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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
January 23, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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January 23, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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T)u.u'sday, Januaryj hursday, January 23, 1947. -,,,, so,,,,n, m,c,,i, .................... ,, _ ,, """ Record Crops D ue sewing, or after .eight or of stitciing Universal Pumps ................ : ...... To Conservation • " ' Crowded out last  eck)  r T T T E --" T I M PIPE ,y aruerite eGaut) lueasures in use S A V . The Baldie family are .looking Soil-building practices carried rorwaro LO YIIOVIIlg into their souse . - . ,- . -  ,- "' q "h - • -" - il" ou uy zarmers Snpm gel mUCh S A V E T I g] and y, tey nave I ecem:ly Du [ of the credit for this year's record TAKE a" FEi ne]e .IohnM e 'an ovn ey zamuy" "" were crop production,, according to Bert b,,siness callers o ^b o-, +' Rau, chan'man of the Mason Coun- ITr, T, ..-. :.. .- .............. ty Aricultural Conservation As- nrst oI the weeK. sociaton (AAA) Committee. Mrs Alex Annensen has been , • • - • " ....... 'Conservatmn farming results m BREMERTON - S IIINLTb on tne sick ist the pas week ............ ll as -ro*e^'i-- :!:22!15 A.M. 5: for Comp,ete ,nsta,,ations Mrs. Bob Galigher is in the Shel- aDenlerY'in sa ]nd p/odZtv;t v ton Hospital where she has recent- ¢ ......... *,,ear" he said " "5145 *5: 6:15 61 e unflerg°er%on?°rn operatmn. "MrfRau pinted out that 40% • 7:00 *7:  , . pc s t o so za a e of the county's farmers put soil- ' 71° i ualvln Wilson Co. goo _ ............ building practices to work on their -'me rmcnta mo met w.ecl.nes: farms during 1946. These farms any i lasL weeg. It was Qeelae(1 I 8:45 80; HOODSPORT . PHONE ,0 to do our cleaning and painting of reprsentcab°:n 60 per cent of the 10::00 10: the cottage this coming Tuesday county s "P" n benefits all of the 10:45 10j .... , Those who vohmteered are asked nservau°•-in-'more and bet t t o ' peop eoy prowa g - [ 11:15 1t! ..  no o f rget their brushes and €__  ......... ssurin  the con mall n   ,  v  er oou, wmle  s - I 11:50 12 Gf   -- -- s _ .ca s .... r. t,e,ma oer: tinuous productivity of our farm- I 12:30 P.M. 1i [ /,#[ scner has very .... gracmusiy ozerea tunas, .... ,..r.a ..... rau asserted. "It 1:15 ]' € to the cotta that da -.. taes amm u, " fir. to cook a mce. droner and._ bring at ............ and one half ;,, - REPglR| gratemuy:" accep, y wmenwas acres of land. to oroduce_ the food 1"45 .... , • Bob Chanman was hm ..... and clothing needed by one. person, I 3:00. i ff O  "h - - -  -- " --"'" whereas National surveys indicate e wee ena zrom e'or. ,.ewis that vith land losses due to ex-: I 3:45 $] - . ,, ---l . where he is stationed wth the cessive erosion we are fast ap- I 4:15 -[|di,l.[U/ Engineers of the U S Army . ' • • [ 4:55 l I t  | .1  a k k[_=]'/M/ Tired of her dral coat  "_ _ _ proachmg the point where we will 5:30 .. . • _  =-__ ...... o zaea have little more than the two and [ 615  '-' '" ---*::,.k 1DraOWeai2%enrU/ Dame .a.ure one-half acres of reasonably good [ 6:45 8lllll= . .. . .... y nersez m:a land which nutritionists consider I 7:30 * ,, m,,. m%mlWwn? °r2 ena go" i rne as the absolute minimum necessary i 'i'8:00 "P'-'-'-,eer--manent '[[Ll-t a sin Pas the oa" " " pJ: D sy to furnish an adequate diet for I "8:30 8eP. airs That Will  g " a S atreaay cov- each -erson" ered about three inches deep "" P " - "" on I i8:45 Otlast the Tire  eo John - - - ' mr. rcau expects more mas . son has oeen ousy on Cou ..... "-"-'-e art in the I 9:15 "9 Kl, ,---"  h " . ny rarmer to t v t e dea of better telephone serwee 1947 ArieuPural Conservation I "9:30 9 ,v AI-- lltil for our district " I i10:00 JOJ_ V I Jam s P " "  -- Program (ACP) than ever before. 