices.
' -- i=a.imai eracns nay- , will be p,'rmitted without the C0nunis- ql x*,,emU, h,, ,,,4-er wa The month 0f Septemlaer Igdt
• Ul sal(l deeased are siouer's consent. . . --" ", ...-.a .......... started unha il when ; i haft
s arv,:t aane, I Subject to easement tar right of ther has caused one of the worst .... t ppy ._ R .... .
.... ' tgxecutor or ms way for state road acquired through fire hazards here in the last 501 arun a -year.ola -I0rtiu
, e asuaarcel, a"f.. - starers off- the filing of State Road Plat Nos • ..... Idra car drivar lnat his'l W1
ot sai lie t:e came with 203 & 735 "' ' -I:" . , - rr.
t get her with Sable,., ', ........ t € ..... h, ,f CITY COMMISIONTIII Joe the transmmsion exploded in his
' si e " ......... • , •
:./ttbl . At3rut:f,iX'li;,'l,'!d,. Simpson asked for the-dismmsall eat while competing m a race at
"' I/I"I: tlce'ortlraPe will g Sub:'e(" "- pplation N 9. 99:: of City Attorney C T Hatten be- the Shelton irport.
'r'o, ....... J t tv easement mr r*gnt el way ..... ' ," • •" i COUNTY PROSECUTING At
Zirst'Dublicatian _to,,, -r. f0r access road heretofor granted tin- cause el nm auegeu association[. ,. ...... "
--,a anuary ia Re, A )licatzon No 19969 torney yron Mculananan was in
==,l{t3.:.:"'.'a anu " , . Pt " ' • . with members of the communist l
]raP-WARD T ,v,,, -me attached clauses apply to all of na,.tv htl#a na+ic¢ lo,,r in . I formed bv letter from the West-
] # WZ._.C TPMEL the abovo applleatio,, r-'.: ...... r" ......... ..... ">'"I.--. .... ". ........... .{ .........
|,[orlstae " The lessee will be permitted to liar- attue. ',' ...... v,,-, ,,, .........
-nt.ldm vest. evergreen b*'ush from th said Hatten dend the ehages and l c°nsensus of opinion of three doe-
"' Washln'','' lass, Out will not be permitted to re- ,,ro ,,nnftt.tad in hi, ¢itttexn salters at that institution that V[rs;
----a.uu = move any evergreen trees, such as ........ rr ............ - ........
]2-29 3t Christmas trees. Any trees and/or the matter by commissioner W. F.[Cre.ech was not able to enter an In-
^No 3014 reproduction damed, b: the lessee McCann, Mayor Moore was out [telngent plea on the a.narg, of ffl'st
JF FJt ..... u(emeu y tne tae o he, excessive of town at the time the charge[deg tee nurser agams ner a
R,[}__,Dm'IGpETITIONFINAL el 'the unaeeessarYlessee, "t,shaH be pa,d fez by made that sh was mentally irrespon-
te S " IaigIBUTION "'" . ' " " a-- •as.d " " [
sible.--- at isle the nm i e was
i=n LrIIoR COUIm m mv_v •alue deter!t;ll}e.d by the. State ' A crowd of 10,000 fans is ex-
lii*o , ll. ---- v. l. xll.a rne lessee snail nave In nil posses- ! ' "
WASHINGT . - - . .... A big flood control meeting wa
ttclLl . C)UNTy ON FOR start wllen workmg on the leased area ' T . .r. --.o .,_ ''" '--:-- *-^ '--* *"e" - --
(l_ - oetw(,en A'-ril 15 -n ..... S liIOllli.I Pllillllglds.iGllrlllrltli lllu IAllJl.'lil{i LIAI Ill'fit ll'Vl I% ill Iilllt*i
--. afltdr of the'e! ........ each year, the following tire protection tember at thte Middle Skokomish
,, [eceaseate oz ISA- equipment: ........... CALL FOR BIDS sChoOl to gain support for the el-
7 8 ° S CoBY GIVEN that Xdeetmgastat3ea?n ms. with _Mary. MoKnigh Sch/)ol fDis,:ict N. tablishment of flood control mea-
• as executor of ll ('alia ' "al tl nlclS i )r [n a . •
of Iea e ' 1 shovel--LHRP or SHRP ' • ..... lures in that area
[c,€ .b.lla Sc)tt hn_ ftb, d 1 ..a...'--. - ot It 1948. 34 passenger Ct,,.vrolet bus ..... • .....
.._ . le.. ne Clerk of eaid'C'otllt .iz¢ .jye nee .... to be opem,d February 11, 1959 at 8 The montn oz uc[ooer saw oocn
u.$ t ad P_etitlon for :Dis-: can fi('aYaalelti, acK pae pump o.sx..k " P.M. . .... the city and the county in a fi-
e • " the (-o " " ...... "1"110 D )al'U l'eerves the *'get [O re- • • •
Oil. lt, dst,.i..,, art to settle The, lessee .shall contact the District ,.,, A ........ ,, '." nancial pinch concerning their
lnl[ s r= the{t'eenne P"°P2rt] Ad,,,!nistrato,: and arrange h) rev c.w J"(li¢i"vi(i bl; 7(,c;: red at the honie 1959 budgets. The county had to
-:u e " -,:¢u azzu tu lne lease l)rlor [0 ally WOrK On the . , • ,- -
ret Id ,,xpcutorLand that said area of th, ¢leik. --. slash $46,000 from their proposed
ds titlOlt Will be heard on i ie'r ' Mrs wayne .v,rs • "
Y of .... , zodi( cheeks of th. leased azea .. : .... ,.. budget and the city about $20,000
• " eoruar i = ." . . .. ' " . z.t, ut, a. ±oX ',,s
t., the Court Yom 959' t] t eiall.h,:..n}ad.th. °ugh°at the tnue the Ehna, Washingt,m in order to keep out of the red.
m nent of said Our* at ':.2h ..... c,. .... , All bids must be in Sly 14 00 P M, Jk eneral demand for more flay-
- . ....':""- mace an ..... =r .*,. .- ,,aus are to oe maintainer in Fehr.a,,v ] 1 199 - - • - - '.
llIL llCl y person Inter ood eO l •"
$ ^- tate ..... ::--- 7 g nd'tion throughout the terln // ,- vn, Evers PlePt ernmem: servlees anaa reouctlon
o -as t ,,,a appear anu of the h.ase 'm . ., . .s ........... ..c ............. ,
)W hereto and contest the .... d shall b h,tt m as 1/22-TJ 2t In the countys valuation for 1959
DI t- this 3al
;5)0 day of January,
COR said Court
'tot "-
, 'as. n. Street
u', I -22-29 4t
)v o. i -
n'. l IUll..^_ ULICATION
' osnd and wife,_.._
I , Plain:lza.
' "': OZT LAND A"" --
all ' ' 'l O,NY I
FUli' l fi , NC. (de
en,.eet stockholders or
:nk..n:,,=.,,, z nere0f.. , together,
ITllt lii:;,, neu.s, and WIL-
",f ill. a_ JANE DOE
Sli-Vi_r their unknown
--,s • v'--_ ALANEy BROWN
t Wlllr,¥ TIJCH a d their
ll' , n .
,or li7 of _.y other u--
[t'in'l: Ith all w. MALANEY,
> " . ut[ler
;!aown C' ..... Persons and
Paint here-
to the said
fact()) and
or associate
his wife,
good or bette'r condition as they were
at the time of Issuance of the lease.
Note: Lessee must be a citizen of
No. 3077
In the Matter' of the Guardianship
of the Person and Estate of IRENE
conU:etent Person,
•tters of Guardianship in the above
entitled matter 'ere granted to the
undersigned on the 16th day of Janu-
ary 1959 by said Superior dourt.
all persona havtg claims against the
said person or her estate are required
to serve tbem wlth necessary vouchers
upon the Guardian for said person axld
estate or upon the attorney of recoi'd
for said Guardian, B. Franklin Heus-
ton, Angle Building. Shelton, Washlngo
ton. being the place designed for the
transaction of the business of said
guardianship, ad file the same with
the Clerk of said Court, together with
proof of service, within 6 months after
the firs publication of this notice, to-
wit: 22 January 1959, or said claims
will be forever barred•
Guardtam of the Pera0n an
Ytatte of Irene Lewis Willtams
Sbelton. Wash.
1/22-29-2/5-12 4t
NoT,00 • 00NAL
(Iu Prblte)
In the Mailer
]tate of NNRVE O.
In the
the United States ur have declared, in
good faith, his intention to become
such.--Chapter 50. Laws 1921.
• The above described lands will be
leased, subject to all the terms, condi-
th)ns and reservations of the statutes
now provided for the leasing of School
and Granted lauds.
NOTE•Receipts for deposits made
th applications to lease may be used
applicant only, aa cash on date of
Witness my hand and seal of office
affixed this 6th day of January. 1959.
State of ashington• County of Thurao
ton. ss.
Commissioner of Public Lands
of the State of Washington.
BEAL 1/22 It
No. 3S
(In Probate)
In the Matter of thd Estate of ELIZ-
ABETH C. BIH,,-Deceased.
the undersigned as been appoiated
and has qualified as the Administra-
tor Of the'Estate of Elfzttbeth C. :Blehl,
deceased, that all persons having claims
against said eoeaed are hereby re-
quired to serve the same, dilly veri-
fied, on the underslwed Arthur O.
'Biehl or his attorneys of recold at the
address below stated and file the
same with the Clerk of the said court,
together with proo of atmh ervtee
within six luonths after the date of
first publication of this otica o the
salne will be barred.
Attorney for Estate
Office and Post Office Address
Bell Bldg. 121 South 4th Stelt
Shelton. rashigton 1/15-29-$/5 t
settle said
were said to be the cause of the
trouble by city and county gov-
ernment officials.
George Templeton, a 25-year-old
ex-inmate of a California mental
institution, was arrested in Renton
for criminally assaulting a local
womafi six miles northeast of Shel-
tOn. Later he confessed to attack-
ing nine morewomen in the north'-
west.in rcent' weeks. Templeton
all other
"lien or
In the
slightly letter than two to one
TH 'OWIA City Light com-
pany offered to give a 100-acre
tract of land in the,Lake Cushman
area for the estabilshment of a
new btate park. Phe State Park
Commission gave its formal ap-
proval for the new park.
