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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 22, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 22, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 18 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, January 211I ""'""' ' ' ' ' '""" ' '" " ' '" "' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' a " , • . . "__!'_i i FLOYD GIBSON ]t UNION NEWS i Bed Or0ss Plans Officer Election ..... i UNION..A last minute remind- (v-,r, ........ for the ,(,ek,.d Wilh Mr With the vigor of a New Year's Laura Yeatman. will come from ' 1 Cah Hoodsport .H, 7-5237 Iler, Mom and Dad, that tonight m Lczmud was her ,laughhr. , " " ' ' • : Judy, resolve, €he Mason County Chap- Seattle. She will bring a corlgs of • I Our rtood Canal |the anticipated skating party at eight yvars old, who has been on ter of the American Red Cross is workers from the For(Lewis'area.  - . .... the Shelton Roller Azena, 6 30, fo the si( € hst fo eight or nine callin its n I  v • I n, nvida A n,,m tn / ,-'A= "qru t"kl '. ' : " . • ' , ' .... anua meetin . C. W. The wzl_ r ......... • ...... ,, ,,-,t. ,.,L_ 1 Representatve I/your youngsters, sponsored by the months with s(me sm't of mfec- Streckenbach is the chairman. The give a clear picture of what Red | '',,-- ea,o= I[ qP,lW V',l"r IJnion Ladies Civic Club. See you tion the medlcos 1rove not been meetin wll be held Wednesda Cross is now doin -,...... .-J,._7..:, .Lv-'z-..L,J. lr ,qfl,lD I Jthere: able to put their finger o,,, as yet.: Januagy 21, at'8:00 p.m. in te q.h .... hH ,o ,.,g'*, ... ,.o   "tli, (js ], ][{b.XJ.vs.J.,J.:.,a., ,av.a'l,,., , . , , -- v ......... ..-.-- o,, ,.,,o. m/ the Hood Canal Woman s Club Get well soon, Judy. [ Commissioners Room of the Shel- C 'r Hatt ...... ,,v t ....   HAW HT 4OUH rJ HOME TO 1 Chrysler-Plymouth Cars Ilhad their regular January meeting MR. 'AND MRS. Herb Allen are I LOB PUD. ingnotices't'o ' boar'(t'm'gmlersa'nd  --'.-.-  ,. 1 ........................ , ....... ,^--, "," .... ,- l| at,their clubhOuse in POtlatch lasI h0me again after a month Or sO '.- . . Officers will be elected and the officers Persons wh h. . o ave con- __ HAPPY I-][EAT]" 1 I/Tlluraday" Jan. 15.. After a de}i-De stay in Avenal.. Calif., with their nominating committee will submit, sented to. give leadership this sam- -'( u%eP°tmlUCinne°n:: d vtry daig;tr,rs SelavDas ' thrre: itsttSelatav2%TemgSodenthiaC m. mg year are also to receive cards. . .- with reliable fuel oil V / /interesting afternoon program. Dean Betty that is went to school Wegen, Phil Murphy, and Jane nmmm mill l AInU Ill.rill 1 .'",, _¢,f ..' Z .... " --- '- ---Each member and guests, oo in Union "and She'lton so has a Windsor ] ].U| Ug  Wl,V -'l[AV't6 vergreen euel uon' showed their hobbies and gave host of friends in the younger mar- District field representative Mrs . ,.-._-'_- _-"---.-.-..----- .. '€-  t"  talks on their personal interests, i rie'd group. - - --------- " |N H] I/IN -- - There's plenty of cold .....  +*' --or- ad brought n==,, =lllll 1Blll #d/ --/  " ;e;r wor::mu"cl'o ev;ryone's n- of Wt2e a;esalhertb/s?kwt°rdher Oscar Ho-e Slaled BoJ?l:?,.,e Mallory, Route 2, 41d4.Ai_.'