January 23, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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January 23, 1947 |
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Page 4
Curio Shop
Pllone Union 426
Something New
Something Different
From Old Mexico
Sport Jackets
For La;dtes
Consider thern tot yralr
SprirJg outfit,
St, quirt
Embroic Braid
I:h'illianl; Cot n's
Aztec Rings
So-called Aztec ring is
large, masmve, startling.
FoP lnell only
Nupfials Tu00day
Monday eveninz the Ieir.nt Meth-,
odl:t Chm'ch was tim scLin;q fro" the
,o,,+ i,,,,,,n,a, wed<lin00 o, Shelton Couple
A(h,ta B/f. l;n(lor of Shelton an0 .
.fcJ,:pli N. Zukowski of McCleary.
",'he ,epe,,ie,l ,h,00r United In
sev<.,, t;'00eremony
tO l:t, cvoi'elid l-[ardwick W. l-Ial'.sh-
131an who road ttl(' he/lilt iful double
l'irl' cerelnony hefm'e |he sinitll The First Mthodlst Church was
gro/,ip of tYrierids, once again the setting for a hcau-
The bride wore a dresnaker tiful edding Saturday evcning,
refit ¢f; taupe with brown accesser .lanuary 18. whell ]{iss Beryl
ie. and her corsage was of gar- I,eonard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
denias and red rosebuds• . Harry Le0nhrd of Shellon. became
Her sister, M.isn Void M. Radcr. the hride of Mr. Jack Rawding,
br'ideswlaid, wore a dress of rtavy
hlue with llgTli: bhle lrinl and black
rwees;,lories mid identical corsage.
Charles J. Stah'y of Shelton was
best nlq.n.
The bride was educated in the
Shelton shcooI svstern :rod at, the'
time, of her n'larrL'l.R:e was Olnployod
in the offt Of the Capitol City
Title Company in Olympbl.
The gr'ooyn refoivl,>d his schooling
in the plibllc b;{:hr)ol. Of YelYl'l.
%VnMlington. I{e ,]en entered tile
llnited States Arly with a T/4
ra, ting wilere he spent tlire.e and
one-half years• His operations
took hinl to the Pacific theatre of
lh7 Youn couple '4,ill ,¢Ipcnd
A Ncw Shipment of "'
same time in Oregon for a wed-
Weaverware. din',4" trip and open their return will
reside in Seattle wher'e Mr. Zu-
kowski will l)i going to school.
-'-7; ........... , .......................... -: .................... -. ............ 2 ................ 5 ............... ...... = ....
• i
Whatever Your Need
Individually Designed
Will Meet It BECAUSE: " / V)
Each Spencer is created esl)ecmlly for [ I/(
you-.-and you alohe: 'Yet, IT (!OST$ ul • \\;
}qO MOI,II ', I,ASTS I,,ONGIIR and is
Pllorw 799-,1 1416 SiiimiI: Drive
Within A Week of Placing
Your Order we can. htve tn
your hands 1,)cautfftll, plate-
less-mtgraved genuine Art-
point wedding invitations
an cl nmrrlagc announce
ments, Special attention
giwm to silver and golden
wedding annk, ersary invita-
son of Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Rawd-
ing, also:of Sllelton.
Over 75 guests assembled in the
sanetllary of the church whore
Reverend Hardwick W. Harshman
read the. lines of tile beautiful
double ring ceremony at eight
o'cloel¢ in i,hc soft light of the
lighted tapers in the candelabras.
The bride, given in marriage hy
her father, was lovely in a suit
of grey wool and her hat was of
pink feathers. She '&,ore black ac-
cessories and carried a bouquet of
gardenias and pink carnations.
Attendant's Gowh
Her orfly "tttendant, .Miss Phyllis
Le)nard, sister of the bride, who is
in Nurses Training in Olympia,
wore a two-piece'wo6t dress of
dusW rose with black accessories I
and carried a bouquet of pink car-
nations with White ribbons.
Tlie groom's hrottierl William]
Rawding of Hoquian, was best I
ill an. I
Misses Dolls Bechtold and Ra- I
mnn.t Rawding, nieces of the'
groom, lighted the tapers p!,eced-
in- the ceremony and were ,attired
in dresses of pastel shadeswith
identical corsages of pink arid
White carnations. In charge of the
guest book was Miss Lg)t/ise LeOn-
ard, cousin of thc bride'fron Ta-
coma. who chose n dress of lime
ffreen and hlact{ accessories with
pink and white carnations in her
Preceding the entrance of the
brklal party MiSS Joan Soper s0-
prone soloist, sang "Beca:use."