#i'he 1958 Christmas tree crop in
!V[ason county looks favorable de-
spite an extremely hot ummer
which caused some damage to the
trees. •The fall rains fortunately
helped to reduce 'this damage and
the crop this year should be about
the same as last year. The mar-
ket for tres alSo appears to be
about the same as last year. Ma-
son county ships about one million
trees to various western states
each year.
ANIII D note In 1958
was the .Kic death of Arthur
"Walton ,was kilh:l in an adto-
mobile aoolent On .NOvimbsr ,16
on a business trip to Portland•
Walton "was the head of the re-
search department of the Simpson
Logging company and was recog-
nized as one of the top men in the
field of Wood products research in'
the nation. He was also very act-
ire tn local communitY affairs.
Walton 'was born in 'Seattle and
raised in She|ton. He had been
with the Simpson company since
The city of Sheltpn "passed a
motion to hire the service of Har-
,lan,Nelm associates .of <Port-
land to make a comprehensive
plan of the tqWn. ,T,e coat of this
project will ,im ,$2500 :'f0: ;+prelim-
inary examlnatian.
• U. S. @IN)OI rl MUIt of
South Dakota threw.the sw[ch at
the al ..Christmas tree ight-
ing prgam "hslfl on the p0 of-
'flee lan on the evenirK of No-
.vember 28. BCnatr .]Ctmdt has
,visited Mason ,cqnty :marS": times
in the pt. rile ldtsr tave a
'peeeh it the ,Junio hh aool on
that 'date. - .
Novemb also saw ,llm cry of
Sheln ,'loile atler .off,tending
mem,er Of "the cornmMty when
,Ejl .,,Cal'ri,paIsed :ay at his
home. He ad,, <reeeatly been
'elected to h lst as 'commiaMon-
/er Of 4U '8 'lfhd was One ef the
'molt 'inrmed men in the state
of Valhin on tll aubj!ct of
ptiic" pbwer.
Ed Taylor, an oyster grower
from Kamllche, was named to suc-
ceed Cart on the {'board of com-
The heavy raln In early De-
cember flooded parts of the Sko-
komish valley. The "relatively
Warm weather for early Decem-
ber .melting anew in the nmun-
tains also was a factor in the
flo60et conitl0ns.
The Mason county health dis-
trict asked the county commission
for the right to control the gar-
bage dumps in this area. Garbage
dumping has been , big problem
in the county for a long,time and
the commissioners Were more than
happy to.see someorie else take it
off their hands.
Three men were Jailed in Mason
county for stealing .40t) Christmas
trees eight miles north of Shelton.
All three were held on $2000 bail
in the county Jail.
The city of Shelton found itself
the subjdct of a TV show "from
KOMO-TV in Seattle Saturday af-
ternoon, Dec. 13.
Harry Elmlund was elected the
new head of the Democratic par-
ty. in Mason county.
The Simpson lnsulati, board
plant is underg01ng'iniprSveinents
to increase the production of the
Mason unty a/hall ,fry are vis-
iting with Claus at ,his he,me on
Pa e 17
the post office lawn on Fridays
also had a considerable sum of and Saturdays.
money with him when, arrestetl anil DIOK 8OUIil[E ws chosen
admitted the'brglary of a grocery the new head 0f the Shelton Chem.
her of Commerce
store in Everett. He was held on,. Hood -' :=-'-- e ...... nn
$100 000 bail , ' oovp,c 'u/ i' s ,O,vu
'r, "'N ER ............... e } loan from the'Rd'ral Electrlfictinn
t-i ,nl -IJ.l t" nt Dy tAl i A:lhi/t4it+t-'ii. '
Exceltional Foresters to secure .,,_ _ _ ..''* . . _ _ ._
........ .... l.ern ter was ele0tea the new
unos or toelr program, to nesp hZ_ ...... -- .......
te mentally retarded children of J n___ °r tejeplwX party m
t o on CO nt
the Iocaliy drew 175 people .... wh lV.-. °- E, mont¥" NrO; Ste As-
paid three dolllr a plate for'e I sOJ,_ litl, ..... ....
dinner: " i au:tcton OY ounty ommtesloners
, The Shelton City CommiMi sackinga,, m°xe to trIvce
began a program of sldewalk |m- .i&Wm Jl II :H9 itite l#dlis-
iatmge which Wou xrn ette
proyements between first and see- mrtged ;%la in :tile cottn-
tls aek ottnty, .pwnlhip.
'ti'ture It would meas at least a
enth and Cita and Blrc-which
they hope eventualy'w|ll.;embrace
the Whole city. The city agreed
to make minor.impr0vemens free
Of h:ay'e but Will bill the 4rop:
rty owner for major repairs g
he does not have them complete[
on his own. The city estimates thttt
thee re about 5,000 feet of uno
lVed sidewalk 4n the area men-
It is expected that the general
election of NQmber r4 will r.w
a lar' turnbut of 6ters hce
plitical activity in recent week
t, .
The resu|ts of the general elec-
tion dominated the front page
Fellowship Dinner
Planned by Mt.
Olive Lutheran
There wil be a fellowship sup-
I __
,: , Phllne tlA 6-3101
Sunday sohool ti'l(I adult I:Tlit)ls
classes are ilel(I e,:lch [.i)rd'. Day
i beginning at 9:,t5 a.nl. f¢){lwed hy
............................................................................... 1he Ill oFnill • %VOl'Ship 'il 10:5.5•
Nl.lrsery services art, avuihlble for
per at the Mt. Olive Lutheran par- Local Church those witi little toi,. Sunday yes.
ish. hall Suziday eveil!ng at 6!00, ...... pel • services are ileld ai 7 p.nl.
ano all menloers ano {nelr Iamines ' • ' • .
............... l:nc.el Maatlner S Sunday. t,>ll,/wlll th<" l,.,rn,*
are invites to arlene, it wit vea x+a%#p ,a as, worshin" " ")otlnc dinner w II I)
er . . . (x [.
potluck sup p and the.ladls ale The King's Messengers musical held f(n' the menibers of the (!on-
asKeR to bring tneir olsnes to the • . . , ...
." ........... ".. evangelists, will be the guest ar- gregatmn, eciebratmg the tlih
pat'lSll llali..D D:3U• Stecla!. rec- tists at "a series of special meet- unnivei'sary of the 1,cal cilurch.
ogn.luon Wlll De given ,o all tile ings to be held in tlle Mt. View Eiders, (h:ltcoris and de:lconesst,,q
otIlc ers•oI tne•congregauon•-l]WO Alliance church here on Tttesdav, v,•ill meet f(dlowing the vesper
Inovie alms win oe snown onrmg Feb. 3 through Sunday, Feb. 8, service at 8 p.m.
[ne evenmg .... 2 - • -- .... a .... anal " ,
" aL "/:J0 p.n'l. '1'11o LI},CII(,S £VIIHSI 'V (1'( lip
Sunday school and Bible classes The best in Gospel music is their met in the home of Mrs. Ed Beg-
for all age groups at 9:45, and .to1., ., ith.,, ,,e hlslley tel tnission study Colegio Bib-
worship service at 11100 Sunday• two family evangelistic team spar-I lice" and eleellon of ofiic.ers,
We help sponsor the Lutheran a ' ) i io of I Wednesday ewming lhe midweek
, kits with a r re c(g b nat n ............
Hour and 'This Is The Life" on varied abilities Red Lind¢,uist'slBibh study will be tu,l(I a,t 7:30
radio and TV every Sunday. [cu'iginal g)spei'cartoons are'wide - {pAn. Bring your Bible an(t sh:tt'e
The ahllt membership class [lv recomized for their anneal to]in this time.
meets, on Monday evening at 8 00; yotmg and old alike, Lin Lind-I A preachmg ra!ly will bl; held
the high school class on Wednes-[qui:t's personal testimony entitled/fr°m 10 a.m. until 4 p.!n. in the
says at 3:45; and the junior con-["Forty-Eight Hours to "Live," is lMcKinley Christian ctnlrCh, Olyrn-
flrmatipn class at 9:00 a.m, on a modern miracle story of faith]P is, this Saturday,
Satflrday mornings, {and newer of braver The chal-{ Sequoyah Dawes, representative
• len in as el "messa 'el of the of Coleglo Biblico will speak an(]
GTuhp wilUmgeetMr.iit:y 7°:nPi;ILinngqitgstgbrPthers are nriched by l sh°wTs]jde:s of the coIlege, Sun-
in the parish hall at 8:00. All l experiences as pastor youth dN tRaY,, ieo. a.. _ , ....
le " " rector and eha lain the annual "Dare 'euowship'
young coup s are invited to at- - P • t ....... .... .....
_a ........... lwin De nelo_ at I UI:I eltle it)r
uvm. Marvel an(l aoml team With i e i( , -.L ; : ..= '< . 7.'
The choir meets for regular re-Itheir husbands in presenting a va-{ s n n yotn 'eo. zo ,uta zi.
hearsal on Thursday evenings at ried ,program of vocal and instru-(seldo, ;:-e-=-oL[ , =,,,=oo
e " " si -- ' fe " res in ...... ........ ,.s ,,..o•-
8"00 mntai mu c Tnen" atl • ' Dll - •" " "
' ' -a•r o brin" - -ettable lis i ' nKlng lO another man's
The,Lutheran Women's Mission- n mny g unroijg , .-[
ary ,League will meet next Tats- ning delight.' The. high, •Tlality/-]----.--..--- ....
'd&y evening= in t__ha _arishn hnll nti orners ,stone reeormngs wni ,lear ..1' ' '"' ' .,
800 tin. out. r I__ . -- --I ---- _ I
'ltioly Communion will be celt-ViD v' Eugeie Btrlld ofa::eln/ts II Semi vids Uhur0h I
• -a'ed-xt "-d-'"--r ....... ' e Allianc c urcn t e. i, I
• i ,l. ur* y n* nil:il, relt;- . • " " i "
:isttton on turdav in the{ that the.pubhc is cordially invited [I (Ep scopal) |
church office. -- ....... [ attenl these 'meetingsto hear[I 4th & Cedar Streets ]
..... i me ing's vtessengers m neir!i ..... = . . I
Hev Hooert uonner .cnoIs,
v ,t T* lunf0rgettable program of music[] ' !