%,/ thor ahead; better Joyment. From Skokomish Valley Middleton last Wednesclay, Jan 14'  - , S elton, was one of k. %,,-l..v  supply NOW T E d S h li the eleven Southwest Washington ,,,.,-,,,,,.,.,... ¢ne Mrs. Anita .ugger with her in Aberdeen. Mrs. iddieton was O n  00 IIg boys named today by Rep. Ru.eil Skilled TV Repairs By Top Technicians Only the tops In TV service can gudrantee the best in ploture enjoyment. Let ua provide both for you. Just Call On LEROY'S Television Servioe ....... Premium Grade Heating 0il at !o extra cost When we deliver Stlr.Lb heat, tug oil, you're "sure of getting a premium grade heating oil. Shell reearch men developed this superio: oil afte: years of research. It burns more effi- ciently, and is clean.burning? Get your money's worth- get premium grade SHLL heating oil. Costs no more than ordinary fuels ' " SHELL] .0" COUNT ON US FOR ! Premium Grade ! Heating Oil --a.d Pr#mt.m Srtc, tool Call OIL COMPANY Phone HA 6-3322 or HA 6-6207 BAYSHORg ROAD IJ[IIU. I I I I I . I - exhibit of figures, made from pea- nuts, especially interesting, very expressive and humorous. The fig- are groups had been given most !original names. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon thoroughly. Those i from Union were Mrs. Merritt Stark, Mrs. Ethel Dalby, Mrs. Hel- led Andersen, Mrs. Bessie Mawson, Mrs. Nina Miller, Mrs. Dorothy Mercier, Mrs. Marion Richardson, Mrs. Tillie Sherman and Mrs. Gardner. MRS. NINA MILLER spent the weekend with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, the Vern Millers and family in Olympia. Her grand- daughter Shelly was a member of the class of young persons who re- ceived the Sacrament of confirma- tion from Bishop Bayne in St. John's Episcopal church Sunday morning. Well Sir, after working hard all week, Jim Kimball, member of the National Guard, turned out last Sunday all day at the airport to dig fox holes and camouflage ar- my equipment. Nothing like get- ting in practice, we always say. Nat Stairs and Donald Wojohn did their share too, we might add. Oh! and Jim's wife Tulla .and youngsters spent the day with her good friends, the Jim Mutts and family in Shelton, taking it easy, that is if five little guys can make life easy, sounds like a hassel to me. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Epstein of Seattle spent a fine weekend at their home on the Canal. Sunday they: left early for Seattle to get in on the ice hockey game. The Harry Mawsons had three days over the weekend in Seattle visiting friends and relatives. Bes- sie tells me the weather was mis- erable, wet and cold. Mr. Howard Waiter home from his siege of surgery at the Clinic in Shelton. Amazing how good he looks, mighty cheerful too. The Rollie Waiters were in Ta- coma last week to visit with the Roy Stanfills, former Canal resi- dents. Marie is a daughter of Mrs. Howard Walter. Edith and Rollie also had dinner and visited Ed Bessett, Edith's father. Mr. Bes- sett lives with Mr. and Mrs. Chris- tie in Puyallup. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton, daughter and son-in-law, the Meal Parers had a perfectly delightful time journeying into Seattle to at- tend the Icecapades at the Civic )tultorium. TIlE IA)VELY mmshine we've been having stirred many of our residents away from the warTnth of the fire place. The Frank Deans being no exception, took off for the day to Bremerton, visiting with their old friends from Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor. The Tay- lore, by the way, used to live in Union. 4-H leader, Tulla Kimball, and assistant, Wanda Wyatt, attended the 4-H counselors meeting last Tuesday at the PUD building in Shelton. Discussion was to ira. prove the recreation grounds, camp grounds, kitchen, a new float antl dock at Pan Handle Lake, in read- iness for the coming summer. Monday, Jan. 19, there was a P-TA meeting at the school in Hoodsport. Talks and music by the students. Those from Union were Eleonor Buechel, Virginia Grout, Mra. Kelsey. Mrs. Edn Gatewood had her daughter, Mrs. Bernard of Seattle, ! Bud Pauloy's USED CARS All Cam Ready to Run 1965 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN q095.00 ' Radio and Heater 1957 FORD 4-900R STATION WAGON s2195.00 4 New Tires, Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission, Power String Wlllys Pickup, motor rebuilt ............... $325.00 1947 Oldsmobile Sedan, runs good, 4 new tires ..................................... $145.