Following the closing prayer the
soloist sang'the lovely "Lord's
Prayer by Malotte. Bridal music
and accmnpaniments w'ere played
hy Mrs. Charles tVtmkhouser.
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Leonard chose a dresslviaker suit
of dark green with black accessor-
ies and wore a cors ge of gardenias
and red rosebuds. The groom's
mother. Mr:. Rawding, fore a
dressmaker suit of black with like
accessories and identical corsage.
Reception In Church
Irnncdiatc]y following tile cere-
mony a reception was held in the
c, hlu'eh parlors where the guests
congratulated the young couple;
The bridc's lace covered table was
centered with a three-tiered wed-
ding cake with a miniature bride
and groom. The cake was flanked
with tall white tapers in crystal
holders. Presiding at the urns
were Mrs. Katy Johnson :aunt of
the groom, and Mrs: William Raw-
diag. Mrs. Johti inc]B sis:er
of' the bride was i"charge of t8
wedding cake.
The bride received her education
in the Shelton school system, hav-
ing graduated frmn the Irene S.
in marriage MIss Patricia Mac
Ioivin and Henry Edward Larkin
at the First Methodist Church (In
Friday afternoon, January 17, at'
foul' o'clock. The Bremerton cou-
ple repeated their vows at the al,
tar of the clmrch to Reverend
Hardwick W. Harshman.
The bride chose a dress of black
crepe and wore a corsage of tails'-
man roses. Her' accessories ere
black and sac worea hat of nink.
Her only attendant, Mrs.' iola
Grant, daughter of the groom, was
attired in a black dresmnaker suit
with black accessories "and wore
an identical corsage.
Lyell Grant of Port Orchard, was
best mall. ' ....
Prior to her marriage the bride
had been employed' ifi Bremex'ton
where the couple plan to' nke
their new horde.
The groom was with the 98th
Battalion of Seabees' during the
war and operated in the Pacific
theatre Of War. He ls'a membdr
of the Moose l'odge and at present
is employed with the City bF Bre-'
ertofl. ' ......
The couple left on a wedding
trip byboat fron.Seattle t0V,|c
toria and upon their return they
will reside at 807 Cogean Street
in Bremerton.
Last Friday evening, January
17, the V.F.W. Auxiliary met at
the Memorial Hall for the official
inspection of the auliary. Mar-
guerite Hastings of Sp'0kane,"¢te-
pa'tment president,' "//all 'Le0ha
Ha:ncock of Raymond, 5th district
pesi¢]ent, made the inspection.
Each bf the officers gave an in-
teresting alk tO the rembers.
Mrs :Mary Cormier was Initfated.
it was'voted to donate 10' eets
a member for the March:of:Dimes:
NINELTON-M&SON O0, aOUN&E . " Thursday, .lanila. 23 Y:Jamlary 23. 1947.
7 ....... ' "','----'=.i ---7:-.-.--:_. . i- " "
I Garden ,Club Has [ [n ,,,,
--., _ ., , 00a.,,wa.v " ....
li l I-: I F,n00 Meetln00 ....... " .... "
.--.1111 a ,..--,=. , l ' Tell tables were i,, play at tl, e I WESTERN DANCE
_T__!__.; " - " _i IVlnnaav /pinochle party given by the Lilli-I
__ " .... [ ":"?¶'* d - ]waup Community Club in tile Lil-
Ure,-eri-n i With all attendance of 27,. the I liwaup ll all Friday evening. E V E R Y F R l D A Y
,=* .,*. V,-,41 I Shelton Garden Cllib tleld one 0fiPrizes vele won by Mrs. Pat
P....I. 117,,] {itii most interesting meetings Men-[Diesen and Mr. S. M. Dick / At the BgSOM A
tJUtltlJl Vl U l day at the home of Mrs. Ge0rgelelose of an enjoyable evening re- ONiT OF
A small wedding • of charm and| Grisdale, with Mrs. W. ,D. Co]urn [freshments were served. /Hrs. tit- ' "
distinction was that which united and Mrs. Goergc Cropper Joint' Frank R0binsori and Mrs. C.E. S MACHIN E.
hostesses. "' Hill' Were in"charge of arrange- E. '
:Mr. all0 : Mrs. Joe Ensley
Bremert0n were visitors at- the
Biensen h'ome Sunday
Attending the Governor's Ball in
Olympia Wednesday night we'e
M. and Mrs. Geoi'ge Cropper .MY.
and Mrs. Winston Scott, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Henry Bacon, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis vah Arsdale, Bruce Elmoi;e
and Dr. and Mrs George A. Le-
Compte all of whom enjoyed din-
ner tit the Olympia Golf and Coun-
try Club preceding the dance.