+t00ya00y 00inner land 00oss;go _ II V,car I
oy_00 m000000urllay ]A(lveiltlStS llan II 9'00 a m Holy Communhm• I
l'aith Lutheran will have its an- ,,,. . . ,. • II " " • _ ..... |
nual loyalty dinner on SaturdaYl WeeKlY gei'ves tl 9:5 a.m. nurcn :,,ool. I
night of this week beginning at ' i i ," r
'6"30 nm at'the Armor, A ham I The midweek prayer service willji 11:00 a.m. Mo'nng t ayer and i
inne'win be served by"/he ladies [he held Wednesday evening 7:30 II Se,'.mon. "The [.if,, of Salnt I
'of Mount Olive Lutheran chuchtP m' va.tor Shankel continues the II aul." I
"to all - studies from the Word of God J' ..... "
• Re, rvations are requested[ ............................................... .=
o later than Phursdav nirht The[ Bible SChOOl win De nero at 9:30|.,
nroram will h .... ,I,,. +h 1::oao. ia.m. (Saturdays) with classes for/I
llin of -our stewardshin commit-tall ages. Worship service wlll start II [feel Fllhill
:tee ...... {at 11 o'clock. Prof. Jan S. Doward {| /llili Uillillillllu
• of Olympia formerly of Shelton
The Sunday morntng worship I • " '
-rvi - --' ....... wl,1 he speaking..e is author of,,
se ce is nela a ll:t eacn un- I the book "Cloud Country" based 11 "
day. The Sunday school and adult I on our own Ol"---ic Moun'ai-s New Testament Christianity*
Bible classes meet at 9:30. land has an artePin the ebru:/] Lewis E. Whitney, Minister
The senlor choir of the church lary "Signs of the Times." , || -
wfl .particate in the Communi- There will be a meeting of the I[ Odd Fellows Hall
y tnolr Oncert. naay az.ter- deacons and elders of the church [I ............
noon at :llu at the nelton Jun- .+ m n I o.v,u .n,-,-. i
tot ........
high aduitorium. The public .......... {| Bible School 9 45 a m
_si ...... ln invited. .... l=ilDle. ues[lons. . AnswereR'. can : • .
--e ...... be heard Jan. 25 over radio KOMO I Church Servlces 11:00 a,m,
Tn L,utner ague invites the at 9'30 am on "The Voice o£ II ........ ;
ano • uu pm to u uo pm
youth of the church to a game PPonhav ''• ' , ' ]| : " " : " " i
tgh Sunday night. Meet at the ' | , .... ,
church at 6:30. - y-----2 '----7V=---,
On Tuesday at 6:30, the junior lllllllillll Ili,llllllllllilllll ii,ldl
youth eass meets in the church 'l=llllil il[llllll/lll 'i=llm
.parlors, followed hy the adult In- irlltll illli-II@/ unuflvn
struction class at 8:00 p.m.
'On Wedney at 7 p.m., the 5th & Cots Rev. E. C, Knautz, Pastor
midweek service continues its Bi- u,ry .a,,,ov o
ble study on "Wltnessing to the ,, ,,-r. , ,,,, .... ',
.Defeated Christian with the 9:45 a,m. Sunday Sohool.
Word.' At 8:00 the senior,choir 11100 a.m. Morning WorShip.
[_leheares t, s . a 3:30 after.school. In 6:00 p.m. Youth Group. Four Departments
tne venlng az p.m. zne annual . ' , ,,
btinees meeting of the congrega 7:00 p.m. 17-Mm. Color fllm LIGHT FROM HEAVEN.
tion will be held to which all vet- Message
tng me,tubers should come. This "A New Experience"
ii i I r i [
meeting will deal with reports and
elections. Another meeting will fol-
low In February to consider rec-
ommendations and goals for the
year. o
• Remember the appearance o
the Augsburg College concert band
m February 6 ate8 p.m. in the
helton junior high auditorium.
TiCkets are available at the church
office arid< from the members of
the church•
• "file vital importance of having
strong, spiritual foundation will
he stressed at. Christian Science
services Suaday.
Kenotg the Lesson- Sermon
htit|ed "'ruth" is the Golden
2ext fi'0m Detitr0nomy (32:3, 4) :
'Jrtbe ye greaess unto our
{led. ":He Is the RoCk, his work is
bit; .for al his ays are Ju¢Ig-
ient:" a God of truth....and wlthout,,
iiquity, U'st and right is he.
From qS0ience '.and Health with
ey to the Scrlltures" by Mary
ker Eddy Will b e,.read'the f0f
wing (48118-9) : Through spiri
tal aerme 6nlY, man comprehends
ahd Idves Deity."
:Scriptural selections to be read
Icltll the fllotng (iglms
$:i0, '31): "As for G0d, his way
perfect: tla word Of the Lord
trod: he isbuckler to all those
t .gt ist in him. For who isGod
i ,re tNe ,Lord? or Who is a rock
i ,ve Our 01met ?"
TE OF AS T N, F er to the persons
l SUPERSg AT I. arn to the Journal in the first week .... .... .... ..
OLYMPIA that said November with democratic car naa some of /lllll :ilil/illit
[I.E: That heard .on ...... dates bein- elected to ti w,t,. g d Lm mwws m
I8 filed I for of the Probate Department .of said tty of county offices. " ...... g tf ila, 'itlilmll-
ermit to divert'the pu] Ot Court. at which time ana place any C. NOt, AN lga¢ll nM Har I ,e (Igy be lllUilill II%11
,, at their #epeocrfL.keublecttho at e 01 alTsltedobct:lnd,h-tato mat DW:tl-"y;. le']t ftlseh,, Dil,,s 'O. O'Ne|,, firttman llp-
'n sacs lewlllOt ]rofn April' ]5th to October tll contt the sl'e. " lln to win ¢catmtF bl. -- mnn y . intiCW; USN. son of Mrs. 'Shlr-
}¢ "di Ig tc Tar for the purpose of irri at Dated t_h!s 9tlLda.lary, 1959. nWa$ blem auitir ind D- rnngty |ly ,lamon f Maple ,Court, Shel-
• lit ;,o vble,said ae approximate pot ot'ui II A'tt ':- i e;ttlican' e| k - , ........
located w i of le of said Court tl'@0ty ]ri. 1-1 , .. _ , deyartdfrnm Alameda, Clif,
, th n Govt. L)t 1 ion C ,rk ......... ,
32, Township 21No.. lnge 2W.W.M., By: Irene MeGUlte, Deputy Congressman Russell._ speazmg, II8 Im
.... . .3 rd e "sur' cLr-LEWI s & CO EA was a much lt ear than
s to qluiet _ Any ..objections must be accompanied bpe.9..tpr tate ,Itnoc "° Vic Mevs fay the expected when ttKan. Econ li tt +h Tr . .... t W'lt ,. 'th,
It t file- *n Mason .0unty. R ,Mk was victorious over , Y , iier ilk.anger -fW it .tour of duty
lnl hewn oy a two €loller ($2.00) recoralng lee l. JUlll I . --- -r----- -= -- ---- 0 ' '' ........................... "-
)11 , lalm. a,d filed wlth the Stal;e Supervlsor of l,utb r,O m t i Imt in the third €ongrl-, ?n!to, P s, alouih some.at ,imt.
t, said water, Resources wit hln,tirty (30) SeJton. Washllgton ............ Imml distrlct of IngWn. DI- i,w m pr.e.s ye,re, dldot The attack carrier has been
llIPlEN & IrL II s' 0am- aavtn[rOm jftar hSoS?hclal seal SmAL " ' 1/15--29-z/5 ,t octs Wire eledt1 to Ill oilier .m p le ex!t :which was ie- 0oeratlng out of Alameda where
'raey s f _YNN. this 31t day'of December, 198. No. S county offices with the exception Olyl:a. at the. ena of 1957: ie arvt last Augtmt after com-
:ce aa¢l,,fllcnetiffe. M.G. WALKER NOTICE, OF H_.!ARIN,GI_NAL of auditor and clerk..Jug Potter ,.2:vr.IPq;,te #t!o,,t tnnapPy'is:[Pleting a 17,000 mile trip from
Rust Addz ess
ininloma I 'lllg . ' : State Supervisor of REOT..AND.I['iN was re-elected sheriff; "Byron Mc- P or zlioi 'WltS 'the'passing O li¢oi/olk Va around South Amer-
, 01,, T , aihgto n waer ixesources - aa.* .... ,, . 'SO 2Tt of the a'S 0U "" ' ' ' *
" 1-2/5 4t SEAL 1/15-22 21 IN THE s_ERIOR CO U O' TH Clanahan.,, ,olmcutin stt0rne,, mrni e tstandlng[Ica and Cpe Horn.
----'-----77--...--.-'-- SA.. O^,,,WyAIHINON FOR Jonn COle, reuurer; John ]rtk- -.'J? ....... 1 The Ranger was commissioned
...... _o, ' ........... muz p .._ok_te ` man, county cbmmiUloner; 'ald, ,..'oum 4ae a oetter arin Ausr 10, 1917 at the Norfolk
NIbTICE TO cllEllll'l'llSlli 14n l-r um # t ' .... t ? ' ..... " ' " •
DI'IPO]AIt IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE In the Matter of the Estate of MAR- Willis Burntt, county Seaor. e..8 ,jeOmolnlOIMly,. since the[avxl Shipyard, Portsmouth, Va.
TJI.T OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR SHALL C, ME__C_U_M_,Bye.. . Democrat Roy Riixsr w rx ,I q!.s L'Ing trough0ut[he is the first of the Forestal-
NO'PeN IOR MASON COUNTY NOTICE IS HElen G, N that elected as a state representative tile country has been upward in l tVe aircraft carriers to be as-
.ate of EARL In the ' Matter. of the Estate of RA W. MELCIM, as executrix of the recent months The corn ' .... "
JAMES A. HOWARTH JR DeCeased Estate of Marshall C..Melcum, has f.rom the ,.24th legislative distrt h ...... :'' - muitY[lgned to duty With the Pacific
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that fled 'in the office el me Clerk of alollg with tWo ther uemo as, aso naa time to maze the l$1eet.