(}0 llll Ilti ll ill llllllJlllllll I llllllllllllJl III I  Imlll] [ Are You Tired of Big 6as Bills? i I SEE THE 1959 j ] HILLNAN DELUXE SEI)nN ! j . =_57.30 Per ,onth l Pauley Motors Dodge - Plymouth Agency 1ST AND RAILROAD PHONE HA 6-8183 L II Ill I[ the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stu- art Poison. of Aberdeen and the 1 Canal. Services were last Friday J in Aberdeen. Reverend Robert I Echols officiated. From Union I were Mrs. Paul Schlosser, Mrs. l Oliver Ashford and Clara East- wood. Micky Coles, leader of the 4-H "Stitch and Rip" Club, would like us to ask the ladies of Union and the Canal to please donate all, or as many, old nylons as yon happen to have. This is for an Easter pro- ject for the children in the Shel- JET PILOT--Second Lieutenant John R. Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Henderson, of Shelton, Wash., Is pictured wearing the official United States Air Force "crash hel- met." He has been reassigned to Webb Air Force Base, Texas, for additional Jet pilot training following his graduation from the primary facility at Moore Air Base, Texas. (Official Air Force Photo.) Oscar W. Hope, seaman appren- tice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hope of Route 2, Box 399, Shelton, is scheduled to grad- uate Jan. 30 from the Electronics Technician School at the Treasure Island Naval Station, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Graduates of the school are tqualified in the repair and main- enance of highly technical elec- tronic equipment used in ships and are prepared for advancement in the electronic field. V. Mack to compete for nomina- tion to the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. Mallory is pres- ently enrolled at Olympic College, Bremerton. Each member of Congress may nominate up to eleven boys to compete for the one vacancy avail- able each member this coming year at the Air Force Academy. The Academy Board then conducts an extensive examination to choose the one with the highest rating for the appointment. ton General. Now ladies, the color and condition of your nylons dbes not matter at all in this case. Please contact Micky Coles, 440. z" Am,  mn=,/ VAN CAMP'S Wands Wyatt, 463. Thanks. Mrs. Alice Mark, Mrs. Stanley  NV II Anderson and baby son from Bar- " , NEW tlesville, Okla., were Sun day guests at the Merritt Starks'. Mrs. STOKE 1 v ltiCne.laMrk is Gene Stark's moth- Ell A M  i U I QUIOK.FIX Mr. andMrs. Larry Sterling and il, %Hmlr FROZEN youngsters, Raymond, Richard and Carolyn, enjoyed a delicious buffet hmch at the Jesse Epsteins' last W l/Ji  FO Saturday. Cheerio. 'ODe! Kirby=C00nd . @ L @@ m.l You'll love 'era School Officer At Bellingham 0ES , VAN OAMP'S . _ B E E F AU GRATIN O H I0 K E N PORK&BEANS " Your &Barbecue Sauce &Biscuits To A tantalizing taste treat: THRIFTWAY p choice beef in a heav- Sliced potatoes in a fine Generous pieces of redly barbecue sauce. One aged Herkimer cheddar reBated chicken. Two FOR HEARTY MEALS! STORE! 21' TiN dish holds enough to sprees inside four to six buns. Perfect for indoor aDO outdoor dining. 