They were joined for dinner by
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S, Harey,
parents of Mrs. Scott, anal Mr', and
Ml, s.' Harry Hooker o'f Olympia;
Others fiom Shelton were Mr; and
1Vrs. '!Varlon Smith and MP arid
M'rs. rank Bishop.
Announcement that the Bor-
During the business meeting
plans were made for a 1 o'clock
ltincheon tentatively set for 'the
regular meeting day, Monday, Feb-
tuhP 17: Af, that time the State
officers of the Federated Garden
Clubs mid officers of the Olympic
Peni'isula Garden Clubs will be in-
vitd to the!unehebn at the Colon-
il Hdtise," Mrs. RObert Price is
caia of the luncheon commit,
t4e, 'ai ' fi; is plalined'to have a
speaker at the lUnCheon'to talk in
te' Simpsoff. Lbgging ' C0mpAtw's
sustairteff 'Yleld plan. "
Discussions were held during the
mdeting 6ndaY of chartering a
bus to'< go' to the Universityi of
Washifigt0n Arboretum this spring
wheat 'the' 'd:,41ea and rhododemlron
ape ii :bI06in'; the tour of the Hood
Ca'nal' and 'Discove,'" Bay in May
when the 'rhold0denron are in
bloom; and the flbWer Show in icon-
hection with 'th 4-H 'club annual
fair in' the fall ...... ':
' Andrew Kruiswyk, County agent,
ta!kid'dn fertilfzer, buiIding a c6m-
p0t heap, gGating and prurifng;
anff he bought' with him samples
of bulletins his office furnishes
free of charge to anyone wishtng
them. Their contents cover 'any
sB.bject. < '
Roll call was answered by ell-
iPg of native birds and herbs. Irs.
Ernest Lemley, bond 'ehaWman,"an- i
nounced ta bonds cab istill be;
ptr'ehaSed and c'redtt given to the
Garden' Club. '' ' "'
Mrs. C. E.'Runacres rought cut-
tings of her'ehotee'sebtoh broom
and Mrs. L. D:' Hack. Mis. Rtn-
acres nd MrS. "D"Milleb brought
bouquets of ;smlne: The tea ta-
ble was beauttftlly 'decgated With
a eenterpidce bT heathe, :jasmine
and fldwer laUrel."
• Guests of the club were Mrs. H,
L.'Alexander, Mr?Frank Travis,
Jr., Mrs. Rueker and Mrs. Melvin
Carter. '
The ext meeting of the South-
side 4-H Club has been advanced
to-this 'eveRing due to the basket-
ball game to be held tomori'ow
night, The usiness meeting' Will
begin a t 8 b'clock.
The /oy Scott lothers' Club of
Tro6p R0 wll meet at'the hbme
of Mrs. Marvin Carter :this eve
ning at 8 o'16ck. '
k?ed Fligh School with the class, deaux P.T.A. meeting which had
of 1945. She then went to work been scheduled for Thursday, Jan-
for the Shelton branch of the Seuary 16, was postponed to Thurs-
stile First National Bank where/day, January 30, was made this
sle was employed at the time of wek by Mrs. A. L. FerWerda. Thd
her marriage.
Mr. Rawding also took his edu- ] meeting will begin at 8 p.m.
Roy'Lindman, assistant super-
cation i the Shelton school system intendent of the State Department
and was in the U. S. Navy for 35 of Education will be the principal
monlhs with the rank of Electric- spea']ger as planned., Mary Lou
i,m 3/c. He was overseas in the Jami'son and Roy Deffinbaugh will
Pacific area for 25 months. He iS present several musical selection:
now employed it/ construction Refreslments will be served. -
The Junioi Cltlb0' the DegTce
of Honur Will meet Saturday, Jan-
uary 2ti, at 12'.30 at the Oddfel-
lows hall. A potluck luncheon will
be' served.
''Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper
had as a weekend guest Miss ElSie
Collins of Seattle. .....