' GIVEN that I*'n)a S. Howarth has been .appointed said Court her •Final. Repotkannd Pe- Paul Conner and :Dr J L Mdo..mry adJustment which :the i
a.Ppointed and aria.has qualified as Executrix of said titlon for DtStV,Duton. .as g.. the - ,^,, ,-- ,a," .-_:,-- closure of the W,,,,io,. ,.1, ,,,.,_ ,. i . ,
Utrtx of m.id estate• that all ner ms havin elaims cour to settle sale eport Clletrinute sa, IlJtll &.¢|il -UI .liCl$. -----,,, s*s41 *sita|ltflb tlXli [ ]III€ItW
hvlag clal ns ' . s( _ t .... ..... ,,
re hel;eby :... agatns_t the deceased are hereby re- the property to the personf, thereto Bill Gcodputw was elected __ ary. . It,; ........ '-
me duly veri- ique-t°servp-the- same duly verified etitled_and•to dis cnajge sa execu- county superintendent of schools; THE COUNTY is in a be#ter|'lH ]l$llltoe lll[Je
the hecessry pneate Wltl the necessary rouen- trlx and that earn epor m, -tmon osllon
ers attached u) n the Executrix or will be heard on the 6th day of James Pauley, commimioner of.. . _ :to ce,195_ it was] WashingtOn Jan 15.ongress-
the Execut.ix her attorneY;. o°bert L. Snyder, at ruary. '1959, at 10:.00 A.lVl. at the (o:brf district 2 of the Port of Ihelt0n m o race s anit i915 wal't|!man,Rtumell ;V. i pdicted to-
L. Snyder, at their addresses hereinbetow stated and Room of the Pronate uepamment of and Earl Carr w re-elt,td to C. So, lets look forward told, that "Deatelat lflthn.t
0w Stated and r ' -- ......................................
er,with 'vr, of ue such claims to ether with proof of said Court at which time ant Place • ' a a
service with h irl of said Court any n .... Interested in sald ltale hls post as commissioner of dis- I .l. year in 19. The personal},will balance or come pretty close
r.: ortheSalddateOOln.tof "wi thi2a six .................................... months after the date of ma appear and file object|Gas thereto trlct 3 Of PL 3. ' c0nfnce $t:yone' in Masn],to' Imlanclng the bUdget during the
tne tltSt S CO "
't...this notim, w , r publication of this notice, to= and cntest .the _.an,. - - I THE VOTE in;Mason county ra unty Can ndlp ilake this come['colng year
All llilffiS IL 1-: Janizary 22 1959. All claims nqt DATED this ta aay o, ,#aauary, I ollli.. I.I.li. -.. ,, ....*. frUe ' / ".-,.,ff--'--'.- *-. -. +.* .
so presented and filed will be barred 1959 .... ,,,,. i,.... ,;i_ i. " • . [_ %aaa a
vllile barr,b RMA S HOWARTH RII 'Ut WaS h[l Ollii][ ........ - ....... m._ iINi4,DAg¢I Dule{ 'alMur,,
t ' xecutrtx .-- ] .'l.rk.lal,ll, e .... lYes.ritlti ee;lcordl,ln ri L',I'.IY " 41illdliOllll la'/*'W itt tlli:t tlliula,
Itou Box # lillj --'-- PUt2 '¢-"
_ ,,hel hlaton I*', i4tlII - I.'_tY' " Mi'lmlitioil " ',o I s m .'tili. r , avoided, will do .l..l'e
L. tTA¢tiii i llit I llttitlllll thlli pulalluy nigh vol Ipl'•.12ener. ae yetili,nav/Intm 'lmy -oiit miniP
u!!lld , fli / ........... I+,tb't ,.'" Ipaign wagl I i t!mIt li cla' "here, except|.tl 6# contiaUad lflation whloh
',, vo {l,:,P,__th,,l,°hrnaon e "t'e'a'ebvr'it{attve,20. Bl|t-[a:/ttidu& "r,ikiing prob-/:rail the living costs or all
1/22-29-2/5-12 4t SEAL 1/15-22-9-2/5 4t lative 202 was dereated here Dy a s. Americans. r
4th & Pine -- Paonage 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-41.74
Mornlng Worshlp 1.1100 a.m.
Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m.
. i i i i
=lilt, i ..... i I i i
. Hi, View All*saGe Ohur05
| Washington and J Streets
I Washington and J Streets -- Rev. Eugene .Breld
i Sunday School .................................................... 9:45 a,m.
I Morning Worship ................................................ 11:00 a.m.
I Evening lirvice .................................................. 7:30 p,m.
i Prayer Service .............................. Wednesday, 7:30 i5,m.
I "' ,' ' " .... i .... f, " " " 3, i : i 7 "-.Z "
.| 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash.
i ,Sunday Shool 9:30 a.m. chure 11 a.m.
| Wednesday evnlng testimony meetings 8 p.m.
I Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to
i 4 p.m. Men. & Frt. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45.
-, i | : " .
Seventh & Franklin Sis. J. Bernhard Brlthelm, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service 11 a.m.
Mid-week Service--Wed,, 7:00 p,m. Choir at '8 p.m.
i, II i
Sunday hol ............................................ 9:45 a.m.
MornliMI WoPlih{p ........................................ 11100 a.rn.
Evanelll ervioe ..................................... 7.00, .,m.
Praye.r Me, in0 ....................... Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
s,,L, oi ASmLY .0,"
130 Easi'Plne St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor
' 5
Sunday School .................................................................... 9.4. a.m.
(.lasses for All Ag .s
Morning Worship .................................................. ........ 11:00 a.m.
Christ s Ambassadors ................................................ 6:00 p m.
Evangeliic Service ......... : ........................................... 7:00 p.m.
Listen to Revivaltime, Sunday, 10:30 p.m., KIRA
'R ..... 'S B
9:15 a.m. Coffee time.
9 :0.:a.m. -- G U'est Speake r
Lynn Sherwood
"How You Out?"
10:00 a.m. Slbl Study.. i
"Speoial Plqvllege'"
Legal Publics.runs
Is t C.rHl'y That the flh)wing dv.-
rribed [:lnds, situated ill MIison Coua- ]
iy• Washington," will be offered for
lease on Friday, the 20tll day of Feb-
ruary, I959• at tqt O'clock a.m., m dilly saw the Mason County petted for the annual Seafair
-- IP alount of .aters or Island f,',,nl or .th,, .¢ou,'t .ous,.)[ hiMe:{{e Board of Commissioners, the Sports Car Race to be held here
<" I0 e " •ta ;econo ioot, (.lJullly [ pUbliC aacilut: tu tit. .
m i,l..xstlng rights c(nt nuo s ,, ' "-• '¢- ,,' ,r* 'f ( ).s less C(n ntv Assessor the County Ex- A1 .gllSt 2 and 3. Cars from all
jnd)i.,the Purpose of domestic in qumtitit:s not exceedmg uitc scc- tel2ston Agent\\;the Proseeutmg At- )ver the northwest are expected
'late re Protection; that the lion t¢, tniy Gnu person or cOnl)an'• tornev and this writer attend a to comnete in this race
l-Hh:. " innt of dlvn.sion is lo- E.i(.ii bidder will be ri,qu red to deposit ._ .. .- " 7•:..--- -L---::-- • - --:.2-=-.::.+. - ....... • -- --
<E %'" D Ots 79, 80, 81 83 'Blk ','certified check cerl ficatc t,l" d.posil l/IP('tlng in the Olllce ot tate .iA¥lJlf, I"]k moore re•andes
;i,, Surclands of Seet'ion 6' iavablc to tii,' ,2aunty Auditor, o!' La.n(1 Commissioner Bert Cole con- the char es a ainst City lttorne
__..: Cu' Range 3 W.W,M., !'affli. ,,quill in ainqunt._!o !lit+ .fJ'{]t cerning the state management of Ha,ten ags agpolitical smear il
, ' v 'al" l't'nll el so(',o (tits s tC - . .
...=[Jectione must be ac-o ....... - lni '.i'll ilia bid to,,'ethe with .$2 (t0 connty lands here The Mason tended to discredit the present city
O d % .lltiill "" •t , , g; ' ..... .
.--=l 7. ar ($2.f)) re(ording fee the slatotory fee for Isstltng a It, as.. county group favored the return commission.
ReUrJhf State :upervisyr N,J tmpr!>vements shall !,]n';.On f of cotlnty lands to local adminis- TIlE MONTH or Augnst got off
lU J witlltn ioirty i30) butte Lancis ixeept ny wl'iit' i" ." ,, • • . . .
O n an, 22 195.q ' . ...... + ,h,, . ........ issioner tiation. The county lands were to aflymg start with the big two-
,tL"do:,X naiad and official seal No lessee shall wltlmut tile writiqrl taken ()vet' by the state in 1936 day Seafair Race wlJlch was won
'["- a)ecenmer 1958 '.n,nt of the C)I*Hi sst )m.r renan because the state legislature felt by Tom Carstens of Tacoma drie-
St ALKER n l))Sses.n of the land el' lnll)iO( >- th ' ' '
...ate Sunet'vis.) ..... '> ." ........... L,,., e) collld be more affectively mg a Lister-Corvette and hitting
w4ater " " * • tlJC llll'nts all(q" in(, OXpll•at loll o tilt, l ,,. • . __
------------------Se.l Resources ........ ,1~8 managed by the state, a top speed of 145 MPH. ']:he
1;:: 2t 17,i!:?:a%NP<i:;!)ilil0i, r!Al!,71!il}, !is for a per,, d ,i ., r n> i!embiTiiit/a.fetctTi! !:Lie'bOs!u;;o ;nehSl;
,.ifTi'ii:: y,LlT's" could get revenue from their sale and the Northwest Sports Cal' As-
-]-'._,Ia OF TH I Tl/e'ie ale no inl,lrovements m the to private parties sociation who made money on the
: *t'i%JAi .J% • " " nd nfine ' •
"t:lY_ ....... ' Iland as of date ol • this lease a . The State Land Commissioner event
ne, I r_ ) will be permitted without tile Cam- agreed to look into the metter •
- ".419f :te .Eat ..... l inissloner s'consent ........ "- The Rayonler mployees Fed-
"-l'-(;°d " Aaplleation No 51943 ._u. ki.. acon was promoted 0 eral Credit Union expanded its
o--'-Y" q.. that WV2; S /E%; W 8%; Sec..4, ne• post oi executive vice-presi- operations to take in everyone in
J'nast,utrlx_ of thelTwp. 23 N• Range 3 W.; AreaL.p sent of the Simpson togging corn- lW ........ +,, "this was do-o i
,rl e ' ' Brush ICK s ,wIj , ,
, ha lied acres; Cltaracter of Land• " an
" . .'t ,urt ling' Minlmun Annual Rental: $2SS.00..P. Y." He had set¢ed as vice pres- order to keep the credit union op.