12-OZ. 59 ¢ cheese and cream, toppea with toasted bread crumbs. M-m-marvelous! ther-1 lght Southern cults in a savory sauce elicken broth and cream. ,oz 35€ 12-OZ. 69 € Kirby Cleveland, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cleveland of Allyn, is a senior at Western College of Education and since his return to college, Kirby has resumed his duties as vice-president of the As- sociated Student Body for the new school term. His official position entitles him to a seat on the 17-man student legislature, a group that yearly transacts some $90,000 worth of business for student affairs. DARIGOLD PRINTS BUTTER 67' ,m.0,, "- & GHEESE SUNSHINE CRACKERS HI-HO Wait until you taste it-- bubbling with golden 29{ brown g oDdness. The cheese is tangy Herkimer cheddar! Good! Just like homemade I NABISCO - LB. PKG. Grahams.. 35 € 12-OZ. OHIOKEN & NOODLES T e n d e r chicken, mtml- rooms and rich egg noo lee in a specially blendea sauce. And budget-prices for everyday enjoyment. ,,oz 53€ SPINAOH LOAF (Souffle) Light and lovely: Whole e g g s, creamery butter, masterful seasoning -- blended with tender spm- ach. Even th kids will go for this dish! 12-OZo 39€ TENDERONI GHOPPED Choice beef, artfully and cooked to with Wonderful with mixed etables. A family 12-OZ. 45€ C]evelazzd also is past president tfiOiL i 25' .OE,,E,, 2/3 of Helmsmen Club, a service or- BEANS Pietsweet 10-Oz. Frozen ganization; and is now a member of the Senior Planning Board. He NO, 1 Till was also recently named to' Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, one of thirty-one jun- iors and seniors from Western O • • who were given this honor. 'n LIBBY Scheduled to graduate from the SI00OI00IST TOMATO JUICE 46.oz. CAN state's largest teacher education S/S1 ,,,,, (o(K,A,, college in June, Cleveland plans to TUNA be a teacher of geography and % speech correction. LIBBY'S Highway Dept. . • • .o. Asks for $200' Million in '59-61 • More than $200 million has been requested from the 1959 legisla. tire session by the Washington State Highway Commission for state highway construction, main. tenance and administration for the 24-month period, July 1, 1959, through June 30, 1961. Construction of new state high- ways under the proposed budget would require a total of $156,156,. 180, of which $44.995.129 would be from state funds and $111,161,- 051 would be in the form of Fed- eral aid. Of the $156 odd milhon, $137,- 709,280 would be spent on the pri- mary state highway system. State funds would supply $33,113,679 of this amount and $104,595,601 would be from Federal sources. Most of this money, a total of $98,325,030 is ear-marked for the Interstate highway system (U.S. I0 and 99) and was made possl- ble under the terms of the Feder- al Aid 11ighway Acts of 1956 and 1958. Constructmn on the secondary highway system would take $18.- 446.900, of which $1],881,450 would be from state funds and $6,565,- 450 from Federal sources. Under the proposed budget, a total of $22.667,185 would be set aside for maintenance of the ap- proximately 6,600 miles of state highway. For administration costs, $12,822,920 has been requested. For planning survey and research operations, $2,405,602 has been re- quested. A total of $438.900 would be spent for buildings and for other capital outlay purposes under the proposed budget, Moats James Henry Brand Thick 00°iOn 10€ CH0W0E" • " * CREA/0000 CHEESE SLICED BACON 2 pound pkg. 99 c Fresh and I,ea, n GROUN B EF 3 poundsDsl.00 2Oth CENTURY " t On Hillcres SNOW'S 15-OZ. TIN 3-OZ. PKG. Fruit & Produce 2 HOLLY FARM NO. 1 (EVEN 8leES) POTATOES.... lO-Ib, bag U.S, NO. 1 (WILL NOT COOK AWAY) POTATOES. lb. 3½0 lO0-1b, bag CRISP MEDIUM-SIZED HEADS CABBAGE....... pound i0iii0Ei°'N.00...., pound Prices are Effective Noon Thurs., Fri., and Sat., Jan. 22.23 - 24 Right to Limit Page 18 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, January 211I ""'""' ' ' ' ' '""" ' '" " ' '" "' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' a " , • . . "__!'