Jack Rawding, 22, and Beryl
Leonard, 19, both of Shelton, Jan
uary 1, at Shelton.
'Joseph N. ZukoWski , 26, of Mc-
Cleary: and e! M . Rader, i8,
of Shelton, Janllary 1", at Sheltom
Eber John Webber, Jr., 25, nd
MarJorie Swanson, 23, both of
Mo.ntesano, January 18, at Shelton:
Harstifie Island
The young Couple left for a wed-
din" trip ii Oregon after,' which
tl¢,W will make their new hmne in
Sh(lton! , '
Jnstice W. A. Magoon perform-
ed a marriage ceremony for Eber
John Wcbber, Jr., and MarJorie
Swanson, both of Montesano. The
ceremony was held Sdtulday 'af-
ternoon, 5anuary 18.
TO CO, ME TO SHELTiN Harstine Grange met last Fri-
Misff Grace Jackson general day nighl;'in the'Shool house base=
field 'representatige fdr the Alel'- meat' with a eerjf good member-I
!aff ed Cross for this district, ship in attendance. Installation of I
Will be in Shelton WedneSday and officers was one of he main fea-
Thursday, January 22"ald 23: tidsi'bf the,"e,ening: J. Paul,
.W)file 'here she will assist Jack S.mih, .aster; Er, tc ChristeIsen, t
Gi'a, local fund dHv6 dhairmari, d#ei;seer, ptuline 'Ar0heF, lecturer;
and his committee" tn completg J'. Ii ttchc0ck, gate keper; Tim
l161ts for the drive which Will open Ardher, htdward; i4ugo V. Glaser,
Mar'cA 1 and continue through the secretary; C¢|i Glaser, treasurer;
month. ' " Dorothy Carlson, Flora; Willa Ann
Streckenbaeh, Ceres; Florehce
meats and were assisted by Mrs.
Frdik Russell and Mrs. Gus Pet-
erson. :IAllP2aup, Eldon a n d
Hoodsport residents 'were among
the pinochle players.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Beardsley
are home again after spending
the holiday season ill Chicago. '
This Friday, Jammry 24th, at
8 p.m. has been set for the month,
ly btisiness meeting 0f 'the Lilli-
Vcaflp 'COmmunity Clnb. The club,
: wtiicl 'usually meets the fourth
Friday of the month, changed thc
date so LflliwaUp residents might
attend the March of Dimes card
paYty being given January 31 by
', th - Young Woman's Club 'iu
'Mr. :'and Mrs. A. G. Schille and
son' To'm, of Tacoma Were week
end guests 'of the C. E. Hills of
Lilliwaup. ____2
(Crowded out last week)
Eight o'clock' Friday night (the
17th) iS the time for the pinochle
players in Lilliwaup and nelghbof
ing communities to gather in the
IMlliWaUp hall. ' The ' Lilliwaup
Commtinity :Club is sponsoring 'a
in')elfle party that evening', with
14ms "refeshment and good vii'-
tg ': sociabili[y. ' \\;
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sandahl
and 'son, Roby,' of Seattle arrived
Thlirsday to spend several days
visiting at the home Of Mrs. Gus
Peterson near LilliWaup.
: Mrs. Mary James returned last
week after Visiting with her
daughter-in,law, Mrs; W il 1 i a m
James; in Seattle dbring her hus-
band's ' absencein Oregon.
Jutlge D. F Wright signed in-
terl0cutory divorce: decrees for
Anna L.' 'Blake from Ernest E.
Blake and granted the custody Of
a minor child to 'the laintiff; to
Maude Mullen from Lv]e' Mullen;
to Harold F. Clift frown Helen E.
Clift, and a final decree' to Beatrice
Johnston from H. B." Johnston, dur-
ing SulJerior Court Saturday.
Tdesday January 21, a daug h- I
ter Was born to Mr. and Mrs. Har- ]
lan Wenz in the Shelton General[
H0sp!tal. ' I
NVLh (%' t '") + [ <::
Butler's Cove
An l-Piece (rchestra Featuring
....... r
Broadcast by Remote Control from the
, =
Dance Floor Over KGY from 10:15 to 10:45
Studio Broadcast 1:30 to 2 P,M. Each Friday
Or If You Prefer To Do Your Own
We Have
Sewer Pipe - Culvert Pipe - Drain
Building Blocks
AT 1324 OLYJ
your Photo Will
Be His Valentine.
finance a home
yoq compar e ore/1
With ALL others!