= a,tit-or Dis-I Lbase is fera period oI fh, e (5) enx ano general manager of.the erating since the closure of the
_tetecout e tOroetttlelyears. • .- impson Logging company since Rayonier mill hurt their buinese.
..., l)er.y[ There are no tmp-ovemens on the 1953 v* * ....... , • .... c,t* ,..i-.
., -executors• and that 1 .............. ....... ....... ' ' rial .McuIa was a omteci to
torsc an dt sad/wlll be oernitted w tilout the Con*- _ , ry PP . in the country ,that embraces a
lati_ nlId °lmlssioner:s consent. ..• lacon•s zormer, position with the whole county.
e_(urt--(o' of' the I This area wui be put up for puDne company orgamzatlon. ] a anie. €--est fire th,,.
at of a.(d')urt alaucthm leasing at ttm termination of The Raynor cervera,ion has pro - :. "''t=". ":: .7 . ." ....
al).e jljly- "' ithis has ......... "- • - mites nortn oz nelton oescroyeo
-, .v #e son in- , • . testes their ibS county tax as- " .
'_:WduTm r' ...o. I Application No. 51S4 ...... 1250 acres of timber on land owned
--- o th--eto'an 2¢tl NW: of Sec 9 Twp 23 N Range sessment Tne company pmns to ............. ,,_. ........
UJanu: 199 I L'WI':'- A,!:j i0ckaCc:S.MiChia:,t,.rAn. li:net oltthhiTiLbaTl:rd f: company :lle state..0d...liash
iY ..... /nuai cemal: $96.00. . ...... +..+ ..... l ington. It qast, d for mree days
' il :x:REaia Court /.7.se m ]or a perioa el live ta, -..,. ..... • ...... I bef0rb it was brought under coin-
f , ¢, .s. : uay in tne mann oz duly i
or-i,s*ae I Tl.,re are no improvements on the hera in qu ..... coil hn the I P lete control• ,
• u land as of date of this lease aria none ............ ,o . .......... .- War M
/will be permitted Without the Commis- news of the pasai,g of larles R{ la 1 he futute O f. th e -- emOll>]
lllion --1/i-15-22 o +/iner's consent. Lewis was amioUnced :M:r iwlllilUUliing as ,blougnt lip .it it
:.l ....... "" "" / This area will be offered for public hd kthl.a t ...... ;.,o.....,aal mth held ?lil dn list ,
..''ll. .... No. till lauction leasing at the termination el ................ €" ............. :-';'1 ,l .. :. ,'A.^, ÷ .,•
.O .v[C R ", ,a___ " I thir l,,,.e year career in law and commun- '' '-:€ ,,, o,,¢,,,,,, ,.., ',,,m,a
flstr'S-tSliC,,g;.._IT_OS I ......... Annlleatiaa No 5S0S0 i't ..... i,, i, -o"*,, vl was iCounty Board of Commiatflonera
RC(UTrOF THE I All of Sec 36 Twp 23 N Range .1. ,. . ...... , and the veterans anizations in
s U lr(TON FOR ' ' ' ' '' • .... ,,, ,,,s,, • ,, _ everyone or@
ititio NTy O 4 W.. Area: 640 acres; Character of . . J , ,.
:b:!f:- - - Land: Brusil Picking" Minimum An-m the county and his final rites Shl.ton. I.. county wan..tl to
lat ot MIL- nual Rental" $82000 ' at St David' lnismnal church rm nseiz o .the responssou#ty ot
,ea;. . I Lease, ,s for a per,od of five (5) drew an ove, ...... d He]the huildiag and the city is inter
otll, e ha8 n , ;-nar tne years. "" ............
a°'Pi4'ed and I There are no imDrovements on the passed away while on btminess at le, ted in acquiring more space for
of __lUlr erstoe above land as of date of his lease and none the state capitol in Olympia. I °trices.
' -- i=a.imai eracns nay- , will be p,'rmitted without the C0nunis- ql x*,,emU, h,, ,,,4-er wa The month 0f Septemlaer Igdt
• Ul sal(l deeased are siouer's consent. . . --" ", ...-.a .......... started unha il when ; i haft
s arv,:t aane, I Subject to easement tar right of ther has caused one of the worst .... t ppy ._ R .... .
.... ' tgxecutor or ms way for state road acquired through fire hazards here in the last 501 arun a -year.ola -I0rtiu
, e asuaarcel, a"f.. - starers off- the filing of State Road Plat Nos • ..... Idra car drivar lnat his'l W1
ot sai lie t:e came with 203 & 735 "' ' -I:" . , - rr.
t get her with Sable,., ', ........ t € ..... h, ,f CITY COMMISIONTIII Joe the transmmsion exploded in his
' si e " ......... • , •
:./ttbl . At3rut:f,iX'li;,'l,'!d,. Simpson asked for the-dismmsall eat while competing m a race at
"' I/I"I: tlce'ortlraPe will g Sub:'e(" "- pplation N 9. 99:: of City Attorney C T Hatten be- the Shelton irport.
'r'o, ....... J t tv easement mr r*gnt el way ..... ' ," • •" i COUNTY PROSECUTING At
Zirst'Dublicatian _to,,, -r. f0r access road heretofor granted tin- cause el nm auegeu association[. ,. ...... "
--,a anuary ia Re, A )licatzon No 19969 torney yron Mculananan was in
==,l{t3.:.:"'.'a anu " , . Pt " ' • . with members of the communist l
]raP-WARD T ,v,,, -me attached clauses apply to all of na,.tv htl#a na+ic¢ lo,,r in . I formed bv letter from the West-
] # WZ._.C TPMEL the abovo applleatio,, r-'.: ...... r" ......... ..... ">'"I.--. .... ". ........... .{ .........
|,[orlstae " The lessee will be permitted to liar- attue. ',' ...... v,,-, ,,, .........
-nt.ldm vest. evergreen b*'ush from th said Hatten dend the ehages and l c°nsensus of opinion of three doe-
"' Washln'','' lass, Out will not be permitted to re- ,,ro ,,nnftt.tad in hi, ¢itttexn salters at that institution that V[rs;
----a.uu = move any evergreen trees, such as ........ rr ............ - ........
]2-29 3t Christmas trees. Any trees and/or the matter by commissioner W. F.[Cre.ech was not able to enter an In-
^No 3014 reproduction damed, b: the lessee McCann, Mayor Moore was out [telngent plea on the a.narg, of ffl'st
JF FJt ..... u(emeu y tne tae o he, excessive of town at the time the charge[deg tee nurser agams ner a
R,[}__,Dm'IGpETITIONFINAL el 'the unaeeessarYlessee, "t,shaH be pa,d fez by made that sh was mentally irrespon-
te S " IaigIBUTION "'" . ' " " a-- •as.d " " [
sible.--- at isle the nm i e was
i=n LrIIoR COUIm m mv_v •alue deter!t;ll}e.d by the. State ' A crowd of 10,000 fans is ex-
lii*o , ll. ---- v. l. xll.a rne lessee snail nave In nil posses- ! ' "
WASHINGT . - - . .... A big flood control meeting wa
ttclLl . C)UNTy ON FOR start wllen workmg on the leased area ' T . .r. --.o .,_ ''" '--:-- *-^ '--* *"e" - --
(l_ - oetw(,en A'-ril 15 -n ..... S liIOllli.I Pllillllglds.iGllrlllrltli lllu IAllJl.'lil{i LIAI Ill'fit ll'Vl I% ill Iilllt*i
--. afltdr of the'e! ........ each year, the following tire protection tember at thte Middle Skokomish
,, [eceaseate oz ISA- equipment: ........... CALL FOR BIDS sChoOl to gain support for the el-
7 8 ° S CoBY GIVEN that Xdeetmgastat3ea?n ms. with _Mary. MoKnigh Sch/)ol fDis,:ict N. tablishment of flood control mea-
• as executor of ll ('alia ' "al tl nlclS i )r [n a . •
of Iea e ' 1 shovel--LHRP or SHRP ' • ..... lures in that area
[c,€ .b.lla Sc)tt hn_ ftb, d 1 ..a...'--. - ot It 1948. 34 passenger Ct,,.vrolet bus ..... • .....
.._ . le.. ne Clerk of eaid'C'otllt .iz¢ .jye nee .... to be opem,d February 11, 1959 at 8 The montn oz uc[ooer saw oocn
u.$ t ad P_etitlon for :Dis-: can fi('aYaalelti, acK pae pump o.sx..k " P.M. . .... the city and the county in a fi-
e • " the (-o " " ...... "1"110 D )al'U l'eerves the *'get [O re- • • •
Oil. lt, dst,.i..,, art to settle The, lessee .shall contact the District ,.,, A ........ ,, '." nancial pinch concerning their
lnl[ s r= the{t'eenne P"°P2rt] Ad,,,!nistrato,: and arrange h) rev c.w J"(li¢i"vi(i bl; 7(,c;: red at the honie 1959 budgets. The county had to
-:u e " -,:¢u azzu tu lne lease l)rlor [0 ally WOrK On the . , • ,- -
ret Id ,,xpcutorLand that said area of th, ¢leik. --. slash $46,000 from their proposed
ds titlOlt Will be heard on i ie'r ' Mrs wayne .v,rs • "
Y of .... , zodi( cheeks of th. leased azea .. : .... ,.. budget and the city about $20,000
• " eoruar i = ." . . .. ' " . z.t, ut, a. ±oX ',,s
t., the Court Yom 959' t] t eiall.h,:..n}ad.th. °ugh°at the tnue the Ehna, Washingt,m in order to keep out of the red.
m nent of said Our* at ':.2h ..... c,. .... , All bids must be in Sly 14 00 P M, Jk eneral demand for more flay-
- . ....':""- mace an ..... =r .*,. .- ,,aus are to oe maintainer in Fehr.a,,v ] 1 199 - - • - - '.
llIL llCl y person Inter ood eO l •"
$ ^- tate ..... ::--- 7 g nd'tion throughout the terln // ,- vn, Evers PlePt ernmem: servlees ana a reouctlon
o -as t ,,,a appear anu of the h.ase 'm . ., . .s ........... ..c ............. ,
)W hereto and contest the .... d shall b h,tt m as 1/22-TJ 2t In the countys valuation for 1959
DI t- this 3al
;5)0 day of January,
COR said Court
'tot "-
, 'as. n. Street
u', I -22-29 4t
)v o. i -
n'. l IUll..^_ ULICATION
' osnd and wife,_.._
I , Plain:lza.