_i i FLOYD GIBSON ]t UNION NEWS i Bed Or0ss Plans Officer Election ..... i UNION..A last minute remind- (v-,r, ........ for the ,(,ek,.d Wilh Mr With the vigor of a New Year's Laura Yeatman. will come from ' 1 Cah Hoodsport .H, 7-5237 Iler, Mom and Dad, that tonight m Lczmud was her ,laughhr. , " " ' ' • : Judy, resolve, €he Mason County Chap- Seattle. She will bring a corlgs of • I Our rtood Canal |the anticipated skating party at eight yvars old, who has been on ter of the American Red Cross is workers from the For(Lewis'area.  - . .... the Shelton Roller Azena, 6 30, fo the si( € hst fo eight or nine callin its n I  v • I n, nvida A n,,m tn / ,-'A= "qru t"kl '. ' : " . • ' , ' .... anua meetin . C. W. The wzl_ r ......... • ...... ,, ,,-,t. ,.,L_ 1 Representatve I/your youngsters, sponsored by the months with s(me sm't of mfec- Streckenbach is the chairman. The give a clear picture of what Red | '',,-- ea,o= I[ qP,lW V',l"r IJnion Ladies Civic Club. See you tion the medlcos 1rove not been meetin wll be held Wednesda Cross is now doin -,...... .-J,._7..:, .Lv-'z-..L,J. lr ,qfl,lD I Jthere: able to put their finger o,,, as yet.: Januagy 21, at'8:00 p.m. in te q.h .... hH ,o ,.,g'*, ... ,.o   "tli, (js ], ][{b.XJ.vs.J.,J.:.,a., ,av.a'l,,., , . , , -- v ......... ..-.-- o,, ,.,,o. m/ the Hood Canal Woman s Club Get well soon, Judy. [ Commissioners Room of the Shel- C 'r Hatt ...... ,,v t ....   HAW HT 4OUH rJ HOME TO 1 Chrysler-Plymouth Cars Ilhad their regular January meeting MR. 'AND MRS. Herb Allen are I LOB PUD. ingnotices't'o ' boar'(t'm'gmlersa'nd  --'.-.-  ,. 1 ........................ , ....... ,^--, "," .... ,- l| at,their clubhOuse in POtlatch lasI h0me again after a month Or sO '.- . . Officers will be elected and the officers Persons wh h. . o ave con- __ HAPPY I-][EAT]" 1 I/Tlluraday" Jan. 15.. After a de}i-De stay in Avenal.. Calif., with their nominating committee will submit, sented to. give leadership this sam- -'( u%eP°tmlUCinne°n:: d vtry daig;tr,rs SelavDas ' thrre: itsttSelatav2%TemgSodenthiaC m. mg year are also to receive cards. . .- with reliable fuel oil V / /interesting afternoon program. Dean Betty that is went to school Wegen, Phil Murphy, and Jane nmmm mill l AInU Ill.rill 1 .'",, _¢,f ..' Z .... " --- '- ---Each member and guests, oo in Union "and She'lton so has a Windsor ] ].U| Ug  Wl,V -'l[AV't6 vergreen euel uon' showed their hobbies and gave host of friends in the younger mar- District field representative Mrs . ,.-._-'_- _-"---.-.-..----- .. '€-  t"  talks on their personal interests, i rie'd group. - - --------- " |N H] I/IN -- - There's plenty of cold .....  +*' --or- ad brought n==,, =lllll 1Blll #d/ --/  " ;e;r wor::mu"cl'o ev;ryone's n- of Wt2e a;esalhertb/s?kwt°rdher Oscar Ho-e Slaled BoJ?l:?,.,e Mallory, Route 2, 41d4.Ai_.'