YOU'll have courteou
Whe we finance yet
Our home'financing ]
Ygr home with smi
like rent. We wilIgil '
details,. No oblig
THE JOURNAL RETUN FI'ALIFORN,& SIOKOMISH VALLEY Christensen, Pamona; J C. Sire- YOU couldn't make a wiser choice--O LET US HELP ¥,
, , , Mrs. Wallace Knee]Rffd retn - P.,A, CONVENE mous, assistant seward; Mary
Phone 100 ed Saturday from 'a trip to Santa ' The Skokomish Valley P.T.A, Chapman, claPlai; etflah HitCh- 1. " Get SLIMMER :is send a more thoughtful gift! A ph0,i "
Barbara, Conf., where She visited met' Iast week for abiiefbusinesa .eels, lady ii,s!!amt ttteward; Eel -. li vitanlill¢li,dyway,..-- o.o.lo.d., to--a ti n x | Th 0
her son and daughter-iff-law;'Mr, meeting which included a' finafictal Wllon,'execdtive, Wev6 installed'.' t" g" p ca e press your sentiment| urst
and Mrs. Charles Kneelafd. She PeI0Ort..Bruce Schwarck, princi- There was also a visitor from , naveam , < : . '
left here for Califoi'nia December pal of the Shelton junior high Agate Grange, rs. Mamie Nich N, drnafthlNveS --straight rom the heart! "} Savings & Lc
26. ' ' SCho6i, presented a talk on what olson. All enjoyed a very nice i :, I Vitamin'CandyRedncingPln " ' ' Ji
............... ]i ............. 7 .................... i' "77'"-i .................. 7"1 .............. j ........ 7 .......... i ........ -'------7],------ SI,51dd be expected of junior high lunch alia 10eBiXe plpogram. ", .\\;' you don'teut out .., m, {|
Sthderits. ' ' "lVi'S.' Htlffl. Wm:ve- 'had a very starches, potatoes, meats or , ..... 1
................. CE-LII-IT-L LE =. you llimpiy cut them down. It'll ensiex "ill .......... fill-- i .
,,t. WET CELLAR? Marietta Jacobson sang nic, letter.flxmIMmiIaryCaHSon when,oue,ioydenciou.(vitamin'fnrtiri) lltllrlrllltlllllll ill illlllilli'lllllillilllillll '_..__________.....il.
"Mother McCree." The lower Who is stayiffg with her son an AYDScndybeforemeals Absolutclyhar:leM. IlU$11l /IIULUtlU"IIU": DIRE
grade room* won the attendance wife Mr. and Mrs. Ike Carlson, d I i. dl.lcal t,ts eo,ducted" by medical doct r, i ...... ';I' CARLTON- I. SEARS
honor and will keep the goldfish Oakland, Calif., telling about the ['mor* than t00 rao,s ,=.t x4 t, aS b. I " /
I ...... * l..W',.ks wlth AYDB Vltaml. I 108 S. Fourth - Phone 268 |' G: r. DRAHAM
for the next month. The next nice weather ain'_tie'lovely time i candY -Reh'dn'Platt- ' 1 . ": ' " l
' meeting Is to be a Valentine party. 'she is hav!h 'in 4 %hb different; [ta,,=.yDsZo=%. i,.t al IAZEL WALME
" ' ' r ; " .... " == ' " • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"'"'"'"'"'""
ones of ,her"C.lif0rliia JMends 'shdl F RRED
America's Fi.st WOME OF M---'O PLAN is visiting with. . ' . ::. .i. .. ."i. .i. ¢:":. .:. ¢::. .:":. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:":. .:":":"":. .:":":. .:":
hen d's cry,rig for Home Iasu!atl,g ,e*T J'ANUARY 30 Mrs. Celia Glaser and son, .d, + . .................... ,
'The Women of the Moose wil mae a business tp to'eattle,i:s; ?
Materm!,,,_ theJanuary 30, hold a pot-luck luncheon Thm'sdaY,home of Mrs.StartingMabelat Htl,n°°n' 421at aftern6on,Sat"taY'M,; ,nd re tulh,,rs, y¢idrig' horn# Sun¢laYand family Gay-Colorful-Cute -"
" :' :. =' '' :1 ' L r ..... - " FLAMEPROOF Cooks0n: street. The w0meri are of Seattlt ienL the week en at
ask'd:t°bringthei'sewiffg'kn!t" thel'ittlS':ummerh°me'' " J,, Spu009 |[ats
:7 ' ' VERMINPROoF ring 0r darning to vqork on during :'he' .Ha0ne Social Club are All •
i;{th® wonder-working
ha/lng tl0titer one of their dance8 ;"
the afteoort.