' "': OZT LAND A"" --
all ' ' 'l O,NY I
FUli' l fi , NC. (de
en,.eet stockholders or
:nk..n:,,=.,,, z nere0f.. , together,
ITllt lii:;,, neu.s, and WIL-
",f ill. a_ JANE DOE
Sli-Vi_r their unknown
--,s • v'--_ ALANEy BROWN
t Wlllr,¥ TIJCH a d their
ll' , n .
,or li7 of _.y other u--
[t'in'l: Ith all w. MALANEY,
> " . ut[ler
;!aown C' ..... Persons and
Paint here-
to the said
fact()) and
or associate
his wife,
good or bette'r condition as they were
at the time of Issuance of the lease.
Note: Lessee must be a citizen of
No. 3077
In the Matter' of the Guardianship
of the Person and Estate of IRENE
conU:etent Person,
•tters of Guardianship in the above
entitled matter 'ere granted to the
undersigned on the 16th day of Janu-
ary 1959 by said Superior dourt.
all persona havtg claims against the
said person or her estate are required
to serve tbem wlth necessary vouchers
upon the Guardian for said person axld
estate or upon the attorney of recoi'd
for said Guardian, B. Franklin Heus-
ton, Angle Building. Shelton, Washlngo
ton. being the place designed for the
transaction of the business of said
guardianship, ad file the same with
the Clerk of said Court, together with
proof of service, within 6 months after
the firs publication of this notice, to-
wit: 22 January 1959, or said claims
will be forever barred•
Guardtam of the Pera0n an
Ytatte of Irene Lewis Willtams
Sbelton. Wash.
1/22-29-2/5-12 4t
NoT,00 • 00NAL
(Iu Prblte)
In the Mailer
]tate of NNRVE O.
In the
the United States ur have declared, in
good faith, his intention to become
such.--Chapter 50. Laws 1921.
• The above described lands will be
leased, subject to all the terms, condi-
th)ns and reservations of the statutes
now provided for the leasing of School
and Granted lauds.
NOTE•Receipts for deposits made
th applications to lease may be used
applicant only, aa cash on date of
Witness my hand and seal of office
affixed this 6th day of January. 1959.
State of ashington• County of Thurao
ton. ss.
Commissioner of Public Lands
of the State of Washington.
BEAL 1/22 It
No. 3S
(In Probate)
In the Matter of thd Estate of ELIZ-
ABETH C. BIH,,-Deceased.
the undersigned as been appoiated
and has qualified as the Administra-
tor Of the'Estate of Elfzttbeth C. :Blehl,
deceased, that all persons having claims
against said eoeaed are hereby re-
quired to serve the same, dilly veri-
fied, on the underslwed Arthur O.
'Biehl or his attorneys of recold at the
address below stated and file the
same with the Clerk of the said court,
together with proo of atmh ervtee
within six luonths after the date of
first publication of this otica o the
salne will be barred.
Attorney for Estate
Office and Post Office Address
Bell Bldg. 121 South 4th Stelt
Shelton. rashigton 1/15-29-$/5 t
settle said
were said to be the cause of the
trouble by city and county gov-
ernment officials.
George Templeton, a 25-year-old
ex-inmate of a California mental
institution, was arrested in Renton
for criminally assaulting a local
womafi six miles northeast of Shel-
tOn. Later he confessed to attack-
ing nine morewomen in the north'-
west.in rcent' weeks. Templeton
all other
"lien or
In the
slightly letter than two to one
TH 'OWIA City Light com-
pany offered to give a 100-acre
tract of land in the,Lake Cushman
area for the estabilshment of a
new btate park. Phe State Park
Commission gave its formal ap-
proval for the new park.
#i'he 1958 Christmas tree crop in
!V[ason county looks favorable de-
spite an extremely hot ummer
which caused some damage to the
trees. •The fall rains fortunately
helped to reduce 'this damage and
the crop this year should be about
the same as last year. The mar-
ket for tres alSo appears to be
about the same as last year. Ma-
son county ships about one million
trees to various western states
each year.
ANIII D note In 1958
was the .Kic death of Arthur
"Walton ,was kilh:l in an adto-
mobile aoolent On .NOvimbsr ,16
on a business trip to Portland•
Walton "was the head of the re-
search department of the Simpson
Logging company and was recog-
nized as one of the top men in the
field of Wood products research in'
the nation. He was also very act-
ire tn local communitY affairs.
Walton 'was born in 'Seattle and
raised in She|ton. He had been
with the Simpson company since
The city of Sheltpn "passed a
motion to hire the service of Har-
,lan,Nelm associates .of <Port-
land to make a comprehensive
plan of the tqWn. ,T,e coat of this
project will ,im ,$2500 :'f0: ;+prelim-
inary examlnatian.
• U. S. @IN)OI rl MUIt of
South Dakota threw.the sw[ch at
the al ..Christmas tree ight-
ing prgam "hslfl on the p0 of-
'flee lan on the evenirK of No-
.vember 28. BCnatr .]Ctmdt has
,visited Mason ,cqnty :marS": times
in the pt. rile ldtsr tave a
'peeeh it the ,Junio hh aool on
that 'date. - .
Novemb also saw ,llm cry of
Sheln ,'loile atler .off,tending
mem,er Of "the cornmMty when
,Ejl .,,Cal'ri,paIsed :ay at his
home. He ad,, <reeeatly been
'elected to h lst as 'commiaMon-
/er Of 4U '8 'lfhd was One ef the
'molt 'inrmed men in the state
of Valhin on tll aubj!ct of
ptiic" pbwer.
Ed Taylor, an oyster grower
from Kamllche, was named to suc-
ceed Cart on the {'board of com-
The heavy raln In early De-
cember flooded parts of the Sko-
komish valley. The "relatively
Warm weather for early Decem-
ber .melting anew in the nmun-
tains also was a factor in the
flo60et conitl0ns.
The Mason county health dis-
trict asked the county commission
for the right to control the gar-
bage dumps in this area. Garbage
dumping has been , big problem
in the county for a long,time and
the commissioners Were more than
happy to.see someorie else take it
off their hands.
Three men were Jailed in Mason
county for stealing .40t) Christmas
trees eight miles north of Shelton.
All three were held on $2000 bail
in the county Jail.
The city of Shelton found itself
the subjdct of a TV show "from
KOMO-TV in Seattle Saturday af-
ternoon, Dec. 13.
Harry Elmlund was elected the
new head of the Democratic par-
ty. in Mason county.
The Simpson lnsulati, board
plant is underg01ng'iniprSveinents
to increase the production of the
Mason unty a/hall ,fry are vis-
iting with Claus at ,his he,me on
Pa e 17
the post office lawn on Fridays
also had a considerable sum of and Saturdays.
money with him when, arrestetl anil DIOK 8OUIil[E ws chosen
admitted the'brglary of a grocery the new head 0f the Shelton Chem.
her of Commerce
store in Everett. He was held on,. Hood -' :=-'-- e ...... nn
$100 000 bail , ' oovp,c 'u/ i' s ,O,vu
'r, "'N ER ............... e } loan from the'Rd'ral Electrlfictinn
t-i ,nl -IJ.l t" nt Dy tAl i A:lhi/t4it+t-'ii. '
Exceltional Foresters to secure .,,_ _ _ ..''* . . _ _ ._
........ .... l.ern ter was ele0tea the new
unos or toelr program, to nesp hZ_ ...... -- .......
te mentally retarded children of J n___ °r tejeplwX party m
t o on CO nt
the Iocaliy drew 175 people .... wh lV.-. °- E, mont¥" NrO; Ste As-
paid three dolllr a plate for'e I sOJ,_ litl, ..... ....
dinner: " i au:tcton OY ounty ommtesloners
, The Shelton City CommiMi sackinga,, m°xe to trIvce
began a program of sldewalk |m- .i&Wm Jl II :H9 itite l#dlis-
iatmge which Wou xrn ette
proyements between first and see- mrtged ;%la in :tile cottn-
tls aek ottnty, .pwnlhip.
'ti'ture It would meas at least a
enth and Cita and Blrc-which
they hope eventualy'w|ll.;embrace
the Whole city. The city agreed
to make minor.impr0vemens free
Of h:ay'e but Will bill the 4rop:
rty owner for major repairs g
he does not have them complete[
on his own. The city estimates thttt
thee re about 5,000 feet of uno
lVed sidewalk 4n the area men-
It is expected that the general
election of NQmber r4 will r.w
a lar' turnbut of 6ters hce
plitical activity in recent week
t, .
The resu|ts of the general elec-
tion dominated the front page
Fellowship Dinner
Planned by Mt.
Olive Lutheran
There wil be a fellowship sup-
I __
,: , Phllne tlA 6-3101
Sunday sohool ti'l(I adult I:Tlit)ls
classes are ilel(I e,:lch [.i)rd'. Day
i beginning at 9:,t5 a.nl. f¢){lwed hy
............................................................................... 1he Ill oFnill • %VOl'Ship 'il 10:5.5•
Nl.lrsery services art, avuihlble for
per at the Mt. Olive Lutheran par- Local Church those witi little toi,. Sunday yes.
ish. hall Suziday eveil!ng at 6!00, ...... pel • services are ileld ai 7 p.nl.
ano all menloers ano {nelr Iamines ' • ' • .
............... l:nc.el Maatlner S Sunday. t,>ll,/wlll th<" l,.,rn,*
are invites to arlene, it wit ve a x+a%#p ,a as, worshin" " ")otlnc dinner w II I)
er . . . (x [.
potluck sup p and the.ladls ale The King's Messengers musical held f(n' the menibers of the (!on-
asKeR to bring tneir olsnes to the • . . , ...