%,/ thor ahead; better Joyment. From Skokomish Valley Middleton last Wednesclay, Jan 14'  - , S elton, was one of k. %,,-l..v  supply NOW T E d S h li the eleven Southwest Washington ,,,.,-,,,,,.,.,... ¢ne Mrs. Anita .ugger with her in Aberdeen. Mrs. iddieton was O n  00 IIg boys named today by Rep. Ru.eil Skilled TV Repairs By Top Technicians Only the tops In TV service can gudrantee the best in ploture enjoyment. Let ua provide both for you. Just Call On LEROY'S Television Servioe ....... Premium Grade Heating 0il at !o extra cost When we deliver Stlr.Lb heat, tug oil, you're "sure of getting a premium grade heating oil. Shell reearch men developed this superio: oil afte: years of research. It burns more effi- ciently, and is clean.burning? Get your money's worth- get premium grade SHLL heating oil. Costs no more than ordinary fuels ' " SHELL] .0" COUNT ON US FOR ! Premium Grade ! Heating Oil --a.d Pr#mt.m Srtc, tool Call OIL COMPANY Phone HA 6-3322 or HA 6-6207 BAYSHORg ROAD IJ[IIU. I I I I I . I - exhibit of figures, made from pea- nuts, especially interesting, very expressive and humorous. The fig- are groups had been given most !original names. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon thoroughly. Those i from Union were Mrs. Merritt Stark, Mrs. Ethel Dalby, Mrs. Hel- led Andersen, Mrs. Bessie Mawson, Mrs. Nina Miller, Mrs. Dorothy Mercier, Mrs. Marion Richardson, Mrs. Tillie Sherman and Mrs. Gardner. MRS. NINA MILLER spent the weekend with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, the Vern Millers and family in Olympia. Her grand- daughter Shelly was a member of the class of young persons who re- ceived the Sacrament of confirma- tion from Bishop Bayne in St. John's Episcopal church Sunday morning. Well Sir, after working hard all week, Jim Kimball, member of the National Guard, turned out last Sunday all day at the airport to dig fox holes and camouflage ar- my equipment. Nothing like get- ting in practice, we always say. Nat Stairs and Donald Wojohn did their share too, we might add. Oh! and Jim's wife Tulla .and youngsters spent the day with her good friends, the Jim Mutts and family in Shelton, taking it easy, that is if five little guys can make life easy, sounds like a hassel to me. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Epstein of Seattle spent a fine weekend at their home on the Canal. Sunday they: left early for Seattle to get in on the ice hockey game. The Harry Mawsons had three days over the weekend in Seattle visiting friends and relatives. Bes- sie tells me the weather was mis- erable, wet and cold. Mr. Howard Waiter home from his siege of surgery at the Clinic in Shelton. Amazing how good he looks, mighty cheerful too. The Rollie Waiters were in Ta- coma last week to visit with the Roy Stanfills, former Canal resi- dents. Marie is a daughter of Mrs. Howard Walter. Edith and Rollie also had dinner and visited Ed Bessett, Edith's father. Mr. Bes- sett lives with Mr. and Mrs. Chris- tie in Puyallup. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton, daughter and son-in-law, the Meal Parers had a perfectly delightful time journeying into Seattle to at- tend the Icecapades at the Civic )tultorium. TIlE IA)VELY mmshine we've been having stirred many of our residents away from the warTnth of the fire place. The Frank Deans being no exception, took off for the day to Bremerton, visiting with their old friends from Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor. The Tay- lore, by the way, used to live in Union. 4-H leader, Tulla Kimball, and assistant, Wanda Wyatt, attended the 4-H counselors meeting last Tuesday at the PUD building in Shelton. Discussion was to ira. prove the recreation grounds, camp grounds, kitchen, a new float antl dock at Pan Handle Lake, in read- iness for the coming summer. Monday, Jan. 19, there was a P-TA meeting at the school in Hoodsport. Talks and music by the students. Those from Union were Eleonor Buechel, Virginia Grout, Mra. Kelsey. Mrs. Edn Gatewood had her daughter, Mrs. Bernard of Seattle, ! Bud Pauloy's USED CARS All Cam Ready to Run 1965 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN q095.00 ' Radio and Heater 1957 FORD 4-900R STATION WAGON s2195.00 4 New Tires, Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission, Power String Wlllys Pickup, motor rebuilt ............... $325.00 1947 Oldsmobile Sedan, runs good, 4 new tires ..................................... $145.