Satfftay,"'Jfi. 25, at the C0m
ATERPROOFER The Most Efficient MRS. RAY B tnunttyI-all: ' "
Scientifically developed to mak underground military Barrier to Heat HONORS TEACHE _ Mrs. fil .Johnson and Mrs.
Mrs. Iay Baile¢ as hostess to Marie Nlclomon of Agate, oI€1 have just arrived and are really something spec-
In,mllfions w.tertigbt-as revlmlsd in january '45 i,suo and .Cold a group of junior high school neighbors of[ the early nineties; 1--You must see them to appreciate their
Of coo ol Amertca'e largest magazines, teachers 'at her home on Tuesday were difler guests of Mr. and i'S,
when she honored Mrs. Harry Ear| aHtnan last Friday and in
STOPS LEAKSAND DAMPNESS ECONOMICALLY S HEAT Hyatt at'a party, the afterrioon were taken for a original designs. There's nothing else qqite like
Ladies present were Miss Lois ride 'to-Bremerton and called on them. -
A samelson, Mrs. Pbggy'" Chase, Mr:' and Mrs, Art Wallis, return = '
v TIME M,,, Helen Christian, Mrs. Neva ing 0"the island in time to ave
Durkee, Miss Dorothy Bkker, Mrs. supper with Mrs. Johnson. "
E MONEY Remme MissHi, dreth Horn, Mr, and Mrs. Eric Christensen ' " ; ....
Mtss Peggy Bol!er, Mrs. Ollie spent S0nday in Tacoma visiting A NEW SHIPMENT CLOSE OUT SALE
..... S " ' Cleveland. Miss JAia'e LttVin, Mrs. their niece and family, Mr. :and Of .... ()n "
Hyatt and Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Joh n Evans. ' wumt00 a SUITS
Womo00'.00 ,ooe00 '.=.0 S00'O ,.,.....,,0
LUCITE BATHROOM FIXTURF£ C00L00+B.ATESja00per HemmingerBIRTHDAYeelebrated Mills.this''hrsday" w.<. " DRESSES :
his birthday last Sunday evening :MY. and Mrs. LeRoy Fessler en- , ...... SOME ARE NEW
In Sparkling Transparent Colors at a pifiochle party"held Rt his tertRined Miss Emily Babcock of From 20V2 to 52 Has to _.aJ.a
home. Honors during the evening Pickering Sunday. ' Also Just Arrived
CORAL BLUE YELLOW CLEAR went to Mrs. Vera Huntington,
Miss Ollie McCay entertained
Mrs. Lula Gunter, Mrs. Martha recently Mrs. Rhoda Dygert and
Depoe, Cltuck Huntington, Ira sons of Seattle. Mrs. Dyge. iS " +' " '° '"
Pahns and Ben Drake, The floating known to" the old timers as Rho(]a You May Be Inter
LAWTON LUMBER CO priZe was awarded to Mrs) Gert. Spenc6r. '' i l " A
I rude Westc0tt and Irish O'Conner. Mrs. Zeldg Streckenbach mid 321 Cota Seyeral EX
-- her father, Will Lahey, made a trlp ' ' UD C R
TO INSTALL OFFICERS recently to Portland, Ore., to gel;
420 SOUTH FIRST STREET PHONE 56 The Shelton Rainbow Girls and Mrs. Lalley who has been visiting - If You're In the I%
' " --- _ Good Car Look (
the DeMolay boys will h01d a relatives there. . .... ,,. All PriCes are, at O.P.A
Everett Dillon and Joe Simpson, Propr.ietors joint public installation of" offi- We are all glad the snow is gone C, "
cers Monday evening, 4anuary 37 an¢l the freemng is over for fltl
at 8 p.m., at the MasorilcTbple. time "at least."' .... : ....... J
Let us submit estimates to Aquelltze sny leaky, porous
'muory surface--interior or exterior--above or below
ground--such as cinder and masonry blocks, conCrete,
ro,,gh plaster, common brick, stucco. Low cost will sur-
prise and delight you.