." ........... ".. evangelists, will be the guest ar- gregatmn, eciebratmg the tlih
pat'lSll llali..D D:3U• Stecla!. rec- tists at "a series of special meet- unnivei'sary of the 1,cal cilurch.
ogn.luon Wlll De given ,o all tile ings to be held in tlle Mt. View Eiders, (h:ltcoris and de:lconesst,,q
otIlc ers•oI tne•congregauon•-l]WO Alliance church here on Tttesdav, v,•ill meet f(dlowing the vesper
Inovie alms win oe snown onrmg Feb. 3 through Sunday, Feb. 8, service at 8 p.m.
[ne evenmg .... 2 - • -- .... a .... anal " ,
" aL "/:J0 p.n'l. '1'11o LI},CII(,S £VIIHSI 'V (1'( lip
Sunday school and Bible classes The best in Gospel music is their met in the home of Mrs. Ed Beg-
for all age groups at 9:45, and .to1., ., ith.,, ,,e hlslley tel tnission study Colegio Bib-
worship service at 11100 Sunday• two family evangelistic team spar-I lice" and eleellon of ofiic.ers,
We help sponsor the Lutheran a ' ) i io of I Wednesday ewming lhe midweek
, kits with a r re c(g b nat n ............
Hour and 'This Is The Life" on varied abilities Red Lind¢,uist'slBibh study will be tu,l(I a,t 7:30
radio and TV every Sunday. [cu'iginal g)spei'cartoons are'wide - {pAn. Bring your Bible an(t sh:tt'e
The ahllt membership class [lv recomized for their anneal to]in this time.
meets, on Monday evening at 8 00; yotmg and old alike, Lin Lind-I A preachmg ra!ly will bl; held
the high school class on Wednes-[qui:t's personal testimony entitled/fr°m 10 a.m. until 4 p.!n. in the
says at 3:45; and the junior con-["Forty-Eight Hours to "Live," is lMcKinley Christian ctnlrCh, Olyrn-
flrmatipn class at 9:00 a.m, on a modern miracle story of faith]P is, this Saturday,
Satflrday mornings, {and newer of braver The chal-{ Sequoyah Dawes, representative
• len in as el "messa 'el of the of Coleglo Biblico will speak an(]
GTuhp wilUmgeetMr.iit:y 7°:nPi;ILinngqitgstgbrPthers are nriched by l sh°wTs]jde:s of the coIlege, Sun-
in the parish hall at 8:00. All l experiences as pastor youth dN tRaY,, ieo. a.. _ , ....
le " " rector and eha lain the annual "Dare 'euowship'
young coup s are invited to at- - P • t ....... .... .....
_a ........... lwin De nelo_ at I UI:I eltle it)r
uvm. Marvel an(l aoml team With i e i( , -.L ; : ..= '< . 7.'
The choir meets for regular re-Itheir husbands in presenting a va-{ s n n yotn 'eo. zo ,uta zi.
hearsal on Thursday evenings at ried ,program of vocal and instru-(seldo, ;:-e-=-oL[ , =,,,=oo
e " " si -- ' fe " res in ...... ........ ,.s ,,..o•-
8"00 mntai mu c Tnen" atl • ' Dll - •" " "
' ' -a•r o brin" - -ettable lis i ' nKlng lO another man's
The,Lutheran Women's Mission- n m ny g unroijg , .-[
ary ,League will meet next Tats- ning delight.' The. high, •Tlality/-]----.--..--- ....
'd&y evening= in t__ha _arishn hnll nti orners ,stone reeormngs wni ,lear ..1' ' '"' ' .,
800 tin. out. r I__ . -- --I ---- _ I
'ltioly Communion will be celt-ViD v' Eugeie Btrlld ofa::eln/ts II Semi vids Uhur0h I
• -a'ed-xt "-d-'"--r ....... ' e Allianc c urcn t e. i, I
• i ,l. ur* y n* nil:il, relt;- . • " " i "
:isttton on turdav in the{ that the.pubhc is cordially invited [I (Ep scopal) |
church office. -- ....... [ attenl these 'meetingsto hear[I 4th & Cedar Streets ]
..... i me ing's vtessengers m neir!i ..... = . . I
Hev Hooert uonner .cnoIs,
v ,t T* lunf0rgettable program of music[] ' !
+t00ya00y 00inner land 00oss;go _ II V,car I
oy_00 m000000urllay ]A(lveiltlStS llan II 9'00 a m Holy Communhm• I
l'aith Lutheran will have its an- ,,,. . . ,. • II " " • _ ..... |
nual loyalty dinner on SaturdaYl WeeKlY gei'ves tl 9:5 a.m. nurcn :,,ool. I
night of this week beginning at ' i i ," r
'6"30 nm at'the Armor, A ham I The midweek prayer service willji 11:00 a.m. Mo'nng t ayer and i
inne'win be served by"/he ladies [he held Wednesday evening 7:30 II Se,'.mon. "The [.if,, of Salnt I
'of Mount Olive Lutheran chuchtP m' va.tor Shankel continues the II aul." I
"to all - studies from the Word of God J' ..... "
• Re, rvations are requested[ ............................................... .=
o later than Phursdav nirht The[ Bible SChOOl win De nero at 9:30|.,
nroram will h .... ,I,,. +h 1::oao. ia.m. (Saturdays) with classes for/I
llin of -our stewardshin commit-tall ages. Worship service wlll start II [feel Fllhill
:tee ...... {at 11 o'clock. Prof. Jan S. Doward {| /llili Uillillillllu
• of Olympia formerly of Shelton
The Sunday morntng worship I • " '
-rvi - --' ....... wl,1 he speaking..e is author of,,
se ce is nela a ll:t eacn un- I the book "Cloud Country" based 11 "
day. The Sunday school and adult I on our own Ol"---ic Moun'ai-s New Testament Christianity*
Bible classes meet at 9:30. land has an artePin the ebru:/] Lewis E. Whitney, Minister
The senlor choir of the church lary "Signs of the Times." , || -
wfl .particate in the Communi- There will be a meeting of the I[ Odd Fellows Hall
y tnolr Oncert. naay az.ter- deacons and elders of the church [I ............
noon at :llu at the nelton Jun- .+ m n I o.v,u .n,-,-. i
tot ........
high aduitorium. The public .......... {| Bible School 9 45 a m
_si ...... ln invited. .... l=ilDle. ues[lons. . AnswereR'. can : • .
--e ...... be heard Jan. 25 over radio KOMO I Church Servlces 11:00 a,m,
Tn L,utner ague invites the at 9'30 am on "The Voice o£ II ........ ;
ano • uu pm to u uo pm
youth of the church to a game PPonhav ''• ' , ' ]| : " " : " " i
tgh Sunday night. Meet at the ' | , .... ,
church at 6:30. - y-----2 '----7V=---,
On Tuesday at 6:30, the junior lllllllillll Ili,llllllllllilllll ii,ldl
youth eass meets in the church 'l=llllil il[llllll/lll 'i=llm
.parlors, followed hy the adult In- irlltll illli-II@/ unuflvn
struction class at 8:00 p.m.
'On Wedney at 7 p.m., the 5th & Cots Rev. E. C, Knautz, Pastor
midweek service continues its Bi- u,ry .a,,,ov o
ble study on "Wltnessing to the ,, ,,-r. , ,,,, .... ',
.Defeated Christian with the 9:45 a,m. Sunday Sohool.
Word.' At 8:00 the senior,choir 11100 a.m. Morning WorShip.
[_leheares t, s . a 3:30 after.school. In 6:00 p.m. Youth Group. Four Departments
tne venlng az p.m. zne annual . ' , ,,
btinees meeting of the congrega 7:00 p.m. 17-Mm. Color fllm LIGHT FROM HEAVEN.
tion will be held to which all vet- Message
tng me,tubers should come. This "A New Experience"
ii i I r i [
meeting will deal with reports and
elections. Another meeting will fol-
low In February to consider rec-
ommendations and goals for the
year. o
• Remember the appearance o
the Augsburg College concert band
m February 6 ate8 p.m. in the
helton junior high auditorium.
TiCkets are available at the church
office arid< from the members of
the church•
• "file vital importance of having
strong, spiritual foundation will
he stressed at. Christian Science
services Suaday.
Kenotg the Lesson- Sermon
htit|ed "'ruth" is the Golden
2ext fi'0m Detitr0nomy (32:3, 4) :
'Jrtbe ye greaess unto our
{led. ":He Is the RoCk, his work is
bit; .for al his ays are Ju¢Ig-
ient:" a God of truth....and wlthout,,
iiquity, U'st and right is he.
From qS0ience '.and Health with
ey to the Scrlltures" by Mary
ker Eddy Will b e,.read'the f0f
wing (48118-9) : Through spiri
tal aerme 6nlY, man comprehends
ahd Idves Deity."
:Scriptural selections to be read
Icltll the fllotng (iglms
$:i0, '31): "As for G0d, his way
perfect: tla word Of the Lord
trod: he isbuckler to all those
t .gt ist in him. For who isGod
i ,re tNe ,Lord? or Who is a rock
i ,ve Our 01met ?"
TE OF AS T N, F er to the persons
l SUPERSg AT I. arn to the Journal in the first week .... .... .... ..