10:30 -['10ft jt&,  uest et thrmIe°u;'ac°m is a About February 1st, county and 11:4511:15 f,R,s,,..,r,TIRE.¢,.,[*lt  caeren ele lJ%ek Business !l begin getting together Wirth I ° i ......... :  ...... :'" community ACA committeemen • " a hers to work ou next y The passing of Mrs. Mary Gunt- conoo,-,of- --- . -icated I * Daily Except Su la ..... er P ........... v ............. arkard Stewart whose demme Each farmer will be ,iven an on- [ € Sunday Only zlklLl(-]l]l:.  ['N was noticed in last week's Journal .... ,P l n" i $12:40 on Monday ! 528 ^,- . - .... was sad news " r ...... pormmty to sign a 'arm 'x-a ac-uaintances %o o m rm.enas aria which will indicate his intended I (Sunday night)_., 'YmOlo Hiway (Hillerest) she  at one tim refill t-'district; as participation in the 1947 ACP pro- i ----" PHONE 585 BLACK BALL "'r --1  -- anere., gram, and will also make him tede thnavonT°[: sc-ner ........ a eligible for Federal financial as- } 11 ]la'.''*a'== -- . , ; _ . sistance for approved soil and wa- .. _ nUrreSsaty- dane reporea a very ter conservation practices that he Tac0macoach Sta!  "'rs a;'ie" l'- - carriesoutduringtheyear. .a .  U ve em WhO was re- 2VII ..... that con • ". tau polm:ea ore; - tPgrrntedodng¢:rselldh%takffn+ a siderably more land would have ..........  "%. " been cleared in 1946 had land |||" Mrs Andrew Nelson, the oldest - g quip uu ueuu   go o me nospzm zor an operauon cleartn e i-m--*  .... vailable charte" e ........ anu a much greater amoun oz i (::AN IgKIrM ID Pr[scil[mclr]ernt" " °ne i°°quallum  "" """ lastfertilizers would, have been. applied Motor dent of same  ¢m .... H.. year if tAm materml had been Transport N ENDURE member and at the ripe old age ame. _ ' .......... =" avail-" -'LES - SHELTON - OLYMPIA ,,---. u- FHE MEN WHO of eighty is still going strong and , .... South Bound ' North --- would attend every meeting if she nel[omans njoylng could posmbly get there ........ Lv. 9:15 a.m. At, 5:3 'OUGHT TOGETHER " . Vacation In Phoenix Zary Walko and son, William, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Angle have 9:45 a.m. 5:08 10:40 a.m. 4:25 11:31 a.m, 3:18 11:41 a.m. 3:12 12:10 p.m. 2:45 ........ Ar. "2:45 p.m, Lv. 2:05 and From Bremerton at Juncti d From Port Townsend at Qull¢ TON - SHELTON - OLYMPIA DALLY SOUTHBO t Leave .... Le=l helton Shel 7:00 9:45 ,:15 a.m. ':15 a.m. :30' a.m. :30 p.m. :45 p.m. :45 p.m. Leave Bremerton 8:15 a.m. 1:1:0{1 .a.m. 2:00 p.m. *3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. TOGETHER JOIN THE COUNTY POST NO. 1694 were dinner guests of the Joe Prince family in Malone. Earl Graham of Tacoma was a Sunday visitor at the A. E. Hlib- oki home Sunday• Mrs. 