(}0 llll Ilti ll ill llllllJlllllll I llllllllllllJl III I  Imlll] [ Are You Tired of Big 6as Bills? i I SEE THE 1959 j ] HILLNAN DELUXE SEI)nN ! j . =_57.30 Per ,onth l Pauley Motors Dodge - Plymouth Agency 1ST AND RAILROAD PHONE HA 6-8183 L II Ill I[ the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stu- art Poison. of Aberdeen and the 1 Canal. Services were last Friday J in Aberdeen. Reverend Robert I Echols officiated. From Union I were Mrs. Paul Schlosser, Mrs. l Oliver Ashford and Clara East- wood. Micky Coles, leader of the 4-H "Stitch and Rip" Club, would like us to ask the ladies of Union and the Canal to please donate all, or as many, old nylons as yon happen to have. This is for an Easter pro- ject for the children in the Shel- JET PILOT--Second Lieutenant John R. Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Henderson, of Shelton, Wash., Is pictured wearing the official United States Air Force "crash hel- met." He has been reassigned to Webb Air Force Base, Texas, for additional Jet pilot training following his graduation from the primary facility at Moore Air Base, Texas. (Official Air Force Photo.) Oscar W. Hope, seaman appren- tice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hope of Route 2, Box 399, Shelton, is scheduled to grad- uate Jan. 30 from the Electronics Technician School at the Treasure Island Naval Station, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Graduates of the school are tqualified in the repair and main- enance of highly technical elec- tronic equipment used in ships and are prepared for advancement in the electronic field. V. Mack to compete for nomina- tion to the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. Mallory is pres- ently enrolled at Olympic College, Bremerton. Each member of Congress may nominate up to eleven boys to compete for the one vacancy avail- able each member this coming year at the Air Force Academy. The Academy Board then conducts an extensive examination to choose the one with the highest rating for the appointment. ton General. Now ladies, the color and condition of your nylons dbes not matter at all in this case. Please contact Micky Coles, 440. z" Am,  mn=,/ VAN CAMP'S Wands Wyatt, 463. Thanks. Mrs. Alice Mark, Mrs. Stanley  NV II Anderson and baby son from Bar- " , NEW tlesville, Okla., were Su n day guests at the Merritt Starks'. Mrs. STOKE 1 v ltiCne.laMrk is Gene Stark's moth- Ell A M  i U I QUIOK.FIX Mr. andMrs. Larry Sterling and il, %Hmlr FROZEN youngsters, Raymond, Richard and Carolyn, enjoyed a delicious buffet hmch at the Jesse Epsteins' last W l/Ji  FO Saturday. Cheerio. 'ODe! Kirby=C00nd . @ L @@ m.l You'll love 'era School Officer At Bellingham 0ES , VAN OAMP'S . _ B E E F AU GRATIN O H I0 K E N PORK&BEANS " Your &Barbecue Sauce &Biscuits To A tantalizing taste treat: THRIFTWAY p choice beef in a heav- Sliced potatoes in a fine Generous pieces of redly barbecue sauce. One aged Herkimer cheddar reBated chicken. Two FOR HEARTY MEALS! STORE! 21' TiN dish holds enough to sprees inside four to six buns. Perfect for indoor aDO outdoor dining. 