OLYMPIA that said November with democratic car naa some of /lllll :ilil/illit
[I.E: That heard .on ...... dates bein- elected to ti w,t,. g d Lm mwws m
I8 filed I for of the Probate Department .of said tty of county offices. " ...... g tf ila, 'itlilmll-
ermit to divert'the pu] Ot Court. at which time ana place any C. NOt, AN lga¢ll nM Har I ,e (Igy be lllUilill II%11
,, at their #epeocrfL.keublecttho at e 01 alTsltedobct:lnd,h-tato mat DW:tl-"y;. le']t ftlseh,, Dil,,s 'O. O'Ne|,, firttman llp-
'n sacs lewlllOt ]rofn April' ]5th to October tll contt the sl'e. " lln to win ¢catmtF bl. -- mnn y . intiCW; USN. son of Mrs. 'Shlr-
}¢ "di Ig tc Tar for the purpose of irri at Dated t_h!s 9tlLda.lary, 1959. nWa$ blem auitir ind D- rnngty |ly ,lamon f Maple ,Court, Shel-
• lit ;,o vble,said ae approximate pot ot'ui II A'tt ':- i e;ttlican' e| k - , ........
located w i of le of said Court tl'@0ty ]ri. 1-1 , .. _ , deyartdfrnm Alameda, Clif,
, th n Govt. L)t 1 ion C ,rk ......... ,
32, Township 21No.. lnge 2W.W.M., By: Irene MeGUlte, Deputy Congressman Russell._ speazmg, II8 Im
.... . .3 rd e "sur' cLr-LEWI s & CO EA was a much lt ear than
s to qluiet _ Any ..objections must be accompanied bpe.9..tpr tate ,Itnoc "° Vic Mevs fay the expected when ttKan. Econ li tt +h Tr . .... t W'lt ,. 'th,
It t file- *n Mason .0unty. R ,Mk was victorious over , Y , iier ilk.anger -fW it .tour of duty
lnl hewn oy a two €loller ($2.00) recoralng lee l. JUlll I . --- -r----- -= -- ---- 0 ' '' ........................... "-
)11 , lalm. a,d filed wlth the Stal;e Supervlsor of l,utb r,O m t i Imt in the third €ongrl-, ?n!to, P s, alouih some.at ,imt.
t, said water, Resources wit hln,tirty (30) SeJton. Washllgton ............ Imml distrlct of IngWn. DI- i,w m pr.e.s ye,re, dldot The attack carrier has been
llIPlEN & IrL II s' 0am- aavtn[rOm jftar hSoS?hclal seal SmAL " ' 1/15--29-z/5 ,t octs Wire eledt1 to Ill oilier .m p le ex!t :which was ie- 0oeratlng out of Alameda where
'raey s f _YNN. this 31t day'of December, 198. No. S county offices with the exception Olyl:a. at the. ena of 1957: ie arvt last Augtmt after com-
:ce aa¢l,,fllcnetiffe. M.G. WALKER NOTICE, OF H_.!ARIN,GI_NAL of auditor and clerk..Jug Potter ,.2:vr.IPq;,te #t!o,,t tnnapPy'is:[Pleting a 17,000 mile trip from
Rust Addz ess
ininloma I 'lllg . ' : State Supervisor of REOT..AND.I['iN was re-elected sheriff; "Byron Mc- P or zlioi 'WltS 'the'passing O li¢oi/olk Va around South Amer-
, 01,, T , aihgto n waer ixesources - aa.* .... ,, . 'SO 2Tt of the a'S 0U "" ' ' ' *
" 1-2/5 4t SEAL 1/15-22 21 IN THE s_ERIOR CO U O' TH Clanahan.,, ,olmcutin stt0rne,, mrni e tstandlng[Ica and Cpe Horn.
----'-----77--...--.-'-- SA.. O^,,,WyAIHINON FOR Jonn COle, reuurer; John ]rtk- -.'J? ....... 1 The Ranger was commissioned
...... _o, ' ........... muz p .._ok_te ` man, county cbmmiUloner; 'ald, ,..'oum 4ae a oetter arin Ausr 10, 1917 at the Norfolk
NIbTICE TO cllEllll'l'llSlli 14n l-r um # t ' .... t ? ' ..... " ' " •
DI'IPO]AIt IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE In the Matter of the Estate of MAR- Willis Burntt, county Seaor. e..8 ,jeOmolnlOIMly,. since the[avxl Shipyard, Portsmouth, Va.
TJI.T OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR SHALL C, ME__C_U_M_,Bye.. . Democrat Roy Riixsr w rx ,I q!.s L'Ing trough0ut[he is the first of the Forestal-
NO'PeN IOR MASON COUNTY NOTICE IS HElen G, N that elected as a state representative tile country has been upward in l tVe aircraft carriers to be as-
.ate of EARL In the ' Matter. of the Estate of RA W. MELCIM, as executrix of the recent months The corn ' .... "
JAMES A. HOWARTH JR DeCeased Estate of Marshall C..Melcum, has f.rom the ,.24th legislative distrt h ...... :'' - muitY[lgned to duty With the Pacific
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that fled 'in the office el me Clerk of alollg with tWo ther uemo as, aso naa time to maze the l$1eet.
' GIVEN that I*'n)a S. Howarth has been .appointed said Court her •Final. Repotkannd Pe- Paul Conner and :Dr J L Mdo..mry adJustment which :the i
a.Ppointed and aria.has qualified as Executrix of said titlon for DtStV,Duton. .as g.. the - ,^,, ,-- ,a," .-_:,-- closure of the W,,,,io,. ,.1, ,,,.,_ ,. i . ,
Utrtx of m.id estate• that all ner ms havin elaims cour to settle sale eport Clletrinute sa, IlJtll &.¢|il -UI .liCl$. -----,,, s*s41 *sita|ltflb tlXli [ ]III€ItW
hvlag clal ns ' . s( _ t .... ..... ,,
re hel;eby :... agatns_t the deceased are hereby re- the property to the personf, thereto Bill Gcodputw was elected __ ary. . It,; ........ '-
me duly veri- ique-t°servp-the- same duly verified etitled_and•to dis cnajge sa execu- county superintendent of schools; THE COUNTY is in a be#ter|'lH ]l$llltoe lll[Je
the hecessry pneate Wltl the necessary rouen- trlx and that earn epor m, -tmon osllon
ers attached u) n the Executrix or will be heard on the 6th day of James Pauley, commimioner of.. . _ :to ce,195_ it was] WashingtOn Jan 15.ongress-
the Execut.ix her attorneY;. o°bert L. Snyder, at ruary. '1959, at 10:.00 A.lVl. at the (o:brf district 2 of the Port of Ihelt0n m o race s anit i915 wal't|!man,Rtumell ;V. i pdicted to-
L. Snyder, at their addresses hereinbetow stated and Room of the Pronate uepamment of and Earl Carr w re-elt,td to C. So, lets look forward told, that "Deatelat lflthn.t
0w Stated and r ' -- ......................................
er,with 'vr, of ue such claims to ether with proof of said Court at which time ant Place • ' a a
service with h irl of said Court any n .... Interested in sald ltale hls post as commissioner of dis- I .l. year in 19. The personal},will balance or come pretty close
r.: ortheSalddateOOln.tof "wi thi2a six .................................... months after the date of ma appear and file object|Gas thereto trlct 3 Of PL 3. ' c0nfnce $t:yone' in Masn],to' Imlanclng the bUdget during the
tne tltSt S CO "
't...this notim, w , r publication of this notice, to= and cntest .the _.an,. - - I THE VOTE in;Mason county ra unty Can ndlp ilake this come['colng year
All llilffiS IL 1-: Janizary 22 1959. All claims nqt DATED this ta aay o, ,#aauary, I ollli.. I.I.li. -.. ,, ....*. frUe ' / ".-,.,ff--'--'.- *-. -. +.* .
so presented and filed will be barred 1959 .... ,,,,. i,.... ,;i_ i. " • . [_ %aaa a
vllile barr,b RMA S HOWARTH RII 'Ut WaS h[l Ollii][ ........ - ....... m._ iINi4,DAg¢I Dule{ 'alMur,,
t ' xecutrtx .-- ] .'l.rk.lal,ll, e .... lYes.ritlti ee;lcordl,ln ri L',I'.IY " 41illdliOllll la'/*'W itt tlli:t tlliula,
Itou Box # lillj --'-- PUt2 '¢-"
_ ,,hel hlaton I*', i4tlII - I.'_tY' " Mi'lmlitioil " ',o I s m .'tili. r , avoided, will do .l..l'e
L. tTA¢tiii i llit I llttitlllll thlli pulalluy nigh vol Ipl'•.12ener. ae yetili,nav/Intm 'lmy -oiit miniP
u!!lld , fli / ........... I+,tb't ,.'" Ipaign wagl I i t!mIt li cla' "here, except|.tl 6# contiaUad lflation whloh
',, vo {l,:,P,__th,,l,°hrnaon e "t'e'a'ebvr'it{attve,20. Bl|t-[a:/ttidu& "r,ikiing prob-/:rail the living costs or all
1/22-29-2/5-12 4t SEAL 1/15-22-9-2/5 4t lative 202 was dereated here Dy a s. Americans. r
4th & Pine -- Paonage 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-41.74
Mornlng Worshlp 1.1100 a.m.
Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m.
. i i i i
=lilt, i ..... i I i i
. Hi, View All*saGe Ohur05
| Washington and J Streets
I Washington and J Streets -- Rev. Eugene .Breld
i Sunday School .................................................... 9:45 a,m.
I Morning Worship ................................................ 11:00 a.m.
I Evening lirvice .................................................. 7:30 p,m.
i Prayer Service .............................. Wednesday, 7:30 i5,m.
I "' ,' ' " .... i .... f, " " " 3, i : i 7 "-.Z "
.| 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash.
i ,Sunday Shool 9:30 a.m. chure 11 a.m.
| Wednesday evnlng testimony meetings 8 p.m.
I Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to
i 4 p.m. Men. & Frt. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45.
-, i | : " .
Seventh & Franklin Sis. J. Bernhard Brlthelm, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service 11 a.m.
Mid-week Service--Wed,, 7:00 p,m. Choir at '8 p.m.
i, II i
Sunday hol ............................................ 9:45 a.m.
MornliMI WoPlih{p ........................................ 11100 a.rn.
Evanelll ervioe ..................................... 7.00, .,m.
Praye.r Me, in0 ....................... Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
s,,L, oi ASmLY .0,"
130 Easi'Plne St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor
' 5
Sunday School .................................................................... 9.4. a.m.
(.lasses for All Ag .s
Morning Worship .................................................. ........ 11:00 a.m.
Christ s Ambassadors ................................................ 6:00 p m.
Evangeliic Service ......... : ........................................... 7:00 p.m.
Listen to Revivaltime, Sunday, 10:30 p.m., KIRA
'R ..... 'S B
9:15 a.m. Coffee time.
9 :0.:a.m. -- G U'est Speake r
Lynn Sherwood
"How You Out?"
10:00 a.m. Slbl Study.. i
"Speoial Plqvllege'"