'Glen Johnson and son, Dean, were callers at tAp John Macoviney home Sunday after- noon. Harstine Island Dance Scheduled Saturday Special ferries leaving the main- land at 8:30 and Harstine Island at 1:30 a.m. will carry dancers to and from the big dance to be held at the Harstine Island Community Hall this Saturday evening, ac- cording to Pauline Archer, secre- tary of the Harstine Social Club, sponsors of the dance. joined the Sheltonites now sum- mering at Phoenix, Arizona, lo- cated in a court adjoining the Harry Perrys, where the Coles and Howards are also sojourning. Transient travel is very heavy and the courts are filled at high rates, and term guests are discouraged, but our visitors are taken care of, and are having a good time and hot weather. On the way South the Angles visited Mr. and Mrs. Walt Pickins (Jo Needha), who are building a new home at Mon- rovia. MERRILL SAEGER ESTATE Saturday during Superior Court Judge D. F. Wright appointed George Adams, Myrvan W. Wivell and George Cooke appraisers of the Merrill Saeger estate• liday service. r Work a Specialty LT YO'UR LOCAL AGENT You want to Buy A cow, or a horse, or a pig, or iaybe You Want to Sell A mule, or a goat, or some chickens, or :aybe ' You Want to Buy A car, or a bicycle, or a tractor, or aybe You Want to Sell Some furniture, or some lumber, or some clothing, or aybe You Want Some Property or you have something you don't need aybe You'll Call 100 and try a Journal wat --Well there won't I be any maybes ado  what ll happen! Just try it once. he Journ with a Graded Good Beef Shortribs.. lb. 29c Blade or Arm Cut  Pot Roast. ..... lb.45 c  - c:,,',':R  CUTS (]round Beef ... lb. 39c .... lb. 43c . ,o. c,0. 59c Pork Roast kinless Weiners H°me.Pac k Kraut ....... lb. 45c Fresh Iaily Oysters: ....... pt. 65c Sliced Bacon ... lb. 69 c MARCH OF DIMES LB. 55c JANUARY 15-: Established 1895 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i i i , Page 3 Quart 8¢ Plus Bottle Deposit REFRIGERATOR PURIFIER Ls PUR-O-DOR 3.49 BUDS Absorbs ll Food Fisher's ZOOM Pkg. 22c Odors--Enjoy a Clean, Sanitary, Odorless Refrigerator at All Times 2 for 47c Island Bell - A Mason County Product GRAPE JUICE . qt. 49¢ Round Rolls 2 FOR ,SCOT]' TOWELS .. 25¢ PURE PEPPER AGAIN WE HAVE BEEN PROMISED ENOUGH FOR EVERYONEI Marcoe's Peanut Brittle or Caramel Chews CANDY .. cello bag 39¢ TOPPING Marshmallow lg. Jar. 45¢ For Cake Icing, Desserts, Cocoa, Ice Cream, Etc. Hershey's COCOA 8-oz. 13¢ WE'VE KICKED THE BOTTOM l OUT OF OUR CITRUS JUICE PRICES! Now Enjoy Them at LOW PRICES! A Wonder Cleaner A Local Product $1 o,. $3 o.,. 2.65 U!CI] WESSON OIL .. qt. 95¢ Pints 49¢ For Lunches PKG. OF 40 Sandwich Bags .... 10¢ Franklin WAX 98¢ For Moth-Proofing Youn Things- 2 Sizes • ' ( LARVEX $1.13 & 79¢ One Treatment Lasts a Year Assorted Flavors JAMS .... 2-lb. jars 61¢ C. & S. Brand -- With Pork BEANS ....... can 13¢ Kraft Dinners. 2 for 27¢ Here's a clmc and easy way to beau't/f/ your floors--at little cost or effort, Franklin'= Rubber Gloss CLEANER removes all dirt and old wax--Franklin's Rubber Gloss WAX forms o glossy, durable, slip-resistant, washable coat of protection. No scrubbing, rubbing or polishing neces- sary. Buy the convenient combination packaoe of Franklin's CLEAblER and WAX today. ......... :., ,,,::,,y::: . . FannxL,n'' """" CI£AER & WAX G LOSS ................................ J PKG. FRESH ROASTED Peanuts lb. 29c WHEATENA .... And Save 15d on your Coffee too! Just buy 1 large package of Wheatena and save 15€ on a pound of ANY BRAND OF COFFEE--Just tear off the box top and give it to usit's good for 15€ off tle price of the Coffee. This Offer good till February 8th. GREEN TEA BACK AGAIN'! b-Lb. .t,L.pjg.N:s ' 49c Lumbermen's Mercantile [ Estgblished 1895 .......