12-OZ. 59 ¢ cheese and cream, toppea with toasted bread crumbs. M-m-marvelous! ther-1 lght Southern cults in a savory sauce elicken broth and cream. ,oz 35€ 12-OZ. 69 € Kirby Cleveland, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cleveland of Allyn, is a senior at Western College of Education and since his return to college, Kirby has resumed his duties as vice-president of the As- sociated Student Body for the new school term. His official position entitles him to a seat on the 17-man student legislature, a group that yearly transacts some $90,000 worth of business for student affairs. DARIGOLD PRINTS BUTTER 67' ,m.0,, "- & GHEESE SUNSHINE CRACKERS HI-HO Wait until you taste it-- bubbling with golden 29{ brown g oDdness. The cheese is tangy Herkimer cheddar! Good! Just like homemade I NABISCO - LB. PKG. Grahams.. 35 € 12-OZ. OHIOKEN & NOODLES T e n d e r chicken, mtml- rooms and rich egg noo lee in a specially blendea sauce. And budget-prices for everyday enjoyment. ,,oz 53€ SPINAOH LOAF (Souffle) Light and lovely: Whole e g g s, creamery butter, masterful seasoning -- blended with tender spm- ach. Even th kids will go for this dish! 12-OZo 39€ TENDERONI GHOPPED Choice beef, artfully and cooked to with Wonderful with mixed etables. A family 12-OZ. 45€ C]evelazzd also is past president tfiOiL i 25' .OE,,E,, 2/3 of Helmsmen Club, a service or- BEANS Pietsweet 10-Oz. Frozen ganization; and is now a member of the Senior Planning Board. He NO, 1 Till was also recently named to' Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, one of thirty-one jun- iors and seniors from Western O • • who were given this honor. 'n LIBBY Scheduled to graduate from the SI00OI00IST TOMATO JUICE 46.oz. CAN state's largest teacher education S/S1 ,,,,, (o(K,A,, college in June, Cleveland plans to TUNA be a teacher of geography and % speech correction. LIBBY'S Highway Dept. . • • .o. Asks for $200' Million in '59-61 • More than $200 million has been requested from the 1959 legisla. tire session by the Washington State Highway Commission for state highway construction, main. tenance and administration for the 24-month period, July 1, 1959, through June 30, 1961. Construction of new state high- ways under the proposed budget would require a total of $156,156,. 180, of which $44.995.129 would be from state funds and $111,161,- 051 would be in the form of Fed- eral aid. Of the $156 odd milhon, $137,- 709,280 would be spent on the pri- mary state highway system. State funds would supply $33,113,679 of this amount and $104,595,601 would be from Federal sources. Most of this money, a total of $98,325,030 is ear-marked for the Interstate highway system (U.S. I0 and 99) and was made possl- ble under the terms of the Feder- al Aid 11ighway Acts of 1956 and 1958. Constructmn on the secondary highway system would take $18.- 446.900, of which $1],881,450 would be from state funds and $6,565,- 450 from Federal sources. Under the proposed budget, a total of $22.667,185 would be set aside for maintenance of the ap- proximately 6,600 miles of state highway. For administration costs, $12,822,920 has been requested. For planning survey and research operations, $2,405,602 has been re- quested. A total of $438.900 would be spent for buildings and for other capital outlay purposes under the proposed budget, Moats James Henry Brand Thick 00°iOn 10€ CH0W0E" • " * CREA/0000 CHEESE SLICED BACON 2 pound pkg. 99 c Fresh and I,ea, n GROUN B EF 3 poundsDsl.00 2Oth CENTURY " t On Hillcres SNOW'S 15-OZ. TIN 3-OZ. PKG. Fruit & Produce 2 HOLLY FARM NO. 1 (EVEN 8leES) POTATOES.... lO-Ib, bag U.S, NO. 1 (WILL NOT COOK AWAY) POTATOES. lb. 3½0 lO0-1b, bag CRISP MEDIUM-SIZED HEADS CABBAGE....... pound i0iii0Ei°'N.00...., pound Prices are Effective Noon Thurs., Fri., and Sat., Jan. 22.23 - 24 Right to Limit